I got a promotion, a payment for securing an enormous deal and a higher salary, so I indulged Josie and me with a large motor-sailor catamaran. There is a secure marina where we keep the boat, which is connected to mains utilities.
It’s large and comfortable enough to live aboard, and Josie (twenty-three) loves it. In the winter months, once heated, we can have sex and spanking in the cabin, with the sound of the water slapping against the hull and the wind in the rigging. In the summer, in a remote location, or out in the open on anchor, you can have sex and spanking out on deck, certainly after dark. We lived aboard Friday to Sunday nights most weeks and slept so well.
Once, in the summer, at anchor in a remote bay, I pretended it was the old days of sail, and Josie was a sailor up for punishment. I tied her wrists to the main boom traveller, put her over a folding table in the cockpit, tied her ankles to two cockpit canopy cleats, and ordered “twenty-four lashes of the cat.”
It wasn’t the cat; it was a thin cane, and I caned her moderately hard and fast for twenty-four strokes!
She howled and screamed, and I’m sure you could hear it half a mile away. When the caning was over, I screwed her doggy fashion whilst still restrained. The naughty girl pissed herself in the middle of it. This didn’t matter, because I was naked, and the cockpit floor (deck) was self-draining! I simply had to hose it down afterwards.
When I untied her, Josie said, “The role play made it fantastic. That thin cane stings like the devil, but it gave me an orgasm, and when you fucked me doggy fashion, it reignited the cane marks on my bottom. Pissing while you fucked me, and while I was so aroused, was fantastic, too. I can’t do that in the flat. I hope you didn’t mind?”
“No, the cockpit of the boat is a good place for it, because it self-drains to the ocean and I can hose down the deck afterwards. I wasn’t wearing anything, which is even better. You are not angry with me for doing it too hard?”
“No, not at all. I may want more caning sooner than you think.”
Stark naked, she lowered a bucket over the side and half-filled it with seawater. She rinsed down her bottom with the cold water and washed her pussy, squatting over the bucket. My Josie was no prude.
I had a meal at the hairy, and salty, cup, out in the open. What a wonderful life!
It was still summer. The security guy contacted me at a bar I sometimes visit on my way home. He had waited in the car park, and he came up to me and said, “Can we talk on your boat? Tomorrow will be OK?”
“For sure, yes.”
I had to square away my longer absence on the next day with Josie. She would have been expecting me at the house, so I told Josie a story and said I would be back later the next evening after an offsite business meeting. This happened sometimes, and she bought it. I met the guys at the Marina the next evening. We went aboard because it was too cold to sit out on deck, so we sat in the main cabin. You can stand up in the middle. I got beers out.
“We need your help back at the log cabin.”
Good. Josie wanted a break from the boat.
“What’s it about? Is it dangerous?”
“There is a slight risk, not directly from the foreign power, but only if the drone crashes on you. There’s always a risk of that. What we want to do is to capture a drone in flight without totally wrecking it. The heavy FMJ (full metal jacket) hunting round with which you shot the first one down hit a big metal part square on. It started a fire and shredded much of the internals of the drone. We want to avoid doing that again.”
“We are going to dangle two bits of bait. Electronic bait, and outdoor sex bait, which is where you and Josie can help us out, if you are willing.”
“Josie would love an open-air screwing and other things. She is insatiable.”
They laughed.
“You know, short of murder, we don’t care what you do out in the open up there?”
“Yes, I know.”
“This time there will be two of our people in a disguised bivouac in the trees, about five hundred yards from the cabin. They will have set up a pyrotechnic device which will throw a Kevlar net in front of the drone and drag it to earth with minimal damage to it, we hope. You will be well clear of the device, and we are going to trap the drone such that it has flown past and away from you, when we fire the net.”
I was up for it. It sounded no more risky than me shooting at the first drone the previous year as it headed toward me. The drone could have crashed into me and killed me. I didn’t think of that when I shot it, and I talked about this point.
“Exactly, nothing is risk-free.”
“Do you want me to tell Josie everything?”
“Yes,” they said, “Then we have not shown her our face.”
