Jared Hitches a Ride – Part 2

"Can Jared rise to his double-challenge?"

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Story so far: Hitch-hiking troubador Jared has been given a ride by sexy artist Vanessa and her young friend Mallory. When Jared hits on Vanessa she presents him with a challenge – seduce Mallory away from her loser college boyfriend and he can fuck Vanessa as well. Our boy bends the rules a little and it all leads to a motel bedroom lap-dance, with Mallory avidly watching…

Vanessa swung her hips low, descending into a crouch before Jared. Then she rose, bending over him, legs taut and ass thrusting in Mallory’s direction. “A pair of heels would come in useful here.” She did not let the deficiency stop her. She parted Jared’s knees and glided her palms far up his thighs, so that she grazed his crotch either side. The move she reversed, with another teasing slither all the way back to his knees. Then she gripped the armrests and leaned her whole body forward, cocking one leg and going tiptoe on the other to get in close. Her satin-clad bosom crushed into Jared’s face and her hair fell all about him.

She slid far enough down to whisper in his ear. “Our girl can’t get enough, can she? Let’s bring this home.” The tantalizing descent she completed, ending in a crouch between his legs. Her eyes were fixed on his and she was hungry for him. Her mouth was open, the trunk of her body squeezing into the V of his parted legs, hands roving over his thighs and hips. His stomach was rising and falling gently, erect cock etched in denim.

“Don’t take your eyes off, college girl,” he said, breaking Vanessa’s gaze. From the way he appeared to be locking stares, she knew Mallory was transfixed. Her first viewing of a live lap-dance; it needed to be special. With all the grace her tautened thighs allowed, she rose, thrusting her tits out and bunching her hair to let it tumble. She climbed into the chair, knelt either side of Jared and ground her hips in slow circles. Her hands wandered upwards over her breasts’ full curves, then dived to caress her ass and thighs. The half body-slide was a move she hadn’t tried in a year, but muscle-memory didn’t let her down. Gripping the chair-back and stretching one leg straight, the other bent across his lap, she drew her torso down him, checking that Mallory had a good view. She eyed the staring girl, exhibitionist-thrill running wild within her.

Watch me drive him damn near crazy …

Feet on the floor she eased herself around, closing Jared’s legs and spreading her own; now she could grind her butt into his crotch, right up against it, feel him thick and rigid against her ass-cleft. She leaned backwards, lay herself on him with her cheek against his, hand reaching around to play with his hair. Then she bent her knees and went into a long slide, till she was kneeling with her head rolling back against his lap, massaging his cock with her luxuriant hair.

Come on, Mal, watch it. Love it. My power over his cock. His lust, fit to torch the fucking place. How hard he is, how ready. Feel it all.

She turned about and climbed to a kneeling straddle above him. His breathing was calm but shallow. Lust, however contained, shone from his eyes. He knew she was good. She rumpled her hair again, unknotted the tails of her shirt and unbuttoned from the bottom up, pausing prior to each new unfastening. Before shedding the garment she paused and looked around to Mallory.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Jared was looking too, adding a challenge to his stare.

She could see the realization dawn in Mallory’s eyes, almost hear the words. Oh god, oh god they’re going to fuck. Right now. Right in front of me …

“Still wanna leave?” Jared asked. His eyes sucked up Mallory’s gaze.

“No,” the college girl said meekly, and she watched it all play out.

Vanessa cast off the shirt and massaged her breasts within their sequined confines, enjoying two pairs of watching eyes. She unhooked at the back and gave smoldering tease, letting Jared watch the garment cling precariously to her full tits before it dropped away. Two naked handfuls she caressed and squeezed, enjoying the flickers of pleasure on his face. She swooped in, pinning down the arms that reached for her and brushing her hard-nippled peaks back and forth over his face. “Look, don’t touch, mister,” she reproved. “It’s a ‘no hands’ policy in the Champagne Room.”

“Don’t see no champagne in here, Red. And no security neither.”

“True.” She grabbed his head and pulled his mouth to one bullet-pointed hub, where he sucked hard. “Guess I get to fuck your brains out then.” She pushed his face away and seized the bottom of his tee, hauling it upwards. He raised himself off the chair so she could drag it over his head, revealing a network of spiky tattoos on his upper left arm. Then she pushed him back, fingertips to his lean hard chest, heart thumping at her possession of this rogue male. She scrabbled at his pants fastenings with one hand, the fingers of the others teasing spider-like over the great bulge.

“Hey, Mal, think he’ll live up to his sketches?”

It was clear from Mallory’s stricken look that she wanted confirmation.

Dropping to her knees Vanessa pulled pants and shorts away from Jared in a single tug. Christ, that fucking pole needed no artistic license. She dragged all clothing free of him and paused to admire his body—sturdy, long and splendidly tooled. She prised said tool from where it lay heavy and hard on his flat stomach, and gobbled it up.

