Having grown up on the same estate and gone to school together, Janet and I were best friends, as were our parents. Ah, my parents. Truthfully, as I hit my late teens and became more independent, they didn’t really take much notice of me — as long as I kept out of their way, they seemed happy. But they did take notice when I started working, mainly because they took half of my wages!
Janet and I would often talk about the life film and pop stars lived and, as news of the permissive Swinging Sixties scene emerged from London, I really resented the lack of glamour in my dull existence. Looking back, I was really naive and sheltered at that time but the prospect of marrying a local boy, living on the estate, and having boring jobs, was a depressing outlook.
I couldn’t imagine leading any other life but that began to change when I met Janet one day after work. She was bubbling with barely-controlled excitement as she dragged me into a coffee shop.
“Listen,” she whispered as we sat at a quiet corner table, “I think I’m on to a good thing and you can share it with me. We’re both the type that can do it.”
Naturally, I was intrigued. What on earth was she talking about?
Leaning conspiratorially across the table, Janet told me she’d been mindlessly working behind the counter at the Woolworth’s store as usual when a man had approached and handed her a business card. Then he’d said, “We could do with some girls like you. You’ve got a nice figure and lovely long dark hair. Ever fancied yourself as a model?”
“As you can imagine,” Janet said, “I was shocked and I just stared at him. I was tongue-tied, didn’t know what to say or think, really. Then he said, ‘I’m sorry to take you by surprise. But, if you’re interested and want to know more, give me a ring. You can come along to my studio. Bring your mum or a friend. It’s entirely up to you. It pays well.’”
Showing me the card on which was printed, Alan Fielding, Photographer, followed by his telephone number and address in town, Janet said, “Since we have the similar attributes he’d mentioned, apart from your blonde hair, I think we could give it a go.”
I handed back the card and said I needed to think about it. But, after a discussion over a couple of coffees, I decided it was a potential way out of our boring lives. “No harm in you giving him a call,” I said, “and asking if we could both pop along for a chat.”
A couple of evenings later, we arrived at his studio. Alan seemed a nice bloke: late twenties or early thirties, at least ten years older than us. He looked me up and down as Janet made the introductions then he explained what he was offering.
“As a photographer, I do the usual stuff, weddings, christenings, baby photos and so on. But I also take shots of models for a number of pin-up magazines. Nothing sleazy, no nudity or anything. You may have seen them in newsagents, magazines like ‘Beautiful Britons’ with pictures of nice girls like yourselves being — what shall I say? Hmm… saucy! Yes, saucy. You know, poses that guys like to see, a glimpse of underwear here and there, stocking tops, maybe a girl in a tiny bikini. That sort of thing.”
He paused, looking from Janet to me, and then continued, “In the summer I do the shoots outside. They’re very popular. But, when it’s cold, we’ll be in my nice centrally-heated studio. What do you think? Would you like to do something like that? You’d get a lot more than shop money. Cash in hand, too. Look, I’ll go and make some tea while you two chat about it.”
We stared at each other. “What do you think, Helen?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like we’ll have to take our clothes off, does it? I don’t mind being in a bikini but what do you think he means about glimpses of underwear?”
Janet shrugged. “I suppose he means something like pulling up our skirts to show our suspenders. Or leaning forward so you can see a bit of bra. You know, how guys are always trying to look up our skirts and down our blouses? Things like that. I suppose.”
“Have you seen the sort of mags he talked about?”
“I’ve seen them on the shelves but never looked inside. But I’ve seen guys in the warehouse with them, showing their mates. They have girls on the cover with their petticoats showing, tight jumpers, that sort of thing. Looks okay to me.” She smiled. “Are you prepared to give it a try?”
“Hmm, probably. Why not ask if we can just do a trial? D’you think he’ll go for that?”
When he returned with mugs of tea, Alan said he’d be happy for us to do a trial. As we drank, he showed us around the studio. I was very impressed by the central heating and fitted carpets. Nothing like my home: I often woke up with ice on the inside of my bedroom window! This place had radiators!
“Okay, girls, let’s see… not tomorrow but the evening after. Bring some nice clothes. Do you wear stockings or have you moved on to tights? Both are popular with blokes. Bring both if you have them. Suspender belts, panty-girdles. We like our girls to wear their boobs nice and high, so get the bra straps as tight as they’ll go. Bring a bikini or a swimsuit. Both ideally. Okay, any questions?”
“Well, yes,” said Janet. “We’ll be keeping our clothes on, won’t we? I mean, you want us in girdles and things, but we won’t have to pose without our skirts and blouses will we?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” he said, smiling. “Skirts and blouses are fine, or a little summer dress. The underwear is just for a little teasing. We’ll do some swimwear shots, see how you look. If the shoot goes well and I sell the photos, there could be lots more work and money to come. All right?” We nodded. “See you on Thursday, then.”
Before we left, slightly surprised at what we’d agreed to do, Alan handed us some money to treat ourselves to new undies. “Looking forward to working with you,” he said and gave us another big smile.
We were giggling on the way out. It all seemed like a great adventure. He’d given us more money than we earned in a week and we decided to shop for new undies after work the next day.
