Jayne opened her eyes; she had not had a great sleep. Her mind kept wandering to the sight of her parents and what they were doing.
Her pillows were damp with sweat and there was a large damp patch on the sheets under her pussy. She touched her pussy, it was sticky. She lifted her finger to her nose and sniffed, it definitely wasn’t pee.
She knelt up and then lowered her nose to the damp patch on the bed, that wasn’t pee either. God, it’s my pussy juices, I must have done it while dreaming about bottoms and cocks.
She got off the bed and prepared her clothes for the day. A light grey sleeveless blouse and a charcoal grey skirt. This one was quite baggy around her arse so it would be cooler in the office.
She took the pack of panties out of her bag and selected the pair with the green bow on.
She removed the small package that Alfie had given her but decided to open it later.
The package that Ethel had given her said on the front five assorted thongs. They were all different colours and to Jayne, they looked like eye patches.
She went to the bathroom and emptied her bladder then started wondering what her bum hole looked like, seeing that she had never thought about it before.
She stood up not even bothering to wipe herself and turned her backside to the large mirror on the wall. She pulled her butt cheeks apart and looked at her bum hole.
It doesn’t look like anything special she thought. Her bum crack is a slightly darker shade of pink than her body and the actual hole bit was all wrinkled and a pinkie brown colour. She couldn’t see what all the fuss was about.
She reached behind her and touched it with her middle finger. “WOW,” she felt an electric shock run through her body. She did it again and the same feeling came over her.
She needed more so she licked the finger she had just touched herself with, not even bothering about what might be on it and gently rubbed it around the hole.
She was gasping and she could see her juices starting to make her pussy wet.
“Fuck, this is the best thing ever,” she said to herself, “I need more.” Her brain was working overtime and she decided to stand in the shower cubicle.
She bent over and put one hand on the wall. Her other hand was behind her and her fingers were exploring her bum crack.
Licking her middle finger again she slowly pressed it against her bum hole and was amazed how easily it went into in. She gasped but she wanted more. She removed her hand from the wall and put her head on the cold tiles. She pulled her bum cheeks open with her free hand and pushed her finger further into her bum hole.
“Fuck, shit OMG,” she said aloud. She got down on her knees and plunged her finger in and out.
Jayne was now getting close to cumming and reached between her legs and started to rub her pearl as hard as she could.
Her climax hit her like a tidal wave. She lost control of her legs and collapsed in a heap on the shower tray. Jayne was gasping for air and thought that she might die.
She eventually calmed down and struggled to her feet. Her head was spinning and it was quite clear that something strange was happening to her and her body.
She started to gently soap her body, taking care to not over wash her pussy and bum hole.
She dried and went back to her bedroom. She pulled on her new panties, her hands were shaking. She slipped her arms into the blouse. “For fuck’s sake,” she shouted. It was nowhere large enough to get her boobs in.
She was almost in tears with despair. None of her work blouses would fit her any more. Jayne took it off a pulled her skirt on. At least it fit her. A bit tight around her bottom but she could live with that.
She turned and looked in the mirror. “NOOOOO,” she gasped. Her white panties were visible through the material. She lifted her skirt and pulled her panties off.
This is the worst day of my life she thought. No clothes and I’m going to a party tonight what am I going to do.
She spotted the package of thongs. I don’t know how an eye patch is going to cover my vagina up but it will have to do.
Jayne selected the white one and slid it up her legs. It felt strange not having any back to it covering her bottom and the string rubbed her bum hole and in between her pussy lips giving her a nice feeling.
She took a baggy T-shirt from the drawer and put it on. It was tight but at least it covered her body.
She slipped her low heels on and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen where her mum asked: “What she wanted for breakfast.”
“Cereal please,” Jayne said and sat at the table.
“Your father and I are so sorry if we upset you last night,” Jayne’s mum said.
“No, it was okay, it’s just that I didn’t know people did sex like that.” “Does it hurt?” Jayne added.
“No, not really, you just need to relax and then it’s fine. You must remember to use a lubricant though or it can be painful,” her mum said.
Jayne couldn’t believe that she was talking about sex to her mother. “I bet it gets very messy though,” Jayne continued.
“It can do but there is always soap and water or other methods of cleaning up,” her mum said, passing Jayne her breakfast cereal.
“I will give you some more money for your lunch,” her mum said.
“No, it’s fine, I’ve got some leftover from yesterday. Anyway, there’s a guy started, Alfie, he’s 17 and cute,” Jayne explained. She blushed as her mum raised her eyebrows at her.
“Mother, it’s not like that, Jayne exclaimed.” He is the nephew of the owner Mr Bradshaw and he is doing two weeks work experience,” Jayne said almost choking on her cereal.