“I will talk to Josie. When I am ready to talk again, I will leave a small white square of card against a window in the flat, where it will be visible from the road. That night, I will come to the boat at six-thirty pm.”
At the house, Josie was waiting for me.
“Josie, darling, you must not talk about this. It was no business meeting. The security guys want a favour.”
“What do they want?”
“They want us to go back to the cabin at their expense and enjoy ourselves. We are to put on a display of outdoor sex and spanking for the interest of whoever is sending over those drones.”
Josie laughed. She always liked the idea of people watching, whereas it put the wind up me.
“So, what do you think? Are you willing to give it a go, please?”
“Yes, but when will it happen? I may need to schedule it around work.”
“If it conflicts, we can get a state agency to say ‘You are doing vital but secret government work,’ and they must let you do it, no questions, no talking, but I don’t think it will come to that. I have to meet again with them and tell them we are up for it, and then things will start moving. Josie, it doesn’t scare you, does it?”
“No, the last time it was a bit of fun, and I kept my mouth shut at work. No one knew what had been going on, but in the ladies, I showed my friend the cane marks on my bottom. She thinks we go up there for kinky sex, and I’m happy to let them think that! They may be jealous!”
“I need to give you more detail. The security guys have or will have two operatives in a disguised location about five hundred metres beyond the cabin. They will be in amongst the trees. The drone is going to be lured there by a false radio signal, and they want us to do our usual ‘outdoor stuff.’ They can see us from the distance, and I know it won’t bother you.”
“They will fire a net at the drone to try to ‘catch’ it in one piece. The rocket apparatus to fire the net will be five hundred yards from us, and the drone will be in flight away from us, so the risk of it crashing into us is tiny. They want the drone in one piece because, the last time, my rifle round did too much damage.”
“John, I feel horny thinking about it. It’s mid-week, so I don’t want a sore bottom, but how about a good screw?”
We showered, and I went down on Josie, fingering her G spot and nibbling at her clitoris. Josie had more than her normal quota of orgasms, and as usual, wanted the real thing!
“Stick it in me, you beast. When we talk about catching drones and that sort of thing, I imagine you hunting wild boar, and once you have caught your prey, it fills you with lust. When you are close to coming, I imagine you are a wild boar and we are doing it in the middle of a grunt-filled forest.”
That’s some fantasy for you. I did not know Josie thought like that!
I put the white card in the window and went to the marina the next evening, as arranged. The guys were there, and we went to my boat.
“It’s OK, Josie is up for it, even quite keen on the idea.”
“You told her why we want you to go?”
“Yes, I had to, and I went into detail about the exact reason. I stressed the need for secrecy and she got it. A date for the visit would be excellent. Josie says you might have to talk to her management if the date interferes with things, but the head of her division is ex-military and would go along with it, she is sure, and give her time off.”
“We have monitored Josie, and she is excellent as regards security, and it’s good news about her boss. There’s more to tell. For the foreign powers not to know we are in the area, we visit at night. We have a civil registered helicopter fitted with high-tech navigation gear, and highly experienced military pilots in civilian flying suits fly us up there in the dark. We fly in good conditions only, which makes it much safer.”
“The helicopter carries infra-red devices, which help us see if there are any bears or other animals in the area before we land, and we have ‘bear scare’ devices which we deploy if necessary. The helicopter noise scares the wolves. Do you mind flying up there in the dark? We go on average twice a week to rotate personnel in the hide-out. “
“I don’t mind, and Josie won’t mind either. Do I bring my hunting rifle? We will bring our usual kit for living in the cabin. How long are we likely to be up there?”
“Yes, bring your hunting rifle, unloaded on the aircraft, and rounds in a secure metal container. This time, hopefully, you won’t need to take potshots at a drone. There will be space in the helicopter for your kit in soft bags, if it’s like what you took last time. Hopefully, we can wrap this up within a week.”
We left for the cabin just after dark about three weeks later. Summer had come earlier than normal and most of the snow had gone. The two operatives going on duty wore balaclavas. You could not see their faces, and they never spoke. At the cabin, the on-site operatives had access, and in the dark, had taken the pump down to the river. They had filled the water tanks at the cabin. The stove was burning on our arrival! There was plenty of firewood. It felt like we were in a hotel!
