Friday afternoon has always been a gift to me. The work week would be over soon and I could look forward to a weekend with my wife Pam, the kids and friends. I was really looking forward to tonight, because my best buddy, Jack was coming over for dinner. The plan was to hang out with Pam and me for the evening. It’s what we’ve been doing for more than fifteen years. We would probably have a few beers, watch a movie and then Jack would fuck my Pam.
That would be the elephant in the room all evening because that last part is new. Pam and Jack had been having an affair for approx two months, but tonight would be the very first time that I would be under the same roof when they did the deed.
An affair might not be the right word for their relationship. After all, I knew about them going all the way right from the start. In fact, to some extent, I had helped and encouraged them to take the next steps. We hide nothing between the three of us. We all know what’s been going on, although most of the time we don’t outright acknowledge anything.
Pam and I have of course talked about it in-depth. She would never have taken it to the next level without making sure I was all right with everything. For years, Jack and Pam have hugged, kissed and even cuddled on the couch while watching movies or whatever. They like each other and all of that kind of behaviour was pretty normal around the three of us.
Jack is my best friend and for that matter, he’s been very close to Pam over the years. I knew they really liked each other and I watched their relationship grow over that time to more than just a husband’s buddy and a wife. They became close friends with each other in their own right. Obviously, their friendship has deepened into something else entirely in the last three months.
It’s not as if they’re meeting every afternoon and going to a seedy motel to boff their brains out. In fact, over the last two months, they’ve only done the deed twice. Those first two meetings deserve their own stories, which I’ll eventually document for my readers at some future time. I’m telling this story first because it had the biggest impact on me personally. I hope you’ll understand why after you’ve read the details.
In real life, there are a million mundane logistics revolving around life, work, kids and partners. All of which limited opportunities for lovers to meet. There are also very important planning items, like birth control that need to be resolved before entering into a physical relationship. The first time for Pam and Jack was spontaneous, which lead to a couple of weeks of us being nervous until Pam had her period. Pam has never liked condoms and Jack is an old and dear friend, so it’s not about STDs. I, however, have had a vasectomy and Jack has not, so pregnancy is a very real concern. Although the second time for Pam and Jack was also without protection, Pam was adamant that future trysts would require some sort of birth control other than pure chance. So, time went by without much opportunity for them to explore their newfound intimacy until tonight.
The mundane details that needed doing were now complete. Pam had seen the doctor and asked for a diaphragm. Although the Doc’s eyebrows rose slightly (he is our family doctor and knows I have had a vasectomy), he gave her an exam and fitted her for the right size. He wrote out a prescription, which Pam had filled at a nearby women’s clinic. Apparently, there is a mandatory one-hour course on how to use the diaphragm, which included how to use the spermicide that is required with the diaphragm and how to insert it correctly.
Diaphragms are basically a circular rubber cup with a rubber covered outer spring ring around the edge. You hold the outer ring between your thumb and middle finger and squeeze the ring until the sides almost meet. The diaphragm now looks like an elongated rubber trough. One end is inserted into the vagina and pushed down towards the tailbone. The other end is then pushed up behind the pubic bone. The inside of the cup is, of course, filled with spermicide and additional spermicide is then injected into the vagina below the diaphragm. If inserted correctly, the diaphragm covers the entire opening to the uterus.
Pam brought it home a few days ago. We both went over the course material and practised together to make sure she knew how to insert it correctly. Once in, it has to be left in place for a minimum of six hours after having sex. If you have more than one round of intercourse, spermicide jelly has to be added to the vagina before the next round of intercourse. The best positions to insert a diaphragm is to lie down, squat, or stand with one leg propped up. Pam and I found that having her lying down was the best position for her, especially if I helped to insert it. I must say for reasons we don’t fully understand, we both found the process highly erotic.
You might think it’s weird to find that inserting a diaphragm could be suggestively kinky or exciting. On the other hand, when you really think about it, you’ll agree that it certainly could be stimulating in certain circumstances. I know it certainly did for me. I mean, Pam and I didn’t have any requirement for birth control, yet here we were consciously inserting what has to be one of the most deliberate methods of birth control used by couples. It brings the knowledge of what Pam was going to use it for front and centre to both our minds. There is no ignoring the fact that your wife is about to have sex with another man when you’re inserting her diaphragm for her, especially when it’s not required for making love between the two of you. I asked Pam and she agreed that unless I wasn’t able to be with her, it was going to be something that I could help her with.
