Kara’s Spring Break (1)

"Getting there is half the fun."

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The man looked from his magazine to the floor of the aisle-way. He focused on a pair of sexy bare feet encased in strappy sandals. Scanning upward he saw that they were connected to a pair of shapely, toned and quite bare legs, the top two or three inches of which were hidden by a short, pleated, skater’s skirt. Tucked into the green and black checked skirt was a white button-front blouse, the top three buttons of which were undone, exposing the young woman’s ample cleavage, and suggesting she might not be wearing a bra.

Looking up at the face of the person standing next to him, he was met with a pair of coal black eyes staring back at him. “Is that seat taken,” Kara asked.

The man stammered, “Uh no, it’s vacant. Please join us.”

Kara was flying a no-frills airline with open seating. Being one of the last to board, she had found all of the aisle and window seats taken. She was going to have to sit in a middle seat. She had thought about how she was dressed. ‘This could be an interesting trip,’ she had told herself, ‘If I can just find the right seat.’

Making her way down the aisle, looking from side to side, Kara had gotten plenty of appreciative looks and offers of seats. But it was not until two-thirds of the way through the cabin that she had found the one she thought would work. The seat was between two men, each probably in his mid thirties, fifteen or so years older than Kara. Both were reasonably good looking, nicely dressed and wearing wedding rings – probably family men returning home after a week in Austin.

Having been invited to join them, Kara turned to put her shoulder bag into the overhead compartment across the aisle. She had plenty of great features but her legs were certainly among the best. Kara got up on her toes and stretched to position the bag. Her already short skirt rode up to where it barely covered her butt. ‘At least,’ she thought, ‘I’m not wearing hose, so I don’t have to worry about the tops showing.’ Kara took her time getting the bag situated in the overhead, deliberately offering her seat-mates a tantalizing view of the backs of her bare thighs.

Having held the pose as long as she justifiably could, Kara turned and squeezed past the man nearest her and sat down in the middle seat, letting her skirt ride up to where her panties were visible. Snapping a quick look at each of them, she feigned embarrassment and hastily pushed her skirt down, but not too far.

Kara had lowered the hem of her skirt just far enough to cover her panties, but still leaving her lightly tanned legs and thighs mostly exposed. She took a furtive glance to either side, satisfying herself that her bare legs were attracting sufficient interest. She brushed the hair away from her face, took a magazine from the pocket in front of her and thumbed through it while waiting for the plane to take off.

The flight attendants checked the cabin and made their preflight announcements as the plane taxied to the runway. Shortly after takeoff the Captain’s voice boomed through the cabin speakers, welcoming everyone to the flight, but also apologizing in advance for what was going to be a bumpy flight. He asked the passengers and the flight attendants to remain seated and keep their seat belts fastened.

Kara wasn’t really a nervous flier but recognized the potentially bumpy flight as an opportunity for some fun with her seat-mates. She expected they were experienced fliers and wouldn’t panic over a little turbulence. Their nonchalant attitude was encouraging. She put the magazine away and closed her eyes, pretending she was having to work at remaining calm.

The flight was relatively smooth for some time but then there was a strong jolt. Kara reached out on either side of her and grabbed onto the mens’ legs. She pretended to be terrified and held her eyes tightly shut. With each bump she tightened her grip.

As the turbulence subsided, Kara opened her eyes and tried to discern their reactions. She still had both hands clamped firmly onto the strangers’ legs. She looked first at one, then the other, and guessed they didn’t mind. She turned to the man on her left, the one next to the aisle, and said, “I’m sorry for grabbing you. I was really scared.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, “Whenever I fly with my wife, she holds onto my leg the whole flight. She somehow thinks it makes her safer. I’m used to it. Go ahead.”

The man on her right added, “I don’t mind either, actually I kinda like it.” He saw that Kara still had both hands clasped onto their thighs. His cock, only a couple inches from her hand, was already twitching.

Kara noted the suggestive remark and could feel the twitching but pretended to not have noticed either. “Well,” she said earnestly, “I’m counting on you guys to keep me safe until we get there.” She gave each a gentle squeeze on the leg to seal the deal.

She had a pretty face, nice complexion and shoulder length hair. Kara shifted around in her seat, causing her skirt to creep up a bit more, offering a glimpse of her panties. She felt a stirring near where her hands still rested on their thighs and realized she was having the desired effect. She closed her eyes, willing them to keep looking at her bare legs.

