Damn you, Jimmy. You didn’t tell me there’d be a packed crowd watching. So much for “we’re only half-full tonight.” What the hell have I agreed to?
Okay, so I look the part and I can dance, but I’ve never performed burlesque. I barely know the routine and I’m not sure I’ve got the confidence to seduce the audience. What if they don’t like me?
“Make it up, if you forget the steps. Think sex. It’s important. Pick someone in the audience and mentally ravish them.”
That was Jess’ advice. Maybe it works for her but she’s been dancing at Jimmy’s Place for years. She knows how to tease, every trick to tantalise. I don’t. I’ve watched the dancers so I know what to do but…
“You could always imagine pleasing Jimmy out there on stage. I know that turns you on.”
She had to mention your name, didn’t she? And she said it with a smirk on her face. Jess knows I’ll do anything for you. The thought of your hands touching my body, your tongue greedily lapping the juices from my dripping sex–
“Psst… Janine, are you ready?”
Am I ready for this? I don’t know.
You’re a shit. I knew your reputation and vowed not to fall for your notorious charm. All the girls want Jimmy. Not me. I’m different. I need Jimmy’s Place for money, cash to pay for my pointe shoes and classes. I didn’t need your favour, didn’t want to join your harem of sluts dancing provocatively on your stage. Burlesque? I wouldn’t stoop to it.
I came to Jimmy’s Place to secure bar work, nothing more. Yes, I’d be scantily dressed, my tits and ass on display, but not for sale. You don’t allow customers to touch the waitresses and that suits me. I can earn my money, good money, with my morals intact.
That was the plan. Yet that very first evening you had me on my knees begging to suck your cock. How did you do that, Jimmy? How did you win so easily?
You’re not a good looking man; your nose is crooked, your hairline’s receding and your skin’s weathered. And yet there’s something irresistibly charming about you, a self-assured arrogance that draws your victims in. I was yours the second our eyes met; those deep brown eyes that looked straight into my soul. I drowned in your gaze, ceased breathing as, eyes locked with mine, you took my hand and held it to your lips.
And then you whispered, “I’ll own you before the night’s out.”
Such conceit. I should have been revolted, pulled my hand away and turned my head. Instead, my heart fluttered like a child at Christmas. The power you asserted over me was instant. I’d do anything you asked. And when you requested proof of my loyalty, I knelt before you, eyes pleading.
My mind whirled when you unzipped your trousers.
And tonight, you bent me over your desk, your thick cock buried inside my longing cunt, balls slapping against my ass. And in that fragile moment, that tremulous second before my climax peaked, you told me that night would be my first upon the stage. No more bar tending. I was to dance.
There was no discussion. There never is. Not five minutes after your announcement, my muffled yelps could be heard in Jess’ dressing room as she laced me into a painfully tiny corset. She transformed me with feathers, sequins and make-up while I, in a stupor, watched the transformation in the lipstick smudged mirror.
“There. You’ll pass as me.”
She said it with a smirk then hobbled back to her chaise long, struggling with her damaged ankle.
I examined her handiwork. Jess’ work. For you. Oh my… The reflection in the mirror was not me. She’s some kind of Siren. Red hair, glossy and sleek, it’s colour a perfect match to the corset pinching her waspish waist… and those legs clad in black nylon. Different. So different. I’ve never looked like that. I’ve danced in skimpy leotards and tights, my face caked in make-up but not like this. Slut... I puckered my glossy lips, producing a seductive, sassy pout.
What have you done, Jimmy? What have you turned me into?
I accept it all for you. Do it for you. The urge to screw burns fiercely and you promised…you said I’ll be rewarded if I please the crowd. You told me you’d forgo the other girls, that my cunt would receive your attention.
“Look at you, Jimmy’s whore.”
Jess sniggered when she said those words – the very words dancing in my mind.
“Janine, Janine, are you ready?”
Tom’s waving at me from the wings. He’s got a feather boa and a whip in his hands. At some point, I don’t recall when, he’ll throw them to me. Please God, let me catch them! I need to look polished, smooth and professional.
Closing my eyes, I take a moment, shut out the bright lights, the heat, the excited murmur of the crowd. It’s me and you, Jimmy, alone on the stage. I’ll dance for you. My body will writhe the way you like it, my hands caress those secret parts you own.
I’m ready. I can do this. I can show a room full of strangers why you, my Jimmy, want me.
Okay, my Master, this is for you. Watch your whore perform.