Jim stood at the door watching her go to the treehouse, like every other night before.
Jim knew exactly what she was doing. He knew why she was going to the treehouse. Jim had been accepting this for quite some time now. He never knew exactly when she started cheating on him, but he knew who she was cheating with.
He remembers building the treehouse for his son many years ago and how happy he was to have it. His son spent many days and nights playing with his friends in it. They would head up there every day after school and had to be almost dragged out for dinner. Then, when he was done with dinner and homework, he would be back up there with the kids on the farm. Most of the time, it was Hector. They had been best friends for as long as he could remember.
Jim returned to his chair and sat thinking about the life that he and Bonnie shared. It had been a good life for the most part. Farming was good in the early years, but the economy had taken its toll on profits. He remembers letting go of most of his staff and now relies on the upcoming young men that are the children of who’s left. But, unfortunately, the same young men enjoy Bonnie every chance they get.
He decided that he couldn’t focus on this anymore tonight. He got up and headed toward the staircase and his bedroom. The thoughts of what she was doing were too much for his tired body and mind to handle.
As he walked, he stopped and looked at himself in the full-length mirror hanging on the wall. He thought to himself; he used to be a strapping young man, just like Hector. Instead, years of hard labor and long hours of stress have turned Jim into a slender, broken-down man. He sympathized with Bonnie and almost agreed that she needed a younger version of him to keep her happy.
Heading to the door and glancing at the treehouse confirmed he was too tired. He stood there looking, and as if a whisper came in like a newborn spring day, it came to him. He knew what he had to do. He loved Bonnie and was not giving her up to these young men. He would get his revenge and make her realize what she had been missing from him.
Before taking his revenge, he would have to change himself. He used to be strapping and is now broken down. That would change. He was always tired, which would also have to change. Their sex life would also have to change. But not before she sees what she has been missing. He then devised a plan. Starting tomorrow, things will be different.
The following day, Jim woke up as usual at the ass-crack of dawn. But today, he lingered around at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and writing things down on paper. Jim sent his son out in the field to start working and watched Bonnie as she made her way around the house, cleaning and tidying up. He would glance over at her occasionally, smile, and then return to his coffee and paper. He knew this was driving her crazy. He could see how anxious she was to get out to the treehouse. But, nevertheless, he was in no hurry to leave.
Jim sat writing notes about his diet and what he could eat to gain a few pounds to turn back into muscle mass. His notes were also names of local single women he knew from going to town and what his few friends told him. His friends were always bragging about which ones were the best lays. Also, which ones were the easiest to get with? So he thought to himself, if he was going to use women to get revenge, why not use the best lays in town?
The rest of his notes to himself were about ways to change things on the farm. The most significant change would be that he was not going to be killing himself in the fields all day anymore. He decided that the young guys would have to work harder and longer to make up for him not being there all the time. This meant starting earlier and working through lunch. This also meant they would be much more tired at the end of the day. Of course, this was his way of dis-swaying them from having enough energy to enjoy Bonnie anymore. This idea brought a slight grin to his face.
It was getting close to lunchtime now. He felt he had enough to put some of his plans into action. He knew Ricardo would be heading back from the fields soon for lunch. So he decided to call a meeting and have Ricardo gather everyone in the barn to discuss changes. Sure enough, when he got up to look out, he saw Ricardo coming in from the fields. He walked out and spoke to him, sending him all over the farm to gather everyone in the barn.
Bonnie noticed this and was completely confused. She was also squirmy and horny as hell. She missed her morning sex, and now it looked like she was going to miss her afternoon sex. She didn’t know what was going on but knew she couldn’t say anything to Jim about her dilemma. She had no choice but to go back inside the house and keep cleaning. Maybe all the housework would keep her mind off the sex she was missing.
In the barn, Jim watched as the staff gathered. He looked at the three young men and gave them a slight grin. He looked at his son and wondered for a second if he knew what his mom was up to. Then he put that out of his mind. That was not a thought path he wanted to go down.
