Katie’s Rescue

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The morning sun streamed through my bedroom window, like a lover waking me up from my deep sleep. My body tingled from an arousing dream quickly escaping from my mind. My hardened nipples betrayed the dream’s attempt to get away unnoticed. The soft folds between my legs were moist with desire. I love waking up like this.

I pushed the covers down, allowing the sun to bathe my body. My left hand instinctively moved up, under my old t-shirt while the long fingers of my right hand moved purposefully under the waistband of my panties, gently burying themselves into the waiting, moist, soft folds. My erect clit welcomed the tips of my fingers, ready for attention. I moaned as my mind tried to recapture the fading fantasy.

The dream slowly evaporated, replaced by recent memories, flooding my mind. There was the unexpected night with Mark and his cakes.  Then there was the “business” dinner with Dean, doing whatever my boss needed me to do to seal the deal. Dean will be doing business with my boss for the foreseeable future. Then there is Cliff. Thoughts of him instantly brought my body to the edge of climax.

The pace of my breathing increased.  Cold chills covered my body. My fingers plunged deep inside, knowing exactly what to do. My ass gently rocked the bed. The approaching climax quickly grew from the depths of my being. I moaned out loud, as the orgasm rolled over me like a wave. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I twisted my captive nipple with the fingers of my left hand, while my right knew exactly how to sustain the pleasant morning orgasm. Deep breaths took in the fresh morning air.

My pussy was soaked, and so was the bed. The wake-up session only served to make me hornier. I wanted to be fucked. I stepped into the steamy shower, taking myself again with the shower head, my favorite toy. I put on a tight black tank top, blue panties and grey sports shorts that show off my long, fit legs. I put my long blond hair up in a ponytail.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. I had a great day planned. After a cup of coffee and quick breakfast, it was the perfect day to rollerblade to the large lakeside park, not far from my house. Afterward, I was going to meet up with friends for lunch and then hit the clubs that night with my friend Ashley. The way Ashley works a room full of men, I felt confident with my chances of ending the night with a great fuck.

The sun called me outside with my rollerblades. Blading is a great way to stay in shape, be outside, and meet people. The speed and maneuverability of the blades is exhilarating. They make me feel free. I love the breath of the air on my face. I pulled on some long, bright green socks and my white inline skates. It was time to start the day.

There is something fun, even arousing, about blading in the park. It makes me feel sexy, and, from the way others stare, I know I look sexy in a retro kind of way. Sometimes my skating is more casual, gliding through the paved pathways of the public space, taking in the sights of the park and people. Other times I love the feel of adrenaline coursing through my body by picking up speed and rounding turns.

The sun was rising high, but the crowds were still low, as I arrived at the park. I turned down the more remote southwest path that encircles the lake. It made it nice to maneuver, without being congested with walkers, runners, cyclists or other skaters. It offered more freedom to blade backwards, to do spins and other maneuvers. The large lake was to my left, and thick woods hugged the pathway on the right. I felt like I was in my own world, enjoying a great start to the weekend. My confidence was high. I couldn’t help thinking that if the day started this well, I could only wonder how amazingly it was going to end. My mind wandered to the erotic possibilities, welcoming the arousal of anticipation.

Abruptly, with my mind lost in fantasy, my skate caught a small, raised ridge in the pavement, torquing my ankle. My body launched into the air. “No!” I yelled, as the speed of my skating propelled me helplessly into the air toward the woods. Sharp pain shot through my ankle, mid-air. My arms flailed like a windmill, before the rest of my body landed hard on the unforgiving dirt, knocking the wind out of me. I landed on my right side, ten feet from the path. My lower legs hit the ground first, further injuring my ankle. I gasped for air as the pain in my ankle shot up my leg.

“Damn!” I said to myself. My ankle throbbed and swelled quickly, turning all kinds of colors. I laid there, assessing any other injuries. I felt some scrapes on my bare legs and arms. My tank top had a small tear, but I didn’t feel any other serious injuries. I tried to stand up, but my ankle wouldn’t allow any weight bearing. I was stuck.

I laid there, waiting for someone to walk by, to help. I realized it would probably be a long time since this part of the path was so remote. I reached for my phone in my shorts pocket, but realized it wasn’t there. “No! No!” I repeated. I looked around and saw it in the dirt fifteen feet away, deeper into the woods. I crawled over to it and dialed 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?” the voice on the other end of the phone answered. Her voice cut in and out, due to poor cell reception.

