My wife was a former exotic dancer, and I placed a large bet with my rival co-worker that she would win the contest.
“Five hundred dollars says if my wife enters the contest, she’ll win.” I was confident to the point of being arrogant.
“Deal, ass wipe,” he answered before throwing a used jock at my face.
I wanted to win, but also I wanted to show off my hot sexy wife. Her lovely twenty-six year old body was in fantastic shape as she maintained a rigorous work-out schedule.
I worked as a sports trainer at the University and became acquainted with Ramone, the star football player. I knew he and my wife would make an unbeatable duo. When I made the suggestion to Ramone, he was reluctant until I showed him a pic of my wife saved on my cell phone. It was the pic of her in her string bikini while we vacationed in the Bahamas.
“That’s your woman?” Ramone studied her.
“Sure is, we’ve been married four years,” I proudly announced.
“You did good, dog.” Ramone handed me my phone. “I’ll give it a try.” He gave me a hard slap between my shoulder blades knocking the air out of my lungs.
My wife wouldn’t agree to participate until she met Ramone in person, so I invited him to our home.
She was dressed as if she was going clubbing with her girlfriends; short tight skirt, stockings, low cut blouse, and pumps.
I answered the knock at the door and invited Ramone into our home. When I introduced my wife and Ramone, I could see they had an instant connection. We were off to a great start so Ramone and I moved some furniture to clear some space and my wife put on some music.
I felt a tingle of jealousy as my wife’s attention became directed toward Ramone causing me to feel like a third wheel. Her eyes sparkled, and she flicked her hair with her hand. They got into their dance position and began to dance. When she spun into his arms, she leaned forward and began to grind her sweet ass into him. When she turned to face him, Ramone’s hand seemed to be moving down from her lower lumbar region to her ass.
“Excuse me, I don’t think this style of dancing is what they have in mind,” I informed.
I noticed an impressive bulge in Ramone’s pants when my wife did a spin move.
“You got moves girl,” Ramone said.
She giggled and pushed her breasts into him.
“Dirty dancing won’t be permitted,” I reminded them of the rules.
They seemed oblivious to my voice. I was annoyed with Ramone’s obnoxious bulge in the front of his pants. The outline of his huge cock was becoming apparent, and my wife couldn’t seem to keep from brushing up against him.
Ramone pulled my wife to him and breathed in her perfumed neck. Her breasts were nearly spilling out of her top. Her nipples were poking the thin material. I began to think Ramone wanted to ravish my wife right in front of me.
I caught the faint scent of my wife’s excitement mixed with her perfume. I knew she got horny when she danced so I looked forward to having sex with her later.
Ramone’s eyes were fixated on her and seemed to be in a hypnotized state.
My heart sank to my stomach.
My wife was lifted up by his powerful arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he began twirling her around, tossing her like a rag doll across his shoulders.
My wife was uncontrollably laughing and yelping. “Oh my God, you’re an animal!”
I decided to put an end to their brazen behavior and turned off the music. “This has to stop, you are not going to dance this way,” I said.
Ramone put my wife down.
She adjusted her top. “Connor, what is your problem?”
“I…I don’t think this style of dancing will win.” I voiced my objection with a whiny voice. It was the same voice I used when she would call and tell me she wouldn’t be home until the next morning when she was out with her friends.
She walked to me, her face only inches from my face.“You know what I think?” She poked her finger into my chest. “You can’t handle this so Ramone and I are done. We’re not going to participate in the dance.” She plopped herself down on the sofa and pouted.
I felt sorry for Ramone. He looked silly standing like a statue with his giant bulge running down his left leg.
“Sorry man, I didn’t mean for you to be offended.
I wasn’t sure how or when his shirt was removed, but I had bigger problems to focus on. “I…I’m sorry I don’t want you guys to quit,” I said.
My wife sat on the sofa with her legs crossed and her arms folded. She was so disgusted that she couldn’t look at me.
I felt like a jealous ass wipe. “It’s my fault for being too controlling. Perhaps I should let you guys practice alone.”
“You think?” My wife said.
“Yes honey,” I answered.
“You should get a room at the Comfort Inn for a couple of weeks.” Her foot began to wiggle, which indicated her excitement, and her devilish smirk had returned. Ramone’s eyes opened wide.
I gazed at her sexy ankle bracelet, then my eyes wandered up her her toned legs. Like a fist to my gut, I realized I wouldn’t be having sex with my wife tonight or for the next two weeks.
She stated her terms with a terse voice. “You can come home for dinner, hang for an hour, then Ramone and I will need to get busy. We have a lot of work to do and we’ll be working late into the night.”
“But honey.” I tried to think of another solution but my brain was failing me.
“We can’t work with interruptions, right Ramone?” She glared at him.
“Yes, ma’am, it’s hard work, really hard work and long hard work.” He had a serious look.
“TWO WEEKS?” I was becoming angry yet didn’t want to stand in their way of winning. I knew it was going to be a sacrifice on my part, but that’s what winning required.
“Two weeks!” She confirmed, showing no sign of compromise.
It was the ultimate test of my commitment and trust. “Okay, I’ll get a room,” I answered. I was proud of my unwavering faith in my wife.
“At a boy! You da man!” Ramone gave me a hard slap between my shoulder blades then we did a high five.
I began to pack while my wife and Ramone enjoyed a bottle of wine. I knew they were going to make a fantastic dance couple. I heard my wife let out an excited giggle.
“Mmm, I’d like that,” My wife said.
I couldn’t hear what Ramone had told her.
“He’s average,” she said.
I hear Ramone’s voice mumble something.
“Oh God, is it really?” My wife said, with an excitement that only accompanies her voice when she calls to tell me she won’t be home until the next morning.
I walked out into the living room where they sat on a sofa, dragging my luggage behind me.
I gave my wife a kiss and bid them a good night. I reluctantly walked to the door hoping my wife would change her mind about what was required of me.
“Darling, send me a text tonight when you’re settled into your room.”
I turned to give her a hug but she had already wrapped her arms around Ramone’s huge shoulders. “Ready to learn some new moves?” She gazed into Ramone’s eyes, as his hands grasped her waist.
“Don’t let her work you too hard, my wife can be very demanding,” I warned Ramone.
“I’ll do my best,” he answered.
As instructed, I sent my wife a text when I was safe in my room.
“See you tomorrow for dinner, Ramone and I are going to be working hard tonight.”
Once I settled into bed, I scanned the television stations and noticed they offered adult movies. I scanned through all the genres and came across white wives loving big black cocks.
I enjoyed watching a lovely female porn star who reminded me of my wife. She was biting onto the sheets as the black stallion behind her thrusting into her so hard she had to brace herself by putting her hand on the headboard.
A naughty thought occurred to me. The obscene sex acts depicted on my television screen could be happening between Ramone and my wife at this very moment. It was a depraved yet exciting fantasy.
I took comfort in the fact my wife had told me once that she found big cocks to be disgusting. I was confident no sexual attraction between them existed, but the fantasy of Ramone crushing my wife’s pussy was overwhelming my mind.
I squeezed lotion into my palm and began to stroke. I watched the woman’s eyes roll back in her head as she was pummeled relentlessly.
“You guys better win Dancing with Athletes,” I mumbled. “Just win baby.”