That night I couldn’t sleep. Had we done the right thing? Would our pictures appear in magazines in the local shops? Surely, the chances were slim? At least I needn’t worry about my parents disapproving – they couldn’t care less. And it seemed the pay was going to be good…
Next day I looked in my underwear drawer and realised most of it was practical but boring. The department stores in town were quite the opposite: full of lace and satin delights. After much laughing and comparing, I plumped for a black bra and a black suspender belt. Wow, black underwear! It seemed so naughty. I also bought a pair of fully-fashioned stockings while Janet opted for black tights and a white panty-girdle.
Tights were just becoming fashionable, mainly because of mini-skirts, but if you laddered a leg, it meant replacing the whole garment. That could be expensive. Usually, we wore knickers under tights and a panty-girdle on top. Could get a bit sweaty on a warm day!
When Janet and I arrived at the studio that Thursday evening, we were warmly greeted by Alan. He approved of our new purchases and the summer dresses and bikinis we had in our bags. Even the trendy plastic boots we wore got his approval.
Alan suggested the outfits to wear for our first photos and pointed to a small room at the side. “Get changed in there and I’ll get the camera and lights sorted.”
Obviously, we were nervous as we got dolled up. Alan wanted me in my black bra — “Well hiked up” — black knickers, suspender belt and stockings, white boots and summer dress. Janet was to wear her tights and panty-girdle under her summer dress. Also with white boots.
We returned to the studio to gushing praise. “Oh lovely, girls,” Alan said, clapping his hands. “Good enough to eat. You’ll do nicely.”
So we began. Alan got us to stand together for the opening shots, then we had to hug each other. Gradually, we were directed to strange poses where we bent down together, obviously so that more and more of our legs were visible, until it was clear that my stocking tops and Janet’s panty-girdle were showing. Then Janet had to lift the hem of my dress to check my suspenders.
I was a little concerned at this point but Alan was complimentary and, in fact, it was only what he’d said it would be, glimpses of underwear. Then he got us on our backs with legs toward his camera. It wasn’t clear to me how much he could see, but he had lights focusing on us, so I guessed he could see what my mother called “next week’s washing”.
As time went on, he’d shoot us separately in similar poses. He liked the poses on our backs and I guessed that he’d often take a picture as we moved position, getting a shot of our knickers.
Eventually, we changed into our bikinis, which was fine in the warm studio. He wanted the bikini tops “hiked up” so that our boobs were almost up to our armpits. They must have looked bigger than they are and I was aware of having a large cleavage. In this gear, he photographed us sitting on chairs or sprawling on a couch. He encouraged us to put one foot on the floor while stretching the other leg along the couch. He was getting shots of our gussets!
“The guys will love these, girls. Really nice work, you’re doing really well.”
After about two hours, Alan declared that the session was over and asked, “So, how did you feel about it?”
“It was fun,” I said and Janet hoped he could use the photos.
“They’ll be appreciated,” he said, “and I’m sure I’ll sell them. But, do you want to do more next week? That’s the question.”
“We’ll have a chat and give you a ring. That okay?” said Janet.
“Yes, of course. I hope you carry on, you’re both naturals in front of the camera, the real ‘girl next door’ types. If you decide to come back, can you wear white knickers next time, Helen? They contrast better with black stockings. Maybe buy new panties, nylon if possible, and not too thick. It’s good to get a hint of what’s inside. And Janet, the panty-girdle is great with the dark tights, but could you bring stockings and knickers, too?”
Alan clicked off the lights as he added, “We’ll wait for warmer weather for more swimwear shots. Today’s were great for samples but outdoor shots will be better. Okay, let me know in the next couple of days, please… I can make sure the studio is free.” And he handed us both cash, certainly much more than our jobs paid.
“Yes, we’ll call soon. Thanks again, Alan,” I said, and off we went.
We found a coffee bar and discussed the experience. “What did you think when we had to lie down and he took photos up our dresses?” I asked.
“I suppose it’s just what anyone sees if you sit down awkwardly. I have an aunt who’s always showing her stockings and knickers when she sits on our settee.” Janet grinned. “I think she does it on purpose to give my Dad a thrill.”
“What about when we had to open our legs in our bikinis and he took shots of our gussets? That seemed a bit rude to me.”
“Well yes, but let’s face it, you can’t actually see anything. It’s just the sort of pose that our mums say we shouldn’t do. At least mine says I should always keep my legs together, it’s not ladylike to have them apart. Not demure, she says. I assume boys like it, though, knowing your rude bits are just underneath the gusset. I imagine that’s why he takes those photos. Anyway, it doesn’t really bother me. And the money is good. Shall we say we’ll do it again?”
“Oh yes, go on then,” I said. “We’re not showing anything people don’t see on the beach, are we? And I like the money. But what about buying new knickers like he said, ones that you can almost see through? That sounds a bit much to me.”
“I’ll get some but not too see-through. And they’ll have a gusset, won’t they? Anyway, I’ll ring him tomorrow and say we’ll see him next week.”
I nodded. “Let’s shop for knickers after work tomorrow. I think he’ll want more open-leg shots, so I’m going to trim my hair down there. Don’t want hairs poking out round the sides.”
