Just Visiting

"An old friend comes to visit and ends up participating in a wild fuck-fest."

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My homegirl, Alex is my closest friend; since we were babies. So whenever she needs me or I need her, we don’t hesitate to jump to each other’s aid. So when she calls me needing a place to crash for a while, it’s a natural reaction to let her stay as long as she needs. This time is a little different though.

I’m still in bed, not sleeping, just relaxing and my phone starts to ring. It’s Selena, Alex’s sister, and she tells me that Alex’s ex-boyfriend is kind of turning into a stalker. I live about forty-five minutes away, so it seemed an obvious choice to stay with me. So Selena and I agree that I’ll pick Alex up at the store near my house, just in case the loser is following them.

I get to the store a few minutes after noon and park next to their car as planned. I go in and find them fake shopping. I secretly give Alex my keys, and she and Selena go back to the cars. Selena gets into her car while Alex makes it look like she’s joining her, but she really gets into my car. As soon as Selena calls from the freeway, I leisurely make my way back to my car.

We get back to my house fairly quickly. I did stop a couple of times just to mess with Alex but immediately stopped after she punched me in the side of the head while I driving. I pull into the garage and look over at her still ducked down.

“You know we could’ve died when you punched me in the side of my head.”

She waited for the garage door to begin lowering before sitting all the way up.

“Boy, stop bitching. I’m the one being stalked. I’m the one who could’ve died.”

“And you still might; remember that.”

“What?” She unbuckles her seatbelt and turns completely towards me. “I didn’t hear you just then. What’d you say? What am I supposed to remember?”

“You know damn well you heard me. Unless your weave is too tight again, in which case-”

She jumps over to my side of the car trying to hit in the face, but I’m able to open the door and get before she can get to me. I slam the door in her face and lock her in the car while running to the door in the garage. She unlocks her door and gets out just as I open the door and run inside. I can hear her not far behind me.

“Why you running,” she yells while chasing me through the kitchen. “Stop being a bitch!”

I hide around the next corner and wait for her to run pass. She sees me too late as I grab her hands and hold them behind her back until she starts to calm down.

“You are such a dead man,” she insists.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know.”

I let her hands go, and we laugh it off while she continues trying to hit me. I move away from her more until she stumbles into me to stop herself from falling.

“You should’ve busted your ass.”

She pushes herself off of me and hits me in the side of my head.

“One of these days, I’m just…,” she shakes off her rage and smiles. “One more joke. That’s all you get, one more.”

“Do you know how many times I’ve only had one more?”

“Keep talking. This’ll be your last one. Trust me, keep talking and see what happen.”

I step closer to her to put myself in range of her hands.

“What happens if I keep talking?” As she raises her hand to swing at me, I stop her. “Hit me and you’re cooking your own dinner.”

“What are we having?”

“That’s what I thought.”

After dinner, I showed her to the room she’d be staying in. Since we spend so much time crashing at each other’s houses, she already has clothes here. She looks through the drawers to make sure all her stuff is there.

“Don’t worry, I always put your panties back after I nut in them.”

She slowly turns toward me while clearly trying not to laugh.

“You are such a perv. Seriously, you are the kinkiest guy I have ever known. And that’s not taking into consideration the collection of sex toys I’m sure have stashed somewhere in this house.”

“First of all, I’m more nasty than kinky. Secondly, my toys aren’t hidden. They’re in the room down the hall. And lastly, I have a collection of sex toys? The bottom drawer is literally full of dildos and vibrators.”

She crosses her arms and gets into a more aggressive pose.

“It is not that many. Granted, I do need some options for getting my pussy bust on, but you’re over exaggerating.”

“You have four massagers, two of which are in a multi-tip set; three rabbit vibrators, one of which is of the highest tech that includes multiple vibrations, textures, and positions; two g-spot stimulators, both electrical and rechargeable; six different types of bullets; all textured; three pocket rockets, for convenience while traveling; six extra wide realistic flesh textured dildos, all over eight inches; six double-ended extra long dildos, two of which are realistic flesh textured and the rest textured jellies; and six realistic jellie dildos, all over nine inches.”

“Like I said, I need options. And that’s what I’m talking about. Why are you going through my shit you nasty motherfucker?”

“Because bitch, I’m the one that had to put all your shit in this room. It’s not my fault that I have the ability to identify sex toys.”

“How is that not your fault? All you had to do was just dump them in the drawer.”

“Well, actually I had to clean them and then place them gently in the drawer.”

“Why the fuck are cleaning my toys?”

“A common mistake women make is just throwing their toys around and assuming that since they’re the only one using them, they don’t need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Dust build-up can lead to problems with the functionality of the toy, and can carry bacteria that can cause an infection or rash. And throwing them around will clearly break or damage the toy. Sex toys are more fragile than most think.”

I can tell by the look on her face I lost her a long time ago, but I still went over the whole reasoning for cleaning and organizing her sex toys. As I continue talking, she sits down on the bed and looks up at me.

“Get the hell out my room.”

“Actually this is my room. I’m just letting you stay in it for a while. Remember that,” I add while moving towards the door.

I quickly close the door behind me just as she grabs some pillows the throw at me. I walk across the hall to my room and as I’m opening the door, I hear the specific hum of a massager.

