Journey’s End (One)

"All good things must end. Let's end it with love."

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It wasn’t a great surprise. In the back of my mind I had known it was possible. But I had other things to keep me busy. Life was always there giving me responsibilities and mundane chores to accomplish. Also, all the pleasures of living in an active, vibrant community. So many things to do. No time to worry about it all coming to an end.

Then the verdict was in. My doctors were letting me know that it was getting nearer. Not much time to lose now. And I spent some of that time contemplating my life. What I had accomplished. What I had not. The people I loved and the ones I would leave behind.

Life had been good. Really. So many places I had seen and so many things I had done. Never enough, though. But I was content. Mostly.

I had been married for decades. We had loved; been in love, and made love. Now, we were apart. Not divorced, just apart. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. She would miss me. I knew that. My lady would miss me. But it had been so long since I had made love. Really made robust, sensuous, balls to the wall love. I did so miss it.

I would tell my family when it was necessary. But who else did I need to let know. I mean, all those phantom people online. The ones I spent so much time with now. The ones that actually seemed to care. My family didn’t seem to be terribly upset when it all started. Now, I doubted whether it would impinge overly on their lives at all. No matter.

The decision was simple. None of my friends and lovers online needed to know anything. They cared. This I believed with all my heart. But this wasn’t real life, was it. Not real life. We were faceless, voiceless, unknown entities to a great extent. Some shared more. Many shared less. It had been grand fun. Now it was approaching an end.

But there was one regret.

There was one special lady who had been such a good friend. In so many ways. We would spend time together when we could. There was never a misunderstanding to color the friendship with darkness. She was just always honest, agreeable, and adorable. And loving. So very loving. In any way it was possible to be in an online relationship. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she would miss me. And she needed to be told. She had to be told.

The next time we spoke I expressed a desire to play. It wasn’t something we did much any more. It had been lots of fun once upon a time. She was such a delight in the game. Now, we had passed on to fervid friendship and didn’t often have the kind of enjoyment that most online lovers spent so much time achieving. But she would always give me pleasure if I wished it. She was a perfect lover that way.

We used one of the many ways to make contact online. She sent me a message when she wanted to talk.

“Hello sweets.” She liked to open that way.

“Hi cupcake. How’s my little one?”

“Perfect. Well, just a little upset.”

We chatted about some problems she was having. Just small talk between dear friends. I knew I adored her and I thought she shared the feeling. It surely seemed so to me. I could actually say I loved her if I really examined my feelings closely and honestly.

“Hey, darlin’ girl. I’m feeling a little frisky tonight. Let’s play some games. Okay?”

“Really? It’s been awhile. Lol. Okay, let’s play.”

It was delightful, as always. I was able to raise her passion to the point that she had an orgasm. Well, more than one if her cries of lust were honest. And I never doubted that. It might take her a while but she would always cum for me. I loved that. Nothing was more pleasing than making my flowers cum, over and over. And she was the best little blossom. I could always depend upon having a rousing cum myself. Stroking until she was happy and then releasing my pent up cream load.

The simple truth is that our own hands brought each of us to completion. But it was such a resounding joy when one could find that elation and share it with the partner. We cuddled in words and then passed on to friendly chatting. After a while I had to give her the news. To say she was despondent would be an understatement. It took some time for her to gather herself.

I had been working on an idea in my mind. I needed to get away on my own. To get out on the road for one last time, perhaps. Traveling across the country was such a wonderful way to pass the time. Always something new on the horizon and along the byways. I needed to soak in the landscapes and vistas that gave me such joy. And maybe I could approach her in real life. Just this one time, maybe she would make an exception.

Most people online would protect their true selves. It could be disastrous to meet people you knew only from words on a screen. Pictures could be false. Life experiences could be deceptive. Intentions could be dangerous.

How did one really know when it was safe. But sometimes, on rare occasions, people did come together. And, if lucky they could find the truth was what they had been seeing all along.

I resolved to take some time to myself. I was going to head out. Moving where I would. Taking my time, but going towards something that would give me a final resolution. A final bow to the fates while I thumbed my nose at the inevitable. My journey would not really have a destination. I would keep my options open. Perhaps I might find some peace before I landed back home on my doorstep.

