Judith And Her Two Naughty Daughters Love Getting Sore Bottoms. Chapter 2

"Judith’s daughter Mary canes her friend Janet and Janet’s mother canes both of them"

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Life carried on. Schoolwork was going well for Mary, and she was getting the low fifties in her test results, which were now down to the routine half-term and end-of-term checks. She looked a little embarrassed when one evening, she said to us, “Please, can I talk over something with you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“It’s my friend Janet. She’s been doing not so well in her tests. A few weeks ago, she saw my caned bottom in the showers, but she said nothing. We returned from a visit to an art gallery recently and she told me her father left her mother. She was very fond of her father and she said one reason for her former success at school was if she had not done well, out would come the cane and she got six or eight light stingers across her bottom from her dad, who always took her out for a treat a few hours later. Janet is becoming reliant on me for support, I think. She has recently hung around with me and is not in a good place in her mind.

“She gets on OK with her mother, who has never disciplined her since she grew up and she is in confusion about her life, and hopes she didn’t drive her dad out, which I’m sure wasn’t the case. Is there anything you can suggest?”

Judith said, “I know her mother and I will have a chat with her. Please, don’t worry. Thank you for telling us, love. It’s so good to see you are concerned for your friend.”

“Ok, thank you, Mother.”

Mary went off to her room.

I asked Judith, “What do you think you will say to her mother?”

Judith sighed and replied, “Wait and see how her mother reacts when I bring it up. Do you have any ideas?”

“You are right. Until you talk to her mother, what can we do or say? Is it our problem, anyway?”

“It is if it’s upsetting Mary, which it is, if only slightly so far. Thank goodness, she is coping with it.”

“Yes, I hadn’t considered that. You will know how to handle it with her mother, that’s for sure.”

Two days later, we were having a late snack in the quiet outdoor area of a local cafe. Mary said, “I called Janet’s mother, Amirah, earlier, and she was in tears on the phone. She is worried about her daughter’s performance at school and I will meet her at her apartment at six-thirty tomorrow evening. Janet will be out with Mary at badminton practice.”

“It will go well, I’m sure, but good luck with it. By the way, is her mother Chinese?”

“No, she’s Peranakan, you know, part Malay, part Chinese, but follows more of Chinese culture, I can tell. Her father is half Chinese, half Thai, and he’s Christian.”

All so typical of the area, and I loved it. The excellent biological mixture made them strong and healthy.

Later the next evening, Judith came home looking bothered.

“What’s up?”

“It so closely follows what I went through, but the poor girl doesn’t have a Neil to help her out. Janet’s father was out of the country on an overseas posting with his company and met a local girl twenty years younger than him, and fell straight into a honey trap. He’s worried about his daughter, but can’t do much because of the distance. I talked to Amirah about how Mary receiving the cane from you turned her around, and that so far, we have not needed to repeat it and there is no sign that she is slipping back.”

“Amirah can’t bring herself to cane Judith, but she thinks it will be what she needs. Janet said that she envied Mary having someone to keep her straightened out. She thinks Janet is relying on Mary very much for emotional support. I agreed with her and told her that Mary could handle it because it wasn’t affecting her schoolwork and simply, she was worried about her friend. It’s no bad thing to see her grow up thinking about others, and I said Mary was learning a valuable life lesson, and we welcomed it.”

“Neil, do you think Mary could give her friend a dose of the cane? I think she is mature enough to handle it. I left a thin cane with Amirah, in case it is required!”

“Mary has been in so much better shape since she got a sore bottom from me and has never looked back, and she told us that Janet said she was in better shape when her father had caned her if her school standards slipped. She’s seventeen in a few weeks. Do we discuss it with Mary, or is it out of order?”

“Neil, remember what I told you not long after we got together? I was the oldest of four sisters. My Dad was often away at sea and he put me in charge of their discipline and not their mother. He thought it was better for them to have their mother to run to if upset. I caned all of them once they were sixteen. I must have given dozens of canings over four years. If Mary follows in my path, its history repeating itself, in a way.”

“Yes, I agree. Do we talk to Mary about it?”

“Yes. You open the discussion and I will be there.”

It was about nine-thirty on Friday night. Unusually, Mary had not gone out and had been studying. Judith and I were downstairs watching TV and had opened a bottle of wine.

“You are OK? You didn’t go out?”

“No. I’m on the last day of hurting a little because of the visitor. So I did some work and I’m going out tomorrow to the Juniors club’s historic pop night disco.”

I put the TV off.

“Mary, please, can we talk to you about Janet? You are very fond of her, aren’t you?”

“Yes, very she’s a nice girl, and she is suffering through no fault of her own.”

“Not so long ago, you were in a similar place, weren’t you?”

“Yes, I was.”  Mary smiled at me.

Judith said. “Darling, I never told you before about a certain part of my life, but you are old enough and mature enough to hear it.”

