Kodachrome Lust

"Beautiful boudoir photographers cause Vanessa to recall her lesbian tendencies"

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Vanessa held tightly to her lover’s hips as she arched into her mouth and came with a long shudder and low scream.  When her lover’s orgasm ebbed, Vanessa kissed her way up the woman’s body, pausing to suck in a nipple, and nuzzle her neck, before settling into a long, deep kiss, sharing the love drippings with her beautiful brunette girlfriend. Vanessa settled into the crook of her lover’s arm and thought with happiness at what the last couple of months had, quite unexpectedly, brought her.  How did I get so lucky? Vanessa asked herself …


As Vanessa approached her tenth wedding anniversary, she felt an urgent need to add some spice to her increasingly passionless marriage. Dan was great … a great provider, a great father, and in most respects a great husband.  But the usual strains of work, parenting, and prolonged proximity had taken a toll on their sex life.  Fantastic sex is what had cemented their romance in the beginning, and Vanessa was sad that it seemed to have all but vanished from their marital lives.  Once a month and on special occasions wasn’t enough to bring them close.  And it wasn’t enough for Vanessa’s own satisfaction.  She just plain needed to get off more often.

An old college friend of Vanessa’s had suggested a boudoir photoshoot, as it had set her husband’s motor back to full throttle.  There was now a large photo of her friend Sheila, provocatively posed in lingerie, in their bedroom. “I’ve caught him beating off to that picture!” Sheila laughed. “He’ll be tired after a long day, but if he stares at that picture long enough and I come out of the bathroom in something sexy, it’s game on!” 

Vanessa’s friend lived all the way across the country, so she had to do her own local search.  She poked around on the internet and in the end was attracted to one boudoir studio, in particular.  The images were gorgeous, and the firm was woman-owned, whereas the three of four others were run by men, which she found a little creepy.  And the woman – her name was Sophie Haddid —  had a deep portfolio beyond boudoir alone.  There was also something about her photo on the site that Vanessa found reassuring. She seemed somehow warm and familiar.  Her bio talked about how she had been born in Algiers but grown up and studied in France before moving to the States.  Her personal story, and heartfelt way she described her experiences and how it inspired her work, gave Vanessa confidence that Sophie was the right choice.  

Vanessa spoke with Sophie on the phone, and in a warm French accent, Sophie ran through her general approach and process. There were two ends of the spectrum: The first was to come into Sophie’s studio and work with set pieces, which while cheaper and faster, she was quite clear she did not recommend. And on the other end was an in-depth shoot in the subject’s home or designated location. This approach required Sophie to perform a visit and interview in advance, and the shoot was at least four hours in length, and there was more editing time, and all this naturally cost more.  Vanessa had no interest in going to all this trouble to not have a result that was worth it, so she opted for the full experience.

Sophie arrived at Vanessa’s home at precisely the scheduled time. Vanessa was struck when she opened the door. Sophie was even more lovely in person than her photo had indicated.  She was about Vanessa’s age (thirty-two), give or take.  She stood holding a leather portfolio, along with a large Louis Vuitton bag.  She wore a sheer white blouse with a stunning double string of pearls; a black pencil skirt ran to above the knee, and patterned stockings terminated in a gorgeous pair of kitten-heeled pumps.  She had long, coal-black hair that she pushed back behind her ear as she spoke.  She had a model’s face, with full, perfectly shaped lips, which she adorned in a light red lipstick.  Huge, dark eyes, as dark as her hair, bore a deep intensity.  Impossibly long eyelashes batted slowly.  As she took in Sophie’s visage, Vanessa felt somehow underdressed, in faded jeans, a simple white blouse, and bare feet.  She found herself self-consciously brushing at her own long brown hair and straightening her blouse. 

Bonjour,” Sophie said with a firm handshake. 

“Yes, Ms. Haddid, please come in.”

“My friends call me, Sophie. You are now my friend,” she said with her sweet and creamy accent as she stepped into the foyer and set her things down. 

“Oh, well, my friends, call me Nessie,” Vanessa said, awkwardly.

“Oh. Vanessa is much more beautiful,” Sophie said with apparent disappointment. “I will call you Vanessa.” Vanessa nodded obediently.

Sophie looked about with an artist’s eye, taking in the colors, lines and light of everything within her gaze.  “Such a lovely home,” she said.  After a few moments, Sophie returned her gaze to Vanessa. To Vanessa, it seemed as if Sophie was looking upon her in the same artistically curious way.  She could almost feel Sophie’s eyes travel her body. Vanessa blushed. 