“Be careful, we don’t want any little accidents do we,” her mum teased.
“Listen who’s talking misses sex maniac. Legs always open for the stud monster upstairs,” Jayne replied. They both laugh.
“Got to go mum. Don’t forget that I’ll be late home this evening. I’m going to that pool party,” she reminded her mum.
“And will Alfie boy be there,” her mum asked.
“It’s at his house, silly,” Jayne said and rushed out of the house and to the bus stop.
She didn’t have to wait long for a bus and it wasn’t as full as yesterday. The journey was uneventful so she arrived earlier than usual. She checked her bank balance and yes she still had far too much money in her account.
She was puzzled about it but it would all be sorted out at lunchtime.
She didn’t feel comfortable in the clothes she was wearing so nipped into the supermarket and had a look at the clothes. It was either fuddy-duddy old women’s stuff or maternity wear that would fit her big boobs.
She spotted a blue maternity dress, plain with a bodice type top to support her boobs. Jayne went in the fitting room to try it on.
She removed her t-shirt and skirt then pulled the dress over her head. She put the thin straps on her shoulders and pulled the bodice down to cover her boobs. The fit was good and the bodice supported her as if she was wearing a bra. It even had pockets inside where she could put her money instead of carrying a purse, she thought.
She looked in the front and side mirrors, it looked great even though she thought it was a bit too short.
Jayne had an idea; she rolled her skirt and t-shirt up and stuffed them under the dress as though she was pregnant. She placed one hand under the bulge like she had seen mothers to do. She grabbed her phone and took several photos. That’s the nearest I’ll get to being pregnant she thought and got dressed in her other clothes and went to pay for the dress.
“Congratulations,” the woman cashier said.
“No, I’m not expecting,” Jayne said, blushing. “I need this for work because it’s far to warm in the office.”
The woman gave her a smile and Jayne rushed to the toilets to put the dress on. She placed her old clothes in the bag she had purchased with the dress and walked out of the store.
Viv was just getting out of a taxi. “Morning Viv,” Jayne said.
“Morning love,” Viv replied and let out a soft whistle. “I didn’t know that you were in the family way,” Viv continued.
“I’m not, it’s just that I can’t get into any of my clothes anymore, and this is the only thing I could find that fits,” Jayne tried to explain.
“Best excuse I’ve ever heard,” Viv said and started to laugh.
Jayne stared at Viv and shook her head. “I thought you liked me,” Jayne said.
“I more than like you Jayne, I love you,” Viv said and kissed her on the lips.
“Thank you for last night babe,” Viv continued, “that was the best sex I have had for a long time.”
Jayne blushed. “Just nipping in here for some pain killers,” Viv said, “do you want anything?”
“Get me some lubricant,” Jayne said innocently. Viv gave a quizzical look.
“It’s for my bum crack, it’s sore because of the sweat and my mum said get lubricant, so it doesn’t hurt.” Jayne was telling a lie, she wants it in case she had bum sex.
The girls were waiting outside because they thought it might be too warm in the office but Viv said that some air conditioning had been installed. Come on ladies time for work she said.
Nicky and Beth were the first to go in. Jayne indicated for Viv to go before her but she declined to let Jayne go first. As they climbed the stairs Viv slid her hand up Jayne’s dress and gently fondled her buttocks. Jayne gasped and looked around at Viv.
Viv smiled and Jayne got the tingling sensation between her legs again. They reached the top of the stairs; Jayne turned and give Viv a huge kiss and a hug. “Not here,” Viv whispered. Those two words went right into Jayne’s heart like a dagger. She felt rejected and her head was spinning. Viv kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear “Come to my office later babe and we can chat.”
Jayne didn’t want chat she wanted action, even if it’s not as good as last night she thought. “Okay,” Jayne said and went into the main office.
“Tea Jayne?” Nicky shouted from the kitchen.
“Yes please,” she replied and switched her computer on. She logged on just as Nicky brought the drinks in. “How was your evening with Viv?” Beth inquired.
“Fine,” Jayne replied and said, “I thought we were getting air conditioning, not two big fans?” Trying to avoid the question. “I don’t think Viv would be too happy if we stood on the desk with our knickers down cooling our fannies will she?” She said. Both Beth and Nicky nearly choked on their coffees.
“I can’t believe you have just said that word,” Beth said pretending to gasp for breath.
“What?” Jayne asked innocently.
“You know exactly what you said,” Beth replied.
“Can you just imagine Alfie…?” Jayne started to say when Nicky interrupted.
“Don’t even go there,” she said.
“Go where?” Viv said as she went to the bathroom.
“Jayne is talking dirty,” Nicky said.
“Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest,” Viv said and close the bathroom door.