Delicious mouthful of hard cock, so worth the wait, attached as it was to this disreputable man. Jareds were Vanessa’s weakness, but every now and then they were just what the doctor ordered. A lesson Mallory needed to learn.

She gripped the column’s base and sucked on him with controlled gluttony, taking more of him into her needy mouth. A great fucking swollen lollipop, Christ, she wanted a throatful. His close-shaved balls felt tight within her fingers’ curl. He groaned his satisfaction and placed his hand on her head, messing her hair, urging her further down. ‘No hands’ policy abandoned then. But she needed no compelling. She arrived at bottom, loving the sensation of his pulsing cock-head far down her throat. Several times she came off him, emptying herself, reveling in the contrast when she plunged back to the base and took another filling. Finally she eased off, took him halfway and treated him to a slow regular suck, watching him subside into the chair and give himself up to it completely.

“Hey, Mallory …” His head lolled gently, tone constricted with pleasure. “You doin’ okay over there? Your friend here sucks cock as good as she dances. Keep on learnin’.”

Vanessa would have laughed, had her mouth not been stuffed.

You cocky son-of-a-bitch. I wonder how often you let a woman do the work for you. Not often I’m hoping. Right, buster, let’s see how you fuck …

She released Jared from her mouth and went to complete her strip. Mallory was staring with wide eyes, one hand clutching the hem of her tee tight between her breasts, the other stroking between her thighs. Less awkwardness now, more flush-faced pre-occupation with the unfolding sexual drama.

“Okay, babe?” Vanessa asked.

The girl nodded her response.

Jared’s face was expectant. She gave him what she knew he wanted, undoing her jeans, stooping and thrusting out her ass, peeling tight denim and panties slowly away from her rear. Then she stepped from the last of her clothes and strolled her butt-naked self towards him.

“All natural.” His eyes were fixed on her pubic strip. “Come on, Red, bring that pussy to my cock.” He stroked himself, gaze meandering upwards over her full curves.

“Getting free with that nickname,” she said, turning herself one-eighty so that she could fit onto him in the chair, allowing Jared a good view of her round ass and Mallory of her tits.

“I’m gonna get freer with you, baby.”

“Well, I should goddamn hope so.” She winked at the speechless college girl.

Get a load of this, sweetheart.

She held her upper body straight as she squatted down, reaching beneath so their fingers met on that thrusting erection. “God, Jared,” she breathed, as the head of his cock brushed her labia, “you don’t deserve the great fucking time I’m going to give you.” She gasped as his glans popped inside her, then she lowered herself all the way down, slotting her ready cunt onto that big stretching pillar.

Oh god …

Yes, that was it, that was what she needed. Massive inside her, filling up this hard-working girl like she had earned. Jared’s construction-worker hands gripped her hips to support her; she imagined his eyes on her nestling ass and on the spill of red tresses brushing the curve of her back. Sheer bliss, to give herself over to this guy, to let Mallory see a woman taking the pleasure she’d earned. Bracing her feet against the floor and trusting to Jared’s taut forearms, she rocked in his hard saddle, fucked herself on his cock, palming her breasts luxuriously as she moved.

“So good,” she told Mallory. Her eyes half-closed as she ground into him; she could feel the friction of his cock against every part of her pussy. “So good you wouldn’t believe.”

Feel his cock in your cunt. Feel this fire in your veins. Let it burn you up. You couldn’t get enough of my striptease, now you just want to watch him screwing me. Enough with the loyal girlfriend, time to embrace your inner whore. I swear you’ll be naked and fucked before this night is gone.

She stayed her gaze on Mallory, pushing out her chest to accentuate her tits, slamming fleshy ass onto hard thighs.

“That’s it, cowgirl, lemme see you ride that cock.” There was relish in Jared’s voice.

Vanessa could picture his avid gaze as he watched her swallow him up. Then he gripped her hips more tightly and drove up into her, so that his thrusts met her grinding. He must have been pushing on the arm-rests for leverage, for his pelvis shunted hard and fast, stoking deep inside her. She cried out in startled excitement as her pussy was pounded, laying on extra verbiage for Mallory.

“Oh, goddamnit, you horny fuck, I’m glad you’re doing some work at last.”

Jared’s rejoinder was an even more rigorous bout of fucking. His voice was less smug, more animal, as he was focused on his delivery into her cunt. “You’ve no clue how hard I can work, baby. No fucking idea.”

“Oh yeah? Then stop calling me baby and just fucking show me!” Vanessa reached back with one hand and braced herself against the arm to let him.

