Kathy’s Secret

"Kathy’s stash of masturbation toys are discovered by her husband."

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Dan was becoming frustrated because he had been searching the house for the last thirty minutes looking for batteries. They always kept spare batteries. After all, they had two children who seemed to constantly need to replace used batteries. Dan bought them in ‘bonus sized’ boxes at the discount store.

“Damn it, Kathy,” he said to the air. “Where have you hidden them?”

After working his way back to the master bedroom, Dan looked in the linen closet to find nothing. He spied Kathy’s bedside table and thought, “Maybe she’s keeping them there to keep the kids away from them. Opening the top drawer, he found nothing but what you would expect. There were a couple of books, a box of tissues, and the things she used on her nails.

Dan closed the top drawer and opened the lower one. He lifted off a towel covering the contents before he sat down on the bed with a gasp. Looking into the drawer, Dan counted over twenty different devices that could only be considered sex toys.

“What the hell?” he said aloud. Dan and Kathy had been married a little over ten years. They met in college and dated for three years before getting married. Their relationship had been sexual almost from the beginning. Their intimate connection had always been excellent. At least, that’s what Dan thought. But now, looking at this extensive collection of toys, he had to wonder.

His wife had never once suggested that she was dissatisfied with their sex lives. Because of the children, they didn’t have sex as often as they had before, but he believed it was highly satisfactory. As he stared into the drawer, he recalled that Kathy almost always had an orgasm when they made love. In fact, she almost always had two before he had one. That was the way he liked it. Dan had always put her first.

But what was he to make of this ‘armory’ of toys? Looking through the collection of carefully laid out tools, Dan wasn’t sure what some of them were designed to do. “What the hell?” he said aloud again.

In all their years together, they had never had any sex toys. Dan had suggested once he might get her a vibrator as a gift. Kathy had lovingly wrapped her fingers around his cock, smiled and said, “This is the only toy I need, sweetie.”

“How did we go from no toys to two dozen?” he asked himself.


Two hours passed before Dan heard the garage door open and the children came blasting into the kitchen. Kathy followed the kids, quickly handing Dan two bags of groceries. “Put those on the cabinet and I’ll get the rest,” she said, immediately turning back to the garage.

Coming back into the house with a bag in each arm, Kathy shut the door with her foot before turning to give her husband a big smile. “Hi sugar,” she said with a bright smile. “What did you do to amuse yourself while you were alone in the house?” Kathy put down the bags before she turned to give her husband a kiss on the cheek. “The children were almost tolerable today,” she said while unpacking the bags. “I didn’t want to take them into the grocery store, but they promised to behave.”

“I didn’t really want to cook tonight,” she jabbered on, not paying any attention to Dan. “So I got this meatloaf in the frozen section. We’ve had it before and I remember that you liked it. Right?”

“Yes, I did,” he muttered.

“What’s the matter with you?” she joked. “Didn’t you enjoy a few hours of quiet?”

“I was looking for batteries,” he told his wife. “The flashlight in the closet was too weak to use, so I was trying to find replacements.”

“Didn’t I tell you that I moved our box of batteries into the garage?” Kathy chirped happily. “I put them where the kids can’t see them. If they want new ones, they have to ask me and prove the old ones are dead. Look in the clear container on the rack by the dryer. The next to the top shelf.”

When Dan didn’t move, Kathy turned to him. “Do you want me to get them?”

“Kathy,” he said softly. “I was looking for them and I looked in your bedside table… the bottom drawer.”

“Oh,” she said quietly as her face began to turn red.

“I don’t understand,” he told her in a muted voice.

“We’ll talk about it after dinner when the children are in bed,” Kathy said as she turned her back to her husband.

Dan put his hands on his wife’s shoulders and spun her around. “Are you having an affair?” he whispered forcefully.

Kathy grinned. “Oh, my goodness, no, Dan. I have you and that’s all I can possibly handle.” She patted his cheek. “Why don’t you get yourself a drink and go out to the patio. Light up a cigar. I promise we’ll discuss it when the children are in bed.”

At the moment, the idea of a double bourbon and a cigar sounded good. “You can bet we’ll discuss it.”