Jayne wanted to say something to Viv but didn’t want the girls to know, so she sat there working away.
“Loverboy is late today,” Beth said.
“Piss off,” Jayne replied, “he isn’t loverboy, he just works here that’s all.” Jayne was getting annoyed that people kept saying nasty things to her.
Alfie came bounding up the stairs and into the office. “Overslept,” did we Beth said. “Jayne knacker you out yesterday then,” she continued.
Jayne gave her a look that could kill and said “morning Alfie,” as she stood to let him pass.
“Morning Jayne,” he replied and kissed her on the lips.
Jayne blushed and sat down and gave Beth a smug look as if to say he’s mine.
“I’ve brought some cakes he said, éclairs, I hope you like them.”
He offered each of the girls one then took one to Viv. We sat eating them, Nicky and Beth were being rude with theirs, pretending they were cocks, sucking and licking them. Jayne was eating hers properly, not wanting to show herself up in front of Alfie.
Suddenly what her mum had said about cleaning up after bum sex came into her head. She looked at her éclair and Nicky and Beth licking the chocolate from their fingers. Putting hers down and excused herself and rushed to the bathroom.
Discusting images flashed before her eyes. Her stomach churned and she found hard to prevent herself from vomiting. She tried to think about nice things like flowers and stuff like that, but when she saw the chocolate on her fingers it started her off again.
Who knew that bum sex could be so messy Jayne thought. She washed and dried her hands and went back into the office vowing never to eat chocolate ever again.
Jayne sat down and Nicky asked if she was okay? “Fine,” Jayne replied, “too many bowls of cereal for breakfast, “she continued, hoping to change the subject. “Alfie, you can finish my éclair if you like, I haven’t got any nasty diseases, “Jayne said with a serious giggle.
“Great,” Alfie said and consumed it in two bites. They worked feverishly until lunch. Jayne asked Alfie to get her a salad box and a bottle of still water and she would meet him at the war memorial again.
Beth asked, “If it was okay if she and Nicky joined the loving couple?”
“Fuck off, “Jayne shouted. “We are not a couple but you can join us if you keep your fucking gob shut.”
“Yes boss,” Beth said and they all we downstairs and onto the hot high street.
“Just going to the bank, I’ll meet you later,” Jayne informs everyone and rushed away.
The bank is packed but a guy came over and said “Jayne?”
Yes, Jayne nodded. “Follow me please,” he said and she walked behind him to an office.
“Take a seat please while we get this pleasant task done,” he said. “There is nothing to be afraid of, my name is Matt,” he said.
Jayne felt a bit better but was still wondering why all the money was in her account.
“The money was paid into your account on Sunday evening by a Mr. De Ville. The amount means that it too large for your present account. I have drawn up a plan to put it in savings about where you will be paid interest monthly or annually that’s your choice.”
Jayne nodded, her mouth getting very dry.
“All we need to do is for you to sign the paperwork and your new account will be activated,” he continued. Jayne quickly read the contracted and sign, which was difficult, her hand was shaking so much.
“Okay Jayne, your all done. Would you like me to transfer some money into your normal account?”
Jayne looked at Matt totally dumbfounded. She smiled sheepishly and replied “yes please.”
“I think £30,000 will be a good sum, don’t you?” Matt suggested.
Jayne felt her pussy starting to leak slightly, whether it was pee or just her juices she didn’t know. She nodded again. A few clicks on the keyboard and Matt said that it was all done.
He stood and Jayne followed suit. He held his hand out she took it and they shook hands.
Jayne couldn’t resist hugging Matt and then she kissed him. His aftershave was wonderful, so manly.
“Sorry,” Jayne said coming to her senses.
“It’s not often I get a kiss from a very beautiful young woman,” he said. Jayne smiled and went to the door.
“If there’s anything you need to know please don’t hesitate to phone me,” he said handing Jayne his card.
“Thank you,” she replied resisting the temptation to kiss him again.
Outside in the hot midday sun, Jayne made her meet the friends for lunch. They were all sat on the grass eating their lunches and chatting away. “Everything okay?” Beth asked.
“Couldn’t be better,” Jayne replied feeling rather smug.
After eating lunch, they all slowly ambled back to the office where they all worked hard until 4 pm.
Outside we all said our goodbyes. Viv gave Jayne a long sexy kiss, using her tongue between her waiting lips. God, I love this woman she thought.
Alfie and Jayne sat on a bench to wait for his mum. Both wanted to ask questions about each other but we’re afraid to do so.
After several minutes Alfie’s phone rang. It was his mum saying that she was running a bit late. “Is there any chance we could move into some shade?” Alfie asked.
