Kerrie’s Journey, Chapter 4: Jennifer, Timmy and another barrier crossed

"Following a suggestive online chat a married woman seduces her sixteen year old step-nephew"

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If you have read my earlier stories you will know that an erotic massage in Phuket by a woman during which I climaxed led me, on my return home to Sydney, to explore online. I was intrigued that at 40, I was for the first time turned on by thoughts of sex with a woman.

While I would have easily taken some of my new online relationships into the real world, no one was in Australia. That geographical barrier was also an important psychological barrier keeping my online and real world nicely separate. As described in my last story that barrier broke when I met Julie.

For the next six months or so my sex life was in three nice compartments: At home I enjoyed a lusty straight relationship with my husband, Tom, with Julie a close and passionate lesbian affair and online I explored the wilder side of my bisexuality. Perhaps illogically I still regarded myself as faithful to Tom. In any case, I only played online with women and only when he was out of town.

That comfortable world changed dramatically one evening following a chat with Jennifer. Jennifer was from New York. Notwithstanding the time difference, we struck up a close online relationship. We never cybered but chatted about normal day-to-day things, US politics and occasionally our sex lives, hopes and frustrations. She was single, blond and younger than me, in her thirties.

While she was bi she admitted, after a few chats, that her passion was teen-aged cock. I gasped when I read that in the chat window. “Really”, I responded, “Is that legal?” “Yes”, replied Jennifer, “16 is ok in most places and 17/18 are still great. You should try one?” I laughed and told her I was happy with Tom. After that she occasionally tried to convince me I was wrong but in a fun, teasing way.

That was until one fateful evening (my time). I have to admit that I was bored and horny. Tom had been away for ten days with another week to go. I hadn’t seen Julie for several weeks since she was overseas. The girls were away too on a university field trip. The house was mine except for my nephew, Timmy, who was spending a week with us, while his parents were away. He was 16, a few months short of 17. Actually Timmy was my sister’s stepson; the son of my brother-in-law who had married my sister after his first wife (Timmy’s biological mother) was killed in a car crash. Timmy was three at the time, so for almost all his life he had been part of the family. I treated him like any aunt would. That is, until that fateful evening.

It was about ten in the evening, my time. I was online, feeling, as I have mentioned, restless and a bit horny. However, I wasn’t really in the mood for cyber. I actually wanted Tom.  Then Jennifer messaged me.

Jennifer: Hi Kerrie, Saw u online? Chat?

Kerrie: Hi Jennifer! Good to see u. How have u been? Having fun?

Jennifer: Been a bit busy with work. But saw Bobby yesterday. Sent him home, as usual, with a big smile!

Kerrie: You’re incorrigible! He’s only half your age!

Jennifer: No he isn’t. He’s 18. I’m not 36 yet! But he has a great cock! You should try one that age!

Kerrie: LOL! You know me—I’m a one cock gal!

Jennifer: Wasn’t suggesting you had two at the same time, although that is fun too!

Kerrie: LOL. You know what I mean!

Jennifer: So what have u been up to? Tom still away?

Kerrie: Yes and Julie too. (I’d told her of my relationship with Julie.)

Jennifer: Do I sense a bit of horniness?

Kerrie: Yes. I miss Tom. I’d love him here now; I really want him!

Jennifer: You need a cock!

Kerrie: Yes—Tom’s!

Jennifer: But that one is in China so you need to find an alternative.

Kerrie: Even if hypothetically I might be willing, I still don’t have one around.

Jennifer: Don’t you have Timmy with you?

Kerrie: What!! My nephew?

Jennifer: Yes. Why not? Prime age!

Kerrie: But he’s my sisters’ son. Actually her stepson. (I have always wondered why I typed that. I hardly ever thought of him that way. My sub-conscious must have already realised where this was likely to lead.)

Jennifer: Great! Legal and you are not biologically related! He’s perfect. Go for it.

Kerrie: You can’t be serious? Fuck Timmy?

Jennifer: Why not? Bet he wanks, thinking of you! Probably sees you as a real MILF!

