In Mark Cahill’s considered opinion, things could be one hell of a lot worse. He was out of his room at the nearby Manhattan veterans’ hospital, sitting in a coffee shop on Lexington Avenue and staring across the small cluttered table into the soft, brown eyes of a very attractive student nurse. At the moment, she seemed to be saying something about school. He’d nod at times, even mumble to show interest, while concentrating on the view…
With a touch of crispness in the early fall air, she had on a burgundy turtleneck with a navy-blue vest, matching mini-skirt, and knee-high boots. Mark didn’t know fashion, but knew what he liked, and he liked what he saw, a lot.
But there was something more about her today than just looks. She seemed brighter, happier, more spontaneous than usual, and in a way he couldn’t understand, very desirable.
Since he first kissed, her back in the summer, they’d done about everything possible, everything that is except make love. And since she made no secret about being engaged to her long-time boyfriend, it seemed obvious to him they never would
He could handle that.
While their first, then second and now third base fooling around was fantastic, more than he’d ever hoped for, it was just being with her that counted the most. She’d made being stuck in a New York hospital endurable, even enjoyable, although he still wondered why, being engaged, she kept seeing him after her summer job on his ward at the VA ended, and she returned to school.
Maybe it was a last fling before marriage. Maybe she felt sorry for him. Maybe he’d never know.
Whatever the reason, their not making love meant zero danger of commitment, and he liked it that way. Since Vietnam, he’d avoided getting close to anyone new. Still, the way she looked now…
“Are you listening to me?” Gwen Kaplan interrupted her monologue and gave him a look of tolerant exasperation.
“Not really. I do believe you were in the middle of a major rant and rave about the idiocy of one of your instructors, but don’t press me for details.”
“So if you weren’t paying rapt attention to my every word, what were you doing?”
“To tell the truth, I was thinking how great you look today and how I’m glad you managed to get back from home in time for us to go out and how much I wish you didn’t have that damn test tomorrow.”
“Why, thank you.” Gwen seemed both delighted and a little startled by the unexpected compliment. “I’m really sorry about the test. Believe me, I’d much rather spend the evening with you than with a study group.”
“I think that’s what they call a back-handed compliment. But I’ll take whatever compliments I can get. And who knows, it may be a good thing. You look so good today, you might run the risk of me trying to seduce you.”
Gwen said nothing–just stared at him. Then, in an even, almost flat, voice she said, “Well, if you want to do something like that, you’ll have to ask.”
“You’re going to do what?” Robin almost shouted. Her look of incredulity matched the tone of her voice.
“I’m going to spend next weekend with Mark,” said Gwen, repeating the announcement that had just halted the two-person, Med-Surg. study session in Robin’s room.
“I’m not believing this shit. I mean, there was a time when you wouldn’t even look at another man. Now you’re going to sleep with this guy you met at the VA? What in hell has happened to you?
“Honest to God, I don’t know. I still love Johnny… Don’t look at me like that, I really do. I love being with him. I love making him happy. I love the idea of us getting married and having a family.”
Before Robin could speak, Gwen continued, “It’s just that when I’m with Mark things, you know, making-out and all, they end up going further than I expected. Somehow, when we’re together, it’s like I’m a different person.”
“Believe me, girl, you are a different person.”
“Robin, I promise I never dreamed it’d go this far. Mark just seemed like a great guy who’d been through a lot and I felt sorry for him. All I wanted was to be nice to someone who was alone and a long way from home.”
Robin snorted. “Well, you’re being nice, all right. I don’t suppose Johnny knows about any of this?”
“Oh God, no! He’s so insecure it would kill him. But I have told Mark about Johnny and let him know Johnny always comes first.”
Robin shook her head in open disbelief as Gwen continued. “I know this all sounds weird. Johnny’s the only man I’ve ever loved, much less slept with. If he could ever keep a decent job, we’d already be married. It’s just that I can’t bring myself to hurt Mark. Besides, this weekend will be a one-time thing. His medical treatments could end at any time. After that, he’ll head home and be out of my life forever.”
“So you’re telling me running around on Johnny’s been okay, not really cheating, since it’s been with a nice, lonely guy who’s a long way from home. And now screwing him is also okay since it’ll just be this once?”
Gwen nodded.
Robin took a deep breath. “Look, I can’t believe I’m saying this. It’s 1970. Screw anyone you want—everyone else is. Just don’t bull-shit me, or yourself. This is something you want to do.”
There was a pause as Gwen tried to put her thoughts into words. “After what happened today, who knows? Maybe I do. The thing is, I’d convinced myself this wouldn’t happen and that even if it did, I could handle the situation. But today, when he said something about seducing me, I went numb. Then I heard myself saying something about if that’s what he wanted to do, he’d have to ask.”
“And when he did, you said, yes.” It was a statement, not a question.
Gwen looked first at her book, then her friend. “Robin, there was no way I could have said, no.”
“Have you told anyone else?”
“I told Sue just before she left on her date. She recommended the Dixie Hotel over near Times Square. According to her, it’s not the Plaza, but it is safe, clean, and relatively cheap.”