“There’s that passageway there,” Jayne replied. So they move into the shade. It was quite narrow but at least they weren’t going to get sunstroke. The stood opposite each other awkwardly shuffling from foot to foot, one waiting for the other to say something.
I can’t stand this Jayne thought and steps forward and gave Alfie a full and proper kiss, not a hello type one but full throttle with a bit of tongue action. Alfie gasped but didn’t try to stop her. She grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged across the passageway, so she was leaning with her back against the wall.
She stood on her tiptoes with her feet apart so Alfie could get closer to her. She put her arms around his neck and continued kissing and licking his face.
Alfie had placed his hands on Jayne’s shoulders out of the way so he didn’t get to close to her body. He responded by opening his lips allowing her to explore his mouth with her tongue.
His cock was now pushing against his trousers and he could feel Jayne’s lower stomach through her thin dress so he pressed against her. She gasped and put one hand on his backside and drew him closer still.
Jayne was now getting very wet between her legs and started rubbing herself against Alfie’s cock.
She took hold of his right hand and lifted to her left breast. Alfie could feel her warm, firm body beneath her bodice and kissed her with more passion.
They were both oblivious to their surroundings and Jayne wanted more than just kissing. She thought about putting his hand up her skirt but she was so wet he might think she had peed and put him off, so she pulled a strap down off her arm and exposed her breast to him. She put his warm clammy hand on her bare left breast and shuddered.
He toyed with her nipple sending her further towards her climax.
She took hold of his head and slowly guild him down to her neck. Getting the message, Alfie kissed and licked it, slowly moving down to her bare chest.
“Yes,” Jayne gasped as he licked between her naked breast because he had exposed the other one. Just as he moved to take a nipple in his mouth a car horn sounded shocking them both back into the real world.
Gasping, Jayne turned her back to the street and pulled her dress back over her aching breasts. Alfie looked at the street, it was his mum.
They both tried to compose themselves and Alfie said: “after you.”
Jayne hesitated but he pointed to his crotch. Jayne gasped then giggled at the sight of the enormous bulge in his trousers and slowly walked towards the car, swaying her butt from side to side like a model. Alfie gently taps it and said hurry up.
“I’ll get in the back,” Alfie said, hoping his mum didn’t see his bulge.
“Hi, Jayne,” Eva said, and leaned over and kissed her.
Eva put the car into gear and they drove towards the farm they owned just outside town. “I’ve made you a two-piece costume in green,” Eva said.
“Two-piece?” Jayne replied with some dismay.
“Yes, it will display your wonderful assets and let you get a tan,” Eva continued.
“You mean to show off my big boobs and fat arse more like,” Jayne retorted.
“Don’t ever say that about yourself, Jayne, you have a magnificent body and I would be proud for you to model for me,” Eva said, trying to reassure her.
“I would be proud to be seen with you Jayne,” Alfie said. Jayne turned round to look at him. He was blushing and had his hands firmly in his lap concealing his bulge that didn’t seem to want to disappear. She pulled her tongue out and turned back.
“Seems like my son has a crush on you, Jayne,” Eva said and giggled. Eva placed her hand on Jayne’s thigh and gently squeezed it.
The rest of the journey was in silence. As they turned into the long driveway up to the house, Eva asked Jayne if she liked dogs.
“Terrified of them,” she said, “why?”
“Well, we have a dog Paul, he’s soft and won’t bite you but will be inquisitive, sniffing and licking you. It’s his way of finding out that you are. Just say calm and let him do his thing, I’m sure he will love you,” Eva said.
Yes, for tea, Jayne thought.
As they entered the huge house, a thing that Jayne thought was a small pony came sprinting towards them. It jumped up placing its front paws on Eva’s shoulders and started licking her face.
“Hi baby,” Eva said, “missed mummy, have you?”
He got down and Alfie stroked his head. Then he spotted Jayne.
He started barking. “Quiet Paul,” Eva said, just a friend. Jayne was now in panic mode, her legs were shaking and she was finding it hard to breathe. “Don’t worry, he won’t bite you,” Alfie said. That’s okay for you to say Jayne thought. He’s not looking at you as is next meal is he?
“Just show him the back of your hand, he will sniff it and maybe lick it. He just wants to know who you are, “Eva said.
Jayne gingerly held her hand out and Paul approached her sniffing her. He licked it and Jayne let out a nervous laugh.
Paul dropped his head and started sniffing her shoes and ankles. He slowly raised his head taking a sniff along the way. He licked her right knee making Jayne jump slightly.
He sniffed the air and put his nose to the hem of her dress.
“No you don’t,” Jayne said and pulled her hem hard against her thighs while keeping her legs tightly closed. “That’s for special people,” she said to Paul who looked at her and moved his head to her tummy, sniffing as he went.
