Jeff’s friend Gerty Ch.1

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The sound of a ringing phone.


“Hi, Joyce.”

“Oh, hi Gert, how are you?”

“Fine, work is okay. I won seventy-five dollars in Bingo last night.”

“Nice, like an extra day’s pay without working for it.”

“Joyce, does Jeff still work with electricity, like for houses?”

“Yes he does, he is working as an apprentice, why?”

“I have a fan on the fritz, it hasn’t worked since I bought the house, and with the weather getting warmer, I’d love to get it working.”

“I’m sure Jeff would be glad to at least take a look at it. When’s a good time, Gert?”

“Anytime is good.”

“Gert, how about doing a Bingo night soon?”

“That’s a fine idea, Joyce, bye.”

Five O’clock that day.

“Hi Jeff, how was work today?”

“Good Mom, we had to go to Fall River to wire up a twenty ton air conditioner for four hundred and eighty volts, and on the way back we stopped at Hickey’s diner in Taunton. I got you some danish for your coffee break tomorrow.”

“Thanks Jeff, that was sweet of you, and speaking of electrical, I volunteered your services to Gerty.”

“You want me to service Gerty?”

Mom looks at me like I said something ‘far out’ yet her eyes sparkled.

“Jeff, how is it you can take almost anything someone says and make it sound twisted?”

“I want to be a funny guy or a wise-ass. What’s up with Gertrude?”

“She’s got a fan on the fritz and wants to get it going before the weather gets too hot.”

“Mom, why is it that Gert’s not married?”

“I don’t know, I never asked. Jeff, do you have the hots for Gerty?” Mom asks, smiling and seems very happy.

“You do don’t you?  You have the hots for my friend Gerty, that is so sweet.”

“I love the way she looks and dresses, a black skirt, white ruffled v-neck blouse, patent black heels with bows and her half-moon or half-square glasses hanging from a pearl beaded neck chain across a well filled blouse or half down her nose.”

“You like her and those half-glasses a lot, don’t you?”

I guess I did not want Mom to know I have a thing for a lady’s reading glasses. “Why do you ask that, Mom?”

“Is it me or do you have a thing for them?  Since anyone else would just say her glasses, not getting into the style of them.”

“You know, Mom, I wondered about that at times. Gerty seems so laid back or mellowed out, yet those half’s hanging across her bosom  by a pearl beaded neck chain, which by the way I find very feminine, or when she has them part-way down her nose, they make me think she is a woman of great knowledge.”

“Jeff, it is very interesting that although you are trying hard to be a wise-ass, you seem to really pick up on things. Gert studied two years of history, the roaring twenties; three years of psychiatry, so far as the sexual side of it; and four years of business.”

“Gert seems very confident about herself, meaning she doesn’t have to try and show it..

“Gerty knows all about it, Jeff.”

“All about what?”

“She asked me one time if I knew why her glasses were always so clean and sparkling whenever she left here.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I saw him a few times cleaning them with his T-shirt and I told her, ‘Any lady Jeff is with who wears glasses for reading will find them spotless and sparkling at all times’.”

“When was this, Mom?”

“I’d say four years ago. So, Jeff, is it true that you have a thing for older women, large breasts and half-glasses?”

“Almost, Mom, you forgot the beaded neck chain and the patent black heels.”

“I see you really go for the older, well dressed and well bosomed women, I like that Jeff.”  Said Mom, with a sweet smile.

It is true, I always loved it when Gert would come over. She’d leave those sweet little half-glasses in the living room and I’d clean ’em with my shirt then look through them. One time, she and Mom left the house at the same time. Later, she knew she didn’t have them and called me to see if they were there in the living room. I told her they were and she asked me to bring them over, which I did. I just didn’t tell her how I kissed and licked them, and finding myself quite hard how I touched myself all over down there and came all over them. No, I never mentioned that at all and I thought she never knew about my fetish.

“So, when should I go over?”

“Anytime Jeff.”

Dinnnnnnnnng Donnnnnnnnnnnnng the chimes ring and Gert opens the door, looking as good as ever; white ruffled blouse, her half-glasses hanging over her ample boobs by a neck chain of small pearls, and her half’s twinkling at me, sending some voltage down to my loins and that really turns me on.