The next morning, I wake up and go to the kitchen to start breakfast. I’m aware that she’s in the house, so I’m cooking for two. She comes in a couple of minutes after I do in just her bra and panties. I’ve seen her in her bra and panties before, I’ve even seen her naked. That’s one of the reasons people always think we’re dating. But for as many times as we’ve seen each other’s bodies, we’ve never had any feelings for each other. Although we both admit that we find each other attractive.

Today she’s wearing a sinful red bra that firmly supports her thirty-four C cups tits, and a pair of bright white panties that show off her tight, bubble ass. I know for a fact that her figure is thirty-four – twenty-four – thirty-nine. She’s not the bustiest of girls, but her tight body is well kept with a basic workout routine. She has a real girl feel, not a body like a supermodel or a poster girl.

The one thing I must admit that really makes her sexy is her smooth milk chocolate skin tone. It nearly matches my own. And her tattoos, although seemingly random, are accurately placed all over her body. Her body, to sum it all up, is perfectly balanced in every way. Especially her ass and tits; both are incredibly firm, yet have the exact amount of softness to make her jiggle with every step.

She tosses her hair onto her back and looks back at me staring at her.


“I’m a guy. I love that shade of red.”

“What shade is that? Slutty red?”

“Some would call it that. I call it sinful red.”

Her eyes squint as she realizes the way I’m staring at her is the same way at stare at other girls before bending them over my kitchen counter.

“You bet not be thinking something nasty about me.”

“Can’t help it, it’s the bra,” I respond enchanted.

She sighs and shakes her head while reaching behind her up back. She undoes her bra and pulls the straps off her shoulders. Once her tits bounce free, she throws her bra at me. I barely catch it in time before she realizes I’m staring at her dark chocolate nipples.

“There. Fantasize about that.”

“The bra or your titties bouncing like that?” I ask still staring at her.

She crosses her arms to hide her nipples.

“Boy, stop. That’s so fucking gross,” she says while sitting down at the table to hide her chest more. “And give me my bra back then.”

“Hell nah, this is mine now. And I will be making other girls wear it for me.”

I throw her bra over my shoulder before continuing to cook. I walk over to the fridge to take out the eggs, turkey bacon, cheese, and butter as she waits for her bra. I set the ingredients down on the counter and being cracking some eggs into a bowl.

“I’m still waiting,” she continues.

I look up at her as I begin scrambling the eggs. We both sarcastically smile at each other before I begin seasoning the eggs. I cut the stove on and set the pan over the flame. She sighs loudly to get my attention, but I continue cooking, putting some butter in the pan to melt. As the butter finishes melting, I slide the liquid around the pan before pouring the scrambled seasoned eggs into the hot pan.

“Oh my god,” she groans out of frustrations.

I turn around and see her storming towards me. I’m kind of freeze while watching her body jiggle towards me while completely being aware that she’s going to hit me once she gets over here. As a natural reaction, I take the hits while trying to hand over her bra. She snatches it out of my hand and hits me one last time.

“Perv,” she adds while trying to hit me again.

I push her away from me to turn my attention back to breakfast. She puts her bra back on and walks over to fridge to get something to drink. She takes out the carton of orange juice and grabs two cups from the cabinet. As she walks back over to the table, I turn just in time to see her ass before she sits down.

I finish cooking breakfast with two pieces of toast for each of us. I carry the plates over to the table as she gets the jam out of the fridge. She sits down as I’m putting the eggs on the far side of the table, and she sees my dick being poorly contained by my briefs.

“Why the fuck is your dick always hard?”

I lean back up and look down at her because she knows the answer.

“Why do you always ask me that? You know I’m always hard unless there are children around because my dick likes being awake. And let’s not forget, there was just a half naked black chick in my kitchen.”

“How many times have I told-”

“I’m pretty sure too many times,” I quickly cut her off.

She sits back and just stares up at me while trying not to stare at my bulging shaft. I let her finish her stare before sitting down across from her. We both eat our breakfast while making mean faces at each other, as we usually do in the morning.

After we finish breakfast, I go to my room to get ready for work. I get in the shower, leaving her to clean up the dishes. She finishes up the dishes just as I get out of the shower. I walk back into my bedroom and remove my towel just as she pokes her head into the room. I don’t even realize she’s standing there until she coughs to get my attention. I turn to see what she wants.

“What am I supposed to do all day?”

“The same thing you always do all day when you stay with me. Wait ten minutes after I’m gone, and then toy fuck yourself until you hear my car pulling in.”

She opens the door completely and stands in a way that suggests she’s about to attack. I’m again, completely frozen until I see that her eyes are secretly focused on my cock. It immediately occurs to me that her staying with me this time will be the time we fuck, but I decide to keep that to myself. I let her stare until she’s able to muster up some words.

“Don’t talk about me toy fucking myself while you’re naked and throbbing,” she commands.

“Are you all right, because you were gone for a minute or two there?”

“I was not gone for a minute or two.”

“Yeah, it was more like three or four minutes.”

“Shut up,” she laughs.

“Seriously, I actually thought you were lost forever. I mean you were just staring.”

She yells for me to shut up again while closing the door behind her. I feel my dick throb from the excitement of being admired like that and shake off the feeling. I continue getting ready before leaving her to do what we discussed.

I make it home later than usual, and I’m so tired that I’m barely able to get through the door. I immediately head for my room, but as I’m passing the bathroom door, Alex steps out in nothing but a towel. We bump into each other and her towel falls down her body a little bit, revealing her breasts again. I catch the towel before it drops anymore and hold it against her waist.