Kerrie: LOL. Well, I did find quite a few tissues in the bathroom waste bin! But that’s just normal for a 16 yo.

Jennifer: And u want to let all that glorious cum go to waste on tissues?

Jennifer: You know what you should do? Where is Timmy now?

Kerrie: Downstairs watching TV.

Jennifer: OK. Now this is what I want you to do. Take your bra off and go downstairs and talk to him. Just naturally. See how he reacts and come back and tell me.

Kerrie: WOW—you really want me to go downstairs and let Timmy see me without a bra?

Jennifer: Yes, Go on. Give him a little thrill. It will give him something to wank over later.

Kerrie: Ok but no more! Back soon.

As Jennifer had instructed I took off my bra and went downstairs. I don’t think my nipples were showing but you could tell I was braless. Timmy was sprawled on the couch watching a football game.

“Hi,” I said, “just getting a drink. Would you like one?”

“A coke would be nice, thanks,” Timmy replied.

I went to the kitchen, poured him a coke and then, in a fit of boldness, I undid the top two buttons of my blouse. When I bent forward my breasts would now be very visible. Returning to the living room, I did that as I gave the glass to Timmy. I held the pose for a few moments. I could see his eyes trying not to look but, in the end, he simply stared at my bare breasts with their now hardening nipples. As if nothing untoward at happened, I stood up, told him to enjoy the game and went back upstairs.

Kerrie: Back! You there?

Jennifer: How did it go?

(I told her what I had done.)

Jennifer: How do u feel?

Kerrie: To be honest. Excited, a bit wet!

Jennifer: I bet you left him hard!!

Kerrie: God, I’m bad!

Jennifer: No girl, just horny!

Kerrie: LOL!

Jennifer: But you enjoyed, it didn’t u?

Kerrie: Yes, I have to admit it was fun. A bit of a turn on.

Jennifer: Ok. Now let’s up the stakes!

Kerrie: What do u mean?

Jennifer: What is Timmy wearing?

Kerrie: Board shorts and a tee.

Jennifer: Great. Perfect. You should be able to easily see if he is aroused.

Kerrie: Aroused, how?

Jennifer: By you, silly!

Kerrie: Doing what? Once might be an accident. Twice he might get the wrong idea!

Jennifer: That’s the idea!

Kerrie: OMG. What do u want me to do?

Jennifer: OK. Are u in skirt?

Kerrie: Yes.

Jennifer: Take off your panties.

Kerrie: Ok. They are off.

Jenifer: Now I want you to go downstairs, sit across from Timmy, read a magazine and let him see up your skirt.

Kerrie: OMG. I couldn’t!

Jennifer: Yes, you can and yes you will. You’ll get a great rush! And might even get fucked!

Kerrie: No way, on the fucking, but I’ll try the first part. Maybe!

Jennifer: Good girl. I’ve got to go now but email me later on how you go. I’ll even bet you’ll be fucked by then!

Kerrie: You’d loose that bet.

Jennifer: Don’t be too sure. CYA. Have fun! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.

Kerrie: That won’t be hard!

Jennifer: Well, I know what will be hard! Enjoy!

Kerrie: Maybe. Email later. XX

Once Jennifer had logged off, I sat beside the computer, pondering my next step. Did I dare do what Jennifer had challenged me to do? Would it really stop with me flashing my pussy at Timmy? Did I want it to stop then? To my surprise, I wasn’t sure. He was a very attractive young man and I was very horny. I also thought, if we did fuck, I was within days of my period so I was safe in that regard. Despite these thoughts I was pretty sure that we wouldn’t even get to me flashing my pussy. I’d sit with him and read until we went to bed. If seeing me braless turned Timmy on a bit that was ok. With this in mind I went downstairs.

Timmy was sitting on the couch, sprawled back, his legs extended out in front. I admit my eyes went right to his crotch and noticed a nice bulge. I suspect he was still remembering my earlier display. Innocently, I asked if he’d like another coke. “Yes, please,” came an instantaneous reply. And a flash of boobs, I added mentally.