“Hi Gerty, Mom says you have a fan on the fritz.”

“No one’s called me Gerty in a long time.”

I am so turned on looking at her, I feel like I am in a trance.

“Do you like what you see, Jeff?”

“Very much and I like those too.”

“What else are you looking at, Jeff?

“Well, let me take a look at that fan, see why it’s not spinning.”

“Would you like a Coke?”

“After I get this fan spinning.”

“You sound so sure about getting it going, do you know that?”

“These fans are made to last forever, so it’s probably not getting power.”

I have my green, olive drab bag I got from a war surplus store and from it I grab a screwdriver and a ‘wiggy voltage tester’. I remove the faceplate from the switch and pull out the switch and check for voltage.”

“No juice, Gert.”

“Juice? I thought you wanted Coke.”

“Hahaha, that’s rich, Gert, I mean the fan’s not getting any juice. Juice is slang for electricity, in this case, the fan’s not getting any.”

I go down her cellar to check the fuses and breakers. As soon as I saw those white porcelain knobs I knew the wiring here is quite old. This is knob-and-tube wiring, wires run in pairs through the knobs and Gerts sure has some nice knobs, too,. Well, as I was saying, the wires run through the studs and joists through tubes and some clown, probably Bozo, tried to wire a lamp socket to the line but by putting it in series and with no bulb in the socket, the power stopped there. I made the needed change and I know the fan would work.

Here I am in Gert’s cellar, a lady who has to be in her upper fifties, yet I have a crush on her. I find her to be a warm woman, the kind who’d make a great wife, my wife. A well educated woman, but would she or could she like me as much as I like her and why in the name of hell’s kitchen is she not married? It seems to me that any guy with good sense would find her to be a keeper.

I am back up in Gert’s living room and I flip the switch and the fan returns from the dead, spinning its ass off, good thing, too as I am quite warm even though I took off my shirt. Gert comes to me with open arms and gives me a great squeeze. Since I feel her glasses and chain on my skin, it does something for me.

“Thank you so much, Jeff, this means a lot to me.” I know she is sincere.

Her left hand is pulling me to her and her right hand is feeling the lump in my pants.

“Nothing skimpy about this, Jeff!”

“Do you like the feel of my glasses and beads pressed into your skin?”

“Yes, Gert, I really do.”

She loosens up a bit and grabs her glasses and holds them close to me.

“Kiss and lick these for me Jeff, I know that they and I turn you on.”

I do and I am very pleased she knows about me and my fetish.

“Gert, this means so much to me, thanks.”

“Want that Coke now?”


I am in her kitchen and she is at the sink getting me some ice for the Coke.

I walk over to her and put my hands around her and feel her ample bosoms.

“Oh, that feels nice Jeff.” She says, and I can tell by her breathing she enjoys it. I begin to tweak her nipples.

We are sitting at her table and she asks, “What would you like to talk about Jeff?”

“Is it too far out to really like an older woman, her breasts and half-glasses, your breasts and half-glasses and beaded neck chain of small pearls?”

“Not at all Jeff, I think it is quite sweet, so that’s what you were looking at when you got here,  my half-glasses? I thought they did something for you and I like that and, Jeff?”

“Yes, Gerty?”

“How was it?”

I’m wondering what in hell she’s talking about?

“Oh, you know what I mean, that time I left them at your Mom’s house and you brought them over for me.”

Well, it seems she knows I’ll be honest with her. How mad can she get at a guy who just got her fan going?

“Well, let’s say Gert, I love the look of you in half-glasses and with your dainty chain of small pearls, the way they sparkle as they hang across your ample bosoms or sit halfway down your nose.”

“I know you love the look, Jeff, and I know you romanced them before you brought them over. . .right?’ She asks, with a smile.

“Yup, I did then after that, you kept ’em on a neck chain and I knew I’d never get to. . .”

“Cum on them again for me?”

“Ah, yeah.” Gert’s brutal truth although said nicely still had a bit of an edge to it.

