Jenny From Cell Block “C”, Chapter 2

"Jenny has a "date" with her new friend Roxie in her cell tonight..."

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“Okay, enough wasting time. I’m hungry and in the mood for something sweet and syrupy!” Roxie said. She pulled the sides of Jennifer’s orange prison jumpsuit open further until all the snaps had come undone, all the way down to her crotch.

“Aww, how sweet, white cotton panties! You really are my little girl aren’t you, pretty!” Roxie said. She reached down and stroked Jennifer’s pussy through her panties at first softly, but increasing the pressure as Jennifer began whimpering.

“Please… oh god… please!” she groaned. Since her former boyfriend ran out on her, Jennifer hadn’t had any kind of sexual activity and now she realized just how much she missed it. Jennifer was horny and this woman was getting her incredibly turned on!

Despite her mind’s wanting to resist the woman’s brazen advances, Jennifer found her body beginning to respond to her touches and caresses. 

Jennifer stood there up against the cold tile of the bathroom wall as Roxie’s hand rubbed over her hungry pussy, her hips pressing outward towards the pleasuring hand even as Jennifer’s eyes locked with Roxie’s. 

Jennifer could feel her heart racing and her breath coming in short gasps as Roxie slipped a finger under the leg opening to rub across her lips directly.

“My goodness, your little pussy likes this. See how wet you are getting, pretty?” Roxie said. She pulled her hand out to show Jennifer her wetness, and then licked her finger. “Mmmm… sweet, just like I knew you would be!”

“Ohhh…” Jennifer moaned. Roxie plunged her hand back down to Jennifer’s pussy but this time she went into her panties instead of just over them. 

She fingered the young woman’s wet pussy, toying with the fat swollen lips and rubbing across her throbbing clit before thrusting deep into the warm wet tunnel. 

Jennifer gasped loudly when Roxie made entry and her fingers curled into the tiled wall. Jennifer’s hips lurched forward on their own, wanting to swallow up the hand that was giving her so much pleasure, and Jennifer’s mouth dropped to a constant “O” shape.

“Oh, God! Ohh, that feels so…. good. Please don’t stop! Oh, please, I… I need this. Please…” Jennifer moaned as she ground her hips into the intruding hand.

Roxie smiled at the young woman’s passionate plea. This one had been easier to win over than even she anticipated. Roxie knew she would get what she wanted from her–one way or another. 

She always got her way, although sometimes she had to resort to more severe and punishing methods. But by hook or by crook she always won out in the end. 

She was glad that this young thing had been easily swayed… she would not have liked doing anything harsh to such a sweet and fragile thing as her. 

Roxie’s own indoctrination into prison sex was not nearly as pleasant. When she was first incarcerated, she was working in the bathrooms just like Jennifer was now. Only in her case, a group of very tough and hardcore women came to visit her. 

She was attacked by the four women and then beaten because she wasn’t complying with their wishes fast enough. They came by to see her several times until she learned that when they came in, she was to drop what she was doing instantly and be ready to service them.

Finally, after about a half-dozen visits and just as many beatings, some new meat came into the prison and she was forgotten about.

But the damage had been done and now Roxie was a hard case herself, willing to do whatever it took to get her way. Luckily for Jennifer, she still had a shred or two of compassion for someone who cooperated and who she liked. 

“You like what I’m doing don’t you, pretty?” Roxie breathed in her ear.

“Yesss,” Jennifer moaned loudly.

“I’ll bet you would love for me to get you off… make you cum in bucketfuls wouldn’t you darling?” Roxie coaxed.

“Oh please! Please, please, please…” Jennifer begged.

“Relax, my pretty one… I will make you cum soon enough. But first, you must do something for me!” Roxie said. “After all, I’ve been in this place a lot longer than you, and I have needs too. Like I told you, if you are nice to me, I will be nice to you.” 

Roxie thrust her fingers deep into Jennifer’s drooling pussy, “And I can be VERY nice to you, pretty if you want me to.”

“OHMYGOD! Oh yes! Oh please, Roxie, please make me cum!” Jennifer cried out, her pleas echoing off the walls of the bathroom and confirming how desperate she was.

“Then help me out of this jumpsuit and let’s get comfortable!” Roxie said. Jennifer quickly helped Roxie get out of her jumpsuit, unzipping the front and pulling it off her shoulders as she turned her back to the young woman.

“Now the panties pretty,” she said. And Jennifer reached up to pull her panties off her. Then Roxie moved over to a small wooden bench in the bathroom. “Now come over here and eat my pussy!” she said, spreading her legs wide.

