“Don’t cry.”
The woman Jack loved and lusted over had used his worst insecurities to crush his ego like a grape and the tears had begun to flow. He deserved it for being such a little pervert, but it still felt as though his world had turned to ash.
“Don’t. Cry.” Jack sniffed and tried to stop “You’re pathetic. I hate you and your worse than worthless bitch clit for doing this. I know it shouldn’t, but it does. We had something good. We were both having fun, even if I was being a little devious… I kinda thought you knew, deep down, but I guess you thought I was stupid instead. Why did you could just do that, right in my face? Did you think I was stupid? Or did you just not give a fuck about destroying our friendship? You don’t even deserve three inches of happiness.”
“I made a mistake. I might seem smart sometimes, but I don’t get people.”
“Oh, poor baby! Well, here’s a little social cue to remember: don’t jerk off over other people in their houses. Do I need to tell you not to shit on the floor too?”
“I get stupid around you. You drive me crazy.” He tried.
“I know… and now I can’t drive you crazy any more. Plus I lost my best friend… because you decided this little half acorn was more important than what we had.” She flicked the head of his ‘tiny bitch clit’ with an anger that was a deep raw red, its edges tinged blue with sadness. “I know it’s fucked up, but I would feel a lot less hurt if you’d at least betrayed me with a real cock. If you’d been disappearing to the bathroom to suck off one of my boyfriends or something instead of twiddling that little button. I should crush it like a bug. My gift to the sisterhood.
Jack tried not to start crying again. He’d been told twice he wasn’t allowed.
“I couldn’t help myself.” He felt awful. He couldn’t stand to see the woman he loved sad. A few minutes ago her profound meanness had brought him to tears – but he’d do anything now to get that cheerfully, playfully cruel woman back.
“I know you can’t. That’s the worst part. That means it’s over.”
“You can’t – you have to let me try, please? Maybe if we both try, you could wear-”
“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare blame this on me. If I’d wanted you to cum, I would have made damn sure it happened. Remember the summer dance?”
Jack sat bolt upright.
“You knew?”
“That you came all over my dress? After I was grinding my ass into your crotch for ten minutes? Yeah, that’s another one of those little social signals I pick up on. I have this crazy sixth sense for semen being sprayed all over my ass.”
“I was in denial, I guess.”
Jessica pulled out a cigarette, Jack fumbled for his lighter. As a thank you, she blew smoke in the guy’s face.
“Why didn’t you ask me out?”
“Did you want me to?”
“I think I put out some pretty clear signals. I’m a tease, Jack. I’m usually a little bummed when the guy I’m teasing asks me out. It collapses the– what do you call that thing? The quantum probability-”
“- the wave function?”
“That’s the bitch. They open up the box and – poof – goodbye pussy. It can’t be everything any more, it’s decision time, and sometimes the decision sucks“
“I thought that’s how it would be. That all those signals you sent out would just tune themselves to ‘no’ and then we’d be done.”
“I guess now we know: if you wait too long to open the box, the cat dies anyway. ”
“I think I knew that, deep down. Even if I didn’t ask you, I’d screw it up some other way.”
“Then why the fuck didn’t you ask me instead of jerking our friendship away? You let everything we had dribble out of the tiny hole at the tip of your useless, worthless tiny little bitch clit,” she tapped ash so it tumbled onto the offending member, just a tiny spark still lit but it landed right on the little pink point that was the minuscule structure. A tiny, perfect dot of exquisite pain that was over before he could react. “I wanted that. I wanted you. I hate not getting what I want.”
“If you wanted me why didn’t you do something about it?”
“I wasn’t really sure how to escalate things after jerking you off with my ass didn’t work. I suppose I coulda just climbed on your face and clit fucked your lips, but who’s to say you’d have gotten the message?” Jack would have liked that.
“Or you could have asked me out.”
“I don’t do that. It’s the guy’s job.”
“So this is the patriarchy’s fault. I knew it.”
“You don’t get to whinge about the patriarchy when you are the patriarchy.”
“If I’m the patriarchy, shouldn’t I be able to change that rule?”
“Not when I’m around. When I’m around I make the rules.”
“You’re a Jessica-rchist.”
“Yup. And so are you, so you can’t complain about me.”
For a moment it was like old times, teasing, prodding, being friends. Jessica’s face slowly sank. “Having power means you’ve got to make rules. And mine is: I don’t ask. I bait, and pick what I like from the fish that bite. You didn’t. Plus, now I just can’t trust you. When I don’t trust people I get nervous they won’t stick around, so I ditch them. Or worse.
“That’s -”
“I was going to say a series of logical steps that leads to an illogical outcome.”
“My way’s faster.”
They sat in silence for a moment, Jack staring at Jessica, Jessica staring at nothing.
“Please… Jessica, I-l-”
“Lied. You lied to me. Many times. Me knowing doesn’t make it OK.”
“That’s not me. That’s just the pointless little piece of… that’s just my bitch of a clit. It happened and it happened and it happened, and I couldn’t tell you. Not when you kept saying how nice it was being friends with a eunuch.”
“There are worse things than eunuchs. Lesser, dirtier things. Like liars and creeps and sneaks. Like you..” There was no playfulness to this, just the bitter taste of things at their end. “If you never talk to me again, maybe I won’t tell everyone what you did.”
“Jessica… no, please. I’ll do anything. I mean it. I’m not leaving you, Jessica. You said this is what you do when you think people will hurt you.”
Now? She thought Now he finally grows a spine? I thought there’d be more begging… later, I guess.
“Look in there, bottom drawer.”
Jack obeyed, glad of the familiar feeling, exhausted from the effort of not being meek and submissive.
