Josephine’s Story, Part Four, Jo And Nathan Meet Two Couples, And A Secret About Mary And Peter Comes Out

"A blowjob competition between Jo and the two women is won by Jo, Mary sends some compromising pictures and a secret is revealed about Mary and Pater"

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Nathan and I retired to our room shortly after Mary and Peter left us at the poolside. I really needed a good hard fuck, and Nathan reminded me that Mary had only recently sucked him off to show her new skills. Nathan told me all about what she did and how much he had been tempted to take it further with her. He told me that she seemed really keen and had surprised him when she swallowed his cum. He admitted she was not as good as me; experience counts over youth, he said, but that she had really drained him.

We showered, and Nathan said he would like a nice romantic evening out, for a change. We walked through the old town and found a traditional restaurant with a small live band and great food. We turned our phones to silent once we had taken a few pictures, agreeing that we did not want to be disturbed by Mary and Peter this evening.

We strolled back to our hotel in the cool evening, had a drink at the bar, and retired to our room. When we checked, neither of us had a message or call from Mary and Peter. Secretly,  I was a little saddened and worried we had pushed them too far. After breakfast, neither of us had a message from them, which surprised me as they had seemed so keen. We had already decided to go and visit the market today, as we had missed it on previous holidays.

There was a ‘hippy market,’ a bus ride out of town that was held once a week. We queued for the bus, and I found myself scanning people, looking for the first couple from the cubicles. The bus was crowded, and so was the market. I thought I noticed a couple of people look at me, more than just in passing. I was wearing a bikini under my blouse and cut-off shorts. So not flashing anything or dressing provocatively to cause anyone to stare.

About halfway around the market, I got talking to a couple of English women. They were both about our age, fairly well spoken, and well dressed. Raquel, or Ray for short, was shorter than me with a mass of long, dark curly hair. Laurel, who was introduced as Laurie, was taller and slim with long blonde hair and was very pretty. It was Ray who initially spoke to me while we were both looking at a swimwear stall.

Both women wore straw hats, long baggy pants, and loose tops. Ray wore a white top off the shoulder. Laurie’s was a riot of colour. I noticed they both wore expensive sandals. We talked about nothing in particular, about the market and local bars, and they asked where we were staying on holiday. Nathan tagged along and joined in. As we reached the edge of the market, Laurie asked how we were getting back to town.

“We came on the bus; we didn’t fancy the long walk,” Nathan answered.

“Do you want a lift back? We have a car.” Ray offered.

We did all the usual ‘no, that’s OK,’ and ‘don’t put yourselves out’ polite refusals. Neither of them would take no for an answer, explaining they were driving there anyway. We followed them across to the car park. Ray unlocked a battered open-top Suzuki Jeep, and Nathan and I climbed into the back. We set off, driving quite slowly, and it made me wish we had a hire car. A few minutes into the drive, Laurie turned around and spoke.

“I hope you don’t mind us asking, but do we recognise you?”

Nathan and I looked blankly at her.

“Were you in the late bar the other night?”

Nathan and I looked at each other and then back to her. “Yes for a while,” Nathan replied.

“I knew it was you; Ray wasn’t so sure. You won the dance thing that night. Oh, Ray’s husband is going to be so pissed they didn’t come today. He did not stop talking about you; he grabbed your knickers.” Laurie was suddenly very animated, and her smile beaming. “We were both so jealous of the women dancing with you.”

I felt Nathan slip his arm around me, marking his territory, I thought. “Yes, that was me. I’m flattered, thank you.” I was secretly thrilled at the idea that someone’s husband had been that affected by me.

“You were really sexy. We looked for you afterwards, but you just vanished. Where did you go?”

“We just went somewhere quiet.” Why didn’t I just say, ‘Back to our hotel?’ I thought.

“Why don’t you come to ours now? We are in a villa just out of town. I don’t think it is even a half mile from your hotel.”

Nathan surprised me by saying, “That’s very kind of you, but we don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all; we’d love it,” Ray spoke over her shoulder.

We drove along the seafront and turned up a small road near our hotel. The road climbed up, and we turned off onto a dusty dirt road, passing occasional small buildings. The end of the lane was marked by a pair of tall, closed gates. Ray pointed a remote, and the gates parted to allow us through. The gates closed behind us. In front stood a villa that was larger than I had expected. There was a wide garage door slowly rolling up. We drove into a garage and climbed out of the Jeep.

