It’s Finally Happening!! – Pt 2

"The weekend continues..."

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“I really am sorry, Babe! I have no choice, it’s my job!” you say to me in a disappointed tone.

Oh, come on!! Are you fucking serious!!  I scream in my head.

“I should be able to get back to you early this evening…” you say with a cheeky grin.

Pulling on your jacket, you make your way back up the bed. Kissing me deeply, flashbacks from last night race relentlessly through my mind. The taste of your lips is pulling me back in and I begin to feel that urgency rise up inside me again. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my pussy is starting to throb. Mmmm – now this is how I need to start my day, every day!

Last night was incredible! We had spent all night exploring each other’s bodies and doing everything we had talked about doing. Fucking like animals, the raw passion that had been intensifying over the previous few months was evident. Your touch felt like electricity on my skin and your tongue, phenomenal, licking and kissing every inch of my body. Being able to finally fall asleep in your arms, that had been the icing on the cake.

Bursting my bubble and bringing me plummeting back to reality, you pull away and say, “I will call you when I am on my way back.” Leaning in a little closer, you whisper, “Plan to meet me in the bar for drinks later, ok?”  kissing my forehead.

“Ugh, fine. OK, babe!” I scoffed, sounding slightly moodier than I meant to. I knew it was a possibility that something like this could happen, you had warned me about being on call. I was hoping that it wouldn’t actually happen and that I wouldn’t have to share you with anyone else all weekend.

“Hey!” you say softly, lifting my chin and planting the most tender of kisses on my lips. “Baby, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.”

And with that, you leave.

As the door clicks, I roll over, pulling the covers up under my chin. I can smell your cologne on the sheets and it makes me smile. Getting comfy again I let my mind slip back to last night. It really had been everything I had hoped it would be. Raw and passionate, the urgency with which we just had to have one another, to consume one another was literally breathtaking.

Reminiscing about what happened, I close my eyes and let my fingers wander. Brushing gently across my stiffening nipples, then slowly down my body to my now aching, throbbing pussy. I can feel the heat between my legs spreading. Parting my legs a little wider, I run my fingers lightly along the edge of my lips. God, I am still so wet! I think, surprising even myself. Continuing my exploration, I slowly slide a finger inside and …

DING! My phone pings loudly – I have a message.

Fuuuuuck! I think, reaching over and grabbing my phone, totally frustrated at being interrupted. God Damn it! Now what?!

But then I see it’s from you…

“I want you to wear that sexy little red number under your outfit tonight. You know the one I like. Can’t wait to ravish you later. B xx”

Mmmmm, I flop back down on the bed. A smile slowly spreads across my face. He’s lucky he’s so damn good in bed! I think, as I roll out of bed and slip into some jeans and a sweatshirt. I guess I will just have to wait until later to have that itch scratched again…

I make the most of my morning by taking a walk into the village. I still need some last-minute things to bring back home with me. It’s been ten years since I left the UK and just lately, I really did miss being back home. I seem to find it harder and harder to leave every time.

Around lunchtime, I have everything I need and I’m thinking about grabbing a bite to eat on my way back to the pub. I turn to leave the shop when, Oh Fuck! I literally bump straight into some guy as he is walking in.

“Oh, God! Sorry! Excuse me!” I quickly apologize.

Flustered and embarrassed I look up and lock eyes with this tall, scruffy looking, although very handsome stranger. A stranger that looks remarkably just like…you. I swear he could be your long-lost twin! Wow, he even smells just as good as you I notice. He must be wearing that same cologne! Obviously, it’s not you, and so I smile apologetically and attempt to recompose myself.

Holding the door for me, he returns my smile.

“No harm done, Darling!” the handsome stranger purrs in a sexy but also oddly familiar way.

Looking back, I catch him staring at my ass as I leave. Damn! He really does look like you, I think, as I give him a quick wink and turn with a little bounce in my step as I head back to the pub.

I take my time getting ready. I want to make sure I look my best. I want to look so hot for you that you will want to rip my clothes off right there and then! Biting my lip, I take the “sexy little red number” that you had requested earlier, out of my bag. I love wearing the black and red lace lingerie you got for me, almost as much as you love seeing me in it, but this time – you will be the one taking it off!

