Just another crazy day in 2020

"An ordinary day turned out very good!"

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It was the end of November, and Andie was worn out. Surely 2020 couldn’t throw any more shit her way.

It had been a horrid year with Covid 19 wreaking havoc around the world, but she had had some personal tragedies which all but drained her.

Her brother was back in hospital with more health issues following his stroke. This left her to deal with sorting out her father’s affairs following his sudden passing the previous week.

Luckily for Andie, her niece Nanette stepped up to the mark. She was like an angel sent from heaven.

Andie and Nanette had always been close, they looked a bit alike and had similar personalities, although Nanette’s was more addictive.

The thirty four year old was now clean and sober for five years, and Andie was extremely proud of her.

Nanette’s siblings used to call her ‘Oh No Nanette’, a play on the old movie title, and sometimes ‘Uh Oh Nanette’ as she cycled in and out of jobs – quite high paying executive positions, and in and out of relationships – gender optional.

She also dropped in and out of the family along the way, but never with Aunt Andie, who always had an open ear, mind and heart, and never judged her beautiful niece.

They had spent all Friday sorting through Harold’s possessions, which Nanette had collected from the aged care facility where he had lived out his final year.

It was now Saturday morning and Andie was exhausted from the rollercoaster of emotions she had been through. All that was left to do was take the bags of clothes to the local Salvation Army store, then make the long drive home with the boxes of memories.

Nanette drove them to the Salvos and dropped off the bags. They sat silently in the car as she started the engine.

“How are you feeling Aunty?”

Andie was a bit surprised! Nanette had dropped the ‘Aunty’ some years ago. As she grew up the pair had become so close they were now more like besties. They had no secrets from each other. The mutual trust was implicit.

“I’m ok Netty, just tired I guess.”

“Are you ok to drive home?”

“I think so, how about coffee first.”

“I have a better idea.”

As Nanette turned the car out of the parking area and into the street, Andie raised her eyebrows. She really felt like a coffee.

“I’ve booked us in for a massage at my favourite day spa, I think we could both do with one.”

Andie sank back into the seat without argument.

Nanette had become such an empathetic soul since her recovery. She had such great problem-solving skills, and was back in a well-paid position with an international corporation. She spent most of her out of work time volunteering at a rehab centre and mentoring addicts.

Andie gazed out the car window as the world slid by, her mind blank. Next minute they were parked.

“You can unbuckle sweetheart, we’re here.” 

Andie blinked at her smiling niece, and smiled back. She sighed at how lucky she was to have Netty looking out for her when she felt so fragile.

They walked arm in arm past a few shops when Nanette stopped, turned the handle of the bright pink door and led her aunty inside.

Andie pulled back a bit as she glimpsed the sign-written shop window. She had had a Thai massage years ago, and had not-so-fond memories of a smallish but strong Thai chap trying to squash her flat, then fold her up like some sort of human pretzel knot.

Nanette felt her aunt’s trepidation and tried to soothe her.

“It’s all good honey, I’ve booked a relaxation massage. You’ll love it, trust me.”

As Andie looked around the dimly lit but colourful reception area, she inhaled the calming fragrances and began to feel at ease while Nanette did the necessaries with the young girl at the desk.

Two Thai women appeared from nowhere and, as one talked with Nanette, the other led Andie away with a “follow me please.”
Andie looked back over her shoulder at Nanette, who smiled and mouthed “enjoy!” 

Andie followed the dark-haired woman, who was slightly shorter than herself but with a similar figure, into room number four. She was wearing the same uniform as the others – tight black pants and a loose-fitting black button-up blouse with a pink ‘Allure’ logo on the left breast.

The woman said something in slightly broken English as she half-closed the door behind her.

“I’m sorry,” Andie said as she took in the woman’s gleaming smile.

The woman spoke slowly and deliberately. “My.. name.. is… Nid.”

Andie held out her hand and shook Nid’s soft hand. “My name is Andie.”

For some reason this made Nid giggle, and her hand lingered in Andie’s.

Nid was quite stunning, with high pronounced cheeks and a big smile of perfect white teeth. Her dark eyes sparkled and her lips were full and painted cherry red. Her skin was dark caramel. Andie guessed she was in her early thirties.
Nid gestured to the massage table.

“Take off all your clothes, lay face down. I come back in a minute. You want a drink?”

“Thank you, water would be good.”

Nid turned and left, closing the door behind her. 

