Jacob and Lynn #9-“Jacob’s Turn To Call The Shots.”

""More than Lynn Bargained For""

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My body needed some R&R after Lynn had driven me crazy that eventful afternoon. As I napped, my mind was planning on how to develop my fantasy. It would be a challenge to outdo Lynn.

I decided I didn’t want to video the session, but stills would be implemented with an exhibitionist/voyager theme. This was moving to the forefront of the fantasy.

To pull this caper off, we had to leave Payson. I figured Sedona would be the place. It was relatively close, with shopping, superb dining, and hiking. Lynn liked the place; the return would be the perfect place to run the fantasy. I would control Lynn’s wardrobe for the entire trip—at least, that’s what I thought.

I gave her a “Thank You” card and told her my fantasy choice. I devised a printed menu with everything from activities to wardrobe, plus anything she wanted to add. I would place the card and a brown manila envelope with all the details on her dresser. Now, I waited for her to discover it. It didn’t take long before Lynn snuck up on me in stealth mode and grabbed my manhood.

“What’s this?” Lynn asked.

“Well, since you have a vice grip on it, I know that it is my penis. The envelope and card in your other hand are exactly what it says, “My Turn” and the parameters of my fantasy. I can call the place and wardrobe and allow you your personal choices. You get unlimited shopping and dining choices; the rest is up for grabs, depending on the situation. I think we will go in ten days and give you time to arrange things at work.”

Lynn was shell-shocked. She didn’t see this coming and was caught entirely off guard. Her mouth was slightly open, and she was speechless. I rolled out a two-piece rolling/spinning luggage set as a special bonus. One piece was huge, and the other was smaller, but only by a little. Knowing Lynn as I do, one would be before clothes, and the other would be for part of her shoe collection. I would be taking a suit bag and a large leather gym bag. Also, a mystery gym bag would be accompanying us.

Our trip to Sedona began early Monday morning. It was uneventful until Lynn started “flashing” me while I was driving, and we started grabbing each other. In a split second, Lynn had gone from a quiet, calm passenger to a sexual maniac. She slid over to the locked car door, leaned against it, and teased me. Lynn was in her world and element.

In a deep raspy voice, “Oh, Jacob, I am touching myself and dreaming about you sucking on my nipples and rubbing my breasts. I can feel myself getting flushed, red, and warm all over my body. Right now, I would like to be feeling your manhood in my mouth and suck on it. I can feel you getting hard, pre-cum starting to ooze from your cock, and this drives me wild.”

As Lynn was speaking, my hands were touching her body. Lynn was totally “commando” and pulling and pinching her nipples. Her nipples were becoming rock hard, just like my cock. She spread her labia, dipped two fingers into the wetness, and licked them clean. Next, she reinserted them into her pussy and put them into my mouth. I licked and sucked them clean. The sweet taste of her juices was the perfect way to begin this debauchery.

Luckily for us, the road was sparsely traveled, and I didn’t drive us into a ditch or over some guard rail, killing us both and not getting the smiles off our faces. Lynn continued this assault the entire way to Sedona except for the scenic pull-off, where I got to catch composure.

Upon returning to driving, I looked at Lynn and said, “You’re pure wanton evil, and I enjoy every moment. I’ve got this feeling that there is plenty more on the horizon. This will be the fantasy outing of a lifetime.”

Lynn giggled, smiled, and winked at me. She bucked her hips, and the sun hit her shaved pussy. I had this raging “hard-on” and could do nothing about it except drive the SUV. Luckily, we arrived safely in Sedona and checked into our lodgings.

First on the agenda was what else was shopping and my position as a pack mule for Lynn’s purchases. Lynn hit every store, including arts and crafts, clothes, and shoes. In four hours, we covered about a third of Sedona’s shops. That didn’t count the art galleries and museums. Now, it was approaching four o’clock.

Lynn told me, “I’m getting tired, and it’s time to return to our room to freshen up and catch a nap.”

She was right as rain. I had hauled four packages to the SUV and was carrying two large shopping bags. I had given her an unlimited budget, and she almost exceeded it. We returned to our room, unloaded the packages, opened a bottle of wine, and relaxed. We took ten minutes to get some rest and plan dinner.

“Well, Lynn, where would you like to dine? Your choices are French, Italian, Japanese, Wine Bar, American, or Latin, which includes Mexican. It is your choice.”

“I think the Wine Bar for some appetizers and light fare.”

“Great, I’ll get cleaned up first. You tend to take a little longer, and absence makes the heart grow fonder, makes a person horny.”

I got ready and dressed in about twenty minutes. Lynn disappeared into the dressing room and washroom to get ready for dinner. The anticipation of what she was going to wear was tearing me apart. So, I flipped on the TV and got comfortable watching some old Big Bang reruns.

