It’s Done

"The reappearance of an Ex makes for an interesting weekend."

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The phone only rang once before I picked it up. I listened as a quiet voice simply said, ‘It’s done.’ The click as they hung up followed by the dialling tone was deafening as it broke the silence before I shut the call off. My belly was now wet from the spontaneous orgasm that just occurred.

I lay back in the darkness as I thought over the last few days…

The week had started as normally as any other in what now passes as the ‘New Normal.’ Even though we were jabbed up-to-date with every damn thing that should protect us, at our age we both showed a reticence to going out into the big and now slightly frightening world. Careful? Of course, we were, as were most all of the people in our older age group that we knew. Out of courtesy to others, we usually wore masks whenever we went into a closed-off space. Made us feel safer as well, even though as time was passing fewer people did – inevitably we relaxed our way of thinking as well.

The phone call from an old friend of Jan’s was unexpected. He was in the area and would like to meet up. Notwithstanding all that was going on, we said yes, of course. We had lunch together and a great catch up that was a delight.

Jan asked where he was staying and given that he had told us his business was local we were surprised when he mentioned a town about fifty miles away.

‘Sign of the times,’ he had said. ‘No other vacancies any closer.’ 

When he went to the washroom a short time later, Jan looked at me and said, ‘Can he stay with us?’ As he’d had all his jabs and had been properly tested, I responded, ‘Yes – I don’t see why we might at least make the offer. So we had, and he gratefully accepted. Max had rung the Five-star Hotel shortly afterwards and cancelled the booking.

With some embarrassment, he said, ‘I will have to go there for one night. For a start, all my kit is there and I have to pick it up. Also, it’s too late to cancel, so I may as well stay the night then stay the rest of the time with you.’ So it was settled that that would happen.

Jan quizzed him about the hotel, it was quite famous and far out of our price range. As he was telling us about it Max suddenly stopped and said, ‘Look it’s got two separate bedrooms to the suite, why don’t I treat you to the night and you can see what it’s like for yourselves.’

Jan positively bounced in her seat and responded, looking at me, ‘Oh Max, what a lovely idea. Sven, darling, can we do that please.’ Both turned to me expectedly, seeing I looked a little worried.

Max said, ‘Look, I’ll go pay the check while you two have a chat.’

Jan put her hand on mine and said, ‘Please, love?’

I answered, ‘I can’t. I have a virtual meeting of the Car Club this evening and I have to chair the meeting. By the time it’s over, it’ll be much too late to drive down. Why don’t you go down with Max, then you can tell me all about it later.’

So it was settled. As they were about to leave I kissed Jan goodbye and then goodnight and whispered, ‘If you’re going to be naughty, be discrete and I will want to hear about it afterwards. She looked at me, slightly shocked and whispered back, ‘Hall pass?’ And I nodded knowing how much she had once loved Max, even though it had been a long time ago. Max had not been aware of the interchange.

Now, damned Car Club meeting long over and I was in bed when the phone had rung and I had answered it on my iWatch to hear ‘It’s done.’


They had come back later the next afternoon and Max was now staying with us. We had a quiet supper and a very convivial evening before retiring for the night. It was also the first time we had been alone together since that return.

We climbed into bed and turned out the light – we both sleep naked and Jan reached out to find me rock hard. She giggled and I said, ‘Well…’

Jan asked, ‘All of it?’

I just said, ‘Yes.’

This is what Jan told me:

’Sven, Even though you’d offered me a Hall pass, I was going to be a good girl and not allow myself to be seduced by Max, even though, like you, I guessed he’d try. He was very respectful and the perfect gentleman. Carried my overnight bag into the second room and left it there. We freshened up – each of us in our own en-suite. When I was ready, we met in the sitting room of the suite – very sumptuous it was too – before going down to dinner.

‘I won’t bore you with the meal. I’ll just say it was very good. There was a very quiet and discrete five-piece band playing and between courses, we had a dance with some of the others who were staying. When dinner was over, we stayed and danced for about an hour.”

I started to ask if they had smooched – but Jan let go of my juicy cock, put her finger to my lips and said, ‘Shhhh – I’m telling this!’

‘Max was as hard as you are and I could feel him against me. Indeed, I was pressing back. Just as well the lights were dim. Eventually, I said to him, “Let’s take this upstairs before we get thrown out,” and so with me just in front to hide things, we slipped out and took the lift up to the Penthouse. Did I tell, you that was where he’d been booked? No? Well, it was.

‘Max let us in, stood back and said, “Jan I can’t do this. Times have changed and we’ve both moved on. In any case, while I’m not married anymore, you’re very happily married to Sven and I can’t and won’t come between you.”

‘When he’d finished, I moved in, kissed him gently and said, “Sven has given me, us, a hall pass. Time to use it.” I caught his hand and pulled him to his room. Took his jacket from him. Draped it over a chair and then unbuttoned his shirt and undressed him. In the subdued light, his rigid cock glistened. Max looked at me, turned me around and unzipped me. The dress I’d brought with me had its support built-in, and when I’d gone to the Ladies earlier I’d taken my knickers off – all I now had on was my stockings and suspenders.

‘“Sven, that had the same effect on Max that it has on you and in short order, I was flat on my back on the edge of the bed with Max dining at the ‘Y’. My first orgasm arrived about ten seconds later. Max got up and lay in the middle of the bed and pulled me on top of him. I slid onto him in one easy, long, delicious slide. All the way home in one hit. His cock is not as long as yours, though it’s a lot thicker. Max was so turned on he came straight away as soon as he was inside me. I felt his pulsing and so I did as well. Powerfully, and long and I felt his every squirt as he pushed so hard into me. He kissed and suckled the ‘girls’ as I leant forward with my hands on his shoulders.

‘You know the girls are a tad droopy now? Max loved them and kissed and fondled them. I guess he must have had a Cialis or something because he never really went soft. He rolled me over, put my legs up on his shoulders and fucked me hard and fast to another Hugh high for both of us. I think we must have dozed off like that with him still inside me. He had slipped out when I got up at some stage to use the bathroom – I have no idea what the time was, but that’s when I rang you. I wanted you to know.’

I the meantime, I had pulled Jan on top of me/ I slid gently into that wonderful velvety glove and we climaxed with just a couple of hard, deep fucks. Fantastic. We lay there savouring the moment. 

Jan said, ‘Naughty, I hadn’t quite finished. Max was asleep when I got back into bed without disturbing him. I woke a lot later when he’d slid himself into my still wet and juicy pussy he was just moving gently – such a lovely way to wake up. When I started pushing back and he knew I was awake, we both upped the intensity. Fucked like teenagers and had yet another fantastic climax Sven, love, we didn’t get too much sleep last night. Thank you my lovely man we both loved it.’

I was as hard as nails again – totally turned on by Jan’s description of the intensity of their night of passion, ‘Jan, darling, how about we extend the hall pass for the whole week he’s here? I don’t mind if you start with him and I find you with me in the morning, or with me and you’re with him in the morning. As long as you want to and can manage, us both. Shall we do that?’

I got a big kiss, followed by Jan getting up and going off to the spare room to attack Max. I think the noises of pleasure that started shortly after meant he both agreed and approved.

At least, I’ll get some sleep for a while. It looks like being a fun and very sexy week. I may call into work and take some holiday that’s due.

I think I might also have to ask Max for some of his Ciali.s

Sven the Elder©

Published 3 years ago

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