Andie felt a little weird, but shrugged and followed Nid’s instructions and was soon lying naked on the fluffy towel with her face through the hole in the table. Gentle oriental music began in the room, a little too loudly Andie thought as she tried to relax, then the volume magically dropped. The air conditioning kicked in, and the warm air blew gently onto Andie.

There was a soft knock on the door which then opened and Nid entered quietly.

Andie raised her head and drank half of the proffered glass of water. She was very dry in the mouth. Nid silently put the glass on the little corner table as Andie lay her face back in the hole, her arms along her sides.

The sound of the pump oil bottle was perceptible, and Andie braced herself for the cold shock but was pleasantly surprised as Nid’s warm slippery hands landed softly on her lower back and glided smoothly up to her neck and across her shoulders. More pumps of the bottle, then the hands slid down her arms to her hands and fingers, then back up Andie’s sides and began kneading her neck and shoulders.

“You want hard or medium massage?”

Andie wanted to say ‘soft’. “Medium please.”

The massage followed this initial path over and over, with so much oil Andie felt it must be dripping from her. Nid’s hands and forearms were also well oiled as she worked her magic. It felt divine and so relaxing. Andie thought that she could quite easily fall asleep.

Unsure of massage etiquette, if there was such a thing, Andie thought some conversation might be a good idea.

“Have you had a busy day Nid?” she spoke through the hole.

“You my first customer.”

Andie went silent again as she realised how dumb her question was. She did see the sign on the door as she entered. The place opened at 10 am and they entered at 10.05. Duh!

The bottle pumped again and Andie felt the oil drip onto her left thigh and buttock, then the soft hands worked their way up and down her left leg and cheek. It felt SO good!

More oil and Nid worked down the calf and to the foot, pulling gently on each toe in turn, then she lifted Andie’s foot and eased it to the corner of the table. Her hands glided back up the leg, her fingers kneaded their way up Andie’s thigh and cheek over and over. 

Nid moved around the table, repeating the process on Andie’s right side. When she moved the right foot to the corner of the table Andie felt a little exposed, but as Nid massaged and kneaded her flesh, it just felt so good that she didn’t worry too much.

Nid’s fingers kneaded Andie’s inner thighs and buttocks, her oily hands occasionally knifed between the cheeks, causing Andie to flinch a little.

“You ok?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“More water?”

Andie lifted up. “Yes please.”

As Andie handed Nid the empty glass, they smiled to each other.

Nid stayed at the head of the table, massaging Andie’s neck and jawline and behind her ears. When Nid leaned forward to rub down Andie’s back her thighs pressed into Andie’s head, they felt soft and warm. Andie opened her eyes and could just see Nid’s sensible shoes through the hole. For some reason she wished Nid was barefoot.

Nid moved back to the side of the table and, as she massaged, her thigh occasionally brushed Andie’s arm, or fingers, which gave Andie a little thrill. It felt nice and intimate

Nid’s hands were making Andie come alive, and her massaging was becoming more focussed in and around her round cheeks and inner thighs.

It felt amazing and Andie felt herself getting turned on, but also nervous. Nid’s fingertips had brushed her rim and her outer labia more than once.

Nid stopped and let her hands rest on Andie’s thigh and ass.

“You ok?”

“I.. I’m not sure of this.”

“Nanette paid for happy ending… ok?”

Andie’s mind was swimming! Happy ending?! Wasn’t that a guy thing?

“I’m not sure… I…”

Nid continued massaging. 

“You let me know, ok.”

As Nid’s wonderful ministrations continued, Andie felt herself becoming wet. She was really enjoying the touching and allowed herself to let go her inhibitions. As Nid’s slippery fingers travelled up and down between Andie’s cheeks, she lifted her hips a little and opened her legs wider, inviting Nid.

Nid’s fingers parted Andie’s swelling lips, and slid along the slit and up to Andie’s little star. Up and down, up and down, slowly and rhythmically. Andie tried to open herself more by arching up and started to moan a little as the sensations pulsing through her most intimate parts began to send shudders through her whole being.

Every time Nid’s finger touched her tight rim Andie tried to push back so the finger might push inside.
Andie had been using butt plugs for some months and her ring was now able to take the biggest one she had.

Each time Nid’s finger played with her asshole, Andie relaxed it and pushed up and back, but Nid didn’t take the hint. Andie badly wanted to reach back and pull her cheeks apart and scream for Nid to push her finger deep inside.

Finally, Andie lifted her head and turned back to Nid, surprising herself with her boldness.