“Oh, my, you are lovely as well, my dear. May I … ?” Sophie said as she reached out to push Vanessa’s hair away from her face. She did not wait for a response.  “Belle. Belle.”  She stood uncomfortably close for someone Vanessa had just met, but her forward manner was almost clinical, like a doctor with a patient, or more accurately a sculptor with clay.  Sophie touched Vanessa’s waste, and lower back, and ran a finger along Vanessa’s neck, making her break out in goose flesh. Vanessa’s heart quickened and she breathed in Sophie’s perfume with short breaths.  Vanessa’s nipples stiffened and she hoped Sophie didn’t notice, but knew she had. 

What is happening to me? Vanessa asked herself. 


They sat in Vanessa’s ornate living room, where Sophie opened her portfolio on the coffee table, and pulled a laptop from her bag. “Before I start, do you have anything particular in mind?” Sophie asked.

“No … I … just want it to be beautiful and sexy.  Other than that, I’m in your hands,” Vanessa answered, finding herself quite nervous.

“Yes, fine, no problem,” Sophie reassured her. “As we talked about a bit on the phone, what I find to be successful is that we put together images which have a narrative to them, a story, a flow.  That story can be something familiar or nostalgic, alluding to a time or event that you and your partner – a husband, oui? – may have shared in the past.” Vanessa nodded.  “Or, it can be something quite new, and shocking, something that the partner would not have expected and would therefore find exciting.  So, we will need to decide that: to recall the sexy times of the past, or to call to sexy times of the future. Both are wonderful,” Sophie explained.

“The other thing we need to determine, eventually, is how explicit you want to be.” Sophie continued.  Vanessa seemed a bit confused, or perhaps anxious, at the topic.  “You might think of it as you would the motion pictures. There is PG, PG-13, R and NC-17.  I suppose there is X as well, but we are talking art here, not, how do you say, ‘smut’,” she said with a hint of a smile. 

“Oh, um, I guess, PG-13?” Vanessa said, embarrassed and unsure of herself.

“You don’t need to decide this second. Let’s look at some images, together.”

Sophie walked Vanessa through her portfolio.  The first images were all lovely, but more like portraiture than boudoir images.  Indeed, as Sophie spoke, it was clear that portraits were her first love.  While a bit provocative, all of them could very well be above the mantel, as the focus was more on the subject’s face than it was on their body or situation.  Then there were shots that were still portraits, of a sort, but clearly meant for more private viewing.  There were lovely women in lingerie, some shirtless men, a couple in the bath but with bubbles in all the right places.  All very tame. 

“If you like, we can just do something like this,” Sophie explained. “But, what my customers seem to enjoy most and the package I generally provide is a bookend of sorts.  A PG portrait that you might display in a room like this, a PG-13 or even R portrait that you might have in your master suite, and then a collection of images that comprise a story that you and your partner share only privately.”  She pulled a leather-bound journal from her bag.

The thin book was comprised of a dozen or so images of a stunning young woman with long blonde hair. She had crystalline blue eyes, a dramatic tattoo sleeve on one arm, and an intricate “garter” on her opposite thigh.  She was young; Vanessa surmised she was in her early twenties.  The first image was of the young woman in a claw-footed bathtub, staring into the camera with her arms and a bit of cleavage above the tub line, and her long hair cascading to the floor.  It was a beautiful and evocative, but not overtly sexual image. The next picture was the woman out of the bath, obviously nude, her legs spread wide, with a towel barely held at her chest with one hand. The towel flowed to the floor between her legs, hiding her privates from view. The woman’s mouth was slightly open, and she was pointing at the viewer with her free hand, a look of sexual invitation in her eyes.  “The ‘bookends,’ you see?” Sophie asked. Vanessa nodded.

Sophie turned the pages and a vignette played out. The blonde in a towel, staring into a mirror; then stepping into the tub with the towel slipping away, showing a breast but nothing else. Then a series of shots of the woman in various positions in the sudsy bath, showing increasingly more of her body in increasingly sensual poses. “This is the PG-13 part,” Sophie commented in her sugared accent. “Does this seem about right?”

“I think so,” Vanessa said, finding herself both a bit embarrassed and a bit titillated. 