Janet laughed. “Good idea, me too.”
I went home, slightly excited, definitely pleased with the money, and slightly apprehensive about what we’d have to do the following week…
In the lingerie sections of the department stores, we deliberated over knickers, eventually buying white and quite flimsy pairs. Mine seemed even finer in texture than Janet’s but they all had a cotton gusset. I reckoned they’d be okay for Alan’s shots up my dress.
Janet had phoned to agree to another session and Alan said the studio was free on Monday. He suggested that we wear skirts and blouses rather than summer dresses. That was fine — we could dress before we set off and not have to change at the studio. And we didn’t need swimsuits either. Unsure about wearing tights and panty-girdles, we decided to take them along. I’d bought tights and I had a standard white nylon panty-girdle. We were all set.
The Monday session was different from our first time. Alan treated us as if we were professional models. I felt he was taking us for granted, ordering us into poses without a please or thank you. But, we went with it.
After the first clothed shots, we were directed to hold up our skirts at the front to reveal stocking tops… then higher and higher until our knickers were visible. At this point, I became acutely aware of how flimsy my knickers were and Janet told me afterward that a dark patch was visible: my pubic hair was showing through! Her knickers were less transparent but they emphasised her mound.
Next, we had to get on all fours with skirts raised over our backs. Alan made us move our knees apart so that our gussets were the focus of attention. We then had to lie on our backs again and — this seemed extreme to me — raise our legs and open them to form a V shape! I was mortified, but Janet did it so I followed suit. I thought it was a disgusting pose and felt my face flush with embarrassment. I convinced myself that my face wouldn’t be visible — but Alan came closer and framed me looking up at him between my legs and above my gusset.
I think he realised I was uncomfortable and he paused the session to make tea.
I took the chance to ask Janet, “Are you happy about the poses?”
“It’s fun,” she said quickly. “I feel excited and nice while I’m doing it.”
I wasn’t convinced, but I wanted to enjoy it because it somehow felt different being rude, showing my underwear and my body. And it was flattering that Alan liked us and said others would love the photos.
After drinking the tea, Alan told us to undo our blouses. “Open the front so we can get a glimpse of your bra.”
I looked at Janet but we’d posed in bikinis so buttons were undone. But it didn’t stop there. Soon we’d removed our blouses and modelled in just our “hiked up” bras. We looked very pert indeed. We had to lean forward, pushing our boobs together for greater cleavage, and then we had to touch each other’s cups.
This was followed by legs apart shots with skirts raised to reveal knickers. Of course, we had to remove the skirts. It’s showing no more than bikini shots, I thought, but I really knew that photographs in almost transparent knickers, pushed-up bras, stockings and suspender belts, were hardly the same!
Janet kept smiling at me and said she was feeling sexy. I guess I was, too. It seemed so naughty showing Alan my body in my underwear. And the disgusting poses began to excite me, even when he asked me to touch Janet’s bra cups and her bottom. Suddenly, he told Janet to tug the waist of my knickers and look down the front while he took photos from the side. At least he couldn’t see down there.
What was going on? We were squirming around in the studio, dressed only in underwear, pushing our breasts together, opening our legs, and bending to show knicker-clad bottoms. And those knickers were so flimsy the dark patch of my pubic hair could be seen. I suppose we were behaving like “loose” girls — but at least we weren’t naked or having sex and putting ourselves at risk of a pregnancy that would bring shame on us and ruin our lives.
Finally, Alan said he’d run out of film but he’d captured “dynamite” and, while we dressed, he went out and returned with even more cash for us than before.
“There’ll be more for you girls if you keep this up. I can get many buyers for your pictures. How about coming along again on Thursday? You’re both naturals and it’ll be good to strike while the iron is hot. We’ll do more underwear stuff, so get yourselves nice knickers – similar to those of today, especially Helen’s. Perhaps little black pairs but make sure they’re thin.”
I had a worry; not so much about him basically wanting transparent knickers, but… I stammered out: “Alan, my.. my period is due by then, I’m certain. I really don’t think I’ll want to be wearing a sanitary pad while we do this. I don’t think you’d like it either!”
“Blimey girl, sanitary pads? And those awful things you have to wear to keep them in place? Haven’t you heard of tampons? This is the sixties, you know. Get modern!”
“But you have to put them inside you. I couldn’t do that, it seems awful. No, it just doesn’t seem right.”
“Oh, Helen, you silly goose,” said Janet, and grinned broadly. “You’ve got to be joking. I’ve been using them for ages; they’re much better than those old-fashioned towels. Why don’t you use them?”
“Well, I don’t like to touch down there, let alone put something up me.”
“What?” said Alan. “You don’t ever touch yourself?” He shook his head. “You don’t bring yourself off — you know, wank… er… masturbate?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean pleasure yourself… rub your pussy and get it all nice and wet.” He turned to Janet. “Surely you know what I’m talking about?”
“Oh gosh, yes, Alan,” she said quickly then looked at me. “Helen, you and I need a chat. We’ll see you on Thursday, Alan and I’ll get Helen some tampons. Thanks for the money. Bye for now.”