My wife expressed pleasure at my decision to go away for awhile. We could stay in touch on our computers and by phone if necessary. For her it would be a stay-at-home vacation. She’d have the house to herself to watch her programs and listen to her music. And she had other activities to keep her busy. I waved goodbye and drove out of the cul de sac.

I drove for the rest of the day. Only stopping for fuel and some snacks. I set the cruise control and enjoyed the passing geography. I decided to stop for the evening while it was still daylight outside. I wanted to relax. I had driven for some nine or ten hours.

I got some take-out at a taqueria and went back to my motel room to eat and get on the computer.

Wiping my fingers on a paper napkin, I brought up all my favorite sites. Checked emails, of course. Nothing from my wife. Nothing else important. I needed to check in with my darling girl.

“Hey, cutie pie.”

After about thirty minutes I got a response. I watched some television while waiting.

“Hi. I was driving home. How are you sweets?”

“Doing great. I’m in New Mexico now. Eating some tacos and tamales.”

“Sounds good. You don’t need to cook now.”

“True. Not while I’m on the road. I’m heading west.”

“I know. Lol.”

“I’ll be near you soon.”

I was using emoji s as I was talking to her, as was she. She sent one with wide eyes. She was unsure about me approaching her.

“So are you lying down on the bed?” That was a nice surprise. She was starting to play with me.

“Yep. That’s me. And I’m naked too.”

“I can see that, cause I’m between your legs. My tongue is moving up your right leg. I can see something coming up now.”

“You know it is. You do that to me all the time. I was already up and hard when I started talking to you, sweet girl.”

“Lol. I know. You’re always hard for me. I’m wet for you sweetie. I touch the tip and taste the pre-cum.”

“Are you touching your pussy now? You have to do that for me. I need you to cum for me. I need that, little girl.”

“Of course. Oh, he tastes so good. I love sucking your cock sweets.”

“I can feel you taking it all now. Open wide for me baby. Oh, fuck, I’m feeling your wet mouth.”

“I’m squeezing it hard…I’m wet…I’m sucking you baby…cum for me…”

“I’m close…so close…yeah…cum for me now…”

“Jeez…cumming now…give me cum…give me cream…fuck…oh fucckkkkkkk…”

“I am…I am…gotta cum…oh shit…cumming…..”

It wasn’t ‘real’ but it sure as hell was nice. That was great. Such a darling little girl. She went away for a moment to ‘clean up’ and then we talked for a while longer. I needed to get to sleep. She was an hour earlier than me now. Usually we were two hours different. In the next day or two we would be in the same time zone. I slept.

On the road early, I had the sun at my back. It was slowly spreading over the countryside. I never sleep well in a strange bed. I was driving down the road with hot coffee as the sun completed its rise. It took a while to get over the mountains as I glided down into, and across, the basin and range country. Crossing open ranges with lots of desert shrubs was not boring to me. I loved the ever changing landscape. Besides, there’s not a freer feeling than being on the road, seeing new visions, and revisiting old sights you’ve enjoyed before.

That evening I watched as the sun was setting and stopped while it was just dusk. Getting a room and some takeout was done quickly. I relaxed in the motel room. I sent a short note to let my wife know I was still alive. Then I chatted with a couple of friends online. I left a message for my sweetie pie. She didn’t respond while I was still awake. No matter. We never had the kind of relationship that needed constant affirmation. I had my window open to enjoy the smell of the sagebrush on the drylands drifting into the room. Again, I slept.

This road was not unknown to me. I had traveled it before. I had been along so many highways and byways. I was a traveler by nature. And as I moved along I would often diverge and take a new path. But my movement was always to the west on this trip. I was heading to something actually a mystery in some ways. I knew her, but I couldn’t really be sure. Not yet. I wasn’t even sure if we would meet.

I had filled up with fuel the night before, so I was on my way early again. All I needed was some coffee to get me going. I was moving closer to the coast. Passing over a range, I headed down across the northern part of California. I found a stopping point and settled in for the night. There were messages on my computer.

My wife had checked in. Just to say hello. She hoped I was enjoying my trip. And she told me to come home when I wanted to.

All was well at home.

My cutie had left a short message. “Hormones are attacking. I just need to touch a man. Lol.”

I sent a response, of course.

“You know, I’m here in your state now. I was going to visit the coast tomorrow. Shall I come down the Valley and see you instead?”

