Josephine’s Story, Part Two, Another Gloryhole And Meeting a Young Couple

"Jo and Nathan confess their feelings about last night and agree to do more, another gloryhole evening and meeting a young couple"

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After our evening out, we now lay in bed with none of our usual fooling around or fucking. A few hours ago, I had won a dance competition, ending up naked. After that, we experienced our first glory hole. Nathan had stopped the evening, and we came back to the hotel, barely talking.

We lay on our backs, and I stared at the ceiling. I had gone over and over the evening in my mind. Nathan had urged and teased me to take part in the dancing competition, and he also encouraged me once it started. Nathan had taken me into the cubicles and must have known they had holes. Nathan also encouraged me when the other couple was there; I could not see what I had done to upset or unsettle him.

“Are you OK?” I could not go to sleep with this playing on my mind.

“I’m so sorry, I really am; I didn’t mean for it to go that far. I really am sorry. Can you forgive me?”

I had not heard Nathan like this before, and I tried to reassure him, “I’m fine; honestly, I’m not upset…”

“But I should have stopped it; it’s my fault, all my fault,” Nathan cut me off before I could explain how I felt.

Nathan has always known that I get very flirty and daring when I’ve been drinking; he takes advantage of it when we are away or alone. I had always thought he just accepted that I would be the same when out without him. I had assumed he knew I would let someone have a feel or the odd lucky guy I fancied fuck me with a condom. I just always thought he knew and turned a blind eye, letting me have my fun. Lying in the dark, it dawned on me that he had no idea at all.

“I really enjoyed it,” I thought I should get in and say it quickly and simply.

Nathan was silent for a few seconds. “I was so worried I had ruined everything. When that woman was pulling me towards her, I got scared I had let it go too far. That I had let the whole evening go too far.”

I rolled over to face him, my hand rested on his hip, and I slid it forward to find his totally soft cock. “Could you not tell how much I was enjoying it?”

“I wasn’t sure; I suddenly worried you were just going along to please me.”

I gave his soft cock a squeeze. “The dance thing got me so turned on, I thought you enjoyed watching me.” His cock twitched as I spoke. “I didn’t intend to go so far, but once I dropped my jeans, I thought I might as well go all the way.” His cock twitched some more. “Once the girl next to me licked my pussy I could not stop myself.” His cock started to rise.

“I thought she was just pretending.”

“For a second she was, then she was doing it for real.” Nathan’s cock was now fairly hard.

“When you led me into that cubicle, I would have done anything. Anything.”

Nathan took a few seconds to speak. “I was so turned on watching you dance, watching all those people enjoying watching you.”

Nathan’s cock was hard now. I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed. “Did you know there was such a big hole in the wall of the cubicle?”

“When I went in before, for a piss, I walked along. Most seem to have holes, some big and some smaller. The last two had their doors shut before so I guessed they might be more discrete for doing things in. I also hoped there would be a hole for someone to watch you.”

I thought about whether to admit how turned on I had been with the other couple. I did not want to upset Nathan, but I did want to do it again. “How did you feel when that other couple came in?” I felt Nathan’s cock twitch and swell as I asked, which gave me my answer.

“I er, I..”

I cut him off, “I got really turned on; I loved watching her wank you while I wanked him. The feeling of her and me fingering each other was amazing.” As I spoke, Nathan’s cock began to seep pre-cum without me even stroking him, so I decided to take a risk. “I really liked sucking him, too; with you watching, I could still taste his pre-cum when I went back to sucking you.” Nathan’s cock positively throbbed in my hand.

“I was sure they wanted more from us; both of them spoke, but I did not understand. I got the feeling at the end they wanted you to fuck her.” I slid my fingers across the head of his cock, soaked in pre-cum. Nathan gasped, and I thought he was going to come. “I really wanted you to push your cock through and see what she wanted.” I gave his cock a few slippery strokes, so much pre-cum; Nathan groaned and came.

“So it seems you enjoyed it as much as me,” I said.

“I did. I loved every minute of it. I wanted to do more but suddenly panicked you would be upset. To be honest I have fantasised about stuff like that for a while. I just never knew how to tell you, how you would react.”

