I drop the groceries on the mud-room floor, take off my mask, and wash my hands in the laundry basin. I feel gross. I’m leaning over the sink lost in silent reverie when Maia says hi the first time.
*Cough* “HI.”
I jump, startled, and turn around to greet my wife of six months. As soon as I see her, all the angst fades and I smile. She’s wearing a short, bright yellow T-shirt dress that complements her smooth caramel skin and contrasts her short black hair. She’s barefoot, and I notice her freshly polished, short fingernails match her glossy toenails. I want to know whether she’s wearing anything under that dress. I’m just starting to imagine her lifting up the bottom to show me when she says, “I have a surprise for you. Come say hi in the living room when you’re done here.” Then she turns and tiptoes down the hall as I ogle her sweet, round butt.
I hurry to grab some fresh shorts and a T-shirt from the basket on top of the dryer and change my outfit before taking the groceries into the kitchen and putting them away. I wash my hands again, and as I turn off the tap I hear Maia talking to someone. Must be a Zoom call, I think.
As I round the corner into the living room, I’m startled again — Maia’s not on the laptop, she’s actually got a real live person in the living room. Nobody else has been in our house for months. My first instinct is to grab the disinfectant spray and put my mask back on. But politeness wins out.
“Wow, hey Janette!” I think that may have even sounded natural. Not at all freaked out. Janette says hi and gives me a friendly little wave.
“Honey,” Maia says, “I’ve invited Janette into our little bubble.” I’m sure there’s a story there, but I don’t care that much. All I want to know right now is — “Don’t worry, she’s been isolating too and just got her test results back. All three of us are safe, and none of us will mess this up.”
Okay. I’m cool with that. Now I can relax. “Cool!” I say, politely enthusiastic.
Maia pats the narrow space between them on the sofa. I walk over and squeeze in. “Janette?” Maia says, obviously teeing up a pre-planned conversation. I look from my wife to her friend.
“Guess why Maia invited me to move in, Hill?” Janette is giving me kind of a flirty look, if I’m not mistaken. I look back to Maia, who’s all of a sudden looking timid. I think she’s blushing a little. Back to Janette, who I notice for the first time has really nice-looking lips. I shrug.
“We’ve been talking a lot lately about your sex life.” … You said what now? “And here’s the thing: Maia feels secure now that you guys are married and you’ve treated her so respectfully. Which gives her space to explore her fantasies. And that’s why I’m here.”
My mind races. Janette’s wearing a simple black tank top and loose cut-off jean shorts. Frankly I never noticed before (newly wed and true love and all that jazz), but she’s kind of hot. Her skin is light but sunkissed, and she has delightful freckles across her cheeks and shoulders. Her hair is curly and wild and brown, which I take note of right before getting caught in her bright hazel eyes.
“I’m here to seduce you.” I start to laugh, but Janette appears to be serious, even with the broad smile on her face. Maia nods sheepishly with a cheeky grin of her own when I look to her again. “I’m going to make you my boyfriend, and I’m going to do it right in front of Maia, and that’s gonna turn her. The fuck. ON.”
I must look a fool, slack-jawed and crinkled brow. I should be indignant. I should point out that I have yet to consent to this situation. I should protest that I would never do something that could potentially hurt my wife’s feelings.
I don’t.
“Yes, Janette?”
“Go get your husband and me some wine.”
“Yes, Janette.”
Welp, that does it. I’m all in. I watch Maia quickly but calmly get up and pad around the corner into the kitchen.
“Yes, Janette?”
“Want me to take off my clothes for you?”
“Yes, Janette.”