With that, she hustled me out of the studio and back to the coffee bar where she talked about masturbating and how nice it is. I was amazed — told you I was naïve! — but it gradually dawned on me that there was more to sex than men getting their fun. Women could have fun, too.
That night in bed, I pulled up my nightie and took off my knickers and tentatively felt myself. With my thighs apart, I ran my fingers lightly through my pubic hair, then gently touched the outer lips of my vagina. They were dry and I didn’t want to make myself sore. Janet had told me I should wet my finger or use Vaseline; so I sucked a finger and the lips felt smooth. Soon, I eased a finger between them — and found that I was getting wet inside. And it was nice.
My face got hot as I continued to rub along the lips, dipping a finger in there. After a while, I realised nothing more was going to happen and I stopped and drifted off to sleep. Maybe, it isn’t as great as they make out?
Thursday came — but my period didn’t. Janet and I went to the studio wearing matching black nylon knickers that left hardly anything to the imagination. A cotton gusset offered crotch protection but they were essentially sheer at the front and back. On the bus into town, we didn’t go upstairs: I didn’t want anyone to get a sight of me!
This time, there was a different atmosphere in the studio. I probably imagined it, but there was a kind of tension in the air. Instead of tea, Alan offered wine that he’d chilled in the studio fridge.
The drink helped me relax and we went straight into posing in underwear. “Loving the new panties, girls,” Alan gushed as he directed us in the usual open-legged poses. Then came, “How about trying something a bit more teasing? Back views of you undoing your bras would be great. You won’t actually be showing your boobs, except maybe from the side. No nipples.”
I blushed. “But you would see our boobs, Alan,” I protested.
“Oh, my dear girl, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, many, many times. I’ve been photographing pin-ups for years. Honestly, I’m a professional photographer, for God’s sake.”
“Oh, okay… as long as the pictures are teasing, nothing more. Is that fine with you, Janet?” She nodded and smiled.
Alan was as good as his word, taking pictures from the side or back. He did persuade us to have a few with our hands covering our breasts. Inevitably, he saw us topless as we changed position, but he didn’t stare.
When we took a break and put our bras back on, Alan poured more wine.
“So, how did you get on with the tampon, Helen?” he asked.
I thought that was rather too personal but I said Janet had helped me get over my worries.
“So, you touched yourself too did you? Did you have a nice feel?”
Blooming cheek! I looked at him, trying to produce an angry face. “Oh, Helen, don’t be like that,” he laughed. “I only want you to explore things you’ll like.”
“Well, if you must know, yes I did have a feel. But I can’t say it was anything much.”
“What?” exclaimed Janet. “Didn’t you bring yourself off?”
“Well, I got a bit wet down there, if that’s what you mean.”
“Didn’t you come?”
Janet and Alan looked amazed.
“You really don’t know what to do, do you love?” asked Alan, and I began to cry. “Oh, I’m sorry, you dear girl. You really do need to learn. Janet, why don’t you show her what to do? I’d be happy to oblige but I don’t think she’s ready for that.”
“What? Really?” Janet asked. “You want me to demonstrate how to masturbate?”
“Why not? We’re all relaxed here, it’s warm, no one’s coming in. You’re both stripped down nicely. Seems ideal to me. I’m not going to tell anyone or do anything to you. Go ahead, help your friend.”
Janet was quiet for a few moments before walking to the couch and lying on her back. I found myself holding my breath as she slowly reached down and shoved her knickers down over her suspenders and stockings. I gasped when she opened her legs as for a photo shoot — but this time without any covering. With her pussy on view, Janet closed her eyes, licked her fingers, and began to tease her folds. With one hand she held herself open while a finger probed, making her wetter and wetter. Then she began to concentrate her actions above her inner lips on a little bud, something I had noticed but ignored.
Alan broke the silence. “She’s touching her clit,” he whispered to me, “her clitoris. That’s the most important part. Look how wet she’s getting. Listen to her breathing, it won’t be long now.”
I was fascinated. Janet’s legs opened wider as her breathing intensified. She was in another world. She even lifted her legs higher until we could see her bottom hole. It was a really rude position, but wonderful too. I was getting feelings I’d never experienced. And Janet was doing this in front of me and a man! I could hardly believe it.
Suddenly, she started shaking and bucking, and shouting, “I’m cumming… oh god, I’m cumming. Oh god, it’s so great!” Fluid oozed out of her as she plunged three fingers inside, in and out, up and down, for about half a minute.
“Now that, young Helen,” said Alan, “is a great wank. That is how to masturbate. I don’t think you did that at home, did you?”
“Gosh no. Wow, I never realised. I had no idea—”
“That was blooming intense,” gasped Janet. “Goodness, I’ve never had one like that before. It was showing my minnie off to you both! It was so naughty; so dirty.”
“Nothing dirty about it,” said Alan, grinning. “It’s natural and it’s wonderful. Well, Helen, are you going to try? You’re not shy are you?”
“Oh no, I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Not for my first time, not showing everything. No, I really couldn’t.”
“Oh, come on now, Helen,” said Janet, “I did it. And I survived, didn’t I? Go on!”
“I don’t know if I’ll do it right. I haven’t practiced like you have,” I said.
