Lest the mists of time
Should assail our memories,
Of the best night of my life.
My friend, my Goddess,
My delight, my teacher.
My Nubian Princess,
And from tonight, finally,
On the day that we are joined as one,
My lover.
Three moons I have waited.
Three moons worth of confusion,
Uncertainty and dawning realisation
Of who I really am,
And who I can aspire to be
At your side.
A discovery of myself
That I never thought I would make.
A discovery that I know now
That I had fought
For all these years
Until our eyes met.
You, more versed in
Sapphic love than I,
Recognised a kindred spirit
To be coaxed into the light.
Tonight as we left our
Fellow celebrants behind,
To dance away the remains of the day,
I trembled in anticipation
And not a little trepidation.
Am I truly worthy?
You took my hand and looked in my eyes,
And smiled a smile that melted my very heart.
‘I know you are scared’, you said,
With calm and love,
‘But from now it is just us.
You and I.
Ssh, close your eyes and trust me.’
How could I not obey?
You are my Goddess,
And now, and for ever,
You are my life.
Was that a hint of mischief
Flickering across your smile
I caught as I closed my eyes?
You led me through the first chamber,
‘Not yet,’
And hence into Paradise.
My heels click clicked on tiled floor.
Flickers through my eyelids hinted,
Warm spicy aromas inhaled in delight.
The heavenly sitar we both love,
The terpsichorean muse.
I couldn’t suppress a giggle of nerves.
‘You may open them now.’
Surrounded on all sides by
Myriad candles, glinting in mirror after mirror,
Creating a central area of light,
In which there stood ….
A sharp intake of breath
As I see a childhood dream come true.
I hear you smile behind me.
There in front of me –
A real double sized enamel coated
Roll-top bath.
Filled to the brim with steaming water,
Upon which floated red flowers.
A tear runs down my cheek,
To be brushed away before you see.
I turn to face you,
Hands pressed together in supplication,
And bow my head in deepest thanks.
You giggle and cover your mouth with your hands.
Your eyes sparkle.
I smile and feel the magic
Of hot blood running to my secret place.
I blush. You catch me.
I see a blush of reply
Through the ebony.
‘How did you ….’ I asked.
‘Let that be my secret,’
You replied before coyly inviting,
‘Shall we?’
As my hand moved behind to unzip
The white satin gown
Your movement and voice brought me to a halt.
‘No,’ you said. ‘Please,’
You beseeched. ‘Allow me.’
My heart skipped.
I turned to your attention.
You advanced, and slowly,
Seductively, unzipped.
My breath held,
I felt your hotness on my nape;
It sent a shiver
Of anticipation –
A promise of intimacy.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip.
Stepping out of my wedding dress,
Only Victorias Secrets and Jimmy Choos left,
I felt alive.
Satin and heels,
You removed the rest, slowly,
Exposing me to you for the very first time.
I stood, arms and legs spread slightly,
For you to examine me – because
I want you to know me.
You smile, delight and lust combined.
Every muscle, every freckle,
Every hair, public and private,
Trimmed or shaven, just for you.
Every inch, every tattoo, every….
You traced that scar with your finger.
The one from the day we met.
Your eyes lifted to mine,
Showing such pain
At the memory. I never meant ..
‘was that…..’ you start to ask in a small voice.
‘Yes’ I replied, calmly, as if it was nothing,
‘But don’t worry – it’s healing.’
‘does it still …..’ you ask, voice cracking.
‘Hurt?’ I finish for you.
‘No – only when it rains.’
You caught my lie, but knowing why,
Let it go.
You let it go.
You paused just a beat,
Before requesting,
‘Would you be so kind as to
Help me from my garments?’
Such grace. Such beauty.
Such class.
Such promise in your eyes.
‘Nothing would give me greater pleasure,’
I said solemnly.
You laughed at me heartily and replied lustily,
‘I plan to make that your second lie.’
I blushed all over, and laughed in return.