It’s not fast, it’s not slow, it’s just right. She pulls off her tank top and I see fine breasts, smaller than Maia’s and delectable. No bra. Bikini-top tan lines. Cute, little suckable nipples. Janette straightens for a moment to rub her hands over them and let me admire her subtly athletic torso, before unsnapping her shorts. Just a little wiggle of her hips, and they drop to the floor around her ankles. She’s not wearing panties. Her dark brown pubic hair’s trimmed very close, and shaved around the sides so she could wear an immodest bikini, which looks to be exactly how she got those tan lines. But the pièce de résistance is what I notice next. As Janette stands perfectly still in front of me, her hands at her sides and her knees touching mine, I lean toward her hips and squint: just above her pubic hairline, written neatly in red marker, are the words.
For Hill.
The “i” is dotted with a tiny heart, and a little bow is drawn over the words. It’s Maia’s handwriting. She wrote this. On Janette’s body. Oh my.
In the kitchen, a wine bottle’s cork pops.
I look slowly up from Janette’s pussy to her belly button, her breasts, her neck, lips, then eyes. She smiles down at me, then slowly spins on her tip-toes before me. Across her entire upper back is tattooed an impressively fine and detailed winged sun in the ancient Egyptian style. Her waist is narrow and her hips flare moderately to a tight, if a bit small, ass crowned by lovely dimples of Venus. I’d like to lick those. Janette’s thighs are thin but strong, her calves taper beautifully down to her perfectly proportioned ankles.
I sigh.
We both look up as Maia walks back in carrying two glasses of red. I check her face briefly to make extra sure she’s okay with the amount of nudity in her living room, and am relieved to see her trademark gentle smirk on an otherwise placid face. She sets the glasses on the sofa’s end table and moves to sit down. Before she can:
“Yes, Janette?”
“Pick up my clothes from the floor and take them to our bedroom. Then take off your clothes. You know those undies I took off before Hill got home? Take them out from the hamper and put them on. Then sit on the floor in there and wait for your husband and me. You can touch yourself if you want to. We’ll be in soon.”
“Yes, Janette.”
My gorgeous, newly obedient wife crouches low — with one hand holding on to the front of Janette’s upper thigh for balance — and picks up her friend’s discarded clothes. Janette sweetly pats my wife on the head. Maia stands, drapes the clothes over her arm and heads down the hall without a word.
We watch her go for a moment before Janette looks at me with a huge smile on her face. “I like this,” she said to me conspiratorially. I shook my head and smiled back.
I stood. As I rose, she grabbed the bottom of my T-shirt and lifted it over my head. Thank goodness I haven’t let myself go since the wedding. Then Janette steps ever so close to me, her perky little nipples just touching my exposed midriff, leans her forehead on my chest, and unbuttons my shorts. Then the zipper. She tugs the shorts over the bulge in the front and part way down my thighs. Her delicate fingers roam back up my sides before circling around to my ass and then just inside the waistband of my boxer briefs. She slides off the underwear, her hands caressing my ass on the way down. Then, collecting my shorts, she kneels in front of me to pull the clothes down to my feet and toss them aside.
Janette’s face is level with my growing dick, and while she gets a good close look at it I feel her hot, moist breath touch my tip. Just kiss it, I think. Maybe lick it a little. It’s okay, for that matter, you can even suck it.
Just as my imagination starts to run wild, she stands up. Looks me in the eye. Pops up onto her toes, leans in, and kisses me. No tongue, but this isn’t a friendly kiss. This is a lingering, soft, sensual kiss full of promises. I hold her by the sides, my thumbs touching her tits. She clasps her hands around my waist. I feel Janette’s breasts against me, my cock pinned enjoyably against her flat tummy. I haven’t kissed anyone but Maia in three years. This feels like spring break and my birthday and the first time I got drunk, all in one.
She ends the kiss slowly and nestles her cheek next to mine before saying quietly, “Maia wants to watch us. She wants this to be for you and me, not for her. We can tell her what to do, and she’ll submit. … And yes, Hill, that means anything. Any time, every day. As for me, I only have one request.”
She whispers, now: “I want you to make your wife lick my pussy after you and I fuck.”
Janette pulls back with a smile, grabs my hand, and says, “Let’s go. This is going to be fun.”