“Just so we understand, one another, let’s look at the next pages,” Sophie continued.  The next pages showed the blonde’s entire body and as the pages turned, the lovely creature exposed her vulva and bottom, so that her inner lips and even her puckered butthole were visible. In the closing page, the woman was pleasuring herself with the faucet stream.

Vanessa was now a little uncomfortable and Sophie could tell. “And here we are in NC-17 territory.  It is important that we have a sense of your limits so that I do not ask you do anything that you do not want to do, you understand?”

Vanessa cleared her throat, and said, “Yes, of course, I understand. And, yes, I think the PG-13 level is what we want to do, and I like your bookends. I’m excited.”  And she was, but for more reasons than she was ready to admit. The idea of exposing herself fully like some kind of girly-mag centerfold was surprisingly titillating. She would not have even admitted to herself that this kind of thing was a fantasy before this very moment.

Sophie opened a folder on her laptop and clicked open a file.  Vanessa found herself peeking at Sophie’s substantial cleavage as she leaned over the coffee table.  “Here is another example, similar to the first, but where the client wanted to surprise her partner with something completely different,” Sophie narrated as she scrolled through the images.  The subject was an auburn-haired thirty-something. Unlike the blond, the face of this person had been pixelated.  She wore various combinations of BDSM leather gear: a thick leather collar with D-ring, an elaborate body harness, stiletto-heeled boots. “This woman and her partner had never partaken in this lifestyle, but she thought it would be exciting … A delightful shock to her husband’s system.”  The vignette was a bit darker both thematically and literally than the first, but was the same kind of idea. The redhead was in a very male looking room – a den or something – and there was a vague narrative flow as she revealed more and more of herself and became more overtly sexual in her expression. Vanessa got the gist and it was kind of a turn-on.  Would she stop at PG-13? Vanessa wondered.

“You can page through a few more of these files.  I have to get some equipment out of the car.  And, then I’d like to get a tour of the house and talk a bit about the clothing you want to wear.”

More like NOT wear, Vanessa thought to herself with an inner smile as Sophie rose, smoothed her skirt, and headed for the front door.  Vanessa found herself watching Sophie’s shape from behind as she walked away.  When she was gone, Vanessa paged through a few files.  There were women of all kinds and shapes and Sophie had made them all look beautiful and sexy.  It gave her confidence that she had made the right choice. 

Sophie returned with a camera bag.  “I’d like to take a few shots and do some light readings as we walk the house. It will help us to make choices and make things go more smoothly when we do the actual shoot.” Vanessa readily agreed when they were interrupted by the ringing of Sophie’s phone.  “I’m so sorry.  I have to take this.” Vanessa waved her approval as Sophie walked back into the foyer, speaking in French.  As the call went on, Vanessa closed the file folder on the screen. It revealed a number of other file folders. One was titled “R+” and the other was titled “Couples+”.  Intrigued, Vanessa, glanced to make sure Sophie wasn’t watching, and opened the “Couples” folder.

These images ranged from the sensual to the highly erotic. There were young couples and some middle-aged couples and again Sophie had made them all seem beautiful, despite their pixelated faces. There was a file of two beautiful men together.  And a file of two men and two women, each in elaborate masks and little else.  Vanessa was dripping and her heart was racing as she clicked with speed, wanting to see what was next. She opened one file and let out a gasp. This was a threesome, and the faces were not obscured.  The same blonde from the very first example was a subject, but she had two costars. A gorgeous black man with taut muscles and majestic cock, and, much to Vanessa’s shock, a beautiful long-haired brunette – Sophie herself.

“Sorry about that,” Sophie said from behind her. “Shall we go on that tour?”


Sophie and Vanessa walked the house as Sophie asked shockingly direct questions:

“Do you and your husband make love other than in the bedroom?”

“What does your husband find sexy?”

“What turns you on?”

“Do you often wear lingerie? Are you often nude in front of one another?”

“Do you role play?”

“What is your husband like in bed?”

“Is your husband a leg man? Ass man? Breast man?” 

“How do you orgasm most easily?”

“Does your husband have a favorite position?”

She asked these things, and Vanessa answered with astonishing honesty, as they walked the house. Sophie would pause in certain spots of her own interest, snap some photos, take a light reading, or make notes in a small book. They ended their tour in the master suite. Sophie ran her hand along the bedpost and stroked the bedspread, as if divining Vanessa’s sexual adventures through her touch.

