It had been several weeks since that startling episode where Lucy left Ben strapped naked, arms and legs bound to the four corners of her dorm room bed. She’d gone outside to take a call, and returned to find three girls from the floor in with him. One fondling him, the other two, watching.
Ben hadn’t exactly been scarred by the girls taking advantage of his helplessness. Making the best of the situation, he had even talked one of the girls into going topless, and gave her instructions on proper penile technique. It ended before anything ‘happened,’ but the memory of that day was still vivid.
“You’re lucky I returned when I did,” said Lucy. “Another fifteen minutes and those girls might have taken your virginity.”
“You’re hilarious,” said Ben. “I still can’t get over you leaving me like that.”
“I didn’t mean to be gone as long as I was. And anyway, you didn’t seem in much distress. You used the occasion to sweet-talk poor MaryAnn – that actual virgin – into showing her breasts. She’s still gaga over the experience. She says she learned more from you in that short time than from the semester of sex ed in high school.”
“Well, sex ed with plastic body parts is no substitute for the real thing,” Ben said. “Feel free to send any other inquiring females my way.”
Now, his ‘offer’ was just a cheeky comment, not serious, of course. But Lucy was a member of a sorority on campus, one of those service sororities that did good works and raised money for charity. The sorority sisters were planning a fund raiser to support adoptions of cats formerly owned by childless cat ladies. They were discussing options.
“We could do a car wash like we did last year,” said one sister.
“True, but remember it was chilly and overcast that day and we almost froze, getting splattered with water in our short-shorts and t-shirts. I had a cold for a week afterwards.”
“Well, there’s always a bake sale. Who doesn’t want to buy cookies?”
“That’s nickel and dime stuff, girls. If we’re going to succeed, we have to think big. What sells better than baked goods?” asked one of the sisters, Sarah. She answered her own question. “Sex. What guy wouldn’t pay for a chance to get their hands on a curvy bare behind? We could raffle off a chance to administer a spanking to a ‘helpless damsel’.”
“No way,” spoke another sister, “should we be putting our behinds up for sale — or even a short-term rental. Whatever happened to women’s liberation?”
“Well, guys love to touch; I get groped in the cafeteria line “by accident” every week. Why not generate some cash from it?” asked Sarah.
“Because we’ve got some dignity, that’s why. Guys are still evolving out of their Neanderthal days; while they’d love for someone to grope them, we’re different.”
“I think you’re being sexist,” said another sister. “Not all guys are like that. Most want love and affection with sex, like we do.”
“Are you daydreaming? If I asked ten random guys if they’d let me grope their privates, I’d get eleven yeses.”
“Well, if men like to be groped, surely we should be able to monetize the experience. Do you think girls would buy tickets to watch?”
“Why not? Men pay to watch naked women all the time. We can offer women the same power. But where would we get a guy willing to be publicly exposed, with an audience?”
Now, the story of Ben’s adventure, him naked and bound, surrounded by three curious girls, had been whispered about the campus. It was already part of campus lore. Some didn’t believe it actually happened. But there were giggles behind Ben’s back as he walked on campus. It was hard for girls not to imagine what that scene (and Ben) must have looked like.
“You know all about a guy who’s been groped, Lucy, don’t you?” asked Sarah. “Your boyfriend, Ben. By all accounts, he was okay with it.”
“Eh, what? Where is this going?” said Lucy. “You’re not serious about staging a sex exhibition, are you?”
“Why not? And Ben would be perfect. He’s a campus legend,” said Sarah. “I heard that he wanted poor MaryAnn to suck him off – with two other girls watching! He doesn’t sound shy to me.”
“Girls, stop daydreaming. What happened in the dorm was a crazy, one-time thing. We can’t sell tickets to a sex show. We’d get arrested.”
“No. All consenting adults, and we could bill it as an advanced sex ed class. ‘Learn how best to please a man – with a live male model.’ I’d pay to see that,” said Amy, one of the sisters.
Nothing was decided, but even Lucy came around to accept the idea. The seed had been planted. And it didn’t take long for the seed to germinate.
That weekend, Lucy and Ben met for a date. Lucy told Ben about the sorority fundraiser, and the suggestion one of the sisters had made.
“How many girls would watch me being groped?” asked Ben.
