Just Across the Hall

"College girl dares to tell her secret about her Christmas break surprise"

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Every relationship ends. Before they do, they hit a sweet spot, those few weeks when things are as close to perfect as they’re going to get.

We were in that zone, had just entered it, actually. A few weeks back the whole thing started with some flirty jokes in class. Then we ran into one another at the soda machine during a break. I said a few things, made her laugh. That’s never a bad start, and if you’re a little older than the average college kid—and I was, thanks to some army time—it’s not a tough thing to pull off. Play it right, and there’s truth in the older guy/younger gal equation. It has never let me down. It didn’t this time.

A few pizzas and movies later and she was blowing me on my sofa. It was a quick one, fast and wet the way I always prefer it. It came out of nowhere after an accidental discussion about sex. I hadn’t pressured her. She was fun to hang out with. Up till then the goodnight kisses did me just fine. Then one afternoon we had a quick lunch in my kitchen. Before she left for her evening waitress gig she mentioned how nice I’d been to her, and with a foxy little wink she told me how unnecessary that was now. I told her I didn’t want to make assumptions about a girl as nice as her. She said she made assumptions about me, said she assumed I like to have my cock sucked. I didn’t stop her from trying to prove that.

That was a week or so ago. Things got fun fast after that kitchen treat. That night she came over after her shift ended. She showered at my place, to wash off all that restaurant stink. I was in the bedroom when she came in and dropped her towel. We were still in bed going at it hard when we decided to skip class the next morning. We ordered out, ate a naked lunch, and spent the day on every piece of furniture in the place. Things only got better from there.

And now we’re here, this story. She’s asleep. We’re at the end of a two-day session that started when I brought home a CD (by whom, doesn’t matter) and we listened to it after dinner. The groove was sexy and we fucked to it. The music ended an hour later and we were still at it. We let it play over again, and again half a dozen more times. The sun was up when we showered and finally went to sleep. When we woke up for lunch I thought she’d eat something and go home to change for work. When she surprised me and called in sick, I knew we had something good. She hung up the phone, came over to the sofa, dropped the robe, and straddled my lap.

“Tell me about the naughtiest you’ve ever been with someone.”

“Someone besides you?”

“Of course, and I want all the details.”

This was new, but after all the fucking over the last few weeks, we were running out of surprises. This qualified, and nicely I might add.

I gave her what she wanted, on two fronts. I told her some stories she wanted to hear, and when she started to drip all over me I slid her down on my cock and I gave her the fuck of our young relationship. We played out all the stories I had for her. She wanted to be those girls, to feel what they felt. Some men wait forever to find a girl who’s that broad-minded. I let her know, when she had most of my meat in her throat, how much I appreciated her approach to male-female bonding. I also told her I wanted something from her later.

“Anything,” she gurgled, with my meat suffocating her.

She woke up a few hours later and made herself some dinner. She brought a plate of onion rings to bed. My cock’s as thick as they come. She tried to slip a few rings over it but couldn’t get them past the head. I pushed her down. She finished what she started, and licked the crumbs off.

She sat up with a smile. “That was fun.”

“It was. Did you like it?”

“Mmmmm… I love onion rings.”

We kissed. She tried to lie down. I pulled her back up by the arms, gently.

“You owe me a little something, remember?”

“What do I owe you?”

“I told you my stories. Now I want to hear yours.”

“I don’t have any stories.”


“I’m only twenty. I don’t have your experience.”

“Baby, that wasn’t a virgin, that girl who sat out there on that sofa and sucked my cock last week, out of nowhere.”

She laughed and bit her bottom lip, the way bad girls do when they’re caught out.

“I know, but-“

“But nothing. Your turn, honey.”

She pretended to think, then pretended to be shy. I tickled her until she started talking, first about some jock with a crooked cock and then about some boyfriend of a friend she played volleyball with in high school. Routine shit for a college girl with nothing behind her except whatever pimply teen-age boys call fucking. I listened and pretended to be turned on. I rolled her over and from behind I slid inside her, gave her the slow stroke as she finished another high school hump tale. Then I leaned in close and started talking in her ear, the same moment I put a hand on her hip, with a little pressure, and started going balls deep as my cock grew into full werewolf.

“Oh, fuck!” She groaned. She pushed against the wall with both hands. I bit her neck. She nearly screamed.

“Shut up, baby, unless you’re going to tell me just how bad you really are.”

I thrust a deep stroke and held the big bad wolf up in there, then slipped it out slowly.

“Mmmmmm! Oh, shit, but I’m not bad.”

I slammed more meat into her and was back in her ear, as close as I could get.

“Bullshit. I remember how you rode me the first time we fucked. I remember you swallowing that first load. Good girls don’t play that nice. Now talk to me, bad… little… bitch!”

I fucked her, a dozen or more hard strokes until she was shaking on the bed. Then I pulled out, just to the tip of my head. I reached down and grabbed it, and teased her, rubbing the head from her ass to her clit, nice and slow.

“Oh, Jesus Christ YES!”

