For two hours now the library had stood dark, only the occasional head light from a passing car trickled through the front glass door causing strange shapes to dance across the walls as if the books themselves had come to life. The music from the computer played a beautiful Tango, just barely audible, but she knew the song so well and she loved allowing her body to sway to the music. Placing the last book in its rightful station she let her hands roam over her full breasts, at the age of forty three her own touch could still bring a surge of passion to her. This spring would be her twentieth anniversary at the library. Except for Sundays, this was her life. She considered herself a plain looking women and believed that is also how the outside world viewed her.
The exotic adventures that she had lived had only been through the creation of her own mind. Once when she was young she had felt the passion of a man, had felt his body heavy upon her, his needs pleasuring her desires. But that was long ago. Sometimes in the cold of night his memory still lingered deep within her as her hands found the warmth of her passion needing to be fulfilled.
But in the dark of the library she stood at the desk reading the note once again. For a year now every third Friday a note would appear on her desk. “I’ll be there at 10:00p.m please be ready for me” They always stated the same thing. Except for the first one.
She pulled the cotton dress over her head and neatly folded it laying it on her desk, the short silk black slip clung to her body, accentuating her full breast and curved hips. The black stockings giving her legs a shimmering affect as she slipped off her plain brown shoes and replaced them with the blacked spiked heels. Taking the blood red silk scarf from the bottom drawer she careful tied it around her neck. She walked through the rows of books letting her fingers slide long the worn covers as she hummed softly the song that played. The silk fabric felt cool and luscious against her body enticing her with ever step she took. As she stood in front of the history section, her deep desires rising as her hands roamed over her body. Sounds of the footsteps echoed throughout the old building, Her heart pounding her breathing quickened as the footsteps grew closer.
He was behind her, the feel of his body pressing next to her, his scent consuming her. Her body quivered and relished in the warmth that had began to build between her thighs as the scarf was taken from her neck and carefully placed over her eyes and tied. The warmth of his strong hands caressed the back of her neck, rubbing softly down her shoulders, his lips moist and intense as he kissed the nape of her neck, letting his tongue inch all around before he began taking small bites followed by wet kisses. The long coat he wore brushed against her calves as his body rubbed closer to hers. She could feel the hardness of his cock as he pressed his body into her. The silk stockings now saturated with her own juices, her insatiable appetite for his body growing stronger. Taking her by the hand he led her to the long wooden table, her body trembled as he slid the straps from her shoulders letting the slip fall to the floor.
As he knelt before her she eagerly spread her legs for him, his hands roaming over her legs, inches away from her swollen pussy even through her silk stockings his warm breath tantalizing her. his tongue lightly licking at the insides of her thighs, she needed to feel the sensual wetness of his tongue on her clit, to experience the release that he could supply to her. Between her deep breathless moans she begged him, consumed within her own lust she no longer could wait, through her stockings her fingers stroked and pleasured her moisten pussy. Her own wetness felt wonderful, her mind no longer in control as her body moved in unison with her fingers. As his hands moved up her legs and over her hips, such an erotic feel as the cold metal between her legs began to cut the stockings away from her, exposing her glistening swollen pussy for his lascivious indulgence.
He stood in front of her, only feeling his lips brush across hers, she hungered for him, wanting all that he could give her. His hands caressing her naked flesh, she pushed herself into him, needing to feel his body on hers. But he had not yet completed his game, he pushed her back on to the table, the palm of his hand rubbing slowly across her nipple while his other hand teased and tormented her wet opening, wickedly he slid his fingers slowly into her, going deeper as she pushed her hips towards him, she begged him once again for release, her begging turned to cries, but he only teased her more. Every muscle in her body strained until he knew she could withstand no more. As she felt the hardness of his cock pressing against her pussy, her back arched her breathing erratic as she invited him into her. She tightened herself around his cock as he pushed further and deeper into her, grabbing her hips he relentlessly fucked her, his cock moving in and out of her, possessed by the intoxicating passion, her body moved in rhythm with his. As one they were lost in an lustful dance, his cock fulfilling her intense desire, her pussy calming his primal hungry. As his cock played inside her she felt the orgasmic release move through her body, with his wild thrusts she could feel his body give way to his own needs, the warmth of his cum mixed with her own juices drenched her thighs.
He pulled away from her, the scent of their lust hung in the air, taking her by her hand he led her back to the same row of books in which he found her. As he untied the scarf he kissed the back of her neck, she heard his footsteps walk away, but knew he would soon come again for her body. She picked up the scarf and walked back to the table.