“Um, I need help,” I said. My pain was suddenly coupled with embarrassment. “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” were the first words that came to my mind, but stopped from saying it out loud. “I’m in the park by the lake, on the southwest side. I was rollerblading and took a bad fall. I can’t get up.”

“What’s your name?”


“Last Name?”

“Kingston. Katie Kingston. 

“Okay, Katie, what injuries do you have?”

“I’m not sure,” I answered honestly. “My ankle, my leg. I can’t get up. It might be broken.”

“Where are you on the path?”

“I think around mile-marker seven, on the southwest side,” I answered.

“Someone’s on the way,” the 911 dispatcher said. “Would you like me to stay on the line?”

“No, that’s OK,” I answered, trying to limit the embarrassment. How the hell did I get myself in this situation?

I laid there, frustrated and in pain. Not only was I injured, but with it, all the plans I had for the day – and night, vaporized. Who knows how long I’d be out of commission.

A few minutes later, I heard my name being called out by an unfamiliar voice.

“In here,” I said, just as I saw someone walking past the opening in the woods. He stopped and turned in.

“Katie Kingston?” he asked.

“Yes,” I answered, looking up at the handsome, uniformed police officer.

“I’m officer Joey Holmes,” he said. “It looks like a bad fall. Are you okay?”

“No,” I said, a bit frustrated. I wouldn’t have called 911 if I was okay. But, somehow the sight of him was good for a sore body. As horny as I had felt all morning, my mind automatically went to places it probably shouldn’t have.

“Where are you hurt?” he asked, looking up and down my body. I could tell he was looking for more than my injuries.

“My ankle,” I answered, dropping my eyes down to the multi-colored grapefruit-sized ball where my ankle used to be. “I think it might be broken.”

“Looks bad,” he said, as he knelt down.

I looked up at him. His nametag was right in front of me. It said “Holmes.” Something sounded familiar about his name: Joey Holmes. Then it dawned on me. Could this be my friend Ashley’s old boyfriend?

“Wait, are you Ashley’s…?” I started to ask. My friend Ashley used to seriously date a cop named Joey Holmes.

“Yes,” he interrupted, without me finishing the question. “I recognized your name when the call came in and responded. I’ve heard a lot about you from her,” he said. He gave a look like he knew a secret. “I mean, if half of what I’ve heard…” his voice trailed off.

I blushed. I don’t know what Ashley told him, but even with her gift for exaggeration, I’m sure most of it was true. I looked up at him with my wide eyes. I could see why she was so attracted to him.

“You have put yourself in quite a situation here, haven’t you?” His voice was suggestive. He looked back toward the secluded path, then back at me.

I wondered what he meant by it. With as horny as I felt all morning, I half-hoped he was hitting on me. The other half of me felt awkward, knowing he was Ashley’s former fiancé.

“I have,” I answered, offering a flirtatious smile. “I’m such a clutz.”

“I just started my shift, but I know just the guys who can help,” he said.

His comment was curious. What did he mean by that?

Joey brought his hand to his police radio on the front of his shoulder and pressed the button, as his face turned toward it. “Dispatch, this is Officer Joey Holmes, Bravo 1269. Can you send ambo unit four to Lakeside path, mile-marker seven?”

“Roger that, 1269. Unit four is almost 10-42, can send unit two.” 

“Negative,” Joey replied. “Need unit four.”

“Roger that, 1269.”

“Please have them radio for specifics.”

“Will do. On their way.”

Joey offered a devious smile. “Ambulance is on its way. You’re going to like these guys. They’re very good.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, let’s get this ankle elevated to help the swelling,” Joey said. “Just lay back on your back.” He knelt down on one knee by my feet, gently raising my ankle to rest on his raised knee.

I watched his eyes intentionally move from my ankle, up my long, raised leg toward my small shorts. As his eyes moved higher, I realized the gap in the shorts offered a clear view of my pussy, barely covered by my small panties beneath. I blushed again. 

Joey made no attempt to hide his enjoyment of the view. He glanced up my body, then to my face, and back down to my pussy. Did it glisten back at him? My mind went again to places it shouldn’t have.