Hector’s father was the farm manager and his most trusted employee. He announced that Hector would become his assistant, and they would have to work very closely together. He knew by assigning Hector to his dad; he would have no time for extracurricular activities. This, of course, made him feel a little better.
Ricardo was reassigned to feeding the cows and sheep and tending the animals. This meant he would have to be up extra early and be with them all day in the fields. He would have no time for lunch breaks back at the house. Jim told him to start packing his lunch.
Raul had a new job as well. He would be Jim’s son’s new apprentice. That means he would always stay on his side and learn everything his son could teach him about running farmhands. But, since his son usually had to be all over the farm during the day, checking on the farmhands, Raul would be left with little time to enjoy anything.
Jim explained more changes to the rest of the staff and why he wanted to make these changes. He wanted more time for other pursuits and expansions to the farm if all went well. Everyone accepted their new roles without question. They all knew times were tough, and it would mean more money for them if he could bring growth.
With the first part of his plan complete, Jim sent everyone back to work at their new positions. This ensured that Bonnie would have no visitors today. They would be too wrapped up in their new jobs to get away. He also knew that since all the young men would be shadowing someone else, they couldn’t just break away. So Jim left the barn with a smile and a new bounce.
For the next two weeks, Jim was up and gone to town by mid-morning and returned just before dinner. During his time away from home, the treehouse had no visitors except Bonnie. None of the young men could see her. When Bonnie asked Jim about his daily trips to town, he would respond that it was going well and he was closing in on some excellent deals. Then he would smile and change the subject.
Jim spent the last two weeks going to the CO-OP and talking to other farmers. He did make new deals for the farm. He agreed to use part of his acreage for grazing next spring with one of the other farmers for a price. He also decided that since he had some extra room in his barn, he would rent it to other farmers. This meant he would have extra income and less work for his staff. Less acreage to maintain indicated less work for them. So, he cut a deal to loan out his staff part of the day to nearby farms. The farmers would be paying them, which meant more profit for him. This also meant the entire young and old staff would be further away for parts of the day.
Jim also spent the last two weeks with the few friends he had. They would go out to eat lunch or meet for coffee and breakfast. During his time with them, they spoke about all kinds of things. They talked about farming and sports, the local news, and what was happening worldwide. They also spoke about the local women. Jim would sit there and listen while taking mental notes. Fortunately for Jim, his friends were single or recently divorced. They were also all close in age and had similar tastes in women.
Jim learned about a dozen local women who were beautiful and slightly younger than them and liked to have fun. Since Jim was not looking for a long-term relationship, he ruled out all but three. He felt the rest would want to latch on or try to break up him and Bonnie. This was not his goal. He was out for revenge.
The three left were different in many ways. There was the town huss bucket that Jim was pretty sure all his friends had at one time or another. There was the flirty single mom that didn’t want anything from men but sex after her ugly divorce. Then there was the quiet, reserved one that all his friends said couldn’t be had, but they were pretty sure would be the hottest lay.
For the next few weeks, Jim spent most of his time in town trying to get close to these women without being obvious. The last thing he wanted was someone to return to Bonnie and tell her he was picking up women in town. At least not yet, anyway. He needed to secure himself with these women first and not have them find out about each other. He also needed to get them all back to his farm in front of her when the time was right.
Getting close to these women was a challenging task. They all had different work schedules and lived on opposite ends of town from each other. Sometimes this was a good thing. But it also was very tiring. Chasing three women at the same time was never something Jim ever saw himself doing. Jim was always the quieter one of his friends. He was shy and never understood why or how he could land Bonnie.
Rhonda, the town huss bucket as she was known, worked afternoons and evenings as a bartender/server for the local tavern. Since she was single, she was always at work and easy to find. This also meant her mornings and late evenings were usually open. Rhonda was the first woman Jim went after.
