“Holy crap, the cops are on our ass. We’ve gotta throw the shit out of the window. Oh fuck, I can’t go back to jail, that place is fucking nuts. The guards are always fucking with you.”
Jimmy pounded the steering wheel and stopped yelling for a second or two. “No, we can’t toss the shit… they’ll see us throwing it out. Can’t do that. I know —“ he glanced across at me, “hide it in your purse, Glenda.”
“Fuck, I’ve got to pull over.” Jimmy, looking in the rearview mirror at the flashing lights, was frantic. “Is all the shit hidden?”
The cops boxed us in, one car pulling in front and another at the back. We were just boys and girls out for some fun but you can leave it up to the cops to ruin a party. Damn, you’d have thought we had millions of dollars worth of drugs instead of a couple of bags of pot and a bit of cocaine. What’s the big deal?
The cops got out of their cars and it looked like the whole damn police force was out for this. What a bloody show. They told us to get out and asked for names, identity, driving licenses. The usual stuff.
“Hey,” Jimmy said to one cop, “what’s up, dude?”
“What you boys and girls up to tonight?”
‘Just having a good time, saying hi to some friends while on break. Why did you pull us over… sir?”
Huh-uh, that last bit sounded rather sarcastic.
“You.” The cop pointed at me. ”Go over to my car and sit on the ground. And don’t move.”
Before I could obey, he spun me around and slammed handcuffs on me. “Now go,” he said, giving me a nudge in the back.
Walking toward the car, I started sobbing. I’d never been in trouble with the law and my parents would kill me. I sat on the floor, worrying, for what seemed like ages. Eventually, I saw a cop coming toward me.
“So, you want to tell me what was going on here? And, please, do me a favor and don’t give me any bullshit. Remember the line, good cop, bad cop? Well, I’m the good cop. You help me and I help you. But you throw me a line of bull and you’re going down with the rest of them.”
I’d been throwing up all night — must have had some bad stuff — and I was still feeling sick. But the cop wouldn’t care about my health, he wasn’t in the mood.
“Like Jimmy said, we were just out seeing some friends. We weren’t doing anything wrong.”
“Then why are you crying?’
“I don’t want to get into trouble.”
“Why would you be in trouble if you haven’t done anything wrong?” He took a deep breath, shaking his head. “Look, I’m giving you a chance to come clean with me but it seems you don’t want to. Let me tell you a little secret, dogs are on their way out here now. They will sniff your car, and God help you if we find anything. So, I suggest you need to start talking — now.”
“We… we were just having some fun.” I sniffed. “We weren’t hurting anyone.”
The cop was quickly losing patience. “Stop with the bullshit and start telling the truth or you’re going back there with the rest of them.” He indicated with a thumb over his shoulder. “Then you can forget all about the nice cop.”
Right at that moment, the dog handlers arrived. Damn, they’ll find our stash. Fuck! It’s in my purse. Jimmy had tossed it to me and told me to stick it in my purse. And stupid me did as he ordered. Fuck, I’m going down for this.
The cop was still talking, telling me it was my last chance, as I watched dogs jumping in and out of the car. I got more scared by the minute. I knew they’d find it.
I began to cry again and the cop glared at me. “Are you ready to talk now?” He waited while I wiped the back of a hand across my eyes. “Look, how well do you know these people?“
“Jimmy is my boyfriend,” I muttered. “The other girl I met through him and the guy I really don’t know at all.”
“So, how well do you know your boyfriend?”
“I met him a month or so ago.”
“Right. Seems you don’t know him at all.” The cop stood tall and inhaled, expanding his broad chest. “Okay, let me tell you a little about your boyfriend; he has a record a mile long. And the girl… well, hers is just as bad. Matter of fact, your boyfriend is on probation and there’s a warrant out for him for not turning up at court. Shall I keep going, or are you ready to start talking?”
“I didn’t know all that about him,” I said, looking up at the cop. “As I told you, I just met him. But everyone smokes pot now. I mean, it’s not a big deal—”
“It is a big deal,” the cop interrupted, raising his voice. “It’s against the law.”
My tears started flowing uncontrollably.
“Crying isn’t gonna get you anywhere,” he said, loudly. “The only thing that will get you some help is the truth. Start talking.”
I was in a heap of trouble and I couldn’t listen to any more aggressive talk from the cops. “It’s in my purse,” I suddenly yelled. “Under the seat.” Maybe telling the truth would help. The cop had said it would.
“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere,” he said, almost smiling. “Why in your purse? Which seat?”
“I’m sure you know it’s under the back seat. The dogs were all over the car.”
“Hmm, they were. But they haven’t found anything.”
“What? What do you mean they didn’t find anything?”
He shrugged. “Perhaps it was buried too deep in your purse.”