But no one showed their faces. We saw two guys leave for their hideout and two other figures appeared, and climbed aboard the helicopter and it took off. I made a radio check with the helicopter before its departure and as soon as it was in the air, so I knew the radio was ok.
Josie and I looked at each other. “Sore bum now or outside tomorrow?” I asked.
“Outside, tomorrow. Tonight, I want you to pretend you are a wild boar and want to ravish me.”
We secured the cabin, and in the interests of saving water, we shared a shower, and then had a session on a rolled-up rubberised mat on the floor! Sex outside the house always turned Josie on, and her ‘grip’ had improved following reading internet instructions on ‘how to teach your pussy new tricks.’ This involved using pussy muscle training devices like kegel balls. I used to help her with them.
“You are a naughty girl. It’s a pussy, not a sausage machine.”
“Cane me extra hard tomorrow or whenever.”
“Come on. Be a wild boar.”
The day dawned early, of course, and we got to it. By midday, we had topped up the water tanks, and had cut about one hundred Kg of wood for the fire, and packed up the kit securely. Exercise works wonders for your sex drive.
Time for fun! I recalled we saw the drone on our last visit mid to late afternoon. I could see Josie’s horniness rising, and I knew we were in for a great outdoor session.
We got out the groundsheet and the trestle. I sensed the operatives would watch, so I arranged things such that Josie would be ass-on to the operative’s hideout and hoped they would enjoy it. With Josie secured over the trestle, I told her that the operatives had high-powered binoculars, and could see her pussy (true or not!). I had never seen her drip like it.
I found the martinet (it’s difficult to hide a cane of adequate length in soft bags you can take on a helicopter) and prepared for a session.
“Josie, first I’ll pleasure you orally, and then I’ll use the martinet to give you a whipping.”
“Get on with it. I have had orgasms thinking about those guys watching me.”
With her over the trestle, I nibbled her clitoris and fingered her G-spot.
“Those guys watching must have aching dicks by now,” I said.
Josie responded by dripping like a running river. After about fifteen minutes of continuous tongue and finger activity, she said, “Whip me, please.”
I gave her three medium-hard strokes across the fat part of her bum. Being Josie, she yelled out loud as each one cracked across her rump. I stopped, rubbed the marks and went down on her again.
“You wicked boy. I feel so horny.”
“Josie, I’m going to whip you until you beg for something else, you naughty girl.”
I started in on her, not as hard as the first three strokes, and alternated whipping her from left and right. I left about thirty seconds between strokes.
She yelled and howled after each stroke. I ignored that, because it was Josie vocalising, and it gave her pleasure doing it, as she admitted in the past. It was time to listen when she went quiet for a minute and then asked for something. Listen to that request, because her silence leading up to it showed she was near her limit.
But on this day, the noise she made was incredible. I noted the effect that the martinet was having on the skin of her rump. The individual cords made crossover marks everywhere, and it was at those points where skin damage was most likely. When too much of her rump was looking red and raw, I stopped and with a boner of an erection; I gave it to her doggy fashion, trying to make the noises that I guessed would be typical of a wild boar. The training of her pussy, which she practised with such diligence, resulted in powerful muscle action. It was the first time I had experienced it to its fullest extent.
“You splendid beast, keep on screwing me. My pussy and ass are on fire. Screw me senseless. Are they watching?”
“Yes, they are watching. The sight of your punished and screwed ass must be driving them nuts. All we need now is for the drone to arrive.”
“I can’t have my ass whipped every day. The martinet is super painful and I’m on fire, and I can feel my ass twitching with a life of its own. It communicates with my pussy and drives me out of my mind.”
I heard something. It was the drone. My doggy-fashion screwing of Josie was still going on, and I looked up. The drone was flying low at about one hundred feet and was going to pass us to one side, closer to the trees. It came past us, pulled up steeply, made a turn and flew back towards us, this time on a line between us and the cabin. It made a pass, turned again, and flew back close to its original flight path. The dirty bastards operating the drone had taken a second and third look! This time, the drone kept going, and I heard a loud explosion. I saw the net rise ahead of the drone, which flew straight into it. The engine stopped, and it crashed about 200 yards past where it had hit the net.