Rhonda was easy to talk to and incredibly flirty. She was eager to hear all about Jim and his life. He almost felt like he was her prey instead of the other way around. Rhonda spent most of her time talking to Jim, bent over the bar with her cleavage in full view. She knew it was affecting him. She would lean in, rub her hand on his arm, and make sure her cleavage was the focus of Jim’s eyes.
Rhonda knew from their talks that Jim was married. This didn’t bother her at all. On the contrary, it may have excited her even more. She was not afraid to get with a married man. She was not looking to settle down, and being with a married man ensured this. But, on the other hand, she was not looking to break up a happy home, either. She figured that if a man was looking to cheat, he was not very happy.
After only a few short days of talking, Jim and Rhonda started having sex at her place every morning. The sex was good, and it helped Jim feel more confident about talking to women and having sex again. It had been at least two years since Bonnie, and he had been together. He didn’t realize how much he missed sex. He also didn’t know how many hours a day he was working on the farm till now.
When Rhonda had to leave for work around mid-morning, Jim would shower and head out to talk with Faith. Faith was a single mom of a teenage daughter. Faith worked overnights from 11 pm-11 am stocking shelves at the local grocery store. Faith and Jim met when he decided to go grocery shopping one morning and kept asking her for help. He said his wife usually did all of this, and he was clueless about where anything was. Faith smiled, chuckled at this, and proceeded to help him for the rest of her shift. They talked and laughed the whole time.
It took about a week of him going in daily close to the end of her shift and asking for help before she agreed to start seeing him outside the store. She did tell him that her time was limited because of her daughter, and she didn’t bring strange men around her child. So, they agreed that they would only see each other till her daughter was home from school. They enjoyed lunch at the restaurant and walked around the park. They talked about marriages and the problems they have gone through.
Faith told Jim all about the ex and the things he had done. She also said she would never be interested in men that way again. Sex was one thing, but marriage was entirely out of the question. This comment got Jim’s attention, and he pursued it more by telling her about his wife and what she had been doing. That outraged Faith and she responded that his wife deserved to be taught a lesson.
Jim and Faith have been enjoying each other every day since then. But only after she gets off work; Jim must be gone before her daughter gets home. The sex with Faith was better than he could have imagined. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that she was a single mom or just that she wanted to help Jim with his revenge. Either way, neither of them was complaining about it at all. Like earlier in the day, Jim showered before heading out to meet with Galena.
Galena was quiet, reserved, one of the three. She was a schoolteacher and worked during the day till around 3 pm. Since dinner at Jim’s wasn’t until around 7 pm, this gave him time to spend with her. Also, she liked to go to the gym after work, and since Jim decided he needed to put some muscle back on, this worked out well for him.
Galena had been working out most of her life, and he could tell. She knew about all the machines and how to change their settings. She was not weak either. She used a decent amount of weight. Galena stayed to herself and focused on what she wanted to do. Jim noticed the guys around her looking but returning to their own stuff. No one approached her.
Jim made his move and walked up to her. He told her he had no clue how to use most of these machines. He was not lying. He had not lifted weights since high school, and even then, the coach usually told him what to do. So, looking like a complete dork is the best route. He was a natural.
Galena smiled and looked at Jim. She thought it was weird but cute that this slender, nice-looking guy would start talking to her. No one ever spoke to her in the gym. She was pretty sure they were all afraid of her. She was almost certain that she intimidated all the guys. She never understood this. They had no reason to be since she always tried to be nice to everyone.
Galena thought to herself, what the hell? So she started talking with Jim about the machines and which ones she liked. She spoke about her routine and how she wanted to switch it up. She felt it did more to keep her tone. She also talked about how quiet it usually was in the gym at this time of day since most people were still at work. She said she enjoyed the quiet.
This last comment brought a look to Jim’s face, and Galena caught it. She immediately apologized and told him she did not mean anything against him. Jim laughed and said not to worry about it. This made them both laugh and relax. The rest of the day, they spent time together in the gym, and Galena did her best to teach Jim about the machines. They made a date for the next day to work out together.
