Jason’s Secrets Exposed, Part 10

"Cigar-smoking Alexis cuckolds Jason before making love with Marilyn."

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Lillie and I had had a wonderful time, and I was enthusiastic about what a great pupil of perversion she had turned out to be. After Jason served us our breakfast, Lillie and I had our cigars on the patio and, afterward, she got ready to leave. She had a wicked glimmer in her eyes, and a parting gift for Jason in mind.

“Get your ass over here, slave.”

At this point, nothing should have surprised Jason, but he seemed startled by Lillie’s command.

“Yes Mistress, right away.”

As Jason knelt before her, Lilly ordered him to open his mouth and she then blew a huge plume of smoke down his throat. He unsuccessfully fought the urge to cough.

“Did I say to cough, slave? Did I say to close your mouth?”

She was getting really good at this. As Jason opened his mouth, Lillie deposited about an inch of ash on his tongue and ordered him to swallow it.

“Very good, you pathetic wimp. I wish I had time to peg you again, but I have to go.”

With that, Lillie got up and kissed me.

Someday, Alexis, we’ll have to aquire ourselves an entire stable of slaves. I think it would be a wonderful life.”

“Of course we should, my dear.”

I pondered the thought and agreed that this might be something we should pursue.

After Lilly left, I gave Jason his list of chores and read the newspaper. My mind was wandering, and it occurred to me that I wanted to do something different today. Perverted, of course, but different.

I called Ted. The reader will remember Ted (if he or she has read the earlier chapters). Ted is Jason’s friend, with whom I had cuckolded Jason as a punishment for having kept his secrets from me.

“Hello, Alexis.”

I could tell that Ted was nervous about me calling him.

“Ted, I’d like you to come over today for some fun.

He tried to talk his way out of coming, but I reminded him that his wife might not be too happy if I told her what we had done. Of course, he relented and promised to be at my house within an hour.

Before Ted arrived, I told Jason to dress. He was to wear a pair of my panties, a pair of black nylons, and an apron. I could tell that he was getting very nervous, but he knew better than to question me.

“I’m expecting a guest, Jason, and I want you to be very gracious when you wait on him.”

“Him …?”

I slapped him in the face for having forgotten how to address me.

“Yes, my slave, ‘him’. Ted is visiting me and I am going to let him make love to me. Like a real man with a real cock. And you are going to watch. Got it?”

Jason was trembling, but I could tell by his dick straining against his chastity cage that he was also turned on.

“Yes, Mistress.”

He went upstairs and returned ten minutes later, dressed as I had instructed him. Almost immediately, the doorbell rang and I could see the panic in Jason’s eyes. He looked at me pleadingly, but I coldly told him to greet my guest.

I think that nothing could have surprised Ted more than seeing his old friend answering the door dressed as a maid. He looked like he was ready to run, but his knowledge that I would tell his wifey about us if he didn’t obey made him consider the consequences, and he walked in.

“Ted, I see that you are surprised at what is before you. Because I have decided that you and I are going to be occasional lovers, I’m going to let you in on a few things. First, as you can see, Jason is now my slave. And he loves it. That day when I let you fuck me, Jason had agreed to be in a wife-led relationship, something that he secretly had always wanted. I was angry with him and that’s why we fucked. Furthermore …”

“Alexis, this is too much information.”

“Another thing, Ted. When you are in my house, there are certain house rules that you will have to learn. The first thing is that I am in charge. You will address me as “Mistress” and you will do what I say. If you agree to those terms, we will have a wonderful relationship. I will treat you very well and Jason will serve us both as a slave.”

“OK, Alexis, but this is really perverted. I never should have done what I did, but now you’ve got the dirt on me.”

“Ted, Ted, you forget so quickly. The proper response would be, ‘Yes, Mistress’.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good, Jason, be kind enough to bring me the humidor. Ted and I will be having cigars and coffee.”

“Once the cigars were lit, Ted and I talked over the terms of our new relationship as Jason knelt before us.

“Jason, I want Ted to fully realize how much I own you. Take off your apron and show Ted your cage.”

