I’ve got…a sub?

"I find myself with a sub, and no idea what to do with her!"

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I’m a very normal girl in pretty much every way. Oh, all right, my ass is a bit bigger than I’d like (although many tell me it’s just fine), and I do tend to drink a bit more vodka than I should, but on the whole, I’m pretty normal. I’m a junior in college, and despite that fact, I’m still in the dorms because I can’t afford better. Single mom, need to focus on my studies too much to work enough to afford it, etc. So student loans that will take me a zillion years to pay off, crappy dining hall food, and dorms are the rule.

I’m taking all the right classes because I want to get somewhere in the medical field. Not that I want to be a doctor, but I do want to be a physical therapist. I broke my leg badly when I was eight, and an excellent therapist helped me heal just about perfectly. Other than a scar and a slight stiffness after intense exercise, you’d never know it had been that badly injured. Not that I exercise all that intensely, but I do keep in decent shape and play intramural soccer for fun.

I’m also currently alone. Yep, no boyfriend as the last one got all jerkface and started telling me I couldn’t hang with any guys unless he was there. Lotsa luck on that one, jackass. I’ll hang out with whomever I wish. Besides, guys are usually more willing to buy drinks for broke-ass college girls than other girls. Duh.
I”m also alone in the rooming sense as I have no roommate in the dorm. Mine flunked out in a storm of tears and went back to Happyville, USA where everything could be just perfect for the little nitwit. She’d been a wannabe Disney princess and a total wimp. Needless to say, a terrible roommate. They’re supposedly giving me another roomie, but no rush, I’m cool by myself, and I can leave the place a total mess and no one will say ‘boo’ to me. I can also watch cheesy anime and slasher flicks as late as I want.

It’s almost November, and I love Halloween, and fall in general. There’s bound to be some decent parties to go to as well. I’m wandering across campus towards my dorm when I see an Asian girl wandering about aimlessly. Aha, lost new student. The maps they give rookies are useless, I’ve been there before so I head over to help her out.

“Excuse me, can I help you find something?” I call out brightly.

She doesn’t respond as she has her ear buds in. No doubt listening to some way cool Jpop, so I wave my hands in front of her.

She stops and takes them out.

“You help me please? I cannot find…housing department. This map is…not good.” she says with a smile.

“Those maps are very bad,” I say with a grin that she matches, “you will get very lost with them. I actually have to go to near housing, follow me!”

“Thank you!” she says with a big smile.

Damn. She’s very pretty and will have all the guys suffering from Asian Fever in no time.

I stick my hand out. “I’m Valerie Levine.”

She takes my hand softly. “I am…Kamiko Harada. I am from Japan. I am new here.”

“I’d never have guessed you were new.” I say with a straight face that makes her giggle.

Off we go, and I drop her off at housing while I head to the mail center to see if Mom could scrounge up a few bucks to send my way. She waitresses two nights a week and if she makes more than a hundred either night she sends me the excess for spending money. One week I got a check for two hundred and thirty one dollars, which, in the world of ramen and microwave burritos is a freakin’ fortune. I actually spent fourteen bucks at a restaurant with a real live waitress. Whom I tipped heavily, knowing how I’d gotten the extra money. Easy come, easy go.

On my way out I see my new friend exit housing, and heading towards the student store to obviously pick up some needed supplies, but it looks like she’s not paying attention again and has the ear buds back in. Crossing the street there can be dangerous as….damn it! There’s a car, flying down the street and she’s not looking the right way! I scream at her, but she’s not hearing me! I sprint towards her and tackle her from the side just as the car roars by!

She looks up at me in terror, and realizes what a close call she had. She yanks the ear buds out as if they were live snakes.

“I no realize the car coming!”

“No kidding? I’m guessing in Japan the cars go on the opposite side of the street?”


“You have to look more carefully, and really, take the ear buds out. Whatever you’re listening to isn’t worth getting hit by a car for.”

Several people have gathered around and some are praising me for my quick thinking, but I brush them off. Campus police make sure she’s all right and thank me again for helping her out. One of the campus cops calls me “an exemplary student”. How come I didn’t get that damned A on my last paper if I’m so exemplary? Oh well.

I offer Kamiko to take her to the student store and she agrees, saying she might need a little more help getting used to America. We chat a bit and while her English isn’t perfect, my love of anime and manga has given me a decent grounding in Japanese words so we communicate easily. She’s really nice, but she tells me she owes me her life. That’s kinda heavy so I tell her it’s no big deal.

“It is very big deal to me. I might have died there.”

“Well, okay, but you just be more careful, you scared me quite a bit.”

“I will be careful. For you.”

We get her some stuff she was missing, and now she’s going to her dorm, and asks me to help her find it. She hands me the slip with her address on it and I laugh.

“Sorry, is dorm room funny somehow?”