In just seconds, Joey’s radio squawked, breaking my train of thought.

“Bravo 1269, this is ambo unit four. On our way to your twenty. What do you have?”

“A gift for you gentlemen,” Joey answered into his radio with another knowing smile at me. “I have a female, early-thirties, blond, five-ten, fit, slender, 34C, long legs. Took a spill rollerblading, and in need of thorough attention. Primary eleven-eighty, a broken or sprained ankle.”

“Roger that,” the male voice replied over the radio.

“Ten-forty-three, very good and willing.”

“Ten-sixty-nine, Bravo 1269. ETA five minutes. We owe you one.”

Joey smiled again. “You have no idea. 1269 out.”

“What’s a ten-forty-three?” I asked.

“Helpful information,” Joey answered, as he looked again down my long legs.

In what seemed to be only seconds, two EMTs walked past the opening of the woods to the path.

“In here, gentlemen,” Joey said.

Two handsome, uniformed EMTs walked in, with a small gurney. The older of the two had a shaved head. His name tag said Bridges. The other looked to be mid-forties, with sandy blonde hair. His name tag read Davis. Both were just over six-feet tall and fit.

“Hey Barry and Dan,” Joey said, welcoming them. “Here’s your patient, Katie Kingston.”

The two looked me over as they stood next to Joey. I reciprocated, looking them over. It felt strange to be hidden in the remote woods at the center of attention, surrounded by the three handsome men in uniform.

“Miss Kingston, I’m Barry and this is Dan. We’ll be taking very good care of you today,” the older one said with a smile.

“One of Ashley’s friends,” Joey added, as if that meant something.

“Where are you hurt?” Dan asked.

“My ankle,” I answered. “It’s screaming at me.”

“Let’s get a vacuum splint on that, and give you something for the pain,” Barry said. “Of course, we’ll also need to do a thorough exam.” 

“Okay, whatever you say,” I answered.

“Do we have your willing consent for us to examine and treat you any way we deem necessary?”

Surrounded by these three handsome men, and with the horniness I felt since waking up, my mind went immediately to a sultry place. Was he asking if they could have their way with me? My heart raced with desire, laced with nervousness. 

“Anything?” I asked, almost not realizing I verbalized my question out loud.

All three men smiled. “Anything,” Barry replied, as the supervisor. “Your full, willing consent and cooperation.”

“Yes,” I answered daringly, again, half-of-me wanting the pain to be treated; the other half, hoping they might treat other parts of my body needing attention. My conscience wanted to chastise me for even going there in my mind, but my horniness won out.

Barry removed my skates and long green socks from both feet. Dan pulled a small, rubbery, plastic item out of their bag and wrapped it around my ankle. In seconds, it inflated, immobilizing my ankle. He strapped it on.

“Let me give you some medication for the pain.”

“That’d be great,” I answered.

Dan pulled a small vial out of his bag and filled a sterile needle. He squirted some out, readying it for the injection. “I can give it in your arm, but recommend your ass,” he said. “It will get to where you need it more quickly. If you get on all fours, I can administer it.”

I turned over obediently, offering the three of them a clear view of my ass.

One of them pulled my small shorts down my legs, leaving my panties. I remained in position, unquestioning. The thin fabric covering both cheeks of my ass was moved in toward each other, turning my panties into a thong, completely baring my ass to them. The already-moist lips of my pussy were partially exposed.

“Damn,” Barry said.

Dan’s large hand caressed one cheek, then the other, followed by a spank.

I squealed, surprised. “Hey!”

“Just need to make sure there is good blood flow,” he lied, before spanking the other cheek. He spanked me again on both sides. “I think we’re just about there,” he said, before repeating the spanks.

I whimpered again, secretly enjoying the spanking.

“I think she likes it,” Barry said.

Just then, I felt the shot go in.

“That will help with the pain,” Dan reassured. “You can turn back over.”

I stayed there for a couple seconds, feeling some light immediate effects of the medication.

“I think she wants to be spanked some more,” Joey said.

I didn’t deny it, hesitating another second or two before turning over. I pulled my shorts back up.

“We’ll take you up to the ambo for the exam, and then take things from there, as we see fit,” Barry informed.

I smiled, grateful for the initial pain relief already taking effect. “Okay,” I complied. “You boys know best.”