I said, “But first, how about your first glass of wine? You are old enough to drink at home.”

“Yes, please, Daddy.” It was the first time she had called me Daddy, and I felt a little tear form. I poured her a medium glass of a lovely white Burgundy.

Judith carried on.

“When I was about six months older than you, my father put me in charge of the discipline of my three younger sisters. He was often away at sea because of his job as a ship’s electrical engineer. Once they were sixteen, I caned them for serious acts of indiscipline or poor schoolwork. One by one, they turned sixteen. When my father came back from sea, if my mother reported unacceptable behaviour on my part, or poor school results, which rarely happened, he would cane me and believe me, he did it very hard. It was almost always because I had disobeyed or cheeked my mother.”

“It only stopped when I got married at twenty-two. He said it was up to my husband and he hoped he would keep giving me a sore bottom if I deserved it. Well, your father never caned me.”

“Mother, I know Daddy Uncle Neil has caned you because I have heard you do it. The next morning, you looked radiant, so it didn’t bother me. If it makes you happy, it has to be OK! At school, in life classes, they told us girls to understand our parents still need a sex life, and to make sure we gave them the space to enjoy it.”

We laughed! Mary’s approach to life was so spot-on.

Mary put her glass down and looked at us. “Are you getting around to suggesting that I offer to give the cane to Janet, please? If her father was here, Janet would get a sore bottom, or probably not, because her schoolwork would be fine. Mine only slipped after Daddy Martin died and until Uncle Neil Daddy took his place. My problem is, I don’t know how to do it. I have received the cane a few times, so I know about that. Daddy, I should know exactly how to do it to her.”

“I don’t object to doing it, because I’m sure I could engage with her about the ‘why’ and about how much better she will feel, relating my recent experiences. With Mother’s wonderful guidance, I take care of my feelings a few hours after a sore bottom and this may have been something that Janet may not know about, or admit to herself. Her mother’s attitude to self-pleasure will be important, and I must find out. We haven’t had a conversation of sufficient depth yet to talk about that sort of thing.”

“Mary, when do you want to receive instruction, please?”

“How about tomorrow morning? The visitor should have dried up by then, and if it has, we can do it then.”

Judith said, “As part of your instruction, I want to receive a caning from you both.”

Mary gasped. “I can’t do that Mum! But it is so kind of you, and what have you done to deserve it?”

“Nothing, silly girl! Your father will give me three strokes, and then you will give me three strokes! Yes, you can! For the first time, I’m going to give you six strokes straight away afterwards. Please, I will only cane you if you can accept it willingly. Darling, how do you feel about it?”

“Mother, it’s for a good cause, so I must accept it. I know you won’t go ‘over the top,’ will you?”

“Of course not, darling. It’s for your instruction, not torture!”

“We will need a rest after all that action and so I expect, will you? Are you meeting Janet in the evening?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Do you think you will have a chance for a quiet talk with her?”

“Possibly, but it is a disco. Maybe I can get her outside for a few moments. If there is no chance of a talk on Saturday evening, I can meet her on Sunday for a chat. Let’s wait and see.”

“OK, good. How do you feel about all of this?”

“I had been wondering if I ought to shake her out of her misery and this may well do it. After receiving a hot, stinging bottom from Daddy, I can never forget how much better I felt. It’s time for another one, anyway. I don’t ‘deserve’ it, but it doesn’t matter. It will do me good if it’s not done too hard.”

On Saturday morning, before breakfast, Judith knocked on Mary’s door.

Mary, are you awake?

“Yes, and I’m showered and ready.”

“OK, let’s do it in my bedroom.”

Judith knelt up on the bed on a towel, bottom up, and head down. She pulled her panties up into the crack of her bottom.

“Watch what Neil does, please, Mary.”

I said, “There are two distinct areas to cane on the bottom. There is the ‘fat part’ and the ‘lower curves,’ just above the crease where the bottom meets the thigh. A cane stroke on the lower curves stings worse than one on the fat part for the same force. For her first caning from you, I would cane Janet on the fat part only, and six strokes, unless she asks for more. If she takes the six strokes well, you could ask her if she wants a few more.”

“Your mother will receive three strokes from me on the fat part of her bottom with what I suggest would be a suitable force for Janet. Your mother will get time to recover after each stroke before I give the next one.”

After I tapped Judith’s bottom with the thin cane, I drew it back and with mostly wrist action, gave her a moderate stroke in the middle of her bottom. Judith took it in silence, lifted her head, and relaxed.

“Watch my wrist action and how I use the tap on your mother’s bottom to aim.”

After tapping Judith’s bottom with the cane, I drew it back again.

“Watch now.”

With wrist action, I gave Judith her second stroke.

Judith gave a little gasp, jerked her head up, and then relaxed.

I gave Judith her third stroke, which she received the same as the first two strokes. Three red lines blossomed on her perfect, smooth bottom.