“Nope, it’s just that my roommate left campus three weeks ago, and I waiting for a new one. You’re her. We’re going to be sharing a room.” I say with a laugh.

“Good. If you are there to watch out, I shall live through American college.”

She says it with a perfectly straight face but then grins impishly and I crack up laughing.

As we head to the dorms, I ask her if she’s ever had vodka, and she replies yes, and have I ever had sake? Kamiko, my girl, this may be the start of a beautiful friendship.

We get there, and she thinks the place is a palace, commenting on how much room she’ll have.

“I guess you’re not used to personal space?”

“At home I share a room half this size with my younger sister. It is very , how you say, crowded?”

I smile.

“I can imagine, well, this is actually small as dorm rooms go. I had a better one last year, maybe I’ll get a bigger one next year. You never know which building they’ll put you in.”

“Still, this is very nice….but….does it need…….cleaning?”

I give her a sorrowful smile.

“My new friend, I have the unfortunate responsibility to tell you I’m a terrible housekeeper. This is as clean as it gets.”

She looks horrified, then shakes her head.

“I will help you. You saved my life.”

Hey now, this might work out well for me. Nah, I can’t take advantage of her like that.

“I told you, it’s OK. You don’t have to clean up or anything.”

“I must. It is honorable to help you. Please. Let me.”

“Well, if you really feel that way, I won’t stop you, but I might actually do my fair share of the cleaning from now on.”

Her smile lights up the room. This is gonna be interesting.

We go back to the main admin building to collect her luggage, which isn’t much. One duffel with her laptop and one decent sized suitcase. Then again, as petite as she is, she could fit a years worth of clothes in there. We get it set up and because I’m feeling generous and kind to the new kid, I take her for a burger at The GreaseBurger Palace. It’s a freaking dump, but it’s close, and it’s cheap. She thinks it’s delightful. We talk a bit and it turns out we follow many of the same anime and manga stuff and she promises to help me get accurate translations as she says the subtitles are often very wrong. She reads English perfectly, but she has some trouble speaking it. I promise to help her work on that, and in fact I feel we’re going to be good friends.

As we leave, she asks about cleaning supplies, and we pick up a few from the housekeeping office, which rations them out. As I rarely clean, we get plenty of stuff. We get back and she goes to town, washing the windows, dusting, scrubbing the tile entryway, and carefully wipes down the fake wooden flooring. Then she gathers up all of our sheets and blankets and lugs them down to the laundry to do them. We chat more, and then I help her fold up everything and carry it back. She expertly makes the beds and then gathers up my dirty laundry!

“Whoa, you don’t have to do that, I’ve got enough clean clothes for a few more days!”

“I have one set of clothes in my suitcase that must be cleaned, I will do them together, plus, I will wash what I wear now.”

She opens the suitcase and pulls out a sparking clean pink shirt and a pair of pink sweats and without so much as a word strips completely naked!! She puts on the shirt and sweats and pulls her shoes back on and takes the whole bundle back down to the laundry.

“Um, Kamiko?”


“You, uh, just got naked in the room?”


“You let me see you naked?!?”

“We will share the room, hei? It will happen sooner than later. In Japan, we are not so…shy, like here. I will not show a boy myself that way, but you are my friend.”

“Oh. I see.”

Actually, I didn’t but I wasn’t going to argue with her. She was too nice.

After the laundry was done, it was off to the dining hall and to introduce her around. My female friends seemed to like her instantly, and the guys definitely noticed the extreme cuteness. She was going to be very popular. After an hour or so of making new friends, it was back to the room and it really smelled nice, I guess keeping it clean helps. I call first shower and she’s OK with that, wanting to log in and check her e-mail and what have you. I shower quickly, and she jumps in after me, and sings softly while she’s showering. How sweet! She also has a lovely voice.

She comes out of the tiny bathroom and damn it, she’s naked again!

“Yikes, girl! Put on some clothes!”

“I am not shamed of myself or shy. Why?”

“Well, it’s kind of customary.”

“It is…unusual for me to wear clothes in bed. My sister does not either.”

“Well, I do!”

“Are you ashamed of your body?”

Is she fucking with me or what?

“No, I’m not ashamed of my body.”

“Then why do you cover it so much? I think you are nice looking. Why do you fear your own body?”

“I, ah, well…er, I….oh hell. Here goes nothing!”

With that I yank my t-shirt and panties off to reveal my less than awe-inspiring chest and my kinda big ass.

“See? I bet you feel better already.”

“I feel naked-er already.”

“You will feel better, I promise you. Now put the DVD in and let us watch the movie.”

The blinds are down, but the windows open because it’s still pretty nice out. I light a pair of candles and turn out the lights, and pop in the movie. I sit up against my headboard, and because I have the TV pulled over to my side, she sits next to me on the bed. We’re both enjoying the movie when I lean forward to grab my soda, she asks if I can move a bit so she has more room. Sure, no biggie, and I slide over to give her some room.