Over the next few weeks, they worked out every day with each other. They talked and laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. They talked about life and love and their relationships. They discussed Galena’s troubles with men and why she liked being alone. She said she had nothing against men but never wanted to stay with anyone for very long. She also said this is why she preferred married men, with no fear of commitment.
Jim told Galena about his issues with Bonnie and why he decided to start working out again. He told her he wanted her to pay for what she had been doing. He figured if he got back into shape and beautiful women like Galena noticed him, she would feel guilty and want him full-time. Galena agreed and suggested he find a woman to have sex with. But, of course, that would add to her guilt.
Smiling, Jim asked if she had anyone in mind. Galena blushed a little and gave a coy smile, saying, maybe.
For the next few weeks, Jim and Galena had wild sex every day after working out. Galena was the hottest and best lay Jim, had so far. His friends were correct and did not know it. But, of course, he could never tell them either. Galena may have been quiet on the outside, but sexually, she was on fire and was not afraid to be boisterous. It was a good thing all her neighbors were still at work when they were having sex.
It has been two months since Jim decided to implement his plan. Jim was thrilled with the changes he had made so far.
The farm has never been more successful and will continue to be on the upswing once spring gets here. He has gotten into better shape and even gained a few pounds. Not as slender and broken down as he once was. And sexually, he has been extraordinarily active and learned many things about himself.
Jim decided it was time. It was time to put the last part of the plan into action. He sat with each of the ladies, explained what he wanted to do, and thanked them for understanding. All three women smiled and agreed to the plan. They also thanked him for the best two months of sex they could have asked for. They all knew right from the beginning that Jim was not a keeper. He was taken. And they would have to give him up someday.
The plan was simple. Each woman would show up at the farm and meet Jim in the treehouse. Jim loved the irony of it. They would have sex while Bonnie was in the house doing her wifely chores. Jim knew she would be watching the women come and go and wondered how long it would take for her to react.
Rhonda showed up right on cue. Jim wasted no time taking her clothes off and running his hands and lips all over her body. Rhonda reacted with soft moans and whimpers. Jim had learned what she liked and did not wait to dive in. He laid her down on the blankets and licked and sucked her pussy, using his hands to work her clit. Rhonda was on fire and grabbed his head to pull him closer. Jim knew she would explode soon. He also knew he could not wait to get inside her.
Jim worked his way up her body. He made sure to linger a little on her glorious mounds. She had great tits and perky nipples. Jim liked playing with them. He kissed her neck and made sure to kiss her mouth so she could taste herself in his. Rhonda loved tasting her pussy on his lips and licked his face clean.
Jim’s dick was twitching and jumping, and he could barely control himself. He entered her in one steady motion. He buried himself all the way in and began rocking his hips. He found a rhythm and pounded it home for what felt like an eternity. He was not ready to give up his load yet.
Jim pulled out and positioned himself above Rhonda, facing her pussy. He dove back in and licked and sucked more aggressively this time. Rhonda reached up, took his balls in her mouth, and gently nibbled while sucking. Her actions were driving Jim crazy. He sat up above her and let her keep working his balls.
He grabbed his dick in hand and worked the shaft slowly. This did not last long, and soon he was pounding his rod in his hand hard and fast. Rhonda felt his balls tighten, and Jim groaned as he unloaded on her tits and stomach. As he started to soften, he dribbled what was left on her chin and gaping mouth.
He was still working on Rhonda. He did need a breather, though. He sat on his knees, looked towards the house, and saw Bonnie staring at the treehouse. She quickly moved away from the window as soon as she saw him looking at her. He knew right then that his revenge was going to be satisfying.
Jim went back down on Rhonda. This time she was eager to suck his dick in her mouth. She felt like a vacuum cleaner sucking up ground-in dirt. It was so much suction that he was unsure if she would leave any skin on his dick. Rhonda was exceptionally good at blowjobs. He had grown to like them from her. She slobbered and sucked, and he had no choice but to get turned on by the sounds alone.
