Just. Desserts

"Sex club... let me say no more."

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It would be Iris’s birthday in two weeks. Always a blessed occasion and cause for celebration, Ivan wanted to do something a little more for her this year. She was the love of his life and he now had, from years of labor, hard work and some good decisions, the resources to give his wife he thought she might deem a wonderful birthday evening. He told her to reserve the weekend, and that he had special plans.

The weekend in question approached and she was brimming with anticipation for what he had in store for her. A small party with dinner and friends perhaps? Awesome. Jewelry was nice, but also cliché. He could do better. A fine restaurant in the city and a romantic weekend away from their cares? Even better.

The week of her birthday came, and her mother called about plans for the little guy to stay with them. He even made plans for the two of them to be alone. No kids! Iris was very much looking forward to some romance and hopefully sexy time alone with the man she loved.

Family time was great, but a weekend away? Oh, mon Dieu… the things they could do. She was hopeful, knowing how creative Ivan could be if he put a little thought and energy into it.

The weekend arrived and they took off to Chicago. He was not revealing any of the plans on the way up, but rather silly-talking mystically about infinite love and more soberly and mundanely what he would do with her after dinner. Lots of sexy talk that got her riled up on the way.

He took her to a restaurant called Tythe. It had three Michelin stars, and they dined on the finest contemporary and artIrisn cuisine, though he remained odd and cryptic, like something more was in the works. They both tried to focus on the moment and enjoy the time together, but he seemed unable, even anxious.

The dessert menu arrived, and he oddly cut her off. There would be no dessert. He allowed no sweets, coffee, tea, or other amenities. He tried his best to cordially ask for the bill, but when they presented more dessert and evening beverage options and began to press, he pressed back. He was polite but very firm. None tonight. Why not? The selection seemed wonderful.

They got back in the car to go back to the hotel, she assumed, when he took a different path.

“You should have turned left there,” she said to him, but he turned his head slowly and said knowingly, “No, this is the way.” She argued with him about the way back for about five minutes before he broke.

He said, “It’s your birthday, and I know you like dessert. I have different plans; in case you haven’t already surmised. Just go with it, you’ll love it.”

This explained the odd behavior! A special dessert restaurant other than Tythe? She loved those! They used to go them every opportunity they could when they lived in Philadelphia. How lovely and romantic.

He drove to the meat packing district. Once a working-class hub, it was now the wellspring of Avant Garde restaurants. He knew exactly where to park, and they walked from the car down a now busy street that housed some up and coming restaurants.

After a four-minute walk, they homed in on a somewhat secluded but well-tended place. The sign that hung in front of the establishment read “Dessert. Only.”  On the door was a bold sign that read “Reservations Only.”

Tiramisu and lava cake were thankfully off the table, given Ivan’s level of planning, and better things were in store, like delicacies that would hopefully put a Lyonnaise patisserie to shame. Yeah… this was going to be good.

They walked in and a gentleman in a suit was patiently waiting at a desk that looked more like a podium, and Ivan, positively brimming with excitement, said to him “Reservations for 10 pm, the name is Khan.”

Khan? What the fuck was he doing? Certainly not their name, but he proceeded confidently.

The gentleman said, “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Khan. We have your table ready. Desert is coming.”

Ivan just smiled at her and indicated she play along, so, with a smile, she did.

The host took them down a dimly lit yet elegant hallway and motioned to the left. It was a moderately sized room that held a single table and was sensuously and cleverly lit.  One of the walls was a Japanese-style rice paper wall with clean wooden panes. Two chairs flanked the well-adorned table, which was somewhat large for a party of two having just dessert. They sat down.

They were seated less than two minutes when complimentary drinks arrived: a sparkling white Bordeaux. Not too sweet, not too dry. Perfect. But no dessert menu yet.

Iris felt a mix of excitement and oddness, as it was a strange experience. Ivan, on the other hand, seemed on the brink of electric detonation. In Iris’s thoughts, trusting her husband, this was obviously the best dessert place in Chicago and the real treat of the evening.

She was right about that, but not in a way she expected.

After about five minutes of sipping on the bubbly goodness, the head waiter, a gentleman in a three piece suit strode in, and spoke to Ivan, “Are you ready for the menu, Mr. Khan?”

Ivan smiled and politely responded, “Yes, please.”