“Sorry, I didn’t see-”

“No, it’s my fault,” she apologizes.

Our faces have never been this close when one of us is naked, so sudden there’s an instinct for me to try to kiss her. But before our lips touch, we both pull away from each other and head to our separate rooms. She closes her door first and I leave mine open for a second to listen. After a few moments of silence, I finally close my door.

I slowly start undressing while running that moment through my head over and over again. As I throw my shirt on the bed, I remember that she and I have been friends forever, and we’re both too old and comfortable with our sexuality to be acting like teenagers. I walk out of my room and over to hers.

I open her door and she’s sitting in front of the mirror fixing her hair up for the night. She looks at me in the mirror as I stare at her body. She gives me one last glance before going back to her hair.

“Returning the favor from this morning?”

“What?” I stutter. “No, wait yes. Are you admitting that you were staring at me this morning?”

She softly smiles, “Okay, yeah. I was kind of entranced by the naked size of it. Happy?”

“Well, most women usually are. But that’s not why I’m here, and I’m not here to return the favor. Well, not anymore. Consider that favor repaid. I want to talk about what happened in the hallway a few minutes ago.”

She stops brushing her hair and turns toward me.

“I was walking out of the bathroom; you were walking down the hall. We bumped into each other and my towel dropped a little bit. You caught the towel and as we both were looking back up toward each other, our lips almost touched.”

“Really? Come on Alex. We both know that’s not what happened.”

“What did happen? Because I’m perfectly fine with saying it was an accident that we avoided.”

I step into her room more and put my hands on my hips.

“We’ve known each other far too long and have become far too comfortable with other for that to be the excuse we use.”

She stands up and puts her hands on her hips while posing in a tomboyish way. It’s in this pose that I see her body still has that sexy after shower mist on it. I even notice her thick black bush hovering over some incredibly cute looking pussy lips.

“You want to tell each other the truth about what happen? Fine…”

I can feel my dick throbbing for Alex as it usually does, but it’s my lack of willpower and self-control that’s catching me off guard.

“There was a little more to our lips almost touching. After seeing your dick again after so long and you staring at my body all morning, there may be some built up horniness for each other. I think we both wanted to kiss, but we didn’t. So we clearly don’t want to jeopardize our friendship. Right?”

“Yeah,” I manage to reply after snapping out of my trance. “Great, glad we could talk like civilized friends. Now I’m going to go jack-off, so keep it down.”

I turn and start walking out her room as she sits back down to continue with her hair.

“I didn’t need to hear that.”

“Yes you did,” I yell while walking back into my room.

I push my door close, but it doesn’t close completely. I can hear into her room as she mumbles and moves around. I finish undressing down to my briefs and start deciding whether or not to sleep naked. I look down at my hard dick and see it fully erect and throbbing out of control.

“Fuck it,” I sigh while pulling off the last of my clothing.

The cool air blows over the tip of my head, causing a bead of precum to ooze out. I felt that bead start from my groin and spasm all the down my shaft and out my tip. I reach down and softly pump myself until more beads of precum ooze out. I shake away the sensations while looking down at the small mess I made on the floor. I walk into my bathroom and get a face towel to clean up the mess.

With the mess cleaned up, I turn off the light and get in bed. My dick is still throbbing wildly and is pounding the underside of the covers. I roll around in bed until my erection subsides enough that I drift off to sleep.

My dream slowly fades away as the sweet smell of hot pussy passes over my nose. I wake up just enough to look around my room. There aren’t any women in my room, but the smell is getting more and more intoxicating. I lay my head back and try to push the thoughts from my mind just as hear a loud muffled moan.

“Oh fuh…,”

I turn my head towards my door and realize my door is still open a bit. The sweet smelling pussy and mind-numbing moans are coming from Alex’s room. She must have left her door open as well. I start thinking about getting up and going into her room, but I’ve never heard her have an orgasm before. I relax in my bed and just listen to the toy-fest going on in her room.

I can hear what sounds like one of her rabbits, and it’s not on full blast yet. Her moans are soft, so she probably just started and is in the midst of warming herself up. I quickly get out of bed and quietly open my door more to hear her clearer. With my door half open, I can hear the sheets on her bed being slid around.

Her legs must be finding their position or rubbing together. Her muffled moans change between muffled and clear meaning she must be biting or licking her lips. I move back over to my bed and sit on the edge as the vibrator gets louder. Her moans get sharper for second as her body absorbs the new vibrations.

Her moans become more rhythmic and the bed aches the same way. I imagine her entire body beginning to ride the vibrator deeper against her G-spot and clitoris. The image of her firm tits softly jiggling under those addictive nipples causes me to lie back. My hand slides down to my member and wraps around my bulging shaft. My hand begins pumping up and down with the rhythm of her moans. I can just see her fingers holding on to the base of the rabbit as it hums her closer and closer to exploding.

Her moans get harder as the vibrator is kicked into high gear and is loud enough to echo through the entire house. She muffles her moans again, but I can still hear them clear enough for them to drive me insane. I put my other hand behind my head to relax more while stroking myself with Alex.

Both our breathing gets heavier as her moans get harder. I can hear the vibrator going from being loud to slightly muffled and realize she’s fucking herself with it. I imagine her pussy getting pumped by the “rabbit” while the “ears” attack her clit. I hear the headboard slam against the wall softly knowing that her body is now fully riding.