“Yes, honey. I promise,” Kathy replied. “Now go! I need to get dinner on the table before the children start eating the furniture.”

Dan filled a tumbler with ice, poured a large glass of bourbon and picked up his cigar paraphernalia before going out to the patio.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Kathy leaned against the countertop and exhaled. “Oh, fuck!” she gasped. “I guess I always knew this could happen,” she said to the kitchen. “It’s time to pay the piper.”


It was almost 8:30 when the children were tucked into bed and Kathy went into the master bedroom. Thirty seconds later, Dan came in, closing the door behind him.

Kathy turned to face her husband, giving him a smile. She had been considering what to say since sending him to the patio. Her story was ready and it would be the truth. Kathy didn’t think she could lie to her husband and get away with it.


“I think we need to go back to the kitchen,” she said. “If I’m going to spill my guts to you, I’ll need a drink or two to get through it.”

“Before we leave this room,” he demanded, “Tell me there’s no other man.”

“No, baby. You are my one and only. I swear that to you.” Kathy took her husband by the hand and led him to the kitchen. “Do you want another drink?”

“I think so,” Dan said as he took the bourbon bottle down from his liquor cabinet.

Kathy poured herself a glass of white wine before she turned to face her husband. “Now I’m going to give you the entire story. You are not to interrupt. You may only listen. Got it?”

“I’m all ears.”

Kathy took a healthy swallow of wine before she began. “You’ll remember it was about four years ago that I started working from home. It was right after Zoey was born and I didn’t want to leave her in daycare.”

“I remember.”

“I had just settled into the routine of working from home when I received an email from Janie Spiller. I’m sure you remember her. She’s the blonde with the big tits that always tries to get your attention.”

Dan didn’t answer. He raised his eyebrows to show he knew the woman.

“The email from Janie had an internet link and a note asking if we did this. So, I had to open the link to find out what she wanted to know. It turned out to be a link to a porn site. There was a film that lasted about eight minutes. A naked couple was going after it pretty hot and heavy in a kitchen. At the time, I hadn’t really ever seen porn. I admit to being fascinated by the film. They were pretty people who were enjoying themselves.”

Kathy took another drink. “After I watched the film, I responded to Janie, asking what she wanted to know about what we did. She wrote back, saying she wanted to know if we had sex in the kitchen. My response was that we had sex in every room. I lied and said that I had a large sex drive and didn’t give you much rest.”

“That wasn’t much of a lie,” Dan said with a smirk. “I’ve never known you not to be ready.”

“I just didn’t want her to think that she could get you into her bed,” Kathy said with a grin. “Anyway, the next day, I went back to her email and watched the film again. I found the home of the website and looked around a bit. The next day I went back again and watched a different film. Then every day for the next two weeks I’d take a little break from work and go back to that site. I guess I was getting a daily porn fix and I was enjoying it.”

“But you didn’t tell me.”

“No, of course, I didn’t. I would have been too embarrassed to admit to my husband that I was watching porn.”

“I might have wanted to watch it with you,” Dan said with a grin.

“You might have, but I wasn’t going to tell you.” Kathy finished her glass of wine before pouring a refill. “I guess that you remember one night me asking if you’d mind if I shaved off my pubic hair.”

“Sure I do,” he said with a cocked eyebrow. “You said we were getting close to pool season and you wanted to try shaving it all rather than just trimming it. I was excited as hell. I’d always wanted you to shave it.”

“But you didn’t tell me that,” Kathy said with a frown.

“I didn’t want you to think I was a pervert.”

Kathy pointed a finger out at him. “You just remember that remark.” She took another drink. “It got to the point that I was spending about thirty minutes every day watching porn and most of the women stars were hair-free. I saw the way the men actors got down between their legs and licked them like they were covered with honey. I watched them and I wanted that too. As soon as I shaved, you became interested in oral sex again.”

“Yes, I did.”

“One day I watched a film with a woman masturbating in a car beside a man. He was driving, and she was fingering herself. For some reason, I got excited. I got so excited that I took off my pants and masturbated with her. The next day I did it again and the day after that. Then I started paying attention to films where women were taking care of themselves with a variety of toys. I found the site for one of the female stars and read about her collection of sex toys. She told how she had different toys for various desires. I found another site that sold toys and shipped them in plain wrappers. Since then, I’ve ordered a lot.”