Jim tried to keep his focus on what he was doing to Rhonda. But it was not easy. He did enjoy spending time between her legs, though. Rhonda had one of the prettiest pussies he knew. She had full lips that opened and closed at will. She had a pouty clit hidden under a large hood. He knew he had to spend time on her clit area, much to his and her enjoyment, to uncover the clit in hiding. Once you got it into the open, even the slight whiff of air in the room, or outside in this case, made it hard as a rock.
Her rock-hard clit was like a micro-dick for Jim to play with. He licked at the tip and sucked it thoroughly in his mouth, this made her clit grow even more, and soon it was half the size of his pinky finger. Jim was relentless in playing with her clit and probing her pussy opening. He alternated between the two as if he were a cat chasing a mouse back in its hole after escaping. This just added to the pleasure and torture for Rhonda. Finally, she could not hold on anymore and reached a great orgasm with a scream.
Hearing her scream and knowing what it would do to Bonnie, whom he knew was listening not that far away, Jim lost control and spewed another load down the front of Rhonda’s chest. It added to the first load and sweat they had built up and all the saliva from Rhonda’s sucking. Rhonda was a soaking mess from her chin to her navel. Finally, Jim and Rhonda were both spent and collapsed alongside each other, breathing hard.
Jim and Rhonda lay there for a few minutes looking at each other and smiling as they caught their breath. They both knew it was the best sex they’d had so far. They also knew that Bonnie knew what was happening in the treehouse. Now their time was coming to an end, and it was ok with both of them. Rhonda was the first to get up and kiss Jim deeply as she grabbed her clothes and barely put them on. She headed down the stairs and did not look back. Her baggy shirt was wide open, and she carried her bra in her hand as she walked by the house to her car. Rhonda noticed Bonnie in a window and smiled as she scooped some of Jim’s cum off her chest and sucked it off her finger.
Bonnie watched the treehouse rock and shake as Jim enjoyed this huss bucket with him. She did not know what to do. She wanted to slap someone, but who was she to say anything? She wanted to scream at them to shut the fuck up, but that would only add to the pain she felt right now. She could only stand in the window, listen to the sounds and screams, and imagine what was happening. She could do nothing, and she knew it. When it was over, and Rhonda walked by smiling and licking Jim’s cum off her, she thought she would die.
Before she had time to process all that had happened and get her thoughts in order, Bonnie watched another woman walk by the window and head to the treehouse.
Faith was on her way to the treehouse now. She noticed Bonnie standing in the window with a blank look on her face. All she could do was smile at her. Bonnie plopped down in the chair and buried her face in her hands. Faith saw this and thought to herself, got you bitch. She finished her walk to the treehouse with a more confident stride now.
Jim watched Rhonda leave and did his best to regain some composure. He also decided to clean up a little before Faith got there. If she were on time, she would be here any minute. He had prepared for this earlier by bringing soap, water, a bucket, a towel, and a washcloth. He did his best to clean up and not lose any size due to the frigid water. He wanted this to go well with Faith.
Faith topped the stairs and was already half undressed. She could not wait to get to Jim. She had a renewed taste for revenge after seeing Bonnie. She felt confident and energized. She knew her decision to help Jim was a good one. Bonnie deserved what she was going to get.
Faith lost the rest of her clothes within seconds of clearing the top step. She jumped on Jim and straddled his waist. Locking her legs around him and holding on tight, she kissed him passionately. She could still taste a hint of Rhonda on his lips and face. She didn’t care. She was too excited. She pictured Bonnie’s face in the window, and her excitement rose even higher.
Jim held on tight to Faith as she locked around him. He walked them over to the tree trunk in the center of the treehouse and pushed Faith tightly against it. They stayed locked together for several minutes, kissing and rubbing each other in plain sight of Bonnie in the window not far away. Because of the way the treehouse was built, with a railing on one side facing the house, Bonnie had a clear view of them from the waist up. Jim and Faith knew this would get to her.