All I could do was sob. I’d fucked myself. The fucking cop knew it all the time. That’s probably why he’d separated me from the other three. He’d already checked my name, learned I’d never been in trouble while the rest had records. I was scared shitless and he’d guessed I’d sing like a bird. Fuck, he was right.
The fucking officer walked over to the other cops, I guess to tell them what I’d confessed. Immediately, a cop went to the back of the car and found my purse and the big ball of crack. I just melted into tears. I was fucked and I’d done it to myself.
The cops stood me up, put me in the back of a car, and drove me to the police station. When they opened the car door, a cop said, “Now the fun begins.” I had no idea what he was talking about but I knew I’d soon find out.
They put me in a holding cell. I couldn’t stop crying but the cops didn’t show any sympathy: “You kids think you can do anything you want… smoke dope, steal, behave like you have no sense and yet think nothing will happen to you.”
One cop walked to my cell. ”What the fuck was you thinking? It’s not like you’re a kid. In fact, you’re older than all of them. Do you realize how much time you can get for this?”
I couldn’t speak, just cry. The cop walked away shaking his head.
Before much longer, they brought Cindy to my cell.
“You two, don’t talk about what just happened. The best thing you both can do is be quiet.”
Sitting on the thin cot mattress, wondering what would happen next, I heard my name being mentioned. A cop unlocked the cell and took me to another room where he asked questions.
I answered the best I could — then the real kick in the ass came. He showed me a statement from Jimmy saying all the drugs were mine. He had no idea I had them. The fucker.
I told the cop exactly what happened; how and when and where we got the drugs. If I was going down, so was everyone else. I wasn’t going alone.
After I finished telling my story, the cop surprisingly said, “Thank you.” He also told me that the place where Jimmy had bought the drugs had been busted.
The cop returned me to my cell and took Cindy. When he brought her back, we were told we’d be spending the night there and would be booked tomorrow. If you’re lucky, they said, or if any of your families care, you possibly could get bonded and released.
When the lights were dimmed and only one officer remained, Cindy whispered for me to watch the cop and went over to the toilet in the corner. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked and then watched her reach into her cunt. The bitch had shoved her heroin up there.
Digging them out, she kept telling me to watch the cop, but I pointed at the damn camera. ”Are you fucking crazy?” I groaned.
Then she put her hands to her mouth and swallowed the damn pills. Lying on the cot, I watched Cindy propped in the corner. The fucking bitch was soon tripping and I didn’t know if she’d overdosed. So I stayed awake until morning finally came.
It was early when they offered us food. But we didn’t want any: I guess Cindy was still tripping and I was plain damn scared, too worried about where we were going and what would happen to me. Food was the last thing on my mind.
Being handcuffed again and put in the back of a paddy wagon was no fun. Jimmy and I never spoke. How could that fucker blame it all on me? The truth would come out and, with any luck, I would go home without any charges, maybe just a misdemeanor.
At the jail, they took Cindy and me to one room and Jimmy and Ben to another. Told to strip, we were searched — and I mean thoroughly. Cindy had certainly been wise to remove the pills from her cunt. We were told to put on orange jumpsuits and I was so overwhelmed I started crying. The lady cop told me to shut up and our fingerprints were taken followed by photographs: look straight, turn left, now right, straight again.
Handed bedding, we were ushered to a cell, passing in front of other women yelling nasty comments. Cindy and I were separated and I’ll never forget the sound of the metal door slamming shut. On that hard cot, I cried and wondered why I’d got myself into such a mess. Was I looking at serious time?
After being awake throughout the previous night, I was exhausted and finally fell asleep. The next thing I remember was a guard yelling, “Wake up, time for breakfast.”
We were escorted to a canteen. Finding a seat, I began to eat but I heard my name being shouted. I had no idea what I was supposed to do but I stood and looked around. A guard waved me over, cuffed me, and took me off to another block of rooms.
I saw Cindy in the corridor but they put us in different rooms. They told me to have a seat. By they, I mean two cops: probably good cop, bad cop.They seem to love that game. Then came the familiar questions, the same as when I’d been arrested, and I repeated my answers.
Eventually, Bad Cop yelled at me, saying I needed to tell the truth, and he stormed out of the room, slamming the door. I was shaking and, after a few moments silence, Good Cop said I was in big trouble. Like I didn’t know that!
“Glenda, I know the crack wasn’t yours,” he said quietly, “but it was in your possession, in your purse. You did well by telling us where it was… but it’s still technically yours.”
Having never been in trouble before I was horrified and, right now, all I wanted to know was how I might put things right. According to the cops, I simply had to tell the truth — yet it seemed I was still going down. I was fucked.