“I remember that day, Joyce and I left at the same time, I thought I put my glasses in my purse but knew later I didn’t. I called you and you brought them over and it was very nice wasn’t it? Since you loved seeing me in them, you wanted to be close to me, symbolicly you were and I knew you were somewhat older than your years.”

“Well Gert, I was wrong for doing that, but those sweet little half’s had a hold on me that I never really understood but always liked.”

“No Jeff, you were not wrong and to be frank about it, I like what you did. It was very sweet and it gave me a kind of tingly feeling.”

“It is a sweet thing for me too, Gert, so often I’d think about you and how you dress and those half-glasses come to mind, I know I have a lot of feeling for you, and I have often wondered, why’s she not married?”

“Joyce told me a while ago she saw you cleaning my glasses and trying them on after to see if there were any smudges. She also thought it was nice that you liked cleaning my glasses for me. Tell me Jeff, what exactly did you do with my glasses that day?”

I know she likes what I did so I told her.

“I started kissing and licking them, then cleaned them, then I went back to kissing and licking and getting quite hard. I dropped them and touched myself all over. When I thought of you doing this for me, I came all over them, ropes of man-sauce just for Gerty and damn it felt good. Then I began to think about you as being my wife.”

“Oh Jeff.” Said Gert, looking happier than I have ever seen her.

Although I surprised myself telling her, I knew my thoughts were sincere.

“It was very nice wasn’t it Jeff?”

“One of my fantasies is to spend the night with you, exploring your body and showing you other things half-glasses and beaded chains can do.”

“I knew you liked me a lot, Jeff, that was a while ago and I wished at that time you were older. Well, you are older now and I want to take you out to dinner for fixing my fan, and how would you like it if we start going out together; going to antique shops, walking old railroad tracks?”

“You mean we could be a couple?”

“If you’d like that, Jeff.”

“Gerty, I would like that so much.”

“Let’s get going, you must be starving.”

We are at a well known Italian eatery, and Gerty is sitting across from me.

“Want to borrow my halfs to read the menu?” Gert asks me.

“I can see it well but let me clean them for you.”

Gert hands them to me and I clean them up with a bikers bandana and then holding them out at arms length to check for any smudges.

“Are they getting you hard, Jeff?” Gert asks with a smile. “Because if they are, I could do something about it later.”

“Yes they are Gert, thanks.”

We are munching away on salad and bread sticks and the waitress brings over dinner. We both get the five cheese ziti with two meatballs and a sausage.

Gerty reaches over and with her thumb and forefinger strokes my sausage and places a meatball on both sides. Since she just made the Italian style of male genitalia, I know what she wants to do later.

“Jeff, I want you to start writing erotica. What I do to you, I want you to write about.  I think you can be a very good writer from what you told me you did with my half-glasses that time I left them at your Mom’s.”

“I’ll do that Gert, you touch me with those glasses and beaded chain and high-heels and I will write about it for you.

“Jeff, do you still think about getting married and wonder what it would be like to have me as a wife?”

“Yes I do Gert, let’s start going out and doing things, and after say a year and a half, we should know how we feel about each other, but I have a sneaking suspicion my feelings for you will be even stronger.”

Gert’s looking at me with real meaning. I know she is doing some serious thinking.

“I asked my Mom, Mom, why is it that Gert’s not married?”

“What did she say? Gert asked as she is straightening up in her seat.

“Do you have the hots for Gert?” You do, don’t you?” I told Gert what Mom had said.

“Do you have the hots for me, Jeff?”

“Yes Gert, I do. I had them for some time to be frank about it.”

“Don’t you worry about the age difference?”

I know what she is saying but I am not worried. “No Gert, I am not worried about that.”

“Jeff, I am going to be very honest with you. If you can write erotca to the point of getting me all hot and wet and squishy, there is no end to what I can do to and for you and I know you’ll want to satisfy my deepest desires too. The things I can do with  half-glasses and beaded chains, and I did see a few nice pair of black librarian style glasses. I could get you to like those too and then I want you to write about it so when you are not around I can read your stories and have my good times as well.”

Published 8 years ago

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