“I think you guys can take it from here,” Joey said.

Barry and Dan smiled back at Joey. “We’ve got this. Thanks, Joey.”

“You’re welcome. She’s a livewire. Have fun.”

The comments between them were growing less subtle.

Barry and Dan knelt down on either side of me, instructing me to put my arms around their muscular necks. As they stood, they lifted me up and onto the stretcher.  “Go ahead and lay back,” Barry said. 

I laid back, with each of them on either side of me.

“We’ll need to strap you in, for your own safety,” Dan offered as the first wide straps were brought across my chest from both sides.

I smiled, offering my consent. Their strong hands cinched me on top of the stretcher at my chest, waist and legs, just above my ankles. They transported me down the path and to the waiting ambulance, parked off to the furthest side of the parking lot. They opened the back doors and loaded me in, then closed the double doors. Barry sat in a captain’s chair at my head, and Dan on the bench next to me. I felt my heart race.

“How’s your ankle feel?” Barry asked, sincerely.

“Much better,” I answered. “Feeling good,” I said with a smile. My arm flipped over, putting my hand on Dan’s leg. I felt a slight high from the medication, but nothing beyond my own awareness and consciousness. “Thank you so much.”

“Dispatch, this is ambo four,” Barry said, speaking into his radio.

“Go ahead, ambo four.”

“Patient is responsive and alert. Sprained ankle, splinted and will be released on her own recognizance. We are ten-forty-two.”

“Ten-forty-two,” the voice over the radio repeated. “Roger, that.”

“Ten-forty-two?” I asked.

“Off-shift,” Dan answered, glancing up at Barry, before they both looked hungrily at me. “Now for that exam.”

Barry moved to the bench across from Dan. He pulled his stethoscope out, put the buds in his years and placed the round receiver on the center of my chest. The location of the stethoscope meant his large hand cupped my right breast, unapologetically. His placement was to listen to my heart, but his eyes also looked at mine, as a test of my willingness. He offered a smile.

I smiled back. Honestly, with the morning I had, the feel of his strong hand on my body was intoxicating. I didn’t want to look too easy, but at the same time, wasn’t going to refuse the attention. It was the moment inside the ambulance that we all knew would determine what might happen next.

“Not getting a good read from here,” Barry said, breaking the silent, erotic tension growing in the back of the ambulance. He moved the stethoscope under my shirt, this time cupping my bared tit in his coarse hand. He could hear my heartbeat increase in speed, pounding louder in his ear. Leaving the stethoscope in place, his large fingers began to fondle my tit, capturing my sensitive, erect nipple between his thumb, index and middle fingers.

My nipples grew hard from his touch, betraying my arousal. I reflexively moaned. My eyes closed. My mouth gaped. I took a deep breath.

“I’ll check her lower extremities,” Dan said, seeing my approval of their examination. His left hand began at the top of my left ankle and moved slowly up the inside of my long, bare, leg, gently caressing my soft skin. His motion moved back and forth, as his fingers slowly travelled higher from my calf to my thigh. His unhurried touch made my body tingle with growing desire. He gently caressed the inside of my thigh, tormenting my pussy with anticipation.

My breathing increased. I squirmed from his touch, suddenly reminded I was bound to the gurney by the cinched straps. I let out another moan. I relished in the touch of the two men simultaneously examining my bound body. I wondered, was it them taking advantage of me, or was I taking advantage of them? Either way, I was desperate for more.

Dan’s fingers moved up for the first graze of my pussy, over my shorts.

I moaned again. “Oh, yes,” I said, offering needless permission.

His touch remained light over my shorts, teasingly moving back and forth, as if wanting me to beg for more.

I tried to raise my ass, in an attempt to press my mound more firmly against his hand.

“She seems responsive,” Dan assessed out loud to Barry.

Dan moved the fabric of the shorts and panties to the side to expose my desperate pussy. It gleamed with desire. He spread my lips wide, baring my erect clit. He leaned over and continued the examination with his tongue. Barry followed suit, capturing one of my tits in his mouth. His tongue encircled and flicked my nipple.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped. I was helpless to the approaching climax, surprised how quickly it was taking over my body. “Fuck, yes!” I cried.

Dan’s tongue teasingly stopped, hovering just over my throbbing button.