“The owner is a friend; we are staying for five or six weeks; our husbands are both here at the moment too.” Ray led us up a wide staircase into the main house. She pointed to various doors, identifying bedrooms and bathrooms, then led us through to the kitchen. Out through a wall of glass doors, we could see two men in shorts sitting in the shade next to a pool.

“Wait here for a second; they can’t see in; let’s surprise them. Oh, in the blue shorts is Steve, Laurie’s husband. The other is Geoff, my husband; he is going to be so excited to see you.” Ray and Laurie opened an end door and walked out. We watched their husbands greet them warmly with kisses and hugs. We could not hear what was being said, but both men sat down, covering their eyes.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked Nathan. I wasn’t about to repeat the dancing for anyone.

“What harm could there be?” Nathan said. “We can just leave if you are not happy, but the women seem nice enough, and the guys look fine too. And we can walk back from here in ten minutes.”

“Ok, but just don’t expect me to start dancing.” I was surprised Nathan seemed so keen to be there.

Outside Ray waved at us to come out holding her finger across her lips. ‘Shhh.’ We walked silently towards the two men. Nathan pushed me forward and then walked ahead and away to the side. I stopped about ten feet in front of them on my own. Nathan stood next to Laurie, giving me a thumbs-up sign.

“OK, you can look,” Ray said.

For a few seconds, both men just stared and blinked. Nothing registered with them, and they did not know me. I pulled my hair back and held it in a ponytail as it had been that night. A second later, Geoff leapt to his feet.

“It’s her, the woman from last night. Wow. Where did you come from?”

He didn’t approach me but was obviously very pleased to see me. Ray and Laurie laughed and explained how we had all bumped into each other. We all introduced each other with handshakes and hugs all around. Steve offered drinks or cocktails and asked what we wanted. I quietly spoke to Nathan and said to make sure I did not have too much.

Steve made drinks, and we sat in the shade talking. I was surprised at how much we had in common. We discovered that all live within about twenty-five miles of each other at home. The cocktails were really strong, and in the heat, they went down so easily. Steve and Geoff went in to make more. I reminded Nathan I did not want to get drunk and for him to make our excuses to leave soon.

The second cocktail was some special of Geoff’s; we all had one, and it was delicious and seemed innocent enough. I could feel myself getting tipsy, but quite safe and under control. I gave Nathan a nudge and a raised eyebrow. Time to make our excuses, I thought, and for some reason, I then remembered I had not actually been fucked for two days. The thought swam around in my head, teasing me, tempting me.

“Why don’t you stay to eat?” Geoff said. “We are all stocked up for a BBQ. Steve and I are off home in a couple of days, so it would be good for the girls to make a couple of nice friends.”

“That would be great. Do you want us to do anything or go and get anything?” Nathan offered before I could speak.

We were told to just chill and relax. Geoff and Steve busied themselves lighting a BBQ cum pizza oven built into the edge of the patio. Ray and Laurie went into the kitchen for a while. I wandered in, figuring I could at least carry stuff to and fro.

Ray disappeared for a short time, returning in a short skirt and a cropped top. She was a little chubbier than me, with quite a good pair of boobs and great legs. After a few minutes, Laurie also went to change, returning in a long, floaty kaftan. Outside, I could see Nathan had joined the others. Nathan is keen on BBQs but also quite rubbish at them, and I hoped he would not interfere. Laurie took a tray of cold beers outside. The sun reflecting off of the patio shone through her kaftan, and it looked as though she was naked underneath.

I found myself wondering about Laurie’s body and realised I was staring when I heard Ray speaking.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?”

I turned away and tried in vain to act casual.

“She’s really a good friend too, kind and caring, someone you can rely on.”

I rarely blush; perhaps it was being caught out; perhaps it was the cocktails, but I felt myself glowing. “Are you sure we are not intruding on your day?” I tried to change the subject. “I feel we should leave you to your BBQ and maybe meet up another time.”

Ray assured me they were pleased to have met us and even more delighted that we should stay to eat. We both watched Laurie talking to the boys and handing out cold beers; we both saw Nathan’s eyes follow her all the way back to the house.

“How did you end up dancing in the bar?” Ray asked as Laurie came back into the kitchen.

“Do you do that sort of thing often?” Laurie joined the conversation.