Slowly and carefully I disrobed you,
Folding and carrying your beautiful,
Multi-hued silken attire,
To place atop my own.
I tried not to rush, but my fingers
Were nervous and clumsy
Compared to yours.
Bless you for pretending
Not to notice.
Having finally placed your
Moist white cotton panties
I turn to see you, arms spread wide,
Legs spread slightly,
Surrendering yourself.
Returning the invite to me to survey.
My first look.
And Heavenly choirs sang
You are everything I hoped for
And so much more.
Your face that I have loved
Since the instant I saw
Your liquid brown eyes
Beckoning my very spirit,
Reflecting my own lust,
Your broad nose and high cheeks
And the most kissable lips
I have ever seen, let alone known.
I will never get bored, my love,
Of kissing those lips,
And I have sat in the dark of night
Longing, aching, for those lips
To kiss me but once.
Sometimes, it appears, our prayers can be answered.
Your long black straightened hair,
That gleams in the dim light,
Your frame tall and lean,
Your skin tones luxuriant and edible
From dark 80 Percent to chilli chocolate.
Already I name the colours in my head
For when I get the chance
To capture you for eternity
On canvas.
Vandyke, burnt umber…..
Your breasts high and pert,
Ready for my touch, blushed,
Aching perhaps for that touch.
I feel my own nipples respond.
Your flat soft womanly stomach,
Downy soft fine hair.
Your long athletic limbs,
Ready to enwrap, perhaps to squeeze.
Your mound, au naturel,
Coarse, curly forest to explore and get happily lost in,
Touches of pink sex barely visible.
You notice my look and smile.
‘Do not worry,’ you said,
‘my tribe are not barbaric.’
I smiled, thankful, as I caught your meaning.
Bikini line lighter tones continue round
To the sweetest little ass I’ve
Ever seen. I smile.
Your smell, like the first rains,
Intoxicating and heaven sent.
You are perfection.
Nothing less – and I
A mere mortal, chosen by my Goddess.
I cannot believe my good fortune,
I have to pinch myself to ensure
That I’m not dreaming.
Though even my dreams
On their very best nights
Could not compete with thee my love.
Your black eyes, seductive but
Not arrogant, awaiting my nod.
Showing me that it is not only I
Who have these wedding night nerves.
You bit your bottom lip under my gaze.
Sexy as all hell.
I held your beautiful face in my hands,
And kissed you, feeling fires
Of differing colours burn in me
As you return the passion.
I couldn’t wait.
I took your hands to take you to bed,
But you laughed and stood your ground.
‘No – first we must cleanse. Bathe.’
‘But…’ you put a finger to my lips.
‘No buts. No rush.
‘We have from now until forever.’
You turned me back.
Playfully chastened.
Hand in hand we stepped,
Into the luxurious oiled bath waters,
Sending rainbows into the candle-lit air,
And waterfalls cascading over tiles
To wash down to the sea.
I sighed in bliss as the hot water
Penetrated every pore,
Cleansing by it’s heat.
‘Come here and I will wash you,’
You said, and I came,
To sit between your thighs.
As I rubbed your feet,
Your legs wrapped around me,
You bathed me from head to hips,
Teasing, but not stopping on my nipples,
‘Later,’ you whispered as I moaned,
Enjoying being in command.
And I had thought it impossible
For them to get harder.
When it was my turn
To repay the favour,
And wash you,
I made sure not to tease,
But to play, caress, squeeze.
My first time with a woman –
Your moan-sigh making me feel
That I couldn’t hold back any longer.
You must have sensed because
That was when you stood up,
And changed ends again.
Sitting opposite,
As you massaged my feet
In the rose petalled waters
The heat radiated from between my legs
To suffuse my being with love,
A feeling of calm and peace
That I had never known.
That I had never known possible.
My feet and ankles kneaded, leading
To my knees and thighs.
One intimate touch sending electric storms
Through my brain.
But you moved away as I jolted upright;
My sharp, shallow breaths deepened again.