Most of their time was spent in Vanessa’s walk-in closet. Vanessa modeled some dresses and some lingerie, which felt strangely exciting.  Sophie made her feel beautiful with everything she put on – or took off.  Sophie pulled out articles that intrigued her and would hold them up to Vanessa. “This is lovely. When did you last wear it? Could you try it on?”  A long, black gown caught Sophie’s eye. “Oui, oui. Tres bel.  Tell me about this dress?” she demanded.  It was a gown Vanessa had worn to a charity gala many years ago, a year before their son was born. “Was it a good night, Vanessa?” Sophie asked.  Vanessa said that it was, and shared how it had been a lovely, romantic evening. “Oui.  I’m quite sure he liked you in this dress.  Go put it on.”  Not sure it would even fit, Vanessa did as she was told. Playing dress-up with Sophie was surprising good fun.  

Vanessa worked hard to maintain her figure, but there was no doubt her ass and tits were both a whole lot fuller than when she had worn that dress.  But if anything, the dress was even more alluring than on its debut. The neckline was a plunging cowl that barely contained what had become her D-cup breasts. The back plunged correspondingly deeply, curving just below her back dimples. Her full round ass now strained at the fabric, but in a very flattering way.  A high leg slit showed off her years of daily yoga.

Magnifique!” Sophie exclaimed as she pretended to swoon.  Vanessa was a bit surprised at her own sexiness. How had she had the guts to wear this to Dan’s hospital gala eight years ago?!  If there was a way to be naked but fully clothed at the same time, this dress was the ticket.  She recalled the evening, how sexy she had felt, how many admiring looks she received from men and women alike, and how proud Dan had been to have her on his arm.  “I think I have a plan,” Sophie said.  Vanessa nodded with enthusiasm, feeling safe in Sophie’s hands. 


Vanessa was almost dizzy after Sophie left.  Was it the pictures? Was it Sophie? Was it trying on clothes and recovering her sexual history with her husband? Was it all of it?  She wasn’t sure, but she did know she was horny as hell.  She had only forty minutes before she needed to pick up her son from school.  She raced upstairs to her room and tore at her clothes. 

She threw herself onto her bed and spread her legs wide. She closed her eyes as the images and thoughts of the previous couple of hours flashed through her head. Gently, Vanessa stroked her hands up and down her torso and across her inner thighs, then dragged her nails lightly along her contours until she reached her breasts.  She squeezed her flesh gently, and her nipples not so gently.  She cupped her neck as she had seen one of the men do to his partner in one of the vignettes. She thought of the beautiful men in the images. She thought of thick veins on the erect cocks. She thought of the pleasure on the faces of all the sexy subjects. She thought of her husband, and how he used to make love to her.  She thought of the lovely tattooed blonde.  She thought of Sophie’s breasts between the frills of her blouse. She recalled the smell of Sophie’s perfume.  Yes, she thought of Sophie, most of all.

Vanessa cupped her vulva, then slowly rubbed her clit. She inserted one finger, then two, between her wet folds. In just a few minutes she was cumming, arching off the bed and groaning, her mind a sexual jumble. 

As she helped her son with homework, and made dinner, she was highly distracted. What the hell is going on? Vanessa asked herself. Why am I so fucking confused?  Am I really into girls all of a sudden?

After she put the boy to sleep, she practically assaulted Dan. He wanted to watch a basketball game, but when she went down on him in the family room, he was persuaded to go to bed. Vanessa rode him, hard, cowgirl style, grinding out one orgasm after another.  “God yes, Dan, I love your dick!” She groaned. After her third climax, she took his cock into her mouth, enjoying her own savory flavor until it was replaced with Dan’s briny oyster.  She imagined it was the long, curved cock of the lovely black man who apparently shared a bed with Sophie and the young tattooed blonde, as she swallowed Dan’s spurts.

“Wow, Babe.  You’re on fire,” Dan said breathlessly.  If he only knew.


Indeed, Vanessa’s libido was boiling for the entire week that she had to wait until the shoot. Dan got the benefit of that, but so did her right hand. And the handle of her electric toothbrush.  And her bedpost.

She could not get the images she had seen out of her mind, and she found herself thinking about Sophie nearly all the time.  This was all very exciting, but also confusing.  Was she turning gay or something?  In truth, it was not as if she was completely foreign to the idea of being with a woman.  As far as she knew, she had about the same number of innocent girl-girl interactions as most women.

