Keli, Hockey Chick

"They say the first encounter with a lover is the most memorable. I'll remember Keli for a long time."

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Keli was the area rep for a temporary labourer company that we utilized occasionally on our medium-sized construction site. She was a high-level athlete in female hockey and being that I used to coach, we hit it off right away. It wasn’t unusual for sales reps to stop by construction sites and promote their services.

Keli was stopping by every two to three weeks. I liked the distraction. She was attractive. I wasn’t about to say, “stop bothering me!”

I considered it more of an acquaintance or business relationship at first. Keli was twenty years old, I was a little more than twice her age. Our conversations flowed naturally and never felt awkward. There was a real connection.

We’d talk until I got interrupted on the job site, or until she had to leave. Maybe it was a hidden desire or some sort of festering chemistry, but it did feel much more than platonic to me. So much more would be revealed in time.

Keli was not what you would call a runway model, rather a natural beauty. She wore little if any makeup, and even though she wore kind of loose unassuming clothing, I could tell she was a physical specimen. She had straight shoulder length brown hair, average sized breasts, a nice face and deep brown eyes that really sparkled when she spoke. I loved athletic women and Keli was very attractive to me.

Inside I was oozing, and I always made time for her, when she stopped by my site office. She knew that I was attached. That didn’t really matter much early on.

Her visits became more and more frequent. Oftentimes she’d pick up an iced coffee and bring it along with her, for me to drink. We hit it off as sports enthusiasts and had a lot philosophically in common. I know Keli enjoyed our conversations just as much. She was the one that initiated all the visits.

She actually seemed to sense the precise times when I was least busy.  I rarely had any of her staff on site, her visits were purely based on our rapidly growing friendship. Our conversations became so long that I used to deliberately push off work-related tasks to the background until we could not talk anymore.

After a few weeks, Keli revealed that she was not actually even the rep for my area. That made me feel excited inside. Did she find me attractive? Was she into me, even though I was so much older?

Our chats started as pretty benign and business-like. Fun and humour started to become more and more prevalent as we became like close friends. I’m not really able to recall how many weeks later it was, that the sexual innuendo and barbs crept into our conversations, but they did and seemed to grow in suggestiveness fairly quickly.

The real turning point was a Thursday. A day I’ll remember with fondness and recount with excitement for the rest of my life. It was late summer and a fairly quiet time on the project as most of the homes were completing. The construction crew counts were fairly small and the interruptions were few and far between.

I really liked the fact that Keli was playing what was traditionally a guy’s sport, however, that didn’t stop me from teasing her.

“Hey Kell, so being that you are a girl in a man’s game, do you wear a jock?”

Holy shit did I actually say that?

She turned her head to the side slightly. Damn you’re cute Keli. At first, I didn’t know if she was offended or trying to contemplate a response. It wasn’t but a second later before she answered.

“You tell me first. Do you, Zach?”

I was game for this. Let’s see where it goes.

“Actually no my balls are too big, I had to get a custom jock, they call it a Zach-jock!” I laughed.

This is too crazy, what am I saying? My cock started to get hard and strain in my work jeans. I shifted in my chair.

“You’ll have to prove that!” Kelly smiled seriously.

Is she kidding or teasing or what?

“Hey, I’m not easy. I don’t just go off and put the family jewels on display, for any cute hockey girl that stops by the job site!” I egged Kelli on.

“I don’t need your permission. I could make you any day, I wanted.” Keli made a two-fisted bicep pose.

Scenarios raced through my head, most of them revolved around some sort of naked wrestling with Keli.

“You’d still need rope, what makes you think I’d be that cooperative?” My words said no, but my smile said yes, I want you to try it.

“I saw a four poster bed in that show home last weekend. I think I could make you do anything that I wanted.” Keli wasn’t backing down at all.

“Hmm, well rope and a four poster bed, that sounds like fun, maybe you should come by tomorrow afternoon and put your money where your mouth is, little miss hockey player!” I teased Keli. “The sales staff take Fridays off!” I amped it up just a little more, wishing that she’d take the bait.