“I’ll call you what I fucking like, since you’re sitting on my cock.” He pulled her all the way back and rammed fiercely. She cried out and gripped the chair, her prone body absorbing the full force of Jared’s upward-aimed screwing. Mallory was leaning forward, goggling at the sight. She had a prime view of Vanessa, the redhead knew, with her back stretched out against Jared, bouncing on him as he mauled one of her breasts. Shit, at this angle the girl could watch his cock pumping in and out, his balls cramming against her cheeks on every impact.

“This what you like?” His voice was fevered. “This what you like, you fucking sexy bitch?”

“Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh fuck yes …”

That’s it, hard and dirty. Shock the little sweetheart. And keep her in the loop …

Jared seemed to read Vanessa’s mind. He pushed her off his crotch, propelling her into standing, then climbing after as she steadied her shaky self. “Hey, Mal, how you doing? You enjoy watching hardcore? You wanna see some more?” He grabbed Vanessa by the back of her head and pulled her face to his, kissing her fiercely on the mouth and clutching her breast hard as he did so. The heat of his lips on hers surprised her more than anything else had done.

“Fuck,” she breathed, before recovering her presence of mind. “That’s right, Mal, stay with us.” She retained her defiance even as Jared tugged her around by the wrist and put her over the chair-back. Gripping the arm-rests, she stared straight at Mallory. “Keep watching. I want you to see this bastard fuck me.” Her gaze didn’t break for an instant, as he seized her body and thrust back into her from behind. Jared must have been staring at the girl too, for she kept looking to him. No doubt she was transfixed by those steely-blue eyes, ablaze with erotic fury.

Vanessa’s body flamed with lust. Jared was fucking her again with hard fleet strokes. Then his palm exploded against her buttock and she cried out her shock. The cock-hammering continued and so did the impacts of hand on ass-flesh, each connection painful and satisfying. This was what she craved and so seldom got, proper mastery of her body. She wanted Mallory to feel it too, this savage joy. She wanted to channel her ecstasy into the young woman on the bed, even as Jared fucked the hell out of her. To burn away the girl’s misery and blast her free of every dumb commitment. Sometimes you needed to let go, to lose yourself in lust. Sometimes that was the right thing to do.

Annie’s sister was rapt by the visuals, but still too much on the outside. Jared, however, did not let Vanessa down.

“Strip, Mallory. Get your clothes off.” The words were hard, insistent. Mallory stared and Vanessa thought she mightn’t obey. Jared’s words rang out again: “Strip for me, college girl. Show me those beautiful tits while I fuck your sexy friend. Don’t think about it. Just fucking do it.”

“Do what he says, baby,” Vanessa encouraged, but her words weren’t necessary. Some restraint in Mallory had snapped. She was peeling off her t-shirt, unfastening her bra and casting it away to reveal her breasts in all their ripeness, russet nipples engorged and protruding. The girl was panting visibly, displaying all the tension she had held inside, gaze never leaving the vigorous carnal display.

“That’s it, Mal, that’s it, that’s beautiful,” Jared said as he fucked. “Now get your hand down those jeans and touch yourself the way you want to. Do it, girl, I want to see it and you want to fucking show me.”

Vanessa stared in delight as Mallory took the instruction, unbuttoning herself and thrusting a hand down into her panties to service her pussy’s need. The sight of the nubile young woman casting off clothes and restraint and plunging her finger into her cunt drove the redhead wild. It chimed with memories of her own, that point in her life when she had first abandoned herself to desire. Her climax was building, even as the younger girl tugged her jeans away from her thighs, masturbating openly in front of the screwing couple. The sight was affecting Jared too, for he was smacking into her harder, gripping her shoulder tight enough to bruise and driving towards his peak. He was also (she had to give the bastard credit) relinquishing her ass and squirming his hand down to rub his fingers on her clit.

“Don’t come, don’t come,” Vanessa gasped to him, clinging to the vestiges of coherence. “She needs you to fuck her. Now’s the time. Girl needs it bad.” She hoped the furiously frigging Mallory had not heard.

Jared displayed no such caution in his pre-orgasmic fervor. “I’ll come inside you and then I’ll fuck her. You hear that, Mallory? Once I’m done with this hot bitch, I’m coming for you. Work that tight little pussy of yours, ‘cos I’ll be with you real soon.”

Vanessa tumbled over the edge before he did, her body seizing with a disabling ecstasy. The explosion rippled outwards from the ground zero of her pulsing clit, and all through the surge that great driving dick was still there, skewering her deep. Then he was letting go his own control, straining hard, his body slamming into hers as he groaned and emptied his balls way up inside. His sweat dripped onto her back as he pumped his last and sagged on top of her. Across the room, Mallory was still working out her own body’s demands.

“Go wash,” Vanessa said when she could speak again.

“What?” He remained inside her, his body still tense from the climax.