Jack jumped back as he opened the drawer as if it were filled with live snakes. Jessica snorted. “It’s a little black box. Careful not to touch anything else, you might get cooties.”
It was Jessica’s sex toy drawer – dildoes, handcuffs, lube, what looked like some sort of whip and… other items. Jack gulped.
“What’s freaking you out? The strap on? Or the anal beads?*”
“The strap on… I didn’t know what the other things were.”
“You can have them if you want. Shove them up your ass for all I care. Who’s never seen anal beads? You have had sex, right?”
Jack looked nervous. She smiled, tucking the answer away in her brain for future leverage. n She did a joking-not-joking mime of extinguishing her lit cigarette on his clit, then stubbed it out in the ashtray. She nodded at the box.
Jack gasped.
“A lot of boys don’t know what a chastity belt is when they first see one… interesting you do. Ever worn one?” Jack shook his head “My ex-boyfriends. When we got together, we didn’t want the teasing to stop.” Jack’s heart beat faster as he put it all together.
“If I wear this, I’ll be your boyfriend?”
“You’ll be a boy who is my friend. This lets me trust you enough not to jerk off in my house, but it’s going to be a while before I trust you much more than a chimp in a diaper. But I promise, next time I feel things for you, if I ever do, I won’t rely on your dumb ass figuring it out.”
“I thought you never asked guys?”
“I just promised. I don’t break promises.” It was true – the rest of her life was fireworks, but Jessica’s promises were the north star.
“How’s it work? I mean, I know I put it on my dick.”
“Biiiiitch-clit.” she sang the words as two notes, like a jingle for the ad she’d release if she kept having to remind him “And no, I do that. I put it on you when you get here, take it off when you leave. You’ll never touch this key.”
“Why not?”
“Seriously? Never mind, this was a dumb idea.”
“Woah- sorry, I just… this is a lot, Jessica. You’re gonna lock my co… my bi… me in a chastity cage, and then we’ll just be good friends?”
“We got a lot done as just good friends. Remember?”
Jack pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth. She kinda had a point. “So you’ll be teasing me again?”
“We’ll see. Bye the way, I always knew when you were ogling me. The only part that fucked me off was you trying to hide it… so don’t. I’m a big girl, I can tell a little bitch clit boy like you not to look at my tits.”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“Because you’re looking for reasons to say no. At which point you and me are done. So why don’t you just skip the part where you pick a reason and just say it: you only hung round with me so you could sneak off and squeeze your pickle while my tits were fresh in your mind. Want a last look?” she pressed them together, leaning forward in a display of aggression and confidence that Jack swore not to look straight at, then did.
“This is weird.”
“Is it just like you dreamed?” Jack had fantasised about things like this, even before she came along, but this seemed oddly mechanical. Less frightening, as the heart-attack-inducing thought of being made to languish for weeks or God forbid, months was absent, as was the possibility of being enslaved, made to work for release, but less sexy too. There was a feeling like wind chimes at the back of his brain, like he was missing something, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Jessica’s patience was wearing thin, so he pushed the unease from his mind and said:
“I want to be your friend. I want to keep being weird friends with you, and maybe one day we’ll be weird at something else. If my bitch clit has to do some jail time so the rest of me can still be around you, that se -”
She was reaching between his legs. “God, Jack are you still fucking hard? Through all this?”
“I was just a little bit… then just now, saying yes to you I-”
“OK. Well, brilliant, for the first time in your life your dick’s too big for what a girl wants to do with it. We need to lose this stiffy. Want me to make you cum?” Jack tripped over his tongue trying to answer. “Kidding. Jesus, it’s solid. Tiny and hard, like a diamond, just not valuable.” She was inspecting it, pushing it from side to side with an outstretched nail while reaching down into the mini-fridge with her other hand.
“Jessica, do you think maybe, once I do this for you, do you think you might be nicer to me? It’d help me not… uh, get h-har-”
Suddenly his dick was being crushed by what felt like a block of ice. The soda can Jessica held against him was covered in a thin layer of frost. She rolled it up and down, pressing hard, like she was flattening his clit out with a frozen rolling pin.
“I doubt it. I’m not under any obligation to. You’re not doing this for me by the way. I’m doing it to you. I’m just trying to remind you, as you seem not to pick up on social cues, that I am not your nursemaid or your kindergarten teacher. I don’t live my life to make you feel better, or to make your dick hard, or to be the girl walking down the aisle in your pathetic fantasies. I’m Jessica fucking Vivette. I do what I want, when I want, and you can come along for the ride but you can’t tell me where to go. I’m telling you this now, because I can already see how this is gonna end.”
She continued, “You’re gonna act sketchy, or ghost me a little, or do some other half-imagined shit that rattles my Jenga and I’m gonna show you just how dark I can get. I’ll do things so bad, I know I’ll get away with them because no one would believe you if you told. I’m gonna treat you like an animal, fuck with your mind and break your heart over and over till it gets put back together in a shape that honours me.” She pulled the soda can off of his shrivelled micropenis, made him spit in the cage for lube and crammed him into it, pulling is balls through the hoop roughly like a stubborn shoelace. tying a shoelace.
She knelt between Jack’s legs, towering over him as she hooked the padlock through the loop. She felt the tension, holding it between her thumb and forefinger and held her breath for a moment.
“I will fuck with your shit, I will devour your dreams, I will leave you with nothing else but me. Then, if you’re still around when I’m done, I’ll scrape up all the little tiny bits of you, chop them up in a line and snort you, so you’ll be with me, inside me, pumping through my heart forever. I could be your dream girl Jack Lille. If you survive the nightmare.” She pushed the pin over the hole, ready to lock him in. She had him right where she wanted
“This is when the smart boys leave.”
“Jessica, please do it. I lov -”