Keli paused before answering. “It’s late, I guess I should get back to the office.”

I stood politely getting ready to let Keli out of my office door. My heart sank. That died pretty fast! I was very disappointed that our sexually laced chat had come to an end. I guess that’s where I really stand. It’s fun, nothing more.

“Thanks for the visit, Kell. I should close the gates and lock up the site pretty soon.”

Wow shit 4:30 already. We must have talked for two hours.

As Keli stood up to leave, we faced each other. Spontaneously she gave me a hug, I hugged her back. It was the first time. Her body was youthful and firm against mine. I loved having her in my arms.

Wow, that was unexpected.  My heart raced

Keli broke off the hug and then asked what seemed like a strange question. “Left or right?”

I paused for quite a few seconds before deciding that she was asking me which handed stick I used when I shot in hockey. Maybe she is asking, so she can bring me a promo hockey stick or something.

“Right,” I replied.

She smiled triumphantly. “It looks left!” Keli pointed her finger loosely at my upper thigh.

She was staring at my crotch, with my straining cock outlined in my jeans, pressed obviously to the left.

Holy fuck, she’s looking at my hard-on. I wonder if she felt it during our hug?

I was otherwise dumbfounded and too stunned to answer her. My face flushed, and my cock throbbed.

“See you next week, Zach!” Keli winked and backed out the door before I could say anything.

I sat down as thoughts spun in my head. Shit. I wished so badly that our talk could have continued. That it could have taken the next step. Would it have? She’s pretty young for you Zach. Stop being stupid. Keep it fun and she’ll keep coming back. Still, Keli’d be a great fuck.

I think I had an erection the whole commute back home. I showered and masturbated thinking about fucking Keli, splattering the shower walls with copious streaks of cum.

A night full of wonderful dreams and constant thoughts about Keli continued and then intruded on my Friday at work. It was good that it was a payday Friday, before a long weekend. The small construction crews were all leaving early. By 1:00 pm the work site was a ghost town.

Good, I’ll be able to leave early. I had just finished closing and locking all the gates, and was shutting down my laptop when I heard a noise outside.

Shit, some dumb fuck has decided to show up on site. I anticipated it would be a courier or a problem trade.

My eyes must have been bugging out, as I opened my office door. It was Keli.

“Hey, hockey player chick!” I smiled as Keli came up to my site office.

“I didn’t want to leave you by yourself, on Friday thinking about me all weekend, Zach!” She teased me, but she was right. I was thinking about her. My cock fought against a full erection.

“Yeah, and you’d miss out on the private show home tour!”

Fuck, I wanted Keli right then. My testosterone was in overdrive and I felt like I was oozing pheromones. I pulled the keys out of my pocket and dangled them like bait.

“That’s what I’m here for,” Keli smiled confidently.

It didn’t take long before I closed off my laptop and locked the site office.

We stepped into the vacant show home, leaving our shoes in the foyer. Nothing was said as I padded up the carpeted stairs to the ensuite. Keli followed right behind me.

Strangely I felt apprehensive.

“This is the master bedroom, and you will see it has a spectacular ensuite for a home in this price range.”

I tried to comedically act the part of a realtor, but inside I was really nervous. It was an exciting kind of nervousness. Sexual tension.

“Uh huh,” Keli didn’t seem to be making an effort to extend the conversation. Was she having second thoughts?

This ensuite did not have the typical door, just a narrow pass-through. I walked in, then went to exit. As I moved into the pass-through, Keli entered. We stopped facing each other. Our bodies pressed together lightly. Yes, fuck yes. I could feel Keli breathing against my chest.

This felt deliberate to me. Right, like it was what we both wanted. Needed.

Without thinking I pressed my lips against Keli’s and lovingly kissed her. That was stupid. She didn’t resist, but she didn’t say anything.

“Left or right?” I asked trying to bring that sparkling personality that I loved, to life.

