Katherine and Ken

"Here we go again..."

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I met Katherine on the beach one summer’s day. The water was blue, the sky was bluer and the sand was as soft as talcum powder. She had been in the sea for a while and was just walking up the beach to her towel and umbrella. She had her head down and the water was dripping into her eyes. I was so busy watching her but purposely bumped into her. Katherine looked up then and I saw those bright green eyes for the first time. I also noticed at the time what a beautiful body she had. 

I apologised and we then went our separate ways. I couldn’t get her out of my mind all afternoon. That evening I decided to visit a café that I had been to previously. I had been to this resort a few times over the years as it was relaxing and no-one called on my time. I could get away from everything for a couple of weeks.

I walked into the café and stood there looking for a table. Marcus (the owner) came up and greeted me personally and led me to a table near a window. When I got there, I saw that there was someone else sitting there just looking at the scenery outside. Marcus asked the person if they minded sharing with one of his best customers as it was very busy and he was short of tables.

The customer looked up and I saw that it was the woman I had bumped into at the beach. She smiled and nodded her assent. I thanked her and sat down. Marcus left us with the menu and wine list.

“Hello again, my name is Ken,” I opened the conversation.

“Hello, my name is Katherine,” she replied.

“Well, now that we know each other’s names, can I buy you dinner, to make up for that collision today?”

“You don’t have to do that,” she replied. “I should have been watching where I was walking.”

“But I want to do this, and I would love to get to know you a little more. I come here nearly every year, but I haven’t seen you here before,” I replied.

“This is my first time, and I think I will be coming back more often. I really enjoy the beach and the tranquillity,” she responded.

The waiter came round and greeted me cordially and asked for our orders. Katherine ordered a half-dozen oysters on the shell and a Lobster Thermidor; followed by a coffee. I also had some oysters and a Spaghetti Marinara. After asking Kate if she enjoyed red or white wine, I ordered a bottle of Merlot.

While we waited for our food we had a general conversation about our work and social lives. Kate was a graphic designer with a large company in Melbourne. I told her that I was a certified public accountant and had my own business, also in Melbourne. She was also interested in the same types of music as I was, being a mad jazz fan, along with rhythm and blues and she also loved classical music. She tried to attend as many concerts as possible and was pretty well up on the latest crazes.

Unfortunately, my life was a little more staid. Although I loved the same things, I didn’t really follow the trends as thoroughly as she did. She pointed out to me a lot of things that I had missed and told me that I needed to get out more.

“All work makes Ken a dull boy,” was her quote.

We ate quietly through our meal, speaking at intervals. At the end of the night, I knew I had to see this lady again. I picked up the tab, ignoring her protests. Then I led her outside.

“Do you feel like a walk along the beach, Katherine?” I asked.

“That would be lovely,” she replied.

She slipped her sandals off and carried them over her shoulder. I did the same and tucked my socks into the shoes and tied them together and slung them across my shoulder. We began to walk along the sand, holding hands, just on the edge of the tide. Not saying anything, just enjoying the feeling of complete quiet. The lapping of the waves and the trickle of the sand as it ran through our toes was so restful.

We walked for about two kilometres and then turned to return. As we turned we were very close and I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She slipped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss. Then we just stood and looked at each other and she nodded her head. Not a word had been spoken while this transpired. I knew that she felt the same way as I did.

We returned to the resort where we were both staying. I asked her if she would like to come in for a nightcap. She assented and walked with me to my cabin.

I opened the door and allowed her to precede me. Katherine walked in and turned around. She stretched out her arms and once again our lips met in a searing kiss.

Katherine was 52 but only looked about 40 years old; she was 5 feet, 10 inches tall with reddish blond hair, startling bright green eyes, tanned skin tone, medium firm round breasts with a prominent up-tilt to them, small nipples and small areolas, (this I found out later). She also had a ripped abdomen and a small, tight, curvaceous, muscular ass from all her high school and college cheerleading exercise routines, as well as years of dance instruction. Katherine alternated her days running five kilometres and lifting weights for an hour daily, not to mention the number of crunches she cranked out twice a day – it would have made a military drill sergeant tremble!

I later found out what she looked like when she was nude, and when bent over all her womanly charms and tight rosebud were clearly revealed. Katherine had small labia lips and when she was aroused her labia would swell and part on their own. She kept her pussy area waxed and shaved with just a small narrow stripe above her pussy. Katherine also had a large pronounced clitoris with an almost non-existent clitoral hood. When aroused, her clitoris became a very visible prominent promontory, “her little man in the boat”. Katherine confided to me she had always had chafing issues in this area being so athletic to the extent she had to talk to her obstetrician/gynaecologist about it to figure out how she could manage this.

I had better describe myself at this time. I was 38 years old, stood at 6 foot, 2 inches, and weighed about 180 pounds. I was a very fit guy who also spent a lot of time at the gymnasium. I had a six-pack and was very muscular. I was also lucky to have a nine inch too. I wasn’t a promiscuous person although I had dabbled in a few affairs. Mainly I liked my own space, most of the time. When I did meet a woman whom I fancied, she was the main priority for the time the affair lasted.

I could see that Katherine was going to be one of those women who would take all my time, and I wanted to give her everything.

I asked her to take a seat and I proceeded to make us a drink, just a couple of after dinner Bailey’s and cream and a cup of coffee.

I sat in the chair opposite her and looked at her in the brighter lights of the room.

