Just for you

"if only I could, I'd transform into god."

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Transforming into air
I want to fill your lungs with everything I am as If I wasn’t even there.
And I’d inspire you to write
with the stroke of my breeze against your cheek

Transforming into water
I want to be in your shower and be the main ingredient of your morning tea
And I’d soothe you when you’re down
playing serenades on your windows and tin roof

Transforming into earth
I want to lie beneath as you hop above with your giggles and bare light feet
and I’ll grow your favorite weeds like flowers
I’ll always appear warm wherever you’d wander

Transforming into metal
I want to be the strings of your violin, your banjo, your mandolin guitar and harp.
You’d play on me and use me full out
I will never fail you or bring you harm

Transforming into me
Whenever you need my hands to touch your smooth skin as I care
Kiss your lips as I desire you
I’ll hold you in my arms transforming into you.

Published 16 years ago

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