I was so surprised, and I stopped screwing Josie, losing my erection.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“Didn’t you hear the explosion? They have caught the drone with the net.”
There was no sign of fire, and it looked as if the drone was intact. No sign of the operatives. They would wait until after dark to retrieve the crashed drone because that is when most of the action had taken place on the previous occasion.
Josie was complaining a little. “My ass is on fire and I’m sore. Untie me and I can take a hot shower.”
After untying her, I cleared up and put away the trestle. I washed the ground sheet and hung it up to dry at the cabin. Josie took her shower, dried and was lying on the bed, bottom up. It looked sore, but there was no bleeding or oozing of plasma. I had ‘done it right’ and made her sore, but not damaged her.
“How’s your little sister?”
“She’s fine and thanks you for your efforts. My pussy is fine. It gets enough exercise to cope with what we just did. Watch me play with myself.”
Josie could turn herself on by playing with herself while I watched. She got on her knees and inserted the exercise balls.
“I squeeze them with my pussy muscles and pull them out one at a time. It’s a lovely feeling and even better with a whipped bottom.”
Josie matched her words with action. “Aaaah, so strong. I’m coming, coming, coming, ah.”
Her labia were crimson, and her engorged clitoris was erect. I went over and nibbled it as she continued to play with the balls.
“Help me with the balls, please. Once I have pulled them out, please help me to re-insert them.”
“Give me a few swats with the martinet as I play with the balls. Hurry, please.”
She could be a glutton for punishment, so I did as requested, but not using much force with the martinet. She yelped in pleasure as each light stroke cracked across her already tortured rump!
Eventually, we were exhausted and cuddled up in bed and fell asleep. Sex and spanking are great sleeping pills!
In the morning, I looked towards the crash site, and there was nothing to be seen! The operatives must have cleared it up overnight.
I discussed it with Josie. The plan had been they would collect us in the evening on the following day and as far as I was concerned, nothing had changed – yet!
We did the water and firewood chores after a late start. Josie admitted that a sore bottom was slowing her a little, but we got through everything.
We put on another sex display for them in the afternoon and this time; it surprised me to see two drones in the air, both bigger than the earlier visitors. One of them, the ‘voyeur’ drone, made several passes, but the other one circled at height, and after about ten minutes in the area, they both departed. I wondered if they had sent the drone circling at height to watch what might happen to the ‘voyeur’ drone. The circling drone descended to about the same altitude as the ‘voyeur’ drone, and they both left the area at a similar low altitude and a greater speed than the earlier drones. Their engines sounded completely different from the earlier drones.
We settled down for what we thought would be our last night at the log cabin.
Suddenly, an hour after dark, there was a knock on the door. It was the operatives with balaclavas pulled down to reveal two girl’s faces!
I let them in and locked the door. “What brings you here? I thought you were two men! No wonder you never spoke on the way out here!” I said.
“Orders, and something else,” the shorter of them replied.
“Orders? What orders?”
“First, you and Josie are under military jurisdiction until we get you safely back to town and debrief you. There’s no way out of it, and everything you see and hear is a secret. Did you see the two drones today?”
“Yes, you could not miss them.”
“Tomorrow, if they come back and repeat their activities, we are going to try catching the lower-flying drone. We will capture or destroy both drones Regardless of the outcome with the drones, you two will be out of here as planned tomorrow evening, but they will not release you back into civilian life for a few days. We have to warn you. Before you ask, we can square this with your employers. They will be in so much trouble if they don’t do exactly what we say. Do you have questions?”
Josie’s eyes were like saucers and I’m sure the element of surprise and danger turned her on!
“How does this affect our risk level?”
“Not much. The capture of the drone risk is about the same and the destruction risk is less, given the technique we will use, and I can’t discuss that. Just don’t let it surprise you, if a noisy military helicopter shows up once the drones are around.”