There was Tanya, a cute redheaded neighbor girl down the street who went to Catholic school.  She and Vanessa spent most of the summer before junior year “learning to kiss,” which in turn led to dry humping and eventually finger banging.  But didn’t all girls experiment like that?  Then there was cheerleader camp when Vanessa was sixteen.  There was a beautiful older girl there, Stacy, who was a bit of a queen bee. She had short dark brown hair and brilliant blue eyes, and a killer body that she put to use doing the most amazing stunts. For some reason, Stacy took an especially keen interest in Vanessa.  It was enormously flattering, and Vanessa loved the attention and how it made the other girls jealous. One day, Stacy stayed late to work with Vanessa on a tricky backflip that she couldn’t quite get. As they showered in the empty locker room, Stacy began to wash Vanessa’s back.

“Are you sore at all?” Stacy asked.

“Um, yeah, to be honest, my glutes are really sore,” Vanessa said with all honesty.  Years later, Vanessa now wondered if perhaps Stacy thought that was an invitation.  Was it? 

Stacy moved her hands slowly down Vanessa’s back, kneading her muscles as she went, until ending up at Vanessa’s curvy muscled butt.  Vanessa put her hands against the wall of the shower as Stacy massaged her ass.

“Mmmm.  That feels, good, Stacy, thank you,” Vanessa murmured.  It was then that she felt Stacy’s soapy hand slide between her cheeks as the other cupped a breast. Vanessa gasped and stiffened but did not pull away.  Stacy’s hand moved lower, now rubbing Vanessa’s pussy, then probing her inside with her fingers, then having the other hand join, reaching around to rub Vanessa’s clitoris. 

“Still feel good?” Stacy asked as she gently bit the back of Vanessa’s neck. 

Vanessa nodded. “Mmhmm.” 

Stacy forcefully turned Vanessa around and pressed their bodies together as she thrust her tongue into Vanessa’s willing mouth. Stacy straddled Vanessa’s right leg and pressed hard into her hip, all the while still rubbing Vanessa’s puss. With suddenness, Vanessa was overcome with an orgasmic contraction as she moaned into Stacy’s mouth.  Stacy withdrew her hand and stepped back. “Meet me at the gym tonight, after curfew,” Stacy said before sucking on her fingers and walking out of the shower.  And that night, stretched out on a wrestling mat in a space lit only by the red glow of exit lights, Vanessa ate her first pussy.  And it was fantastic.  But, that was just a weird power seduction, right?

There was her time in the sorority, of course. But that was just silly drunk-girl kissing.  Hell, everyone did it, and it was mostly to drive the frat boys nuts.  A little “bargay” action, they used to say.  Except for Melissa. The freckle-faced sister from Massachusetts with the Boston accent and those big green eyes.  A few times, their silly kisses had gone further. In fact, Vanessa had been the teacher in that situation.  Melissa hadn’t messed around with a girl before, or so she claimed.  More than once the two found themselves naked in a twin bed, necking and rubbing one another off.  But, they were just horny drunk girls. It wasn’t more than that, was it? 

Vanessa asked herself these questions as she lay spread-eagle on her bathroom floor, frigging herself to orgasm as she remembered the feel and taste of Melissa’s soft, wet pussy against her mouth.


At last, the day of the shoot arrived.  Vanessa dropped her son at school and raced home. She showered and pulled out the clothes that Sophie had suggested. Sophie told her not to worry about hair or make-up.  “They” would help with that. Still, Vanessa was nervous about her appearance. She started with jeans, then tennis shorts, then a sundress and ultimately settled upon a simple satin robe with nothing underneath.  She felt her heartbeat in her ears when the doorbell rang.

She opened the door to see Sophie standing there, somehow even more lovely and sexy than she had remembered. She was in leather leggings, flats, and a simple black t-shirt with a scoop neck that showed her cleavage. She wore the same exquisite string of pearls she had worn the other day. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wasn’t wearing makeup. And yet, she was ravishing.  A young woman with a blonde pixie cut came up the walk behind her, laden with several bags.  She was in blue jean cutoffs, cowboy boots, a very tight white t-shirt that demonstrated without any doubt that she was braless, and she sported a number of tattoos.

