Cropped hair atomic pink, steel stud shining
In your bottom lip, a bank your tongue overflows
When you giggle.
Look at you: baby blue UFO pants, rainbow
Piping, your silly little bump and grinding;
Kandi-coated arms flail like tipsy windmills,
Funky Dutch style.
Soon you’ll need to pop that paci inside
Your mouth, you’re so toon-eyed and trippy
But I’d rather plant my own mouth there instead,
Sweetly imbibing
Your rainbow of sweetnesses. How you burn
Comet-bright, rolling through this heavenly night
Out-sparkling a cloud of neon stars, though bright!
These burn for you:
And I too, hopeless burn, gyrating mutely,
A mouse astirring in the storm of hard house.
If my hips could enchant you nearer, how I’d
Glow, your Morning Star!
Sky-swimmer aglitter, Dancer in the Dark!
Divine cosmonaut, hitch me to your star!
Shower me in the sparkle of your twitching tail,
Darling techno dyke!