Getting a glass from the kitchen I repeated my earlier display. Bending down, I exposed my breasts. Again I held the pose longer than I should. This time there was no hesitation from Timmy. His eyes went straight down my open top and fixed on my braless breasts.

Straightening up, I went and sat down in a chair across from Timmy. The line was perfect. If I were to open my legs, he would see straight up to my bare and now rather wet pussy. I still wasn’t sure I’d go that far. However, Jennifer was right about one thing: this was giving me a great rush!

I looked across at Timmy, smiled and began to read my magazine. Over the top of the magazine, I glanced at his crotch. A very nice bulge was now evident and, interestingly, he didn’t seem to be making any attempt to hide it. The saucy boy!

I could sense Timmy’s eyes on me. To me, and I suspect Timmy, there was a palpable sexual tension in the room. My mind was in over drive. Should I open my legs, or shouldn’t I? What would Timmy think if I did? What would happen? What did I want to happen? I could feel the wetness from my pussy leaking onto the chair.


Slowly, and as accidentally as I could conceive, I let my legs open. Pretending to be engaged in my magazine, I watched Timmy. It took him a few moments to realise that he could now see up to my pussy. His eyes bulged and the tent in his pants grew. He was now uncomfortable and tried to hide it.

I nearly gasped. He looked huge! All sense of logic and reasonableness was now being driven from my mind by pure carnal need. I wanted to see his cock, certainly suck it and possible let it fuck me. Whatever the consequences of taking this game further would be, I knew, if I didn’t, the missed opportunity would haunt me.

Looking up, I smiled at Timmy and said, ” Are you ok?” He gulped. And then I crossed the Rubicon.

“Does seeing Aunt Kerrie’s breasts and pussy give you an erection?” I said; the use of my familiar name adding to the decadence of what I was about to do.

Timmy could only blush and sit there with open mouth as I said: “Did you like what you saw?”

He nodded; “You are very beautiful and sexy.”

“Why, thank you, young man. You are very kind.”

“Since I created that hard on, perhaps I should fix it? Would you like Aunt Kerrie to do that?”

Timmy sat there stunned. Finally, he finally managed to mumble: “Yes, but how?”

I sat in my chair for a few minutes, if considering the options; my eyes on Timmy and that intriguing bulge. I knew then that this game was no longer a game. I was going to fuck Timmy.

Leaping up, as if I had now decided, I crossed to Timmy and knelt before him. Running my hands up his legs, I paused just before the tell tale bulge, smiled up at him and placed my hand on his cock. It gave an encouraging twitch as I felt it though his pants. He was hard and big. Much bigger than Tom and I wondered if I’d be able to take him. My pussy twitched in expectation.

I smiled up at Timmy. His eyes were like saucers. I realised that in my position he could see down my blouse. I was afraid the sexual stimulation was already too much and he’d blow before I even got to see his cock. Not that I needed to worry, since according to Jennifer, one advantage of teen-age cocks was their resilience. I was about to find out for myself.

“First step”, I announced to Timmy, “We should let his delicious feeling cock out. Lift your rear.”

He lifted his rear and I pulled his board shorts down, taking his briefs with them. His cock reared up in my face! Hard, huge and glorious.

I sat here just savouring the view. I realised that, other than Tom’s, this was the first cock I had seen in real life in over a decade and it would be only the fifth in my entire life to fuck me. And what a beauty! Timmy was over 9” in length, a good two inches more than Tom, and correspondingly thicker. The bulbous head glisten with pre-cum and the veins along the side stood out. Firm balls completed a very sexy sight. I thought, wow you will make a lot of women very happy, starting with this one.

I reached out and took the shaft in my left hand. Slowly I felt along the shaft. Timmy’s cock twitched in my hand, hot and very hard. I had never felt a cock so hard. I noticed my wedding ring on one of the fingers wrapping his cock, realised very clearly what I was about to do, but was too far down the path to stop.