The flight still had its rough spots and with each one, Kara’s fingers moved a little higher on their legs. Her hands were so close to their cocks she could feel the heat. A rough male hand brushed against her bare thigh. The man on the aisle tried to make it seem accidental but Kara was sure it was not. She kept her eyes tightly closed, pretending not to notice, as first one, then the other, tentatively staked out a spot on her upper thighs.

Kara was a Freshman at the University of Texas in Austin. In the last year or so, she had become quite sexually liberated. She thoroughly enjoyed male attention and often went out of her way to invite it. She was on her way to South Padre Island for Spring Break and fully intended to have a good time.

Kara felt her seat-mates’ hands creep slowly higher, gently caressing her bare thighs. The guys had pushed her skirt even higher and were now almost touching her panties. She opened her eyes and looked dreamily at first one, then the other. Setting aside any remaining pretense, she slid down in her seat, letting her skirt ride up almost to the top of her panties and causing the hands to slide up her tanned thighs to the silky material between her legs. Her lips parted and her breath came faster.

With everyone belted in there was little possibility that anything they might do would be seen. The man on Kara’s right, the one who had spoken so boldly to her at first, placed his fingers on the front of her panties and massaged her swollen pussy. Her hands, with a mind of their own, slid up the mens’ legs until she felt their cocks. The man on her left, emboldened by her brazen touch, slid his fingers inside her panties and stroked her pussy lips. Kara hadn’t really meant for things to go quite this far. She knew she should end it before it went any further, but she didn’t really want to.

The decision got made for her. The Captain came on the loud speaker and asked the flight attendants to prepare for arrival. As they came through the cabin checking seat belts, tray tables and seat backs, Kara reluctantly pulled her skirt down, the three put their hands back in their own laps, and all acted like the strangers they were.

As the plane touched down and taxied to the gate, both men wanted to know if there was any way they could see her. Kara told them, “No, I’m just here for a few days and I’ve already got plans. But I really enjoyed this.” Her face lit up encouragingly. “Maybe we’ll meet again some day on another trip. If so, I’m looking forward to it.” She gave each a peck on the cheek.


Tommy was waiting for Kara at the gate. (It was prior to “9/11” and people were still allowed to meet passengers at the gate.) He was looking forward to spending the next few days with her. Tommy had graduated from high school as the class valedictorian and most of his classmates would describe him as a geek. Not Kara though.

For her beauty alone, Kara would have been one of the most sought after members of her class, but she was also one of the smartest. She had graduated second in the same class as Tommy. They had been next door neighbors for the last five years of their public school education and although they had been best friends during most of those years, it was not until after graduation that things had become sexual, even briefly romantic, between them.

It may have been a tossup as to which of them was actually the smarter but when it came to sexual matters, Kara was the winner, hands down. As she exited the jet-way, Kara drew the attention of every male there and some of the females too. She wrapped her arms around Tommy and greeted him with a very wet and sexy kiss.

Tommy was just over six feet tall, had wavy black hair, a strong face and solid physique. And as Kara had confirmed, a package to die for.

Kara whispered in Tommy’s ear, “I am so horny, I don’t know if I can wait ’til we get to the island.”

Tommy pushed Kara away from him. “I know what’s got me horny,” he said, licking his lips while giving Kara a once-over, “But what’s your excuse?”

Kara took Tommy by the arm and put her face close to his. “Well, I know you would never even imagine that I could be so bad,” Kara said, speaking as if confidentially, “But I got to teasing the guys I was sitting with…” She smiled a lascivious sort of smile. “And well I uh… just kinda got all worked up.”

Tommy was pretty sure there was more to this story he would like to hear, but he knew not to press for details. When Kara was ready to talk about it, she would. As they walked toward the airport entrance, Tommy turned to her and kissed her on the forehead. He looked down at his noticeable erection and whispered, “And in case you hadn’t noticed, I want you too!”

Kara pushed her face into his and said, “How about in the parking garage before we leave?”

Tommy wasn’t nearly the exhibitionist Kara was, but he knew how hot she would be with a risk of being seen, like in the parking garage. His cock twitched at the thought… if only he had come alone. He hadn’t though and replied, “That would be great but Bill’s with me and he’s waiting at the curb with the car.”


