Just Your Friendly Neighbourhood GILF

"Running an errand after a ruined solo session leads to Anthony meeting his new, voluptuous neighbour"

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There isn’t a bigger turn-off in the world than being on the verge of busting a fat nut, but your mother’s voice attacks your ears from the kitchen.


“What?” I screamed.

“Who in the hell you think you talking to?” my mother said with the appropriate amount of venom. “Boy, get your behind out here and carry back these containers Mrs. Bertram lent us.”

I slapped my mattress, cussed under my breath, and then put on a pair of joggers and exited my room. When I faced my mother, she had a hand on her hip and tapped her toes while examining my scowl with one of her own.

“Ain’t nothing you doing now that important anyway, so stop ya sulking. Get over there and carry these to her.” She handed me three bowls, the smaller ones sitting inside the biggest so that the large bowl’s cover shielded them all.

“Alright,” I whispered.

“What was that?”

“Okay,” I said more firmly, but not too much so, lest I earn the “you ain’t too old to get a whooping” speech.

“Good. Plus, I don’t know why you being like that. Shalisa’s probably home.” My mother winked and patted my shoulder as if smooth sailings were guaranteed with the aforementioned young lady.

The world’s worst-kept secret was that I had a little thing for Shalisa. The much better-kept secret was that she rejected me asking her out by saying, “Ew, never in a million fucking years.” I didn’t bother telling my mother because if she found out, the meeting between those two would be anything but friendly. Her grandmother knew and promised she wouldn’t tell. I figured I’d take this as an opportunity to remind her.

I took a leisurely stroll along the street, and seven houses later, I hooked left, chipped up the pathway and knocked on the door.

“Coming,” said Mrs. Bertram. A modestly dressed woman with silver and black hair answered the door, retrieved the containers and invited me in.

“Thank you again for not snitching about what happened between me and Shalisa.” Mrs. Bertram put down her containers, and flicked her wrist at me.

“What happened between this fine young man and your granddaughter?” asked another female voice. When I looked left, there stood an old, high-ponytailed, white woman whose curves zapped electric impulses to my loins haphazardly.

“Oh, don’t you worry about that,” said Mrs. Bertram. “Anthony, this is Meredith. Meredith, meet Anthony.”

Meredith sashayed toward me in her short, long-sleeved, blue dress. Not a hint of cleavage, and yet the protrusion of her breasts was monumental. The amount of leg meat shown – though not overly improper – sullied my mind, but given her thickness, it seemed lewder than it really was.

“Nice to meet you, Anthony,” Meredith said.

“You as well,” I said, “Am, I mean it’s nice to meet you.”

“Meredith moved into the neighbourhood just a few days ago,” Mrs. Bertram said. “So I was telling her what’s what and who’s who around here.”

“Uh, that’s cool, I guess,” I said, still staring at Meredith’s ostentatiously plump rear. She snapped a look at me, catching me in the act, and I bowed my head. “Alright, well, I better go and um… you know…”

“Well, since you’re not quite sure what you have to do,” Meredith said, “you can come along with me and help me unload some more of my stuff. I’ve been procrastinating forever.”

I looked at Mrs. Bertram, and she said, “Don’t look at me. That’s your decision to make, sweetie. I ain’t your granny.”

I nodded, and the ladies said their goodbyes before I left with the buxom senior citizen to help her unload. Interesting word choice because I still held frustration at not being able to unload before, but I tried to brush those negative vibes aside and focus on the task at hand.

When we arrived at her place, several boxes littered the ground – some closed, others with items sticking out, yet to find their resting place within her new home. She directed me to what needed to go where, and I helped her unpack and lay out articles where she wanted them.

While she loaded groceries into the kitchen cupboards, she bent over, and her dress rode up over her big, round bottom, exposing her wedged black panties between her dimply cheeks. I couldn’t help but stare as she sang, hummed and wiggled her fat buttocks. As if finally recognizant of my presence, she straightened slowly and muttered, “My apologies. How rude of me.”

“No need to apologise.” I waved her off, trying to play it cool.

She turned, rolled her dress down to its maximum and asked, “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what went down between you and Shalisa?”

Besides Mrs. Bertram, not even my close friends knew. The potential clowning wasn’t worth hindering my healing process, anyway. Loved those guys, but screw that. Meredith being a fresh addition to my life made me less anxious about sharing, so after giving my privacy disclaimer, I spilled.

“Sooo,” I said, “I sorta asked her out a few weeks ago and…”

Meredith leaned back onto the kitchen counter. Her big, squishy butt spread, giving her hips a wider appearance, and she leaned her upper torso forward, printing the rounded shape of her tits and pointed nipples into the fabric.

“Sorry, what was I saying?” I asked.

“You said you asked her out a few weeks ago.”

“Right. So, she turned me down.”

“Oh.” Meredith tilted her head and said, “Not to be harsh, love, but that’s part of the dating game.”

“She said, ‘Ew, not in a million fucking years,’.”