Jim kissed his way down Faith’s neck and continued to her breasts in full view for Bonnie. Faith’s breasts were not as lovely as Rhonda’s, but Jim enjoyed them just the same. Her nipples were a little longer, and she had large dark areolas. They hung a little lower on her chest from having a child many years ago.
Still holding Faith, Jim turned around and walked them over to the railing. He gently placed her on the ledge and helped her get her hands set for gripping. Once she was in place, Jim knelt before her and began his slow, methodical kissing on her lower legs. First, he worked up one leg, then started again on the other. He did this several times, driving Faith crazy with anticipation. He never touched her key areas but just barely missed every time. Naturally, this added to her levels of excitement.
When Jim was ready, he locked his arms through her legs and around her butt and waist. He moved in slowly to add to the anticipation. He licked at her vagina timidly at first, flicking his tongue here and there. Then, he focused on the lower part of her slit. He was slowly working her lips open more. He could see her flower blooming and enjoyed the feeling of exciting it to blossom. The scents and texture were also getting to him; he could feel his dick returning to life.
With each blossoming moment of the flower before him, he could sense the prize coming into sight. Finally, after a few minutes of nurturing the flower, the prize was his. He flicked the tip of his tongue gently at first. Then, he felt the clit under his control and placed his whole tongue flat on it. He heard Faith cry out a moan and knew it was loud enough to be heard a ways away.
Leaving his tongue flat against her clit, he began a slow movement. Up and down the slit and clit. He stuck his tip in the hole and then out quickly. He liked teasing her. She tasted so sweet today. He was unsure if it was the revenge adding to her flavor or if she had done something new. Jim had heard about flavored oils; maybe it was something like that. Either way, it made him want to eat her out more. He liked the taste; strawberry was always his favorite flavor.
Jim attacked her pussy with everything he had. He ate her out like she was a seven-course meal. He did not want to stop. When she hit her first orgasm, she almost fell off the railing. She was shaking and twitching, and he struggled to hold her from his current position. Because she was also using her feet to help keep her inside the short wall and onto the railing, she could not clamp onto his head with her legs. This meant he could hear her loud moans even clearer. And so could Bonnie.
Faith needed Jim inside her. She worked her way off the railing and pushed Jim to the floor. She was over-excited and needed to feel him buried in her. Jim did not argue at all. His dick had regained its strength, and he needed to be inside her as well. Faith grabbed his dick and led it to her opening. She sunk slowly and buried it into his balls. She clutched at his chest and started to rock slowly.
Bonnie was dying inside. She could see everything Jim was doing to this woman from the window. She was almost in tears. She thought to herself that Jim would never have done this to her. But then she thought back on everything she had been doing and accepted that she deserved some of this. She was not sure how much more she could take, though—especially seeing this woman’s head and upper body going up and down on his shaft. She had forgotten what that felt like with him. Then when she thought things would not get any worse, she saw another woman heading to the treehouse. What the hell? Who the hell was this? How many more can he handle? Is that my Jim up there with all these hoes?
Faith was now picking up speed on Jim’s dick. She had established a rhythm. Jim was enjoying her riding and closed his eyes to get into the feel of it. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Galena standing over them, undressing quickly. He was even more excited that she had shown up early and at this exact time. Faith was sitting up straight on Jim, and Galena wasted no time positioning herself over his face.
Galena lowered herself onto Jim’s face and buried her pussy in his mouth. Jim took it in stride. He licked and sucked her pussy as hungrily as he had Faith only moments before. Jim was definitely a person that liked eating pussy. Jim could not see anything above him and only heard muffled moans from the women. He could only imagine what they were doing with each other.
But Bonnie could see the women all too clearly. She could see the women touching and kissing one another, and what happened next.