“I’ll do it for you, Helen,” offered Alan. “That way you’ll learn more. I’ll bring you off. Janet’s here to make sure you’re safe. Eh, Janet?”
“Yes, Helen, let him do it. Come on, off with your knickers, lie down here and let Alan help you cum.”
Janet advanced toward me as I stood still, stunned by the suggestion. She grasped the waist of my tiny knickers and pulled them down, showing Alan my cute hairy bush. I was powerless to stop her, the wine obviously helping to remove any resistance. She pushed me down on the couch and Alan knelt alongside me.
I felt ashamed and excited at the same time. Everything, or just about everything, was on show. Janet had made sure my legs were apart and my fanny, my minnie, my pussy, was open. My granny’s words came back to me: “Keep yer ‘and on yer ha’penny my girl! Don’t let nobody in there ’til yer married!” and I reached down to cover myself.
“Come on, Helen, don’t spoil it for yourself,” said Alan as Janet nodded. I felt his hand gently lift mine. “Now that’s a lovely sight. You’re definitely ready, certainly nice and wet. Now relax as I lightly touch your lovely lips. That’s right, relax and enjoy it. Let’s feel inside a bit. Hmm, even wetter. I’ll use my finger to gently spread some of your juices onto your lips… stay relaxed as I very, very lightly touch your little button. There, that was okay wasn’t it?”
It was definitely okay!
I was in that other world Janet had entered. I felt myself opening up even more as he caressed my clitoris, something I didn’t know existed until minutes ago. It hadn’t been covered in our sex education lessons!
I got even wetter as I heard Alan whisper to Janet. “This is something you may not know about. Watch closely and you’ll want to try this yourself next time… Helen, I’m lifting your legs up a little, okay?” I felt a hand under my bottom as he lifted me and with his other arm, he pushed my knee upwards while still rubbing my pussy. “Janet, lift her legs up a bit for me, please.”
I felt her take over and knew I was now fully splayed open and my anus was obviously on show, too. Totally exposed. “I’ll get some of Helen’s juices on this finger of my right hand while I keep up the action on her little clit with my left hand. Now, I won’t put it inside but very, very gently I’ll let this finger touch her anus. There. Lovely. It feels so smooth. Lots of nice nerve endings. Look how she’s drooling out of her pussy, look at all the juices.”
It was wonderful. Yes, very rude, but the finger teasing my anus and the simultaneous gentle action on my clitoris almost had me fainting. I was feeling hot, breathing heavily, and then… I felt it rushing up me, from the depths of my vagina. I thought I was peeing but it was just vast amounts of juice and then a shattering sensation, rocking and wrenching my body in ecstasy I had never before experienced. But knew I wanted more, again and again. Fabulous!
Alan had several fingers up me, three or four I think. In and out, heightening the pleasure. Janet was laughing and rubbing between her legs. “Oh god, Alan, “she gasped, “that I must try.”
I couldn’t speak, simply lay back exhausted. As Alan withdrew his fingers, Janet started rocking and jerking again, “Oh god, I’ve done myself again,” she shouted.
“You should’ve let me do you too, Janet,” he said, smiling. “Look, girls, I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. It’s probably ruined any chance any guy is going to have to give you a better time! But, at least you know what to aim for now. Perhaps you should find out how to give guys a good time and bring them off, too. I could show you.”
We didn’t respond, just stared at him. Janet probably felt the same as me, exhausted and satisfied. Certainly not ready to do anything else with Alan. Not yet.
This was all happening very fast for me. I was learning huge amounts about myself and my body and the world of sexual gratification. I was acutely aware of my nakedness now and hastily put on my knickers.
“Probably a bit too soon for that, eh?” said Alan. “Maybe when you’ve thought about it? This is a safe environment to learn some valuable sexual skills… keep it in mind. Now, how about some more photos, eh?”
“What, after that?”
“Why not, we’ve had a break, there’s film in the camera, you’re both nicely relaxed. We should get some good shots. Tell you what, just cuddle up with each other and I’ll start snapping.”
On the couch, Janet and I began hugging each other, both of us now in our underwear.
“That’s lovely, girls. Helen, on your back and Janet, kneel over her. Great, keep your bottom up, Janet. Lovely! Helen, open your legs, let’s see your nice pantie crotch. Super! Janet, put your hand on Helen’s gusset.”
But I was powerless to stop Janet rubbing me. Damn, it felt good. I was getting wet again.
“Excellent. Janet, crouch beside Helen as you rub her there. Open up a bit more, Helen. Great. Slip your hand inside Helen’s knickers. That’s it. Is that nice, Helen?”
I gulped. “Yes, it’s nice, but are you sure photos like this are okay?”
“Oh yes, nothing shows, it’s all left to the imagination. These will be very popular, more money for us all. Janet, pop your other hand into her bra, so you’re fondling a boob at the same time.”
My nipple hardened under her touch as Alan came closer. Then I felt Janet touch my clitoris and slip a finger inside. Only seconds later, I came again, thrashing around as Alan captured me in the throes of sexual bliss.
“Oh, well done, girls,” he said. “No faking that was there?”