Within moments, another well-clad server entered the room and handed a leather-bound menu to only Iris, smiled warmly at her, and rapidly departed.

The head waiter then spoke, “We kindly ask that you open the menu and open yourself for the decision at hand.”

With that, and immediately, three beautiful women servers and three similarly beautiful men servers entered the room and stood against the wall at attention, all dressed in formal finery.

This was weird! What kind of dessert restaurant was this? Still, she took the bait and focused on the menu handed to her.

The first page read nothing but “Dessert” in flowing script on lavish, artIrisn paper. The second page, in the same flowing script, made Iris wet on the spot and sent her totally aflutter. Reading further, she was shocked beyond realistic description, her eyes growing wide and her face flushing deep crimson.

It read:


·       Option 1: All three of these men share your love. The women leave.

·       Option 2: Two of the men at hand and one of the women take you entirely.

·       Option 3: One of the men has you while you while sharing you with two of the women.

·       Option 4: You have your way with all the women here. The men leave.

Your husband is invited to watch while you enjoy your dessert. He may remain in the room, observe and physically partake of himself and himself alone, but nothing more. His flesh may not touch you or the staff. If you chose options 2 or 3, the ones to leave will be decided randomly. We hope you enjoy your selection.

Iris was in total shock. What the fuck had Ivan planned?

Ivan broke the dumbfounded haze with, “Jaden turned me on to this place. It’s for people like us that are looking to branch out. Ask me questions about it later, but this is here if you want it. You can totally take this birthday present, or not. If not, that’s fine. We can go home and carry on as usual. I’ll understand if you can’t or don’t want to do this now. I know it’s sudden and probably a shock to the system.”

Ivan continued with, “If you take it, we’ll have a lot of fun talking about it about tomorrow. Tonight, this is all about you. Here, you can let it all run free, my love, if you want to. I’ll be here and in support.”

As he said these words, he stroked her hand and looked deeply and lovingly into her eyes. Ivan loved her beyond measure and was not a jealous husband. He truly wanted her to experience all the bliss that life and sex could offer. To him, it mattered not if he or another gave her pleasure, so long as she was truly pleasured.

Iris also knew that her husband totally got off on seeing her fuck, so this would be insanely hot for him as well. She knew he wanted her to say yes, which made it a lot easier to go down a path that was enticing her more and more with every second.

Iris’s ideal hot sex involved deeper connections, but she had on occasion gotten down with people she barely knew in lustful and brief encounters. Sometimes, sex for the sake of sex was enough, and sometimes that and all the kink it could entail was just what the doctor ordered.

They did indeed talk and fantasize about this type of kinky thing, thinking and hoping that it might happen someday, but this was real.

She dazedly wondered. How did he find this? Did he pay for it? Did it matter?

Fuck yes, she would do this. These “servers” were insanely hot, she was now insanely horny, and her husband was here, adding a comforting level of safety and security.

Holy fuck, what had he worked out? She’d press him on this later, but right now she was on the spot to decide on insane choices, each as enticing in possibilities as the other.

Iris made up her mind to go with it, but her body and tongue lagged, as she still sat stunned. With Iris not immediately bailing, Ivan, knowing her so well, gleaned the twinkle in her eye and the faint smile that leaked out from her lips.

Ivan smiled at her warmly, looked at the host, and nodded in affirmation.

The host clapped his hands twice sharply. Two handsome busboys dressed in restaurant finery entered the room and got to work. The table, which deceitfully held a vase with flowers, plates, fine glasses, and silverware, was rapidly stripped bare by the busboys, who left hurriedly.

On the way out, one of them took a moment to look Iris over and wink at her. As he exited, he pursed his lips, breathed out forcibly, and said softly yet audibly, “Damn she’s fine. I wish I was serving tonight.”

The other raised his eyebrows and said, “So true.”

Ivan barely and unsuccessfully stifled a chuckle.

A third person entered, a pretty black-haired woman, and she stripped the tablecloth to reveal a table with an unexpected structure. The top folded out with clever and strong leaves so that the surface was at least three times the original size, now approximating a California king-sized bed. She played with contraptions on legs that telescoped and lowered the table, so it was now only a few feet off the ground.

The two original busboys returned, with a large, rolled futon mattress, black satin sheets, and many pillows of diverse sizes and shapes. One of them slid the Japanese-rice paper styled wall aside to reveal a large closet with many shelves that contained myriad sex toys and contraptions, and lotions and personal lubricants galore.