Approximately ninety minutes later, Lynn emerged from the dressing room. She wore a dark burgundy lady’s business suit with matching shoes, gray stockings, and a gold chain accented her breasts with two-inch gold hoop earrings. I was dressed like a “wise guy,” wearing a black sports coat, burgundy long-sleeve dress shirt, gray pants, and black dress shoes.

No jewelry for me; I buy it all for Lynn.

“Wow, I’ve never seen that outfit. You look fantastic in it, except you could show more cleavage.”

Lynn said, “It’s your fantasy; you asked for it.”

She slowly unbuttoned and exposed a portion of her breasts. As her tits came into view, the chain laid on top of her tanned voluptuous breasts. Lynn unbuttoned the jacket so the sides of her breasts came into view. She looked stunning.

“Is that what you had in mind?” Lynn asked coyly.

“More than you can ever imagine. It is the perfect picture of what is in my perverted mind.”

The ride to the Wine Bar was a repeat performance of the trip to Sedona. Lynn rubbed, pinched, and sucked on her nipples. Then, she took out a vibrator and warmed up her pussy.

Upon arriving, Lynn composed herself, looking hotter than ever. When Lynn entered the Wine Bar, all eyes seemed to be on the two of us. Most of the patrons seemed to be like us. People were out for an evening and enjoying life. There was one significant difference, Lynn. She has an aura that people follow her every move, especially men.

We got a table on the left side of the room. Lynn and I scanned the menu. We ordered a sampler wine flight and a charcuterie board. While the waiter was retrieving our order, I excused myself and headed to the restroom. Lynn’s entertainment in the car forced me to take a pee. Walking to the washroom, I noticed one guy captivated by Lynn. I decided this would be a more extended trip to the can.

I wanted to see what Lynn would do. She sat there waiting for our order, and the guy made his move.

“Why don’t you leave your date and sneak out of here with me?”

Lynn looked at him and said, “That is my husband. See this ring. He carries a loaded gun. He will make one phone call, and you will be a snack for the coyotes. He is standing directly behind you.”

The guy turned around, and I gave him my best gangster look. He turned tail and retreated to the other side of the room.

I looked at Lynn and said, “I didn’t know you were a great poker player; that was an HOF bluff. If I played against you, I’d lose my shirt and pants.”

“Don’t worry, you will later.”

As I returned to my seat, I shook my head and realized how lucky I was to have Lynn. Just looking at her stirred my loins. Glazing at Lynn, I remembered that she was “commando,” but how were tits so upfront.

“I thought we were both going “commando” this evening.”

“Well, I am for sorts. I have on a cup-less black bustier with a built-in shelf bra to drive you crazy.”

Lynn was correct in her assessment of the situation. She was enjoying herself and having a great time.

Now, I decided to up the ante. My hand snaked its way between her thighs and touched her womanhood. She looked startled, smiled at me, and pushed my hand tighter against her pussy.

Suddenly, our food arrived, and the waiter got a glimpse of what was going on. An exquisite bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon would accompany this evening’s meal. We talked, fooled around, and explored our relationship.

The Wine Bar was becoming crowded and louder. The crowd was also becoming frisky, and we were becoming voyeurs.

We watched her defeated pick-up artist applying his moves on a redhead. He was not giving up without a fight. I pointed out to Lynn, a couple over my left shoulder, where the lady was massaging her date’s cock. His rebuttal was to feel up her tits nonchalantly. The place was heating up, and I had the hottest woman in the room.

Dinner and the bottle of wine arrived. We enjoyed the food and began draining the bottle of wine. As we were drinking the wine, our new hobby of being voyeurs returned. The room’s temperature was rising, and so was Lynn’s and mine. Lynn was enjoying my attention to her womanhood. I rubbed her pussy to feel the smoothness and softness of a freshly shaved cunt. My fingers found their way to her clit. I began rubbing and gentling pinching while looking for the “man in the boat.” Slowly. My fingers were opening her pussy lips for further exploration of her body.

I looked at Lynn, who was experiencing fireworks going off in her body. Her hands were clenched, her face was flushed, and beads of sweat were on her forehead. Lynn’s breathing was labored, but she was enjoying herself.

“Lynn, would you like me to stop or slow down?”

She replied in a low, soft, guttural voice, “Fuck No. I want to cum, and I am almost there. I don’t want to scream.”

Her face contorted, her breathing became erratic, and her body was experiencing tremors. She was going out of her mind and not letting anyone else in The Wine Bar know what she was going through. As her climax erupted, she exhaled loudly, and she looked beat. My hand was drenched from her cumming, and I slowly removed it from her womanhood.

Lynn looked at me and whispered. “That was exhilarating. The only other sexual acts to beat it would be; me giving you a blow job or fucking like crazed animals would have been better.”