“Go wash yourself clean of me. She shouldn’t have to taste me on you. Do it. Splash some water. Don’t be long.” She didn’t imagine Jared took much instruction from women, but for her he complied.

“Whatever you say, Red.”

On the bed Mallory burst into orgasm. Her head fell back onto the pillow as she writhed, ash-brown locks splaying prettily, breasts showcased as her masturbating arm compressed one and she massaged the other. Vanessa bit her lip at such a hot result. To expose herself, tits and cunt, at the couple’s request, Mallory must have relegated Chad far from her conscious mind.

Vanessa knelt down beside her as she bathed in ecstasy, gracing the girl with the smile of the just-fucked. “You okay, baby?”

Mallory was unfazed by Vanessa’s naked presence on the bed with her. She nodded and beamed in return, as though this was all liberating and wonderful.

Vanessa reached out and stroked her face, speaking with soft urgency. “Do you want him?”

Mallory’s face froze somewhere between excitement and fear.

“Jared,” Vanessa persisted. “Do you want to fuck him?”

Mallory stared in frightened awe. “I don’t know what I want. Does he want to …?”

“God, baby, he wants. And so do you.”

“I … I …”

“You enjoyed watching him fuck me, didn’t you?”


“And you’d like him to fuck you the same way, wouldn’t you?”

“But I’m with someone.” The girl’s voice was piteous. Chad had sprung inconveniently back into her mind. “I can’t.”

Then Jared was looming over the bed and Mallory was staring up at him with a gasp. His cock and thighs were wet and shiny from the water he had splashed on them. As bad boys went, he was good.

Vanessa brought him up to speed. “She’s not sure what she wants, poor thing.”

Jared dropped down to her. Vanessa saw the girl’s body start as he laid a hand on her thigh. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want, Mal, but if you let me I’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before in your life. You can pull your pants back up and take that good-girl ass back to your room, or you can stay here and get seriously naughty on this bed with me right now. What’s it to be?” He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and looked into her eyes. “Come on, Mal, you gonna be nice? Or you gonna be naughty?”

“Naughty,” she whispered.

Bravura, thought Vanessa. Goddamn fucking bravura.

Jared dragged Mallory’s crumpled jeans and panties all the way off her legs. The student was still gasping when he took her behind the knees and spread her legs wide, exposing her completely before him.

“Your cunt smells so sweet, Mal,” he said. “It’s so fucking wet I just gotta have a taste.”

So damn dirty! Vanessa loved it and by the look in Mallory’s eyes she couldn’t get enough either. The girl’s eyes rolled back as he took hold of her thighs and buried his face between them.

Jesus, Vanessa almost swooned at the thought of that thrusting tongue. She watched this connoisseur of pussy enjoy his exquisite dish. Jared ate with skill and gusto, lapping up the flood of Mallory’s essence, sliding his tongue all around her lips, even lapping at her tender upper thighs and towards her ass crack where the juice had trickled, his stare never straying from her face. Then he drove back in to lick further secretions, before drawing the tip upwards where it flickered like a hummingbird on her clit. The girl was going crazy, gasping and squeaking in panic and pleasure. Her reaction intensified when he plunged two fingers inside her, fucking them in and out of her hole, as his tongue continued to assault her flowering clit.

Her hand was still in Vanessa’s and she clutched hard, trying to earth the wild current that was running through her body. Her sister-in-adventure stroked her hair and gazed on her quaking form, thrilling vicariously from the sensations washing through the brunette’s body.

“Bastard never did that to me,” Vanessa said.

“Hey, I may be good,” said Jared, lips still hovering on Mallory’s bud, “but I can only do one thing at a time.” How well he seemed to do this particular thing. His fingers burrowed away inside Mallory’s slickness and his tongue thrashed her clit into a lather. The climax came on the girl suddenly, fiercer than the first. Her high-pitched squeaks grew frequent and rapid till they merged into a long keening. Her body shuddered on the bed, nipples thrusting to the ceiling, pussy spasming into Jared’s face.

Vanessa held on throughout, breathing encouragements: “That’s it, baby, give yourself up to it. Fucking enjoy it.” Mallory melted back onto the bedcover as the orgasm’s sweet ravishment subsided, her companion stroking her face. “Such a pretty, clever girl,” Vanessa praised, then she looked to Jared. “Go on. Show her what other treats you’ve got for her.”

Mallory lay still, her breathing shallow, as Jared climbed up her body. He was smiling, mouth and chin still wet from its encounter with her pussy. His hard chest and muscular arms framed her panting form. It was intensely erotic to watch.

“Hey there, Mal.” His tongue licked a slow smooth curve from her sternum to the tip of her chin. “You all ready to fuck?”

“Uh-huh,” she managed. “Are you?”