As I grab the bag of chips, I feel her hands on my shoulders.

“Um, Kamiko, what are you doing?”

“Making you feel better. You are very tense. This is not healthy. Trust me, I know massage. I make you feel good.”

“You’ll miss the movie.”

“You have it on DVD, if I miss something, I can watch later. Or you can tell me what happens.”

“Ah….well, I guess that’d work. OK, but if you miss something, just tell me and we can go back to it, okay?”

“I will. I promise.”

I start the movie again and settle back. She’s actually got very talented fingers, and the ache in my neck and shoulders goes away under her gentle, yet firm touch. I’m a little disconcerted by the fact that we’re both naked, but she’s just giving me a massage, right?

The tension is gone, and she’s simply leaning against me, more in a sisterly kind of way, which I’ve never had, and it’s kinda nice. Her laugh is utterly charming at the funny parts, and we both enjoy the rest of the movie. She picks another from my collection and pops it in, and we settle back again. It’s….a bit strange that she’s so open about our bodies, but it’s really a lovely night, and I figure it’s no big deal.

After the movie she asks if I want some tea and she quickly makes it in our tiny microwave and she pours it out. She sits back on her bed and I’m on mine as we drink, talking about her life in Japan, my life back home, and all sorts of subjects. She says she misses her sister very much as they’re only a year apart, which really explains her closeness, and I’m OK with that. As an only kid, I have no idea what it might be like to miss a sibling that you’re really close to.

Then she puts down the cup and lowers her eyes.

“Valerie, I ask that you listen closely. This is very important thing to me.”

She looks quite serious, so I nod my assent to her.

“You saved my life. If not for you being brave, I would be with my ancestors now. In my culture, with my…heritage, that is….very, very important.”

“I understand, but here it’s not-“

“PLEASE! Let me finish.”


“I owe you much. I cannot repay in money. Therefore, I repay the only way I know how. I am yours to….use, as you need.”

“Used?” I say with amazement.

“Hei. I clean. I wash clothing. I do…anything you need. You need coffee while you study? I go get it. You need food prepared so you can study? I do it.”

“While I appreciate that sentiment, it’s not….that important to me, I don’t feel you owe me anything. Heck, the fact that you cleaned this place up is more than enough.”

“In your culture, yes. For me, it is not so simple. I must do this, or I shame my family honor, and my own honor. Honor….is life. If I do not do this, I am nothing. Less than nothing. For many in Japan, newer ways are accepted, my family is very, how you say, old fashioned. Those are not our ways, we do things as they have been done for many years. We always will. Please understand, I must do this for you.”

Her cool facade was rapidly cracking, and she was near tears. While I don’t need a servant, I suppose I could just have her run an errand or two now and again, to make her feel better, and really, if she was going to keep the place clean, that wasn’t gonna kill me. If I’d been given an OCD roomie I’d have exploited the shit out of her. I’d seen enough anime, and enough of Japanese culture in general, so I thought my words out carefully.

“Kamiko, I accept your service until such time as you feel the debt is paid. Now please, make some more tea and we’ll keep talking.”

She brightened visibly, got up and bowed to me and made more tea. This was kind of weird, but oh well.

We drank more tea and talked about many things, and then she pulled out a photo album and sat next to me again, and showed me pictures of her family and her home. I showed her a few of my less than stellar apartment with mom, and a few pics of me and mom when we went on a cruise. We’re um, kind of poor so not a lot of vacations and such. Kamiko might have to share a room, but her family obviously had a few bucks. Or Yen, I suppose.

Then the conversation turned to guys, and I pointed out that she seemed to wow a few guys when I introduced her around.

“I hear of this, they say some American men, they have ‘Yellow or Asian Fever’. That must be nice for some girls to have so many American men who want them. I do not care for many boys yet. That will come in time, I must study and get good grades, it is more important.”

“It is, but it’s nice to have some fun now and again, isn’t it?”

“It depends on what you….call fun.”

“A good lay is usually enough to do the trick for me!” I said with a laugh.

“Perhaps. I, well, I have…deeper things that interest me.”

“Are you into girls? It’s totally cool if you are, I’m not homophobic or anything.”

Her smile was devious indeed.

“You think because I say I like deeper things that I must be a lesbian?”

“No, no! I just wondered, if you are fine, if you’re straight, fine, I mean, I just…”

Her giggles leave me perplexed.

“Are you playing with my head, girl?” I ask.

She shakes her head no, but still giggles.

“Then what is so funny?”

“You,” she blurts out before dissolving into another giggle fit.

“Okay, explain it to me slowly!”

She composes herself and looks at me.

“Valerie, you think of….sex, you think of, a good lay, as you say, or being, ah, fucked, right?”