“Mmmphh!” Jennifer cried out, her voice muffled by Roxie’s thighs tightly mashed against her face.

“Eat my pussy, my sweet, if you want me to make you cum!” she said.

Jennifer had never performed oral sex on a woman but she did the best she could, spurred on by her overwhelming need for her own satisfaction. 

At first, she was hesitant, not knowing what to expect. But when she realized that it wasn’t bad and, in fact, tasted sweet, she licked and lapped at the woman’s pussy with gusto. 

“Easy, my dear! We have five years together!” Roxie said, chuckling.

But Jennifer was past caring and wasn’t about to slow down any. Even though this was her first time in a woman-to-woman sex scene, there was something about this that was incredibly arousing. Jennifer couldn’t remember ever being this turned on!

Jennifer buried her face in the older woman’s pussy and ate her like she was starving. Roxie moaned and writhed in response to the tongue wriggling around inside her, pulling Jennifer’s face harder into her bald cunt.

“Yes! That’s it, baby, just like that! Oooh yes! Eat that juicy cunt, pretty! Lap up all my sweet cunny juice!” Roxie moaned, coaching the young woman.

Roxie wrapped one long leg around Jennifer’s head to hold her tight against her cunt, freeing up her hand to play with her tit. 

Roxie’s 36DD tits were considerably larger than Jennifer’s and had Jennifer not been so impossibly horny right then she might have been jealous of the woman’s body. But instead, all she could think of at the moment was enjoying all it had to offer her. 

Roxie, too, was enjoying this young woman’s enthusiasm. So much so that she was soon on the verge of an explosive orgasm.

“Oh, pretty! Oh, you’re gonna make me cum darling! Oh yes! I’m… I’m CUUMMINNNGGG!” she cried out. 

And she did, spewing her warm sweetness out in a gush of pussy juice showering Jennifer’s face and tits like a firehose. Roxie held the woman’s face directly in the path of the torrent making sure she got completely soaked. 

Jennifer sputtered as Roxie’s flow splashed into her face drenching her. Roxie laughed, “Drink up pretty, you earned it!” 

When she had stopped pouring out her pussy juice she rubbed Jennifer’s face in her crotch making sure she was thoroughly soaked and giving herself a little extra thrill as she rubbed Jennifer’s face across her pussy lips and clit.

“Now don’t wipe that off… I like my perfume on you!” Roxie said.

Jennifer sat there on the cold bathroom floor, legs spread wide with her face shining with Roxie’s pussy juice smeared all over it. 

When Jennifer had stopped panting and was able to talk again, she asked, “Okay Roxie can you make me cum now? Please? I really need to cum. Please make me cum too!”

But Roxie had other plans. “Not just yet, my pretty girl. I want you to stew and simmer for a while! Tonight I want you to come to my cell and we can play some more. Then I will make you cum! I have some special things there that I’m sure you will enjoy!” she said.

“But how? How can I come to your cell when they lock us up for the night before lights out?” Jennifer asked.

“Silly girl! Didn’t I tell you before that I run this cell block? Anything I want here I can get. I have already made arrangements for you to come to my cell for the night. 

“Since I am at the end of the row and the walls of our cells are thick concrete, your moans and whimpers won’t disturb anyone. And if they do, too bad… you are my pretty, and I am going to enjoy you!” Roxie said. 

“All right, I will come to your cell tonight,” Jennifer said, her lust still doing the talking for her.

“Good girl. Now until then, I want you to keep that pussy on a slow boil. I want you hot, wet, and horny when you come over tonight! I have a wonderful time planned and I want to make you cum several times tonight!” Roxie said. 

“Now get up and get dressed… I don’t want you getting in trouble with the guards for not getting your work done, pretty!” 

And with that Roxie got up and got dressed, leaving Jennifer in the bathroom alone again to finish her work. 

That evening at dinner, Jennifer found another advantage of having a friend like Roxie. Jennifer was standing in line waiting to get her food when somebody bumped one of the other inmates. As Jennifer was the closest one to the bumped inmate, the blame was automatically put on her.

“Hey, watch it, bitch! That’s my dinner you’re knocking around! You lucky you didn’t spill it or you’d be giving me yours and eating this up off the floor!” the rough con snarled.

“But I didn’t do anything!” Jennifer protested. “I was just standing here waiting to get my…”

“Well SOMEBODY bumped me, and you are the closest one to me!” the con said.