I should describe Pam and Jack a bit. Pam is in her mid-thirties, blonde with blue eyes, 38C and a curvy 5 ft tall. She is a very classy woman. She always dresses to impress. Even her casual clothes are meticulously chosen so that she can present her best front to the world. She is smart, articulate and does not use foul language – ever! We’ve been married over fifteen years. She is the love of my life in every way and my very best friend. If it’s possible, I love her more with the passing of every day. On most days, she won’t use make-up. However, her hair and nails are always done. When she does do make-up, it’s subtle and enhances her natural beauty.
Jack is tall. Very tall, especially next to Pam. He 6 ft 3inches, He takes very good care of himself. He weight-lifts and has a good physique, because of his exercise regime. He’s not a nut about it, but his muscles certainly have a definition due to his conscientious regular workouts. His abs are washboard hard.
I’m 5 ft 10 inches, have a desk job and I’m not much on exercise, so my “definition” is certainly different from Jack’s. I’m not fat, but I’m certainly not even close to being “The Rock”. Jack and I are like apples and oranges. Thankfully, Pam says a person can like both, possible because they are different from each other. …Oh, not that Pam says it makes any difference, but my man parts measures just over five inches and Jack’s is approx 8.5 inches. That’s real length, not internet inches. Yes, I know. He’s in the five-percentile point for penis length. If size mattered to Pam, I’d be really ticked at my luck. Luckily, for me, she says it doesn’t matter.
I arrived home just after 4 PM. Pam greeted me with her customary kiss and hug. She was busy preparing dinner and dealing with all the regular household chores that go on every day. I cleaned up, changed my clothes to something more comfortable and headed back to the kitchen to talk to with Pam.
“Hi, honey. How’s dinner coming?”
Pam said, “Almost ready. I think Jack should be here any time now. We’ll start as soon as he arrives.”
I asked, “Is this the big night?”
Pam’s eyes darted to my face. She blushed slightly, smiled and said, “I’m thinking about it. We’ll see.”
I didn’t push her. I knew it was difficult for her. There were a million things going through her mind and mine as well. We had discussed the major ones during the last few months. We pretty much covered the whole schism that could be expected between spouses where one was no longer exclusive in the relationship.
She was worried that in some way I might think she loved me less and I was certainly worried about exactly the same thing. She also was worried that I hated her or couldn’t love her anymore because she had broken our marriage vows. Pam was to some extent wanting to just put the whole thing behind us as a brief dalliance that was a mistake on her part and tell Jack it was over. She expressed to me that she was so completely confused that she could have such strong feelings for another man when she was still deeply in love with me. She also told me that she found the physical aspects with Jack incredibly irresistible and although she cared deeply for Jack, she didn’t love him in the same way as she loved me.
However, I felt that to end things outright would leave whatever was happening between Pam and Jack unfinished and certainly result in unresolved questions for Pam and me in the future. Neither of us wanted to lose Jack as a friend. That resulted in further discussions on options that we explored together.
We talked about love versus sex and what if her feelings did deepen more for Jack than me? We talked about the physical differences and I had to know if the sex was better because of that. We talked about jealousy on my part and for that matter, on Jack’s part. It certainly occurred to me that once Jack was making love with Pam, he might feel jealousy towards me, knowing that Pam and I were also being intimate.
Pam was worried about what I would be feeling when she and Jack were together without me in the same room. In other words, when I would be by myself while they were having sex. This, after all, wasn’t a threesome situation in the traditional sense. None of us was comfortable with sex with all three of us together in the same bed at the same time. If there were to be an extra person added on occasion, it would be Jack and Pam, or Pam and me. This led to a discussion on how we would act when we were socializing together. Frankly, we would always spend more time with all of us in the same room doing normal friend things than just the sex parts. How would we all handle the unspoken subject between us when we were just being friends?
In the end, most of our concerns were unanswerable. It left us hanging in a very uncomfortable no man’s land, where neither of us could fully settle on expectations, desires, needs and confirmation of our commitments to each other. We were, however, able to express that we still did truly love each other. We also came to the conclusion that neither of us wanted or intended to in any way quit our marriage or give up on us.
That resulted in the only conclusion that was logical or at least logical for us. Somehow, we would have to try including Jack as an intimate partner with Pam. We would give it time to see how it worked out for all three of us. Pam and I agreed to revisit everything after each occasion or when one of us needed to resolve negative feelings we might experience.