Keli pushed her hand against my shoulder firmly, then astonishingly lifted up her knee between my legs and pressed it firmly against my balls. “Let’s see!”

Holy fuck! She’s taking charge, Shit.

I swear Keli looked me in the eyes with some kind of carnal fever, as she unbuttoned than unzipped my jeans with one hand all the while keeping her knee threateningly close to my balls. I was silent until her hand slipped into my pants.

“Oh man!” I gasped.

Keli’s hand worked it’s way down until she was gripping my balls. She literally and figuratively had me by the balls.

“What are you going to do now, Zach?” She asked. Her hand clutched one of my testicles really hard.


I like that. She’s really assertive! What does she want me to do? I need to fuck you Keli!

I Ignored her grip, grasped her by the shoulders and pushed her out of the pass-through across the four feet of carpeted floor and forced her onto her back on the display suite bed. I was on top of her. I smiled. I was going to fuck this vibrant young athlete, no matter what.

Before I could act, she reached down and grabbed my balls again,  “Not so fast, on your back! Zach-”

It rhymed. Funny!

Fuck, I love this, she’s in charge, but this is amazing. My cock hardened and ached, as Keli gripped my balls quite firmly.

“Okay okay,” I didn’t fight.

I wanted to see where this was going and truth was that I really liked it. As I rolled on my back Keli straddled me sitting on my thighs. My jeans were partway down. She grabbed my shirt and pulled hard, most of the buttons on my construction shirt snapped off. She had my chest partly exposed.

Strong girl.

I think I wanted this more than Keli. I reached and helped by undoing the rest of the buttons and wiggled out of my shirt.

“I bet you want more!” I commented as I grasped the side of my jeans and pushed them all the way down and off.

It was a little awkward, so Keli had to let go, while I undressed. As soon as I did, she resumed her position astride my thighs, fondling my testicles. I guessed this was part instinct, part desire, part fantasy, and a lot of lust.

I liked where we were going. I liked that Keli had ideas of her own. I pulled myself up towards her and kissed Keli on the lips.

“This is awesome. You are awesome. “

Her mouth opened and I slid my tongue into her mouth. It felt like our bodies were shaking as we kissed.

This can’t end!

“Let’s see if it goes left!” Keli’s eyes sparkled.

She was feeling a little less apprehensive and slid down my legs placing her mouth on my cock. She went back to gripping my nuts again.

“That’s it Keli, grab my big balls!” I encouraged her.

Her grip tightened. I felt a twinge. Fuck. I loved the grip, it was almost painful. “That’s it yeah, fuck yeah!”

“You do have big balls, I think.” Her voice trailed off. She leaned down towards my abs. Her mouth licked up and down the underside of my shaft to the base of my cock perfectly.

“Mmm,” I moaned.

I could not believe a girl that was this age, knew about such things, and especially what I liked. I loved having my cock and balls handled roughly. Maybe it was the sports background. I don’t know where Keli got the idea from. I didn’t care. I wanted more.

“Squeeze them, hard baby!” I didn’t care if I told Keli my secret desire, this was what I wanted.

“Oh yeah, I will squeeze those big balls, Zach!” She really clenched hard, looking at my face.

“Yes fuck yes!” I approved, enjoying being on the edge of pleasure and pain.

It feels like she is squeezing the cum out! My cock stood up like a tent pole while she licked me. I watched her cute young face as she manipulated my cock. It looked impressive, huge.  It was such a turn on.

Keli opened her lips and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked it in like a trooper, but couldn’t get much more than half of it inside.

I closed my eyes and moaned again, “fuck, that’s nice Kell.”

I wanted more. I wanted her naked. I wanted to fuck my cute athletic hockey girl.

“Take your clothes off Keli.” I was assertive but not forceful, in my desire to see her naked.

She looks nervous. What is she nervous about?

I sat up smiling and helped Keli take her shit off. Her unassuming clothes were concealing a really hot body. I reached around and unclipped her bra, which concealed a firm pair of B cup breasts. They were luscious.

“God, you’re beautiful Keli.”

