PJ, after finding out his wife Makoto was involved in a large gang bang full of random black men, was expecting the worst from the paternity test results. The doctor confirmed his fears; he was indeed not the biological father.
Without a way to track down the man who sired the child, PJ was left to share in the responsibility. He soon realized that he was no longer as opposed to it as he was initially. They had both wanted a kid anyway, and PJ had failed to impregnate his wife after several attempts. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise.
The married couple raised the boy and bonded deeply with each other in doing so. However, soon after the first couple of years, Makoto was back to her old ways. She still shared the duties of a spouse and parent, but her weekends were full of wild extramarital sexual exploits. PJ, however, didn’t mind as much as before. It gave him more time to bond with his son.
This way of life continued for years. Unfortunately, as the child grew, he began to question his life and upbringing because PJ and Makoto couldn’t provide any answers. Due to the circumstances, they had to keep it a secret. He became ashamed and started hating his father. In his mind, he drew conclusions. PJ wasn’t his real dad. He must’ve stolen his mother from his actual one. PJ denied him of a whole life with his real father, he thought.
One night, the son came home drunk and high. He saw PJ and Makoto kissing and became enraged, so he waited for his mother to leave for her night out. The upset and intoxicated boy then he took out his gun, which he had obtained illegally from one of his friends, and shot PJ several times while he slept in his easy chair, followed by collapsing asleep in his bed.
Later, Makoto returned home to find her husband a bloody mess. He was dead. She screamed out in horror, then worried about her son. She ran up to his room to find him passed out with the murder weapon beside him. Makoto screamed again., but before she totally lost control, managed to call “9-1-1”.
The dark, quiet night was suddenly alight with alarm and sirens flashing. An ambulance loaded up PJ’s body while cops arrested his stepson and tried to console Makoto. The neighbours were aghast at the scene, but many came to comfort the now-widow.
Makoto had lost everything. The woman who spread herself around with hundreds of men was suddenly alone.
The funeral provided little relief. Though she tried to convince herself that PJ was in a better place and happy, she was overwhelmed by the loss. Makoto called her former lover, Tyrone, to pick her up and take her home.
Once they arrived, Tyrone held her and tried to perk her up before leaving. But their lust resurfaced, and they began to grope each other. The former lovers began to kiss deeply, grinding against each other as their hands explored their genitals. They went to the bedroom, fell back on the bed, and began to have intense intercourse.
A few minutes in, Makoto’s cries of pleasure abruptly stopped. She uttered PJ’s name and was seemingly in a trance. Tyrone stopped and asked if she was okay. She was unresponsive, so he pulled his penis out of her vagina. Makoto then got up and put on PJ’s favourite shirt, smelled his cologne and began to weep. She suddenly realized it was all her fault.
Had it not been for her carelessness having unprotected sex with a room full of strangers that night, her son would never have been conceived, they wouldn’t have had to keep his conception a secret and he never would’ve become resentful of his father and murdered him.
Makoto, as if zombified, walked purposefully out of the room and out of the house. Tyrone followed.
Makoto steadily approached the main road. With self-hatred written all over her face and tears in her eyes, she sat on the pavement, in front of an oncoming speeding car. She was killed instantly. Tyrone, horrified and no longer wanting any part of this situation, ran away never to be seen again.
The rain began to pour, as if mourning the wanton woman while washing away her misdeeds.
PJ and Makoto lived an alternative lifestyle fueled by temptation and fetishes. For some reason, perhaps genuine love, they made it work. But in the end, as it often happens, one mistake can prove fatal. At least now, they are free to be together without any of the sin that had corrupted them in life. RIP PJ and Makoto.