The weekend was torture for them both, unable to communicate without the risk of discovery. Each thought of trying a text but not knowing how much attention a spouse paid to the dings and dongs of each other’s phones, they didn’t risk it. Alicia finally got smart and set a different alarm tone for Nathan’s texts and would instruct him to do the same when they inevitably talked on Monday.
Meeting in the same parking lot as before, Alicia came better prepared with a bottle of lube, positively itching to know how his huge cock would feel fully penetrating her back door. She also removed the second captain’s chair from the minivan and spread two thick comforters on the floor, offering a more comfortable ‘play’ surface. She chuckled at the name he’d given her car and wished she could have ‘Minifuckvan’ embroidered on the seat covers.
Naked except for a pair of sheer, black panties, she waited in the back, sitting on the floor with one arm draped over the bench seat and her legs spread. She got nervous when he was late, not helping her nerves by rubbing her freshly shaved pussy through the almost-nothing panties. She sighed in relief when his car finally appeared.
“I’m sorry! Just as I was about to leave …” he started as he climbed in but stopped when he saw her. “Oh, Ali! Are you a sight for sore eyes!” he exclaimed as the door slid closed behind him.
She reached for him, and he knelt beside her to offer a lustful kiss while her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt. Spreading it open, she wrapped her arms around him, wanting to feel her tits pressed against his beautifully bare chest.
“I have been salivating for a taste of your sweet pussy all morning! May I?”
“Mmm, please do!” she said as she shifted forward on the floor, lay back, and spread her legs wide.
Lying between her legs, he used both hands and tongue to turn up the heat on her plenty-wet pussy. While one pair of fingers entered her slippery tunnel, the other splayed the major lips apart for his tongue to get at the minor folds within and tease her clit from its concealment. She was on the verge of cumming when his slick fingers exited one hole, only to enter the other with slow but consistent pressure.
“Oh fuck, Nate!” she cried when his tongue nibbled on her clit and added to his digit deep in her ass, triggered the first climax of the day. “My turn!” she exclaimed before her body had relaxed at all, pushing him down to lie on his back while she made quick work of his pants and underwear.
Kneeling between his outstretched legs, she alternately stroked his long, thick cock with her hands and swallowed increasing inches until she’d fulfilled her promise to deep-throat him. Still getting used to it and finding the real thing a little bit easier than the dildo she’d practiced with, she managed to keep the slight gagging noises to a minimum, enjoying his wide-eyed reaction to it.
She knew she could make him cum very quickly now and decided to reveal another surprise she had for him. Turning to reach for something in one of the cupholders, she showed him the bottle of lube she’d remembered to bring and, with a raised eyebrow, reminded him of what it was for. What he didn’t expect was for her to open it right then, squeeze a small pool of the clear liquid into her palm, and coat her middle finger with the slippery stuff.
“Not just for me!” she said, using the remainder in her palm to grease his pole, her hand gliding smoothly on the long shaft. Holding her other hand up, finger extended in the classic middle finger salute, she teased his tight back door with the tip, then slowly slid it inside, his eyes popping as it squirmed and twisted in his ass.
“Oh my God, Ali!” he cried with this new experience but was soon lost in the most incredible climb to orgasm as her finger fucked his ass while his cock fucked her hand.
Stroking as fast as she could, she could feel the pressure welling up inside and smiled broadly when the force of the eruption landed one sticky string on the ceiling. She pulled her finger out of his ass but continued stroking his pulsing cock as his knees shook with the repercussions.
“As long as it was handy, it didn’t see why we both shouldn’t benefit!”
“That! Was! Incredible!” he gasped between deep breaths.
“So. How are we going to get him ready for my turn?” she asked, still lovingly stroking his shrinking dick.
“Sit on my face!” he pled, offering precisely what she’d hoped for.
“Mmm! Yes, sir!” she replied as she moved to straddle his chest, positioning her pussy directly over his mouth.
He loved giving in this way. Watching her body squirm as she wiped his face with her wet lips. Her hips rocking as his mouth and tongue passed through her slit, a scratching post for her playful kitten. Her gasps and moans increasing in volume and frequency as the climax slowly built. All this pleasure courtesy of his face trapped in her crotch.