Slipping into the thin-strapped bra and thong, I wrap the garter belt around my waist and fasten the suspender clips to the top of my stockings. Wriggling into my dress, nobody will be able to tell what I am hiding underneath and that makes me feel sexy! I can’t wait to see you at the bar later..

Just as I am heading out the door…

DING! My phone pings. Another text. You again.

“Leaving soon. Shouldn’t be more than about an hour Babe. Go grab yourself a drink. Can’t wait to be back with you soon Baby. B xx”

One step ahead of you my love! A naughty little smile creeps across my lips and I start to make my way downstairs.

It’s fairly busy at the bar again, but I manage to find a couple of seats open at the end and sit down. I order a vodka soda, double, and a shot of tequila –

“A little Dutch courage – bottoms up!” I say to the barman as I knock back the shot.

I have been sitting for a little while, fiddling with the straw in my drink subconsciously, starting to think about what tonight might have in store for us. I wonder how it will be. Will it be as hot and wild as it was last night? Maybe tonight you will tease me more, fuck me slowly, show me your playful side. Or maybe you will completely dominate me, take charge and make me beg for it…

“I’d love to know if your mind is enjoying itself as much as the lip biting is leading me to believe…” the man’s voice says, interjecting my daydream.

“I’m sorry?” I mumble, a little startled, but sort of recognizing the voice.

“You were biting your bottom lip…” he says, smirking, “…and that flush in your face suggests you were thinking of something a little…naughty….perhaps?” he playfully says with a sly smile forming on his lips.

Fuck! It is the guy from the shop earlier!

“That is twice now I’ve caught you with your mind elsewhere!” he says, turning in his chair to face me. “Steve,” he says, offering me his hand.

“And you are?”

“Gemma,” I reply, returning his smile. How long has he been there? I wondered, He wasn’t there when I sat down, at least, I don’t think he was…

Reaching out to shake his hand, I start to gush, “Oh, and I’m so sorry again about earlier, head in the clouds, seems to be a running theme lately, ha!”

I giggle nervously, feeling my face flush. Only then do I realize my hand has quickly become enveloped by his large, strong hands. They feel a little rough, kinda like yours do. Mmmm, I wonder what he does for a living? – I am a huge sucker for a man who works with his hands!

Looking directly into my eyes, Steve asks, “So, who is he?” with a sly grin.

Once again having to regain control of my wandering mind, I question, “Who’s, who?” not really sure what he is asking me.

“That look and distraction can only come from thinking about something, or someone…. spectacular!” Steve probes a little deeper.

“Well, erm…” not really sure what to tell him. “Well… he’s not my husband…” I say, looking down at the rings on my left hand, almost teasing him with just those few details.

“Hey listen, I’m literally passing through town,” Steve says, leaning back in his seat, “after tonight, you will never see me again. Your secrets are safe with me…” he cocks an eyebrow “…I dare you to share!”

After mulling it over for all of two seconds, I say, “Sure, why not?” with a feeling that he knows exactly why I am here and that he is no stranger to the idea of a secret lover.

Steve orders us a couple more drinks and I start to spill the details as to why I am there. That I met you online and even though we are both married, that urgent, burning desire to just have each other is too intense to ignore. I tell him that although I’m originally from England, I now live in the States. I just happened to be coming home visiting friends and family, so we had agreed to meet and were staying the weekend before I flew back to Boston in a couple of days. We end up talking about our lives in general and I learn that he too is married, and, as I had suspected, he also appears to have dabbled in extramarital activities.

An hour or so goes by, and we have been chatting away but there’s a natural pause in the conversation, so I take the opportunity to check my phone.

I see I have another text from you…

“Hoping to be there soon, babe. I want to try something. I want to come back and find you laying on the bed, blindfolded, waiting for me… Oh, and leave the door off the latch, forgot stupid door key thing. B xx”

A rush of excitement shoots through my body.