I’d rationalise it all tomorrow. Now all I wanted was to taste Timmy’s cock and then have it in me.

First though I felt I should get Timmy off. His face was a look of desperation and I sensed he was struggling not to come. Smiling up at him, I bent forward and gave the head a little kiss. His cock twitched and Timmy groaned. He was obviously very close. Opening my lips, I teased the head with the tip of my tongue. That elicited another delightful twitch and a bigger groan from Timmy.

Opening my mouth further I took the bulbous head in and gently sucked. Timmy gave a huge groan and exploded, filling my mouth with hot cum. He tasted very good—hot and salty. His first ejaculation seemed to be followed by a second and cum leaked from my mouth coating my face.

I looked up at Timmy, my mouth full of cum and smiled. He looked apologetic and I suspect fearful that a blowjob—and a very quick one—was all he was going to get. “Don’t worry”, I said, “I wanted you to do that. We have plenty of time.”

Timmy relaxed; clearly his dream wasn’t finished. I stood up.

“Would you like to see your Aunt Kerrie nude?’ I asked.

Timmy smiled and nodded. Slowly I undid the last buttons on my blouse, shrugged it off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I stood there enjoying Timmy’s hungry look; my nipples hard and rod like.

I reached round and unzipped my skirt. It fell to the floor and I was nude.

Coquettishly, I asked, “Do you like what you see? You could touch me, if you would like to? Do you want to touch Aunt Kerrie’s breasts?”

Timmy’s face lit up and he say: “Wow, yes”.

I approached him, noticing that his cock had now regained its full stature. Jennifer was right teen-age cocks were very resilient. That boded very well.

Tentatively, Timmy reached out and cupped my breast.

“Don’t be afraid”, I said, “You can squeeze them. I like that and play with my nipple.”

I moaned as his fingers became braver.

“Have you ever felt a woman’s breast before?” I asked.

“Yes”, replied Timmy, “ Sara has let me feel hers but yours are much better”.

Sara was a friend of Timmy’s that I seen him with on occasion. Once she had come swimming at our place. About his age, she was cute but not ravishingly beautiful, tall and slim with small perky breasts; still more girl than woman. I could easily believe I was Timmy’s wet dream come to life.

“Oh, you are a flatterer.” I responded. “Does Sara let you touch her pussy?”

“No,” replied Timmy. “Until I saw yours I have never seen one except on a porn site.”

‘Oh my”, I thought, “Wait until Jennifer hears this. My first teen-age cock, a virgin too!” To Timmy, I said, “You can touch mine.”

Spreading my legs a little, I thrust my pussy out towards Timmy. His touch was tentative but electric. Slowly he explored my open cunt with his fingers.

“Wow” he finally exclaimed, “You are so wet and warm”.

I could feel myself getting close to climax. The situation was so unreal but so hot.

“Yes, Timmy, women get that way when they are excited.”

“Are you excited?” Timmy asked.

I laughed. “Oh boy, am I ever!”

“Very gently feel up towards the top of my slit”, I instructed Timmy, “Can you feel a hard little nub?”

“Yes”, he answered as his finger found my clit and I stifled a moan.

“That’s my clitoris or clit.” I explained. “When it’s hard, it’s a sure sign a woman is very excited and ready to fuck”.

“Can we fuck?” Timmy asked his voice, quivering with anticipation.

“We probably shouldn’t.” I said, “But yes, Timmy, I want you to fuck me. Do you want to push that great big hard cock into Aunt Kerrie’s hot, wet pussy?” Not for the first time calling myself Aunt Kerrie added to my sexual tension.

I moved towards him, straddling him. His cock was sticking up, straight and hard. Gently I let it touch me. Its bulbous head brushed my clit. The resulting moan I couldn’t stifle.

“Careful,” I said to Timmy, “Let me guide it in. You are so big.”

Reaching down, I guided his cock into my pussy. His head opening my lips, I pressed down gently. God, he was big. I felt him open me. Pushing harder, I got the first few inches into me. I…

Published 8 years ago

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