He could feel she was about to cum, but unlike last time when her body stiffened, leaving him to carry on till she came, this time she pounded his face with her pussy, grunting with each punch and cumming after a half dozen jerks of her hips into his face. Her nectar flowed over his face as his tongue continued lapping up the savory syrup, prolonging the extraordinary pleasure.
He sat up when she released him from his captivity, and she wrapped her arms around him, kissing and thanking him for his fantastic performance. Reaching for the lube, she handed the bottle to him, turned around to lay on the flattened bench seat, and wiggled her voluptuous ass in invitation.
Squeezing a liberal amount into his palm, he immersed his finger in the puddle and rubbed it on her puckered rear opening, winking at him as she clenched in anticipation. Another application of the slick fluid, and he pressed his finger in slowly; her grunts and groans had him questioning how she’d take his cock back there.
“Oh, Nate! It feels so good, sliding in and out! Yeah! That’s it!” she cried as his finger disappeared entirely. He twisted his finger inside and added more lube when it came partially out, leaving a veneer of the watery oil in her tight opening before pulling his finger out.
“Oh God! Now your cock!” she gasped, although having second thoughts as to whether she could take all of his enormous member in. She watched him coat it with lube and guide it to her ass. “Slowly!” she warned unnecessarily, knowing he couldn’t just ram it in. “Oh! Ohh! OH!” she gasped as the tip forced its way in. He pulled away just a bit, allowing her to slowly get used to the fullness.
Two steps forward and one back was the order of the day, and eventually, he was fully embedded in her still clenching bottom. The sounds that escaped her lips had him wondering if he should continue.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes! Yes! Oh God! Ungh!” she cried as he increased the length of his stroke. With the extremely tight grip she had on him, he wouldn’t last very long, so he added to her stimulation in the hope they’d still cum together.
She marveled at how little movement it took to provide the breathtaking titillation. It wasn’t her first time, but his huge cock made it feel like it was. When he pulled her up to a kneeling position with one hand on her pussy and the other on her tits, she was flying toward another orgasm, and it hit with Nate grunting in her ear and, with her tight grip, feeling every pulse as he emptied himself deep within her.
She fell back onto the support of the seat, her body quaking with aftershocks as he pulled out. He lay atop her as their breathing felt like they’d run a marathon.
“Oh my God, Nate! That was unfuckingbelieveable!” she gasped between breaths.
“Wow!” was all he said as he fell to a seated position, leaning on the bench seat and gasping for breath. It was his first time, and again, her extreme pleasure added to his.
They had another ten minutes or so before he had to leave, but neither had the strength for anything more, so they passed the time enjoying the gentle touch of their bodies, with her leaning against his chest while he held her tightly, kissing her neck and nibbling on her ears. He left a little earlier, hoping his car’s air conditioning would cool and dry him off before returning to work.
They made a tentative date for the following Monday night, when they’d tell their spouses they were going to an unplanned SAC meeting, hoping to have more than just the portion of an hour their lunchtime rendezvous afforded. Another opportunity created by Joe’s business travel had them meeting at her home, and Nathan told his staff he had a meeting with a vendor, allowing them two whole hours in a bed rather than the van. While the bed was undoubtedly more comfortable, neither voiced their opinion that playing in her van provided an element of mischievous excitement that added to the appeal of cheating.
They’d gotten to the point where once a week was manageable as just a little of that initial thrill had worn off, but their time together was always sexually fulfilling in a way they hadn’t experienced before.
At first, he looked at it as returning to his college days with carefree sex with whoever was willing or available, but with the wisdom of age, it became much more. Alicia brought a flavor of newness to everything they did, a welcome change from his ‘going through the motions’ sex with Maria on the few occasions they actually had any sex.
She, too, compared it to her very active sex life in college, but so many times that was a wham-bam-thank-you, ma’am event, her lover more concerned with his needs than hers, while Nate was exactly the opposite. He gave to her in ways even her husband did not. In his face, she could see the pleasure he derived from providing hers.