Jared pointed his ramrod erection between the girl’s still-splayed thighs, an eager visitor demanding entrance. “That answer your question?” His thrust certainly did, a whole-body movement, solid chest brushing hard nipples as he crammed Mallory’s cunt.

“Oh god …” Her fingers crushed the bedcover and squeezed Vanessa’s palm as she received him.

A hint of amusement lingered on Jared’s lips as he shunted on top of her. Here was a man who knew how to take his pleasures.

That’s it, buddy, give it to her good. Open her up with that big hard dick. You love it, sweetheart, all that sweating brawn and that cock stroking into you. I’m fucking jealous already.

Not letting go Mallory’s hand, Vanessa reached below Jared’s muscled ass to cradle his balls in her palm as he continued to fuck.

“That’s good, Red,” he hissed, “keep your hand there. Squeeze those balls. God she’s tight and slippery. That feel good, Mal?”

“Y-yeah …”

Jared drove harder and she cried out, clinging to his back with her heels as he fucked her, deep and urgent. He was gripping her now, face close to hers, gaze intensifying as he took possession. All she could do was hold on and take it. Vanessa gripped his sac firmly, so she could feel each impact of his plunging dick.

That’s it, sweetheart, his little fuck-receptacle, that’s what you need to be right now.

“Oh yeah, now we’re talking, baby.” Jared grimaced. “See that, Red? She’s taking it like a good girl.” Although Vanessa wouldn’t have flattered his ego with the sentiment, he truly was a spectacular fuck-artist. He rammed a few more good strokes and pulled out. With a rough hand clamped under Mallory’s arm he propelled the girl onto her hands and knees, ignoring all cries of alarm. Then hovering before her lips, fresh from inside her, was that big succulent dick. “Come on, Mallory, you naughty slut, suck it.”

Vanessa stifled a laugh. This guy had Mallory where he wanted in every sense. The college girl registered a split-second’s shock, then slurped him up. He groaned his enjoyment as he was engulfed. “That’s it, college girl, suck that cock.”

God yeah, thought Vanessa, and she reached out to stroke the hair of her fellating young friend. First time you’ve sucked dick fresh from your own pussy? Hot and pulsing and tangy with your juice? Bet Mr. Wham-Bam-What’s-On-Channel-9 never took the time for this. “Come on, baby, that’s it, give that bad boy what he wants …” Her eyes met Jared’s and they shared a collusion that went beyond delicious.

Mallory did not shirk her task. All gone was Chad’s dutiful girlfriend, replaced by Jared’s ‘naughty slut.’ She was giving Jared’s hard stretch of fuck-flesh the best work her mouth had to offer, gripping the base and slurping on the other end as on a particularly taxing lollipop. Flicking glances to Vanessa the entire time to win approval from her wanton sexual role model. Sucking like a busy little whore.

“That’s it, Mal,” the object of her attentions said with approval. “You’re one sweet little cocksucker.” He pulled her off himself, dragged her squealing to him by the hair and kissed her lips as a seal of approval on her work. Then before she could respond to the intimacy, he sent her scurrying about on the bed, so he could fit himself back to her pussy.

“Think she’s ready for more?” he inquired of Vanessa, holding back the initial thrust. Mallory stared up through tangled locks, awaiting her friend’s verdict.

“Oh, she’s ready,” Vanessa breathed hoarsely, cupping and squeezing her own breasts in the ecstasy of the moment. “Come on, rock-star, give her your best work.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He set a firm jaw and entered Mallory forcefully from behind. She let go a long wailing response, then as his thrusts ripped through her body, she clapped a hand between her legs and recommenced working herself.

Vanessa knelt down to her as she took the rear shafting, gripping her hand and palming her face in well-fucked solidarity. “That’s it, baby,” she urged, and then kissed Mallory full and wet on the mouth so that their tongues stroked. “Enjoy it. You fucking deserve this.” She looked back towards the provider of the hard pounding.

“Come on, Jared, give it to her. Don’t hold back. She needs this.” As though he required encouraging.

Jared seized Mallory’s shoulder and rammed with unprecedented force. He held her rigid, balls smacking soundly against her on each impassioned stroke. It was concerted sweaty fucking, punctuated with brisk swats to her ass.

“You a naughty girl, college?” he demanded. “A naughty fucking slut?”

“Oh yeah, I am … I am …”

“Say it, college girl, let me hear you!”

“I’m a naughty slut! I’m such a fucking naughty slut!”

“God, baby!” he laughed. “Yes you damn well are!”

Vanessa gripped Mallory’s face in both hands, stared into her eyes and made her focus through the relentless pounding. “And there’s nothing wrong with that.” To Jared she yelled, “Come on, harder, make her take it! Make her take that fucking cock.” Then to Mallory again: “Hold onto this, girl, don’t forget how this feels. Come on, rub that clit, get yourself off, baby. Chad ever get you off three times in one evening?”