In reaching this conclusion, we ended up with a whole other set of questions. For example, what were the logistics of Pam and Jack’s intimate times together? Where would they take place? How often? Who initiates what? How planned should their trysts be? Where would I be? Etc, etc.
Again, we couldn’t come up with answers to most of the questions. We did, however, agree on some. The most important was that there would be no secrets, ever. They also included my request that Pam and Jack do not go to his place or places like motels. For my part, I needed to be close by and fully aware of their intimate times together. In other words, our home would have to be the one place where most of their intimacy would occur. In addition, for the most part, over-night was not going to be a regular option unless agreed upon beforehand. Jack would continue as before to go home at the end of the evening. I absolutely needed to know that Pam and I would end every day sleeping in the same bed together. I did suggest to Pam that these requests were not absolutes, and if she needed an exemption from this agreement, we could discuss it on a one to one exception.
Pam had her own requests. She felt it was important to be able to show affection to both Jack and me when we were hanging out together. She made it clear that it would not include overt sexual affection, but rather hugs, pecks on cheeks or just being close to either of us while doing normal things. Those behaviours weren’t different than before things had changed between all of us. However, she was astute enough to know that jealousy could rear its ugly head. Especially between guys who now would know that she was being intimate with the other man in the room. She also asked that if I had problems that caused me feelings of being unable to cope at any time, to please take her aside privately and let her know immediately. She told me she would end the night at that point so that we could talk through any issues and either reset our process or reassess the whole Jack thing.
I can’t say that either of us was completely happy with the situation, the choices or decisions we had reached. It was, however, liveable and a starting point. Pam had also talked to Jack. She filled him in on our thinking. During that discussion, Jack also made suggestions, which we found logical and thoughtful.
He was very concerned about coming between the two of us, but at the same time freely admitted that he wanted Pam intimately and was hoping they could continue. He did, however, feel that Pam and I should always drive the decisions on when, how often and if we continued. He would acquiesce to our wishes in all cases.
We heard a horn beep in the driveway. Jack was here. Pam asked me to grab the front door and let Jack in. Our home is a two level home with the living area on the top floor and extra bedrooms and rec room on the bottom floor. The main entrance is on the bottom floor, so I headed down the stairs to the front door and opened it.
“Hi, Jack. It’s great to see you. How are you?”
Jack replied, “Awesome, thanks. Sure glad Friday’s here and I’m really happy to see you guys.”
I laughed and winked as I said, “I’ll bet you are!”
Jack actually blushed, which I found amusing. I invited him in and gestured for him to head upstairs to the kitchen. I followed, chuckling to myself. If I was sharing, then I was also not going to completely ignore the situation between Jack and me. He’d have to put up with some friendly ribbing and to accept that there was an ante for being in the game.
We arrived at the door to the kitchen. Pam turned and smiled at Jack. She stepped towards him and held out her arms for a hug. Jack stepped into them. Pam turned her face upward and gave Jack a quick kiss on the lips, which he responded to in-kind.
“How are you Jack?” asked Pam.
“Oh, I’m just great now that I’m here,” Jack replied.
They separated. Pam said, “You guys wash up and sit down at the table. I’ll serve dinner right away.”
We had a great dinner. Pam is an awesome cook. There were lots of jokes, stimulating and fun conversation. A few glasses of wine helped the time fly. Several hours had pleasantly passed by the time the dishes were cleared away. I suggested it was my turn to clean up the kitchen and that Pam and Jack should go set up a movie in the living room for us to watch. They graciously accepted my offer and I headed to the kitchen.
I could hear them talking and laughing as I washed and dried the dishes. It’s no problem for me cleaning up. Pam had after all done all the cooking, so it was the least I could do. We have always shared household duties so it also wasn’t unusual. What wasn’t usual was the knot I felt in my stomach. That rush of adrenaline when you’re not sure if you should run or fight. I really couldn’t decide if it was excitement, fear of the unknown or something else. It wasn’t necessarily unpleasant. After all, most of us enjoy rides at a carnival or being scared during a horror movie. This feeling felt similar, although I also knew there was a sexual tension mixed with the butterflies.
Why I would feel sexually excited was a surprise to me. After all, I wasn’t going to be the person having a new sexual partner. I shouldn’t be feeling aroused. If anything, maybe fear, regret or even anger and resentment. However, those were not the feelings or thoughts I was having. Is it possible that I was living vicariously through what I thought Pam was experiencing? Could it be that a spouse could actually care for his wife so much, that he gained happiness through his wife’s joy, even when it was involving sex with another man? Frankly, I was beyond confused. In the end, I realized that all I could really do was just roll with how the evening was about to unfold.