A smile crossed Robin’s face. “Why is it I’m not surprised that instead of studying with us, Sue’s out on a date the night before a huge test or that she knows a good hotel to spend the weekend with a guy?”
“What can I tell you? You have weird friends.”
“I have good friends. They just get into weird situations. And one of the weirdest is the most straight-arrow friend I have sleeping with one guy while being engage to another.”
Robin hugged Gwen and smiled. “Just be prepared to share all the juicy details after it’s over.”
“With my luck,” said Gwen, “After all this drama, nothing will happen.
Of course, everything fell into place. five days later, Gwen would find herself sprawled naked on a bed in the hotel Sue recommended, feeling excited, nervous, maybe even a little scared, but most of all, wondering anxiously if Mark liked what he now saw. Then she would notice the look on his face and know, beyond even her worst doubts, that he did, and did so a whole lot.
With a shiver of pent-up desire, Mark stared with open admiration at Gwen’s nude body. From the erect nipples of her firm, enticing breasts, past rounded hips, and then down the length of her long, shapely legs, Gwen lay before him completely exposed to his view.
There had been other women in his life, but none like this one. Through some alchemy, she managed to combine girl-next-door good looks with sex appeal, a relaxed attitude toward relationships, few inhibitions, and a casual acceptance of sexuality.
This girl was mysterious and guileless, knowing and naive, erotic and romantic, carnal and innocent, engaged and yet willing to give herself to him. It was all very disconcerting.
To his everlasting amazement, they were not only about to make love, they would be doing so all weekend. Instead of the usual narrow, cramped back seat of a car, they were in a hotel room providing both privacy and the unrestricted use of a big bed. He had it all: time, location and, most importantly, a girl who was more than agreeable to his spending that time enjoying her most desirable young body.
Then he remembered what he had said after their first kiss. Before the weekend was over he would, as promised, kiss every inch of this most appealing female form. Gently, almost reverently, he eased her legs further apart, then lowered his face toward her waiting body.
At the first touch of Mark’s lips, a jolt of electricity shot through Gwen. Then he began gently licking and probing with the tip of his tongue and her body shivered and went all tingly.
Glancing down at Mark, Gwen thought how exciting it was to be able to see him there, lying fully clothed between her naked legs. It was even better, she thought, knowing that very soon now she would be in the classic missionary position, lying spread-eagled on her back with his thick torso pressing down on her as his powerful thighs wedged between her out-stretched legs. And she knew she was going to love every second of what would happen next.
So it was fine with her when he moved back up after just a few minutes. Besides, what she really wanted was for him to be on top with that hard penis she had only touched and tasted before now firmly planted deep inside her eager pussy.
When he began fumbling with his buttons, she said, “Let me help,” and started working on Mark’s shirt s.
They had dated for over a year before she finally let him take her virginity. Doing it hurt and she hadn’t really enjoyed the experience, but the pleased expression on his face made it all seem worthwhile.
That had been over two years ago, and they had been making love ever since. Although her experience with sex remained limited to Johnny, she sensed he’d become a competent lover.
There was more to this weekend than just making Mark happy. She still loved Johnny, loved him passionately. But that didn’t mean she hadn’t wondered what it would be like to make love with someone else, someone big and tall, self-confident and experienced, someone a lot like Mark Cahill.
This weekend will be, she thought while loosening another button, like a seminar on making love. And she rationalized that the love she and Johnny had for each other, combined with this new experience, would improve their current love life and make their eventual marriage even stronger.
By the time she finished unbuttoning the shirt, Mark had shoved his pants down below his knees and onto the floor. When he started taking his shirt off, she reached down with both hands and caressed his very stiff cock. At her touch, Mark gasped, shuddered and stopped undressing.
Despite this new distraction, he quickly finished pulling his shirt off and tossed it aside. When he bent down to kiss Gwen, she grabbed his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Now they were both totally naked.
Silently, they explored each other’s body, gradually moving closer until skin touched skin and their lips met in an effortless, natural motion. Without breaking the contact of their lips, Mark carefully moved on top and then slowly lowered his hard body until flesh once again made contact with flesh.
Gwen could feel Mark’s long, hard cock pressing insistently against her trembling body. Instinctively, she pushed up to increase the delicious pressure. He responded by grinding his hard shaft against her silky skin.
They had been kissing with a fierce, almost painful intensity. Now she changed the pace. Putting her hands on the sides of his head, she gently inserted her tongue between his lips and started moving it around like a languid snake, making slow, sensuous love to his mouth.
They finally broke the kiss and in silence looked at one another. Both knew it was now time. Wordlessly Mark moved into position, paused, and then their bodies rushed together.
That first thrust triggered an erotic explosion, a sensory overload that left Gwen reeling. The size of Mark’s body, his energy and passion, it was overwhelming.
After pausing a moment, he began moving in a steady rhythm. To Gwen, it felt like he was making love to her entire body while igniting a series of small, delicious after-shocks.
Mark raised his head and looked at her. He said nothing, just smiled a very happy, peaceful smile that made Gwen feel wonderful. She kissed him and ran her hands down his back, savoring the feel of his body moving against hers.
