‘I think you should give Jasmine a taste of this.’ The ‘this’ was my cock, which Julia was stroking lovingly, preparatory to taking in her mouth. She was on her knees, straddling my legs. We were in bed, and it was around 8 o’clock in the morning, week six of the lockdown.
We had settled into a routine; Jasmine’s behaviour had improved hugely since her mother had thrashed her backside so severely when she’d come home unexpectedly. She still stepped out of line, roughly once a week, and Julia dealt with it, usually taking her to her room for a caning or spanking, which she called a ‘maintenance spanking’. But lately, Jasmine had taken to wearing extremely short, extremely tight, shorts around the house, largely I thought for my benefit. She was remarkably like her mother.
‘What?’ I put out a hand, stopped Julia just as she was taking the head of my erection into her mouth. ‘What do you mean? You think I should fuck her? Your daughter? You really want me to do that?’
She looked up at me. ‘You’ve seen the way she’s been around you lately. She’s missing it. She hasn’t seen her boyfriend for weeks. Sure, the weekly spankings help, as does her dildo. That reminds me – must get some batteries when I do the big shop today.’
She sat back on my legs, stroking my cock absent-mindedly. ‘Just, I don’t know, once a week? I’ll go out for a nice long ride, give you some privacy. You could take her over your knee for a nice spanking, you know you both like that, it would get you in the mood, then, you know, wham bang thank you, ma’am.’ She smiled at me in that way she does when she wants me to do something. ‘After all, you’ve got enough of this,’ she slapped my erection, which swayed alarmingly, ‘for both of us. She hears us at it all the time. No wonder she’s so horny. You’d have to wear a condom though. I’ll pick some up today.’
‘And you really want me to do what we do?’ I was having a hard time getting my head round this.
‘My God, no. Not all that. Just give her a spanking and then bend her over something handy for a quickie. She’ll like that.’ A thought that made me grow noticeably harder. Julia, both hands on my erection now, noticed. ‘Wow. And if the size of this here hard-on is any guide, so do you. I think I’ll skip the oral if you don’t mind, and… just… do… this…’ She raised up as she was speaking and lowered herself on to my pole. ‘Aaaaah,’ a happy sigh announced that she was filled. ‘That’s good. So good. And yeh,’ she started to move, making me groan with pleasure, ‘I do want you to. Fuck. Jasmine. Silly. Ohhh. Ohh, god that’s amazing…’ And there was no more talking for a while.
An hour later I watched from the window as Julia burned rubber down the driveway on her way to Sainsbury’s. It was her one chance to get away from the house for any length of time and she made the most of it. She would be gone at least three hours. I leaned against the window frame and thought. Fucking Jasmine – fit, slender young Jasmine – wouldn’t be difficult. Nor would spanking her.
Truth to tell, I’d grown a bit jealous of Julia’s regular tanning of her hide. But what did it mean for us? Was she getting tired of me? I decided to talk it through with her properly that evening, over a bottle of wine, before I did anything.
I dressed in my stable gear and headed out. I had put in a couple of hours, working up quite a sweat in the process, when Jasmine appeared.
‘Hi John, just going to take Bullet out for some exercise for us both.’ She skipped over to Bullet’s stall to get him ready. Bullet was our biggest, fastest horse, but he could be difficult. Jasmine was an experienced rider, though, and could handle him. She soon clip-clopped past me in the yard, her tight riding breeches showing her rounded derriere to its best advantage as she rose high in the stirrups.
That girl was certainly ready for something, I thought. Maybe I shouldn’t wait to talk it through with Julia. I watched her encourage Bullet to a canter with a tap of the crop, and went back to my cottage. There was something there I might need.
Half an hour later, a windswept, happy Jasmine trotted back across the yard. She swung down gracefully, unbuckled the saddle, and heaved it off. Making her do her own work around the stables had been a good idea, for her self-reliance and her fitness and strength. She was filling out in all the right places, developing into an attractive young woman. I followed her as she carried the heavy saddle indoors. ‘Were you using that,’ I indicated the crop she had laid down on the old table in the corner, ‘on Bullet today?’
She turned and smiled. ‘Why, this is just like old times. Yes, I did. About, oh, a dozen times I think.’
‘Well, Jasmine, you know what that means, don’t you? Would you mind taking your riding breeches and panties off and bending over the table please?’ I picked up the crop and waited patiently. Watching me all the time, she slid the trousers over her hips and down her legs, then snaked her panties down.
‘Just here?’ she said, as she bent forward until her torso was flat against the worn wood.
‘Perfect,’ I said. ‘Twelve times, I think you said.’
‘About that. Aaah!’ The first stroke of the worn old crop flashed across both cheeks. A thin red line appeared as if by magic. I didn’t put too much force into the strokes, but laid them on quickly and relentlessly, covering her rounded backside with a network of lines which soon merged into a general angry redness. Jasmine held on to the sides of the table, calling out with each stroke. When it was finished, she lay still, breath coming out in ragged gasps. She moved her bottom and opened her legs slightly; it was clear that she was aroused.
I lay the crop down. ‘Your mum tells me you’ve been missing your boyfriend, and I suppose it must be hard for you being in the house with the two of us sometimes,’ I waited while she pushed herself upright and started kneading away the pain in her backside. She made no move to put her panties or trousers back on, just turned towards me as I went on, ‘and your mum also suggested you might be in need of some… additional relief?’
She gave a tiny jump and clapped her hands together, like a delighted little girl, her sore bottom forgotten. ‘Oh, thank god! Mummy said she’d speak to you, and when you told me to take off everything I hoped..’ I was getting an idea that I was being played here. I decided to go along with it. Jasmine eyed the growing bulge in my jeans. ‘So, yes please, John, I think I’m in need of some urgent attention. From that.’