With a sigh of perplexity and frustration, I folded the dishtowel and headed to the living room. I found Pam and Jack sitting on the couch as they browse movies available on our cable box. I grabbed the recliner and we all discussed options. We finally settled on a recent smash box office action/crime movie. Pam hit the order button, while I grabbed beers for us guys and a glass of wine for Pam.
We settled down to watch the movie. All I had to do was look to the right without swivelling my head to see Jack and Pam on the couch. They started off sitting close together, but shortly into the movie, Pam pulled her feet up onto the couch and leaned against Jack. He soon had his arm around her shoulders.
We paused midway through the movie, so we could all do the bathroom break. Pam made popcorn. After she brought it out, she said she wanted to change into something more comfortable before continuing the movie. She headed off to our bedroom, while Jack and I BS’s about the week, work and other important guys stuff. After about ten minutes, Pam returned dressed in a beautiful black satin peignoir set. It was full floor length. Although thoroughly sexy, it was not revealing. Jack and I complimented her on how lovely she looked.
Pam grabbed a throw from the back of the couch, settled in again beside Jack and threw the blanket over their bodies so it covered them from the waist down. We turned the movie back and settled back down to finish the movie. Twenty minutes in, I notice Pam pull the blanket higher up so that it covered them from the chest down. I noticed that under the blanket she had slid her arm around Jacks’ torso as she snuggled closer. Jack again had put his arm around Pam’s shoulders. They appeared happy and comfortable.
Sometime later, I noticed Pam’s hand seemed to be slowly moving under the blanket somewhere around the vicinity of Jack’s lap. I could imagine what her fingers were doing under that blanket. I checked my watch and realized it was already 10 PM. It seemed the right time to allow Pam to figure out how far she wanted to go.
I yawned and said, “I’m really tired. Today has been pretty rough. I think I’ll head off to bed and leave you guys to finish the movie.”
I got up and stretched. As I was turning to walk towards the bedroom, I saw Pam silently mouth “Thank you.”
I asked, “Heh, Jack. Are you still coming over to help work on my truck tomorrow afternoon?”
Jack replied, “Absolutely. See you around one o’clock tomorrow. Have a good sleep.”
A few short steps and I entered our bedroom. I softly closed the door. It was done! They were together in the living room and I was alone.
I undressed, slipped into bed and turn off the lights. There was a soft night light on the dresser, which gave me just enough light to stare at a focal point on the ceiling. My brain was working a mile a minute. Every imaginable thought crossed my mind. My imagination formed vivid pictures of what Pam and Jack could be doing at this very moment. One half of my brain wanted to go out there and tell them to stop. The other half was paralyzed by the need to allow Pam this opportunity.
I could hear the muffled sounds of the TV. As much as I tried to focus my hearing to tune into other possible sounds, I heard nothing. Time ticked by. I began to understand how prisoners felt locked in a room that they can’t leave. Your mind is screaming to get out. You need to move, but you can’t. In my case, the boundaries were self-imposed but no less real.
At the same time as all these feelings and thoughts were churning through my mind, I lay there with the most painful erection of my life. It was a wonder I could think at all given the lack of blood that was obviously unavailable to my brain. I couldn’t even risk touching myself without the very real probability of a spontaneous ejaculation. What was the hell happening to me? None of my thoughts or physical reactions made sense.
For the millionth time, I checked my watch on the bedside table. One hour! Sixty long and agonizing minutes and then I heard the door handle turn. The door opened slightly, and Pam peeked in.
“Are you awake honey?” She asked.
I replied, “Yes, are you ok, baby?”
She answered, “Oh sure, everything is fine. I just need to put my diaphragm in. Are you ok with that?”
She moved to the dresser and pulled the top drawer open. I saw her take out her diaphragm case and the tube of spermicide.
She turned to me and asked, “Will you help me with this please?”
“Of course honey,” I answered.
I pulled the covers aside and climbed out of bed. Pam looked at me and saw the very obvious state of my cock.
With a grin, she said, “Ohhh, someone is happy to see me.”
I stepped towards her and pulled her into my arms. She willingly pressed her body against me and turned her face up towards me. I kissed her. She kissed back. It felt right and normal. Like coming home after being away for too long.
She broke the kiss and said, “Sorry honey, I shouldn’t keep Jack waiting too long.”
I reached out, took the case and tube of spermicide from her.