One of the busboys hurriedly brought a comfortable chair, draped in the same black satin, and placed it in the corner of the room. He looked as Iris’s husband and said, “For your comfort while your beautiful lady enjoys her dessert.”

The lights dimmed so that the room was alit in nothing but sensuous hues. Sweet jasmine incense, lit by the beautiful black-haired woman, perfumed the air. The room that a few minutes before looked like a private room in a restaurant was transformed into an enticing sex den.

The busboys and the woman that transformed the table bowed and left. The host re-entered the room, and the six “servers” remained at attention.

The host spoke, asking, “Your choice, madam?”

Dessert was hers, and the choices were unbelievable.

Yes. She was going to do it. Ivan wanted it, for both their pleasures, and to her inner sexy delight, so did she.

What option did she choose?


Option 3.

Fuck yes, she was going to do this and go along with the kinky setup. She took a long time, but eventually chose two women and one man.

With her choice, the host placed three glass beads on the table. One was blue, one was red, and one was milky white. He asked Iris to choose a bead, and she chose the white one. With that, he indicated that two of the men, a handsome and fit black man that looked to be in his early forties, and a tall and lovely Asian man leave, which they did with a bow and a smile.

He next offered another set of three similar stones and asked her to choose. Again, she chose the white. One of the women left. She was a tall and lithe brunette with beautiful green eyes. On her way out, she looked at Iris, smiled and said, “Have fun, gorgeous!”

Of those that remained, names were given by the establishment, but not true. The handsome man, his name given as Jacques, was mature yet fit, looked white and European, well assembled, and had salt-and-pepper hair.

One of the women, Erika, looked to be in her late thirties, was red-haired, slender yet not lacking in curves and quite attractive. Erica was beautifully freckled and had striking green eyes.

The second woman was likely Iris’s age, chocolate brown and looked racially ambiguous, though she clearly had Asian ancestry. Here, she was called Heather. She was a fucking stunning beauty, and Iris would later learn that her mother was Thai and her father Tamil.

Everyone was well beyond fuckable, and Iris was positively alight thinking what was to come. Ivan sat waiting in anticipation in a chair the corner that was imported for the occasion and smiled at his wife. Iris looked at the space between his legs and was sure he was hard.

The selections made, the head waiter gestured to the hallway and said, “A room of refreshment awaits you. We suggest you take a few minutes to use it.”

There was a short hallway with a few other doors, likely for others scheduled for desserts, that led deeper into the establishment. The head waiter gestured to a small room that housed a shower with a multitude of scented bathing products, towels, and bathrobes on a hook.

Iris took advantage of the room. She showered, Ivan joining her and telling her so many loving yet kinky and sexy things, cleansing herself entirely in preparation for what was to happen, and they re-emerged into the room, which was vacant. Nearly seconds later, also fresh from showering, Jacques, Erika, and Heather entered the room. They had clearly done this before and wasted no time.

Fresh from showering, they dropped their robes. Jacques was ready to go. His body was fine with sweet proportions, and his cock was already getting hard. It wasn’t overly large, but sweet to see, with a nice thickness and the perfect length, much like her husband’s. It was a new cock, and she would soon have it caressing her pussy. She knew this, and she got instantly wet.

For Erika and Heather, their sex was more hidden, but she could see Heather’s full black bush hiding treasure, and Erika’s pussy was trimmed so that her lips stood out below a manicured triangle of auburn hair. Erika’s clitoris markedly stood out. She wanted sex. Heather probably did too, but that was occult.

Jacques stood before the bed and lifted his arms out to the women. Having done this many times, Erika and Heather both grabbed his cock, and both put their mouths on it, taking turns licking his shaft and sucking on his cockhead. After a few cycles of alternating, they turned to Iris and asked, “Care to join us?”

She did. Though it was cramped, the three women gave Jacques head, alternating who took his tip in their mouth.

As they did this, the three women looked each other in the eyes, and began kissing. His cock was now just a prop, and all that mattered in the moment was the women, their faces, and their tongues. The cock was nice, but it was on the side. Iris, Erika, and Heather were now in a three-for-all tongue kissing match, and Jacques stroked his cock beside them. The tip of his erection faced the ceiling and his balls grazed their cheeks as they kissed each other while he stroked his cock and occasionally rubbed in on their cheeks.