“He likes you,” Alfie said.
“Why do you say that?” Jayne asked.
“Well, he just accepted what you said,” he replied.
Paul walked to the back of Jayne; again she pulled her dress tight to the back of her legs.
He sniffed around her backside and she thought, dogs always smell their bums. Yuk.
“Sit down Jayne; he has finished with you,” Alfie said.
She walked to the huge leather-covered sofa and sat down, her legs tightly closed, just in case she thought.
Immediately, Paul jumped up next to her and started sniffing around her boobs. “Its okay Paul, they’re real,” Alfie informed him.
“What are?” Eva said as she came from the kitchen with two iced teas.
“Nothing,” Alfie said and went to his bedroom.
Paul continued sniffing Jayne’s upper body. Suddenly he licked her face. She was startled and tried to pull her face away but Paul carried on licking her. “Ewe, yuk,” Jayne shouted, “You’ve got serious dental hygiene problems and tried to push him away.”
Eva shouted “Down Paul,” and he lay on the sofa next to Jayne placing his huge head in her lap.
“Excuse me Eva, have you got something that I can wipe my face with please?” Jayne asked.
“Sure,” Eva said and handed her a fresh wipe.
Jayne noticed that Eva wasn’t wearing a bra under her t-shirt because her nipples were poking at the material. What she didn’t understand was why she seemed to have four nipples. Eva saw that Jayne was staring at her boobs and said, “Anything wrong?”
“No, it’s I was just wondering why you have four nipples?” Jayne enquired.
Eva chuckled, “They are piercings,” and lift her t-shirt up to reveal her well-toned, bronzed body with two rings through her stiff nipples.
“Ouch,” Jayne exclaimed, put her hands on her own breasts.
“No, they don’t hurt. In fact, they make my nipples more sensitive.” Eva said, brushing her fingers over them, letting out a gasp.
Jayne got the tingle between her legs and she licked her lips. “Later,” Eva said, “we are supposed to be having a swimming party. I will get ready then help you with your costume.”
She disappeared into her bedroom while Jayne pondered why she would need help with her costume.
Alfie emerged from his room wearing the smallest pair of swimming trunks Jayne had ever seen. They were bright green and so tight she could make out the shape of his cock and balls. They certainly looked as big as they felt pressing against her earlier. The waistband was thin the front was more of a pouch than real trunks.
The sight made her even more turned on. It’s rude to stare, Jayne thought to herself, but sod it, he looks gorgeous. “You like,” Alfie said, doing a slow spin in front of her. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. His bottom was totally bare part from a thin string between his cheeks. If Paul the dog wasn’t asleep on her lap she would have kissed and licked both of them.
“Very cute,” Jayne said, her body slowly letting her down by constantly leaking her juices from her pussy. Alfie walked to the sofa and pushed Paul off, who was upset about being moved from his comfy position.
Alfie collected the two teas and sat down next to her, his naked thigh brushing against hers. Jayne shivered and got yet another tingle in her special place.
Paul sat in front of her and rested his chin on her knees. She clamped her thighs tightly together to prevent Paul from trying to do anything and also stop herself from leaking.
Knowing absolutely nothing about dogs, Jayne asked Alfie what make Paul was? He nearly choked on his tea, and then burst out laughing. Jayne looked at him and then stroked Paul’s huge head. “He’s making fun of you babe,” she said to the dog and started playing with his ears, gently rubbing them. Paul let out a whimper of approval, his tongue lolling out of his mouth onto her knee.
“He is not a make, he’s a breed, crossbreed actually, “Alfie said once he had composed himself. “He is a Doberman Rhodesian Ridgeback cross. You are very lucky, Jayne.”
“Why?” Jayne asked.
“Because by now we would be feeding the remains of a visitor to the pigs after Paul has finished with them,” he said. Jayne quickly pulled her hands away from Paul; she couldn’t believe he would be so nasty.
Alfie started laughing again so Jayne thumped his arm. Paul stood up and started barking. Jayne coward against Alfie fearful of what Paul was going to do to her. He jumped up and started licking her face.
“Just licking his food,” Alfie said. Jayne let out a howl and covered her face. “Only joking,” Alfie said and squeezed her leg.
Eva entered the room and asked what was going on? “Just a bit of fun,” Alfie said.
“Well, I don’t find it very…” Jayne stopped mid-sentence as Eva came into view.
She was wearing two bright orange triangles on her boobs that only just hid her nipples, and another one slightly bigger covering her pussy. “Great colour mum,” Alfie said as he stood up
“Thank you, baby,” Eva replied and wrapped her arm around his neck and they started to kiss. Not my son kisses but full lover type ones just like she had done with him earlier, tongues in the mouth and everything, he even had his hand on her naked bum cheeks.