It was then that Roxie came over hearing Jennifer’s cries of innocence. “Is there a problem here Angela?” Roxie said. “This is my pretty and if there is a problem with her…”

“Oh no! No problem Roxie, I just got bumped a little, no harm done!” Angela said quickly. Then she took her tray and beat a hasty exit. 

Roxie turned to Jennifer, “Come on pretty, you can sit with me,” Roxie said. Jennifer followed Roxie over to where she liked to sit and stood in awe as, without a word said, the occupants of her spot moved aside for them. 

They sat down and enjoyed their dinner together before heading back to their separate cells. Roxie walked Jennifer back to her cell and before she left, pulled the young woman into a deep, passionate kiss. 

“I’ll see you in a little bit, pretty. Be ready for me!” Roxie said, giving Jennifer a playful swat on the ass.

Jennifer sat in her cell, waiting for the time to pass before going to see Roxie. She thought about what had happened to her and in such a short time. She had never even thought about having sex with another girl–her strict Catholic upbringing forbade such same-sex activity. 

But she had come a long way since those young days and even though she had been railroaded into her situation, being locked up in a women-only prison made lesbian sex her only option.

Jennifer sat there in her cell waiting for what she didn’t know. Roxie said she had “made arrangements”, but what did that mean?

Then she wondered about the other things Roxie had said… about how she had some special things in her cell and how she had a wonderful time planned. 

What did all that mean? And what was this possessive talk about her being Roxie’s pretty? Jennifer liked being called pretty, but did Roxie really think she belonged to her?

The thought of the fun to come made Jennifer wet and eager for the time to pass. And it did, too slowly for her liking, but soon it was time for “lights out”. As the guard walked the row making sure everyone got to bed she unlocked Jennifer’s cell door. 

“I believe you have a date, Crosson!” she said. Jennifer got up and stepped outside her cell so the guard could close the door. She walked Jennifer to the end of the cell block where Roxie’s cell was and unlocked the door. 

“Now you two try to keep it down a little…let’s not wake up the whole cell block!” the guard said jokingly.

“Don’t worry, Boss… if she gets too loud, I’ll just shove her panties in her mouth as a gag!” Roxie said.

The thought of having her panties shoved in her mouth as a gag sent a tingle through Jennifer’s pussy and she let out a soft moan, barely perceptible to anyone except for Roxie who smiled playfully and raised one eyebrow. 

“Does the idea of being gagged with your own panties turn you on, my pretty?” she asked.

“The idea that you are going to cause me to make enough noise that I need to be gagged does!” Jennifer said softly. “Using my own panties as the gag is just the icing on the cake!”

“Well, I promised you a good time tonight and I always keep my promises, darling!” Roxie said with a smile. 

Roxie sat down on the edge of her bed and patted the bed beside her. “Have a seat, pretty, and make yourself comfortable. We are going to have a lot of fun,” she said. Jennifer sat down and Roxie put her arm around the young woman, pulling her to her and kissing her gently.

Jennifer let out a soft moan as they began kissing and she felt Roxie’s hand moving up to her small tits. Although small, especially compared to her partner, Jennifer’s tits were extremely sensitive and one of her favorite hot spots. 

It didn’t take Roxie long to discover just how well connected Jennifer’s tits and her pussy was. As they made out and Roxie fondled Jennifer, the pungent scent of Jennifer’s leaking pussy soon filled the room.

Seeing how aroused her playmate had become, Roxie gently pushed the young woman down onto the bed and moved over top of her. As she looked up into Roxie’s soft brown eyes, Roxie smiled down at the inflamed woman, enjoying her lustful expression and the tremendous need in her eyes.

Roxie slowly unsnapped the front of her jumpsuit, one snap at a time. Jennifer gave a small gasp as each snap was undone, growing louder and more desperate as Roxie got further down her jumpsuit. 

At last Roxie reached the last snap and once it was released she pulled the front of Jennifer’s jumpsuit apart and took in the sight of her pretty. She licked her lips and then moved in on the young tits and their hard erect nipples.

“Ohhh!” Jennifer moaned out as Roxie’s hot mouth enclosed her aching nipple. Jennifer put her hand under her tit offering it up to Roxie’s ravenous appetite. The older con accepted the gift, lovingly licking and chewing on the tender bud as Jennifer’s moaning grew in intensity and passion.

Roxie took the cue and ravaged Jennifer’s writhing body. Placing her thigh between Jennifer’s parted legs, she kept pressure on her cunt, letting her hump at the leg and add fuel to the fire that had ignited there already. 

