In Kerrie’s Journey: Chapter 2: I explore online, I described how, after an erotic massage in Phuket by a woman, I came home and started to explore online. I was keen to understand the growing need in me to be touched again by a woman. Eventually I discovered a lesbian chat site. There I found other women, who like me were exploring their bi-side. They introduced me to the joy of cyber sex.
At home I continued to have a great sex life with my husband, Tom. Indeed if anything I was hornier; a change Tom put down to my turning 40! I only played online when Tom was away and invariably fucked him with gay abandon on his return home. Online, I rationalized, was not real although it sure felt that way! Thus I wasn’t really ‘cheating’ on Tom. I never had a desire to cyber with men although given many invitations. Online was where I explored my bi-side.
I could have very easily taken several of these electronic encounters into the real world except none were Australian! On the other hand, that geographical barrier was also a very important psychological barrier. While I still wanted to experience a woman’s touch again in real life, to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure of the consequences. The divide between my real life and my cyber life was a reassuring safety net. I could be bold, even at times promiscuous online, with no real impact on my real life in Sydney. With hindsight, I was right to tread cautiously. My cyber life was more of a reflection of me than I realised at the time.
The breaking of my self-imposed barrier between my cyber life and my real world came at a rather unlikely place—the opening of an art show sponsored by Tom’s firm. It was a warm early summer’s evening. I was dressed in a sleek flowing dress that nicely showed my figure. Tom liked it but since it was backless I couldn’t wear a bra with the result that it was rather revealing if my nipples became aroused. Not that I anticipated that they would at a rather stuffy cocktail party.
Her name was Julie. Tall, 3” or 4” over my 5’7”, slim with full breasts that would have been large on a shorter woman but looked perfect on her. She looked a little older than me. I learnt later she was ten years older! Across the room her glance caught my eyes and held them. In that fraction of a second I knew that she would have me. My pussy dampened and to my chagrin my nipples puckered. I blushed, broke eye contact and turned to the refreshment table.
As I nibbled a prawn, hoping no one would notice my aroused nipples, she materialised beside me.
“Hi, My name is Julie,” she said, reaching for a prawn.
“I just love prawns, don’t you?” she added, her red lips making her nibbling incredibly erotic.
“Hi, I’m Kerrie,” I mumbled, my eyes drawn to hers, which were deep blue, penetrating and mysterious.
Small talk followed: Was I here alone? Was I enjoying the party? What did I think of art? As we talked, her eyes bored into me, her hand would brush my sleeve, once reaching up to brush my hair from my ear (commenting on my ear rings). Each touch was electric! My pussy was wet and my nipples hard. Her eyes ran down my body, undressing me. I was sure she could sense my arousal.
Finally after about ten or fifteen minutes she said: “Unfortunately I must go. Come to lunch tomorrow. I’d love to get to know you.” Her look left little to my imagination what ‘getting to know” meant!
“I’d love that,“ I responded.
“Wonderful! Noon?” she replied, passing me a card with her address and mobile number.
“Oh, and wear that dress! You look so ravishing in it!” she added.
Brushing my cheek with her lips, she departed as quietly as she had come.
I looked around to see where Tom was, very conscious of wet panties and hard nipples. He was across the room, deep in conversation with an important client. Hoping no one would notice my nipples; I walked rapidly to the ladies. Locking myself in a stall, I pulled my skirt up and reached into my panties to caress my pussy and clit. In a few moments my climax hit. I bit my lip stifling my moans as relief coursed through me.
Sated at least momentarily—I was sure I would need Tom’s hard cock once we got home before I was completely satisfied—I sat there until I calmed down and importantly my nipples relaxed. I then went in search of Tom. Luckily he was ready to go. An hour later he was fucking me to a glorious climax. I drifted off to sleep sated but tingling in anticipation of the next day.