“No, no! Don’t stop. Please don’t stop. You’re going to take me!”

Dan’s obliged. He licked back and forth with increasing firmness, and then down my wet folds. Within seconds he brought me to the brink of certain orgasm. My body tingled, covered with cold chills. Then, at the perfect moment, he sucked my clit between his strong lips, capturing it for a firm, unrelenting, tongue lashing.

The first tidal wave of pleasure crashed over me powerfully. Dan and Barry’s persistence was unrelenting, one on my tits, the other on my pussy. My head turned back and forth, defenseless to their oral skills. Their teamwork stretched the climax out, as wave after wave of pleasure poured over my body. My body quaked endlessly in sheer pleasure beneath them.  The long storm finally passed, leaving my body wasted and helpless on the gurney. A smile of deep satisfaction and disbelief came over my face.

Dan moved to the captain’s chair just in front of the gurney. He and Barry unbuckled the straps and instructed me to slide higher on the gurney, remaining on my back. They weren’t done. I obeyed, sliding up until my head dropped over the top edge. Dan’s pants were already lowered to his ankles. His semi-hard cock hung right in front of my face. I naturally licked my lips and opened my mouth, to receive the prize.

Barry opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of long shears. He opened them, carefully sliding one edge up along the inside of my shorts and panties, on the outer seam. With one snip, the seams were gone. He repeated the move with the tiny seams between my legs. With my head back and mouth full of Dan’s cock, I had no idea what he had just done. He continued by snipping the small straps at the top of my shoulders before running the shears up the side of my tank top. Barry put the shears back in the drawer. He grabbed the side edge of the shorts and pulled them over my body, before pealing the tank top off, fully exposing my body for his examination.

Dan’s cock hardened in my mouth as I felt the morning air bathe my naked body.

Barry took his cargo pants off and knelt on the gurney. His strong hands slid beneath my knees and raised them up, being careful with my right ankle. He rested my calves on his muscular shoulders. “Gotta keep that ankle elevated,” he said jokingly. My eager pussy and ass were completely exposed to him. He caressed my folds with his cock. “Damn, she’s already drenched,” he said. “That’s a good sign.”

“That’s how I left her for you,” Dan boasted, taking both my tits in his large hand, squeezing them as he pushed his cock deeper into my hungry mouth.

I gagged as his cock, pushed against the back of my throat.

“Take it, whore,” he commanded.

He had no way of knowing that talking that way only arouses me more. Viscous saliva poured from my mouth, lubricating his thick, long cock, but also bathing my face. I adjusted my mouth around him, tightened my lips, and consumed him.

Barry pushed the bulbous head of his cock into my pussy. I moaned with pleasure at the feel of him. His fingers glided back and forth over my clit, as his cock plunged deep inside me.

I moaned from the feel of Barry’s cock buried in me, my voice muffled from my mouth stuffed with Dan’s cock. Both moved slowly, alternating their rhythm, one moving in while the other drawing back. In a coordinated way, they were team-fucking me. It was surreal. My body relished the synchronized fuck. The entire ambulance rocked from the movement within.

Another climax quickly grew. “Oh fuck! You’re going to take me again,” I tried to say, completely unintelligible.

Neither man stopped. Instead, they both picked up their pace, staying in rhythm. My body suddenly quaked in dizzying pleasure. Barry pulled back, and my pussy squirted, spraying him and the gurney. I screamed, again muffled from anyone being able to hear by Dan’s cock fucking my mouth. Barry pushed his cock in again, fucking me to sustain the climax, causing me to squirt two more times. I was in a delirious bliss, being used.

“Get up on your knees bitch,” Barry ordered.

I smiled without saying anything in response. Dan took my hands and pulled me up to a sitting position. “Take hold of that bar,” he said, pointing to a small grab bar in the ceiling of the ambulance above the gurney.

I leaned forward and moved my knees under me, careful to have my ankle off the side of the gurney. My cut clothing lay on the gurney below me. I reached up and took hold of the bar, displaying my body in front of them in a vertical position. My nipples were hard, reaching out toward Dan in front of me. My ass was bare in front of Barry.

“Interlock your fingers over the bar,” Barry ordered.

I obeyed.