“My goodness.” Meredith held her chest.

“Yeah, and I told her grandmother not to tell my mother under any circumstances. Last thing I need is Mom getting up in her face.”

Meredith pushed off the counter, sauntered toward me and held my hand. “I can understand why you wouldn’t want your mother to know then. A mother’s love is indescribable. Trust me, I understand.”

I nodded.

“For what it’s worth, if I were forty-five years younger, I’d date you.”


“Oh yes.” She grabbed my other hand so that both fell within her grasp, stepped back, twirled and reversed into me so that my arms enwrapped her luscious body. For additional spice, she ground her large bottom into my pelvis and belly. As hard as I tried to fight nature, my penis lengthened and stiffened under her gyrations. “We’d have danced the whole night away. Well, maybe not the whole night.” She leaned forward, then wiggled against my clothed erection.

“Um, Meredith, I’m sorry about the um…”

“Don’t be.” She turned, freeing herself, then traced the outline of my erection. “That little lady has no idea what she’s missing out on. Good-looking and a long, thick cock.” She clutched the lengthy, cylindrical imprint and stroked from halfway to tip. “Big, juicy cocks are wasted on the young, anyway.”

My heartbeat drummed out of control. How did I go from being pissed off at my masturbation session being interrupted to being fondled by a hot, old white lady? What the heck was going on?

“Are you a virgin, Anthony?”  She stepped backward, bent over and pulled the waistband of my joggers below my erection, which flicked up and smacked her jowly chin. She chortled, and with both hands on her knees, brown eyes fixated on me and ass still elevated, flicked her tongue around my glans.


“Do you jerk off thinking about Shalisa?” My dick fully inflated and bobbed as she kept flicking her tongue over the pink tip. Her stare titillated my tingly balls and bore a hole through my resolve.

“So much.”

“Does she lick your cock like I am when you fantasize about her?” Meredith slowed down to vertical licks only.

“No, w-w-we’d be sitting on her couch, and she’d lower her head down there and d-do it.”

“That’s boring.” Meredith welcomed me into her mouth, pushed all the way down to my pelvis, held it and gagged once, then retreated slowly. A large amount of phlegm dropped from her maw and splattered the floor. “She should be on her fucking knees, worshipping this monster, black cock.”

“Fuck, this feels so good.”

“When I was your age, I couldn’t do that.” She kissed the tip and said, “I’d have been puking before I even got halfway. As I said, big, fat cocks are wasted on the young. Now hold my head.”

I did, and we simultaneously thrust forward our fellatory participants and repeated this action until we formed a smooth, deliberate flow. I had gotten blowjobs before, but face fucking was something fantastical I jerked off to while viewing dirty videos. Imagine my awe in experiencing the reality. The warmth of her sloppy throat and tongue lapping my balls on every upstroke proved risky, as flooding her gullet with semen seemed more and more likely. Right then, she unsheathed my dick.

“You were jerking off before we met earlier, weren’t you?” she asked with saliva sheening her chin.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t.” She grabbed my dick with both hands and squeezed toward her, forming a bead of pre-cum for her to lick and hummed while doing so.

“Oh my God, I don’t believe this.”

“Do you fuck women… well, girls hard with this monster?”

“Um, n-no not really. They always tell me to take it easy and hold me off.”

“A shame.” Meredith stood, grinned, then said, “You can fuck me as hard as you want to.” She let go of my penis, placed her hands on her hips and turned her fat ass to me while looking over her shoulder on either side. “I can clearly take it.”

I bit my bottom lip and breathed heavily. “I’d very much like that.”

“But first…” She took my hand, walked me to the kitchen table and sat on the edge of a chair. With most of her booty hanging off the chair’s front, she held back one of her thick thighs in a leg spread, pulled the gusset aside and said, “Lick.”

Seeing grey pubic hairs was unexpected for another forty-plus years, but I refused to ignore this blessing and knelt, crawled forward and did as I was told. I licked.

“Mmm yes, that’s it. Lick my cunt.” I slashed my tongue wildly across her folds, but applied focus when her clit fell into my scope. I circled the bud and even tongue fucked her, which had her giggling, so I pulled away.

“Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, why did you stop? You’re doing fine, love. Now get back down there, eat me, then fuck me.” I continued to devour my early supper, but when I took a break to allow my jaw some rest and resorted to fingering her, her soft moans evolved into grunts and snarls.

“Holy shit,” I said, staring in awe at her transformation.

“Yes, finger my old cunt, you young fucker.” She lifted a nostril and gritted her teeth. “Fucking make me cum, you…” Her words hung in the air as her jaw dropped, and she vibrated in a whimpering ball. Her thick legs clamped around my fingers and hand, so I stood up on my knees, and she leaned forward, burying her face into my shoulder and screamed. When her tremor passed, she rose, wobbly-legged, holding my hand and walked to the counter to bend over. I stood behind her, watching her impressively wide hips and plump bottom, filling out her black panties and what little of her dress could cover it.