“Some women like it in their bum Nid.”

Nid raised her hand in front of her face, looking at her middle finger like she was contemplating a manicure, then smiled at Andie and went back to the massage.

Andie resigned herself to not getting her ass filled with something flesh and blood, which she craved, but continued to squirm under the expert hands of the beautiful Nid.

Andie was almost up on her knees now as Nid penetrated her dripping pussy with two slippery fingers, slowly and deliberately, her other hand continued to tease Andie’s puckered rim.

“You turn over now?”

“Mmmmm… not yet, thanks.”

The massage continued, Andie getting closer and closer to her happy ending. It was sensational, it reminded Andie of a scene in an old Emmanuelle movie.

Slowly Andie lowered herself and announced that she was ready to turn over. As she did, she looked up at the beaming Nid, who obviously enjoyed her work.

Nid placed a pillow over the face hole for Andie to lay her head on.

Andie parted her legs wide, raising her knees, allowing Nid to do as she pleased, she was almost delirious with pleasure.
Nid’s left hand slid up and massaged Andie’s left breast, rolling her hard nipple as she pushed her fingers back into Andie’s pulsing pussy. Andie’s right arm flopped from the table, and she ran her fingers up Nid’s thigh as she brought it back up. Nid didn’t seem to mind, and Andie cupped her round ass. Nid just smiled down at Andie.

“Is this alright?” asked Andie.

Nid nodded yes, and widened her stance.

Andie’s hand went between Nid’s legs and applied pressure to the seam of her pants, watching Nid look upwards then close her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling.

Andie’s climactic feelings plateaued as she now had another goal in mind. She wanted to please Nid!
Her hand was all over Nid, as best she could from this awkward position, caressing her soft round butt, rubbing hard between her legs, caressing her back, all the while Nid fingered and massaged Andie’s slippery body.

Andie managed to work her hand up under Nid’s blouse, rubbing her back then slipping around and cupping her breast through her padded bra. It was a bit unsatisfying, so Andie managed to reach her hand inside, working the soft boob up and out of the bra cup enough to feel Nid’s large erect nipple, all the while watching Nid’s face. Nid liked what Andie was doing.

Andie’s orgasm was now on the rise again, which emboldened her, but she once again wondered about the etiquette of the situation.

“Is it ok if you take off your top Nid?”

“You want extra?”

Andie nodded enthusiastically.

“Fifty dollars for extra.”

A bit taken aback, but undeterred, Andie agreed and closed her eyes as Nid’s hands left her body and started undoing buttons. The sound of Nid’s voice opened Andie’s eyes.

“You want to play here?” 

Nid appeared still fully clothed as Andie opened her eyes, but turned her head to see Nid pointing to her smooth bald mound, her unbuttoned bodysuit and blouse bunched up around her waist. 

Andie slipped her fingers between Nid’s soft fleshy thighs, and opened up her pussy, feeling her wetness and smiled with delight.

“You’re WET!”

Nid just smiled and went back to work on Andie’s own drenched cunt.

Andie had never fingered another woman’s pussy before. Access was restricted as Andie realised that Nid’s tight pants were only down around her knees, and the angle from this position was difficult, but Andie was excited and eager to please. Her hand dabbled between Nid’s legs and she managed to push her middle finger up inside. Nid was very tight. Andie curled her finger and pressed against her firm rippled wall. She watched Nid’s reactions as she slid her finger in and out, then circled her hard clit, flicking her finger fast but lightly, left and right. She tried to get two fingers inside Nid, but the angle and tightness made it impossible.

Watching Nid’s face as she alternated between fingering and clit flicking, Andie wasn’t getting much of a read, then she decided to mirror Nid’s actions as best she could.

Nid was still using both hands on Andie, one on her left breast and erect nipple, and the other assaulting her cunt with three fingers. When she pinched Andie’s hard clit, Andie did the same to her. They both let out a moan. Andie began to buck. Nid pushed her fingers in deep and fast and pumped hard. Andie followed suit with her one finger. Andie groaned loudly as her orgasm hit fast. She laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes, her hips rose and fell as the waves rushed through her, she hoped Nid was cumming with her as she managed to keep fingering this Thai beauty while her own body spasmed through the intense climax.

As the aftershocks subsided, Andie’s finger slipped from Nid. Her wrist was aching a little but everything else felt like bliss. Her breathing began to slow and she opened her eyes as Nid was pulling her pants up and making herself respectable.

“Was that ok Nid?”