“Oh gosh, Helen, sorry about that,” murmured Janet. “I got carried away Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. But it’s all a bit overwhelming, isn’t it?”
“It’s all good stuff you two,” said Alan. “Come on, swap places. Janet, on your hands and knees. Let’s see your nice bottom in your knickers. Fab. Helen, do the honours, rub her gusset.”
And so I found myself kneeling next to my best friend who was on all fours on a couch in almost transparent knickers while a man pointed a camera at her crotch, as I used the flat of my hand to gently rub her.
I could feel her lips and her opening. I could feel her bottom hole through the thin fabric and as I rubbed I felt her getting damp. Alan told me to look at the camera and I blushed when he snapped me. Then he wanted Janet to look back at him as I rubbed her.
“Slip your hand inside her knickers, Helen, That’s right, down the back, between her cheeks. Very nice,” enthused Alan. “These are great shots. Yes, rub down further; open a bit wider, Janet. Great. Helen, get to work on her pussy. Slowly, let me get some closer shots.”
I was wet, but Janet was dripping. She was sopping and my hand just slipped and slid over her pussy, a finger sliding inside occasionally. Janet slowly rocked back and forward and I couldn’t help a finger going up her anus. She gasped and Alan realised what had happened.
“Oh, did you get a finger up her small hole, Helen? Yes, I see I’m right. Fabulous, get a finger in again, and one in her pussy, too. No, tell you what, take your hand out of her knickers Helen and put it in from the side of her gusset. Now, get those fingers in her holes… wonderful, her gusset is covering her holes, but it’s obvious what’s going on. Amazing, this is gold dust!”
Alan snapped away furiously as I easily slid my fingers into her private places. Then Janet put a hand inside her knickers and teased her sensitive button. Seconds later, she came for the third time!
“Oh crikey, oh flippin’ ‘eck,” she screamed as she rocked and shook. “That’s me done. I can’t take any more. I’m totally exhausted, I can’t do anymore, Alan. You must have enough shots now, surely?”
“Oh fuck, yes,” he swore, and I thought that was rude. “It’s too much for me, too. You girls are stars, you really are. I’m sorry, but I just have to—”
To my surprise, he started unzipping his fly. While we watched, he got his penis out of his trousers. It was a sight I had never imagined: it was huge and red and pointing upward — nothing like the drawings we’d seen in our school lessons.
Alan, red in the face and panting, stroked furiously until with a cry of relief and a thrusting of his hips, he spurted white stuff. Sperm! There was loads of it splashing all over the couch. Goodness. My mouth opened wide and my hand went up to it.
“Crikey, sorry girls. Watching you two was such a turn-on. I thought I’d cum in my pants if I didn’t do that.” He took a deep breath. “Well, now you know how to bring a boy off. I’d have preferred it if one of you had helped… though I guess you did with your little performance.”
That said, Alan put his penis back in his trousers, zipped up, and wiped the couch with a few tissues. I looked at Janet and we both burst out laughing. Alan joined in.
Eventually, we calmed down and got ourselves dressed, though my knickers were soaking wet. Alan gave us even more money than we’d had before.
“I’ll be making a lot from these photos,” he said. “They won’t be in the usual mags; I expect my agent will sell these in Denmark or some specialist here in the UK. We could be onto something here girls, assuming you’re up for continuing. A nice little earner for us all. We can still do the bread-and-butter pin-up shoots, but if you’re up for the other stuff, we could be onto a winner. I have some ideas. Next week again?”
Janet tried to look nonchalant, but I could tell she was excited by the money as she counted it. “Yes, I suppose so. It was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Well, if Janet says so, it’s fine by me, too,” I said. “See you next week.”
Outside, we hugged each other and laughed. “Look at how much money we’ve got,” said Janet. “I’m going to get some more underwear, corsets and things. Wasn’t it fab? How did you feel about doing all that in front of him.? I wasn’t sure at first but it was fun, wasn’t it?”
“I suppose it was. I certainly learned a lot. I can’t believe I had all my privates on view to a man and let him stick his fingers up me. But it felt wonderful. I’m a bit worried, though. Are we loose girls? Did that count as having sex? I know we can’t get pregnant from it, but… well, you know, it was almost sex, wasn’t it?”
“I think it’s called ‘petting’ or ‘heavy petting’. It’s not really sex, cos he’d have to put his thing up you for that. But, can you imagine what that would be like? It was huge, wasn’t it? I wonder what it would feel like; would it fit? I wanted him to put it up me.”
“Yes, I did. It looked so great, and we’d got him like that. He must have really wanted to have us. And the sperm coming out, that would have shot right up inside us, wouldn’t it? What would that feel like?”
“It would feel like getting pregnant, Janet, that’s what it would feel like.”
“True, but he was thrusting so much, that would feel amazing. I guess he’d have to wear a condom.”
“You sound like you want him to have you. Do you really?”