Jayne felt a mixture of envy and disgust, how can they do it like that, they are family. A thought came into her head but she dismissed it right away.
Let’s get this young lady ready for our party Eva said after she broke away from her son whole clearly enjoyed the closeness of his almost naked mother. The green material covering his manhood was now stretched and she could clearly see the outline making her leak even more.
“I need to use the loo,” Jayne said.
“The first door in the corner,” Eva said pointing in the direction of the toilet.
Jayne went in the toilet, the light came on automatically. The toilet walls were covered by mirrors as was the floor and ceiling.
Strange, she thought as she pulled her thong down and peed. She decided to remove her thong because it was wet and she would be putting on a swimming costume in a few minutes.
She finished and exited the toilet Eva asked if she was really to “change he gear into the swimwear?”
Jayne followed her into a long room that contained hundreds of hand made clothes. Racks upon racks of men, women and children items like shirts and blouses, skirts and trousers. “Wow,” Jayne said. “Did you make all of these?” she asked.
“Yes, this is what I do, “Eva said proudly. “Later you can choose some items to take home with you,“ she continued.” Remove your dress while I fetch your swimsuit,” Eva said and went into a small room off to one side.
Jayne pulled her dress over her head and stood there starkers. Eva returned and commented on Jayne’s wonderful body. She blushed but said, “thank you.”
Eva handed Jayne what she thought we’re scraps on material as samples. “I like the colour,” she said, “it’s the same as Alfie’s, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Eva said, “now try it on.”
Jayne looked at Eva than the green material and then back to Eva. “Well, where is it?” She enquired.
“That is it,” Eva replied. “It is for sunbathing not swimming.”
“It’s a bit small,” Jayne said, “not going to cover most of my bits is it?”
“That’s the whole point, minimum coverage for maximum exposure to the sun,” Eva explained.
“Also maximum exposure to your son,” Jayne said with a slight giggle.
Eva took the tiny top off Jayne and held it up against her breasts. It only just covers my nipples Jayne thought as Eva brushed her finger over them.
“Hold it there,” Eva said as she pressed the cloth firmly against Jayne’s boobs. She did as instructed while Eva went around her back and tied the strings in a bow in the centre of her back. Eva returned to the front and seemed to take age adjusting the ‘costume’ onto Jayne’s nipples. She was sure it wasn’t necessary. Then she crouched down and told Jayne to step into the bottom half of the swimming costume.
Eva adjusted it so it covered her pussy. Jayne thought it was taking a long time but didn’t mind because Eva’s fingers kept brushing her bits making her tingle all over.
“Right, let’s go to the pool,” Eva said.
Jayne picked up her bag and followed Eva out of the room and across the lounge area, holding it in front of her to try and shield the fact she was nearly naked.
Eva turned to her and said “no need for the bag Jayne,” and took it off her, placing it on the table near the patio doors.
“Come,” Eva said, taking her by the hand and leading her to where Alfie was chatting to an extremely tall guy.
“Dan, this is Jayne,” Eva said as they reach the guys.
Alfie turned and let out a whistle of approval. “I knew you were fit but I didn’t think you were this fit,” Alfie said, making her blush and put her arms up to cover her near-naked breasts and pussy.
“Jayne my dear, welcome to our humble abode,” Dan said. “You are perfect, just like Alfie described.” Jayne was now blushing so much that she was almost bright red.
She looked at him and smiled nervously, taking in his the sight of his huge frame. He was at least six inches taller than Alfie with a totally shaven head. He must do weights she thought because his body was all muscles. She looked down and saw his huge cock swinging between his thighs as he walked towards her. It was covered in the same orange material as Eva’s ‘costume’.
Dan stooped down and lifted Jayne as though she was a doll. “You like to swim?” he asked as he lifted her chest high.
Jayne’s just nodded because her mouth was so dry. “Good,” he said and threw her back into the pool. Jayne screamed as she flew through the air, her arms and legs flailing like windmills.
She hit the water which knocked any remaining air from her lungs. She sank like a stone, her bum touching the bottom of the pool. She was in shock and her mind was reeling.
Please don’t let me die half-naked in a swimming pool with strangers watching. The surface seemed a long way off as she tried to stand up.
Suddenly a huge powerful pair of hands gripped her waist and propelled her to the surface, depositing her unceremoniously on the side of the pool.
Jayne started coughing and spluttering and trying to fill her lungs with fresh air. Wiping the water from her face she felt something licking and kissing her right inner thigh, halfway up.
The same thing happened on her left thigh so she opened her eyes and looked down.
Dan’s bald head was between her legs. This was the nearest anybody had their face to her pussy. Fuck, it’s going to happen she thought, somebody, is going to lick my cunt.