Her nipples are probably rock hard and trembling. Her legs are open wide except when her knees occasionally close from the overwhelming sensations. My hand is jacking so hard my bed is bouncing up and down, fortunately at the same pace as hers. Her hard moans suddenly turn to quick whimpers as she screams inside her mouth. Her orgasm is so powerful, that the imaginary immediately appears in my head causing me to enter my own orgasm.

As her whimpers and squeals continue, my dick swells in my stroking hand until a massive load erupts from my head. My cum shoots straight up in the air and lands on me and bed but I’m so lost in myself, it doesn’t bother me. I finish pumping every drop of cum out while listening to her catch her breath.

I reach over and grab the same face towel from before to clean myself off, but the feeling of my orgasm lingers longer than it usually does. Before I know it, I’m pulling myself up in the bed more and drifting off to sleep. I’m barely able to pull the covers over my legs before I’m completely out of it.

Even in my sleep, her miracle scent haunts me. It seems to have infected my dream just to make my head swirl again. My dream jumps from one image of her naked body to another. One minute, I can see her rocking to the humming of a vibrator. The next, I see her pump-fucking herself silly with one of her big dildos while screaming my name.

At one point, she’s even in my room with my dick in her mouth. She’s licking and sucking the cum out and off of me like a vacuum. This part of the dream, I can literally feel her hot mouth begging me for more cum. She’s moaning and tongue flicking up and down my shaft like one of the girls at work. Then I remember this is the first time I’ve ever had a dream about fucking Alex. It feels so real and is only making me want to actually fuck her.

I jump out of my sleep hoping to catch Alex with her mouth still on my cock, but I’m quickly blinded by the sun. I cover my eyes and make my way over to the window to close the blinds. As my eyes adjust to the light, I look over at my clock and see that it’s one o’clock.

“What? Holy shit I slept for like fourteen hours,” I think to myself.

I look at my bed and see that there aren’t any cum stains on the sheets or covers. I look down at my body to see if there are any dry spots on me, but there aren’t. I see the towel in the bed next to my pillow and remembering getting it to clean myself off. As I continue examining my body for dry semen, Alex pops her head into my room.

“Are you up ye-” she gasps as she walks in on me examining myself. “Whoa. What are you doing?”

I look over at her, in clothes, and immediately flash back to my dream last night. Her supple lips wrapped around my shaft, making suction noises.

“I…,” I respond at a loss for words. “I had a really weird dream. I was just checking to see if my body did anything while I was sleeping.”

“You mean you had a wet dream, and you’re checking to see if you nutted in your sleep.”


“Okay.” She steps back out the door but quickly turns back around. “Hey listen, remember what I said yesterday?”

“About wanting to fuck me? How could I forget?”

“It was kiss you, but anyway. You remember the part about not seeing you naked for a while?”

“Yeah, it was kind of an important part of the convo.”

“Well even though it has been a while, the real reason I was just staring at it is because you have a new tattoo. On your dick, so…”

We both look down at my tattooed dick and smile.

“Yeah and?”

“I kind of want to see it up close.”

“Kind of?”

“Boy…” She pushes the door open and walks over to me. “Come here,” she commands while sitting down on the edge of my bed.

The words ‘come here’ coming out of her mouth will forever echo in my head. I step in front of her and she wastes no time in checking out the tat. I stare down at her holding my dick, practically begging her to suck it. She looks up at me staring down at her with those eyes.

“Never going to happen,” she sternly suggests.

“What’s never going to happen?”

“That nasty thought. It will never happen.”

“Well, never say never,” I laugh.

She lets my dick go and moves her face away from me.

“I’ll suck that,” pointing at my dick. “When you eat this,” pointing down at her pussy.

I lean my head back and groan to myself while sniffing the air.

“I do love eating pussy.”

“Oh my…,” she says while pushing me away from her.

She stands up and begins walking towards the door.

“What? We both know how much I love eating the hair off of some sweet pussy.”

She gets to the door and turns around to look at me with a devilish grin on her face.

“My pussy would clog your arteries.”

As she walks out of my room, I just stare at her ass bouncing away.

“I would love to see you try,” I think to myself.

After hearing her in the kitchen, I put my draws and some shorts on before following her into the kitchen. As I walk into the room, she’s bending over in the fridge. I quickly slap her on the ass and jump back before she can respond.

“Close the door, you’re letting out all the cold.”

She turns and looks at me with a mean, smiley face.

“Just because we nearly kissed yesterday doesn’t mean you can slap my ass.”

“I agree.”

I walk over to her and quickly turn her around, and begin spanking her. She fights to get loose and when she finally does, she tries attacking. I grab her hands and hold them in front of her stomach as I turn her around again and continue the spanking. I smack her ass another ten times before releasing her. Before she turns to attack again, I quickly make my way into the living room.

“You can run, but you can’t hide,” she yells from the kitchen.

I sit down on the couch and get comfortable just as she runs into the room and jumps on me. She pins my arms down and bites the middle of my chest. I struggle to get my hands free to pull her off my chest but as I pull, she bites down harder. She finally lets go and starts punching me in the arms.

“Say you’re sorry.”

I quickly reach up and slap her ass again. She punches me in the chest one more time before sliding off me and sitting down next to me. I sit up straight while coughing my way through the pains in my chest.

“I can’t believe you bit me.”

“You deserved it.”

“My homegirl bit me. What kind of homegir-”

“The kind that didn’t want to go to jail for killing you. And put a damn shirt on.”