A nod is as good as a wink.
“Be ready to leave as soon as it is dark tomorrow evening.”
“Second, and we apologise in advance, but we are having difficulty in containing ourselves thanks to your joint lack of inhibition. Please know us as Milly and Billy, and we are LGBTQ, but it’s more acceptable to us if another girl does the whipping. We are going out of our minds not being able to join in so far. Yesterday, when you whipped and screwed Josie, we had orgasms, and we admit it.”
“We want a whipping each and I’m Billy, and I want to whip Milly once we have had tuition. Please, can Josie whip us first? With all respect to you, John, we don’t think either of you are LGBTQ and we ask you to put up with us for the evening, and hope it’s not asking too much!”
Josie looked overjoyed! I didn’t think she was LGBTQ, but the idea of being able to whip two girls was a heaven-sent opportunity for her!
“Josie knows what to do, because she has caned and whipped me. Is it OK if I watch? But, please, no sexual contact.”
“Yes, sure, but please, can we shower? We haven’t had a proper shower for three days.”
“Fine. You have been kind enough to keep the water tanks full before we arrived, or it was the team you relieved? Either way, we have ‘you’ to thank for it, so, please, make yourselves at home. There is a bedroom you can use.”
I was going to enjoy this!
While they were away showering, I said to Josie, “Is this OK with you?”
“Yes, I don’t mind whipping them, but I don’t want sexual contact with them. I will whip the hell out of them, and I’m certain I will enjoy it to the point of orgasm. With the two of them, I want you to be there to make sure they ‘don’t try it on.’”
“Why do you think I asked to watch? It’s partly to make sure they see your whipped bottom to make them understand what they may be about to receive and to put them off taking liberties with you, because you have taken enough already. It will make me so horny. I trust you are not sore inside?”
“No. But I’m soaking already!”
Billy and Milly were ready, naked, in the bedroom.
Josie went in, brandishing the martinet
“One of you will stand at the end of the bed and one this side. Bend over and get your head and shoulders down as low as you can. Keep your legs straight. No rubbing the marks or flinching away from the stroke. This will hurt more than you know, and I’m sure you deserve it, but no sexual contact, please.
“Before I start, have you received a whipping, caning, or flogging, etcetera, before?”
“So, why do you want it?”
Billy replied, “Because I’m having an orgasm thinking about it.”
Milly said, “After Billy whips me, I’m going to whip her and I can’t wait.”
They both giggled and got into position.
Josie whipped one of them and then the other. The time it took for her to change position gave them time to recover between strokes.
They yelled after each stroke and dripped onto the varnished floor.
Billy looked longingly at Josie, and I said, “Josie is not up for grabs. Stop it.”
Josie laughed like anything!
After they had received their six strokes from Josie, Billy took the martinet and lined herself up to sting the hell out of Milly.
Josie asked, “Do you want me to stay and advise you about your whipping technique, please?”
“Yes, until I get it right.”
Billy took her first swing, and it landed long, with the thongs wrapping around poor Milly, who shrieked in pain.
“Stand at least a foot further to the side. The centrifugal force makes your arm and the strands move further outwards and you must compensate for it. Sorry, Milly, the pain will soon fade. You must whip the hell out of Billy when it’s your turn.”
Josie was so naughty!
Milly said, “I’m going to bite her clitoris as a punishment.”
So ladylike.
Billy set about poor Milly, who howled and jumped from one foot to another. She received ten real stingers across her rump, which glowed red with darker spots where the strands crossed over. She collapsed on the bed, rubbing frantically at her tortured bottom. Billy helped her to roll over on the bed, opened her legs and gave her a good oral and finger seeing to. Milly was moaning and sobbing in an authentic mixture of pain and pleasure.
They changed position, and shortly after, Milly went down on Billy, who let out a shriek.
“Don’t you dare bite my clit again, or I will take a bullwhip to you when we are back in town.”
Milly behaved, and Billy was soon in seventh heaven.
Billy was still angry with Milly. When she got up, she was rubbing her clitoris and looked as if she was in pain.
