Melissa found herself on her own, at home, on a Saturday afternoon. It was one of those days where Isabel left her to herself. In the morning, she busied herself with all the chores that had to be done before contemplating a walk in the park. It was a beautiful day, she thought, as she looked through the window onto the golden autumn colours of the trees beyond.
Isabel was out with friends, that’s all Melissa was told. Presumably, friends that were made from the party of the previous evening. Though Isabel had so many friends that it was sometimes hard to keep track of them all.
The day passed her by. The walk was exhilarating, the cold air chilled her face, even with the scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. The cold penetrated her to the core. The long black coat did nothing to warm her. The soft leather was not made for that purpose especially when she was naked beneath it. She couldn’t help but be naughty even without Isabel there to instruct her.
Throughout the walk, she felt empowered. She stared at every person she came across, especially the women; wondering whether they licked pussy or whether they were naked underneath their coats too. It was her fantasy. With every step she took, she felt the cold air bite at her thighs, tickle her pussy and slide uninvited along her buttocks. Her nipples were erect and pleaded with the leather to let them out. She would have loved to have done that but only when the sun had sunk beneath the cityscape.
Melissa arrived home at around four-thirty in the afternoon. At six-thirty in the early evening, she opened a text from Isabel that read, ‘Home at 8 – N+C&L – get ready.’
Melissa studied the text, not because of the cryptic nature of it, she knew what that meant. She studied the text remembering the last time. A broad smile crept across her face before she bit into her lip.
The shower beckoned to her and she relished in the warm hot water as she made herself ready for Isabel. She spent ages in the shower, but unlike the other night, she didn’t have to masturbate or wonder what punishment she would get if she were to have an orgasm. She spent some time pleasuring herself as she always did. She loved doing that under the shower but especially so when the hard beads of water were directed onto her engorged clit.
With seven-thirty approaching, she got herself ready in case Isabel was to arrive home early. Being late for her mistress would not be acceptable. Melissa had decided to dress in the required way, as instructed, and then go downstairs and wait. Later that afternoon she had prepared some finger food in case Isabel was hungry; all this was placed on the coffee table in the lounge with Isabel’s favourite Gin and Tonic; a Tanqueray No.10.
Melissa looked at herself in the full-length mirror in the passageway between the lounge and the front door. Suddenly there was a rattling in the door and it opened with a crash. Isabel was standing there giggling, a little worse for wear if Melissa was allowed to have an opinion. She looked at her mistress but could not suppress a slight turning up of the lip.
Isabel smiled at Melissa.
“Go on in,” she said, as she stepped to one side and made way for a friend to enter the house. Melissa started to cover up, it was an automatic reaction to seeing other people enter without prior knowledge.
“Don’t be shy,” said Isabel, “come here.”
Melissa took a step towards Isabel. She was dressed exactly to her instructions and yet she felt uneasy and less confident now that someone else was staring at her naked form. Isabel pushed the door closed and then grabbed the leather tab that connected it to Melissa’s black studded collar. From the coat hooks, she retrieved a long chain with a leather strap on the end.
“Melissa,” she said, clipping the chain to the collar, “this is Amy. She’s feeling a little under the weather tonight, so be nice to her.” Melissa smiled and nodded.
“Amy, this is Melissa,” she pointed to Melissa and then handed Amy the lead.
“She’s now yours for a while. I will leave her in your capable hands and imagination while I shower.”
Melissa shot a concerned look at Isabel but it was ignored. Isabel walked into the lounge.
“Oh! Melissa this is wonderful,” she said as she picked up a few bites to eat followed by the glass of G&T and then just as quickly headed for the shower. “I’ll be back in a moment, ” she shouted, “just going to have a quick soak and get changed.”
Amy held the chain tightly, not exactly knowing what to do with it. She looked Melissa up and down more than once.
Melissa started to realise that Amy was not used to being in this situation. The scenario seemed alien to her. She decided she would have to prompt her; make her feel at home.
It was true, Amy felt more than a little uncomfortable until that is, Melissa smiled and cocked her head to one side; straightening it she said, “can I get you anything, mistress.” Emphasising the ‘mistress’ element.
Amy registered the word and looked at her. “You can get me a plate of food. That would be nice,” she replied, hesitantly.
Melissa stood there taking in the politeness of Amy’s response. “You will have to lead me to the table,” she said, eventually.