She slid her body forward, right to the edge of the pool and spread her legs as wide as she could.
Jayne looked around to see if anybody was watching, she noticed something green floating in the pool. She looked down at her boobs, the top had come off and she was topless. She covered her boobs with her hands and could feel Dan’s warm breath on her covered pussy. She panicked and shouted “shit, my top.”
Dan looked up at her and replied “I’ll get it,” and swam away to retrieve it.
Jayne was unbalanced and fell into the water again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said as she hit the water. Not only had she exposed her boobs to Alfie’s dad, but she had also missed out on him kissing and maybe licking her pussy.
Jayne grabbed the side of the pool, trying to think about what was happening to her. Semi-naked in a swimming pool surrounded by three other semi-naked people that she didn’t know that well.
Eva jumped in and swam to her. “Are you okay Jayne?” she asked.
“Yes, I think so. His he always that silly,” she asked.
“He has never grown, have you, Dan?” Eva asked her husband.
“Whatever you say, my love,” he said in a mocking voice. He swam over to the girls and started ogling at Jayne bare breasts.
“Let’s go,” Eva said and lead Jayne into deeper water.
As Jayne started to climb out of the pool Dan shouted “Jayne, do you want this?” waving her bikini top in the air.
“No, she doesn’t,” Eva replied, helping out of the water by squeezing Jayne’s naked buttocks.
Jayne desperately wanted somebody to touch her bumhole. She gasped but Eva just walked away. She saw Alfie lying on a towel so she went and stood over him.
He opened his eyes as soon as some water dripped onto his body off Jayne wet torso. His manhood immediately sprung into life, stretching the fabric covering it.
Jayne dropped to her knees, pressing her virgin pussy against him. She grabbed his head and started kissing and licking his face. Alfie was struggling to breathe and tried to push her off.
Jayne was determined to get pleasure from the situation. She rubbed her pelvis against his hard cock, the head brushing her sensitive button through the thin material at each backward stroke.
“Come on babe, let’s do it,” she whispered in his ear.
“No, not here,” Alfie whispered back. Jayne sat up and forced her pussy hard against his shaft making the thin cloth push into her body. Her swollen labia was hanging down on each side of his cock and she could feel the blood-filled veins rubbing her to a climax.
She lifted his hand to her breasts and encouraged him to squeeze and pull them. Jayne started to moan as she sensed her peak was inevitable.
Suddenly she saw a flash of light and a sharp pain on the right side of her face. She stopped dead, she even stopped breathing. All she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears and it thumping in her chest.
It took her several moments to realise what had just happened. She raised her right hand and felt her face, no damage she thought.
She looked down at Alfie who had his arms folded across his naked chest, his face showing absolutely no emotions whatsoever.
Jayne slowly stood up and still straddling him move towards his face. She stopped right over his face, she knew her pussy lips were exposed but he was going to see what he had missed out on Jayne though.
Jayne pulled the ties on the side of her bottoms allowing them to slip from between her pussy crack. Alfie now had a full view of her swollen pussy lips.
“This is what you will be missing out on,” Jayne said as she ran her fingers along her moist crack. She put her wet fingers to her lips and sucked her juices off.
“I fucking hate you, Alfie,” she said and walked towards Eva and Dan who were sat on the patio watching the episode between their son and the sexy Jayne unfold.
Eva had her eyes shut tight, four fingers ploughing in and out of her pussy while Dan was had his massive cock out of his swimsuit, frantically masturbating with one hand while massaging his pre-cum into his huge cockhead, his balls banging against the chair he was sat on.
Jayne started to leak juices down her naked thighs and was tempted to get on her knees and suck Dan off.
She resisted and said in a quiet but firm voice “I was to go home, please.” There was no response so she shouted, “NOW.”
Both Eva and Dan jumped at the sound, Eva wiped her sticky fingers on her thigh while Dan was trying and failing badly to stuff his huge hard-on back into his costume.
“I want to go home now,” she repeated.
“Sure,” Dan said. “I’ll just get changed,” and hurried into the house.
Jayne followed, Paul walked beside her. “It’s not you babe,” she said crouching down to stroke him. Paul didn’t sniff Jayne; he just sat watching and listening to her.
“I wish you could speak and then you could tell me how to sort my life out,” she said, leaning forward and kissing the top of his head. Paul responded by lifting his paw up and putting it on her right thigh. He let out a soft whine. Jayne stroked his ears and said that she understood.
“Must go,” she said, standing up and walking to the room where she had got ready, picking up her bag as she went.
Just as Jayne started to put her dress on, Eva entered the room and told her to pick some outfits that were hung on the rails.