I looked at the cop as he sat reading paperwork and, in the silence, I noticed for the first time that he looked handsome in his uniform. He definitely filled it nicely. Truthfully, I’ve always hankered after men in uniform but, with all the nonsense going on, I hadn’t taken much notice of these men in blue. I had no idea of Good Cop’s rank — he had several stripes on his sleeves — but he was well-built and the uniform looked that much crisper on him. I automatically licked my lips.
Damn, am I crazy? My ass is going to jail but I’m thinking about fucking this cop. No wonder I got myself into this shit.
He finally looked up again and talked to me like I was a normal human being and not some junky street bum. His eyes were a beautiful steel blue. I watched his full lips moving — they needed kissing. Oh my, where am I going? I had to keep snapping back into reality, trying to concentrate on what was going and not how I’d like to fuck this cop.
I heard him speak my name twice while I was in a trance staring at him. I then realized he was saying he could maybe get me out of this mess. That made me sit up and pay attention. Yet, the more he talked, the more I watched his lips moving, the more I listened to his deep voice, the more turned on I became.
He said something about giving evidence against Jimmy; was I willing to do that? At the same time, he put a hand on mine and a prickly sensation swept through my body. My fingers twitched under his touch and I wanted to kiss him right there, grab his lapels and pull him to me. Would that send me straight to jail?
But he didn’t stop there. He gently slid his hand up my arm and onto my shoulder. Was he attracted to me? Or was this a Good Cop trick? Whatever, I felt electricity sizzling through me and my pussy throbbed. My panties were soaked. No question about it, I wanted this man, I wanted to fuck this lawman.
The warmth of his strong hand left my shoulder and I stared as he stood from his seat. I looked up into his sparkling eyes and then lowered my gaze to his broad chest and down to the front of his pants. Oh yes, there it was — a tell-tale bulge. He wanted me.
Without speaking, he reached over and grasped the zip on my orange jumpsuit. I wasn’t wearing a bra — I never do — and as he unzipped to my waist, my generous breasts came tumbling into view. I stood but I really wanted to sink to my knees and release his cock.
When he fixed his gaze on my chest, I was already taking deep breaths, my weighty tits rising and falling dramatically. He spread both hands across my mega mounds then squeezed and tugged my nipples between thumbs and forefingers. He stared into my eyes while tightening his grip and I thought he might pull my nipples off. It was painful — but good, arousing pain.
I realized he’d given me the green light and I couldn’t wait any longer. I unzipped his pants and his cock sprang out, his huge head pointing straight at me. I dropped to my knees and he continued fondling my breasts. When I grasped his impressively large and thick cock, I felt the blood rushing along every one of his pronounced veins. His gorgeous meat was hot and throbbing.
I took him into my mouth and bobbed up and down his shaft while he squeezed my nipples harder. I moaned hot breath onto his shaft and his cock responded, growing rapidly to a mouth-watering size. He released my nipples and placed his hands on the back of my head, easing his erection deeper into my mouth.
He held me in that position and fucked my mouth until I was struggling to breathe and salty pre-cum dripped onto my tongue. Suddenly, he let go of my head and lifted me to my feet. Swiftly, he tugged my jumpsuit and soaked panties down to my ankles and bent me over the table. With my ass in the air, he thrust his fat cock into my eager pussy.
It was a thrilling, powerful, enormous intrusion and I yelped, scrambling to clutch the end of the table and hold on while he furiously pounded into me. He grabbed a fistful of hair, pulled my head up, and continued fucking with incredible urgency, slapping into my buttocks and grunting with his efforts. I was ready to erupt, my orgasm rising in my belly, but I heard him in my ear, “Not yet, hold on.”
He quickened his pace and his swinging heavy balls crashed against my engorged clit. That made it even harder for me to hold on. I was ready, desperate to let go, to let my orgasm wash through me. But he was still grunting in my ear, “Just a minute more, not yet…”
Then I heard him gasp, “Now” and my pussy was suddenly deprived of his immense, thrilling cock. Streams of thick cum sprayed my ass and spine and I felt his hot pulsating rod sliding between my ass cheeks. I was panting, on edge, but he abruptly stepped back and pulled up his pants, ordering me to dress.
I felt hot and wet down there and, as I pulled up my jumpsuit, I so wanted my Good Cop to finish me off, to provide me with the release that he’d asked me to delay. I was afire but when I turned to look at him, his expression had changed. Now he looked at me like I was that nasty street bum.
“Sit,” he barked and left the room.
A few minutes later, another cop came in and I was cuffed and taken into the hall. There stood Good Cop.
“What’s going on?” I hissed. “You said you’d get me out of this. I did what you wanted.”
“I’ve no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” he said, towering over me. “You admitted having the rock, enjoy your time in jail.”
“You fucking liar,” I screamed. “You lied to me.”
“No idea what you’re talking about, you crazy bitch.”
The cops laughed and, as he smirked and walked away, I was taken to a cell and the door clanged shut again. It’s a sound you never forget.