Heather broke formation and looked at Iris. She told her, “This night is yours. We will do what you say, and there is very little we won’t do. You can command us as you like, or have us take the lead, but we will always defer to you. What do you want in this moment?”

Iris, lost in lust and unable to take the reins at that moment, simply chose the solo male in the foursome to take over. She looked up at Jacques and said, “You guide us for now, please.”

Nodding to her, he did, confidently and knowing what to do. He lay on the bed and told Iris to straddle his face while the Heather and Erika were at his side. As Iris’s pussy met his mouth, both his hands reached out to touch Heather’s and Erika’s pussies. Iris’s fingers spread her outer vagina lips to give Jacques full access to her sweet inner lips, clit, and cunt entrance. His tongue went to work, and it felt so fucking raw and good. Ivan was watching from the plush chair in the room’s corner, stroking his cock while he watched them.

Every so often, Erika and Heather would set their eyes on Ivan and his kinky voyeurism and look in lust at his cock as he sensually stroked it. They would all probably suck and fuck at some point, but not at this moment. There were rules, and it was fun to let the tension build and follow them.

Meanwhile, both Jacques hands were working Heather’s and Erika’s pussies. Heather and Erika leaned in, and they tongue kissed with Iris in a threesome for many minutes while Jacques expertly handled all three hot spaces between their legs with his tongue and fingers.

The women were so focused on each other that they forgot about the man underneath them that was handling their pussies.

Jacques took his fingers out of Erika and Heather’s slick cunts briefly to lift Iris’s pelvis off him and shouted, “Why is my cock unoccupied?”

All three women looked at each other, laughed and smiled. He was right. Why? Both Heather and Erika kissed Iris, and Erika said, “This night is for you. Take his cock, if you want it.”

She did. She really wanted his cock. She would have it, and so much more.

Iris bent over, with Jacques tongue flickering on her clitoris and took his dick in her mouth. While this happened, both Erika and Heather rubbed their hands over Iris’s round ass cheeks while Jacques tongue continued to explore every aspect of her pussy. Jacques hands were still focused on both women, with the fingers of both hands again in Erika’s and Heather’s wet pussies and rubbing their clits with his thumb. He tongue-fucked Iris, licked her lips that flanked her entrance, and sucked on her clit, sending her wild.

Iris sucked on his cock like it was sweetened with nectar, tasting and savoring his sex fluid slowly emerging from the tip of his cockhead. Heather and Erika tongue kissed as this happened, their pussies pleasured by the man whose face was in Iris’s pussy.

This was a sweet foursome and went on for a long time before they broke. Jacques, asking permission from Iris, gave the next directive.

He guided Iris to lie on her back and spread her legs wide for best access. Giving her a bottle of lube, he asked that she keep herself open and rub her clit to her own pleasure. She did, smiling at this directive while the raw and slick sex flesh between her legs was on full display.

Heather, Erika, and Jacques took a moment to admire the beauty of her doing this and they all pleasured themselves while panting at the visage of Iris’s exposed pussy, kissing each other while gazing at the spot they all wanted to taste between her legs.

They all fucking wanted her and her fabulous pussy, and under Jacques direction, they took it.

Jacques commanded, while slowly stroking his erection, “We take turns tasting her.”

He was the first to do so, though he had her in his mouth previously. With her legs spread, he buried his face in her pussy. This time, she was not on top, so he was more in control, and he unleashed his full skill set. Jacques licked and sucked every aspect of her in every way he knew how, and he was fucking good at it.

Iris howled and moaned in pleasure under his tongue. Meanwhile, Heather and Erika watched, kissed, and played with each other’s nipples and pussies, and took turns stroking Jacques’ cock, which was by now seeping a substantial amount of thick and clear fluid from the tip.

After a very short while, Jacques let up, kissed Erika with his mouth that was dripping with Iris’s vaginal fluids and grabbed Heather’s hair and firmly but lovingly placed her face next in Iris’s pussy. When her face was buried, he gently and lovingly stroked Heather’s shining black hair and kissed her ears. Meanwhile, Heather’s mouth and tongue were going to work on Iris. She was getting her pussy tongued from a beautiful woman and reveling in the sensation.