Dan wrapped a single, leather restraint, around both wrists. It was normally used to secure agitated patients to the gurney, so there was no way for me to get out of it. I was willing and cooperative. He knotted the restraint to the bar, securing my hands above my head.

Dan leaned forward and sucked my nipple into his mouth. Barry spanked my ass.

I whimpered.

As Dan continued to enjoy my tits, Barry’s hands wrap around my body from behind. He spread the drenched lips of my pussy with his left hand, fully exposing my clit. His right hand held a small suction head with tubing that attached to the ambulance wall next to some switches, dials and small lights. There were different medical reasons ambulances need suction devices. I never imagined this being one of them. Barry placed the suction head over my clit and held it there with his left hand. I was prevented from seeing what he was doing, with my hands bound above me. The rubbery cup felt like soft lips surrounding my still-wet pussy. Dan’s right hand moved to the wall of the ambulance, next to where the tubing was attached and flipped a switch.

“Oh fuck!” I squealed. The suction of the head immediately drew my clit in, massaging it with its pulses. I’d never felt anything like it. My ass gyrated from the sensation consuming my womanhood. My entire body tingled from the sensation. It was intense and amazing!

Barry’s strong left hand held it in place, despite the force of my body’s response. His right hand spanked my ass, adding to the intensity of the pleasure. Dan sucked my thimble-like nipples harder, as if knowing exactly what to do.

It didn’t take long for another climax to approach, literally being sucked from me. “Oh yes!” I screamed. “Yes!” I felt like I was in another world. My head spun. It was a euphoric high. My body was like putty in their hands. The climax approached with dizzying force.

Just as the climax was about to consume me, Barry reached over to the wall and flipped the switch up from “low” to “high.”

The suction immediately intensified, taking me over the edge. My body convulsed. My head dropped back. It was more intense than anything I had ever experienced. My ass bucked uncontrollably against Barry’s body behind me. Cum gushed from me, filling the suction cup.

Barry pressed it against my slippery pussy harder, not allowing it to lose its position, or the nirvanic pleasure it was dispensing.

“Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I screamed. The device consumed by body causing me to cum again, and then a third time, until I hung limp from the ceiling grab bar. My entire body buzzed with pleasure. My energy was drained. I was exhausted in ecstasy.

Barry and Dan high-fived at their conquest. “Not a bad start to the exam,” Barry said. “But clearly there is more to do.”

“There is a first-aid station around the corner,” Dan said. “I think we can do a more thorough job there. How does that sound, Katie?”

“Wonderful,” I answered, with a smile. They released my hands from the restraint. Endorphins flooded my system. I laid blissful on the gurney.

Dan moved up to the front of the ambulance and drove it the three minutes, to a first-aid station. The park was still quiet, with most of the activity being on the other side of the lake. The first-aid station was a small one-room building located off the path, barely noticeable unless someone was looking for it. They backed the ambulance up to the front door. When Dan opened the back doors to the ambulance, Barry and Dan had their pants up again. They helped me out, not giving any thought that I was completely naked. I put my arms around their shoulders, one on each side, letting them carry me into the shack. I still felt high from being taken again and again. Somehow, I knew it was only the beginning.

I instinctively began to undress both men, as their four hands moved freely up and down my body. A long couch sat against the wall, below a window overlooking the lake. “I think it’s time to take your temperature,” Barry said.

“Past time,” Dan said, laying my body over the thick arm rest at one end of the couch.

I felt like a ragdoll, helpless but willing for anything they wanted.

Barry stood on the couch in front of my face.  Dan stood behind me, pressing his body against my ass. Instinctively, I took Barry’s cock in my hand and brought it to my mouth. I licked its length a few times, before sucking his bulbous head between my hungry lips. He moaned with approval. He thrust his cock deeper into me. Like before, he began slowly, but then picked up the pace, unapologetically fucking my face. As Barry took my oral temperature, I felt Dan’s intention to do the same from behind.

Dan spread my ass cheeks, exposing both holes. My pussy throbbed from the attention it already received. He picked up a bottle of cool medical gel and squirted it around my ass.

I gasped in anticipation of what he might do next.

He pushed the pointed end of the bottle into my ass and squeezed the bottle. The cool gel filled my hole. Dan used his large fingers to rub the gel first on the outside, before inserting his index finger into me.