“It’s your turn, Mary,” and I handed her the thin cane.

“Mother, are you sure, please?” said Mary.

“Of course, those three light strokes hardly tickled me! We are not planning for you to torture Janet, just to stimulate her and see if you can reset her mind.”

Mary took aim for her first stroke, swung the cane back, and landed a moderate stroke on her mother’s bottom. If anything, it was a little harder than I had done it, but Judith reacted calmly to it, jerking her head back and then relaxing. Judith said, “Well done. You got it right the first time, you clever girl.”

Mary repeated the action twice more and Judith took the strokes so well. After each stroke, Mary waited for her mother to recover.

At the finish of the three strokes from Mary, Judith got up and said, “Your turn now!”

Mary got into position on the bed but pulled down her panties, kicking them off.

Judith said, “Naughty girl. Why did you do that?”

“Because it will be easier for you to see how the strokes are affecting me. Both of you have seen the bottom of a naked girl before. I’m not shy.”

“OK. It’s time I caned you and I wish I dared to do it earlier. Please, tell me, how hard do you want it?”

“Mother, it’s up to you.”

“I’ve been on the internet and looked at spanking sites. They talk about a mother giving a moderate disciplinary caning to a naughty girl and you have been naughty in the past. Some suggest it’s traditional to give you six of the best, which is five parallel strokes and the sixth given diagonally across the first five, and harder. How do you feel about that?”

“Mother, it’s up to you and I will accept and take it like a lady whatever you decide, without hard feelings. You are a wonderful mother to me, and I always thank you for your attitude about self-pleasure, which has been a great comfort to me. I ask only that after my six strokes, I can leave in silence, go to my room, and when ready, join back into family life.”

“Mary, of course. I am looking forward to an enhanced relationship with you after today. Your aunts all get on fine with me, and I have thrashed all of them. Are you ready?”

“Yes, mother.”

Judith tapped her bottom with the cane, swung it back and gave her the first fairly hard stroke. The cane whistled through the air before landing with a definite ‘crack’ on Mary’s cute little bottom. A grey line appeared across both cheeks and filled in deep red. This was more of a ‘punishment’ caning, which Mary, I thought, didn’t deserve. I let it go. I hoped Judith knew what she was doing. Mary gasped, went rigid, and slowly relaxed.

“Ready for the next stroke,” she breathed.

Whistle ‘crack.’ Another stinger landed close to the first. Mary wagged her bottom from side to side and gasped a few times, but soon calmed herself.

“Ready, please.” Such a ladylike display. I was proud of her.

Whistle ‘crack.’ Mary received her third cane stroke.

Mary gave a little yelp, and I thought she was going to reach back and rub her bottom, but she put her arm back on the bed without doing so. A brave performance. Her cane stripes were a deep red and they would have a fringe of tram-line marks.

“Ready, please.”

Whistle ‘crack,’ stroke number four. Mary raised her head and breathed deeply. I think she was learning to breathe out into the immediate pain of the stroke.

Judith had reduced the force after the little yelp. I saw the crotch of her panties was becoming damp!

“Ready, please.”

Whistle ‘crack,’ stroke number five. Mary was learning to breathe out into the immediate pain of the stroke. The five stripes were remarkably parallel. Whatever Judith had learned when she caned her sisters had not deserted her.

Mary said, “Please give me a minute to recover, and then give me the last stroke. I know it will hurt and it’s not a problem.”

“Certainly dear, you have been so brave.”

“Ready for number six.”

Whistle ‘Crack,’ the hardest and last diagonal stroke.

Mary went rigid and lowered her head, controlling her breathing. It was about two minutes before she relaxed, got up from the bed and walked out of her mother’s room, rubbing her bare bottom. She went to her room in silence and closed the door.

Judith burst into tears. “I should never have done that. Mary didn’t deserve it and will never forgive me.”

With her head resting against my breast, I said, “I could never understand why you hadn’t done it before. After all, you caned your sisters. Why didn’t you cane Mary when she needed it? She will not think to blame you, never mind forgive you, and is probably very grateful. You can imagine what she is doing now!”

Judith’s sobs subsided. “I thought it was old-fashioned and wrong, but I let Martin do it and when it stopped, Mary suffered.”

“Come on.” I closed the bedroom door. Judith cleaned up in the shower and I went down on her, followed by amazing sex. As we lay there in post-coital bliss, I asked Judith, “What was Mary saying about self-pleasuring and your input, please?”

Judith said, “When Martin caned her, she came to me and said, I’m having these feelings in my lady’s parts and I can’t settle. So I told her what do to and how to go about it hygienically. It would shock so many mothers, but not me. It’s normal and beneficial to a girl. What is so wrong is to deny it. Look how naturally Mary is growing up. She doesn’t rush to boys for petting because she understands she can enjoy a…

Published 10 months ago

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