As my heart rate returned to near normal,
So near and yet so far,
You say ‘Come, my love
And let us lie in each others arms.’
I catch my breath,
Each new moment becoming my favourite.
You lead the way,
Enrobed in towelled softness.
Our bridal suite, dimmed lights,
A boudoir fit for a Princess,
Gold and lace and fine silks.
Red and orange.
Colours of happiness.
And lust.
Cushions soft and plentiful
Covered our wedding bed.
Fruit and drinks to fuel our pleasure.
‘What would you like?’
You ask as the robes are discarded.
‘It is all here for you.’
‘May I be allowed to explore you,’
I ask.
Your smile turns my insides,
‘I hoped that you would.
‘Where do you want me?’
‘Just one word of advice, my love’ you urged
As you lay supine,
Inviting my gaze and more.
Standing before you
My eyes traced your every curve,
Drinking in every tone and hue,
Dark and darker, highlights kissing
Where soon I would.
Imprinting for ever on my memory
Your beauty, your grace, your lust.
‘Please,’ I asked.
You smiled,
Like you were the fortunate one.
Your eyes sparkled,
Like they knew a secret.
‘Don’t be too gentle.’
I smiled in return and leaned down
As if to kiss you. But instead
Flipped you on your front
When least you expected.
You squealed with excitement,
Like a little girl getting her first puppy.
The loss of control unexpected
But welcomed.
I laughed. And sat astride you as you struggled.
‘What are you …’ you asked,
Kicking in pretend vexation.
I held you easily in place,
My mouth mere inches from your skin,
My nipples traced along your back,
Aching, longing.
I whispered in your ear,
‘I want to taste you.’
In between stolen kisses
Down your spine I whisper
‘I .. want .. to .. taste .. every
Single .. exquisite .. inch .. of .. You. ‘
You purr, surrendering yourself entirely to my desire.
Down to the base, I then rose again,
Trailing my nails to your low animal growl,
To nibble on the delicate skin of your neck.
From shoulder to hand I kissed
Licking and sucking sensitive
Erogenous secrets.
Making love to your mind and body.
I suckled your thumb,
Before you pulled your hand away.
‘If you want to suck my fingers,’
You said, ‘let me give you,
‘something to taste.’
So saying you raised your hips,
And slid inside, with a deep sigh,
To present me with my first taste
Of you.
I inhaled deeply, eyes closed the more to savour,
And licked every morsel of taste for them.
I could not, if I had even tried,
Have held back that moan,
That moan of sheer delight.
The same delight awaited me,
At the end of your other arm,
Before I moved to your feet.
I kissed your soles and heels,
And nibbled on your little piggies,
Eliciting a pleasantly surprised,
Appreciative moan.
Your long smooth legs,
A delicious treat to kiss,
And stroke, right up,
Up to your peachy keen ass.
Along your thighs, spreading at my merest touch,
Tempting me, tempting.
But no. At least not yet.
I kissed and nibbled, and licked
Those luscious pert orbs,
And ran my fingers over them,
Squeezing, teasing.
Until it was time to roll you
Onto your back.
I moved up and kissed you.
‘Don’t take too long,’ you entreat.
I kissed down your neck,
To your beautiful breasts,
The salty taste of fresh sweat
Gleaming as magical dewdrops,
As your breathing grew sharper,
Shallower, more urgent.
I played my tongue around one erect nipple,
Then blew hot breath across wet,
And kissed your curves, moving
To take the other in my mouth
Playing softly with my teeth.
‘Katy,’ you said, breath shortening.
I love it when you call me that,
The only one,
So delicate and feminine and sweet.
I looked up at you quizzically.
Your eyes bored into mine, singular of purpose,
‘Fuck me,’ you snarl.
‘Fuck me with your tongue,
‘Fuck me with your mouth.
‘Fuck me with your fingers.
‘Don’t say a thing- just fuck me,
‘Before I fucking explode.’