“Yes. Of course, if he wants to lick, too, that’s even better, but, yes, fucking in general.”

“Do you not know of the….ah, I do not know the right word…ah…thrill, of other things?”

“LIke girls?”

“It is always lesbians with you?” she asks exasperatedly.

“Well, what else is there besides girls and boys?”

Her devious smile returns.

“There is the pleasure…of domination. Of being a sub. Have you heard of these terms before?”

Yikes. I had. So not my scene, either. I had a guy slap my ass once and I busted him in the chops for doing it.

“I’ve heard of them, but never really…done anything like that.”

“Then, my newfound American friend, you will learn. I am a natural sub. This is my nature. My debt to you is different, and I would owe that to anyone who saved my life. I…enjoy serving others, being subservient to their wishes. It gives me…..great pleasure.”

“Like a slave?” I blurt out.

“No. That is different. I enjoy pleasing people. Doing what they wish, even if it is different from what I wish because….I enjoy their…control of me. A slave has no choice, I choose to be this way.”

“So you get off on doing what others want?”

“Hei. It is…almost intoxicating to me.”

“So if I told you to open those blinds and let everyone see your boobs, you’d be okay with that?”

“If that is what you wish. Yes.”

“Uh, no, don’t do that but, you would like me to….control you?”

“Hei. I owe you much, but there is nothing….that I will not do for you if you wish it.”

“Anything?” I ask with a sly grin.


I think for a second about this as I don’t wanna be a jerk to her, but this is kinda fun!

“Then…spin like a ballerina!” Harmless enough, I figure.

She does so, and with excellent grace and form.

“Does that please you?” she shyly asks, and then it hits me, this is where she gets her thrill, from being praised by someone else, if she does what they want, they’ll praise her.

“It does. You were very lovely.”

That brings a rosy blush to her cheeks making her even prettier.

“So, that would include…things you’ve never done?”

“Hei.” and her smile is telling me everything else I need to know.

“Have you ever been with a girl? Sexually?”


“Have you ever thought about girls that way?”

“A few times.”

“So if I told you to…well….please me that way, you would?”

“Hei.” she says this with a determination that’s almost kinda spooky.

“Even though you’ve never done that before?”

“Is that what you wish?” she asks with a smile.

“Well, I never have with another girl either…I don’t really know what I’d ask you to do. Do you masturbate?”

“Silly, everyone does.”

“Then, uh….use your hands to, to, um, please me. Please me that way.”

Her face lights up with the words and she sits down next to me as I lay back on the bed and spread my legs a bit. I guess a lot of girls try this sort of stuff in college, so what the hell, right?

She gently runs her fingers through my trimmed bush. In between boyfriends I usually don’t worry about it, but for some reason I trimmed it a few days ago, and I’m really glad I did. She slides a fingertip across my labia and as usual, they open of their own accord it seems like. It drives me crazy trying to tell a guy I’m not interested when my pussy opens upon a single stroke.

This however, is very, very different. I’m not into her in that way, but I have no problem with this. She softly runs her fingers over them and it feels great, then she gently strokes my clit and I know I’m gonna be getting wet soon.

“I shall shave my hair to look like yours. It is very pretty.”

“Really? I just trim it because it’s easier to deal with.”

Her smile is very inviting.

“It is…lovely.”

With that, she rubs my clit a little harder and I can’t stop a small moan from escaping. She exhales sharply, and once again I realize she’s getting off on MY pleasure! She does things a little differently than I do, but it’s just fine. She’s also a thousand times gentler than any guy that’s ever fingered me. I’m definitely getting wet, and she explores me further, slipping a finger or two inside me, as she continues to rub my lips softly. Then it’s back to my clit, and now she pinches it between her thumb and finger and I squeal a bit as it drives me wild, and I notice her breathing is matching mine! This is fucking turning me on!

Normally it takes me a good long time to cum by masturbating without a toy of some sort, but she’s pretty fucking talented I guess as I’m breathing hard with each stroke of her fingers, and then she slips three of them into me deeply and pumps me as far as she can and as hard as she can and I can’t take anymore! I come with a yelp, and I’m usually not a squirter, (it’s only happened twice before) but I soak her fingers as I gush hard. She goes back and tweaks my clit roughly and I come again, and I’m even louder this time.

She’s stopped her fingers, and she sits there with a look of pure bliss on her face. This is some kinda weird, but damn, it felt good. Then she carefully takes her hand up to her mouth and lovingly licks it clean! I came like a fucking firehose, and she’s licking it all up? Her breathing is even heavier and as she daintily licks her pinky clean, I hear her moan softly and I notice a pool of moisture under her soft little bush.

She fucking came from getting ME off? Incredible!

“Did I please you?”

“Yes, you did, that felt…soooooo good. Better than it ever was with any guy. Better than when I do it myself, that’s for sure.”