“Yeah, you know. You met him last summer.”

“Oh yeah. The one that’s your cousin, only not really.”

“Right. We’re not really related but his mom and my dad grew up together in the same foster home, so we call each other cousin, even though we’re not.”

Bill had met Kara last summer, a couple of weeks after she and Tommy had gotten involved. Long about that time though, Kara and Tommy had realized their relationship was probably more lust than love; they were ‘best-friends’ who were also ‘fuck-buddies’. Kara flirted with and teased Bill while Tommy watched. As wild as Kara was, (the three of them had even gone skinny-dipping together), Bill considered Kara to be Tommy’s ‘girlfriend’ and resigned himself to nothing more than a sexually playful friendship with her.

“We could ride in the back,” Kara suggested hopefully to Tommy.

In spite of the fact that Tommy and Kara had renounced any exclusivity between them, Tommy didn’t think there was much they ought to be doing with Bill in the car too. He realized however, that Kara might have other ideas; she had always been the more adventuresome of the two. Tommy agreed that the back-seat might be a possibility.

Bill had the car parked in a no-standing zone, just outside the front door of the airport. The car was an old Cadillac Tommy’s father had bought for use at the beach. Tommy opened the back-door, throwing Kara’s carry-on across the seat and pushing Kara in behind it. As she slid in she said, “Hi Bill. We’re going to ride in the back if you don’t mind.”

“No complaints from me; I’m just the chauffeur. Hi, Kara,” Bill said as Tommy climbed in.

“Just keep looking straight ahead,” Tommy said sternly.

“Yaaza boss,” Bill panned as they pulled away from the curb.

Tommy grabbed hold of Kara, putting his lips against hers and pushing his tongue into her mouth. He put a hand over the opening in the upper part of Kara’s blouse, letting his fingers wander through and trace the softness of her breasts. Kara whispered in his ear, “Undo the buttons. I want to feel your hands all over me.”

Tommy looked to the front, confirming that Bill was indeed focused on the road ahead, then hastily undid the remaining buttons of Kara’s blouse. He opened it, baring her tits to his hungry gaze. She closed her eyes and sighed as Tommy took one of them in his mouth and smothered the other with his hand.

Bill adjusted the rear-view mirror so he could see the action in the backseat. Kara opened her eyes to the mirror image of Bill’s eyes darting rapidly between the road and what Tommy was doing with her breasts. It excited her to know that Bill was watching.

Tommy put a hand under her skirt and ran his fingers over her wet panties. With her eyes still locked on Bill’s image in the mirror, Kara breathlessly whispered to Tommy, “Take ’em off me.” Tommy hesitated, not sure he wanted to do that with Bill there.

Kara however did not share his reservations. As Tommy again looked up to confirm that Bill was still facing forward, an impatient Kara reached down with both hands, lifted her skirt, pulled her panties off, wadded them into a ball and threw them into the front seat. Tommy registered amazement as Kara laughingly said to Bill, “Pay attention to your driving.”

Kara turned back to Tommy, undid his belt, pulled his zipper down and yanked his shorts to his knees. She took his cock in her hand, straddled him, and rubbed the head of it against her pussy lips. Kara’s fingers slid over Tommy’s cock, spreading their combined juices over the length of it. Then she positioned it at her entrance and with a very audible, “Ohhh God,” lowered herself onto it.

Tommy buried his face in Kara’s tits and grabbed hold of her ass with his hands. As they sped along the highway toward South Padre Island, Kara rode up and down on Tommy’s shaft, oblivious to the looks they were getting from the surrounding traffic.

Bill tried desperately to watch through the rear-view mirror but they were in the right-hand corner now and there wasn’t much he could see. He could hear though and knew they were hard at it. He pulled his zipper down and freed his cock. He wrapped Kara’s damp panties around it and jerked off while listening to the sounds coming from the back-seat.

Kara and Tommy were so keyed up it wasn’t long before both were moaning in ecstasy. While Tommy pumped his jism into Kara, Bill had his own climax and came all over Kara’s panties. As the two in the back adjusted their clothes, Bill opened the front passenger window and threw Kara’s cum-soaked undergarment to the side of the road.

“Is Bill staying on the boat with us,” Kara asked as she straightened her clothes.

“Yes, I talked him into coming with me. You don’t mind do you,” Tommy asked in reply.