I explained that Nathan had encouraged me, dared me even, and that it had been the first time I had done it. I admitted it had been scary at first but had found it a huge turn-on by the end. I was tempted to tell them where we had disappeared to but was worried it might be a bit more than I wanted to reveal. Ray poured three half glasses of Steve’s cocktail to empty the jug he had made, and we stood watching the boys talk around the BBQ.

I could feel myself succumbing to the alcohol in the heat; the little sex devil that lived on my shoulder was putting ideas into my head. I knew that just because all four had watched me dance, just because Geoff had grabbed my panties, did not mean they wanted more from me. But I had started imagining Ray and Laurie dancing and stripping, imagining what they looked like naked and how they would move. I was starting to feel that familiar tingle that meant my inhibitions were dangerously lowering.

I had to remind myself that they had done nothing more than invite us for some food. I was imagining swingers and all sorts of things; heck, Nathan and I were not even really swingers. I excused myself to the loo to calm myself down and downed a glass of water when I returned to the kitchen. Ray and Laurie had finished putting together salads and meat for the BBQ, and I helped to carry it out and load a table in the shade. Laurie came back out with more cold beers and handed them around.

We sat on two benches along each side of a long table; Nathan and I were opposite each other. Ray and Laurie sat on either side of Nathan, while Geoff and Steve sat on either side of me. As we ate, legs brushed together, and there was the odd touch when reaching across for food, but nothing overtly sexual.

The conversation over food was mildly flirty, and it was obvious the four of them got along well. Somehow it all stayed just on the right side of decent, with no one daring to push the boundaries or chance a remark that might backfire. There was a palpable veneer of respectability stretched over the conversation. I sipped a single beer to be polite; the food helped to absorb the alcohol, and by the time we finished eating, I was feeling guilty about the thoughts that I had earlier.

Geoff went in and returned with another round of cocktails; he said it was a recipe he had learnt in the Caribbean, something fairly innocent for a warm day. They were delicious, sweet, and somehow refreshing; the alcohol crept up on me as I finished the glass. Suddenly I could feel my inhibitions dropping again; the little devil on my shoulder had woken up. Laurie put me in a spin when she asked if I was going to dance at the bar again; suddenly all eyes were on me.

“Jo will if you two do it too.” Nathan dropped me right in it as he said that.

“I’m a rubbish dancer,” Laurie said. “Ray is the dancer; she can do the splits.”

The mood around the table changed completely; the façade of polite innocence we had all been adhering to crumbled away. I wondered what Nathan had said to the boys while I was indoors earlier. I was trying to work out how to get out of this situation when my phone beeped in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a message from Mary, then within seconds another two messages from her.

“Message from home?” Steve asked, looking across as I opened the first message.

I explained that Mary and her boyfriend were a couple we had met here on holiday a few days ago.

The message was apologising for not contacting us since we met. In text shorthand, it mentioned an evening meal with parents and also that they had been on an all-day boat trip to a couple of remote beaches and would explain it all later. It took a while to decipher the message. I opened the second message and immediately wished I had not. It was a close-up picture of Mary with a cock in her mouth. I could tell it was not Peter’s.

“Now she looks like the kind of friend we need to be making here,” Steve said as soon as he saw the picture; he also slid much closer on the bench. “What else did she send? Is that her boyfriend? Why would she send you that?”

I thought the distraction would divert attention from me and turned the phone around to show the girls and Nathan. Even Nathan took a keen interest in the picture. I looked at it again and told everyone that the cock was not her boyfriend’s.

“How do you know it is not her boyfriend’s cock?” Steve and Geoff spoke almost at the same time.

I realised I’d made things worse for myself. I also realised they were both now sitting very close to me. The second picture was another shot of Mary with another cock, which I could tell was also not Peter’s. I showed the second picture to the group and confirmed that it was also not her boyfriend’s cock. There was a clamour of questions about how we knew the girl and why she would send pictures like that.

Nathan, who had drunk a few more beers than was sensible, tried to explain. “Jo showed her how to do a proper blowjob; I think she is just showing how much she has learned. She is quite good at it; she even showed me, but she is not as good as Jo.”

All eyes turned to Nathan, and then back to me. I could feel we were at a crossroads with Nathan driving us along a dangerous road.

“I bet you have some lovely pictures on your phone,” Geoff said as he put his hand under the table and rested it on my bare thigh.