“If you wish, I shall do that for you when you like.”

“Any time?” I ask with a grin.

“Any time.”

Wow. This sub thing could be a lot of fun. However…

“Um, now the bed’s kinda messy and I don’t have a second set of sheets.”

“I will sleep on your bed so you may have mine. It is right that I do so.”

“You don’t have to, we could, I dunno, share yours and do the sheets again tomorrow?” I ask hopefully.

While I had a monster orgasm, I don’t want to put her out, and I’m also not a lesbian, but having to cuddle a bit sharing a bed with her doesn’t sound bad at all. We decide that the wet spot is to the left side of my bed, so we push my bed to sit directly next to hers, and after a bit of cleanup, we get under the covers together.



“Thank you. That felt very good.”

“I enjoy pleasing you.”

“I noticed.”

That elicits a giggle on her part, but then we turn the lights off and go to sleep. When my alarm goes off, I notice my new friend isn’t the easiest person to wake up, and that somehow in the night I’d wrapped my arms around and spooned her. She wakes with a smile and asks if I slept well, and I tell her I did. We both shower except I hear some yips and yelps when she’s in there and I suspect she’s getting off again, which is fine, as long as I didn’t run out of hot water.

I show her to her first class and have to sprint to my own, but the day goes smoothly and we meet up at the dining hall for lunch. Yay! Spaghetti! For some reason most of the kids skip spaghetti so there’s plenty to eat and they’ll give you a monster portion if you ask nicely. She looks at it with suspicion but I encourage her and she tries and likes it, so we’re good there. We catch up on her first day and she had a little trouble, but not too bad, and only got lost one more time, but it turns out my friend Julie had the same class and got her there only a few minutes late. Just then Julie comes in and I wave her over.

“Greetings Mizzz Levine, and new found friend of the Land of the Rising Sun. How’s the slop?”

“It is good, Valerie says you can have extra sometimes!” Kamiko replies excitedly.

“Val, it’s only her second day and you’ve corrupted her with this junk?”

I grin.

“I also took her to Greaseburger Palace. She loved it.”

Julie shakes her head.

“Kamiko, we actually have real food here, but Val’s not the best person to ask about it as she has no functioning taste buds. Tonight we’ll take you out for pizza, courtesy of my dumbass freshman English students.”

“Your students? Do you teach?” she asks.

“I tutor. And I deal well with the limited intellects that make up our pathetic basketball and football teams. In other words, I’m their tutor, but I get well paid for helping these nitwits pass their classes so they can continue putting out their mediocre efforts on behalf of the well heeled alumni.”

Did I mention Julie’s a total smart-ass, which is one of the reasons she’s my friend?

We tease and joke with each other and Kamiko surprises me by ribbing me about my less than stellar housekeeping skills, but she winks at me when Julie looks away and I have to laugh. She is utterly delightful to hang with.

“Why do you two not share a dorm room?”

“I don’t live on campus. Mummy wanted me to have my own space so she rents an apartment for me. I tried to get a two bedroom so Val and I could live together, but Mom wasn’t going for it.”

Kamiko looks a bit puzzled, so I explain my financial situation and she understands while not openly pitying me, which is fine. My family’s poor. I’m ok with it. Julie’s folks are freaking loaded and while Julie would love to have me as a non-rent paying roomie, I’d actually feel weird about it, so things are fine as they are. I spend a fair amount of time at her place anyways, and I suspect Kamiko will as well.

We make plans for tonight, but I beg off hanging with them before dinner as I have a trip I need to make.

Off campus, but only a few blocks away is an alternative sexuality center. They provide support for kids dealing with coming out, etc, but they also have a library one can borrow from that’s filled with all sorts of interesting books about sex, health, and um, kinks. I’m hoping they have something on this sub thing because I feel I’m gonna need to know more about it in dealing with Kamiko. Not that I have a problem with getting my rocks off, but jeez, it was a little weird.

They do, I read it in one sitting and I notice a fairly cute guy checking me out as I put it away. Oh great, he thinks I’m a perv.

“You a domme or a sub?”

“Uh, neither. Doing research for a paper.”

“Oh. Oh well.”

Damn. He’d have been okay with this stuff? Let me see what else they have. I look and can’t find anything that isn’t a rehash of what I’ve just read, but a helpful counselor tells me there’s a shop not far from here that has a number of books on it, just not for borrowing. Oh well, the dining hall’s food ain’t that bad. It’s within walking distance and my oh my, they have all kinds of kinky shit in here! Vibrators, strap-ons, dildos of every size shape and color imaginable, lubes, condoms, and toys that well, I have no idea what they’d be used for. Their book selection is indeed extensive, and they have a pair of books, “New to being a Sub?” and “New to being a Domme?” I try to read it unobtrusively towards the back but the lady behind the counters gives me the “This ain’t a library” look and I look at the book’s spine, only to realize it’s only 10.99. Heck, I buy it, stash it in my backback and head back to the school library to read it. I don’t want Kamiko to see me reading it, and I REALLY don’t wanna explain it to Julie just yet.

