When I had been in the Navy for a year I received a letter from someone named Virginia. I found out that she worked in an office of a friend. The friend had suggested she do her patriotic duty and write to a serviceman while we were waging that stupid ground war in Vietnam. I wasn’t in ‘Nam. Never went there. But I was a serviceman, so she was writing.
I was more than happy to receive her letter. I didn’t get many. Just my weekly letter from my mother. Not quite the same, you know? So when I started getting letters from Virginia I was more than happy to answer and keep up the relationship. Did I say that I was still a virgin? I had never joined my mates when they went out to the bars and strip-joints. I was rather naive about sex.
I had only had two or three dates in high school and they were disasters. I was not what girls wanted, apparently. I was bright and enjoyed reading, but knew little of the popular scene and wasn’t the greatest physical specimen. Actually, I was down-right skinny as a rail and not very assertive with women.
Virginia was a breath of fresh air for a man who was barely making it. We seemed to share a lot in common. We talked easily to each other and when she sent a picture I was entranced. She was a little doll. Our correspondence continued until I came home on leave. Of course, after visiting with family, my fondest wish was to visit Virginia. She lived about an hour from my home and I made the trek to her home as soon as possible. After losing my way in the countryside several times I found her.
We seemed to have known each other forever. She took me to all her favorite little haunts out in the country, and finally we made a date to actually go out. I took her to a movie in the largest nearby town a few days later. We had a good time. On the way home I took a chance and pulled over on the side of a dirt road near her house. After chatting for a while, I made a move. I leaned in and kissed her. She responded most positively, and we made out for over an hour. We were late.
I got her home later than I should have and her father was extremely pissed. But I made up the old story of the flat tire, and having to change it. Back then cars got flats much more often than today. He relaxed and I went home riding on air, it felt like.
When I went to catch my plane back to my duty station Virginia wanted to come along on the ride. That was when she met my mother, who was taking the car home afterwards. Virginia rode along happy to be with me and sad to see me go. I walked onto the plane knowing I would be coming home to a wonderful girl.
Things didn’t work out so well. After I had been gone a year I received a final letter from Virginia. She had graduated from high school, moved to a large city, and was working on her own. And she expressed a deep distress that I would be gone another year. She wanted me to come home now.
I had been saving up leave time so I could get out early, but I requested and received permission to take leave and go home. The first thing I did after mother picked me up and I saw the family was to drive up to the city where Virginia was living. We seemed to greet each other with great joy. But something was wrong.
That evening I tried to make out with Virginia but she didn’t respond. I even made a move for her pussy. The first pussy I had ever touched. Virginia was a very sexual kind of girl. She allowed me to play with her pussy, and even came on my hand. But I could tell something was wrong.
I was always respectful of women, and when she said that I followed orders. I left. I went home and then back to the transport center to return early to my duty station. I was lost. I knew I loved her. I thought she loved me.
Months later I got a letter from her father telling me she had got married and did I know anything about this guy she married. I ignored the letter. My heart was broken. I didn’t understand anything that had happened.
I got out of the service. I went to college with my GI Bill benefits. I was still a virgin. I thought I would stay that way forever. But I was enjoying college and making friends. I finished college and started working at a bank in town. I didn’t think about Virginia much anymore.
Three years later I got a letter. It was from Virginia. She had made contact with my mother who gave her my address in the college town. Virginia explained that she had divorced after two years because her husband was an alcoholic. She was very shy. Very contrite, wondering if I wanted to even see her.
I had a nice apartment, and she led me to the bedroom. She took charge. She took my pants down and began to give me the first blow-job I had ever had. It was ecstasy for me. I came in her mouth and she ate it all, like a starving orphan. The she took off all her clothes, I took off mine, and I lost my virginity that day. It was everything I had known it would be. I didn’t use a condom because I had been snipped just a few months earlier. I had never desired children, so I made sure I wouldn’t make any by accident. So I felt my first pussy bare-back. It was wonderful.
We began to live together. She moved all her stuff from the city to my college-town apartment. But after a few months something was just not right. She moved out again, back to her city.
She would come back to visit and we would fuck each other. But something was still wrong. This happened several times. Finally, I just told her it wasn’t working, even though I loved the sex part. And we parted ways for good, it seemed.
Another two years went by. I was in my thirties. I didn’t think I would ever find love. And Virginia still haunted my dreams, at night and during the day. I finally realized that I would never stop loving her. What could I do.
It was last resort time. I got in my car and drove for three hours until I came to her apartment in the big city. I knocked on her door. When she opened it I grabbed her and kissed her properly. I told her that I didn’t care what the problems were, we had to be together. She started crying. She began to tell me what had bothered her for so many years. What a little twit!
She had somehow come up with the idea that because I had finished college with honors and was much better educated than she was, that I somehow looked down on her, or maybe, she might not be good enough for me. What a fucking crock! Love is love. That is all there is and all there ever will be that is important.
I took her into her bedroom, and this time I took charge. I told her over and over how I loved her and cherished her, and would never allow her to leave me again. All the while I was fucking her sweet, loving little pussy, and sucking and nibbling her perky little breasts.
It’s been over thirty years. She still loves giving blow-jobs, and I still love fucking her little cunny.
It took awhile, but we will be together, forever.