There always seemed to be some new thing to try when they were together, each of them consulting internet porn or erotica for new ideas that one or both had never tried. Ali had always wanted to try having a guy fuck her tits, and with Nate’s extended length, being able to lick the tip on each stroke added to the naughty joy. She had him feel what she’d experienced with anal when she showed up with a strap-on, though the intruding phallus was considerably smaller than Nate’s. They tried some of the same things but in different positions; one of the more risky was with them both sitting in the driver’s seat of the minifuckvan, her riding his cock and both looking over a dark parking lot, hoping no one looked their way.
One of these ideas came from an unusual source. Attending an actual SAC meeting, the subject of a well-known and particularly rambunctious boy came up, who created constant chaos wherever he went. A visiting grandmother of one of the students lamented the passing of corporal punishment as an acceptable form of discipline. Nate and Ali’s eyes instantly connected with raised eyebrows, and that night, in the Starbucks parking lot, she found herself over the Chairman’s knee for a playful spanking.
Their lives at home remained unchanged, and both of their spouses continued the behavior that sent their significant other into the arms of another. Ali’s sex with Joe was what it always was: somewhat routine, though occasionally surprising in its level of passion. Nathan’s sex life was still essentially non-existent, and Maria seemed content to keep it that way … or so he thought.
Maria had noticed a change in Nathan as he seemed a bit happier and less inclined to show frustration or anger when she was being her contrary self. She absentmindedly wondered at the cause of this change, but as it eased her conscience, she decided not to look that gift horse in the mouth as she had her own secrets.
That started to change when she learned there was no unscheduled meeting of the School Advisory Committee. While waiting in the car line to pick up Sean, a group of women regularly sat together, sharing stories about their kids or the school. Maria remarked on the unusual SAC meeting and learned from one of her group, who was also on the committee, that there had been no such meeting. Maria stored that information away, not knowing what to do with it at the moment.
Over the following days, it came to mind often, and eventually, she connected Nate’s new positive attitude with this ruse of a fake meeting. Another piece of the puzzle appeared when she remembered finding unusual spots or stains in his underwear while doing his laundry. It wasn’t anything obvious, just a stiff or sticky residue that, until now, she’d placed no importance on, assuming it was the result of masturbatory fantasies that she couldn’t blame him for having.
She decided that the school committee must somehow figure into this mystery and decided to follow him to the next meeting to see what happened. She waited until he’d left and followed in her car, parking across the street by an athletic field. She watched him go in, connecting with other members as they walked into the school.
The meeting lasted a little over an hour, and she watched him come out of the school, engaged again in discussions with other members before leaving separately in their cars. One of the women stood apart from the group, seemingly keeping her distance but still interested. Her skirt, inappropriately short for such a meeting, got Maria’s attention. When the group broke up, she got into a minivan and drove off. She watched as Nate pulled out of the parking lot and turned in the same direction the minivan had gone, which was not toward their home.
Keeping her distance, she saw him pull into the Starbucks parking lot and walk inside. Parking in an adjacent parking lot, she saw him come out of the store with the woman she recognized in the minivan, and they both got into her van.
‘He’s got good taste,’ she thought, sizing up the firm young body, with sumptuous tits and ass and well-toned thighs below her short skirt. She couldn’t see much of her face, but her highlighted, long brown hair was beautiful and youthful.
She moved her car to get a better view of the van, but while she couldn’t tell what was going on inside, the windows fogged up pretty quickly, and at times, it rocked to the rhythm of what she assumed was unbridled sex between Nate and this unidentified woman. Forty or so minutes later, he exited the van but leaned back in, seemingly for a kiss, before he walked to his car, got in, and left.
Nate was surprised when he opened the garage door and saw Maria’s car missing. His surprise turned to concern when she pulled in right behind him. Immediately suspicious of her out-of-character behavior, he stood back as she pulled into the garage.
Maria hadn’t decided yet what to do about the situation but knew she had to explain her unexpected nighttime activity. She got out of the car to a ‘Hi, honey’ from Nate and accepted a light hug and a kiss before dropping her bomb.
“So, who is she?”
What does Maria think about Nathan’s obvious cheating? What will she do? I hope you enjoyed this episode and remember to ‘Like’ and/or ‘Favorite’ it if you did! Thanks For Reading!!