‘Well, as you asked so nicely,’ I said, unbuckling my belt and popping the buttons on my Levis, ‘why don’t you turn around and bend over that table again?’
‘Not until I’ve seen… Omigod! Mummy wasn’t exaggerating! Can I hold it, just for a second?’ She grabbed my erection in both hands, and started stroking it reverently. I grew harder, as I tend to do when a sexy woman holds me that way. I reached down into my jeans pocket, pulled out the condom I had picked up at the cottage and opened the packet with my teeth.
‘I’ll put it on!’ Jasmine grabbed the slick rubber from my hand and carefully, reverently, unrolled it along the length of my erection, which grew at least an inch as a result. ‘God, stop making it bigger,’ She laughed a particularly dirty laugh. ‘On second thoughts..’
At last, it was on. ‘Enough,’ I growled. ‘Bend over.’ She giggled and draped herself across the table, arching her back slightly to raise her hips. I looked down at the rounded, reddened backside and couldn’t help myself. Two quick, hard smacks, one on each cheek, jerked her half upright.
‘Oooow! Jesus! No more of that or I’ll come without that cock of yours in me,’ she pleaded.
I took up position, nudging her right leg out a little, and introduced the head of my cock to her waiting lips. She was moist and ready. I edged myself in slowly, stretching her, bit by bit. Jasmine gasped and pushed back, so that more of my length slipped in. ‘Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Jesus.’ She gulped in a lungful of air and let it out slowly, in a moan. I stopped, halfway in, and she reached behind her, to feel what was left. ‘Ohmygod there’s more. I’m so stretched. This is amazing. Please, John, please. More. I want it all.’
I smiled. ‘I wouldn’t have it any other way, Jasmine,’ I said. I eased further in, grabbing her hips as I pressed home. She gasped as my groin met her still reddened, heated backside then let out a long, low moan. I pulled out about halfway, slid back in. Out, in, slow and steady. I could tell she was close as she gripped me tightly, so wonderfully tightly, in her velvet grasp.
Then, after just one more slow, deliberate thrust, her back arched and she raised herself off the desk. ‘Aaaah… coming… fuck…’ and she jerked back, then forward as her orgasm overtook her. Her legs collapsed and she held on to the table for support. I pulled out, held her by the waist, turned her round to face me.
‘I’m not finished with you yet,’ I said. I lifted her on to the table. She lay back, her bottom jutting over the edge, and I held her long, slender legs straight up, took aim and slid home. She craned her neck to watch my erection disappear, then threw herself back to lie flat and gave a happy, filthy chuckle.
‘God, that feels so fucking amazing,’ she said, and gave herself entirely to carnal pleasure. I didn’t take it slowly this time, but took up a steady pace, slamming my groin against her as I filled her moist tightness.
Before too long Jasmine was writhing and gasping, then moaning, as another orgasm started to build. She grabbed my arms hard and screamed out as her body went rigid on the desk, legs shuddering as they pointed to the sky, as she came again. I didn’t pull out this time, but waited patiently, throbbing gently inside her, until she was back in the land of the living.
Then I started again, this time faster, harder. Jasmine’s legs came down and wrapped around my waist. She held on to my arms and I held her hips as I hammered into her like a piston. The condom dulled the sensation for me, but at long last I felt my orgasm start to build and leaned forward, pressing Jasmine’s backside into rough wood, making her cry out at the painful effect on her punished backside. I felt myself swell inside her until the dam finally burst. She opened her eyes wide as she felt my cock expand inside her and came hard, for a third time, her legs tightening round me.
We stayed frozen in a tableau, breathing hard, until I felt my tumescence diminish and I slid out with a moist noise. I stepped back, took Jasmine’s hands and pulled her to her feet.
She perched on the edge of the desk and watched me as I peeled off the condom, wiped myself with a tissue and pulled up my boxers and jeans. ‘Wow,’ she breathed eventually, as I was buckling my belt. ‘I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life. My mother is such a lucky bitch,’ she said.
‘I’m the lucky one, Jasmine. Your mother’s fantastic. I can’t get enough of her.’
‘Yeh, I heard. I hear it often in fact. Have to put my headphones on. But you know she’s crazy about you, yeh?’
That was nice to hear, and I had the notion of prolonging the moment. While she pulled her breeches on I fished a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge that stood by the door and opened them. We stood leaning on the fence overlooking the field side by side, a picture of domestic bliss. I drew deeply on my bottle. Why did cold beer feel so good after vigorous sex?
‘God, this beer’s good,’ said Jasmine. ‘Or perhaps it’s just because you’ve just fucked me silly. Three times I came!’ She punched me lightly on the arm. ‘And she’s not just crazy about your, um, sexual prowess. I know she loves you. She says she’s told you. And she’s changed, you know, because of you. Dad – Gerald – was a total dick. Obsessed with status, propriety, all that shit. He totally crushed her in the end. You’ve given her back her confidence, her sense of self. She would never have been able to give me a hiding like she did that night, or the other, less painful ones I’ve had since if it hadn’t been for you.’ She gave me a serious look. ‘You’ve given me my mum back. I hope you do get married.’
I choked on a mouthful of beer, turned to stare at her. ‘What? Did Julia say that?’
Jasmine looked embarrassed. ‘Shit. Can you forget I said that?’
‘Not bloody likely!’
‘Well, can you at least pretend to mum? She’d flay me alive with that bloody cane of hers. Again.’
‘I will,’ I said, ‘on one condition. That you tell me right now precisely what she said.’
So Jasmine told me. I hadn’t realised that 2020 was a leap year. She was going to ask me to marry her.