“This is Cindy,” Sophie introduced her, “She will be assisting us today.”  Once they were in the foyer, Vanessa reached out to shake the young woman’s hand, and in that instant realized that this was the same young woman who was the subject of Sophie’s erotic photos. The long hair had been shorn, but the elaborate tattoos on her arm and thigh, and the brilliant blue eyes and pretty face, were unmistakable.  For a second, Vanessa flashed on the image of the woman she now knew as Cindy and Sophie together, and she felt both jealous and excited.

“Wow!” Cindy exclaimed with a broad smile and thick southern accent, “Ya’ll could be sisters!” Vanessa was taken aback. 

“How’s that?” Vanessa asked incredulously. 

“Seriously,” Cindy explained, “I mean Sophie has darker hair, and eyes, and skin, I suppose, but you’re like a fairer version of her.  Your faces are very similar.  Similar stature and shape. Sisters!”  Sophie just smiled, but did not contradict Cindy’s statement.  Vanessa was flush with surprise and extremely flattered.

Cindy began setting up equipment while Sophie took Vanessa by the hand and led her upstairs to her vanity. Sophie told Vanessa how beautiful she was, as she brushed her hair and applied makeup with a professional’s touch.

Voila! My beautiful sister!” Sophie said with a laugh. She pulled Vanessa to stand, and without so much as a “may I?” pulled the satin robe from her shoulders, leaving her standing naked as Cindy entered the room.

“Damn.  She has your rack, too!” Cindy drawled.

Sophie directed Vanessa to put on the black gown that she had so admired, and then a pair of strappy black high heels. Again without waiting for permission, she cupped Vanessa’s breasts and adjusted them within the scoop of the neck, and smoothed the black silk along her waist and ass.  Then Sophie removed her own lovely pearl necklace and placed it around Vanessa’s neck, completing the décolletage. She took a step back to take in her work.

“Perfection,” Sophie proclaimed.

Cindy issued a cat-call whistle and added, “I’ll say.” Vanessa felt her nipples stiffen at their admiration.

The trio moved to the lovely curved staircase that dominated the foyer.  Cindy had closed every blind and curtain in the house and set up a single strobe light on a very high stand. She had also set up a large light diffuser and held an additional reflector in her hand. 

“Why so dark?” Vanessa asked, confused.

“Here is our story, Vanessa,” Sophie began.  Vanessa loved how Sophie said her name in her French accent. “You have come home from a wonderful ball. It is late. A man, a ‘prince’, has followed you.  This is your husband, of course. The ‘prince’ takes you in his arms and kisses you passionately.  You return this kiss. You invite him upstairs, but the passion overtakes you both. With each step, you are further inflamed.  You collapse upon the stairs. You both crawl forward between embraces. Your beautiful gown is slowly pulled from you, until, at the top of the stairs, you are nude except for your lovely shoes and jewelry. All you wear is your beauty and your passion. And there, you are taken. This works?”

“Well, I’m wet, if she’s not.” Cindy interjected.

“Could you powder her nose just a bit, cheri?” Sophie asked Cindy as she fiddled with her camera.

Cindy smiled and tickled Vanessa’s nose.  They stood silently staring into one another’s eyes. Vanessa swallowed and felt herself moisten.  She fought the urge to reach out and grab the 36Cs that pointed at her from under the thin white cloth of Cindy’s t-shirt. Their reverie was broken as Sophie flicked a perfectly manicured nail against Cindy’s erect nipple.

“Ouch! Hey!” Cindy cried.

“Back to work, lovebirds,” Sophie laughed.

They shot Vanessa in the sequence Sophie had described.  They had Vanessa stand on the staircase landing, a leg jutted forward through the slit of the dress, twisting to look down upon her phantom ‘prince.’  The diffused light reflected off the muscles of her lovely back.  

“Open your mouth just slightly. Look at the camera.  Tell the camera you want to be followed upstairs.  Yes … lovely,” Sophie instructed as she snapped away.  She changed angles to get a still better view of Vanessa’s toned back, and backside. “Turn. Farther.”  Vanessa was twisted so far it almost hurt, but she did as she was told. “Purse your lips. Oui.” 

They moved up the stairway.  Cindy followed Sophie’s directions and helped Vanessa pull the straps of her dress to her sides.  Vanessa clutched at the cowl of the dress, keeping the silk just covering her breasts. Sophie ran up and down the stairs to get different angles. “Beautiful. Belle. Belle.  Now, drop to your knees.  Cindy, help our friend get more of that dress off.”

Cindy helped as instructed. The gown was now draped across the stairs. Vanessa still held the top around her breasts, barely, while her shapely buttocks were now exposed.