I rubbed my hand in the pool of cum and brought my fingers out to show him. In the gloom, Nathan watched me lick each finger, very porn star, I thought. “Now we know we both enjoyed it. I hope we get to do it again. Like you said when you got me to do the dancing. No one here knows us.” I was trying to ignore the myriad phones and cameras that had recorded the bar competition.

We soon fell asleep and woke late in the morning, all but missing breakfast, and decided to take a stroll out to catch a lazy brunch at one of the many beachfront cafés. We talked about last night with the safety of knowing we had both enjoyed it. I said I didn’t want to just spend every evening dancing and stripping but would love to do something naughty again.

We spent a lazy day around the pool, and then down at the beach. I kept looking around secretly hoping to recognise the woman from the cubicle last night. Once in a while, someone would give me a second look, a double take. I was wearing a normal bikini, I didn’t even go topless, so I wondered if they had watched me dance the night before. I enjoyed the idea of being recognised for that and almost hoped someone would come and say hi, but no one did.

During the day Nathan had made the odd quip about going to the cubicles again tonight. I didn’t bite, and he didn’t pursue it, but it kept making me think about how much I had enjoyed it. On the way back to the hotel from the beach, I decided to see how serious he really was, “You had better get some condoms if you are serious.”

“What do you mean?” Nathan stopped walking and asked.

“Well, in case someone wants more than a wank or a suck, best be prepared.”

“Are you serious? I mean, yes, yes, let’s get some just in case.” Nathan took my hand and led me off toward the shops.

There wasn’t much of a choice, my favourite brand was there, but I could hardly blurt out, ‘These are the ones I like.’ Nathan hesitated like a teenager buying his first packet.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I walked up to the counter, picked up two packs of the ones I liked, and paid. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Why did you get two?”

“So you don’t get all embarrassed if we have to come back for more. We probably won’t need any at all; last night might have been a total fluke.” I really hoped it wasn’t and hoped we would be lucky to find someone at least as horny as I felt now.

We went out for a meal, and I drank cocktails. Nathan normally moans about the price, but tonight he didn’t care. By the time we finished eating it was dark, and I was already feeling very turned on. We walked along the path that led to the toilet block. We stopped in a couple of bars, we had a beer each. There were more people about as we walked the final hundred yards or so onto the path to the beach.

We walked past the toilets, it seemed too busy on the path. We walked a little way and turned back taking our time, hoping for a gap in the traffic so to speak. I looked around as we approached, I didn’t see anyone we knew, and no one was watching us. I held Nathan’s hand tightly and dragged him towards the door and in. Not so many cubicle doors were closed, but the end two were shut.

We walked slowly along, looking into each open cubicle. An open door between two closed ones had a foot square hole in one wall and a smaller rough round hole in the other. We looked at each other and slipped inside, locking the door behind us. My heart was pounding in my chest. I kissed Nathan deeply and then whispered, “Are you sure about this?”

I was glad to find it seemed as clean and fresh as yesterday. I’d dressed in a simple skirt, and a loose top, with a bra and knickers. I could easily flash or let someone see and feel me. It also meant I only had to pull on the skirt and top to be completely decent. Nathan stood back against the door. I reached under my skirt, lowered my knickers, and sat and pissed; I really needed to go. I could not see anyone in either cubicle next door. I motioned Nathan forward, unzipped his jeans, and began sucking his already hard cock.

Leaning forward I could now see someone through the larger hole. I sucked slowly, making a show of it. A minute later, the man next door stood right up against the wall with his half-erect cock poking through. I took it in my hand, slowly wanking while sucking Nathan. I was so happy, so thrilled to be holding a stranger’s cock again. Pretty soon, Nathan pulled back and pushed my head toward the stranger.

I guessed the stranger was older; a long, loose foreskin was my only clue. I slowly pushed the foreskin back, revealing a cock head already soaked in precum. I opened my mouth and slid the stranger’s cock in as deeply and slowly as I could. Suddenly, there was a pool of light around me from Nathan filming with his phone. The sweet taste of precum coated my mouth as I wanked the stranger with one hand while sucking the head of his cock.

