Je t’aime et J’adore mon Amour

"I love and adore you my Lover"

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Just as he walks into the room
Every time I see him I swoon
Thanking the heavens above
And all the gods for his love
I look deep into his chocolate eyes
Making me want his cock on the rise
Every day and night, making love with him is a surprise

Each touch makes my body tingle from my
Tits so big down to my thighs that will mingle

Just as he touches me gently
A quiver begins within me intently
Down in my love canal my juices flow
Over the edge his cock sends me slow
Rippling muscles, pounding hard
Every inch his shaft penetrates equals a yard

My passion rises, my breaths hasten
One more pump and I’ll be brazen
Now go deeper and faster my lover

And bring me to heights we’ll soon discover
Moaning and saying I love you’s
Over and over again, watching me cum as if on cues
Unyielding loving, cumming and passion
Repeat every day and never to ration

Published 11 years ago

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