“Steve, I am so sorry,” I start to explain, “that was Ben and he’s on his way back. I hate to cut this short but that’s my cue to leave I’m afraid!” I say, knocking back the rest of my drink as I stand up to leave. “Thanks for the drinks and I really did enjoy chatting with you.” I smile, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He grabs my arm and pulls me in close, “The pleasure was all mine, Darling. Ben is one lucky Bastard!” he whispers in my ear, then plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

Slowly releasing my arm, Steve says, “Oh, and, er… if things don’t work out with you and lover-boy and you find yourself at a loose end later, I’ll be in 403… you know, if you want some company.” He smirks, then winks as I turn to leave.

Realizing what he just said, I turn back and say, “Ha, 402, just across the hall.”

Leaning in closely, I whisper in his ear, “I’ll know where to find you if he doesn’t come back!” Pulling away, I smile and return his wink, and then, for the second time today, I let him watch me walk away.

Getting back into the room, I double-check to make sure everything is just right. I picked up a couple more candles while I was out, so I light them and place them around the room.

Standing in front of the mirror, I check to make sure my hair and makeup are still good. I slip out of the dress that I had worn down to the bar and I look at myself standing there in this sexy lingerie.

Not bad for 40! I think, my confidence boosted a little by the drinks I had downstairs. I slowly twirl around, making sure everything is situated where it should be.

When I was looking for candles earlier, the only ones I could find were part of a relaxation gift set. I don’t really need the set, but Inside the box is a red, satin, sleeping mask – exactly what you had asked for! This will make a perfect blindfold. Ha, even matches my lingerie, I think as I lay down on the bed.

It’s not long before I start thinking about what you are going to do to me, what you are going to say to me, and it makes me horny, really fucking horny! Having had a couple of drinks I was feeling a nice little relaxed buzz.

Knowing that you could turn up at any moment gives me an idea. You have always said how much you wanted to watch me masturbate for you, well, now would be the perfect opportunity. Moving my hand down between my legs, I start to slowly rub myself along the outside of my panties, gently rubbing up and down. I can feel how wet they are already.

My pussy is throbbing, my clit is aching to be touched. Thinking about your fingers brushing over my skin, I press a little firmer as I run my fingers up and down my slit. Slowly massaging my pussy lips from the outside. I slip my hand inside my thong and feel just how wet I am for you already. Sliding my fingers over my clit, dipping them down inside my sex, coating my fingers with my juices.

Mmmmm, it feels so good that I start to slip into my own world. Everything else around me fades away as I tease myself for a while, bringing myself right to the edge of climax and then stopping. Right as I’m about to cum I stop and move my fingers away, allowing my body to relax again before slipping my fingers back in.

Suddenly, I hear a noise at the door. It startles me, but imagining what you must be thinking as you come through the door and see what I am doing, turns me on no end.

Without hesitation, I say out loud, “Don’t say a word!” biting my bottom lip, knowing full well that in this moment, I am in complete control.

“I want you to stand right there…. and watch me!” I smile, knowing this must be driving you crazy.

“But, if you say anything, I will stop. OK?” I hear the sound of you unzipping your pants and I know that you agree to the terms.

Feeling incredibly aroused as I lie here, still blindfolded, I continue to move my hand between my legs. I moan as I run my fingers up and down teasing my slit. Sliding a finger inside, I know you can hear my breathing get a bit heavier. I love to masturbate in front of you, touching myself for you. I love that you are watching me as I slowly fuck my pussy with my fingers. I know you are touching yourself too, I can hear you.

“Mmmm, it feels so good, baby,” I murmur, enjoying every second.

I hear you moving closer toward me, a wave of electricity runs the entire length of my body with anticipation. I hear you breathing louder and suddenly, I feel your hand on top of mine. Your fingers are stretching down, pushing inside me to join mine.

“Oh God, that feels so fucking good, don’t stop!” I say, desperate for you to keep going.

Seconds later, you pull your hand away. No! Don’t stop, I am so close, why would you stop?! With one finger you run a slick, wet trail down my inner thigh. Grabbing me tightly, you pull me roughly towards the edge of the bed. You push my legs over the edge so that you have me sitting in front of you. I know what this means – You want me to suck your cock.