I smirked at Lynn, brought my hand to the table, and slipped my finger into my mouth. I made sure to suck all Lynn’s juices off my fingers. Lynn was right because my cock had a “raging hard-on and was at full attention. I was uncomfortable but thrilled.

Lynn said softly, “Let’s go back to the room. As we exit, I’ll put on a show for the patrons.”

I paid the bill and tipped our server. As Lynn got out of her chair, she gave the place the “Beaver Shot of a Lifetime.” Her pussy sparkled as she had just climaxed. She spun around in her chair, spread her legs, stood up, and adjusted her skirt. She laughed, grabbed my arm, and whispered into my ear, ” You’re perversions are rubbing off on me. I am also becoming “Incurable.”

I looked at her and glanced down at the chair where she was sitting. It was wet and had a faint outline of her sweet ass.

I looked at Lynn and said, “Would you like me to sniff it?”

Lynn shook her head as we exited the restaurant, and I laughed on the way to the SUV. She said, “Forget it; you can have the real thing.”

The trip back to our room was an adventure. I had an erection, and Lynn was going to be damn sure I didn’t lose it. She slid across her seat, navigated the console, and began sucking my cock. The feeling was causing me to lose focus on my driving. I almost blew my load and wrecked the SUV.

“OK, Lynn, I can see the evening news headlines intro, Couple dies in a fatal crash. He can’t get the “smile” off his face, and the woman can’t get cock in her mouth; film at 11:00p.m.”

Lynn replied, “That’s about right. At least the news would be interesting. I hope the photographer gets my good side.”

We arrived safely back at our room and proceeded to act like sex-starved animals. Our hands were all over one another and making out. It was high school and college revisited. I was feeling up Lynn’s voluptuous tits while she was beginning a sensual hand job. The passion proceeded when Lynn squatted down and began to suck my cock. All I could do was groan and enjoy the feeling going through my body. I pulled her up by her arms and started to finger-fuck her soaking wet pussy.

We began stripping off our clothes on our way to the bed. Lynn was down to her bustier, stockings, and heels, and I was in my boxer briefs. She was right about one thing: the bustier, stockings, and shoes were a game-changer. I gently helped Lynn onto the bed, and she lay prone.

I looked at her and said, “Now, it is my turn.”

I told Lynn to “spread eagle on the bed and wrapped her up with the straps she had made. She could move her hands and knees. Next was her blindfold, except I had made her black leather one. Now, she was in the same position she had put me in for her fantasy. Like me, she was motionless as I prepared for my sexual fantasy. She started to have some anxiety. Instead of a feather to cure it, I used my tongue.

In stealth mode, my tongue flicked her rock-hard nipples. Lynn was startled and moaned as she felt her passion move through her body. Her nipples were erect and pointed straight at the ceiling. I began to massage her breasts and started taking pictures of her with my small digital camera. Lynn was enjoying every moment and waiting for her next arousal point. She cocked her head to the side, and my manhood brushed her lips. She had enough slack on her straps to grasp and squeeze her breasts. The pre-cum that had wet her lips fired her passion from my rock-hard cock. She was entranced with playing with her tits and nipples.

Her lips were parted, and I raked my cock across them. In her state of arousal, she parted her lips, tasted my pre-cum, and cracked a sheepish smile. Lynn knew what was about to happen. She opened her mouth and started to devour my member. Gently. I fucked her mouth, and her lips began to suck on my penis.

I was snapping pictures during all of our action and some great close-ups. My hand reached down to Lynn’s cunt, spread her lips, and found her clit. It was engorged to a massive size as I flicked and massaged it. She was entering a rapture by devouring my manhood. She got a surprise. Instead of my fingers entering her, I clicked on a silver, six-inch, ribbed vibrator and slid it into her love canal. Lynn let out a moan of passion that was awe-inspiring.

Lynn’s eyes widened into the size of saucers. She was making a loud gurgling sound with my cock shoved into her mouth. All I could make out was, “Fuck” as she arched her back and her sass rose off the bed. She was shaking and having the “O” moment. Lynn gasped for a breath and then a long exhale. I gave the vibrator a boost of speed and intensity, and she came again.

“Lynn, I never tied you up; I just loosely wrapped them around your wrists and ankles. Being tied up was all in your head. You could have gotten up anytime, but your mind had a different picture of what was happening. May I help you up and off the bed?”

Lynn removed her blindfold and said, “That would be nice.”

“I am always polite and a gentleman.”

Lynn looked at me and mumbled, “Incurable,” as she went to the restroom to get cleaned up. I checked the camera, and I had snapped eighty stills of Lynn. She returned to the bed.

“Well, that is over now; that session wore me out.”

I replied, “You are not done; this fantasy is for the duration of the trip. You are still on the clock.”

Lynn groaned, “Next time. I have to read the fine print.”

Lynn and I climbed into bed because we’re hiking tomorrow and need a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow would be an exciting day.

Published 10 months ago

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