Erika and Jacques knelt on each side of Iris’s head, and Erika sucked Jacques cock directly over Iris’s face so that she could fully see her lips and mouth taking him in, barely six inches above her eyes. He occasionally removed his penis from Erika’s mouth and feed it to Iris for them to share.

It didn’t last long. Jacques and Erika broke, and Jacques went to Heather and gently tugged her by the hair, pulling her face out of Iris’s vagina, and he directed Erika to take over. She did, tasting every part of Iris’s pussy with her mouth and tongue while Heather and Iris now shared Jacques’ cock with their mouths.

Iris immediately felt a connection with all three of them, now that their mouths had explored each other’s most intimate parts. She felt like she could be totally free with all of them and give them everything she had. She felt like she could take over and have the sex that exactly she wanted.

She did. Extracting cock from her mouth, she boldly broke the mouth play on her pussy and looked squarely at Jacques and said, “I can take the lead now. Thanks for getting us warmed up, but I’ve got it from here.”

She next asked him, in sincere questioning, “Can you really take all three of us? Can you really fuck us all?” She knew that her husband probably could, now that he was older, more experienced, and had staying-power, but wondered if Jacques could as well.

He looked at her, smiled knowingly, and said, “I wouldn’t be invited to be staff of this establishment if otherwise. Test me.” She did, taking over completely and settling in for a show.

Iris grabbed a sex toy, a clitoral stimulator, for herself. She also grabbed a vibrating wand and handed it to Erika. She looked at Heather and a knowing glance happened between them, and then she turned to Jacques. Everyone knew what to do, but still she commanded him to fuck Heather while they watched and toyed themselves. Heather and Jacques smiled and delightedly obeyed while Erika started to use her toy. She was no stranger to this sex toy and knew how to use it to prolong and amplify her pleasure.

Heather, using copious lube and toying herself with a vibrating cock-shaped dildo for a few minutes, lay fully wet on the bed with her legs open. Her pussy was ready for cock, and now it wanted flesh. Enough with the dildo. Jacques would satisfy, and he was ready and rock-hard.

The world paused as Heather asked Iris, “Do you like dirty and nasty talk?”

Iris also paused, seemingly lost in thought, but quickly and emphatically let out with “Fuck, yes. You should hear me and my husband. It gets me so hot when I’m in the mood, and I’m so fucking in the mood now.”

Dirty talk was now on the menu.

Hearing this, Jacques, Erika, and Heather looked knowingly at each other and smiled broadly. They wasted no time diving into the dirty talk, as Heather looked at Jacques and said, “You heard our Queen. Now get your hot fucking ass over here and fuck my cunt with your throbbing cock, but don’t cum inside me. Your dick’s cum is reserved for our Queen’s hot fucking cunt, if she wants it.”

Jacques was on his feet and fully erect, veins throbbing and cockhead pointing straight up and ready to fuck. Iris and Erika were next to Heather with sex toys engaging their clits. Jacques tongue kissed each woman to the side of the one he was going to fuck, applied ample lube to his hard dick, and came at Heather’s waiting pussy.

He stood between her open legs, looked her in the eyes and himself started talking dirty, saying, “Now spread open your hungry cunt and show me your clit and fuck hole. Iris’s going to watch my cock fill you. She’s gonna watch us fuck and wonder what it’s going to feel like when my cock slides into her sweet pussy and fills her cunt with my hot cum.”

He looked at Iris and said, much less forcibly, even kindly and deferentially, “But only if that is what you wish, my Queen.”

With a look of total fuck-lust, he approached Heather to penetrate her. While his words were raw, his stroke was gentle. He was slow. He was steady and measured his entry with her reaction, and it was perfect. They had obviously done this before and despite the nasty sex talk, they cared deeply for each other, and he was attentive to her, loving her gently and giving her his love on her terms.

He slowly and sensually entered Heather, and she took him easily and completely. Iris and Erika watched him penetrate her, lustful and knowing that they would feel this themselves tonight.

In this moment, Iris remembered her husband. She looked to the side to see him stroking his cock alone, in measured rhythm. She knew that he knew how to control himself and that he would only release when things were at a maximum, likely when Jacques was inside of her. In Ivan’s thoughts, he was aiming to ejaculate when Jacques was releasing his semen into his wife’s vagina.