“I saw you had a lot in your drawer,” Dan confessed.

“I have more than you saw,” Kathy admitted. “I probably have just as many in my office.”

“So… you masturbate every day when you are working?”

“At least once, but usually twice. Sometimes, even more.”

“Is it my fault because I’m not taking care of you?”

“No, baby. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. It’s just all me. I love orgasms. I mean, I really love them. You give me great orgasms every time we have sex, but I need more of them. I’m addicted to the ones that make me sweat and shake. Some days when I go into my office, I’m only wearing a tee-shirt. Most of the time, I’ll have the shirt off in minutes. The people I work with on the phone don’t know that I’m naked. To be completely honest, one-day last week I made myself cum six times. I didn’t neglect any of my work, but I just couldn’t stop.”

Dan was quiet for a minute. “I saw a couple of butt plugs in your drawer.”

Kathy sighed. “About a year ago, anal sex became very popular on the various porn sites.

There was enough of it that I became curious. We were at a party and I ended up talking with Janie again. When it was just the two of us, I asked if she and her husband had anal sex. She gave me a glowing report about how much she liked it. She told me that she had great anal orgasms and suggested they were stronger than her vaginal ones. Then I did some research and found that the people that practice anal sex regularly enjoy it, but I was surprised to find that the women were the ones that seem to enjoy it the most.”

“Have you had anal sex?” Dan asked, without admitting that he had always wanted to do it with his wife.

“Only with a toy.”

“Why wouldn’t you tell me?” he asked.

Pointing her finger at him, she snapped, “Because I didn’t want you to think I’m a pervert!”

Dan grinned at his wife. “To be totally honest, I have to think that putting my cock in your beautiful ass would be a trip to heaven.”

“I’ve had experience with it now and can tell you that I like it. Sometimes during the workday, I’ll put a plug in and keep it in all day. You can’t move without feeling it.”

“What else have you learned?” he asked.

“I’ve learned that things I used to think were awful are actually acceptable. In fact, I have a few things on my list that I’ve wanted to try. Now that you know my secret, I think I can share them with you.”

“Like what?” Dan asked, knowing that he was going to like her answer.

“First,” Kathy said with hesitation, “I’d like for you to cum on my face.” She saw the shocked expression on her husband and quickly added. “Not just my face, but all over my body. I’ve seen it a lot and it always excites me.”

“What else?”

Kathy took a deep breath. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

“Seems to me that you rejected that idea the first time you went down on me. When was that? Fourteen years ago?”

“I know, baby. But the last couple of years have seen me change my mind on a great many things. I have some online friends that laugh at me for not being more aggressive with you.”

The two of them stood facing each other in the kitchen. Dan could feel his cock was now so hard it hurt. He wanted to tear off his wife’s clothes and take her right here but knew he should not lose the opportunity for something special.

“So this is the secret you’ve been hiding from me?” he asked.

Nodding her head slowly, Kathy answered, “Yes, honey. You busted me and I had to come clean. I’m a masturbating freak. It doesn’t mean I love you less or want you less. It just means that I have an unquenchable need for more orgasms.”

“Now that I know, can I help by fulfilling your desires… your fantasies?”

“I hope so,” she replied with a pleading look on her face.


Dan walked to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “As of this moment, you have become an exhibitionist. You are going to masturbate for me. I’m going to expect it regularly. And after you’ve satisfied your need for an orgasm, I plan to fuck you until you cum some more.”

Kathy didn’t say it, but she was delighted with her husband’s choice of words. He was almost what you would call ‘straight-laced.’ He always spoke of her breasts. But when he was highly turned on, he would say something about her tits. He seldom said fuck, but when he did it was used as a cuss word and not a verb. She was getting very excited.

“I want you to go to our bedroom,” Dan said as he pulled her close. “Take off your clothes and pick out your favorite toy. I’ll give you a few minutes before I come in to watch you.” He dropped his hands to her ass and squeezed.

“There’s one more thing I want,” Kathy said as she looked up at her husband’s face. “I want to be spanked.”