After mere minutes of the three of them in this position, the women got off Jim. They pulled him up and went back to the railing. Faith bent forward, and Jim entered her from behind. Galena crawled down between their legs and positioned herself slightly upside down. Jim began slowly pounding Faith from behind, and Galena licked at Faith’s pussy and Jim’s balls from underneath them.
Galena’s attack on them affected them. Jim pounded Faith harder as she cried out and shook. Her orgasms were coming quicker with everything that was going on. Galena was relentless in her assault, and Jim could barely hold on. It seemed like only a few minutes had passed when Galena felt Jim’s balls draw up and tighten. She grabbed his shaft and pulled it out of Faith, causing Faith to scream with orgasm and Jim to release a significant load on Galena’s face and the outside of Faith’s pussy. This pushed Faith to another orgasm, and Galena wasted no time licking her clean and keeping her orgasm going even longer. Galena finally stood, and Faith licked her face clean.
Galena and Faith wasted no time spinning Jim around and sitting him on the railing. They both attacked his dick with eager tongues. They took turns licking his shaft and swallowing it. They wanted him hard as fast as possible. Jim was helpless to resist, and his body responded accordingly. He was hard again in minutes at the sight of these two beautiful women simultaneously naked in front of him. Both with his dick in their hands and mouths. The sounds of them licking and sucking and slobbering on him were too much. He was harder than he had been all day.
Galena wanted her turn with Jim inside her. So, she spun Jim around and took her place over the railing. She wanted Jim in her ass, though. She reached back and spread her ass cheeks as wide as she could. Faith grabbed Jim’s dick and helped guide it into her ass. Jim tried to be gentle with her, but Galena was having none of that. Galena pushed back hard on his dick and felt it slide more than halfway in. She screamed out and cried for more. She kept crying for more for a few more seconds till he was buried all the way in. Then she began to cry out loud for him to go harder.
Jim and Galena had never done anal before, and he didn’t even know she liked that. But from her cries, he felt she was enjoying it. When Faith dropped to her knees and took up position under them, all hell broke loose. Faith had assumed Galena’s prior role and was now licking and sucking them. Faith focused most of her effort on Galena’s pussy, but she did tickle Jim’s balls occasionally. Jim was pounding Galena’s ass pretty hard and fast now. The pounding, the licking, the playing with her clit was too much for Galena. She hit a major orgasm and cried out loud that she was cumming. Two farms away probably heard her as well.
This was too much for Jim, and Faith did the same thing Galena had done. She pulled his dick out, and he came all over her face and Galena’s pussy. The cum hitting her clit and the orgasm already happening sent her over the edge into another spasm that sprayed her juices on Faith’s face, soaking her to her chest.
All three collapsed on each other on the floor. They were spent. They lay there for several minutes, getting their breaths back and smiling at each other.
Faith and Galena both knew they had to go soon, but they wanted just a few more minutes with each other while Jim rested. So they turned to each other and began licking each other’s faces and cleaning most of the cum off. Of course, they couldn’t get it all, but they tried. Then they licked each other’s pussy and ass crack clean as they could. This, of course, brought them to another orgasm which they both let cry out. Then it was time for them to go.
They both grabbed their clothes and threw them on. Sort of. They did not care at this point who saw them. They stood and grabbed Jim, pulling him to his feet. They kissed him and told him goodbye with a smile. They left the treehouse and headed to their cars, hand in hand. They walked by the house and smiled at Bonnie, looking out the window. They stopped and kissed each other, running their hands through each other’s cum soaked hair. Then they smiled at Bonnie again before heading the rest of the way to their cars.
Jim stood in the treehouse watching the women walk away and the show they put on for Bonnie. He grinned and thought that his revenge was complete. Almost!
Jim dressed and headed to the house. He had one last thing to do.
Jim walked into the house and straight up to Bonnie. He hugged her tight and gave her a long passionate kiss. He wanted her to taste and smell the women on him.
Jim then released her, saying simply,” Man, I’m tired,” as he turned and walked away.