Ted’s eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.

“What the fuck is that?”

“That would be ‘what the fuck is that, Mistress’.

That, Ted, is Jason’s chastity device. He gets to come only when I allow it, although he pleasures me often with his tongue. And there’s even more.”

I blew smoke directly into Ted’s face and noticed that he was hardening. I put my hand on his erection and told Jason to turn around, exposing his plug.

“Before you ask ‘what the fuck is that’, Ted, I’ll tell you. That is a butt plug and it’s used to stretch Jason so that I can fuck him with a strap-on dildo. That is called pegging, and I like it very much. I won’t be pegging you, because you’re a real man with a real dick and I want you to fuck me. We will begin by letting Jason warm me up. In the meantime, take off your clothes.”

Ted did so, and his hard-on was raging. I took it in my mouth, but only for a few seconds. I instructed Jason to lick my pussy and he did so, successfully getting me wet.

Here’s what we’re going to do, Ted. I will recline on the bed and I will puff my cigar while you enter me. When you feel climax approaching, you will withdraw and then show me your finger and tongue skills. We will repeat this until I am ready and then you will be allowed to come. Sound like fun?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Good. He got it. And we proceeded, as I described. It really did feel good to have a big dick in me, and Ted’s skills with simultaneously tonguing and fingering me surpassed even Marilyn’s. I made sure that Jason was watching the whole thing and I knew that watching his wife get fucked was turning him on immensely, especially with my cigar languishing between my lips. Oh, my, I almost felt pity for that encaged cock of his.

After a few iterations, I de-ashed my cigar on my slave’s tongue and told Ted that this time he should stay inside me until he finished. After a few deep thrusts, he finally came, as I blew more smoke in his face. I could tell that this was the best fucking that he had ever had. He was still so exited that his cock never went down.

“That’s enough fun for the first time, Ted. You really know how to make love like a man, not like this pathetic wuss here. Jason, get over here and clean me out.”

As he did so, the doorbell rang and I heard someone enter the house. Before I could send Jason downstairs, I heard Marilyn’s voice yelling, “Anybody home.”

I smiled my evil smile, took another puff from my cigar, and yelled back, “we’re in the bedroom dear, come up and join us.”

Ted was now frantic and his erection quickly deflated.

“Don’t worry, dear, it’s Marilyn. She knows about our little kinks.”

With that, Marilyn appeared in the doorway. Her mouth was agape.

“Hello, Marilyn. I just was made love to by Ted, and I have to tell you, he was much better than I expected.”

“Alexis, your depravity seems to have no limits. I don’t know why it turns me on, but I’m getting wet.”

“Jason, prepare Marilyn a cigar and then finish cleaning me out.”

“Marilyn, what would you prefer. We could make love, I could let Ted make love to you, or I could peg Jason while you two watch and fuck. What say you, sister?”

Jason returned with a cigar for his sister and lit it. She blew the smoke in his face and gave me her answer.

“I want to watch Ted fuck you. And after that, I want to make love with you, Alexis.”

She pulled deeply on her cigar as I nodded for Ted to re-enter me, his erection having magnificently returned. We skipped the foreplay this time and I dangled my mostly gone cigar as Ted fucked me again until he came. As before, Jason licked me out, and a sick new idea entered my perverted mind. As he did his work, I peed. Right into his mouth. He was obviously repulsed, but he swallowed the warm liquid, as I knew he would.

Ted moved to the chair and Jason to his knees. Marilyn and I picked up where we had left off the last time and we gave each other smoky kisses as we brought ourselves to several delightful orgasms. Ted was rock hard again, and I rewarded him with a blow job.

We ladies finished our cigars and I pondered a pegging, but decided that it was not the right time. My only regret was that Lillie wasn’t with us. As Jason had been such a good boy, I decided to give him some release. I unlocked his cage and told him to masturbate. His cock had quickly come alive and in minutes he was done. Pathetic. After he licked up his mess, I blew smoke in his face and re-caged him.

What a wonderful day!

Published 8 years ago

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