Such strong words from the lips of a beautiful Goddess,
I love it even more when you
Talk so dirty to me.
I leave your sweet breasts,
With a gentle tweak,
And a last kiss,
Moving over secret zones,
Licking insides of hip bones
To the expected quiver.
Your warm mahogany tones;
Petals unfurled upon my gossamer caress
To present your intimate pinkness.
Your whispered husky desire –
Your nectar to be tasted.
Your silken softness so seductive,
And who am I to deny my dusky Princess,
When giving such pleasure
Warms my own pale orchid of delight?
Your heady spiced aroma
Set the core of me a-tingle.
Hair tugged gently, skin pulled taut,
Your bud, erect and calling me
To prayer.
Our Father, Who art in heaven…..
Fingers plunging, twisting,
Removed to a moan.
To replace tongue and rub,
‘yeeeessss …..’
As I taste your thighs,
Suck on your other ripened lips,
And finally suckle your honey,
Like a hummingbird at flower.
The exquisite primitive taste of you,
Now inhaled and tasted –
I can die a happy woman.
Although to imbibe once more,
I would gladly sell my soul……..
You arched, thrusting your hips at my face,
Your legs clamped behind my head,
Your thighs squeezing,
Tensing, tensing, tensing.
Arching, arching, arching.
‘Harder, harder,’ you insisted,
And who am I to deny.
‘That’s it, that’s ……. ‘ you cried,
As wave after wave of warm love
Raced through your body and onto my tongue.
A sweeter ambrosia never did the gods taste.
I held you then, as you shook
And twitched and floated your way
Back down to planet earth.
Every breath on your skin,
Or gentle touch
Sending small tremors
Like stones cast in a still pond,
Overlapping echoes.
My nerves were still vibrant
When you turned, devotion in your eyes
Like I have never shared.
You kissed me long and hard.
‘I thought I would be the teacher,’
You confessed, ‘but no-one
‘Has ever touched me like that,
‘With so much love. ‘
You pushed me on my back,
‘Stay,’ you commanded, rising,
My eyes never leaving your glistening body.
‘Champagne?’ you asked,
Knowing my reply before I answer.
You pass me a tall crystal glass.
‘Cheers!’ you toast as I drink thirstily.
‘The finest Krug, I am told.
‘Close your eyes,’
You said, taking a sip from your own.
I felt you crawling up the bed,
First hair tickling, then breasts,
Nipples scraping my thighs,
Heightening desires. Warming me.
And then an ice cold stream
Of soft and gentle bubbles
Spilled across my hot sex,
The shock made me cry out
And open my eyes to see you
Looking up at me with hungry desire
As your lips met mine,
Your tongue lapping,
Spreading the cold bubbles,
Tasting my nectar,
Bringing me rapidly to ….
And then just before I did,
You sucked hard on my clit,
And inserted two wet fingers.
You touched that most secret place,
That men can only guess at,
Dream of, wish for.
Your ministrations, a harbinger
Of an ecstasy so primal.
Every fibre of my being,
Stretched to fill the room
Before rebounding, and imploding
In a core of heat and release
That sent every atom of me
To the far reaches of the galaxy.
And I am one with the universe,
Afloat in the ultimate bliss.
Pulsating with ecstasy.
All too soon my atoms coalesced
And brought me back
To the arms of my Goddess.
If I could have my way
This is where I would always wake.
As I lay there helpless,
You whispered in my ear,
With a lusty giggle,
‘And tomorrow,
‘The toys.’
And now, at last as I sit alone
In the moon and starlights glory,
The sound of joyful dancing
Still fills the air,
I gaze in wonder at your calm;
Imagining you purring softly
Behind that sleeping smile,
I thank you.
For saving me from myself.
For teaching me how to be a woman,
As I smile
With every fibre of my being.
I sigh in utter wonder
At how lucky I am.
You make me feel like a beautiful butterfly,
Finally making my entrance
Into the light of day.
These three words, so small but so huge.
How can so few words hold the whole world?
I love you