“Oh. I don’t know. I felt like it at the time; I still like the idea.” Janet paused, licked her lips. “We could experience it without any commitment or having to go out with any of the stupid boys off the estate We could make sure he had a condom and he obviously knows what to do and how to give a girl pleasure. Many young guys just want to feel you up and get up you.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Think I’m still suffering from shock. Good shock, I suppose.” I grinned at Janet. “And all that money, and more to come. Let’s go shopping again tomorrow and I’ll join you buying some more undies. I’m thinking if this goes on, I’ll give up my useless job.”
That night. I had troubling dreams. I awoke touching myself. I was wet and I rubbed my clit and my bottom hole like Alan had done to me. I thought about his penis, how hard and strong it looked. Janet was right, what would it feel like thrusting up inside me?
Next day after work, Janet and I went shopping. I bought stockings and a suspender belt that had extra suspenders on it, long line too, so quite deep compared to my usual sort. I also got a bra, called a balconette, that lifted me wonderfully and hardly covered my nipples. It seemed really decadent.
Janet bought a corset with half-cups for her boobs and buttons at the crotch. We both got waist slips — another layer we could use for teasing — and shoes with heels so high we could hardly walk. But we looked good in them! We were really getting into this modelling lark. And thinking about sex all the time, too.
The guys at work seemed really boring and we cultivated a sort of aloofness as if we were out of their league. We thought we knew so much. It’s funny really because we had such a lot still to learn!
I had my period that weekend, so I tried a tampon. It was strange at first, but having had Alan’s fingers in me, there wasn’t a problem. After a while, I didn’t notice it.
At our next shoot, Alan greeted us with a big grin. “Girls, it’s great news. A publisher in Denmark really loved the pictures and has paid handsomely for them. So I’ve a little bonus for you already. But… er, well, the thing is, he’s prepared to pay a lot more, and I mean a lot, for more explicit pictures.”
“What do you mean, more explicit?” I asked.
“Nothing you haven’t already done… rubbing each other’s parts, fondling boobs and so on. Nothing I haven’t seen of you both. Just that this time it would be captured on film.”
“Pictures without knickers, without bras, with our legs open? Pictures like that you mean?”
“Yes, things like that. There’s a great market for it in Denmark and Sweden, and in Germany. They won’t be sold here in the local newsagents, so don’t worry. But it’s a big market and publishers really like girls like you two. Very popular over there. It’ll be a regular job, well paid for a few hours a week. You’ll be rolling in it.”
Alan knew we’d need to have a chat and he went off to fetch drinks. By the time he returned with glasses of wine, we’d made a decision. The temptation of the money was too much. Anyway, Alan had seen us naked and no one else was going to know locally, were they?
“Excellent girls,” he said, grinning, “a wise choice. Show me your new gear, drink up and get changed, and we’ll start shooting.”
That’s how the next stage in our education began. We’d embarked on a road toward a new destination as the cheesecake material gave way to stronger content.
Alan was appreciative of our new underwear and it was exploited to the full. We started with traditional teasing shots, stockings peeping, cleavages, and little scenarios where we posed together holding up our skirts or adjusting each other’s undies. Then it was legs-apart shots of our gussets, more and more ungainly poses as Alan zoomed close to our spread thighs, looking up at us as we straddled him, hands holding our breasts and inside our panties. After that, we pulled our panties so tight against our vaginas that hair was visible at the edges; and our boobs were so high that the areolae peeped over the edge of our bras.
Alan was keen on shots of us on all fours, our boobs swinging free after the bras were discarded. We had to cup each other and pinch the nipples to make them firm. I was wet between my legs without immediately realising it.
All the time, Alan snapped away…
Then, the moment came to discard our knickers, though we still wore suspenders or corsets, our heels and stockings. I was definitely nervous.
It wasn’t so bad when we were standing or lying down with our hairy mounds on display, but eventually we had to splay our legs and offer up everything to the camera. I was extremely aware of my lips opening and I knew the wetness would be obvious. I forced myself to look at Janet and saw she was in the same state of arousal. Alan, focused on Janet’s pussy and anus, was red-faced and sweating while he took his shots.
“Wonderful girls, now just reach down and pull the lips apart a little… lovely, yes, that’s great. Yes, let’s see inside. Helen, pull them open a bit more, great. Bring your legs more towards your chest; fabulous. Now spread your buttocks a little so your tight anus will open some more. Yes, great! Janet, do the same, please.”
“Why do they want to see pictures of our bottom holes, Alan?” I asked.
“Just a fantasy… they’ll be imagining sticking their cocks up there, not just in your pussies. Nice and tight in the smaller hole. Very popular, apparently.”
“That’s disgusting. Do people really do that?”
“You girls have so much to learn,” he laughed, “Yes, of course they do. And they have group sex in some magazines, two men and a girl or two girls and a man. One girl sits on the man’s face while the other one sits on his cock. Or one man will have his cock in a girl’s pussy while the other puts his in her bum.”
“What?” said Janet. “Really? How do they do that? Is it possible?”
“Oh, it’s definitely possible, I’ve seen pictures. One guy lying on his back, with the girl straddling him and his cock in her, then the other guy goes up her anus from behind. They look as if they’re having a great time, especially the girl. She usually has a big grin on her face at being fully filled up.”
“Bloody hell, I wonder what that feels like? I mean, two men up you at the same time. What am I saying? What must it be like to have a man up your bottom in the first place; it must hurt?”