“Oh god, not even twice.”

Jared picked up on the cue. “He ever fuck you like this? Did he, baby? Did Chad ever fuck you this good?”

“No!” she howled, as Jared shunted her with fierce thrusts. “Never, never this good!”

“What? You mean I’m better than Chad?”

“Better, bigger, deeper, oh fuck!”

Mallory peaked and burst into frantic, slutty, screaming ecstasy on the end of Jared’s shaft. Vanessa could feel her own cunt contracting in sympathy with the brunette’s; she could almost taste the joy that exploded its way to the girl’s extremities. When all had subsided, Vanessa stayed there, anchoring her back to reality.

“Good girl, good girl … Stay with me.”

Mallory fixed bleared eyes on her coach.

“Where do you want him to come?”

It took a moment for the student to register Vanessa’s meaning. Maybe the memory of Jared’s drawings was still in her head, for her response was immediate, a natural conclusion to such a hard, filthy fuck. “In my mouth,” she said, and there was relish in her voice. “In my mouth …”

“You hear the girl,” Vanessa said to Jared.

He retracted his cock with a final squelch and dragged Mallory around by the arm, already stroking his great slimed length. Vanessa was with her, but Mallory needed no one to hold her in place or clamp open her jaw. Nor was there ambiguity in her face as the lover she had chosen offloaded his balls before it. The projectile gushes of his cum impacted off her tongue and lips one after another, spraying outwards in a backsplash of droplets which landed over her and Vanessa. It was explosive, gooey and glorious. Jared’s cock spurted its last onto her stomach and thighs, then all three of them knelt panting in the sticky aftermath.

“Seems I took out both you girls.” Jared grinned.

Sperm was dripping from Mallory’s lips and chin, splashing down between her breasts. Looking around she laughed to see Vanessa similarly spattered. “Wow,” Mallory giggled through her panting, “we are messy girls, aren’t we?”

“We are,” Vanessa said, “but we’re also ladies. Which is why even though our male companion is an opportunist ne’er-do-well, we’re going to lick his cock clean, right?”

Mallory smiled her compliance and bent low with her experienced friend. Together they said a protracted thank-you to his wilting dick with the hot suck of their mouths.

Mallory lay back afterwards, in a luxury of cum-stained sluttiness, thinking perhaps that the other two would join her. Vanessa stroked the college girl’s face with the back of her hand, but had entirely different intentions. “If the gentleman’s not too exhausted, I’d like some of that tongue-love he’s so good at. I’m not sure he can manage anything else.”

“Oh, I think I can summon up more magic,” came Jared’s languid reply.

Mallory expressed no objections. The third orgasm, it seemed, had wrung from her the last of her strength. She had been fucked literally senseless; whether sensible remained to be seen. Vanessa united with Jared above her sleepy form in a kiss, then she dragged him away to find space on the carpet.

“Always like it when a girl’s ready for more,” he said.

“Enough with the smart mouth, buster. You and I are going to fuck till one of us passes out, and I’m feeling wide awake.”

Vanessa took a licking, the like of which she could not remember. Jared lashed her clitoris with the flat of his tongue, then plunged that muscle inside her to the root, writhing and thrashing to stimulate all her inner walls. He retracted to do that heated flicker on her nub (no wonder Mallory had made so much fucking noise), his fingers pillaging her hole till she cried her ecstasy to the ceiling. They kissed deep till she had gathered her senses, then she climbed atop him and rode hard, like she was breaking a recalcitrant stallion.

He retaliated by gripping her ass and pistoning hard, the head of his cock burying itself in her depths on every thrust. Then he put her up against the wall and hammered her, one of her thighs wrapped tight around the swell of his ass, till the next room knocked back in complaint. They returned to the floor and he pounded her from behind, one hand hauling on her thick locks while the other paddled her ass and grappled her tits. She met him thrust for thrust, shunting back onto his cock as it drove, maximizing every impact of their bodies. They exploded together, raging obscenities till they both fizzled into a mire of sweat. A most satisfying end to that fuck-frenzied evening.

It was gratifying for Vanessa to see Jared looking worn out. “Put ‘em away wet, that’s what I like,” she said. He remained laid-out on the carpet as she slid back into panties and jeans. “I think it’s time I got this one back to her own bed.” She indicated Mallory, who had been silent but for unconscious murmurs of arousal during their coupling.

Jared glanced over at the sleeping girl. “A slut is born.”

“I know. Makes me so proud.” Vanessa broke from her reverie. “I’m planning an early start, by the way, nine at the latest, so we can reach the Windy City around lunchtime.” She caught something in Jared’s face and sighed to herself. “You’re not going to be here in the morning. Are you?”