“Milly, bend over. I will give you three more strokes for biting me.”
Milly did as she was told, and Billy gave her three more very hard strokes with the martinet. Poor Milly danced around, rubbing frantically at her well-whipped bottom.
They took a quick shower to wash their soaking parts, dried and got back into their camo gear.
“We have to go. Please, total silence about tonight’s activities. We will top up the water before we finish for the night. ”
“Thank you so much.”
Their training seemed to allow them to recover from or ignore their state of arousal quickly, which I had not considered. I wondered if they received training to behave like that.
I heard them take the toboggan with the water pump out of storage. Shortly there was the sound of water running into the tanks.
They brought the pump back and secured the storage without bothering us.
Josie gave me a hard dose of the martinet because I was so aroused. Once I could think straight, I gave her the screwing of a lifetime. She had to tell me not to go so deep because it was hurting her cervix, but she had an enormous orgasm and was in spasm, gripping my penis with a force I had not hitherto experienced.
“We should do some swinging if that’s what it does to me,” said Josie.
“Did you want sexual contact with them?”
“You were here, so I could wait.”
“That’s a wicked thought. What does it deserve?”
“At home, when my bottom has recovered. Twenty-four hard and fast strokes with the medium cane with me restrained. I can’t wait.”
Within seconds, Josie was dripping. I pondered, was she always like it, or had I corrupted her? I had to ask.
“Josie, you must always have enjoyed sex. You put up with me and I know I’m difficult sometimes. Why do you put up with me?”
“Because you are considerate and adventurous, but safe with it. The worst thing you have done is give me a sore bottom, which I love anyway. You have a big penis and more than fully satisfy my basic urges. I can’t see any sign of a violent impulse within you. Do you remember that night anchored on the boat when we had the roleplay? Whilst you tied me up, I had orgasms, and they continued with increasing strength throughout the caning. I didn’t want it to stop, but I knew I must, so I stopped myself asking for more when you got to the last stroke.”
“All that howling and screaming was an act, and I loved it. You can’t imagine how marvellous it felt when I pissed myself when you were screwing me. At home, I can’t do it, or only if we do it in the bath or shower and we never have. Would John be angry with me? You handled it so well and it made an enormous impression on me. Do you remember, I washed my pussy with salt water and it was before I shaved down there? You ate me out in the open air. I thought I would die with pleasure.”
A little hand came out and stroked my penis. Josie said softly, “John, we have a splendid life with each other. Stupid and unhealthy fantasies about swinging don’t square with reality. Tonight should be as close as we get to it, unless they come to us and want more. You never know!”
The next afternoon, we set up the groundsheet and trestle and watched the clock (the other side were creatures of habit); we went to it. I heard the drones approaching. The higher-flying drone was circling when the low-flying ‘voyeur’ drone arrived and passed for the first time.
As usual, the ‘voyeur’ drone made two passes and turned onto the third. Just as had happened two days earlier, there was the sound of an explosion and it flew into the net, and as it did so, there was a second explosion and the other drone went up in a ball of fire about five hundred yards from where we had set up. I could feel the heat of the fireball. The combined momentum of the drone and whatever had blown it up, carried the debris forward and it landed in a plume well away from us. We had not been at risk.
It all went so well. I could hear a helicopter in the distance, but the sound faded.
Josie was, for the first time, a little shocked.
“Let’s clear up and go back to the cabin.”
We went back to the cabin, cleaned up, let the fire go out, packed, got ready, and waited. An hour after dark, a helicopter landed and within thirty seconds, there was a bang on the door. In the usual balaclavas and kitted up with weaponry, two guys appeared.
“Come on. We will help carry your kit. You are sure you left nothing?”
“Yes, we searched the cabin before you arrived.”
“OK, we go now.”
Within seconds, we were in the helicopter, safety harnesses on, the engines came to power and we were en route somewhere.
The helicopter landed on the roof of a building, and I did not know where it was. We went down two flights of stairs, with them helping with our kit. They kept my rifle and rounds.
“Don’t worry, we will take care of them and give them back later.”