“Don’t worry, we are still PG-13,” Sophie assured Vanessa.  From the point of view from the top of the stairs, all that could be seen was a line of bottom cleavage. “Lick your lips. Imagine your handsome prince is where I am, waiting to take you.  Tell the camera how much you want to be taken.”

Vanessa barely needed to follow directions at this point. She was licking her lips and wishing she could be taken without any additional encouragement. But, she realized she was not thinking about being taken by her husband. She was thinking only of Sophie, and how much she wanted to toss the dress aside and make love to her right on the stairs as Cindy watched – or joined in.

At last Vanessa was at the top of the stairs. The gown was artfully draped over the banister, and she was left, as Sophie had foreshadowed, in just her heels and jewelry. Sophie posed her in a variety of ways, each time showing more sex in the expression on her face than what she revealed of her body. A heavily shadowed uncovered breast, the crest of her buttocks as she arched her back, the hint of what lay between her spread legs from an angle that would not reveal it.

“I think we may have drifted into ‘R’ territory.  Are you still comfortable?”

Vanessa nodded.  She would do whatever Sophie asked now.

Sophie took a few more shots and then announced, “I think we’ve got it. I’d like to do one more scene, in your bedroom.”

Feeling quite beautiful and sexy, and not at all self-conscious, Vanessa strode to her bedroom in heels and Sophie’s pearl necklace and nothing else. She felt both Cindy’s and Sophie’s wanton eyes upon her. She wanted their hands and mouths.


Vanessa lay upon the bed, enjoying the feeling of the silken bedspread against her naked skin. She watched as Sophie and Cindy moved their equipment into the bedroom. They pulled the shades and dimmed the lights, and then Sophie had Vanessa strike some poses.  Vanessa had no inhibitions any longer.

After only a few minutes, Sophie said, “No. No.  I don’t like it.  Let’s do something different.” And after a brief discussion with Cindy, they turned on the lights and pulled open the shades. 

“Let’s jump to the next morning in our little story, shall we?  Cindy is going to change your look a bit.”

Cindy crooked a finger to silently call Vanessa over to the vanity. With a wicked smile, Cindy knelt before her. “Let’s get these slippers off of you, Cinderella,” she said with a wink.  Meanwhile, Sophie was tearing apart the neatly made bed.

Cindy commenced teasing Vanessa’s hair until it was an elaborate muss.  “Yeah, that’s it.  You see what we’re going for here?” Cindy asked. Vanessa gave her an uncertain look.  “We’re going for that well-fucked look!” Cindy laughed.

Oui. It is morning in our little novella, my beauty,” Sophie elaborated. “You have indeed been well-fucked … but now you are ready for round two.” Never had Vanessa heard the word “toouuu” pronounced so provocatively.

They had Vanessa stretch out on the bed, wrapping herself in the white sheet.  “Last night’s” gown was draped over the footboard. As before, Sophie would coax the look that she wanted from Vanessa.  “You are calling your man back to bed … let him know what you want him to do to you … with your eyes.” Vanessa stared deeply into the camera, conveying exactly what she wanted Sophie to do to her. She became bolder in her poses, showing more than even Sophie was asking for.

Mis belle, shall we push the ‘R’ boundaries?” Sophie asked, her face revealing a bit of desire of her own.

As a way of answering, Vanessa struck a pose of her own making.  Propped against the headboard with her legs splayed, she cupped a breast with one hand while touching her pussy with the other. Sophie moved closer, catching the light glistening off Vanessa’s wet pussy lips. Looking at both Sophie and Cindy, Vanessa pinched a nipple, while she licked the fingers she had just withdrawn from her wet self. A lusty groan escaped from Cindy’s core.

Oui, Vanessa, to NC-17 we go!  What are you thinking about? What is your man doing to you right now?” Sophie asked in her sexy accent as she snapped away.

Vanessa swallowed hard.  Would she have the guts?  Her heart beat wildly and she hesitated.

“I’m not thinking about my husband at all,” Vanessa finally said as she cupped both breasts. “I’m thinking of … you … and Cindy … and how much I want to fuck around with both of you.”

Sophie stopped taking pictures and looked up from the viewfinder. Now it was her turn to hesitate. After a moment of stunned silence, she returned the camera to her eye as she said, “What are you waiting for, cheri, get in there.”