I still sensed some tension. Is it apprehension or what? “Show me your pussy, or is this a one-way street?”

She smiled and nervously stripped.

Oh my fucking god! Her pussy was completely shaved, possibly even waxed. Even better, Keli had a larger than normal clit, that was quite engorged already.

“Wow, you are sensational!”

Her muscles were nicely defined in quite a lean athletic form. I could not believe how her clothing had concealed the such an amazing body.

Keli seemed hesitant.

Mmm that clit, I want to taste it. Make it grow in my mouth.

“Fuck me, Keli. Ride, my cock!”

She paused for a good while before speaking, “I’m not on the pill.”

It was starting to make sense. She probably only had sex using a condom before this. Possibly not too many boyfriends.

Keli’s going to love this.

“I’ve had a vasectomy Keli. I can’t get you pregnant.” I took a bit of time before I spoke again. “I bet you’ll love the feeling of all my hot cum shooting in your pussy, won’t you?”

I watched her as Keli’s nervousness, transformed into a big gleaming smile. Her eyes looked fiery.

She wants my cum. I’m going to fill your little cunt!

“Ride my cock, Keli!”

Keli quickly straddled my hips, facing away from me, reverse cowgirl style and started lowering her smooth cunt onto my cock. I watched. It looked like she was going to fuck me in slow motion. As her pussy made contact with my huge cockhead, she slowed down even more.

Fuck, she’s taking me inch by inch.

“That’s it Kell, enjoy every inch of my cock!”

She really was loving every veiny inch. She’d probably never fucked a cock without a condom before.

As she reached the base of my shaft and took me all the way in, Keli suddenly grabbed my balls again. She lifted herself up and started fucking me, with real intensity, and used my balls like handles. She’s really enjoying my cock. I was proud in a way.

“Mmm,” I moaned before encouraging her. “Fuck it, Kell, fuck that big cock, my big balls!”

She really was fucking me! I loved her grip on my balls. The way that she took control was intoxicating.

I reached my arm around Keli’s waist and pulled myself up to her. The defined groove in her back muscles felt warm and so sexual against my chest.

Fuck her tits are great! My other arm cupped then targeted her nipples. My hand curved around her pubic mound and rubbed that enlarged clit of hers.

“Your cunt is squeezing my cock, Kell,” I whispered in her ear as I rammed my cock in time with her.

She’s so strong. Her muscular pussy felt like it was crushing me.

Then she climaxed. Her fingers crushed on my balls.

“Zach, it feels nice, so nice!”

I cuddled Keli, “Fuck you nearly made me shoot my load into you already, Kell!”

Fuck this is amazing. I could feel Keli’s little cunt spasming on my cock.

Her orgasm no sooner waned and she was fucking me again. Rocking back and forth, fucking up and down, and wrenching on my balls.

Damn, I’m going to cum. There was no way to stop my orgasm. My climax was nearing that point of no return.

“I’m going to cum in you Keli! Fuck me!” My whisper turned into a restrained shout.

“I want to feel it, Zach. Please cum in me!” Keli shouted in a tortured voice, although, no doubt, she was relishing the feeling.

Then it happened. I started shooting inside Keli.

“Fuccckkkk Kell!”

My cock erupted inside her, and Keli responded by squeezing my testicles even harder. It made my orgasm so unbelievably intense. It was awesome.

Her muscled cunt felt like it was gripping my cockshaft and milked me, emptying me of my sperm. 

I would have loved to watch Keli’s face as I filled her young pussy with hot cum, that day. They say the first time is the best. That memory definitely was. We had quite a few more encounters. Some were even better.

Keli and I kind of parted ways after the project closed. I learned that she may have had a boyfriend. I respected and cared about Keli and I didn’t want to be a complication.

A few years later I ran into Keli. She was married and had a couple of kids. What was cool, is that we were able to be pretty social with each other, just like old friends. Our boundaries were well defined and neither of us crossed any lines.

Still, I’ll never forget the fun we had and especially that first time.

Published 7 years ago

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