I know exactly what you want me to do. I slide slowly off the bed and sink to my knees in front of you. You reach a hand under my chin and run your thumb gently across my lips.

God, I want you, I want to feel you fill my mouth, feel you stretch my throat.

I don’t have to wait long. I soon feel the tip of your cock press against my lips. Pushing out my tongue, I taste the saltiness of your pre-cum.

Holding the base of your cock with one hand, I slowly, but firmly run my wet tongue up your entire shaft in one lick, teasing the tip when I get to the top. Getting you nice and wet as I start to move my mouth up and down, gently rolling and flicking my tongue around your head. Lubricated by my spit, my hand glides over your cock, pumping up and down, as I take you deeper into my mouth. My other hand gently massages and plays with your balls.

I suck and lick you to the point that I can feel your cock throbbing and starting to twitch. You’re so close. Should I stop and tease a bit or keep going? Well! The decision is apparently made for me when you grab me by my hair, pull me off your cock and up to my feet, turning me around so I am facing the bed.

“Oh wow! I love this side of you!” I gasp, caught off guard but excited that you are showing me this more aggressive side. It’s a little rougher than I am expecting, but to my surprise, treating me this way is turning me on even more.

You grab my breasts firmly from behind, and start to massage them. Finding my nipples you give them a sharp pinch. Fuck I love it when you do that, it sends a wave of electricity through my whole body!

Your left hand slides up and wraps around my throat as you start kissing my neck, while your right hand runs straight down my stomach, down to my aching slit. I arch my back and grind my ass against your cock and my pussy against your fingers. OMG, you are so fucking hard for me and I want you, inside me, Now!!

As if you can read my mind, you grab my hips and pull them back and up, before taking a hand from my hip and pushing my face into the bed. Mmm, I fucking love this unexpected side of you. You roughly pull my thong to the side, and I feel the tip of your cock, pressing at my entrance. Being so fucking horny and turned on, my pussy is dripping wet and with one single thrust, you are deep inside me.

“Oh fuck!” I cry out, as my pussy stretches and consumes your entire length in one go. I can feel my juices start to run down the inside of my thigh.

Grabbing my hips with both hands again, you slowly pull out, almost completely, before thrusting hard again into my hungry pussy.  Picking up the pace you fuck me hard, a desperate fuck that I have been wanting all day.

“Oh my God, yes!” I manage to say between thrusts, “Fuck me harder, fuck me like you mean it, Ben! Fuck me like the dirty little Slut I am!” I breathlessly cry out as I feel I am getting so close to cumming. I must have said something you like because, within seconds, I feel you thrust hard and groan as you release your load, deep inside me.

To my surprise and delight, you stay hard and continue to fuck me!

Oh God! My arousal is continuing to build with yours while we rise to the peak of climax together. Feeling the start of the wave of ecstasy building, I am thrust into the most intense and powerful orgasm I think I have ever had. “Fuck, Baby! Oh, God, yes!!” I shout out as I cum harder than I think I ever have before!

“Good God, I needed that!” I sighed, totally breathless.

Laying on the bed, still blindfolded, cum oozing from my pussy, I take a minute to relish what just happened. Wow! My pussy is still twitching intermittently as I start to come down from my full-body high.

The “click” of the bathroom door startled me, but I figured that you must have gone to clean up in the bathroom.

DING my phone pings, loudly. Another message. 

I’m confused… the only person who has this number, is you – But you were in the bathroom. I reach over, grab my phone and read the message…

“Baby, I’m the worst! I got held up! Leaving right now! I’m so sorry! I know it’s later than planned but I want you more than ever!! Be ready… B. Xx”

What the…? How can you just be leaving if…. then who…??

The sound of the bedroom door closing interrupts my thoughts. Looking up and around, I quickly realize you, or who I thought was you, are not in the bathroom anymore and there is nobody else here – I am completely alone.

So, if you are just leaving now… then…

That couldn’t have been you… It WASN’T you?!

… then…

… who the hell just fucked me?


Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed reading my story, I would really appreciate you giving it a like or maybe leaving me a comment below 🙂

Published 2 years ago

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