“Fuck, your booty is huge.” I palmed her hips and squeezed, allowing my fingers to sink into the soft flesh of her posterior. If it felt that good while clothed, I shuddered at how it would feel bare.

“You ever cum inside of someone, Anthony?” She looked over her shoulder, finally catching herself.

“One girl’s mouth, that’s it.”

“Best thing about being my age…” She swayed her behind, “… is no nine-month sickness.”

I heeded her hint and peeled her undergarments off her cellulite-laden backside and thighs. The hate that feature got never caught my understanding as it added character and volume which strengthened my rigidity. After exposing her, I brushed her slit up and down before slipping in and growling.

“Sorry, I’m not sure why I groaned like that.”

“Don’t ever apologise for expressing yourself. Women take that as a compliment. It means you think the pussy’s really good.” She rolled her hips.


“And tight.” She continued rolling her broad buttocks with me halfway inside of her cunt.


“And fucking hot.” She threw her ass into me hard, and I latched onto her hips for support, pressing my fingers into her plush, creamy cheeks. “Treat me like a dirty, old whore.”

My heart thudded so intensely that I thought an attack was on its way. Not that I have any experience in that field. The awe of her mountainous, white ass slamming into me and the thunderous applause it generated unlocked a primal beast within me. My focus couldn’t be denied as I grabbed her long, white hair and watched her giant, basketball-sized cheeks ripple, dimple and wobble out of control with each ravenous thrust I raged into them. Hot cum brewed in my balls, expecting its valiant release into the molten cavern of her cunt. I tried ever so hard to employ restraint, but her moaning, cussing, and monstrous ass cheeks clapping rejected my potential victory of sexual stoicism.

“Jesus God, cum in me!” Meredith screamed. “Do it! Fill up my fucking pussy!”

The roar I wanted to release had to be subdued into a strained series of grunts, groans and snarls. Boundless surges of cum emptied from my balls and prostate into the hot GILF in front of me. With every spasm, her buttocks jiggled, and my words became more unintelligible. I leaned over and growled into her shoulder.

“Don’t pull out until you’re completely empty. Give me all of that fucking jizz.” She reached behind my head, turned hers, and we exchanged lingering smooches. Amazingly enough, it didn’t occur to me our lips hadn’t touched before that. We giggled and sat in the kitchen chairs, still tittering at each other.

After dripping fluids onto her chairs and floor, we decided to wipe up, and return our garments to their primary function. I continued to assist her with shifting some of her things, and an hour later, my mother called.

“Sorry for not calling earlier,” I said.

“All that time, I thought you were yucking it up with Mrs. Bertram or Shalisa, not knowing you disappeared with some stranger.”

“She’s not strange… she’s new.”

“Boy, do you understand the meaning of the word ‘stranger’?”

After some more banter, we ended the call, and I told Meredith I had to leave.

“Okay, I want to do something else for you before you go,” Meredith said, pulling me toward the table by my joggers’ waistband and sitting down.

“Man, I’d love to again, but I can’t take too long.”

“This won’t.” Meredith eased my bottoms south, spat on my meat, dribbled in her hands and then stroked me vigorously.

“Oh-ho-ho fuck.” I buckled.

“I want to make you cum again before you leave.” Meredith jacked me over her upturned face, then stopped, pulled her dress above her waist and then resumed. The visual of her juicy backside jiggling with her tugging action fueled my carnality, and before long, I opened my mouth in a silent scream and jetted four streams of semen onto her face, hair and ass. Her forehead, cheeks, nose, lips and left eye caught most of it, and she giggled, sucked the rest out, then gently pulled my joggers up, covering my dick before patting it.

“Holy… wow.”

“Never came on someone’s face either, I bet?” I shook my head. “Well, off you go then. Do come again.” Her cum-covered smile was oddly wholesome.

Quite satisfied with myself, I approached the door and opened it and in front of me stood a mixed-race young man. He looked to be in his thirties and examined me with a squint, then brushed past me in a huff.

“Mom, what the hell?” he exclaimed.

I saw that as my cue to get the hell out of there. The ensuing argument entailed him accusing her of being a whore and an embarrassment. Her replies, saying she can do whatever she wants at her age, and him not living with her placed him on pause. I didn’t have enough context to form opinions or understand the full situation. In any event, it wasn’t my business.

That said, what a horrifying situation to catch one’s mother in. I understand they’re human too, but bleaching out my vision sounds preferable. When I got home, I gave my mother a massive hug and apologized profusely for being ungrateful at any point in time. Of course, she questioned my motives but let it stay there.

As for me, since Meredith’s son didn’t live with her, I made sure to catch up with her any chance I got. I caught Shalisa investigating my movements into and out of Meredith’s house on multiple occasions, and she even asked me to hang out eventually. I replied that I’d think about it, and when I sought advisement from Meredith, she told me to hold no grudges and accept Shalisa’s invitation. Then she sucked my dick afterwards.

Meredith was the coolest.

Published 1 year ago

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