Jack In The Box

""Jack," a well-endowed high school student finds lust in the arms of his female Coach."

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The Bus Ride

Jack’s final high school year’s season-ending inter-state track event presented him with an opportunity to fuck a woman, not a teen girl, but a married woman. Jack never planned for it to happen, but it changed his life.

Jack specialized in long-distance. He liked the personal challenge to push himself to be faster than anyone else. Running allowed him, for a brief time, to forget about the problems at home.

The school track team had two coaches, Mr. Bruce Buchanan and Mrs. Kit Moore, for the girls. Because of Jack’s outstanding athletic abilities, both coaches took an extra interest in him. Jack’s success on the track earned him a scholarship from the local college due to both coaches’ backing.

He was grateful for the scholarship, but Jack had loftier goals; he wanted to go to one of the big-name schools. Far away from the daily turmoil between his mom and dad. If he won or placed second this weekend, maybe one of the big-name colleges would notice him.

The noisy students piled onto the executive rented tour bus, excited to travel to a different city six hours away from their parents. The coaches sat in the front, and the rowdy teenagers had the rest of the bus to themselves. Being the alpha male in the senior class, Jack sat at the far rear with his buddy Logan.

The bathroom was adjacent to Jack and Logan’s seat. As the girls came to the rear to use the washroom, more than one of them hinted that she would be available tonight at the hotel. Jack had fucked dozens of the girls from his school, and at least seven of them were on the bus. Each time a girl made a pass at Jack, Logan would punch him in the shoulder in envy. Jack’s instinct in paying attention to a girl’s body language or the words she used made each girl feel special.

When Coach Moore came down the aisle, all the guys suddenly went quiet, drooling over her. The tight school t-shirt emphasized her large breasts, and even with a bra on her swollen nipples put on a show, her black yoga pants outlined her camel toe. For a woman in her mid-thirties, she still rocked it. Taking her time, she talked to both the girls and boys as she made her way to the bathroom.

Jack eyeballed their coach’s not-so-subtle efforts. Every guy on the bus got a hard cock at the thought of fucking her. Reaching the back of the bus, she smiled at him before going into the tiny bathroom.

Kit’s heart raced, thinking about her absurd plan. All year, she had listened to reports about the size of Jack’s cock and how rough he was in bed. If things went as she hoped, she would find out first hand this weekend if all the bragging was real. It seemed like only a few seconds passed before she opened the bathroom door and stood beside Jack’s back row. One glance around showed her most of the kids had gone back to their conversations.

“Hi Jack,” Coach Moore whispered, praying none of the other students were paying attention. “Can we talk?”

Jack sat on the window side, and he nudged his friend Logan who quickly stood. “Sure.”

As Logan slipped by Coach Moore, he accidentally brushed his arm against one of her ample breasts. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he moved to a forward seat sporting an embarrassed flushed face.

Coach Moore was as embarrassed as Logan, but for a completely different reason; she was attempting to seduce Jack. Sitting down beside Jack, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. With her arm in the air, her breasts drew Jack’s attention. “Whew, it sure is warm back here. When I go back to the front, I’ll tell the driver to turn the air conditioning up.”

“Thanks,” Jack took a lengthy bold examination at her breasts. “Judging by the size of your nipples, it seems like you are a little hot too.”

Kit was taken back with Jack’s directness. She never could control her damn nipples, and they were making a grand appearance. Nervously she peeked around to see if anyone was watching. It was now, or never she thought, as she stared at the massive bulge in his shorts. Kit thought it would be easy to seduce Jack, but he was one step ahead of her.

“I, I wanted to offer you an extra incentive to do well at the track meet,” she stammered. “You’re a great runner! With unbelievable stamina!” KitĀ peered around again to make sure none of the kids were listening to the conversation. She sunk a bit in her seat and leaned towards Jack. “I’ve heard the girls talking, and I know you can rise to a challenge when the opportunity presents itself. I’m offering you some private time this weekend; just the two of us.”

Kit paused, still not believing she worked up the courage to make the first move. She waited anxiously, hoping Jack understood her double meaning. Her heart raced as the handsome young man stared at her with those gorgeous brown eyes.