We sat down in a comfortable office with coffee, etc., after offering us a comfort break. The atmosphere differed from our first encounter with ‘security.’
There was a lady there. Rather cheekily, she said, “Josie, you must have a huge pain threshold. Is your bottom recovering?”
Dear Josie, she didn’t bat an eyelid. “Yes, I’ve had worse than that when I have been naughty and deserved it. You ought to try it. Why ever did we stop judicial whippings? We should bring them back!”
The ladies’ line of questioning stopped, but she was smiling! I could see the three guys there trying, unsuccessfully, not to smile.
One of them said, “First, thank you so much. Results have enormously exceeded expectations, and that is in part because of your efforts. Second, we need to keep you out of the public eye for at least two weeks and we would be so grateful if you agree to help us by changing your appearance. John, how about growing a beard, changing your haircut and wearing dark glasses where appropriate, at least for a while?”
“OK, I can and will do.”
“Josie, you have good eyesight and don’t wear glasses. If we give you some sets of plain lens glasses, will you wear them, please? We will give you baseball caps to wear in public and for the two of you, as many dark glasses as you want.”
Josie said, “Sure, why not?”
“Now for the serious part. Try to forget about what you saw and under no circumstances are you to tell anyone anything about it. We urge you to accept our offer of an all-expenses paid two-week break at an upmarket lakeside resort in the next province. The hotel guests include security personnel and we will watch hiking routes, nature trails, etc., in the area. We will fly you there and back in a charter aircraft. You won’t go through the terminal at each end and will check in using false names. The check-in clerk will be a member of the security service.”
“Tonight, we have a VIP suite here and in it you will find bags full of your clothes, etc., including your spanking implements and sex toys. Assuming you agree, we leave at ten am tomorrow morning for the airport and you will be in the hotel by two pm at the latest. You will stay in a suite at the hotel, which is very well soundproofed, so if Josie makes her usual noise, it won’t matter. During your two weeks there, you can do what you like except leave the immediate area.”
“Do you accept, please?”
Josie said, “What about my work, please?”
“Don’t worry, it’s OK. You will have your job on your return.”
“Is there anything else you need from us, please?” I asked.
“Yes. When you get back, before you go home, we need to inspect Josie’s bottom to make sure it’s sore enough, otherwise, she won’t be happy.”
Josie laughed. “There’s not much you don’t know, is there?”
The lady said, “Josie, we have more in common than you know. I have a serious case of hot pants too. Please, come with me to the side office.”
She got up, and Josie followed.
Three minutes later, they came back, and this time, I noticed the lady sat down carefully. Josie looked amazed, but said nothing.
The meeting concluded, and they took us to the VIP suite. It was spacious, warm, clean, and comfortable.
“What did the lady want?” I asked.
“She wanted a quick run-down on how it had gone with Billy and Milly, and that she had told them to get me to instruct them on how to give and receive a ‘spanking’. I said that we had asked for no sexual contact, they agreed and kept to it. When they returned to their hideout, they sent her a coded message which meant, ‘Good, and way beyond expectations.’ They will be back tomorrow and she is going to inspect their bottoms. She just inspected my bottom and showed me hers, and she told me she knew those girls were LGBTQ.”
“Because of security clearances, they cannot engage with the LGBTQ network, but she knew about us and hoped I could teach them a few things in secret! It shows you what they know about us! Someone has given her the mummy and daddy of a caning! It was black and blue and is beyond whatever you gave to me. That lady and I are sisters under the skin, for sure!”
We arrived at the resort hotel, with dark glasses, baseball caps, etc. The suite was magnificent! At check-in, they gave us a code word to use if anyone at the hotel asked, said or did anything that bothered us in any way!
Josie looked at the bathroom and saw the bidet. They are very unusual in our country, but this place catered for international guests, who regard it as part of normal bathroom furniture.
“I read a story about a girl who, with a thrashed bottom, sat on it and pleasured herself. She said that the shock of sitting on the cane marks stimulated her pussy and the water jet on her clitoris sent her into seventh heaven. I have to try it.”
“You can try it now. It’s only three days since I whipped you with the martinet, and you still have the marks. Get your panties off and try it.”