All that was blurted out by Janet. I was just stunned.
“You do know that that’s how homosexuals have sex, don’t you? You just need lubrication. Apparently, the girl gets used to it quite easily if it’s done gently. And you don’t get pregnant.”
“Good grief,” said Janet.
“Well, you did ask,” said Alan. “Anyway, let’s get on with it. Where were we?”
“You wanted me to hold my bum-hole open, you dirty man,” I replied, by now keen to get it over with and have another private chat with Janet.
“Come on girls, let’s have you side by side, legs apart, knees to boobs. Pull those lips open. Now, Helen, ease Janet’s lips apart. Great. Pop a finger inside, that’s it. Work it in and out. Yes, now two fingers. Wow, she’s getting juicy.” Alan paused to wipe his brow. “Okay, Janet do the same to Helen, Yes, they’ll love this. Now, Helen, on all fours… hold her bum cheeks apart Janet, love. Nice. Blimey, she’s dripping. Smear some of that juice over her lips and bum-hole. Great, nice close-ups.”
I was shocked but under the gentle teasing of Janet’s fingers, and the naughtiness of the situation with my parts all open and on display for Alan’s camera, I produced copious amounts of lubrication. I could feel it dripping out. And, when her fingers lightly caressed my anus, I felt it open. Involuntarily, but it felt so good, and then her finger was inside me, as if I’d sucked her in. I heard a groan and wasn’t sure if it was me or Alan. Probably both of us!
“Oh yes, just like last time girls. Only Helen gets the benefit this time. That’s it Janet, a finger in each hole, please. I need to capture this. No panties in the way this time. Lovely. Oh, they’ll really love this.”
The indescribable pleasure of a digit in each hole had me thinking about Alan’s remarks about two men having one girl together. What would it be like to have two hard cocks in there instead of Janet’s fingers? And, as I thought about it, I felt an orgasm creeping up on me and I writhed and trembled as it took over.
Alan snapped away and I saw an enormous bulge in his trousers as he shot the pictures of me. I almost fainted as I watched Alan put down the camera and go to Janet. She’d taken her fingers out of me and was panting heavily.
“Janet, do you want to help me out?” Alan asked. “I have a packet of condoms in my pocket. Are you up for it? Want to feel what a cock’s like inside?”
“Oh god yes, Alan.” Janet lay back on the couch, legs spread. “Get that thing up me. I can’t wait any longer.”
Alan unzipped his trousers and rolled a condom over his engorged manhood. With it sticking upwards, he lay on Janet and thrust it right up her. She gasped loudly at the intrusion.
Watching my friend lose her virginity, I was fascinated and moved closer to the action. Janet was as wet as I’d been and Alan’s big cock slid in and out at a great rate as they both groaned with pleasure. His long strokes increased in speed and I saw Janet touch her clitoris as he went up her. I couldn’t help but reach out and touch her, too, inserting a finger in her anus as he filled her vagina.
I felt him through the membrane and the extra pressure must have helped them as they climaxed together. Alan filled the contraceptive as Janet thrashed about. Then, all became still and I withdrew my finger.
“Christ, that was wonderful,” grunted Alan. “I wish we’d got that on film. How was it for you, Janet? Did you like cock up you?”
“It was beyond what I hoped for, so big inside me. Thank you, Alan, it was marvellous, so hot. But I’m exhausted.”
“Maybe you could have a try next time, Helen? What d’you think? Did it look good to you?” asked Alan. “Want to join your friend in experiencing a man for the first time?”
“I need to think about that. It’s all a bit much at the moment, so many new things to think about. I need to take it all in: what we’re doing in front of the camera, showing everything. It’s overwhelming me, all the things you’re telling us, too. And the money. What do we get for today? How are things going to go in the future?”
“Well, I can safely say that you’ll be getting a lot of reward for what we shot today. I’m happy to give you a nice big advance. I’m also happy to see to you, Helen, as I did for Janet. I can take care of both of your sexual needs, no worries on that score. No need to mess about with inexperienced boys.”
Alan peeled the condom off his softer cock and continued, “We can milk the Danish market for years if you two keep delivering. Whatever you’re up for, I can sell it and share the rewards. Look, before next week, go up to Soho and get some different kit — peep-hole bras, open-crotch knickers, trashy stuff. I can tell you where to go. Then, next time, we can pile on the really sexy stuff.”
Janet and I had a lot to discuss after that day. In fact, it led to so much change and really marks the end of my story. Suffice to say, I lost my virginity to Alan in the next session as he began taking care of my sexual needs as well as Janet’s. The sensation of his huge penis reaming up inside me was unforgettable.
I don’t think any photos were taken that evening but we explored the possibilities available for two girls and a guy. I had the pleasure of being eaten out as I sat on Alan’s face while Janet impaled herself on his cock. In a very short time, I experienced so many sexual delights involving various positions and all available holes.
I learned I had a skilful tongue and fingers, using them to pleasure both Janet and Alan. We enjoyed a variety of toys and even used two double-headed dildos at the same time, front and back. Those sessions made for great photographs and, as you may guess. Janet and I never returned to our boring jobs.