“Do you?”

“I’ve been a very naughty girl,” she said with a grin. “I think you should turn me over your knee and spank me until my butt is bright red.”

Dan gave her butt a hard swat. “It will be my great pleasure. Now go!”

As he watched her walk away, Dan swabbed the sweat off his brow. “This could be a life-changing experience,” he said aloud while he poured more bourbon in his glass.


Walking down the hallway toward their bedroom, Dan was unsure of what he would find but convinced himself that whatever his wife did, he would be accepting and encouraging. He had made no secret of his enjoyment of their sex together. Kathy still had a lovely body. Seeing her naked always made him hard in seconds. He loved the noises she made when they were having sex and the way her vagina squeezed his cock like a fist when she had an orgasm. The idea something had happened that would improve his sex life had him almost giddy. “Be calm,” he said to himself. “Try not to act like a fool.”

Slowly opening the bedroom door, Dan stepped inside, locking the door behind him. The only light in the room was coming from the bathroom, but he could see Kathy on her knees, leaning against the bed’s headboard. Dan noticed that she had moved the bedroom chair to a position near the end of the bed. He was to be a spectator.

“Just sit and watch,” she instructed him in a soft, sexy voice.

Sitting in the chair, Dan saw that Kathy was utterly naked. It wasn’t often that he had the opportunity to study her body, but at the moment, he could see that he was right. She was a little heavier than when they married but in all the right places. Her breasts were larger now, but still firm and sensitive. After having two children, her ass was still a piece of art. It was softly rounded in a way that only mature women are shaped. His wife was a MILF… no question about it. His cock was getting stiff again.

Kathy reached behind her, pulling out a relatively large object. “This is probably my favorite toy,” she explained in the same soft, sexy voice. “It’s called a Rabbit. About the same size as your cock, but it vibrates and twists. It has a little arm on it that vibrates against my clit.”

As Dan sat quietly and watched, Kathy put the end of the toy in her mouth. Staring at her husband, she twisted the toy around inside her mouth before taking it out and licking the sides. Without taking her eyes off her husband, Kathy dropped her hand until the toy was near the junction of her legs. She spread her legs apart and turned the toy on.

Dan could hear the gentle hum of the vibrator. He could see what looked like pearls inside the tube spinning around. Dan watched as she touched the toy gently to her vaginal lips.

“Mmmm,” Kathy groaned as she slid the moistened tube between her legs. “The vibration feels so good against my clit.”

For several minutes Kathy slid the tube slowly back and forth, continuing to make low moaning sounds as she moved her hips. “This is sexy as hell,” Dan thought but didn’t say. His cock was hurting again.

Kathy looked down between her legs and redirected the toy. With one hand, she opened her pussy lips and with the other pushed the toy inside her now juicy hole. The tube glided in about three inches before she stopped and pulled it back out and repeated the effort. This time the toy penetrated her sex about four inches. “Yes,” she said in a breathy voice. The next push went in at least six inches. Kathy groaned and began fucking herself with the toy.

Dan sat quietly, watching his beautiful wife enjoy the plastic cock plowing through her wet pussy. He knew how wet she could get and knew the toy was sliding through a path of no resistance. He seemed to be unaware that his hands were pulling open his trousers and pushing them down to his ankles. As his wife groaned and fucked herself with faster strokes, Dan pulled down his boxers and grabbed his stiff cock.

Kathy looked up to see her husband stroking his manhood and smiled. She had been worried that he might be repulsed by what she was doing. Relief flooded over her understanding that he was enjoying it enough to join in. Kathy watched him pulling on his stiff rod and quickened her own pace.

“I’m gonna cum pretty soon, Danny,” she gasped. “Fuck, this is so good!”

“She hasn’t called me Danny since before we got married,” Dan thought. He stepped up on the bed and walked toward her. When he was in front of her, he pushed out his cock. “Put this in your mouth. I want to feel you cum.”

As Kathy wrapped her lips around his rod, she could feel that it was almost all covered with his pre-cum. The taste and the sensation combined with the toy in her pussy pushed her over the edge. Her body clenched in a massive orgasm. Without either of them knowing what was going to happen, Dan filled her mouth with his own orgasm. He didn’t pull back but held the cock firmly in her mouth until he had drained his balls.