Another orgasm struck without warning. Her legs went stiff, her back arched and her head tossed back and forth. She clasped Mark’s back even tighter. Goose bumps covered her flesh as her body heaved in passion.
Just as she started to relax in the warm, tingling afterglow, Mark shifted into a kneeling position, and then lifted her legs onto his shoulders.
Making love had nothing to do with what followed. It was unbridled, animalistic, primitive, and oh, so incredible. For just a second, the student nurse in her worried about the possible dangers of being the recipient of such a battering. But her fears were soon forgotten as she began racing toward another orgasm.
This one hit quick and hard. For a moment, she struggled to wrap her legs around Mark’s waist and hold him tight. But he had them securely pinned in his strong arms and held on as her body twisted and jerked in spasms of pure pleasure.
Once her latest orgasm drained away, she felt the strain from their position. Although worried that telling him might break the mood, pain soon overcame passion. She shouldn’t have worried. Mark gently placed her legs back on the bed without missing a beat.
What followed evolved into something more like lovemaking. At least that’s what Gwen thought, or hoped. She had no idea of the time, but it seemed as if she and Mark had been in each other’s arms for hours. They were on a wave, a sex high. Nothing else mattered.
Mark was covered with sweat, his eyes were shut, his breathing came in ragged gasps. There were grunts and words she couldn’t understand. Each thrust became quicker, more intense and shook Gwen’s entire body.
The very violence of Mark’s assault had her turned-on. She struggled to hold back, wanting them both to explode at the same moment.
Hoping to increase his pleasure, she again tried to wrap her legs around his back. All this did was break their rhythm.
Mark stopped, grinned, said something about the danger of fallout and then plunged back inside her tingling body. She responded to each unbridled thrust by arching her hips up to meet his.
Just as she gasped and began shuddering under the first waves of yet another orgasm, Gwen heard Mark make a strangled cry. With a convulsive shudder, his body stiffened and began to tremble.
They remained locked motionless in their love knot until Mark’s contended sigh broke the spell. He sagged and his arms dropped to his sides, but his body, all his body, remained in place.
A feeling of total pleasure spread over Gwen as she looked at the obviously exhausted Mark. Never had she imagined making love could be so physically demanding, or so satisfying.
Now that Mark had, at least for the moment, been satisfied, he would need to take a break—like she did. They could cuddle and talk and get to know each other better. Then sometime later, they could make love again, slower this time. After all, she thought, they had all weekend. And if…
Her reverie halted in confusion as Mark began falling forward. Gwen gasped and instinctively closed her eyes. The bed shook when his hands slammed down on either side of her head. When the bed stopped bouncing, Gwen opened her eyes. With his face only inches from hers, Mark gave her a teasing grin. Before she could say anything, he started moving again with a slow, relaxed motion.
Gwen’s feelings ran from dismay, to disbelief, and then to delight. Their break would have to wait. This man wanted, even needed her, and right now.
They were two healthy young animals, temporarily released from the normal constraints of time, place, and emotional attachments. For the rest of the weekend, they were free to feed off each other’s pent-up desires, passions, and sexuality.
Sometime Sunday morning the real world began to re-enter their lives. Ignoring each other’s ‘morning breath’ they kissed and then started to disentangle from their most recent lover’s knot. By now Gwen, who had promised her parents she would come home today, was running late. She had planned on taking a bus home but Mark said he had a better idea.
After quickly packing and checking out, Mark hailed a cab. “I’ll have the cab drop me off at the hospital. You take it on to your place. It’s on me,” he smiled. Although she protested, Gwen was glad she didn’t have to ride all the way to her home in Queens on the bus.
They kissed when the cab pulled up at the hospital. “Why don’t ya come up and see me some time, little lady?” he teased in a really bad Mae West accent before opening the door and getting out.
When he reached back in for his briefcase, Gwen responded with mock innocence. “First I’ve got to know if you’re the type of man who’d try to take advantage of me if I did come over to visit.”
“Of course I am,” said Mark, as he closed the door.
“Oh good,” she replied with an impish smile. “In that case I’ll be over, uh, real soon.” She stuck her head out the door and Mark kissed her once more. Then she broke the kiss and slipped her head inside as the cab began easing into traffic.
When Gwen looked back, she saw that instead of waving and watching as she left, he’d immediately turned toward the hospital. With a sigh, she faced back around and tried to put Mark and the last forty-two hours out of her mind. It’d been incredible, unforgettable,but very much just a one-time thing. From now on, no more weekend, ever. As for going to his room, not so often and definitely not for several days, and when she did, there’d be no more heavy make out sessions. She needed to concentrate on her studies, on her fiancé, and on their future…
Tires screeched as the taxi jerked to a sudden stop, interrupting Gwen’s litany of new resolutions. A gypsy cab had cut them off, then stopped in front to pick up a middle-aged woman waiting on the curb.
As her driver gestured and cursed, Gwen looked back through the grimey rear window to see Mark waving in her direction. She waved back, then turned around and smiled. That was much better, she thought. I’ll have to be extra nice to him the next time I visit, maybe tomorrow.