Jayne declined because she wanted to leave.
“Why are you leaving early?” Eva asked.
“I have a bit of tummy ache,” Jayne replied rubbing her stomach.
“Are you hungry?” Eva contained.
“No, I think it’s my time of the month, you know,” she said pointing to her pussy. She was lying because she had finished the week before.
Eva handed Jayne a floral summer dress with buttons down the front. “36E but it should fit,” Eva said. “What about these?” she said holding up a sheer white blouse and a pair of pale green culottes.
“Nice, but the top is a bit thin don’t you think?” Jayne replied.
“It will show your wonderful body off,” Eva said.
“Yes and get me arrested for showing my boobs in public,” Jayne protested.
“Look, there are two red roses strategically place so your nipples are covered,” Eva insisted.
“What about this babe?” Eva said holding up a strapless black leather dress. “You would be the belle of the ball in this.”
“I’ll never get in that, my arse to too big for a start,” she replied.
“Here, try it on,” Eva said, unzipping the front of the dress and walking over to Jayne. It was made from calfskin so it was very soft and stretchy.
Eva wrapped it around Jayne and asked her to hold it to her breasts while she zipped it up the front.
Jayne carefully walked in front of the mirror. It looked amazing. Like a second skin, every curve and bump were highlighted. She turned around; her arse was round and firm. “I would make love to her,” Jayne said giggling.
“So would I,” Eva replied.
“Must go now,” Jayne said.
“Just a minute young lady,” Eva said, “do you think I’m letting Dan take you home wearing that?”
“Why not?” Jayne asked.
“Because he would be all over you like a rash, that’s why not,” Eva shouted.
Pity he wasn’t all over me before Jayne thought as Eva unzipped the dress and put it in a bag.
Jayne dressed and they left the room. Dan was sat on the sofa waiting for her. He was dressed in a pair of light blue denim shorts that seemed too small for him. Jayne could see his huge bulge down one leg.
If he gets a stiff it will poke out from the bottom of his shorts, Jayne thought.
As they walked to the door Jayne said: “Eva, Dan has a nice bum.”
“Why do you think I married him?” she replied.
They both laughed. Jayne felt something tugging at the hem of her dress, it was Paul.
As she turned around, Paul jumped up, placing both his front paws on her shoulders, his face up close to hers, their noses almost touching. She looked into his eyes which seem like glowing embers in a dying fire. The smell of burning wood drifted into her nostrils and she became afraid. He moved his head along her face, it was freezing cold. She put her hands on each side of his body. It was like a block of ice so she pulled him towards her.
“You have been very lucky today Jayne,“ a voice said. “You were so close to being condemned to hell for eternity and I don’t think you want that. Be careful and keep on your guard, anal and oral sex are permitted as is vaginal stimulation but vaginal penetration is forbidden remember.” Jayne shuddered; she could see Alfie pressed against the window, tears running down his cheeks and the dark patch of her indiscretions on his swimming trunks.
Paul moved his head back to face Jayne again. He cocked his head to one side and kissed her on the lips just like a human would do, no licking. He let go of her and sat on the floor looking at her with sad eyes as if to say why did I have to remind you.
Jayne turned and walked to the door. Dan was sat in the car waiting for her. As she opened the door she looked back, Eva, Alfie and Paul were stood on the step. Eva was hugging Alfie who was still crying.
As they drove away she heard Paul bark, it sounded like, remember Jayne.
Neither spoke for the 30 minutes it took to arrive at Jayne’s home. Suddenly she said,” Can I ask you something please Dan?”
“Yes, of course, fire away,” he replied, intrigued at what the subject might be.
“Why didn’t you kiss my pussy earlier, it was right in front of you?”
“Eva, my wife was stood there,” he said.
“Okay, I understand, but she’s not here now is she?” Jayne said pulling her dress up to reveal her naked pussy.
“No, she is not Jayne but your mother and father might be watching and that would never do, would it?”
She felt rejected yet again. She could feel herself welling up but was determined not to cry in front of Dan. “Thank you for the nice evening,” Jayne said and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
Dan detected sadness in her voice and asked it she okay?
“Fine,” Jayne replied, “just a bit tired.” She got out of the car and collected her bags. Dan drove off and Jayne went into her house. Her mum and dad were nowhere to be seen so she checked the doors were locked and climbed the stairs to the room.
As she passed her parents room she could hear them doing it again. Can’t they ever stop fucking for five minutes she thought? She rushed to her room and flung herself on the bed. “It’s not fair,” she said out aloud. She pulled a pillow over her head to drown out the noise of her mum and dad going at it like rabbits.
Her brain was scrambled and found it difficult to understand what was so good about sex all the time. She soon fell asleep