“First of all, this is my house. I can wear or not wear whatever I want. Secondly, weren’t you just in my room playing with my dick?”

“I was looking at your tattoo. And since I’ve already seen all your other tattoos, there’s no reason for you to be shirtless around me.”

I sit back and look over at her outfit.

“Look at what you’re wearing. I can tell you’re not wearing a bra because the old high school shirt is thin, and I can see your nipples. And judging by the wet spot on the front of your daisy duke booty shorts, you’re not wearing any panties either.”

“Boy…,” she yells while looking down at her completely dry shorts. “I am not wet. You just wish I was wet.”

“If you ever got wet, sitting this close to me, in those shorts, and while not wearing panties; it would take all of a split second for me to drive my face into your pussy.”

“You are so fucking nasty,” she exaggerates.

“Again, it’s was less than thirty minutes ago you were playing with my dick.”

“Oh my god,” she sighs.

We both straighten up on the couch and just look forward, avoiding eye contact. We sit for about another twenty seconds before I look back over at her.

“I’m just going to say it because sitting here quietly is weirding me out. Last night I woke up to the smell of pussy, and I overheard you toying yourself.”

She looks over at me with a shocked look that I’ve seen so many times. It’s a sarcastic face that I’ve grown to hate in a loving way.

“Really, you listened to me bust one off.”

“I opened my door more so I could hear you clearly and imagined what you looked like fucking yourself while I jerked it.”

“What the fuck?” her facial expression quickly turned to one of disgust, for about a second. “You were busting your nut while listening to and imagining me busting mine?”

“Yeah. We actually came at the same time. It was weird because I could see you so clearly, and I busted a huge nut. I mean it was everywhere.”

She turns her head away from me to cope with what I just told her, or at least that’s what I think she’s doing. I lean up to get a better look at her and realize she’s laughing. She looks back at me and tries to stop smiling.

“Okay, I have something to admit about last night too.”

“You were trying to kiss me?”

“Shut up. I wasn’t just busting to bust. I was fantasizing about riding you like a bull,” she mumbles out with a touch of embarrassment.

“Oh shit, how the mighty have gotten horny.”

“And I also know about you nutting all over yourself because I’m the one that cleaned you up.”

“Yes. I knew I didn’t remember cleaning-”

“With my mouth,” she softly whispers.

I stop my joyous gloating and look over at her a bit confused.

“How did you clean-” While trying to figure out if she’s messing with me or not, I remember back to last night. “Holy shit, that wasn’t a dream. You really were sucking my dick.”

“Hold up, wait. Okay, because I was still horny from before so-”

“So you were fantasizing about me first, then you came into my room and gave me a nighty-night blowjob? Am I correct in the order of which these events took place?”

“Can I explain what happened, or are you just going to keep gloating?”

“I’m sorry, you’re right. Continue.”

“Yes I was fantasizing about you, but only because that’s what you’re for.”


“We both know every boyfriend or fuck buddy I ever get don’t have dicks as big as yours. My last boy toy definitely didn’t have a big dick, so I’ve been horny since I started dating him. Now when we were little, I hung out with you because you could roll with a bitch.”

“So you’re admitting that you are a bitch?”

“Shut up. But as we got older and I figured out you were a becoming a little sex freak, I started rolling with you the way you rolled. The more sexual you got, the more sexual I had to get to keep up with you. And when we had gotten our flow of admitting our sexual urges for each and I had seen what your body grew into, I knew I had to keep you around.”

“So you’ve been horny for me all these years. Dammit, I never knew.”

“Can I finish?”

“I thought you were finished.”

“Keeping you around was not only fun as hell, but it also made me comfortable about dating any guy. So no matter how big or small guys would be, I would always have you around to give me a good lick and dick at any given time.”

“Are we fucking or not?” I demand.

“Did you hear anything I just said? I just explained the inner workings of our friendship on my part, and all you’re thinking about is fucking me.”

“Bitch, it sounds like that’s all you’ve been thinking about me.”

“Yes, I keep you around for a fuck, but no we’re not fucking. I’m not that horny,” she snickers.

“Not anymore,” I add to her comment.

She looks over at me before putting her head in her hands.

“I cannot believe I just told you all that, and you weren’t even listening.”

I put my hand on her back and pull her over to me.

“Look at the bright side. Your sex freak friend finds this convo very normal compared to some of the other convos he’s had.”

We both laugh off the awkwardness of the conversation before she reaches over and grabs the TV remote. I snatch the remote out of her hand and turn the TV on. As I’m flipping through channels, one more thought pops in my head.

“Dammit, why can’t we be fucking?” I suddenly yell.

After sitting on the couch for about five straight hours, I try to get to up but she’s sleeping against my shoulder. I softly push her over to the other side of the couch and get up. I feel my knees buckle as I stretch out the cramps in my body. As all the joints in my body begin to crack and pop, she wakes up and slaps me on the ass.

“Go get me some water,” she politely tells me.

I don’t even look back at her. I just chuckle and fart in her direction. As soon as my fart ends, I move into the kitchen before she can retaliate. I walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of water. As I turn around, she knees me in the stomach and takes one of the bottles out of my hand.

I slowly follow her back into the living room, in such pain that I’m not even looking at her ass. She pushes me on the edge of the couch and then sits on top of my back. She grabs the remote and begins flipping through channels while squishing me further into the cushions. I put my hands in front of my face for better leverage and push her off of me.