Perched on the bidet, Josie said, “There is sensation still in my martinet marks. The narrow rim of the bidet compresses them and makes them hurt, mainly where they cross over, but the feel of the water flow is heavenly. I wonder what it would be like after a caning, and I was sitting on fresh cane marks on my lower curves?”
“We have time to find out and the lady wants to see your freshly caned bottom on our return.”
The room had a large balcony with narrow-spaced vertical railings so a child could not get through them, but you could still see what was going on. Josie looked at the balcony, and I knew what she was thinking.
“We can do it out there because no one is going to say anything with state security on our side.”
For once, I agreed. We put a big bath towel on the balcony floor, put three large cushions from the couch on it and added another bath towel.
“I think it should be sex only, no spanking. It could be too much for our ‘hosts.’”
So I started with oral on Josie, and of course, she was vocal! We were getting into the main event when the room phone rang. It was the front desk. I said the code word and got the reply, “OK.”
An hour later, it was ‘City Hall’.
“We didn’t intend the code word to cover outdoor sex. Stop it.”
If you can’t deal with that sort of thing, are you ever going to fight an actual enemy? Public prudes need to be dealt with and a public whipping of them might be a good start! But surely, it was an excellent cover!
We had to stop the balcony stuff, but a few days before we left, Josie and I had a lovely session. Josie wanted to try out the bidet on a sore bottom. To make sure that I got with it, she caned me first.
It was the hardest caning she ever gave me and for the first time, I could not sit on it for a few hours. She had cut me in a few places, which was very unusual.
After she helped me patch up the cuts, I started on her with the medium cane. With her standing on a towel, bent forward by the bed, bottom-up and head down, I gave her a roleplay lecture. “You are a naughty daughter. You kicked the cat and cheeked your mother. I’m going to thrash your wicked bottom, you brazen hussy, etc.” I gave her six hard strokes across the fat part of her bottom. She yelled and howled as loud as ever, but indoors it didn’t matter. “Has that taught you a lesson?”
“No, Daddy, please give me six more hard strokes.”
“I think it should be more like twelve strokes. You have a hide like an elephant.”
“As you wish, Daddy.”
After the next twelve strokes, Josie howled and yelled for more than a minute after the last one, dancing from foot to foot and rubbing frantically at her tortured rump.
“Get in the diaper position. I’m going to give you eighteen more strokes with the thin cane on your lower curves, one cheek at a time.”
Josie was always obedient, and she got into position.
“Daddy, please nibble my clitoris and finger me to help me take my punishment.”
There is only one answer to that.
She was so stimulated she was almost out of it, and it didn’t take long. I started on her lower curves. There is much less fat there, and if I had used excessive force with a heavier cane, nerve damage could result. You don’t cane a girl to give her nerve damage.
I alternated the eighteen strokes left and right. Josie shrieked as each stroke landed, but the phone didn’t ring.
After the last stroke landed, Josie leapt up and headed for the bidet. She could not bear to sit on it until I advised her to get the water flowing first, so its stimulus on her parts counteracted the pain of sitting on the lower curve stripes. It worked.
“We have to get one of those. That water flow is just magic. Let me turn around and you can nibble and finger me again.”
Josie turned around, and I did the needful. She was wriggling about on her marks, which she said, while painful, was so stimulating!
She said, “Why don’t you sit on it? You don’t need the water, but I can give you a BJ. We should try it.”
She was so right. It was an amazing feeling once you were getting towards Cloud Nine of the BJ. No pain, no gain!
Back at the office, the lady was there and took Josie aside. Her bottom received its inspection, and the marks impressed the lady. She admitted to Josie that the two operatives were amongst their best field people, but protocols forbade them to give any ‘training’ in the LGBTQ area, and they were very grateful to us for what you did for them.
“When you get home, you will both find your bank balances have increased. The tax authorities are aware and you do NOT have to account for it. It is for ‘services rendered’. We have informed your bank managers there must be silence about it.”
“Please, if ever we put you up in a luxury hotel again, no more sex on the balcony.”