“No, of course not,” Kara said cheerily, “But I think we better stop at a beachwear store, before we get to the boat. Is there one on the way?”

“We don’t really go past it, but there is one just a block or two out of the way… several actually,” Tommy responded, “But what do you need?”

“I thought I might have you help me pick out a new bikini. Since Bill’s here he can help too.”

“Umh,” said Bill, “That sounds like fun!”

“Uh yeah,” said Tommy quietly, not sure he really wanted to share this experience with Bill. “But…”

“Well I’ve already lost a pair of panties and with Bill staying on the boat too, I ought to have something to wear.” Kara’s eyes lit up. She touched her lips with a finger. “Unless…” she said, drawing it out, “You want me to be really bad.”

Tommy thought about Kara being naked with Bill there too. His cock hardened at the thought. Then thinking more realistically he replied. “Uh no. We can stop.”


They stopped at a shop that sold swim suits and other island type clothes. The summer season hadn’t really started and Texas Week, the island’s big Spring Break blowout, was still a few hours away. It was check-out, check-in day and tomorrow business would be booming, but today it was on the slow side. The only one in the store was the manager. He was more than twice their age, at least in his forties and probably married, but none of that prevented him from salivating over the sight of Kara as she entered his store.

Kara had several bikinis at home but had not brought any with her. She wanted a real show stopper. Toward the end of last summer, after Tommy had gotten somewhat used to Kara’s preference for skimpy clothes, he had said, ‘If you got it, flaunt it. If you don’t got it, flaunt it even more.’ Kara was pretty sure Tommy had intended the ‘If you got it,‘ part to apply to her – at least she hoped that was the case – but even if it wasn’t – she was still planning to tease and show off. She was so into that she could almost orgasm from it alone.

Under the manager’s watchful eye, Kara, with the help of Bill and Tommy, looked over the assortment and found a string type that would certainly raise eyebrows. It was the kind men liked and other women hated. Imagining what she might look like wearing it, Bill assured Kara that it was perfect. “Why don’t you try it on,” he suggested.

Tommy easily saw through the suggestion. He knew Bill was anxious to see Kara in a bikini. That had been a good bit of the reason Bill had agreed to come along – that Kara was coming too and would likely spend most of the week in a bikini, maybe even less.

Early last summer, when Bill had visited and met Kara for the first time, Tommy had harbored serious reservations about Kara’s exhibitionist tendencies. Now though, in spite of the fact that some of her actions still made him nervous, he did find her boldness exciting. Sometimes he even encouraged it.

Tommy was all for having Kara parade around the store in that skimpy bikini and he could tell by the expression on her face that she was also anxious to accept Bill’s suggestion. There was a problem though. He turned to Kara and whispered, “They’re probably not going to let you try it on without panties.”

The manager overheard Tommy’s remark. He spoke to both of them. “Don’t let that worry you.” He was as anxious as Bill to have her model it. “I wouldn’t expect you to buy it without trying it on.”

Tommy had been right, Kara wanted the guys to see it too. She thought though that Tommy had been trying to stop her. She stuck her tongue out at him and turned toward the changing room.

When Kara came out, Tommy and Bill were standing with the manager. She was excited. On the beach, wearing a bikini, even one as skimpy as this, would seem natural, but in the store with just the three guys, Kara felt she was being at least a little bad.

Being nearly naked in front of them was exciting. True, Bill, and of course Tommy, had seen her naked before, but the store manager was a complete stranger. Kara was turned on by the appreciative stares and quickly shed any sense of embarrassment. She teasingly rubbed her hands on her breasts, pushed them together and addressed the store manager, “Don’t you think this would look better if it didn’t have quite so much material?”

Tommy surprised Kara with his reaction. “I agree,” he said. If Tommy had felt any concern over Bill or the store manager seeing Kara with so much exposed, it had been erased by the enthusiasm she showed as she modeled it for them. Kara pranced through the store in the already tiny bikini, looking for an even more revealing one. Finding what she thought would do, she hastened to the changing room to try it on. When Kara stepped out, three jaws dropped.

The ‘suit’ was nothing more than four small triangles of cloth held together by strings. There were suggestive amounts of bare flesh exposed on all sides of the little pieces of cloth that served as a top, it being in all likelihood a size smaller than it should be to accommodate Kara’s breasts. No one would have described the bottom as modest either. It was so small that even though Kara pulled it up as high as it would go, it still left the top-most part of her butt-crack showing and barely covered her ‘landing-strip’. Kara turned first one way, then the other, basking in the attention she was getting from the guys.