“Bad… little… girl. Talk to me.”

“And say what, baby! Oh, god! YES!!! GOD!!”

I pulled away and flipped her over. I raised her knees and spread her. In position now, I slammed all of it home and fucked her rotten, never letting up.

“You’re a bad little whore, aren’t you?”


“Tell me how bad! Tell me what makes you cum when you’re all alone!”


“Thinking about how bad you are?”


I slammed her until the shaking stopped and she was lying limp under me. When I was ready, I didn’t say a word. I pulled out, grabbed her head, and she did the rest. I didn’t even have to move her there. I let her have it all, and she stayed on me until I was dry.

A minute later, she was lying back, staring at the ceiling. I knew where her head was.

“Afraid to tell me?”

“A little bit.”

“It’s a secret?”


“But it made you cum just now.”

“I know.”

She closed her eyes. I crawled up and kissed her. She kissed back, hard. We were getting there.

“So tell me.”

“Can I go pee first?”



I was on the sofa with a towel around my waist when she came out of the bathroom. She got a glass of water from the kitchen and brought me one. She put a pillow on the floor and sat in front of me, waiting for me to talk. I didn’t say a word.

“Okay, this was last year. God, I can’t believe I’m going to say this out loud!”

“Go ahead.”

She finished her water and took a deep breath. We gave one another a long look, but I wasn’t letting her off that easy.

“Okay. I was home from school, last Christmas, after my first semester here. I was in my room, getting ready to go to a Christmas party at a friend’s. I heard porn from down the hall.”


“My brother was in tenth grade then. He’s a guy, alone in his room, right?”


“So this porn is really loud, and I’m waiting for a phone call, so I walk over to close my door, and…”


She pulled her knees up into a ball and covered her eyes with her hands. She was half laughing when she squealed.

“Aaaahhhh! Do I have to tell you this?”

“Hey, you just spent three hours listening to my life story. Spill it, sister!”

I stuck a big toe near her ass and tickled. She jumped back and laughed. I reached a hand out and she took it. I pulled her closer and she sat leaning half against my leg and half against the sofa.

“I went to close my bedroom door, and… and I realized my brother was not listening to porn.”

“Was he fucking someone?”


She stared up at me, with a devilish smile. All I could do was smile back. I had nothing.

“My parents.”

“Whoa! Where?”

“Their room is right across the hall from mine.”

“Wow! Did they not know you were in your room?”

“They had friends over for lunch. I think they were drinking wine all afternoon.”

“Wow! Mom and Dad in the Christmas mood, the giving spirit.”

“I know! I had never heard them even discuss sex, let alone catch them, and now-“

“Did you listen?”

“I had no choice!”

“That loud?”

“Yes! My god…”

Whatever embarrassment she claimed she felt, it was all melting away. Her whole body had relaxed. She was better at this than I could’ve hoped. I was intrigued, if a little surprised. I was also a little excited, and impatient.


“So my mom was screaming and I was so embarrassed.”


“I don’t want to hear my mom screaming ‘Oh, Bert, fuck me just like that!’”


“My dad’s name is Albert, same as my grandfather. My grandfather is Al. Everyone calls my dad Bert.”

“So ol’ Bert was laying it to mom pretty hard.”

“I guess so.”

There was a pause. It threatened to hang there a while. I didn’t let it.

“So… that’s all? That’s your story?”

“Not all.”

“Okay, what else then?”

“I’m pretty sure she started to blow him.”

“HAHAHAHA! Like mother like daughter!”

“Shut up!” She hit me playfully on the knee.

“How did you know she was sucking him off?”

“Because he started talking, and she started gurgling.”

“And you would know what that’s all about.”

“Of course!”

We both laughed and I stuck a finger in her mouth. She grabbed my hand and gave me the “I’ll suck you dry eyes” but I wasn’t in the mood for this tale to end just yet. I was about to take my finger out of her mouth when she did it for me.

“And then the story gets even weirder!”

“Oh, it does?”

She started sucking my finger again. I let her have it. Then she was ready to go on.

“I started to close my door, because I heard enough. And then the door to their room opened!”

“Uh oh!”

“And there was my father, naked, and he saw me looking.”


“…at his ginormous fucking cock!”

“What? Really?”

“Oh… my… god!”

She rolled backward until her head was nearly on the floor, her long blond hair splayed all over the rug. I held her by the wrists and gently eased her back up so she could lean against my knees again. She looked right into my eyes, still in full laughter.

“So it was really-“

“FUCK yes!! It was like a long fat snake was hanging there.”

“And then what happened?”

“I jumped back in my room. I said I was sorry and I shut the door, but I know he saw me looking because…”

“Because what?”

“No, I can’t say it!!” She pulled her hands away and crossed her arms against her tits.

“Tell me.” I touched her face, tilted it up by the chin so she could see me looking at her.

“Tell me.”

“Because he started getting hard, and he smiled at me!”

She was embarrassed but smiling, like a triumphant, sneaky little shit.