The next morning dawned warm and sunny with a bright blue Sydney summer sky. Once Tom left, I showered, shaved my legs and trimmed my pubic hair; my pussy already wet with anticipation. I hoped Julie liked a little hair. Other women who had seen my pussy on cam seemed to. However Julie was going to be the first woman—other than the masseuse in Phuket—to see my aroused pussy in real life and, more importantly, I hoped be the first to lick it!
As Julie had requested, I wore the same dress from the evening before. I wondered how I was going to walk into her apartment block since my nipples were so evident. Boldly, I decided I didn’t care and sensed that Julie would like me to arrive like that. I debated whether to wear panties but settled for a silky bikini that hardly covered me. I was ready and more!
Julie lived in an apartment on the twelfth floor of a high-rise tower overlooking Sydney Harbour in a rather exclusive suburb. I arrived on the dot of noon.
Trembling with anticipation—and nipples like little rods—I knocked. She opened the door, dressed in a flowing gown that accentuated her curves and the uplift of her breasts. She welcomed me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and led me into her living room.
“A glass of wine?” she asked, as I looked around.
“You have a wonderful apartment,” I said, “and the view of the harbour is amazing.”
She laughed, “The best thing I got from my ex!”
Taking a cool glass of chardonnay from her I wandered to the window and looked out over the harbour. I sensed her come up behind me. Her arms went around me.
“I’m very glad you have come,’ she whispered in my ear; her breath on my cheek.
“And I am so glad you wore this dress,” her hands sliding up to cup my breasts.
“I love your nipples. Are they always like this?”
I laughed, “You do seem to have that affect!”
I lent back into her body, feeling her breasts press against my back. Her hands gently teased my breasts through my dress.. I tilted my head back and felt her breath as she moved to kiss me. Then our lips touched—my first sexual kiss with a woman. I savoured the feel of her lips, the taste of gloss, the first tease of her tongue. I kissed back. My lips parted and our tongues touched—electricity surged through me. I moaned quietly. Our kiss deepened.
I felt one of her hands slide down from my breasts, across my stomach. Resting her hand just above my pussy she slowly pulled my skirt up. Continuing to kiss me, she slid her hand onto the silkiness of my panties.
“Oh, pet, you are so deliciously wet,” she said, ”I was going to keep you for dessert after lunch” “But I can’t wait. Come.” Taking my hand she led me into her bedroom.
Like her living room, it looked out over the harbour. The drapes were open, light filing the room which was attractively but simply furnished; the centrepiece a king bed.
Reaching round Julie unzipped my dress, which cascaded into a pool around my feet. I’d been nude and sexually aroused before Tom and several women had seen me on cam, not to mention my Phuket masseuse. This was very different. Julie was almost predatory in her look, her face expressing deep lust—lust for me! I almost came standing there.
She simply looked, her eyes ranging down my body and then she whispered, “Oh pet, you are so delicious! And those nipples, I have wanted to taste them ever since last night.”
Boldly, I met her look, “Julie, they are yours. Take them!” Lifting my breasts with my hands I held them out to her, my nipples harder than I could ever remember.
Julie bent forward. I watched her red lips part, her tongue lick her lips, as her face moved ever so slowly towards my breasts. I felt her breath before her lips and then her tongue flicked my right nipple. I moaned and pulled her head to my breast. Her mouth opened taking my nipple inside, where her tongue danced across it. Leaving my right nipple, she gave the same treatment to my left. My legs could hardly stand and I moaned again. I was so close to climaxing. Seeming to sense my extreme arousal, Julie lifted her face from my breasts.
“Not yet, pet,” she said. Pushing me back she guided me onto the bed, spread my legs and in one swift motion pulled my panties from me. Her eyes, deep and lusting, took in my open pussy. I lifted my hips, silently inviting her.
Julie stood and let her own gown drop. She was nude and clearly excited. Her nipples were raised on her large firm breasts. Her bald pussy glistened.
Julie smiled, like a tiger with a dish of cream. With her eyes fastened on my glistening pussy, she slowly slid her fingers up my legs, light as a butterfly. Pausing just below my pussy, she bent her face forward, smiled and ran the tip of her tongue along my slit. I moaned. “Delicious,” I heard her say and felt her fingers open me for her exploring tongue.