Heather, enraptured with the entry of Jacques’ penis into her vagina, suddenly remembered the dirty talk, and she came to. She laughed a bit and joined the game, shouting at Jacques, “That’s right, use your fucking hard cock to fuck my pussy. I love the way your cock feels sliding inside my cunt.”

She paused a second in thought as to what to say next and let out with “Don’t just fuck my pussy, fucking look at my clit and lips as my cunt milks your fucking dick.”

With that, she again spread her pussy lips wide open, and as Jacques penis went into and out of her vagina, her dark brown inner lips moved with his cock’s contours, wetly hugging them, and her clit stood out prominently while she rubbed it with two fingers. It was beautiful.

In missionary position, with Heather’s pussy fully open, Jacques penetrated her while everyone watched in pornographic detail. Erika, toyed by a rubber dildo moving in her vagina, looked at Iris, who was transfixed on them fucking, and said, “Don’t you want your tongue down there?”

Good idea!

Iris started flicking her tongue on Heather’s clitoris while Jacques fucked her, and occasionally he would pull out to let Iris suck on his sex-wet cockhead. While this happened, Heather would say things like, “That’s the way. Suck on my fucking clit while his cock slides in my pussy,” and Jacques would say thing like, “How does that mix of my cock juice and her pussy taste?”

The nasty talk was in full swing, and everyone seemed to love it, even if it did elicit a few laughs at times. It was so fucking over-the-top. Most of the time, however, it just served to get everyone hotter and ratchet up the kink.

While Iris licked them as they fucked, Erika donned a strap-on device and affixed the dildo that she was using to fuck herself. It was very realistic, and about the same size as Ivan and Jacques. She applied plentiful lube and started rubbing Iris’s pussy from behind with the tip.

After a minute of this, Erika slowly and gently inserted the dildo inside of Iris and began to fuck her from behind, saying, “I love how your pussy lips grip this rubber cock. It’s too bad it doesn’t shoot cum to fucking coat your sweet, hot cunt walls.”

They continued like this for well over five minutes before they switched so that Jacques now fucked Erika’s pussy. Iris buried her face in Heather’s vagina while a toying herself with the vibrating dildo. Erika’s pussy was busy fucking real cock, and the dirty talk continued, getting Iris as hot as she can remember.

Suddenly Jacques started a countdown from five. On one, he stopped actively fucking Erika and remained inside of her. Jacques, Erika, and Heather now looked at Iris, clearly ready for what was coming next.

Jacques asked Iris, “Is your cunt ready to fuck a real flesh cock instead of that rubber one? I need your sweet and hot pussy to drink my cum. Tonight, I want to cream in your new cunt.”

Iris giggled slightly at the insane nasty talk and nodded. Yes, she was indeed ready. She wanted his cock inside of her. She looked over at her husband and his hand stroking his erection, him intently watching, and knew that his most kinky desire was to see another man’s erect penis penetrate her.

Heather looked at her and asked, “You dictate the positions. This night is all about you.”

She thought for a moment before making her decision, guiding them into their twister-like configuration.

She got on all fours so Jacques could fuck her from behind. She guided Heather underneath her in a sixty-nine position so that Heather could lick her while she took Jacques’ cock in her pussy. She placed Erika to get in front of her on her knees so Iris could taste either Erika’s or Heather’s pussy as she saw fit.

When they were in the positions, she gave the ergonomics a test ride, bending her face down to greedily suck on Heather’s wet pussy. She then raised her head, and asked Erika to open her lips and come forward to her face.

Erika did as she asked, and Iris’s tongue met her pussy easily. She could tongue-fuck them both without a problem, and all the while Heather was sucking on Iris’s clit and inserting her tongue into her pussy.

Suddenly, Heather stopped giving Iris head from below. Iris looked around and realized that Jacques was behind her, feeding his cock to Heather’s mouth. Iris again focused on the two pussies in her face, and her whole mouth area was covered in vaginal fluids.

Again, she felt Heather’s tongue on her clit, and within seconds, she also felt a slick cockhead graze her pussy lips. She was about to let a new cock fuck her pussy while her husband watched.

With Iris’s face buried in Erika’s pussy and her fingers inside of Heather, Iris felt her vaginal lips part as the tip of Jacques’ penis rubbed up and down her slit and move her clit from side to side. He slid it back and forth for a minute to get her ready, and then slowly found the entrance.