This one’s much more detailed, and I find out a LOT of interesting stuff about how Kamiko’s mind works. I also find out what myself, being the domme, should be doing and thinking. This is not a role I looked for, but well, she’s really cool, and she seems to expect it of me. She’s not a slave, she’s…my submissive, and as such, I have a responsibility for her. Heck, I already felt responsible for her by making sure the poor girl didn’t get too lost on day one, so…maybe this is something I’m…into?

Damn. Damn. I thought I was just a normal girl that liked getting schtupped by your typical college guy, a few drinks and the rest of the college stuff, and now I’m getting deeper into a whole different lifestyle?

Okay, off to pizza, and there’s a little accessory shop nearby that I run into to pick something up for her. Then over to the pizza place where Kamiko is kicking the shit out of the dance game. Girl’s got some serious moves and Julie can’t even keep up.

“Whoa, you’re gonna makes Julie look bad, but then again, she ain’t exactly the funky queen like I am..”

Julie turns to flip me off and misses a critical move and Kamiko wins easily.

She hugs me in celebration.

“I beat her! I beat her!”

“Yeah, kiddo, but Julie ain’t got any serious moves. Like me. Or any girl with an ounce of rhythm. She’s just too white.”

Another finger from Julie and Kamiko cracks up laughing.

“You two are very funny the way you…make sport of each other. It is clear you are friends, but like to joke.”

“We’ll give you shit, too, but we’ll let you wait a day or two because you’re new.” Julie intones with a smirk.

Pizza is ordered, we laugh, joke some more, and in short have a pleasant evening. Julie spots my bag from the accessory store and inquires and I tell her it’s just some stuff for my hair. I don’t want her to know what I really bought. Kamiko and I head back to the dorm while Julie heads for her apartment, grumbling about a paper she really needs to get started on.

Once back in our room, I ask Kamiko to sit down.

“I did a lot of reading today, and I have something for you.”

I open the bag and present her with a choker that I bought.

“It’s not a proper collar, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted everyone to know about you, so you can wear this instead, and you know that you are mine. Now put it on.”

Her eyes are misty, and she puts it on, reverently, and sits back up with a proud expression.

“You look absolutely lovely with it on. Don’t ever take it off.”

“I will not, unless you tell me to.”

“Good, now as I said, I did some reading. I may make a few mistakes here, so please be patient with me. I have about an hour of studying to do, and I bet you do, too. Get to work on it. Now. I will not have your grades suffer while in my care. Make me some tea first, will you though?”

With a grin she leaps into action. The tea is made and poured, and she arranges some cookies for me as well so I can snack and study. She is so sweet.

She gets to her studies, and she flies through her books, and apparently can write notes at blinding speed and type even faster. Her work is done while I figure I’ve got a good forty five minutes left. Why waste her?

“Very good. Now my back is still a bit stiff, be a sweetie and massage it will you?”

She pulls her chair behind mine and goes to work. Domme/sub or not, the girl has talented fingers. My tension melts away quickly and I feel much better as I finish up my work. However, let’s see what other ideas I can think of.

“I’d call first shower, but really, we could share it? Then you can scrub my back for me? I have a brush, but fingers are so much better, aren’t they?” I ask with a mischievous smile. Her answering smile is the same, and I think this is gonna get interesting.

We step into the shower, and soak for a moment, it’s not huge, but we fit easily enough. The fact that she’s pretty petite helps, too. After a soak she lovingly caresses my back and scrubs me with loving attention. This feels incredible, and without even thinking about anything sexual, I feel my pussy twitch. OK, showering with naked cute girls is apparently on my list of turn-ons. Then as she finished with my back she, ah, decides to make sure my breasts are well scrubbed. I usually get them ok myself, but hell, why not?

I can hear her letting out little sounds as she scrubs me and I know that her pussy’s gotta be getting wet, too. Then her hands are scrubbing me in the front, but the feeling on my back and neck has to be kisses, and yeah, I’m ok with that, too.

“Do you wish to pleased as I did for you last night, my mistress?”

In a voice that’s a tad deeper than usual I reply.

“Yes, please me again.”

Her fingers go to work, stroking my lips, tweaking my clit, and now in the shower she adds running a fingertip gently up my ass crack, which normally would freak me, but she’s so gentle that I just relax and enjoy it. Then I turn around to face her, and she starts playing with my nipples with one hand while fingering me sweetly with the other. She knows what gets me off apparently by telepathy because she’s doing a fucking great job of it without a single word by me, only encouraging gasps of pleasure.

It’s not long before I can’t hold back and I come with a yelp, but she doesn’t let up as she wants more from me, and with a furious finger fucking, I come again and yet again and then she pulls away with her eyes downcast.