I gagged on Barry’s cock from its size, but also from the feel of being penetrated by Dan’s finger. Dan moved his finger in and out, slowly stretching me, before adding his middle finger to the back and forth motion.

I gasped again. 

Dan added a little more lube before replacing his two fingers with his cock, stretching my ass even further.

I gasped and arched my back.

“Hmm, I think she has a fever. She feels hot to me,” Dan teased.

The two both moved again in sync, simultaneously fucking my mouth and ass. Barry spanked my defenseless tits below, while Dan spanked my ass. I was their plaything and loved it.

The two men moved slowly as they fucked me, taking their time. They didn’t seem concerned that someone might find us. Barry took hold of my long, blond ponytail, and thrust his cock harder into my mouth. Dan followed suit, holding my perfect ass cheeks in each hand, as he buried himself deeper into me.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum,” Dan announced.

I clinched my ass muscles around him like a vice, eager to drain every drop from my rescuer.

“Oh fuck! Such a whore!”

I could feel Barry’s cock thicken in my mouth. I pushed my tongue out for it to stroke where his head met the shaft, as he fucked my mouth faster. His grip on my ponytail tightened.

Suddenly, both men let out a cry at the same time. Dan’s body slammed into my ass again and again, filling the tiny hole with thick cum. I gagged as streams of treacly, warm milk shot down my throat. Both men kept going, as if competing for who could last longer, filling me with more cum. My body was flooded with the nectar from both ends. There was so much, I was somehow certain it was all now intermingling deep within me.

Barry and Dan both pulled out, spraying my face and ass with the last vestiges of their cum. They were both breathing hard, recovering from the shared fuck.

“I want some of that,” Barry said.

Dan laughed. “Yeah, she looks dehydrated. I think we need to onboard her with some fluids.”

They carried me over to a padded patient exam table in the center of the room. Dan laid back on the table and pulled me up, so I was straddling him.

I stroked his cock beneath me with my hands. It quickly hardened, his head pressing against the soft wet folds of my pussy. I lowered myself onto him, consuming the entire length of his cock.

Dan moaned. “Fuck, yes.”

I slowly rocked my pelvis, fucking the handsome EMT. 

Barry stepped up on the small step at the end of the table and moved in behind me. My ass, still wet with Dan’s cum, was completely exposed to him. Barry pressed his bulbous head against it, confirming what I anticipated and hoped for.

It had been a few years since I first experienced the pleasure of double-penetration. That time was unexpectedly from two friends on a trip to Vegas. This time was now with two unknown rescuers. The feel of Barry’s head against my hole took me back to that moment in Vegas. Yet, as he pushed into me, the memory faded to the amazing, multi-sensory reality of the present. “Fuck!” I screamed as both men filled me completely.

I slowly rocked my body back and forth, taking full advantage of the moment. I loved the feel of being taken so completely. My body was exhausted, yet fulfilled in every sense of the word. I felt insatiable.

“I’m going to cum!” I confessed. “You’re going to make me cum again!”

Both Barry and Dan began fucking me harder, pounding both my pussy and ass. I was sandwiched between them, their muscular bodies pressed against mine.

“Yes!” I screamed, as my pelvis quaked, trapped between them.

“Fuck, yes!” Dan added, feeling my cum flood over his cock. His body convulsed beneath me, cumming at the same time. His hot juices mixed with mine.

Barry spanked my ass hard, suddenly joining the climax, filling my ass with his lubricant. The three of us continued in rhythmic motion until completely drained. Our bodies collapsed in a pile on top of one another, in the small building, overlooking the lake.

Barry stepped back. Thick cum streamed from my ass, painting the inside of my long legs.

“Fuck, Joey wasn’t kidding.”

I smiled, taking it as a compliment. “Least I could do for first-responders coming to my rescue.”

They dropped me off at my house, pulling up out front. “Keep ice on it and keep it elevated,” Barry said, pointing to my ankle. “It should also be checked again in a day or two when the swelling goes down.”

“Okay,” I answered.

Dan opened the back doors of the ambulance to let me out. “And of course, as a public service, we can stop and check on it when we get off shift tomorrow,” Dan said.

“You’re the professionals,” I answered, wondering how I got myself in this situation. I realized it wasn’t going the be the fun weekend I planned. It might just be better.

Published 3 years ago

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