Before he entered her, he said in the rawest voice he could muster, “Time for your cunt to swallow and milk my fucking cock. Now taste all my fucking cock.”

One last time, his hand guided his penis so that his tip teased her clit, inner lips and shining vaginal entrance. Iris was on fucking fire.

Jacques’ dirty talk reminded Iris that they were playing that game, and she happily joined in. It might have been a fun game, but she meant it, saying, “Quit teasing and fuck my pussy with your whole cock. Make sure my husband can see my lips around your hard shaft. Slide it in my cunt slowly, and when I’m ready, fuck me hard and raw and cum in my pussy.”

It might have been the nastiest, horniest, most awesome thing Ivan ever heard, and he almost came hearing it.

Jacques, slightly stunned, simply said, “Yes, my Queen.”

He put his cockhead at her fuck entrance and pushed forward. Ivan watched as his cockhead dIrisppeared into his wife’s pussy. He did not stop moving forward and within moments the whole of Jacques erect penis had fully penetrated Iris’s vagina. The entirety of his penis was inside of her, and her ass cheeks directly pressed against the flesh of his pelvis as his fingers dug into her hips, keeping her pressed against him.

He was buried inside her completely while Heather’s tongue flicked on her clit. Iris took her mouth off Erika’s pussy and focused her gaze on Heather’s entire pussy that Iris was spreading open while rubbing her clit. Jacques started slowly thrusting, and his cock’s shaft was visible and glistening as it went into and out of her, and Heather’s tongue was moving her clit from side to side as his cock moved in and out.

Jacques cried out, “Your fucking hot cunt is so fucking sweet. I love feeling your warm and wet pussy surrounding my dick, and your ass looks so fine as my cock fucks your cunt.”

After many minutes of him fucking while Heather licked her clit and Iris expertly owning two pussies with her mouth and hands, Jacques stopped moving and thrust forward forcibly, stopping deeply inside Iris’s vaginal vault, his cockhead grazing her cervix and slowly leaking thick and sticky fluid.

For the first time, Jacques acknowledged Ivan. He looked over at him and said, “My throbbing cock is inside your wife’s pussy. Get your dripping cock over here and watch me fuck her cunt. I’m going to slide my dick in and out of her until she comes on my cock. Then, when she’s good and ready I’m going to fucking pump all of my hot sperm into her dripping wet fucking pussy while you watch.”

Erika chimed in and said, “Fuck her in her cunt like you fucked mine, but cum in her pussy so we can suck it out of her fuck hole.”

Holy crap, these folks were good at dirty talk.

Iris giggled a bit at the absurd level of the nasty yet hot discourse, then joined in and said, “Fuck me and show my husband how my cunt lips grip your cock. My pussy’s going to pull all the cum out of your dick and fucking drink it up.”

Ivan was stunned. He had heard Iris give him nasty talk before, but she was on a whole different level tonight. She had never taken another man’s semen into her vagina, but it seemed as though that streak was slated to be broken tonight.

Jacques smiled and started to slowly slide his erect penis in and out of Iris’s slick and wet pussy. Per Jacques’ command, Ivan arrived at the scene to watch her lips sensuously grip his cock and flicker with his slow and sensuous thrusts. He would occasionally pull out to show Ivan his flaring cockhead, shining with Iris’s vaginal fluids, only to rub his wife’s clit with his cockhead, and in good order resume penetrating her pussy.

Jacques looked at Ivan, stroking his cock, and said, “Time to speak up now. Tell your wife that you want her cunt to drink my cum. Tell her, and let’s see how fucking nasty you can talk.”

For the first time, Ivan spoke, joining in the dirty talk game, clearly saying while stroking his cock inches from Erika’s face, “Fuck him and cum on his cock. Eat those two pussies as he fucks you. Take it all and come whenever you can. Drain his balls, honey. Milk his fucking cock with your cunt and make him cum inside your pussy.”

Ivan could play, too, and Erika was looking lustfully, with mouth open, at his cockhead as it slowly gave forth clear fluid from its tip.

Jacques, wide-eyed at Ivan’s nasty-speak skill, stifled a chuckle and smiled broadly. He gave Ivan a thumbs-up and started fucking his wife savagely. Heather increased her vigor with which she gave Iris head. Iris kept pace with them, her face now buried in Heather’s pussy while two fingers of her right hand were inside of Erika.