Jack wasn’t stupid. Coach Moore demurely lowered her head, unable to maintain eye contact with him. Jack ‘read’ women, and with that simple gesture, he realized how to respond. “Can I whisper something in your ear?”

As soon as Coach Moore nodded and leaned towards him, he clasped her nipple between his fingers, pulling her closer, making her gasp at the unexpected move. “If you want me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask,” he teased in her ear. “Nod your head if you want that.”

Kit turned into soft putty as Jack squeezed her nipple even harder. The girls in her gym class were right; Jack was an aggressive lover.

“I don’t think you understand; nod your head if you want my cock in your married cunt!”

“Yes!” she begged as her head bobbed up and down. “I want that! Oh, god! I said it out loud!”

“When you check in to the hotel today, ask for an extra room key and give it to me.”

“I will!”

Jack held on to her nipple and stared into her moist eyes. “I’m going to fuck you tonight, probably all night.”

Kit’s panties were soaked; she was helpless to resist him, “Okay,” she meekly acknowledged.

“In all your holes!” Jack sneered as he squeezed harder.

“Oh fuck!” Her eyes shot back to the lump in his shorts. She wasn’t a virgin there, but she never let her wimpy husband fuck her ass. “Yes, you can use all my holes!”

Jack took control. He pulled his shorts down and with a quick look around, exposed the top of his cock. He had the biggest cock in school; everyone knew that. Girls at school bragged about him; envious guys blatantly stared at him in the showers. Coach Moore had her first glance.

“You want to touch me, don’t you?”

Kit gawked at the massive head of Jack’s cock and licked her lips; he was huge.

“Do it, quickly, before anyone notices us.”

Kit opened her eyes wider in disbelief at the turn of events. She was supposed to seduce him. When his full lips whispered ‘do it,’ she couldn’t help herself, she turned into a bimbo and willingly lowered her hand. She pulled his foreskin down; his cock was soft and warm. The delicious pain in her nipple continued to make her pussy leak. When his cock throbbed in her fingers, her adult reasoning dissolved. She sighed with disappointment when Jack ordered her to stop. Kit gave his magnificent cock one last squeeze then sat back up.

Jack enjoyed the astonishment on his coach’s face; he turned her game upside down. “Good girl,” he taunted as he gave her long nipple another twist, “I’m going to enjoy fucking you. Coach Buchanan is looking at us. I wonder if he knows what you just did?”

Kit went into panic mode. How could she be so stupid? She tried to rise, but Jack’s grip on her nipple prevented it. He leaned in closer. “You forgot to say thank you,” he mocked.

At that moment, staring into his eyes, Kit hoped Jack was the man she dreamed of finding. She needed a man who took control and did nasty things to her. “Thank you,” she whimpered as she struggled to compose herself. Her nipple was aching, and her panties were soaked. When Jack released her nipple, she jumped from the seat, and with her arms crossed over her breasts, hurried down the aisle, trying to hide her hard nipples.

Jack smiled as he watched Coach Moore return to her seat and cover herself with a sweater even though the heat was almost unbearable. All year she kept a close eye on him, but Jack never suspected she wanted to fuck him. The thing that surprised him most was her submissive side, the opposite of her everyday persona. He saw one of the sophomore girls watching him, and Jack curled his finger at her. Sylvia hustled over to sit beside him.

“What was that about?” asked Sylvia with curiosity, then gasped when she viewed Jack’s cock standing proud.

“Coach Moore thinks I have a lot to offer and wanted to let me know she could make it worth my while to do well in the race tomorrow.”

Sylvia eyeballed Jack’s free cock. “Coach Moore saw THAT!” she exclaimed.

“I could use a quick blowjob,” Jack chuckled as he stroked his cock. “Are you interested, or should I ask one of the other girls.”

Sylvia was a sixteen-year-old sophomore and hopelessly in love with him. Jack used that to his advantage whenever the urge hit. Sylvia always kept her long blonde hair in a pony-tail, and even though her breasts were on the smaller size, her cunt was tight. Plus, she loved to give him blowjobs; the only thing she wouldn’t do is let him fuck her ass.

“What if someone sees me?”