“Wow! So Daddy’s little girl makes Daddy hard, right after he cums for Mommy.”

She smiled and closed her eyes. She let out a laugh. I took a chance.

“This story isn’t over, is it?”

She opened her eyes and shook her head. “No it’s not.”



The floor was hers now.

“I got dressed as fast as I could and left for the party, hoping I wouldn’t see anyone in the house.”

“Especially your dad.”

“Right, but I didn’t see anyone. I drove to the party. Not a party, really, just some high school girlfriends, at my cousin Beth’s house. Her parents were away and we drank so much. My friend Natalie wanted to call a stripper, a stripper Santa, but no one knew how or where to find that, so we started joking about calling guys we knew. So, you know, we started comparing guys we knew, and their cocks.”

“A house full of girls comparing cock stories?”

“That’s all girls do, baby.”

“I knew it. So anyway…”

“So everyone has to describe the biggest cock they’ve ever seen. It gets to me, and I say—I was drunk then, remember? Okay…?—so I say, ‘I think my dad’s dick might be the biggest one in town!’”

She laughed hard. I enjoyed seeing her this loose.

“Really, you said that?”

“I did! And everyone got quiet.”

“I bet.”

“And then my cousin Beth said, ‘I think so, too.’ And then everyone started laughing and nodding and agreeing.”


“That’s what I said, ‘What the fuck everybody?’ And Beth said, ‘Oh, come on, Amy. All your pool parties, and your dad wears those tight swimming shorts. Please! We all know Bert’s packing.’ And now everyone is laughing, almost peeing themselves.”

“And you?”

“I was, too, but I was still kind of shocked. I never heard any of this before.”

“So what did you do? What did you say?”

“Nothing, because Natalie said, “Let’s play truth or dare,’ and everyone said okay. So we did.”

“Uh oh…”

“Right. First question was for Beth, and she said ‘Truth!’ And Natalie said, ‘Do you ever masturbate to Bert’s giant dick?’

“Oh, wow! Right out of the gate!”


“And what did Beth say?”

“’All the fucking time!’”

Amy laughed hard. I did, too. And then she saw my cock growing, werewolf style, doing its best to match Bert’s.

“Oh, wow.”

“I know. Come here.”

I lifted her up. “Are you gonna fuck me now, your bad girl?”

“Shut up.”

I had never said that to her before, and she got quiet, and serious, and breath filled her chest, making her tits swell, and she knew what was coming and she wanted every bit of it.

I carried her to the bedroom and dropped her on the mattress.

“Open up, and lift ‘em high.”

She spread her legs and pulled her knees up to her shoulders. I kneeled in between and held my cock at the ready position.

“Truth or dare, Amy?”


“If I dared you to go home and suck Bert’s cock right now, his gigantic fucking daddy cock, would you go suck it?”


I fell right on her and slipped my own meat to the root. She came all over me. I had to hold her in place, she shook so hard. I leaned down to her ear.

“Truth or dare?” I whispered, as harshly as I could.


“Were you jealous, all those girls had been creaming over Daddy’s cock for years?”


“Truth or dare?”


I was pumping away, deeper every stroke.

“Did you go home that night and masturbate to Daddy?”


“Truth or dare?”


“Did you cum hard?”


I propped myself up, and we were looking right at on another as I slammed so much cock into her it was almost assault.

“Truth or dare, bad little bitch?”


“How big was it?”

Before she could answer I grabbed her wrists and rolled back, pulling her on top. She screamed and rode it like she invented it.

“I said how big was it?”


No games now. We were in love.

“Did you like seeing daddy get hard for you?”


“Did you want it?”


“Do you want him now?”

‘I DO! I DO!!! OH, FUCK ME!”



“No, whore. You fuck Daddy now!!

People think they have limits, ceilings, beyond which they cannot push. I think she thought she was already as wet and wild as she could ever get, but when Daddy me gave her orders, she went werewolf herself. Her hips slammed into mine, swallowing fat hairy cock with every thrust. I grabbed as much tit as I could and squeezed hard. “OH GOD YES MORE, DADDY! HURT YOUR LITTLE WHORE!!” I sat up and bit her nipple just enough to make her cum. We kissed, in a way people almost never do and they almost never remember afterward. There were no more moments in this fuck. It was a continuum, a timeless swirl of skin and sweat and growling and greed. She got fucked inside out, and she gave as good as she got. When it was my time to let go, we finished with a flourish.

“Do all bad little whores drink cum?”


“Then do it!”

She scrambled to the floor and begged for it. “Let me drink your cum, Daddy! I want it!” I grabbed her hair, tilted her back, and aimed my cock where it had to be. She never stopped looking up at me as I fed her the load of a lifetime. When I was drained, she held it in her mouth, for so long it felt like we were nailed in place.

She’s asleep now, but that took a while. After that first blow-out, I milked the moment for all it was worth. I heard about her Daddy fantasies, about her in the pool all summer, fingering herself under the water as Daddy walked around the yard in…

Published 5 years ago

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