Tommy, Bill and the manager, all looked at Kara as if she was naked. She felt as if she was too and loved it. “You know,” Kara coyly said to the store manager, “This bikini would be even sexier if it didn’t have a lining. Am I going to have to cut the lining out, or do you have something similar without one?”

The manager licked his lips. “I think I’ve got a white one in that style and size… if you don’t mind changing colors,” he offered hopefully.

Kara’s eyes sparkled. “Oh yeah, and I’d like white even better, especially if it doesn’t have a lining.”

The manager walked off and returned shortly with the white suit in his hand. As he handed it to Kara he suggested, “You might want to try it on.”

Kara was pretty sure he just wanted to see her in it, but she liked the way he, as well as Tommy and Bill, were so obviously enjoying her near nakedness, she went to the changing room and put it on. Kara looked in the mirror before opening the door. Like the blue one she had just been wearing, the white one didn’t cover much, and now without a lining, there was a lot showing through the thin fabric. There was even a faint hint of camel-toe between her legs.

Kara opened the door to three very appreciative looks. If she wondered how good she looked, the bulges in their pants answered the question. Tommy whistled softly and told the manager the suit was a keeper.

Watching the tents grow in their shorts was causing all sorts of wild thoughts to run through Kara’s head. She returned quickly to the changing room before she stained the bikini. While Kara put her regular clothes on, Tommy paid for the purchase. They quickly left the store and headed to the car.

At the car, Bill climbed behind the wheel as Tommy and Kara slid into the back. “And you thought I was going to be bad… but I wasn’t, was I,” Kara asked. When neither Bill nor Tommy said anything, she added, “Well, maybe a little.”

Tommy pressed his lips against Kara’s. She had buttoned the blouse but left it on the outside of her skirt. As they pulled away from the store, one of Tommy’s hands went under the blouse, the other under her skirt. One hand toyed with her nipples, the other closed on her moist pussy lips.

The rapid breathing in the back assaulted Bill’s senses. He craned his neck, trying without success to get a glimpse of what was transpiring in the back seat.

Kara put her hand inside Tommy’s shorts and wrapped her fingers around his cock. He pressed a couple of fingers into her and worked them in and out. Even before they had traveled the short distance to the marina, Kara was cumming.


The boat they were staying on was a forty-one foot sailboat, owned by Tommy’s father. During his last two years of high school, Tommy’s father had taught him how to handle the boat. His father had given permission for Tommy and Bill to stay on it, and use it, during Spring Break. Tommy hadn’t told his father that Kara would be staying on the boat also.

Tommy, Bill and Kara were crowded into a u-shaped dining booth in the center of the boat. It was late Sunday night, thirty-six hours after Kara’s arrival. They had returned early from an island night club where, because they were all under the legal drinking age, they had been limited to soft drinks. Although it was now well after midnight, they were still playing a drinking game as an excuse for doing shots of tequila.

The three were dressed as they had been at the club, the guys in board shorts and jerseys, Kara in ragged cutoffs and ripped sweat shirt. Bill left the table to visit the head. “Why don’t you get dressed for bed,” Tommy suggested after Bill was gone.

“I was kind of wanting to play this game some more. I’m just beginning to get a nice buzz.”

“I didn’t mean for you to quit the game. Just get ready for bed, then come back.”

Kara offered a puzzled look. “Let me see if I understand. You want me to keep playing the game but I’m wearing too many clothes, even though Bill’s here? That doesn’t sound like the Tommy I know.”

He grinned. “So maybe I’m catching up with you. Maybe I’m kinda liking the way you tease.”

Kara didn’t have to be begged; she got up and headed for the aft state-room. A couple of minutes after she had disappeared up the companionway, Bill came out of the head. “Kara gone to bed?” he asked.

“Nah, just changing clothes. She’ll be right back.”

“Whatsa matter. You getting protective again. Don’t want her sitting around with no underwear when I’m here?”

“Uh, that’s not quite it…” Tommy replied as Kara returned.

“Tada,” she chimed, clasping her hands over her head in a ‘look at me’ pose as she approached the table.