“Damn, you’re heavy.”

She punches me in the arm and we both laugh as we sit back down. Even though she’s turned to a show I like, I continue looking at her and her body.

“What?” she asks with a hint of fear.

“You said we were even. How do you figure that?”

“Ah, you spanked me like a hundred times. I slapped you once. So the sake of argument, I said we were even.”

I can tell she’s hiding something. I know her too well to not notice she’s hiding something.

“How long were you sucking me last night?”

She nearly chokes as she takes a big gulp of water right as I ask the question. She coughs up the water out of her lungs and then looks over at me.

“What? I thought we were done having that convo.”

“You’re hiding the real reason you think we’re even. How long were you sucking me?”

She rolls her eyes at me and looks back at the TV while sitting her bottle of water on the coffee table in front of us.

“You’re an idiot.”

“Well if you won’t answer that question…,” I contemplate the next question I want to ask. “Since you admitted, of your own free will, that you did indeed clean my dick of its cummy mess; were you cleaning my mess the entire time, or did you cause another mess to have to really clean me up?”

She rolls her eyes while trying to hide her face from me. But she turns her head to slowly, and I catch the small glimmer of a smile on her face.

“As I thought,” I smugly add.

She quickly snaps her head back at me.

“Okay, yes I blew you to a bust as well. You happy now, you know everything about what I did to you last night. Now are we even?”

“Even? You have been lying all day, attacking me all day, and withholding sexual information. We will not be even for a very long time. Unless…”

She looks at me with a bewildered curiosity.

“Unless what?” she asks.

I open my water and take a long gulp. I feel my body yearning for her, and I let those urges run wild inside me. I drink half the bottle in long gulps before looking over at her. Her face is still confused, but the curiosity in her eyes is more appealing. I put my bottle of water on the coffee table before pushing it away from the couch.

“Unless you let me eat you out one time,” I suggest.

Her mouth gapes open and she closes her legs and balls up into a fetal position.

“I am not letting you get anywhere near my pussy.”

I slide to the spot on the floor right in front of her legs. She tries keeping her legs closed, but I manage to very easily open them.

“Did you, or did you not blow me in my sleep?”

She smiles and relaxes her legs.

“Yes, I did, but-”

“Since you went down on me, it’s only fair that I go down on you.”

I move my hands up to her the waistband of her shorts and slowly start pulling it down. She sighs and lifts her hips off the couch as her shorts get caught under her ass. Before she put her hips back down, I lean in and kiss the black bush that has been taunting ever since I saw it. She shudders and softly moans as my lips part from her bush and her shorts slide off her ankles.

She opens her legs wider as I pull her closer to the edge. She pulls my head up to hers and stares at me with a sarcastically serious face.

“All you’re doing is eating me out. Nothing else, got it?”

“Absolutely,” I agree knowing I’m completely lying.

I pull my face out of her hands and sit on the back of my legs. She lies back on the couch and looks down at me as I softly kiss at her lips until they open. I slide my tongue in between them and lick from the top of her clit down to her clenching cunt. I can hear her soft moans as my tongue flicks inside her. She jumps a little as I pop my tongue out and kiss her pussy. I slide my tongue back up to her clit and gently suck it into my mouth.

She puts her hands on the back of my head and pulls on my hair a little. Her thighs open more while jiggling on the side of my head as her body begins riding my face. I look up at her looking down at me while rubbing her nipples through her shirt. She pulls the bottom of the shirt up to her chest and reveals those dark nipples to pinch and massage her tits.

Her eyes close and she bites her bottom lip as I softly pull on her clit with my lips. I let it snap out of my mouth before quickly flicking over it with my tongue. I slide it back into my mouth and hold it in place with my lips while flicking and rolling my tongue all over the tip of it. She arches her back and uses her free hand to pull on my hair harder while massaging her tits more and more.

Her moans turn to sexy little squeals and whimpers as I lap over her clit like a dog until she’s quivering. I suck her clit back into my mouth and pull on it again with my lips, this time letting my teeth just barely tease her. She pushes my face deeper into her pussy, and I obey her desire by sucking her clit harder as she begins cumming on my face. She lets my hair go and looks down at me while squeezing her tits until her eyes roll into the back of her head.

Her legs shake on either side of me as I feel little drops of juice hitting my chin. Before she begins calming down, I shove as much of my tongue as I can into her dripping cunt to lap up all the cumming juices. She tosses her head back and silently screams to herself as she cums harder. She groans and arches her back as her stomach tightens and she has to pull me away from her pussy.

She sits up straight and hides her pussy from me while coming down off her high. I move closer to her and put my arms around to comfort her. With her in my arms and my tongue having tasted her pussy, my hands slide up the back of her shirt.

“That was much sexier than I thought it would be,” I say.

She looks at me and smiles while turning her body back toward me.

“I knew you could eat a bitch out, but god damn.” She grabs my face again and lays her forehead against mine. “Holy fucking shit I can still feel you tongue, and it making me cum again,” she exaggerates.

“Trust me, girl. I know how you cum and you’re not cumming again.”

She smiles and sits back again.

“Too bad you’re only eating. I’m so fucking horny,” she adds while squeezing her tits at me.

I put my hands on her thighs and open her legs again. Before she can even move, I slap the top of her pussy. She squeals and grabs my hand while hiding her pussy again.

“Stop,” she eagerly begs.

“Why, you’re so fucking horny.”