His look was sheepish. “I dunno, Red. Never spoil a good thing, that’s what I say.”

“Oh, I’ll guess you say that a lot.” She buttoned up her blouse. “So then, what are your plans after Chicago?”

“Where the Windy City blows me. Anywhere they appreciate rock and blues and all that comes with it. England, maybe, once I’ve saved for a ticket. Home of the Stones, The Who and The Beatles.”

“Good luck with that.” Vanessa couldn’t help but smirk as she imagined the trail of well-fucked pussies he would leave in his wake. “Thank you for a most entertaining evening.”

“Pleasure was all mine, Red.” He stretched out, arms behind his head, his full naked self on display.

“No,” she said, on behalf of Mallory and herself. “It wasn’t. And that is the only fucking compliment you get from me.”

“Goddamn, Red, I do believe I’m gonna miss you.” She was about to rouse her slumbering nude friend when he stopped her. “Hey, you do realize our little stunt here tonight might cut either way.”

“How do you mean?”

“You assume that your wiles and my cock will have woken up Little Miss College to a whole new world.”

“And don’t you think they have?”

“Well, maybe. Then again this might give her enough guilt to stick with super-jock despite all his fucking around.”

Vanessa considered the thought and dismissed it. “No, it’s okay, she’s got me to work on her.”

“You won’t have to.”

There was something about the way he said it that inspired a touch of dread. “Okay. And why not?”

“Because I made a little call to Chad, mid-action.”

Vanessa stared. “You did what?”

“Her cell was right there in her jeans pocket and his was the last number she’d called. Seemed too good an opportunity to waste. I’m guessing it went to voicemail, him having been incommunicado all day, but it’ll be waiting for him. I got all the best stuff. You really helped, with that ‘Chad ever get you off three times?’ business. That was sweet. Though ‘bigger, better, deeper’ was a high point for me.”

Vanessa’s hand was at her mouth. “Jared, what the—” She checked her rising voice. “‘Too good an opportunity to waste’? What the fuck were you thinking?”

“Same as you, Red. That girl doesn’t want to be married any more than you or I do. The relationship needed ending. Well, there you go. Job done.”

“But you can’t just—”

“You threw me the ball, Red.” He shrugged. “I ran with it. Now I’m not big into sports, but I think that’s a touchdown.”

Vanessa stared at him, for once in her life stuck for words. “How do you think she’s going to feel when …”

“It’s okay, Vanessa. You’ll deal with it.”

She fought for a rejoinder, but Mallory was coming round. “Hey, you guys. What time is it?”

Vanessa shot further daggers at Jared where he lay and went to help up the befuddled girl. “Time to get you back into your panties and your own bed. Glass of water won’t hurt either.”

A sleepy Mallory allowed Vanessa to help her into her clothes. “Is Jared coming with us?”

“No.” Vanessa caught the glint in the wild rover’s eyes and couldn’t quite sustain her anger. “His work here is most certainly done.”


“Morning, sweetheart,” Vanessa said to Mallory. “How d’ya feel?”

Dull throb in your head, to say nothing of the one in your pussy. Plus the variety of aftertastes in your mouth.

“Oh god … Oh my!” Mallory looked up from her bed, panicked by a flash of memory. “Vanessa, last night, oh my god, I can’t believe it! You and …” She diverted her eyes, maybe recalling the naked kiss they had shared. “… And me. And him …” She almost giggled at the outrageous recollection, then, “Oh, my head.” Euphoria topped with guilt and a hangover.

“Slow down, baby, take it easy. Let’s get you right.” Vanessa took control. She fetched Mallory water to wash down pain-killers, propelled the girl into and out of the shower, packed her stuff, checked her out of the motel and took her to a nearby Denny’s for breakfast. All the while she wondered how to broach the subject of the phone call.

“Is Jared joining us?” Mallory’s eventual question was as tentative as the manner in which she pursued the scrambled eggs around her plate.

“No, no, he had to move on,” Vanessa replied, as tactfully as she could manage. “Best to let him get on his way.”

“He’s left?” Mallory hung her head a moment. “Maybe we could hook up with him in Chicago, what do you think?”

“I think he’s blown out of our lives for good, baby. The Jareds of this world are preferable to the Chads, trust me. But they’re experienced in passing and that’s how it should be.”

“Chad.” Mallory frowned and chewed at her fingernail. “Oh god, how am I gonna face him after this?”

“Sweetie, you mightn’t have to.”

Mallory pulled out her cell. “Look, he’s left a voicemail. Oh god, I feel so bad now. How am I gonna pretend nothing’s happened?”