“Was that…pleasing to you?”

“Oh yes, sweetie, very pleasing. In fact, I don’t think it’s fair that I get all the fun here.”

Her face is neutral.

“Turn around sweetie, and bend over a bit.”

She does so, and I caress her back, and then reach around to stroke her tiny, perfect nipples. She tries not to moan, but fails.

“Does that please you?”

“It is not my place to be pleased, I am only for your pleasure.”

“Then this pleases me just fine…” I whisper as I reach under and run my finger across her lips. I’ve never used my fingers to get a girl off, so I hope I do okay. I can feel she’s getting wetter and that’s fine with me, and I pull my hand back to taste her wetness, and….I like this. I go back to fingering her softly, and gently rubbing her clit, which is a bit larger than mine, and her quivers tell me she’s enjoying it very much. Then I slip a finger as deep as I can go and I’m rewarded with a loud gasp of pleasure.

“If you liked that, well….” and I insert several fingers and stroke her deeply. The I go back to caressing her clit as tease and denial is something I read in the book. I use my other hand to slide my finger up her ass like she did, but then with some soap, I slip it into her ass and she moans loudly. Aha. She really liked that. So instead of stroking her from below, I reach around and slip one finger inside her wet little pussy, and finger bang her, while my other fingers stroke her clit and my other hand is running a finger in an out of her ass as deep as I can. It’s too much for her and I can tell she’s about to explode, but she seems to be holding back as hard as she can. What’s she waiting for, or does she have superhuman endurance?

Ohshit! Permission! Some subs need their mistress’s permission to orgasm!

“You come for me, baby, you come right now!”

“Aaaaaaiiieeeaaah!” she explodes and she’s a real squirter! As I pull my finger from her ass though, I slap her ass cheek hard. Just to let her know I’m still in charge. She breathes heavily for a few moments and composes herself, but it’s hard to notice because I, um, came when she did. No warning whatsoever. I”m definitely getting into this lifestyle.

We rescrub the, ah, play areas softly and she looks to be missing something. I’m so new here, I don’t know what to do. Maybe she’s a cuddler? I take her in my arms and kiss her forehead. She breathes a sigh of happiness and collapses into my arms.

“Do I please you mistress?” she asks quietly.

“Yes, my darling, you please me greatly.”

“Then all is well. I enjoy pleasing you.” she says softly.

Hmmmm. We push the beds together again, and while nothing overtly sexual happens, we do cuddle quite a bit. It isn’t always sexual you know, as Julie and I have cuddled a bit when it’s cold out. However, I do wake up with my arms around her again. She’s obviously quite OK with it as when she awakens, she snuggles in closer. It’s weird, but while I’m enjoying this, I’m also getting a, well, almost maternal feel from it. Yeah, that’s also turning me on. I need to read more of the big book again today.

Classes go by in a blur and I beg off lunch with her to do some reading, but a text from Julie tells me that Kamiko also thinks the “mystery meat” sandwiches were good. And I thought I had no functioning taste buds! I suppose it’s the newness of it all.

After classes, I spring for a Peppermint Mocha and Kamiko goes for White Chocolate and we sip our drinks and get our homework rolling to the soundtrack of Kurosawa’s Ran, an awesome freaking flick, if you’ve never seen it. I was gonna go for the dining hall for dinner as their pizza ain’t half bad, but after the burger and pizza treat, Kamiko insists on buying sushi, and we drag Julie along. Over sushi, we bond further, and Kamiko asks about Thanksgiving vacation, which isn’t far off.

“It is not a holiday in Japan, so I will not go home for only three or four days, but do students who are not going home stay on campus?”

“Depends,” says Julie, “I live a three hour drive from school so I’ll go home if I feel like putting up with my mom and dad’s arguing. Val lives less than a forty minute train ride from home so she’s going for sure. Some stay on campus, others will go skiing or boarding, some just enjoy a break from classes. Do you do winter sports?”

“I can ice skate, but nothing else. I do not know what I should do. Does the dining hall stay open?”

“Yep, and they actually make a decent Thanksgiving dinner for us. My freshman year I couldn’t make it home and it wasn’t too bad. There’s usually one or two parties going that weekend as well.”

She looks at me and I realize, she’s lost. She didn’t grow up with the holiday so she has no idea what it means. Think quick, Val.

“Hold on, one second, I have an idea.”

I grab my phone and text Mom. If she’s cool with a visitor over the holiday, cool. While my, uh, family isn’t exactly the Norman Rockwell type, my mother makes a decent spread for myself, my aunt Shirley and Uncle Ray, their sons Steve and Mikey, my aunt Rhea from my dad’s side of the family, and her boyfriend Stuart, and we usually get one or two various neighbors from our apartment building depending on who’s going where. My mom’s lived in the building for 18 of my 20 years and knows everyone.