Jack ignored her question. “Oh, and when I come, don’t swallow. I want you to show me how much is in your mouth.” Jack pulled his shorts down further to give her access to his very erect, long, thick cock. There was no doubt in his mind Sylvia would do what he wanted.

“Okay,” she breathed with a dreamy smile on her face.

Jack signaled for Logan to come over. “Keep guard, and feel free to watch if you want to.” Logan had a thing for Sylvia; maybe he would match them when he was tired of her.

Kit couldn’t help stealing glances at Jack. Sylvia took her place beside him, and Kit let out an audible gasp of surprise when Jack pushed Sylvia down. He made a gesture to her with his fingers in a circle and his tongue pushing his cheek out. It was the universal signal for a blowjob.

Kit quickly covered her mouth as Jack continued to stare at her; she wanted to look away but couldn’t. It seemed like she was on a string, and Jack controlled it. When he beckoned her with his finger, Kit was helpless to resist. She rose and started towards him, stopping when he held up his hand.

Kit couldn’t control her emotions. She pretended to be interested in what several of her girls were discussing, stealing glances at Jack, knowing Sylvia was sucking his cock. Her mind was going crazy with lust as he smirked at her. Kit wished it was her and not Sylvia giving Jack pleasure.

Logan kept nervously glancing at Coach Moore as she got closer and closer, hoping they didn’t get busted.

Kit couldn’t stop licking her lips, it was reckless and possibly career-ending, but she had to get closer to Jack. Like a zombie, she shuffled down the aisle, pushing Logan aside until she stood beside Sylvia as her head bobbed on Jack’s long hard cock. The young teenage girl was giving Jack a very intense blowjob.

“Hi, Coach, you started something that I needed Sylvia to finish. Stick around for a minute,” Jack laughed.

Logan couldn’t believe it. Coach Moore kept watching as her tongue traced back and forth between her lips. She grabbed onto his shoulder and dug her fingers into him, making him grimace. Her nipples popped off her chest and rubbed against his arm. Fuck! Their coach was getting turned on!

Jack’s body went rigid as his eyes bore into Coach Moore’s, and he shot a load into Sylvia’s pretty young mouth. When he finished, Jack pulled Sylvia up by her pony-tail and turned her towards Coach and Logan. “Show her,” Jack ordered.

With a look of panic on her face, Sylvia tilted her head back and opened her mouth. Jack gave her a full mouthful. When Jack said to swallow she had to gulpĀ several times to get it all down. Sylvia couldn’t believe her coach stood there silently with a gaping mouth.

“You can go now,” Jack motioned to the teacher. “The show’s over. Don’t forget to give me an extra key to your room.”

Kit’s face turned bright red. She turned and almost ran to her front seat. Jack’s laughter rang in her ears as she curled into a ball on the bus seat. The embarrassment was huge but worse; now Sylvia and Logan knew about her desires for Jack. She couldn’t stop herself; Jack magnetically controlled her head, and she turned to face him. He had waited for her to stare at him and then roughly pushed Sylvia’s head back down in his lap. Jack was making Sylvia lick his giant cock clean. She blushed as Jack smiled and blew her a kiss.

Kit could hear someone calling her name; it sounded like she was in a tunnel. She couldn’t break her gaze with Jack. When Coach Buchanan shook her shoulder, she came out of her trance.

“Are you okay?” Bruce asked, trying to determine which one of the kids drew Kit’s focus. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no!” Kit squealed out. “Sorry, I was daydreaming. Everything is fine.” Kit spoke the words, but it was a lie. When she bravely turned back to Jack, he ignored her, Logan sat beside him, and Sylvia had returned to her seat.

“Okay. We’re only about a half-hour from the hotel. Darn, kids can sure be noisy. When we get to the hotel, I will make sure the boys are on a different floor; we don’t want any hanky-panky going on!” he laughed. Bruce couldn’t help looking at Kit’s big tits and hard nipples; her heavy breathing made them explode off her chest. In his mind, he pictured his cock sliding between them.

“Good idea!” Kit sighed, crossing her arms over her chest to hide her arousal from Bruce’s blatant stare. “You’re right; teenagers and hormones are a dangerous mix!” Little did Bruce know she was talking about her desires for Jack.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story; if it tickled your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments.


Published 4 years ago

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