My moaning was now continuous, my body wanting nothing more than to climax. Somehow Julie could sense the point of no return. Over and over her tongue and lips would take me almost to climax but then she’d let me calm down before exciting me again almost to but not quite to climax. My hips lifted to her face and I began to moan: “Oh Julie, please, please.”
She lifted her face from my pussy, wet with my juices, smiled and said, “Oh pet, I’m a terrible tease? Aren’t I?” I could only nod.
She bent forward but this time her lips closed on my clit, her tongue flicking the hard bud. Suddenly she sucked hard. I exploded! My moan was probably heard in the City. As my climax coursed through me she pushed two fingers into my quivering cunt, cupping my pussy she fucked me hard with her fingers. My climax rolled on and on.
As my climax slowly subsided, Julie withdrew her fingers, languidly licked them and then slid her nude body over mine. With her breasts pressing against mine, she reached for my face; her lips finding mine in a deep kiss. I could taste myself on her face and lips. Passionately we embraced as the last tremors left my body.
For ten minutes or so we lay entwined, neither speaking. I pushed Julie from me. “My turn,” I whispered as she rolled onto her back. I squatted between her spread legs and let my eyes explore her body. Her full breasts rose with her breathing, each capped by a large areola and a hard nipple. Her tummy was a sexy bulge below which her completely smooth pussy glistened; her clit just visible. I had seen the pussies of several chat partners on cam but now, in front of me, was my first in real life. It was so beautiful.
I bent forward, my hands reaching for her breasts. Tentatively I touched them, relishing in their softness. My fingers explored them, the smoothness of her skin, the little bumps on her areola and the hardness of her nipple. Bending further forward I took her right nipple into my mouth. She gave a small moan. I let my tongue flick it and then sucked harder. I was rewarded with a louder moan from Julie. For once her eyes were closed as my mouth explored her breasts.
Leaving her breasts I moved my face down. Trailing kisses I passed her belly button and across the small round of her tummy. As I closed on her pussy I could feel her heat and smell her arousal. It was intoxicating. I ran my fingers up her inner thighs. Tentatively, because I wanted to savour my first touch, I let hem slide onto her pussy feeling her wetness. I heard Julie moan and whisper, “Please pet, please.” She was in my hands!
I brought my face close to her pussy. Letting her feel my breath as my fingers explored her. Then I let my tongue taste her. She lifted her hips and reached to press my head into her pussy. I got the message! I buried my face in her wetness, marvelling at the smoothness of her bald pussy. My tongue found her clit. As she had done to me I sucked it hard. She came, not as violently as I had, but with a loud moan. Not bad, I thought for the first orgasm I had ever given another woman in real life.
Julie opened her eyes, smiled and held out her arms. I snuggled into them and we kissed; this time Julie tasting herself on my lips. After a few minutes as our bodies relaxed, Julie bounded up, “Lunch? I don’t think it is necessary to dress.”
Lunch—prawn salad with a glass of white wine—was delicious but a little surreal. Apart from us both being nude, you would have thought from the conversation, that we were just two old friends enjoying lunch together.
After lunch we returned to bed for a second round of love making; more languid than the fevered coupling of before but nonetheless very satisfying. Finally about five I said I should go, rose, showered and dressed. With a big kiss Julie farewelled me with, “Until next time.”
I drove home not only sexually sated but at peace with myself. For the first time since Phuket I felt complete. I had a loving husband, a great family and now an amazing woman lover.
Over the next six months Julie and I became great friends. We discovered we shared many of the same interests—outside bed! She had been married but divorced for over ten years. She was a lesbian with absolutely no interest in men. I was obviously not her only female partner. Indeed she hinted at times to rather wild side. However she never pushed and was happy to take me as I was. We didn’t meet every week but got together, usually every couple of weeks or so, for lunch and an afternoon of passionate lovemaking. Even my online activity declined but not entirely and that led to the next step on my sexual journey.