I felt a positive tingle at his touch and did nothing to dissuade him. Seeing what he had done, Steve did the same on the other side. I was sure Nathan could not see, and it was his fault anyway for blurting out what he did. Nathan dug the hole even deeper when he pulled his phone out and said that he had some good pictures. I protested, but not very convincingly, and Nathan scrolled and showed Ray and Laurie a couple of pictures, then turned his phone to show Steve and Geoff. They were from the bar, me covering my bare tits and one covering my pussy but topless. It was nothing they had not already seen for themselves.

Steve and Geoff gripped my thighs a little tighter as Nathan showed each picture, also moving their hands up towards my pussy. I could feel myself getting damp with anticipation and hoping the afternoon was going to turn into something more sexual. I’d gone past the point of keeping a lid on my urges with the last cocktail and now wished I had worn a skirt rather than restrictive shorts.

“You should send something to your friend. You don’t want to be outdone by a beginner. Especially if Jo is as good as you say.” Steve sounded like he was daring Nathan.

Steve moved his hand to press firmly against my pussy, and I automatically opened my legs wider.

“Look at this,” Nathan said, scrolling through his phone again, before starting a video playing. He put his phone flat on the table, and everyone leaned forward to watch. The video showed me sucking him and also the old man we had first encountered at the gloryholes. It only lasted a couple of minutes, during which time Steve was firmly massaging my increasingly wet pussy through my shorts. I slipped my hands unnoticed under the table and found both Steve’s and Geoff’s cocks hard inside their shorts.

I was wet and horny, and the little devil on my shoulder was telling me it would be fine to free their cocks from their shorts. I tried to slide a hand inside either pair of shorts but was frustrated by tight waistbands and legs. I had not been paying much attention to Ray and Laurie since Nathan had started showing pictures. Nathan started a second video, also of me sucking him and the cock of the first couple we encountered but also showing her groping me.

I barely saw Ray slide away from Nathan and then duck down under the table for a few seconds before returning. A moment later, Laurie did the same, reappearing after a short while.

“How do we compare to your Jo?” Ray asked him. Nathan looked at me with a quizzical, lost look on his face.

“Come on, how do we compare?” Laurie joined in and asked him again.

Nathan looked uncomfortable. Tearing my eyes from the video, it looked as though both women had at least one hand under the table with their arms angled towards Nathan.

Nathan looked trapped as he said, “Jo is the best I have ever known, sorry.”

“That sounds like a challenge,” Steve said. I felt his fingers pressing against my pussy through my shorts. I could feel both men were hard inside their shorts. “What do you say, Jo? Do you think you are better than Ray and Laurie?”

It was a blatant challenge, and I was in the mood to show off and hopefully do a lot more. “How would you judge it?” I asked. “How can you judge who does it better?”

“What about a race? Jo against Ray and Laurie, the first to make someone cum.” Geoff said.

We all looked at each other. Nathan looked worried, probably thinking that this was way beyond anything we had done before. I agreed but said I did not want to do anything more at the moment. Nathan responded to the last comment. I turned to Geoff and said he should get out of his shorts, and he stood and lowered them in seconds.

“You had better get ready,” I said to Nathan and watched both women help him out of his shorts.

Once Ray and Laurie got Nathan out of his shorts, I could see his cock was wet with pre-cum and knew he was turned on. I shot a glaring look at him, unnoticed by anyone else I hoped, warning him to control himself. I knelt on the bench with my tight shorts clad, bum pointing at Steve. I figured he would enjoy the view, as it looked like he was being left out of the race. No one counted down for an official start, and so I jumped the gun by sinking my mouth onto Geoff’s cock. I could taste the pre-cum before I started.

I went for my best pornstar wet and sloppy blowjob. I gripped the base of his cock tightly while fondling his balls with my free hand. I pressed his cock against my throat and slipped one finger back between his legs. This was a race to make him cum, and I would try every trick I knew to win. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Laurie and Ray taking turns to suck Nathan. They were bobbing their heads up and down and doing a good job, but I knew the trick to finish Nathan quickly.

Behind me, Steve’s hands were roaming over my back and bum, then onto my thighs. I felt his fingers worm their way up the legs of my shorts. Trapped under the tight material, they moved slowly until fingers slowly pressed into my soaking pussy. They struggled to move freely, but it was enough to turn me on. I wish I had worn a skirt.

I slid my finger just a little further back behind Geoff’s balls, and I was sure I felt his cock twitch in response. Lots of men won’t admit it, but a finger against or inside their tight bum is a huge turn-on. I pressed firmly into Geoff, and his cock reacted instantly, throbbing and harder than ever; he came very unexpectedly. I swallowed it all and withdrew my finger without anyone noticing my little trick.