Amy nodded but could not take her eyes off Melissa lovely body. This black haired beauty was standing stark naked in front of her sporting just a dog collar and chain. What’s more was that she was told that she was hers, to do with what she wanted. Amy was well out of her comfort zone.
Amy pulled on the chain and led Melissa to the table. Melissa followed, her eyes watching Amy’s every move to see whether she was going to get the hang of things in Isabel’s house.
“There, how’s that?” she said to Melissa.
Melissa looked at her. “Order me,” she said, “it works better that way. I won’t mind.”
Amy looked at Melissa and smiled. “Get me a plate of food, now…” she said, as she yanked the chain downwards towards the food, letting it go a little to give Melissa some room for manoeuvre. Melissa jerked suddenly, she then picked up a plate and placed several items on it; mostly vol-au-vent style food with some sandwiches. She handed the plate back to Amy.
“Make me a drink, I’ll have the same as Isabel,” Amy told her, letting go of the lead so that Melissa could walk to the drinks cabinet.
Melissa made another G&T and handed it to Amy, telling her what it was at the same time. Amy took the drink from Melissa and placed it on the side table next to the sofa.
“Pass me some more of these,” Amy commanded, pointing to the salmon topped bites.
Melissa gasped out loud as she bent over to retrieve the bites. Amy’s hand came down hard on her backside and spanked her. It was a loud slap, the noise reverberating throughout the house.
Melissa’s right cheek burnt for a while, but she prided herself that she did not let out an uncontrolled yelp. She never dropped the food either, and she raised herself with everything intact and handed the small plate to Amy.
Amy placed the food next to the drink on the side table. She looked back at Melissa.
“I think I am a little overdressed,” she said.
No more needed to be said and Melissa caught Amy’s hands and lifted her off the sofa. She started to undress Amy. First, the skirt was skilfully unbuttoned, unzipped and allowed to fall to the floor, then came the blouse, bra and finally the knickers. Amy kicked her shoes off which ended up close to the table.
Amy sat back down on the leather sofa and picked up her drink, she sipped it. Lifting a salmon vol-au-vent off the plate, she slipped it into her mouth and chewed on it. She reached out for the chain and yanked it downwards, taking up the slack as she did so. Eventually, Melissa was on her knees in front of Amy.
If there was any doubt left in Melissa’s mind that Amy was unprepared for this meeting, it had quickly been dismissed. Melissa looked deep into Amy’s eyes and could see the same dominance that Isabel displayed being reflected from Amy’s dark brown eyes.
“Lick my pussy,” Amy commanded as she opened her thighs.
Melissa dipped her head towards the soft down that covered her mound. Melissa extended her neck so that she could reach Amy’s pussy from where she knelt and then extended her tongue as well. She let her tongue flow over Amy’s soft pubes, wetting them in the process and working the tip ever closer to her pink slit that she could see hidden.
“Yeah, fucking lick that pussy,” Amy commanded. She was getting the hang of it, thought Melissa.
Amy picked up a few more bites of food and started to eat as Melissa’s tongue lavished her nether regions. At one point she forced her tongue into a salmon vol-au-vent as Melissa’s tongue forced its way into Amy’s cunt. It was a wonderful dual act that Amy relished. As she sucked on the salmon, she thrust her pussy into Melissa’s face.
Amy and Melissa were unaware that Isabel had entered the room and was watching them from the corner. She had finished her shower and was now dressed in a long black chemise see-through gown. Isabel picked up some food on a plate as she crossed the room to sit on the sofa to one side of them, one leg resting on the back of the sofa and one on the floor with her back against the arm.
Isabel sat down and ate. She was hungry, very hungry. Isabel reached for some more food, she sat back against the arm of the sofa and watched; eating with one hand and playing with her pussy with the other. She picked up a smoked aubergine snack and threw it into her mouth. She moaned. For once, it wasn’t a sexual moan, the food was pure heaven.
Amy started to watch Isabel but she was highly distracted by Melissa’s expertise. She popped another bite of food into her mouth, took a huge sip of the drink then placed her hand behind Melissa’s head and pulled her into her juiced up cunt. She started to buck her hips so that her pussy rubbed along her mouth, tongue and even along the bridge of her nose.
Isabel reached over and picked up the lead. She started to pull on it; just enough to tighten it; enough to let Melissa know that there was someone else holding onto her destiny for the evening.
Amy moaned loudly, expletives emanated from her lips as she pulled Melissa into her. Melissa was doing her best to bring her to orgasm, but she hadn’t been told to make her cum. Melissa flicked at her pussy lips and clit, sucked on her pubes and pushed her tongue into her wet cunt. She did everything to bring her close. Amy’s hands encouraged her to lick more, faster and her bucking motion encouraged Melissa to follow her movements.