As Jacques’ fucking increased in pace and fury, Iris pulled her face out of Erica’s pussy, but continued to finger Heather vigorously, causing Heather to increase her tongue’s actions on Iris’s clit.

Iris smiled, mouth glistening with Erika’s pussy juice, and looked at her husband. They both smiled and nodded, and then Iris turned her head further to look at the man fucking her in the eye.

Iris commanded Jacques “Use that fucking cock on me. Fuck me and fuck me hard. Don’t stop until your dick fucking creams my pussy.”

She then began, “Fuck my cunt. Cum in my pussy.” She closed her eyes, and with a look of deep pleasure, repeatedly chanted these phrases.

Ivan let out with, “Give her what she wants. Flood my wife’s cunt with your cum!”

Everyone in the room had a fucking PhD in nasty talk, and it was so hot.

The crescendo built to a crushing level, and Iris felt the grip of orgasm take her. Wave upon wave of pleasure rippled throughout her whole body. She stopped chanting and wailed and screamed in ecstasy for what seemed like forever. It was one of the biggest orgasms of her life.

Jacques was still fucking her furiously as she returned to Earth, but he was close and knew it.

He looked at Ivan and said, “I’m ready to cum in your wife’s pussy, so it’s time for your cock to fucking cum too. Don’t waste it. Make sure the ladies get their fill and show your wife how you give it to them.”

With that, Heather slid out from under Iris. Ivan approached Iris’s sweat-laden face and stroked his cock for her to see. Heather knelt before Ivan, and Erika did likewise. Erika looked up at Ivan and told him, “Let you sweet fucking cock cum on our faces and in our mouths. Maybe next time you can do it in our cunts.”

The both lustfully watched Ivan’s cock as he stroked it, opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues, ready to take his semen.

At that moment, Jacques let out a loud moan, and screamed, “Fuck, I love this fucking pussy! I’m coming!”

Everyone watched as he thrust deeply into Iris as his body convulsed. His cock throbbed repeatedly and relentlessly, ejecting a massive volume of thick, hot semen deep into Iris’s vaginal chamber.

Seeing this, Ivan also reached climax. He expertly angled his cockhead towards the women’s faces and shot jet upon jet of white, sticky semen from his cock’s tip into both their tongues, mouths, and faces, giving equal amounts to both women. He had enough to also give a spattering to Erika’s tits. They were dripping in his cum, kissing each other and sharing it, and licking it off each other’s lips and cheeks.

Jacques, spent, said to Erika and Heather, “I’m going to pull out now. Get ready.”

Erika and Heather were ready and attentive. They immediately approached Iris’s backside while Jacques was still inside her. When he pulled out, large volumes of semen emerged from Iris’s vaginal entrance and ran down her leg. Erika immediately licked the semen off her leg while Heather buried her face in Iris’s pussy and began to suck greedily, trying to extract all of Jacque’s sperm-laden fluid.

In one final send-off of dirty talk, Jacques let out with “That’s right Heather, you hot fucking sex goddess. Suck my cum out of her soaked cunt and drink every bit you can. Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be good to go and put my sperm in your pussy and Erika’s too.”

Heather regained her composure, got up and looked at Ivan and Iris, with a bit of semen on her cheek, and said, “That concludes your dessert course. We hope you enjoyed your experience at Just. Desserts. We would love to have you back.”

Erika, Heather, and Jacques sweetly kissed Iris on the lips. Heather and Erika also kissed Ivan, and Jacques gave him a high-five, saying it was time for them to go and wash up.

Before they left, the three of them looked at Ivan and Iris and Heather said, “This was a really fucking good time. I hope you liked our nasty talk. We love it when our new friends talk dirty with us, and you both really knew how to talk dirty as fuck. Well done.”

Ivan and Iris were welcome to use the facilities to clean themselves before they left.

On their way out, their host bade them farewell and a good evening. Just before Ivan was about to open the exit door, the host said, “One moment, please, Mr. and Mrs. Khan.”

He took them aside and quietly spoke, saying, “Based on Jacques’, Heather’s, and Erika’s reports, as well as our own personal observations, we would like to invite you to join our staff at Just. Desserts. Please be on the lookout for a communication from our establishment regarding the terms of our employment. We do so hope you can join our team. Good evening to you both.”

Published 3 months ago

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