With her trying to avoid my hand, she’s too busy to watch my other hand. I slide it down to my pants and undo them. While fighting her to get my hand back on her pussy, I use my other hand to push my pants and briefs down. The moment my dick pops out, she pushes me away from her and sees it.

“Oh hell no, not even-”

I quickly slide her shirt the rest of the way up and toss it across the room leaving her completely naked. She tries catching her shirt, and I use that opportunity to slide closer to her body until my dick is resting against her pussy. She wraps her right arm around my neck and uses her left hand to grab my shoulder as my cock pushes against her tight hole. She moans softly in my ear before leaning away from me in an effort to fight off her urges.

“Oh shit,” she whispers. “You’re way bigger than I thought.”

I slowly raise each of my knees to remove my pants and briefs completely.

“Yeah I am, but you’re also really fucking tight.”

“You have no idea,” she says seductively. “And you never will,” she adds.

I toss my shorts and draws to the other side of the room before rubbing my cock against her pussy until she’s moaning on my face. I lean my lips close to hers and tease her into trying to kiss me.

“Admit you want to fuck or I’ll stop,” I command her.

She leans closer to me and tries to kiss me, but I pull away from her.

“You admit it or I’ll stop.”

I slide my hands up her thighs and get a good, tight handful of her ass.

“I’m about to fuck you into oblivion,” I groan.

“You fucking better,” she seductively encourages.

She puts both her hands on the back of my neck and pulls me closer to her. Our bodies smash together in pure passion as we kiss for the first time. She rocks her hips into me a little, pushing my cock a little further into her. She stops kissing me to moan and look down at her parting pussy.

I lean her back on the couch and slide my hands over to her waist. She lays her head back and cups her tits as I kiss around her naval. Her body trembles under me as I softly grind the tip of my cock against her opening. She looks down at me enjoying her skin and moans while sliding her pussy further on my cock.

“Focus, you’re supposed to be fucking me into oblivion; remember?”

I lean my head up and lick my lips at her.

“Okay fine. But first, we play a game I like playing with all my girls.”

“I’m not one of your girls.”

“Shush. We can either play How Much Can I Take, Can I Take It All, or No Fucking Way. Which would you prefer?”

She slides one hand down to her clit and soft rubs it until she moans.

“What’s the difference?”

“How Much Can I Take it is.”

I lay her head back down and cover her eyes with my left hand. I hold onto her hip with my right as I slowly push more length inside her. Her feet lift off the floor for a second as I slide past the three-inch mark. Her body is beginning to respond more as her pussy clenches around my shaft.

I can feel her head trying to lift up, but I hold her down with my hand. She’s gasping and squealing by the time I get to the seven-inch mark.

“Stop, it’s too much,” she exclaims.

“No, it’s not; remember,” I mock.

By the time I get to nine inches, her knees are bent up and twitching. I push myself completely inside her until my hips touch hers. I remove my hand and she immediately looks down at her pussy. She can’t see my dick, but we can both feel she’s completely stuffed.

Her mouth gapes open and small groans escape as I throb inside her. She tries leaning her head back, but I force her to continue looking at her pussy. I slowly slide my cock out, inch by inch, so she can see how much is truly stuffing her. Her moans get softer with every inch that slides out until I pop my dick out entirely.

“Oh fuck, that’s big.”

She falls backward onto the couch, moaning and quivering as I line up for re-entry. Right as her breathing returns to normal, I shove my entire length back into her. She squeals from the shock but is soon moaning as I pump in and out of her. Her pussy feels incredibly tight and is sucking my dick like a machine.

I pick up the pace to watch her tits bounce and jiggle in her hands. She lets go off her tits and grabs onto the couch as I start slamming into her body. Her moans turn to screams as her body goes wild in front of me. I grab her thighs and pull her legs open more to fuck her deeper. She squeals and arches as I start reach beyond her cervix.

She looks down at her pussy getting pumped before looking up at me smiling down at her tits. I see her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her screams turn silent and her body tenses. I feel her pussy tightening around me, but continue pumping until she’s near fainting. Her hands shake uncontrollably as they try to grab onto my arms.

She arches her back and groans one really hard time before I feel her pussy trying to crush my dick. I slow my thrusting and kiss on her body while letting her calm down. She puts her hands on the back of my head and continues moaning while grinding her still quivering pussy on me. I throb harder inside her with each of her grinds while kissing my way up to her lips.

She pulls me up to her faster and, as a result, my dick slides further into her. We shove our tongues into each other’s mouths as our sex juices mix inside the depths of her pussy. I can feel a long strand of precum oozing out into her pussy. She moans and arches her back as my hot precum touches the front of her cervix.

“Greatest fuck ever,” she whimpers.

“Haha, it ain’t over yet, I add.

I pull her off the couch as I stand up with her still in my arms. She bounces a couple of times on my dick before sliding down in front of me. She puts her knees on the couch and lands right at waist height. She opens her knees until her mouth is right at dick level. She’s nearly doing a complete split as her pussy drips juice onto my couch.

She wastes no time in sucking my dick into her mouth. Before I can make a joke, I feel my tip touching the back of her throat. My eyes roll into the back of my head and my knees buck as though I’m going to fall. I catch myself and stare down at her big lips wrapped around the base of my cock.

She starts sucking and moaning on my shaft as her mouth slides back and forth. I feel the back of her throat every time she slides forward. Her tongue is licking the underside of my shaft as she sucks harder. She pulls her mouth off my shaft for a second to cough out the built up saliva.