There was no answer at that time. Nothing. So I finally dropped off to sleep. I didn’t sleep well.

In the morning I got cleaned up early, found some coffee in the motel office, and got on my way. There had been no overnight messages on my computer. I guessed that I would go on out and see the ocean. You understand, I didn’t know her address. I had an idea of the town she lived in but it would be impossible to find her without her help.

The ocean was tempting and beckoning, as always. I found some coves along the coastal highway and spent most of the afternoon searching for starfish and sea anemones in the tidal pools. It was fun. When I was hungry I ate at a local diner serving fresh seafood. Pleasant and satisfying. I found a motel just north of San Francisco and made myself comfortable for the night. I was in no rush.

We were in the same time zone now. It was going on midnight when I got a message on my laptop, open on the bed beside me.

“Hi. Awake?”

I was awake and happy to see her little avi on the message. Her smile always made me do the same. I sent her a response.

“Yep. Wide awake. How was your day?”

“Ugh. Glad it’s Friday. I’m free for two days.”

“I’m free all the time. But you know that.” Of course, she knew I was completely retired.

“I know.”

“I spent the day on the beaches. Climbing over rocks and kicking sand. I know you love to do that too.”

“Yes. I do. Where are you?” She knew I was close.

“Just a bit north of San Francisco. I think I could be in your area in about two or three hours.” 

“Okay. Okay.”

“Anyway, I was going to cut back east again. I’d like to see Yosemite again. I’ll be passing right by your town. I mean, the one I think is your town.”


“So, I’ll be near you. Right?” I smiled hopefully to myself along with the smiley emoji I sent.

“You’re right. There’s a park in the middle of town. There’s an ice cream vendor near the cannon. I’ll be sitting on a bench there at noon. Ugh!!!! Don’t make me regret this!”

“Little one, you don’t need to worry. Not about this. I adore your ass and you know it.”

“I know, I know. Gotta go.”

That was it for the night. I took a sleeping pill. I knew I wouldn’t get any shut-eye without it. Not now. I was too excited. After thirty minutes I was out.

It turned out to be about a three or four hour drive from where I was to her town in the Central Valley. I had plenty of time to be there by noon. Scooping up some danish and coffee, I checked out of the motel. The sun was in my eyes this time. I was heading back to the east and south. I had some Rock playing on the radio and I sang along when a familiar tune came on. I was happy.

I had googled the details about her town earlier. I knew where the city park, at the center of town, was located. There was no problem finding that. It did take about half an hour to find the cannon and the ice cream vendor. I was early. I sat on a bench where I could see and be seen.

Someone cast a shadow on me as they sat down at the other end of the bench. I looked over and smiled. It had to be her. I recognized her easily from the pictures she had sent to me. Her hands were folded in her lap and her face was blushing. That I could see clearly. I waited. I heard her clear her throat.

“Ugh! I’m so embarrassed. Okay. I’m here. What now?”

“Nothing at all, if that’s what you wish. Little one, you know me. Don’t you? You know me. I’m not going to be different now that I’m hear for real. Come on, sweetie. We’re just the same people. Just the same.”

“I know.”

“Okay, then let’s just talk like we always do. We’ll have a chat, little one.”

It was a tentative start, but it proceeded. And after just a few minutes I was finally hearing her giggling. She had told me that she did. Now I heard it for myself. Sweet, and charming. She was always so bright so we didn’t lack for things to talk about. An hour passed and I mentioned getting something to eat.

We were comfortable now. She rose and started walking. I joined her. As we walked she told me that a favorite diner was nearby. It was on a corner across the street from the park. As we started across the road I took her hand, which I could tell was moist. I squeezed it and she smiled up at me.

After our late lunch we had to separate. She had things she needed to do. I just spent the afternoon walking around a town I had passed by on the highway but never explored. Finally I got a room in an older hotel in the downtown area. It was pricier than I had been used to on the road but I wanted to make my visit here memorable. For the time I had left.

It was around nine that evening. I had taken a simple meal in the hotel restaurant and was back in my room. The knock on the door was soft. I almost didn’t hear it. But I rose and opened the door. She was there. Her head was down and her eyes were looking up at me. Her lips were not smiling. She almost seemed ready to cry.