She was everything I had imagined during my thoughts of her that afternoon. She was bright and bubbly and even though she was older than I, she only looked about 40 years old.

As we sat there I noticed that she was squirming a bit in her chair.

“Are you alright there, Katherine?” I inquired.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she replied.

After finishing our drinks I suggested that I walk her to her own cabin. She stood up and walked over to me.

“I thought I had come in for a nightcap? Or was I wrong in my assumption?”

“Well, I was giving you an out, in case you had changed your mind,” I retorted.

“I haven’t changed my mind, and I think we have wasted enough time with all the frivolities of the evening. I knew when we collided today that I was going to fuck you. So, are we going to get down to the business of the night or not? And call me Kate.” She was a very outspoken woman who knew what she wanted.

She walked into the bedroom and began to strip. I stood in the doorway and watched her. Now we had got this far I wanted to see what else she was willing to do and say. She turned and looked at me – just wearing a red bra and red panties. She didn’t have stockings on as she had been wearing sandals earlier. Her breasts were very nice, just enough sag for me to be tempted to take one and then the other in my mouth and suck on them, pulling the nipples in with my lips and gently nipping them with my teeth. My hands caressed her body as we stood there; her skin was as soft as silk.

I raised my head and bought my mouth to savour her lips once again, still keeping my hands busy on her body. I massaged her back and slid my hands down to her buns and softly rubbed them. Then I let my hands drift around to her pubic regions and felt her warmth and wetness at the junction of her thighs.

I lifted her and lay her on the bed and slipped out of my clothes and lay down beside her. She climbed onto my lap as I lay there and then moved her body up to my chest.

“Come up a little higher babe, I want to lick that wet pussy of yours,” I told her.

She wriggled up a little further so that her cunt was sitting right in line with my mouth and my tongue just flicked out and touched her clitoris; she jumped, but then settled down again and encouraged me to continue.

After about ten minutes, Kate then turned around and placed her face down over my cock and balls. She began to lick and stroke my length with her tongue, then took it slowly into her mouth sucking it deep. She eventually got it to a deep-throat position, this was the first time I had experienced this and I was frightened I would choke her. I tried to pull out but she would not allow it and kept sucking me until I knew that I would explode right there. I felt it coming up from my balls and into my rod and finally erupted into her mouth. Wonder of wonders, she swallowed the lot..

I knew I had met my match with this lady. I thought I had better give her the same treatment and see if I could make her cum so that I could swallow all her fragrant juices. I knelt up and moved her so that she lay back on the bed, and I placed myself between her legs. I lowered my face and my mouth gently nibbled on her warm and very wet vulva.

I worked my tongue around her upper thighs and then down to her pulsing lips. She was so ready for this, her nectar was already oozing from her love hole. I wanted to drink of these juices so kept teasing her vulva and then gently sucked the small hood of her clitoris up and off her ‘little man in the boat’ and proceeded to suckle it steadily for about fifteen minutes until she was writhing and squirming under me. She eventually let me have a mouthful of her precious nectar.

After about ten minutes, I lifted her onto my stomach again and sat her directly over my cock. She reached down and placed my throbbing muscle at the entrance of her wet pussy. Before I could think, she slid down and drove herself onto my stiff, solid shaft. I glided right up until I could feel the opening to her womb. I gasped with pleasure and she sighed. “Oh yes, fuck me with your hot dick. I want you so bad.” She was bucking up and down and there was nothing I could do but join her in the ride.

I could feel the tension as the glands engorged with blood. Kate’s cunt was milking me with hot fluid strokes and I couldn’t hold back. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as I started ramming into her without abandon. She had continued popping up and down and screaming, “Yes, fuck me, fuck me, I need that big dick to fuck me.”

My eruption came out of nowhere and I clamped her hips with my hands and embedded my shaft as deep into her as I could, inside her body. Shot after shot of hot semen sprayed into her pussy and womb and I was helpless to stop the flow. At last, I released my hold on her hips and she fell over my chest and hugged me and started kissing me gently. Her tongue played with mine as we slowly cooled down. I could feel our combined fluids leaking onto my balls.

She held my shrinking member tightly inside her body and continued squeezing it with her internal muscles. Kate’s love muscles were strong and tight and rippled along my penis like electric shocks. She pushed herself up and spread her legs wider to engulf me deeper and I began to grow again with the movement. Slowly my worm began to swell inside her and as it penetrated her depths, she began to make longer grinding motions, which increased my growth further.

I thought to myself, ‘here we go again.’

I decided that I was going to be in control this time. I levered myself and turned her over at the same time. Then I started to ram that pussy as hard as I could. Kate kept up with my rhythm and after about ten or fifteen minutes, we both knew that there was going to be another huge eruption. I slowed down and continued to pump my cock deep into her cunt and we both blew at the same time. Pompeii was never like this. It took us about fifteen minutes to even begin to breathe normally.

I rolled off Kate, and looked into her flushed face.

I said, “I only hope that we can see each other when we get back to Melbourne. Tell me this is not just a one-night stand. I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a night like this.”

“Oh, Ken, I am glad that you have enjoyed this time with me, as far as I am concerned I am available to you at any time in Melbourne.”

Well, after two weeks of recreation at the resort, we both returned to Melbourne. I am glad to say that at this stage, we have been seeing each other at least every second night for six months and I think I will be planning a more permanent situation very soon. Just hope she says ‘Yes’.

Published 12 years ago

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