Dan pulled his cock out of her mouth and looked down at his wife. She was smiling up at him with traces of white cum on her lips. “Well?” he said.

“That was so fucking good,” she groaned. “Why have I waited so long to do that? It was amazing.”

“How does your pussy feel?” He could see that the toy was still inside her.

“It feels like it needs to be fucked,” she growled at her husband as she held his cock in her hand and licked the tip.

Never in her life had his sweet wife used the word ‘fuck.’ Hearing her say the word excited him more than he could remember.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Dan grabbed a handful of her shoulder-length hair and pulled her over his legs. “Fucked, huh?” he growled. “You want to be fucked? I’ll fuck you when I’m ready, but first I’m going to spank you for deceiving me all these years.” Dan lifted his hand and slapped it hard against the soft white cheek of her ass.

Kathy jerked but didn’t say a word.

His hand fell on her ass cheeks again and again. He was not in the least gentle. Dan watched as the pale skin began to turn pink and then red. He stopped to push his hand between her legs and found her to be dripping wet. She groaned when his fingers touched her.

Dan pushed his thumb inside her, making sure to completely cover it with her juices. He removed the thumb only to press it against her puckered star. He rubbed his thumb around her anal opening until it was covered with her fluids before he pushed his digit inside her ass. “You wanted this, too, didn’t you?”

“Yes!” Kathy gasped. “Yes, baby, please!”

As he fingered her sexy ass, Dan realized that he was already hard again… Rock hard and ready. He pushed Kathy onto the bed, shouting, “Get on your hands and knees! Head down! Ass up!”

Dan heard his wife whimpering, but moving as quickly as she could to do as he demanded. The fact was, Kathy was excited out of her mind. She had always wanted to be commanded like a slave. Her husband was just too gentle and loving. Now he was domineering and she loved it.

Once she was in position, Dan quickly buried his cock in her sex. He’d never known her to be this wet. Dan pounded her deeply for several strokes before pulling out to press the head of his tool against her anus. Holding his cock, he pressed it against her opening until the head popped inside.

“Oh, fuck!” Kathy shouted.

“You want this, don’t you?” he growled at her as he pressed more of his staff into her.

“Yes!” she shouted back. “Fuck me, Danny! I want it!”

Dan was in disbelief about what was happening, but he continued until all of his cock was buried in her ass. The juices from her pussy had made it comfortable. He pulled back and pushed in again, only to hear his wife beg for more. Moving faster, Kathy began to chatter, encouraging him to continue.

When he slapped her ass again, Kathy shouted, “Yes, Danny! Fuck me!”

Two minutes later, she began to groan. Dan saw her hands twisting the bed sheets before once again her body went rigid and began to shake.

Dan could feel his own orgasm beginning from his toes. He flipped Kathy onto her back, stroked his cock twice and growled as the first massive rope of hot cum shot out of him. It landed on her chest from her chin to her belly button. There was a second, third and fourth hot stream that seemed to cover her. He watched as Kathy’s hands rubbed through his semen, covering her breasts. He leaned forward, covered his own hand with cum, and rubbed it across her face.

“Oh, fuck!” she gasped. “I love it.”

After they cleaned up in the shower together, Kathy began to show Dan her various toys. It was past midnight when they finally fell asleep. Dan had his arms around his wife, one hand holding her breast.

“Are you sorry to find out your wife is a whore?” she whispered.

“I think the word to describe it would be… thrilled,” Dan said as he pinched her nipple.


The next morning just before 11:00, Dan’s phone played the sound to indicate he had a text message from Kathy. He opened it to find a video showing a large pink dildo being pressed inside what he recognized as his wife’s pussy. The toy was moving hard and fast. He could hear sounds of his wife coming to a climax, before the camera moved to Kathy’s face. She smiled and said, “That was my third orgasm this morning just thinking about the way you fucked me last night. Your whore is naked and horny. Come home and fuck me.”


He watched the video twice more before typing back a reply. “Put a butt plug in and wait for me in bed. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”




My thanks to ChrisM for always being ready to help a friend.



Published 5 years ago

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