I grinned at her and lifted her head with a finger under her chin. I bent down and gave her a peck on her scarlet lips. She knew I liked red lipstick. I could smell her perfume as I stood back up and opened the door wider. Taking her arm I led her to an upholstered chair. There were two in the room, along with the large bed.

She was wearing a sundress. The weather was wonderful, so her arms were bare, and she had on a pair of sandals. I had changed into hotel gear. I wore my sweat pants and a tee shirt, with my feet bare. She pulled her legs up, bending her knees and slipping off the sandals to bare her feet. No polish. I had told her I didn’t really care for nail polish. It was nice of her to remember that.

I started to sit in the other chair but changed my mind. I went, rather, to her feet. I knelt on the floor and smiled up at her. She extended her hand and touched my hair. With soft strokes she caressed me as she quietly began telling me how glad she was that I was there. That’s all I cared about. I laid my head on her lap and felt the warmth of her flesh through the thin material of her dress.

My hand was gently running up and down her calf and tickling the tender skin at the back of her legs behind her knees. I loved that area of a woman. So sensual. I heard her sighing as she laid back into the large chair. I lifted my head and her legs slowly spread apart. I slipped her sandals off.

My sweat pants slipped off quickly. My prick had grown. It sprang free and I took her two feet and rubbed them against it. Her toes curled and she giggled. I pumped a few times, making my cock harder, then I picked one foot up and sucked the toes. She laughed and her legs spread even farther apart. I could see that she was wearing no underwear.

In one swift move I pushed her dress up, placed her legs on my shoulders, and began squeezing her thighs with my hands as I trailed my lips and tongue up the trembling flesh towards her treasure. I could see the wetness now. Her pussy lips were swollen, with a small tuft of hair just above her clit. She was not laughing now. She was moaning and grasping my hair with her fingers.

Not able to wait any more I started spreading her lips apart with my fingers, rubbing the clit with a thumb and sucking on each lip, then licking up and down slowly. She had a small orgasm I could feel. My cock was so fucking hard. I was hungry for her. I wanted this so badly. I needed her. And she needed this, from the way she was crying out now, urging me to eat her, suck her, fuck her.

When I felt her body shaking with another orgasm I dropped her legs and stood up with my cock sticking out. I leaned down and took her head in my hands, pulling her towards me. She reached out eagerly, grabbing my prick.

“Let me, let me. Ummm…let me suck it baby. Oh, god, I want your cock.”

I let her, gladly. She was licking the pre-cum off and my cock was twitching. I held her head tightly, not wanting to let her go. Wanting to fuck her face. Wanting to make love to her mouth for real this time. For real.

“Shit, baby doll. Aw, fuck. I knew it would be good. I knew you’d be great. Oh, yeah. Bite that cock. Suck it sweetie.”

Her tongue was running around my hardness as she stroked my dick with her tight hand. I wanted more, though. I began humping deeper into her mouth, and she took it. She took it all. Gagging and drooling, but wanting it. I could tell that. I could tell she wanted it. Such a sweet girl. Faster and faster I was fucking her mouth.

She had a hand tightly grasping my balls, twisting and pulling. Then she ran a finger into my ass. I groaned and kept fucking her face. I was getting close now.

“Gotta cum soon, babe. Gotta cum for you baby. Oh, fuck, gotta cum.”

She pulled her mouth off and ran her hand faster and faster over my cock. She was looking up at me. Her face was so fucking sweet. Begging me to cum.

“Do it, sweets. Do it. Cum on my face. Do it. Do it.”

With a howl I grabbed my cock and stroked it myself now. I shot out a string of cum on her face and her wide open mouth. I kept jerking and shooting. Two, three, four streams shot out and struck her lips and tongue. I filled her mouth. She held it open, showing me what she was going to swallow. Then she did. Grinning. Smiling up into my eyes. I bent down, lifted her up, and held her tight as I kissed her red lips. Her hand was holding my prick. My hand was gripping her ass.

I sat down and pulled her into my lap. Her sundress covered my nakedness. Her head fell onto my shoulder. We cuddled for a long time.

“So you’re staying here at the hotel with me tonight?”

“Yep, yep.”

I chuckled. I had reached a stop in my journey. But it wasn’t quite over yet.

Published 10 years ago

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