The stranger’s cock was rock hard and twitching in time to my tongue. I got the feeling he was close to coming and wondered how many others had enjoyed his cock tonight. I wanted to make it last for my own pleasure and swapped to sucking Nathan. I slowly wanked the stranger to keep him interested. I pulled Nathan towards the hole, towards the other cock.

Nathan knew what I was trying to do and pushed his cock head against the stranger’s cock; I rubbed them together for a few seconds, coating Nathan in the stranger’s pre cum. I then took both cock heads in my mouth; it was a struggle; they just fitted before Nathan pulled back to watch again. I began wanking the other cock faster, with a firmer grip, and sucking in earnest. I didn’t expect him to come so quickly.

I’d been fantasizing about having someone come over my face, in my hair. I was too late this time, as my mouth was filling with thick salty cum. I slowly withdrew from his cock, keeping my mouth filled as the cock pulled away. I showed Nathan my mouth full of cum, and he immediately thrust his cock forwards. I sucked him in and coated his cock with the stranger’s cum. I sucked him noisily for a short while, cleaning up the cum and swallowing as I went.

No one took the stranger’s place, and I still could not see anyone through the other hole. I started to feel a bit creeped out by the empty, rough hole, knowing someone must be just watching. I pulled up my knickers and stood; Nathan had stopped filming. I pointed to the occupied but silent side and shook my head. I whispered to Nathan that I wanted to leave, so Nathan zipped up, and we opened the cubicle door.

We almost bumped into a young couple rushing past, we stepped out and watched them go into the last cubicle. The door next to it was now open and we hurried along and closed ourselves in. It was much darker here, the only light in the building was over the entrance door. In the gloom the huge cut out between this and the last cubicle was visible. We heard a zipper, shuffling of clothes and whispered voices.

I perched on the seat and immediately felt Nathan’s hard cock brush against my cheek. It smelt of cum, and I gave it a few licks and slowly wanked him. I could just about make out movement next door. I decided to be a little more obvious while sucking Nathan, making more noise. I kept my eyes on the hole, urging someone to approach and watch. I could hear a whispered conversation, I was sure, in English.

I heard a match strike; it threw a surprising amount of light next door. The light shone through, illuminating Nathan from the waist down. Next door, I could see the couple standing face to face, both wearing jeans. I leaned forward and continued sucking Nathan; my face now also lit up. I wanted this couple to join in or at least show some interest. I remembered holding my hand near the hole last night, and I did it again. Suddenly, it went dark as the man next door swore.

A short while later, another match struck, and more light flooded through. Next door, she was now stroking his cock, out of his jeans. His free hand was rubbing the front of her jeans. At last, they are in there for some fun I thought. I reached down and pulled my top up over my head, releasing Nathan’s cock for a second. I left my bra on. The woman next door slowly bent down and took her man’s cock in her mouth.

She was definitely younger than me, and just moving her lips up and down. The man next door swore again as the second match burnt his fingers and it went dark. I looked up at Nathan and said ‘camera light’ to him. A few seconds later I knew he had started to film with the light on. I could still see next door and was pleased to see she was now watching us. In the gloom, she looked really pale.

I would have said she was no more than a teenager, very pretty with long streaked blonde hair. She had big eyes; I winked at her and was pleased to see her smile. I went back to slowly sucking Nathan and saw her make an ‘O’ with her lips and lower them up and down his cock. She definitely didn’t know what she was doing and looked very inexperienced.

I had such an urge to show her how to do it properly. I pulled Nathan closer to the hole and started by best ‘porn star’ sucking. She was watching me the whole time. We were close enough that her man must have been able to watch, too. I could feel myself getting more turned on all the time and could taste pre cum so I knew I had to ease up on Nathan.

I stopped sucking him and put my face right up to the hole; I hoped the couple would not be frightened off. I wanted him to offer me his cock to suck, and I opened my mouth to make it obvious what I was offering. From my close-up view, I could see he had a really nice cock, and I wanted to reach in and hold it. It was longer than Nathan’s, about the same thickness, and had no foreskin. I was still holding Nathan’s cock and pulled it to the hole, and slightly through.