“Grope is such a crude description,” Lucy said. “This would be a dignified and educational demonstration of sexual techniques. Doing what one normally does in private but with commentary. I’d describe what I do to satisfy you, and you’d talk about what feels best. Give advice, like you did with MaryAnn. Sort of a ‘blow-by-blow’ account,” Lucy added, with a smile.
“Cute,” replied Ben, getting the joke. “And it would be for a good cause, right?”
“Well,” said Ben, “you’ve told me how liberating the experience was for MaryAnn. She was thrilled to learn what to do with a penis. If you hadn’t returned when you did, I might have talked her into learning the secrets of oral sex.”
“You creep,” said Lucy. “Exploiting that poor innocent girl.”
“No,” said Ben. “You’ve got it all wrong. Her lack of experience made her afraid of sex. You yourself told me the experience gave her self-confidence. It was almost a public service.”
Despite the BS you’d expect from a guy, Lucy had to admit that there was some truth to what Ben said. Girls are reluctant to ask guys to be graphic as to what they want. At the same time, girls are embarrassed to admit their lack of knowledge. Both sexes circle each other in a fog of misinformation and ignorance. What a gift if one gender would educate the other.
When the fundraising committee next met, Lucy told them Ben was willing. This was received with enthusiasm. The only remaining questions were the logistics of doing it.
They decided to hold the event at the sorority house on a Sunday—girls only. Instead of selling tickets, admission was by ‘donation’ to avoid any legal concerns about selling sex. For good measure, the event was only advertised by word-of-mouth, to not provoke the grey-hairs at the university.
On the selected Sunday, the furniture in the common room of the sorority house was removed. In the middle was a massage table. A packed house of girls milled around it. A wine reception had thoughtfully been held before the main event to get everyone in a good mood. Soft music played for atmosphere.
Ben came out wearing a robe. There was silence as dozens of eyes observed him, waiting for him to disrobe. Despite his earlier bravado, he felt a lump in his stomach. This had sounded like fun before; now he wasn’t so sure.
Lucy spoke. “Ladies, this is Ben. He’s kindly volunteered to help us learn how to please a man. And as you’ll see, he’s plenty of man.”
With that, Lucy reached out and removed Ben’s robe. He stood there, naked. A nice, trim figure, 6 feet tall with taut muscles. A good-looking guy. Most important for this event, his penis, while not porn-star long, was a respectable male organ nestled in a swirl of black pubic hair. There was a polite round of applause upon the unveiling, which, surprisingly, Ben appreciated. He felt himself a performer taking the stage. However, even though a crowd of women were staring at his manhood, he did not, as he thought might happen, have a reaction. His penis stayed flaccid.
Ben hopped onto the table, on his back, arms by his side. The girls moved closer to the table, some leaning forward for a closer look. Lucy began the discussion by saying how she and Ben had been dating for a while, and she had learned what he liked.
“Watch as I begin to stroke his body. Ben likes me to start at the top of his body, then go to the chest, and slowly work down to the stomach, the sides, to the legs. All the time, allowing sexual tension to build because I’m denying him what he really wants. What all guys want is for their penis and testicles to be caressed, stroked. I studiously avoid that. I touch every part of his body except his sex. Soon the tension will build until he’ll practically beg me for relief.
Lucy started on Ben’s face, rubbing the sides and the neck. She swirled her tongue into his mouth, while her hands started down the chest. Using her fingers, she massaged the nipples. Then she gently raked her fingernails down the chest, going to the abdomen, bypassing the middle to rub the inner thighs and legs. Ben made appreciative moans – but something was lacking. The penis stayed flaccid. That was not normal. By now, he’d be raging hard, the penis reaching over his stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Lucy whispered in Ben’s ear.
“I don’t know,” Ben whispered back. “Everyone is looking at me. This is freaking me out.”
“What should I do?” she asked.
“Keep working on me. I’m sure this is just temporary,” he whispered back.
Lucy continued her ministrations, and began to massage the testicles. While Ben was happy for the tactile pleasure, the primary organ, the reason everyone was here, failed to stir.
“I’m having performance problems!” Ben whispered, thinking back to that conversation with the girls in the dorm room. “Take off your top!”
Lucy hadn’t planned on this, but this demonstration of how to please a man could not be sustained if Ben’s penis didn’t cooperate. She unbuttoned and removed the blouse. She and Ben exchanged looks.
“All right,” she whispered. And she reached behind to unfasten her bra.