I laughed and with a grin said, “Lay down honey, and I’ll install this for you.”
She laid across the bed and pulled her negligee up exposing her hips.
With a smile, I said, “You’re going to have to spread your legs to get this thing in.”
She giggled and spread her legs wide while bending her knees and holding her legs up as well. I squirted spermicide into the cup of the diaphragm and then squeezed the edges together to form a trough. I reached down and spread Pam’s labia with the fingers of my other hand. It was then that I discovered she was absolutely dripping wet. There have been many occasions when she had gotten wet for me, but the state of her pussy tonight had to be in the top five. I had no problem slipping the device into her vagina. Then I slipped two fingers inside her to make sure it was correctly in place. I then took the spermicide applicator and squirted some into her pussy. Bending down, I kissed her swollen lips. She pushed my head away and pulled down the hem of her negligee. She sat up, reached out and pulled my hips towards her. I felt her lips briefly kiss the head of my cock. A thin string of pre-cum stretched between her lips and my cock. It broke as the distance between us increased. Then she was standing.
“I have to go, honey. Jack will be waiting for me.”
She gave me a quick peck on the lips and was gone. There was still a faint whiff of her perfume in the air. I relished her scent as I climbed once more into bed.
Pam had obviously spent the last hour making out with Jack and if the wetness of her pussy was any indication, they were enjoying themselves immensely. She had taken the next step by coming into our bedroom and putting her diaphragm in. That now made the final act inevitable. In the next half hour, Pam would open herself willingly to another man. With her arms, she would pull him into her body and Jack would repeatedly plunge his cock into my Pam. This time it was not spontaneous and unplanned. It was deliberately premeditated by all of us.
Where did that leave us? Where did it leave me? Had we irreparable harmed our marriage? Could we retain our friendship with Jack over the long haul? Why did I find this so damn sexually exciting? What twisted need did I have that was being fulfilled by accepting this new paradigm between the three of us? I considered all these questions as I waited, but in the end, there were no answers. Just time to contemplate the point on the ceiling and wonder what was going on only a few feet from where I lay.
Forty minutes later and the doorknob turned again. Pam came into the room.
“Sorry, honey. I need the spermicide.”
She grabbed the applicator, put one foot up on a chair near the bed and inserted some more into her vagina. She blew me a kiss, turned and left. It took all of twenty seconds and she was gone again.
I knew what that visit meant. They had done the deed and apparently, they were up for round two. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Nothing could be undone now. Jack had filled Pam with his cock and his sperm. All of us were now fully committed to however this turned out. Yet, I still had my painful erection that had not abated since leaving the living room. How twisted and complicated we humans are. Relationships would be so much simpler if we could look down into our deep motivations and understand why we think, decide and do things. Here I was, still wondering, still imagining, still confused and still waiting for Pam. My patience was wearing thin. Would they never finish?
Almost an hour later I heard the TV shut off. I could hear muffled talking and then the sound of the front door closing. I heard Jack’s car start up and then engine noise fade into the distance. Pam opened our bedroom and peeked in.
“Are you awake?”
I answered, “Yes”
She said, “I’ll be in shortly. I just want to tidy up.”
She left the door cracked open. I could hear her moving around in the living room and then in the kitchen. In less than five minutes, I saw the lights go out in the hall and heard her footsteps approach our bedroom. She came in and sat beside me on the edge of the bed. She looked beautiful in the soft light from the nightlight on the dresser.
She looked down at me, reached out for my hand and asked, “Are you alright?”
I lied and said, “Of course honey, are you coming to bed?”
She responded, “Yes, just let me quickly go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back”
She stood and removed her peignoir wrap, leaving on the satin nightgown. I watched her walk to our ensuite bathroom and close the door. I heard the toilet flush and then the sound of running water in the sink. The door opened. She snapped off the light switch, but not before her form was silhouetted in the doorway.
Then she was in bed with me, snuggling tightly against my left side. She wrapped her arm around me and tucked her head in against my neck. The softness of her body and her warmth was overwhelming.
“Did you miss me?” she whispered.
“Baby, you have no idea. God, I’m so glad you’re in bed with me. I thought you guys would never finish.”
She giggled, “I’m sorry we took so long. Jack went slowly which I really appreciated. I was really nervous. However, he didn’t seem to want to quit either. I think it was pretty intense for him. It certainly was for me. Are you really ok?”
“Yes.” I hesitated, “I think I’m ok, although we should talk about everything tomorrow. Besides, I’d like to hear the details of how it went between you and Jack.”