It foams out of her mouth and she uses it as lube to start jerking me. Her firm grip pumps out fresh precum that is instantly sucked into her throat. She starts bobbing her head faster on my cock while stroking in rhythm with her sucking. My knees start buckling again and this time, she slides my cock out of her mouth.

“Shit! I wish I was awake the first time you did this.”

She holds me up by my cock before sucking my sack into her mouth. She uses her tongue to play with my balls while stroking me above her face. As I groan eagerly, she pulls her mouth away from my balls and focuses back on my cock. She lets a large amount of saliva drool onto it for some more slippery, good strokes.

When my cock tries jumping out of her hand with a hard throb, she lets me go and turns around. She puts her hands on the back of the couch and turns her head to look back at me. I stumble a little at first as I step behind her. She flips her hair around and whimpers for me to go at her.

I slap her hard on her fat ass before shoving my entire length in her. Her bubbly ass draws all my attention as I immediately go to ravishing her. She faces forward and lets me go wild behind her. We’re both grunting and groaning as I push further into her more and more. I love feeling her pussy in this position, mostly because I can watch her sweet ass jiggling out of control.

She bends her back down to poke her ass at me more. I grab her hips and start pulling her back into my thrusts while driving into her harder and faster. I push myself harder against her ass until I can feel cervix twitching. Once she’s screaming and looking back at me with nothing but lust in her eyes, I go even faster.

I can feel her pussy stretching and tightening around my cock. Her screams are getting louder and the couch is beginning to rock. She leans back and puts her back against my chest while slamming her ass into me. I stop slamming into her to open her legs more and that makes her whimper.

“Why are we stopping? Keeping fucking me.”

“I know what I’m doing,” I tell her.

With her legs open more, I continue pumping into her. I’m not going as hard or fast, but I’m squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. She puts her hands on the back of my hands to feel more of my power. She squeals as my fingers pull on her sexy nipples. She reaches back and puts her hands on my hips to slow me down. I get her message and start slowly fucking her, but continuing to use my entire length.

“Nice and slow, that’s how you want it?”

She groans and wiggles her ass against me like she’s trying to give me a lap dance.

“Shit, you know how I like it. Give me that big choco dick,” she begs.

“Only if I can get this cocoalate pussy for keeps.”

“If you lick and dick it like this every time, take it. Take all of-” she moans.

I let her feel every inch moving in and out until her pussy is quivering. She puts her hands on the back of neck to look back and kiss me. As our tongues meet again, I slide one hand down to her clit. She moans in my mouth as I slowly rub on her clit to match the pace of my thrusting.

Our bodies are moving slow, but we’re still using such force that the couch is still rocking. It slides a little with every thrust, making her slide away from me. I get up on the couch with her and bend her over the back of the couch completely. I feel her pussy convulsing and her moans are starting to interrupt our kissing. She looks down at our clashing hips as squeals while squeezing her pussy around me.

Her grip combining with my slow thrusting makes it feel like our fucking is a very sexual massage. I can feel her nipple in my hand hardening and her body is starting to get a little stiff. Not far behind her moaning, my groaning gets harder. I can feel my ball tightening I try to match it up perfectly with her. She looks forward and grabs the top of the couch as her entire body shakes in my arms.

“Oh shit. Fuck! Shiii-” she screams.

“Fucking cum for me, babe. Cum for-”

I slam my hips into her hard enough to pin her body up against the couch as I start cumming. Her orgasm stops her completely, making her scream in little squeaks. Her body is violently shaking against me as she continues cumming. She continues shaking her body against mine as I squeeze her tit and clit in my hands. She lets go of the couch and wraps her hands around my neck as I kiss the back of her neck while she groans as my cock swells inside her.

She squeals from the sensation of feeling her juices being forced back inside her as my hot cum shoots string after string against her cervix. I feel another large load, like before, exploding through my shaft. We are still slow fucking as I fill the depths of her pussy with hot cum. I continue softly pumping against her until both our bodies are spent and there is cum leaking out around my shaft.

I pull her with me as I turn to sit on the couch. She slides off my cock and cum juices immediately explode out of her pussy. It splashes onto the floor in a big puddle as she sits down on the couch next to me. I look down at her pussy as it continuously oozes out thick white slime.

“Holy shit! I knew your pussy would be good, but…,” I arch my back and groan as the sensations still shoot through my body.

“Speaking of my pussy, look at it.” She clenches her pussy and another big gush of cum seeps out. “That is why I keep you around.” She slides her hand down to her cummy pussy and looks over at me. “You fucked me just like I told you to.”

I reach over and smack her pussy and get my hand there to rub the escaping cum into her pussy lips. She moans as my rubbing turns into soft fingering and clit rubbing.

“We’re not done yet. I said I would fuck you into oblivion. And after some amazing kissing…,” I say before kissing her. “A fucking amazingly tight pussy like this…,” I say while vigorously rubbing her till she’s quivering and whimpering. “And a blowjob that nearly made me faint. I’m not stopping until you’ve drowned me pussy juice and can’t walk anymore.”

“Hell yeah. Fuck till we can’t move, I love it.” She jumps into my lap and kisses me while I continue rubbing at her pussy. “Fuck me with this big dick, boy,” she yells while stroking my still hard shaft.

I stand up, holding her up by her pussy and carry her into my bedroom.

Published 11 years ago

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