“What I’m doing for those damned cats,” she hissed at Ben.
The sight of his girlfriend’s full breasts, a familiar and happy sight, began to work its magic. The penis stirred. Lucy’s hand encouraged it, stroking up from the bottom to help it climb. Finally.
Lucy turned to the audience. “Sometimes visual stimulus is needed to fully engage the male. Guys love breasts. If the penis doesn’t immediately rise to the challenge, letting the guy look at your bare boobs should do the trick.”
The ‘trick’ had worked. The penis soared to its usual ‘ready’ position. Lucy began stroking the organ, slowly working up the shaft. She explained to the crowd what she was doing, and how the underside of the penis, near the tip, was very sensitive. Ben cooperated by groaning in agreement.
There was a question from the crowd. “How long should you rub the penis?”
Ben took this one. “How long do you have?”
When the laughter died down, Lucy asked, “What’s this feel like, Ben?”
“It’s really, really good. Circling the tip is the best, especially if it’s lubricated,” said Ben.
On cue, Lucy took a dollop of body lotion and spread it on the tip of the penis. Using 3 fingers of one hand, she swirled the lotion on the skin.
“If I grab the balls at the same time, it will double the effect,” she said.
To prove the point, she cupped the testicles and gently squeezed, while continuing to swirl around the tip.
Ben squirmed on the table, giving off happy moaning sounds.
“Now here’s a secret,” Lucy said. She put a thin plastic sleeve on her left index finger. “The male prostate gland is between the balls and the butt. If you gently slide a finger into the ass and press up, you’ll be massaging the prostate. Watch what happens.”
She slid her finger an inch or two into the anus and pressed up. What happened was that Ben’s middle bucked off the table. A small amount of semen seeped out of the penis. He cried out.
The crowd watched in rapt attention. One of the girls was concerned.
“Is he in pain?”
“Ben, why don’t you answer that,” Lucy suggested.
“If this is pain, it’s exquisite pain. More, please.”
That answered the question, and Lucy continued to probe gently into his bottom.
“Is he going to come?” asked one of the girls.
“We’re getting to that,” said Lucy. “Ben, are you ready?
Ben just smiled.
Lucy lowered her mouth to catch the penis. She licked the tip clean, then lowered her face to capture the entire organ. She raised and lowered her head, with the penis sliding in and out.
She disengaged to talk to the audience. “You can’t see, but I’m using my tongue to lick against that sensitive underside of the penis, while raising and lowering on it.”
She recaptured the penis and continued to suck on it. When Ben indicated to her that he was close, she released the penis, grabbing it with her hand. She continued to stroke it until it erupted over Ben’s abdomen. Semen spurted in two volleys onto his stomach and chest.
There were a few gasps from the girls. While sex in college is common, it’s usually with the lights off, under the covers, and with a condom employed. Many had not seen the powerful stream that a penis is capable of.
“Once a guy ejaculates, you have to be very, very gentle with the penis. When it’s hard, you can grapple with it as much as you want. When it becomes soft, the same force as before would be very unpleasant. Isn’t that right, Ben?”
But Ben didn’t answer. He had retreated into that post-ejaculation stillness. A small smile on his face was testimony enough.
“I’m sure Ben will rejoin us soon,” Lucy said. “Guys need a minute.”
The crowd of women laughed.
“When do you have intercourse?” asked one.
“Well, that’s a choice. Sorry, ladies, but I wasn’t about to get that explicit here. You can bring him to climax the way I did, or you can have sex. Now, if you’re patient, and your guy has the stamina, wait about fifteen to twenty minutes and maybe you can have both. A glass of orange juice about now is useful.”
There were a few knowing nods at this last observation.
The audience was generous in praise for the demonstration, and several said they had learned a lot. Some immediately called their boyfriends to arrange to meet. Those guys had no idea what hit them, not that they complained. The university campus was a happy place that evening.
The financial take for this fundraiser was the best ever. Many homeless cats had a better life as a result. As for Ben, his standing on campus, already near legendary status. soared to new heights. Lucy had to fight off new competitors for Ben’s attention.
Plans are already underway for the next fundraiser. In the name of gender equality, the topic will be ‘How to please your girlfriend.’ Lucy and Ben are the obvious instructors, but Lucy hasn’t said yes … yet. But she hasn’t said no, either.