Cindy let out a squeal. She kicked off her cowboy boots, pulled her tight top off, and dropped her cutoffs to the bedroom carpet within seconds.  “Fuck, yeah!!!” Cindy said as she crawled between Vanessa’s outstretched legs and into her arms.  She kissed Vanessa aggressively, and Vanessa responded in kind, starved for what she had been dreaming about for a week.

Cindy ground her bald puss against Vanessa’s trimmed mons as the two kissed, then slid down Vanessa’s body, sucking her erect nipples and pecking and nipping at her taut tummy until she reached the promised land. 

“Oh damn!” Vanessa moaned as Cindy nuzzled and licked her swollen, sopping pussy.  Given that she had, in essence, endured about three hours of foreplay, Vanessa felt herself move toward orgasm with remarkable speed. She instinctively grabbed Cindy’s head and pulled her to her as she rocked her pelvis.

“Let’s not rush this, mademoiselles!” Sophie admonished. “Let me get some good shots.”  Both Cindy and Sophie moaned in frustration but followed direction as Sophie had them alter the angle or the position of their bodies. “Now … Vanessa … let’s have you on your belly.  Mmmm, lovely. Now, on your knees but keep your head and breasts on the mattress … now look at me … oui, oui.  Cindy. Give your friend some more love. Now both of you, arch, and Vanessa, keep those eyes open, keep looking at me.”

Sophie captured the beauty of their two bodies arched congruently, with Cindy’s face burrowed in Vanessa’s pussy from behind.  Sophie then concentrated the focus of her camera on Vanessa’s face. “Leche le cul,” she whispered to Cindy.  Vanessa had enough high school French that she could slowly decipher the meaning of Sophie’s words.

Lick. The. No, her. Lick her

At the exact moment Sophie remembered what ‘cul’ meant, she felt Cindy’s fantastic tongue lapping at the rim of her asshole and then probe fully into her backdoor.  Sophie captured the moment as Vanessa’s eyes grew to saucers and her mouth opened in a wide ‘O’ before settling into a devilish smile.

“Finish her,” Sophie instructed, firmly. 

Cindy placed her thumb in Vanessa’s wet pussy as her forefinger curled over her clit.  She flattened her tongue and lapped at Sophie’s asshole in the same quick rhythm as her pumping hand. Vanessa again felt the wave of orgasm coming, only even more intensely this time.  With the first contraction, she groaned as if all the tension in her body was being released at once.  “Fuuuck … yesss!”

Cindy withdrew her hand and pressed her mouth against Sophie’s vulva. Her nose pierced Vanessa’s lips as Cindy French kissed Sophie’s clitoris. This sent Vanessa to new heights as she raised herself up to all fours and threw her head back in ecstasy.  “Oh, gowwwd, yesss! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Eat my cunt, baby!” Vanessa yelled as she rocked back into Cindy’s glistening face.  Cindy kept at the task until Vanessa collapsed into a quivering heap.  Cindy curled into Vanessa’s lovely body, satisfied with a job well done. 

Sophie snapped pictures as she let Vanessa catch her breath. After a minute or so, she said, “I think we’re almost done here. But we should probably see you in action, shouldn’t we, Vanessa?” 

Vanessa raised herself up, pushing Cindy onto her back. She forcefully lifted Cindy’s legs in the air and pushed them back to her shoulders, causing Cindy’s pussy and ass to open in a most inviting fashion. “Ah!” Cindy squealed, somewhat startled but very excited at Vanessa’s sudden move.

Vanessa dove in, lathering Cindy’s creases with her tongue, savoring the faintly mineral taste of her juicy, bald pussy, putting into practice the cunnilingus tricks she had learned so many years before. Sophie snapped away as Cindy came, “Yes, mommy, yes mommy, do me, do me, yes, yes, fuuuck.” 


Vanessa put on the robe in which she had started her day and followed Sophie and Vanessa as they gathered their equipment and headed toward the door.  Cindy ferried things to the car as Sophie stood with Vanessa in the foyer. She cupped Vanessa’s cheek and kissed her gently.  Vanessa pulled Sophie to her and they embraced in a long, deep, penetrating kiss. Sophie tasted Cindy on Vanessa’s tongue.  

“It is my usual practice to email the client my first round of edits and then we discuss on the phone.  But, I think, perhaps, an in-person review would be better, oui?” Sophie asked.

Vanessa smiled and nodded.  “I’ll beg if I have to.” 



Published 4 years ago

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