Bill had been fiddling with a deck of cards. He looked up and froze. “Uh yeah…” was all he could get out.

Kara was wearing one of Tommy’s t-shirts. It was long enough to just barely hide her panties, if she had been wearing any. Their cocks hardened in their shorts as Tommy and Bill realized there was nothing under the t-shirt.

Kara lowered her hands to her sides. “One of you is going to have to get up to let me back into my seat.” Kara had previously been sitting in the ‘u’ of the horseshoe shaped dinette, Bill and Tommy on either side. Tommy made no effort to get up, leaving Bill to make the offer.

Bill got up. Grabbing Kara by the hand, he pushed her toward the seat. Continuing to hold her hand, he lowered her into the booth, trying unsuccessfully for a peek under the front edge of a shirt so short it wouldn’t even go under her butt. Kara broke free of Bill’s grasp and carelessly skooched her bare butt along the seat to where she had been sitting. Kara looked up at Bill as he slid into the booth behind her. “Didn’t see anything, did ya,” she asked.

“Uh… just some gorgeous bare legs and a couple of bumps in a t-shirt,” Bill responded with a lecherous grin.

Kara put on a pout. “Bumps, huh. So now they’re just bumps.”

“I wasn’t talking about your uh…”

“Tits. You can call em tits,” Kara said grinning.

“Tits, right, but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I was…”

“Oh you mean my nipples,” Kara said excitedly as she pinched them through the t-shirt. “I guess they do make bumps when they get hard. You don’t care do you?” Kara had turned toward Bill and jutted her chest out. Her eyes were wide.

“Hey you two,” Tommy jumped in loudly. “What say we get back to playing the game.”

“This sort of cousin of yours though…” Kara protested as she turned to Tommy, “I think he’s coming on to me.” It was obvious from the look on her face that she wasn’t really concerned.

“Yeah, well,” Tommy replied to Kara, “And it’s not okay for him to tease a little too?” There was a momentary pause, but no reply. “So whose turn is it,” he asked.

They continued to play for thirty minutes or so, Kara fooling with the hem of the t-shirt and the guys watching every move she made. After Kara lost a couple of rounds, each time taking a shot as the penalty, she called a halt. “I’m going to have to go to bed guys. I just can’t do any more.”

“Me too,” said Tommy, “Let’s call it a night.”

Bill could have watched Kara all night. Wouldn’t have mattered to him how much he had to drink. He didn’t argue though. He quickly got up, hoping Kara would come out his side of the table. At the edge of the seat she looked into his eyes as she took his hand, letting him help her up. Bill was looking back, but not at her eyes. He was looking somewhat lower.

Kara pushed Bill toward the aft end of the boat, putting him in the narrow space between the booth and a bench type couch that was opposite. As Kara squeezed past him on her way to the aft state-room, she faced him, brushing her t-shirt covered tits across his chest and dragging her mid-section against his erection. After Kara passed, Bill stepped back into the galley area, affording Tommy clear passage toward the aft state-room.

The boat had been built for cruising and had an abundance of accommodations. It had two private state-rooms, one fore and one aft, each providing reasonable comfort for a couple. In the midsection was a full galley and the previously mentioned dining booth and couch, each of which converted into a sleeping area for two, although the two would have to be very friendly with each other. For four though, three in this case, it really was quite suitable.

Bill had the forward v-birth to himself, but instead of retiring there he returned to the booth, sat down, poured himself another shot; then turned out the light.

The aft state-room was ten feet or so down a narrow companionway from the living/dining/galley area. It was sufficiently removed from the rest of the below-decks area that it wasn’t really necessary to close the door in order to have privacy. Even if someone were sitting on the couch, they would only see the foot of the bed.

Kara had lain down on top of the bed covers. She was still wearing the t-shirt. Tommy crawled across the bed and plopped himself down next to her. He hadn’t undressed yet, the light was still on and the door was left open. Tommy turned and pressed his lips against Kara’s. Her willing mouth opened and his tongue slithered between her lips.

As they played tongue tag, Kara’s hand, the one between them, groped the front of Tommy’s shorts and locked onto the bulge it found there. He laid a hand on one of her bare legs, gently caressing the inner thigh. He knew she wasn’t wearing panties under the t-shirt but stopped at the hem of the shirt, teasing her with anticipation.

Published 11 years ago

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