Mom zaps back that the more the merrier, but the foldout’s being taken by Rhea and Stuart, so Kamiko’s using a sleeping bag in my room. Well, actually we’ll be cuddling a bit closer, but I’m ok with that.

“Kamiko, you’re going home with me, to enjoy a New York City Thanksgiving, filled with bickering family, too much food, and some seriously cheesy TV. I won’t take no for an answer.” I say with a glint in my eye. I need to put my foot down in public, and get her used to the idea of obeying me wherever we are. She nods her head.

“Hei. I will go with you. Do I need to cook?”

“Um, no, but if you know how to make any kind of Japanese dessert, that would be really cool. Just a change of pace from pumpkin, chocolate and blueberry pies.”

“There are several things I can make. Let me think about it.”

I text back Mom that she’s coming along, and make a note to grab an extra train ticket.

We head over to Julie’s for some XBOX and a movie, and I pick one of my favorite animes, and Kamiko cracks us up by providing a literal translation, which is hysterical as it’s nine miles away from the subtitles, which are trying to tell a different story. We also break out a bit of vodka, and Kamiko puts away a fair amount for a tiny girl. We’re fairly buzzed when we head back to the dorms, and I’ve got an idea percolating in my head.

We arrive and put away our coats and Kamiko grabs herself a soda. Whoops, wrong move.



“You didn’t offer to make me tea?”

“I am sorry, very sorry!!! I make right now!”

She’s slightly panicked. Good.

“No, sweetie, I don’t think so. You thought only of yourself, and not your mistress. You need to be punished. Come here, and you’ll get the spanking you deserve. Now bend over, right there, over my knee.”

I’m sitting on the edge of the bed and she assumes the position, with…dare I say it? Anticipation?

I yank her cute little skirt up to reveal her white silk panties, she goes for the lacey, silky, ultra femme styles while I go for the sluttier look, the less material, the better. I slide them down and look at her very cute ass, and then I spank her as hard as I can. I’m not some muscle-bound butch, so I don’t hit that hard, but it’s a good shot, and she lets out a yelp!

“Let’s see, your first offense, so we shouldn’t need too much of a lesson, I guess nine more should do the trick!”

I spank her nine more good ones, and then because I want to make sure I haven’t hurt her I’m very solicitous.

“Are you okay, sweetie?”

She’s almost to tears, I might have hit too hard?

“Hei. I am sorry I displeased you, mistress. It will not happen again.”

I give her one light slap.

“I’m sure you won’t, but let me make sure you’re all right.”

I caress her ass very tenderly, and it’s fairly red, so maybe I need to study this a little more. However, once I banged my shin really bad, and my boyfriend at the time felt that providing me with pretty decent oral sex would make it feel better, and it did, so I slide a finger further down to find that she’s already wet!

“Hmmm…you must have enjoyed that more than I thought to have gotten so wet. Oh well, nothing to do for it other than see how wet I can get you!”

I give her another five and then go straight for her wet pussy and slip my fingers in as deep as I can go and….she’s a virgin! I pull back and finger her gently while I caress her back with my other hand and she’s already squirming a bit in pleasure. I love it!!! I start to tease her clit, and stroke the lips gently, but an idea strikes, and I use some of her juices to lube up her ass, and a finger goes as deep as I can put it, and she lets out a soft squeal that give me ideas! Another finger goes in, and she’s already starting to rock, so I give her clit a pinch, and she shakes on my knees, and then I pull the fingers out of her ass to slap her cheeks with the wet fingers, and she can’t help herself and comes with a moan!

“I didn’t tell you to come yet!”

I slap her with the hand three more times, and she squirts with each slap! My other hand is soaked, but I reach around and put it in front of her face, and she starts to lick it clean. I won’t let her do that with the fingers I had in her ass, but seeing her hungrily lick her own juices from my hand? I can’t help MYself, and I come with a grunt!

We get up and I wrap my arms around this strange little girl who’s gotten me into this odd lifestyle, and I hold her close.

“I’m sorry, sweetie, but you really did need to be punished for your lapse. However, let’s take a nice shower together, and you can scrub my back and make it all better, how’s that?”

Her head pops up and she’s got a bright smile upon her lovely face.


“No, we say ‘Yes!’ here, please get that right.”

“Yes!” she blurts out with a grin!

Hmmm. In the future, any Japanese should be a punishable offense. We’ll have to see. The shower is long, warm and pleasurable, as she scrubs me well, and her expert fingers bring me to another monster orgasm that almost causes me to lose my footing in the shower. She dries me off and combs my hair as well, and I do the same for her, not actually part of the deal, but…I think I’m falling for her.

We cuddle together as we fall asleep, and who knows what the next few weeks will bring? Stay tuned…..

Published 13 years ago

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