Jennifer lay there moaning and twisting on the bed as Roxie feasted on her tender tits. She ran her fingers through Roxie’s short brown hair and moved her mouth from tit to tit so each one would get proper adoration.

After several minutes of fun with her new prison chewtoy, Roxie sat up. 

“Let’s get out of these pumpkin suits so we can have some real fun!” she said, helping Jennifer up. 

The two girls quickly stripped out of their prison jumpsuits and panties. “Now give me a hand and let’s get this bunk out of our way… we don’t need to be bumping our heads on it!”

Jennifer and Roxie folded the top bunk up against the wall and Jennifer held it up while Roxie pinned it in place to keep it there. “That’s better, now we have some headroom!” she said.

“Lay down, pretty, I didn’t get enough of that sweet pussy earlier and I have been dying to taste you ever since!” Roxie said, pointing to the bed.

“Oh God, yes! Please eat my pussy!” Jennifer cried, quickly hopping onto the bed and laying on her back with her legs splayed wide. Roxie picked up Jennifer’s panties from where she had dropped them and kept them in her hand… she would need them in a few moments. 

She climbed into bed on top of Jennifer in a ’69’ position with her knees on either side of her head and her bald cunt mere inches from Jennifer’s waiting mouth.

Keeping Jennifer’s panties at the ready, Roxie pulled the pink, swollen lips apart and looked into Jennifer’s warm, wet tunnel, dripping with sweetness, for the first time. 

“Oh, darling! You have the prettiest, yummiest pussy I’ve ever seen! I got to have a taste!” Roxie said. 

“Please, Roxie! Please eat my pussy! Please… I want you to, I need you to! Please lick my pussy and make me cum!” Jennifer whined.

Roxie hooked an elbow under each of Jennifer’s thighs and drew her knees up under her armpits, putting her body between her legs and preventing her from closing them. Then she leaned her head down and fastened her mouth securely to the young woman’s dripping pussy. 

“OHHFUCKYESS!” Jennifer cried out as she felt Roxie’s tongue plunge deep into her pussy. Her hands instinctively moved to try to push her face away but Roxie held tight. 

Jennifer moved her hands down to wrap her arms around Roxie’s hips then and pulled her down so that she could return the favor and eat Roxie’s bald cunt.

It was Roxie’s turn to moan as she felt the tongue probing her depths. It became a competition–a race to see who could make who cum first. Both women furiously licked and lapped at the pussy in front of them trying to drive the other to the point of madness. 

It became harder and harder to concentrate on the task at hand, however, as their respective lusts grew quickly beyond their control. The sounds of slurping tongues and moaning filled the air as the two bodies writhed on the bed like snakes fighting. 

The competition went on for several minutes but unfortunately, Roxie had a distinct advantage– first off because she was older and more mature and could control herself better, and secondly, she had been in prison for several years already and girl-on-girl sex wasn’t new to her. 

Jennifer had no way of winning against these two factors and soon her enthusiasm and determination began to wane… Roxie’s talented tongue and the tricks she used were taking a toll on the younger, less experienced woman.

Roxie could sense that Jennifer was about done… that she’d had about as much as she could take. She brought her young playmates panties close and stopped what she was doing for a moment. 

Wadding and twisting the garment into a tightly-packed cylindrical shape, she pushed the cotton garment into the woman’s pussy until just the tip of the fabric stuck out. Jennifer groaned as her own panties were stuffed into her wet pussy but Roxie wasn’t through yet. 

Once the panties were in place, she went back to licking and toying with Jennifer’s clit and fingering her until at last Jennifer couldn’t hold back any longer. The fullness she felt from her panties in combination with Roxie’s work on her clit was just too much for her to process.

“OHMYGOD! Oh, Roxie, I’m cumming! Oh, please, I’m cumming, I’m OHH MMMUMMPH!” Jennifer cried out loudly before Roxie clamped her hand over the woman’s mouth. 

Jennifer screamed into Roxie’s hand–she couldn’t help herself. She had never experienced an orgasm so strong and so… dirty! It was as if the sheer naughtiness of what they were doing–two women having lesbian sex together–only heightened her orgasm. 

Roxie continued fingering Jennifer’s clit and shoved her fingers deep into her pussy over top of the panties to keep her cumming for as long as she could. Roxie wanted her panties thoroughly soaked with her pussy juices before pulling them out of her.  

Published 5 years ago

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