Her eyes darted between me and Nathan’s cock, so proudly on offer to her. I heard him say something and watched her wrap her hand around Nathan’s cock. I let go and put my hand on Nathan’s bum to push him against the wall, and I watched her wank Nathan slowly. She stopped moving her lips on her partner’s cock to stare at her hand. When he pulled his cock out of her mouth, I don’t think she even noticed.

He turned to face me and brushed the tip of his cock across my lips. I opened them again and felt him push into my mouth just a little. I took my chance, put my arm through to take a firm grip on his cock, and pulled him into my mouth. I set to work on a sloppy wet deep blowjob and immediately felt his cock tense and thrust toward me. I know how to suck a cock; I hoped this might have been the best blowjob he had ever had.

His cock was bone hard as I sucked and wanked him. I started to taste pre cum too, and knew he was really enjoying it. I could see her staring at me while absent-mindedly wanking Nathan. I heard him encourage her to suck Nathan, and she made the same ‘O’ shape with her mouth before trying. She kept her eyes on me the whole time.

I’ve never been Lesbian, never even thought of myself as Bisexual. The recent evening’s events I don’t think of as Bi or gay, just people enjoying sex. Looking at this girl with her wide-eyed, pale-skinned innocence, I started to think about making out with her. I started wondering how far I could push things, wondering what I could do to get closer to her.

I put my other hand through and grabbed the base on Nathan’s cock, and she immediately backed off to watch. I pulled Nathan’s cock toward me and drew the man’s cock through the hole, too, and managed to get both their cock heads to touch. I licked and sucked them together, mixing their pre cum. I was putting on a show, I knew Nathan would enjoy it, and I wanted this couple to want more.

His cock was really wet with pre cum now. I held Nathan’s cock through the hole, keeping it as close to his cock as I could, and pointed them towards her nodding as I did. I kept hold of both of them as she opened her mouth to lick each in turn and then together, but she never tried to suck them. I pulled them back to my mouth and continued to lick and suck while wanking him quite fast.

I could really tell he was close; he started to thrust and moan. I jammed as much of both cocks into my mouth as I could. Seconds later, one of them erupted a torrent of cum; I guessed it was not Nathan. I released Nathan’s cock and let the stranger fill my mouth, and his cock never softened at all as he slowly withdrew it. I opened my mouth to show her; I wanted her to kiss me. I pouted, but she just watched.

I wanted to do more; I wanted them to touch and feel me; his still-hard cock bobbed in front of me. I sucked Nathan enough to coat his cock in cum and offered it to her through the hole. Her man was encouraging her to suck Nathan, and she gingerly licked him again. I decided to push things again and lifted my skirt up to my waist. I left my knickers on and stood facing the hole as close as I could.

I started counting to twenty, thinking if no one took advantage or touched me by then, we should leave and come back later. The innocence of the couple was a turn-on, but I badly needed to do more than just a great blowjob. I got to thirty before I dropped my skirt and pulled my top back on, too. Nathan pulled back from the hole and asked me what was wrong.

“Nothing; I was really hoping for more from them, something more like the other night. I’m so horny; perhaps I just need a good fucking.”

Nathan turned off the light on his phone, it was suddenly very dark. In the cubicle next door, I could hear whispered voices, an urgent discussion perhaps. Then the door creaked and I assumed they had fled the scene. We made sure we were decent and walked quickly outside. I noticed about half of the cubicles were closed now.

“Let’s go to the late bar. I’m not going to dance or strip; I’d just like to watch and have some fun.”

“I’m getting blue balls this evening, so be ready for a good seeing to when we are finally alone.”

As soon as we headed off along the path, I was aware of a couple catching us up.

“Hello. Hi, err, I wanted to say before… Could you show me how to do that, please?”

Turning around, I recognised the girl from the cubicle moments ago. Under good light, I could see she was absolutely beautiful. 


To Be Continued

Published 9 months ago

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