“Wow, that was amazing. Sorry love.” Geoff thanked me and apologised to his wife at the same time.

I decided to go for broke. Nathan was still enjoying the attention of both women, and so I turned to face Steve. He was removing his shorts with one hand, guessing my intentions. He was sucking one of his fingers, tasting my pussy. I took his thinner but longer cock into my cum stained mouth. I could feel Steve’s body shaking before I had a chance to get into a rhythm. I did exactly the same blowjob as I had done so successfully with Geoff. Steve somehow got himself under control, and I began sliding a finger through past his balls. I got no reaction and settled on cupping and caressing his balls instead.

I could see Nathan had his head back while the girls were taking turns. He had told me once in a drunken confession it meant he was fantasising. I hoped his fantasy didn’t work this time. I pressed Steve’s cock as deeply into my mouth as I could, deep enough to dip his cock into my throat for a few seconds. I could feel him stiffen as he looked down to see my face pressed tightly against his body. I jammed his cock into my throat over and over while holding his balls. Every time I drew back, I wanked the base of his cock furiously.

It took a couple of minutes of intense pressure before the salty taste of precum signalled his impending orgasm. I sped up to ensure he had no chance to control the urge and soon felt hot, salty, thick cum flooding my mouth. I slowed to ease the pressure on his suddenly sensitive cock and sat up. Ray and Laurie were still working their magic on Nathan. Ray had her mouth clamped over his cock with Laure wanking him into it. Nathan looked at me, and I opened my mouth to show it full of cum and blew him a kiss. Nathan put his head back again, and a few seconds later he held Laurie’s hand still as he came into Ray’s mouth.

Steve and Geoff were already pulling their shorts back on by the time Nathan slipped his slimy cock out of Ray’s mouth. Everyone took a few moments to get their breath and settle. No one said anything for a minute until eventually, Ray broke the ice to congratulate me.

“Well, it looks like Nathan was right. You’ll have to show me what your magic tricks are; that was truly impressive.” Ray sounded sincere.

I was worried jealousy would rear its head now the sexual barrier had been broken. Laurie said much the same before Steve and Geoff both thanked me profusely and asked if we would stay the night. During the blowjob contest, my phone had pinged again, and on checking it now, I saw another message from Mary. Everyone was keen for me to open it, likely hoping for another of her stranger blowjob pictures. She had written a short note, asking to meet Nathan and me. She said she wanted our help to get Peter to be able to fuck her properly.

Everyone other than Nathan said we should invite them over; I said it was not a good idea. I explained that Mary and Peter were basically quite shy, though their messages did not seem to confirm it. I said that we really ought to go and meet them, but promised that we would bring them up to the villa if we could. I said that I felt they would come with us and might be persuaded to join in with some fun as long as no one pressured them too much.

We agreed to try and meet up again tomorrow to be sure of catching Steve and Geoff before they flew home. Nathan and I said we would walk, and soon found ourselves strolling down the hill towards our hotel. We were surprised to bump into Mary and Peter. They were muted as they said hello. Before we had a chance to say anything, they introduced us to their parents. We exchanged pleasantries; Mary and Peter must have spoken about us in some way. We assumed they both had one parent each with them; they both seemed old-fashioned but were polite and interested.

One of the parents asked if Mary and Peter were making a nuisance of themselves. We assured them they had been a delight to get to know and a real credit to their parents. The same parent then said they always wondered if being close as twins meant they related differently with others. I was reeling from the implications of the comment but said nothing. We stopped outside the boutique hotel Mary and Peter had said they were staying in. Mary said she hoped to see us later before the four of them walked through to their hotel.

Nathan and I spoke as we walked the short distance to our hotel; we had both thought there was something ‘not quite right’ about that chance meeting.

“The parents seem very close to each other,” he said. “They both spoke about Mary and Peter together, neither about just one of them.” Nathan had evidently missed the ‘twins’ comment.

I reiterated what I think he missed, and we walked on in silence as the reality sunk in. Mary had already messaged before we reached our room; a short exchange later we had agreed to meet after eating. We knew there would be a lot of questions for them to answer. I was worried things would come to a sudden stop. I hoped not, as I’d not had a good fuck for two days and the afternoon’s activities had only heightened my need for one.


Published 4 months ago

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