Nid leant close and Andie thought she might be getting a kiss, but Nid’s face lit up with the biggest smile and had her two thumbs up on either side of her face.

Andie lay back, fully sated and delighted that she had made Nid cum.

She heard Nid at the little basin, and watched her wash her face and tighten her ponytail before she left the room saying she would be back in a minute.

Andie raised her finger to her face and inhaled, the scent was not like her own, but strong and, well, just different. She giggled as she made a mental note to check herself next time she ate Thai food, and was about to have a taste when the door opened and Nid came in with hand towels, steaming hot, and began wiping the oil from Andie, including her hands, so the opportunity to savour the flavour was gone.

Andie smelled her arm and realised that the oil was unscented, and wondered what it was.

Nid finished towelling Andie down and looked up at the clock. It was 11.20. Andie figured the massage was one hour long and started to get up off the table.

Nid stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“You want head massage?”

Andie smiled, “No thank you, I’m all good.. real good.”

Andie slowly got off the table, a bit wobbly-legged, and began to dress in front of Nid, not feeling the least bit self-conscious, and asked Nid about herself.

Nid came to Australia as a chef but it was hard to get work, and she returned to Thailand to learn massage before returning to Australia four years later. The timeline was a bit hard to follow, but she was either married ten years ago, or for ten years, either way she now lived with her twenty-two year old daughter.

“Wait.. what?! You can NOT have a child that old!”

“Thank you,” Nid beamed, “I have another daughter still in Thailand. She is umm… twenty-seven, no, twenty-eight I think.”

Andie’s head was spinning again. This was crazy!

“How old you think I am?” Nid asked.

Andie did the math, trying not to assume that Nid had a baby when she was only a child herself.

“Well I suppose mathematically I would guess forty-five, but you look thirty-two!”

Nid flashed her brilliant smile again and said she was forty-something. Andie didn’t know if Nid was being coy, or genuinely wasn’t sure.

She asked Andie her age, and when she replied “fifty-three,” Nid was equally surprised and said she thought Andie looked ten years younger than that. Andie smiled and thanked Nid. At that moment Andie felt more like twenty-three inside.

As they talked, Nid revealed that she loved being a chef, but massaging paid better.
She was sad to learn that Andie never had children, but tried to cheer things up by saying that children were a worry anyway.

Nid actually lived not far from Andie’s brother, and worked at this spa because it was a short drive. Apparently, the Allure franchise had several sites in the surrounding suburbs. All this information had Andie’s mind racing. Thoughts of meeting Nid outside of work popped into her head. Going for coffee. Meeting her daughter. Having dinner together, or a girls night out – or in!

Nid excused herself as Andie sat in a chair, putting her sandals back on, then returned with a business card, pink on one side and with ten squares on the flip side – a loyalty program.

Nid pointed to square one, with her name written in pen.

“This is me. I work every weekend and some other days. You ask for me when you book… ok.”

Andie smiled as she looked at the nine blank squares needing to be filled to earn a free visit. She reached for her bag to put the card away, and the fantasy of meeting Nid out of work all but evaporated when Nid gently reminded her of the fifty dollars for the extras.

Andie’s face flushed with embarrassment as she fumbled in her purse for the money.

“Oh God Nid, I’m SO sorry. It completely slipped my mind. I wasn’t trying to…”

Nid shushed her with a finger to her lips, and smiled.

Andie handed her the fifty, and wished the floor would open up and swallow her. Nid stepped closer and hugged Andie, kissed her cheek and smiled.

“I see you again?”

“Most definitely!”

Nid beamed again and escorted Andie from the room, past another young girl in an Allure uniform, and opened the door for her. Andie turned and looked around past Nid, who told her that Nanette had already left.

Andie thanked her and turned to leave. Nid gave her another kiss on the cheek.

Andie spotted the steel-blue Ford Explorer, not where it was parked originally, and walked, almost skipped, to the car. She opened the door and slipped into the passenger seat as Nanette put her phone down and threw the empty takeaway cup onto the back seat, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“How was your massage?”

“Hmmm… wonderful, just what I needed. Thank you so much Netty. How was yours?”

“Oh, I didn’t bother. I really just wanted a coffee.”

Andie shook her head and smiled as she buckled up. Netty started the car, checked her mirror, flicked on the indicator, looked over her shoulder and picked a less than adequate gap in the traffic, gunning the engine to make it.

Andie just sat back, smiling as she thought to herself – “No wonder I love this girl!”

Published 4 years ago

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