While Amy was sucking in some much-needed air, she let out one final instructional cry, “suck on my clit. Make me cum.”
Melissa opened her mouth and was about to suck her clit into her mouth when suddenly she was yanked away, her head veered to the left as she was horribly removed from her prize. Her knees and legs followed the source of the force that moved her. She finally fell to the floor; failing to move as fast as the chain was being pulled.
Amy never had a chance to complain, though her outrage at suddenly being denied of all that pleasure was noticeable. With her orgasm evaporating it slowly subsided into nothingness, her fingers were not quick enough to keep the surge of pleasure moving ever forwards. Amy stared at Isabel who had yanked the chain in disbelief.
Melissa raised herself and looked into the eyes of her mistress.
“Lick me, now…” she insisted.
Melissa never hesitated. She crawled between Isabel’s legs and started to lick. She started doing all the same kind of pleasure-giving moves with her tongue, that Amy had just received. The taste, however, was different. Isabel’s pussy was more fragrant, probably due to the rose flavoured shower gel that she had used previously. Melissa licked her mistress’ pussy with energy and relief. Relief, that she was finally sucking a pussy that she understood and was familiar with. A pussy where she knew how its owner would react when she did certain things to it. She knew exactly what Isabel would say and do when she sucked her clit into her mouth and how long it would take to make her climax.
Isabel started to moan and groan at the intrusion of Melissa’s tongue. She wanted it all inside her. She had watched enough pussy licking between Amy and Melissa and now she wanted to feel it all happen to her. Isabel twisted her body and shuffled forwards on the sofa so that she could thrust her pussy into Melissa’s face. Melissa responded by rolling the flat of her tongue against Isabel’s smooth mound before taking her clit into her mouth and gently sucking on it. She knew what this would do to Isabel. Melissa then started to flick Isabel’s clit with her tongue while her thumb slipped into her cunt.
Isabel was on a high and it was getting much higher. Unlike Amy, Isabel pulled on the lead to drag Melissa’s tongue and mouth closer. She pulled on it until Melissa could hardly move. With her hand on the back of Melissa’s head, Isabel then slowly fucked her mouth in an up and down motion. This was it, thought Melissa, this was what she so fondly remembered when she received that text earlier in the day. The whole experience of Isabel holding her tight and fucking her mouth was out of this world.
Isabel cried out, her head was flung backwards in open abandonment of her orgasm. She pulled on the lead and thrust her arse up and down. Her pussy, sliding effortlessly across Melissa’s wet face. There was no denying her mistress’s orgasm and Melissa was thankful that Isabel had hold of the lead.
Amy was powerless and could do nothing but push her fingers into her pussy and watch Isabel’s mounting orgasm take hold. Amy watched, with some admiration, on how Melissa brought Isabel off in front of her and watched avidly as the pair fucked themselves to oblivion.
Isabel’s orgasm was the best. At the point of it tipping her over the edge, she had raised her arse completely into the air, her heels dug into the soft leather and her whole body was raised upwards. It was all Melissa could do to stay in contact with her pussy. A little while after the point of no return, Isabel let go of the lead. It fell onto the sofa. She cried out.
Melissa had become detached from Isabel’s pussy as her movements became more and more exaggerated. She slipped from the sofa in the knowledge that what she had done was exactly what Isabel had required. She looked up at her mistress with wide-open eyes to find that she was as content as a Cheshire cat.
If Amy could have grasped the lead she would have. Instead, she played with herself watching Isabel come down from her orgasm. She was amazed at how hard she had cum and wondered whether it was all Melissa’s doing or the situation or both.
Isabel eventually recovered.
“She is my lovely toy, don’t you agree, Amy?” She asked, looking at Melissa.
“I want to cum so badly,” replied Amy.
Isabel smiled at her, bit her lower lip, pulled on it with her teeth and let it go. “Did I interrupt anything important?” she asked.
Amy shot her a disdainful look and sighed, shaking her head in the process, denying her the knowledge that she had been on the very verge of the same pleasure before it had been unceremoniously removed.
Isabel got up from the sofa reached for the lead and tossed it to Amy.
“I’m going to get your favourite friend Melissa,” she said, “Amy, you have until I get back, then she’s mine again. Be quick about it.”
Amy smiled.
Melissa smiled, but for very different reasons.