She giggled and poked me in the ribs.
“You’re a pervert,” she said.
“Well maybe,” I said, “But I do have some feelings of insecurity right now and it would really help if you filled me in on everything. OK?”
“I don’t want you to feel that way. Of course, honey. Tomorrow. I won’t hold anything back. I promise. You can ask me anything you need to know,” she said.
“Do you want to go to sleep now?”
“Oh, Pam! Not now. I want to kiss you and make love with you. Please say you will?” I asked.
“Of course,” she replied.
She tipped her head back and I kissed her. It was a long lingering kiss.
In our hunger for her to be as naked as I was, we both struggled to remove her negligee. Finally, it was gone. I moved my hand to her right breast and softly cupped it in my hand. We continued kissing. Her hand slid down on my hip. Her fingertips lightly stroked the flesh along the side of my cock, ever so close, but not touching it. My body actually felt like it was vibrating. I slid my hand down to the junction where her legs met. My fingers slipped between the folds of her sex. I could feel how swollen her flesh was. She shivered.
“Please be gentle, I’m very tender,” she whispered.
Lowering my head to her breasts, I gently sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. My fingers explored lower. The heat from her opening was unbelievable. My fingertips found her hole. Her wetness felt like it was literally pouring out. I knew that it was a combination of her and of him. Even though she had cleaned up in the bathroom, there was obviously still much more in her vagina. I used my fingers to pull those natural lubricants up across her clit. She moaned.
Usually, lovemaking between Pam and I is an unhurried, loving and includes a variety of fun activities. Almost always it will include us both performing oral on the other person. Sometimes, it takes on a quality of almost Tantric sex. We’ve always enjoyed taking our time. Making her cum with my mouth or fingers is almost as enjoyable for me as my own orgasms. I’d like to say I made her world rock tonight, but frankly, the long wait for her, while she was with Jack, was too much for me.
I couldn’t hold off any longer to reclaim Pam. My body slid over on top of her as she opened her legs as wide as possible. I felt her arms pull me into her. Our bodies are so familiar to each other that my cock easily slipped into her folds, and found her pussy hole. I sank into her until we were completely joined.
I had never, ever experienced a feeling like that before. She felt like molten lava, yet unbelievably silky and so very soft. It’s impossible to describe the sensation of a vagina that is swollen from prolonged sexual intercourse with another man. Only those who have also experienced it will understand the sensations I was feeling. We squelched as we moved. I felt her juices squeezing out around my cock and running down my balls. One, two, three thrusts and I could already feel my sperm churning to ejaculation. We kissed one long continuous kiss. I stopped, savouring and soaking in the core of her femininity.
It was beyond endurance. I could no longer hold back than to stop the rising of the sun or moon. I moaned into our kiss as my cum exploded from my cock deep into her pussy, never even getting to my fourth thrust. Jet after jet shot into her until I was completely empty. Even then, my cock continued to spasm as though there was more, but I was spent. Her arms wrapped around my back and pulled me as tight to her as she could.
We kissed and whispered loving endearments until I softened and my cock slipped from her warm pussy.
I rolled off panting for breath.
“I’m sorry I didn’t last long enough to give you a cum, baby.”
“Shhhh,” she said, “Don’t worry, I’ve had more than my share tonight. Feeling you close to me was what I wanted and needed.”
We snuggled and drifted off to sleep. There would be lots to talk about tomorrow. We had many things that needed to be worked out. Although in some ways the evening had been amazingly erotic for both of us, there were things we needed to resolve. We needed to try and understand what we had done, why and where this was going to lead. Many, many questions were unanswered.
Life can change in a heartbeat. What you believed will be true your whole life is sometimes completely changed. Possible for the better, but also possibly for the worst. Only time will tell which it is. Whatever it was to be, I knew only that I loved Pam, that she loved me and that we both remained committed to retaining our marriage although the boundaries of our relationship had obviously changed.
Notes and Disclaimer:
This is my one of my latest stories. This particular story does not have a lot of sex in it. I’ve concentrated on character development.
I do not condone unsafe sex. ALWAYS be careful in real life. You could die from a bad choice.
As a reader, you should realize that there might be themes you do not agree with. I strongly urge you not to read further if you have strong feelings regarding fetishes, cheating, or wives/husbands defining their relationships in non-traditional manners. If you have comments regarding the technical writing, I’d love to hear from you, otherwise, remember – it is just a fictional story.