“Mal, there’s something you should—”

Mallory’s eyes widened with astonishment, then horror as she listened to the message. Vanessa could hear the raging of Chad’s recorded voice from where she sat. She was sure she caught the phrase ‘fucking slut’ somewhere in his tirade.

“Oh my god!” Mallory dropped the cell into her lap. “Oh my god, oh my god, he knows! He heard it! How did he hear it? Vanessa?”

Goddamn you, Jared, for a bastard motherfucker.

“You must have knelt on it, baby, redialed by accident. It happens.”

“But now he knows! He knows everything. What am I gonna do?” She was starting to panic, attracting the attention of waiting staff and other customers.

“What are you gonna do? Let him have this taste of his own medicine, that’s what.”

Vanessa moved around the table to grab Mallory’s hand. “You heard me. I got what he said to you in that message, what he called you. After what he did to you back home? After what you know he’s doing in a different sorority girl’s room every night? Yet you’re still supposed to come running when he snaps his fingers. Leopard, Mal, spots. He’s not ever changing. And you’re not stupid. In your heart of hearts you know. If you hadn’t, you’d never have fucked the hitcher.”

“But I …”

“And that call you made? Fate. Fucking well meant to be. You sent him a ‘fuck you’ to die for and don’t you dare mess it up by attempting some lame-ass apology. Come on, too many people are watching us here. My car, now.”

Having slapped payment on the table, Vanessa propelled her weeping companion to the parking lot and the safety of the Mustang. She held onto Mallory till the girl calmed, then quietly, intently poured out every Chad-related sentiment she had withheld the previous day. There were no secrets between them now. “Smart, pretty girl like you?” she concluded. “Don’t even think of settling for a serial-cheating idiot. You do know he’s a cheat, don’t you?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” Mallory mopped herself up with crumpled tissues from the glove box. Then there was a long poignant silence, at the end of which she dived for her cell.

“Mal, what are you doing?”

“Calling him.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?”

“No. No, I’m not. Hold my hand.” Mallory’s grip tensed in Vanessa’s palm as she awaited an answer to her call. The pressure intensified when the answer came.

Chad’s voice barked out audibly. Mallory, however, did not wait for him to finish whatever spiel he had prepared. “… What the fuck do I want? I’m just answering your call, the first one you made in two days. You sure answered quick enough after last night, didn’t you? Is that what it takes? Is that what it takes to drag you away from whoever you’ve been banging? ‘Cos that’s what you’ve been doing, right? It’s the Meryl Stevens thing all over again. Why not admit it? … You have? God, well that’s some honesty as last. So what makes me the slut? … Yeah, yeah? Well maybe I let you hear it so you’d know what it sounds like when a girl gets fucked for real. ‘Cos whoever you’re fucking now, that girl’s getting short-changed. Just like I was for three goddamn years! Screw you, Chad!”

Call terminated, Mallory slumped back panting in her seat. Silent tears made a path down her cheeks.

Vanessa squeezed her hand. “Well done, Mal. I’m proud of you.”

“Do me a favor. Drop me off at the Greyhound station once we get there so I can go right back home, will you please?”

“That is so not going to happen,” Vanessa told her. “Look, Chicago’s a fun town. My girlfriend Sammy will be getting in tomorrow night. We’ll hit the town, all three of us.

Avoiding all the college haunts, I promise. It’ll be one hell of a party.”

Mallory looked across, wiping her face. “Really? You want to hang out some more?”

“Absolutely, girlfriend. Hey, get drunk with me again and I’ll tell you about the stunt Sammy and I pull every Christmas.”

The student showed a glimmer of recovery. “I’d like that. To hang out. Hey, maybe we’ll bump into Jared again.”

Vanessa squeezed her hand. “Yeah. Maybe. Come on, let me see that pretty smile. After all, you’ve just had the best fuck of your life.”

Mallory’s face broke into smiling reverie amidst the tears. “Oh god, I so have! By a fucking mile!”

“That’s my girl.” Vanessa set the engine revving. “Ready then? Chicago or bust?”

Mallory stared at her for a moment, biting her lip. “Why the hell not? Let’s do it.”

The Mustang roared into motion and within minutes they were back on the Interstate, bound for the Windy City. Vanessa slotted in a CD and turned on the stereo so that Foo Fighters poured out, filling the vehicle and both their heads. Yes, Chicago would do just fine. A few nights there would help Mallory along her new course. One she had begun with the help of a hitch-hiking rogue.

Jared. Vanessa shuddered at the recollection of his thrashing tongue. Of his calloused hands on her skin as his cock powered inside. Of that damned irresistible grin. She pictured him, shrugging off the mayhem in his wake and thumbing a ride to his next adventure. Heaven help whoever met him. There was no predicting the hot chaos into which he would plunge their lives. Her mind lingered on the thought and she smiled.




Published 6 years ago

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