Intro to medical fetish

"A little bit of doctor-nurse role play."

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One of the perks of having a long term partner is the possibility to explore your own kinks, finding your likes and dislikes and to be introduced to new deviance’s.



I don’t know about you, but I always like to push my limits a bit further, expanding my horizons. There are certain things you just don’t discuss or do with a one night stand or with a man, you’ve just met, unsure, where that particular relationship is going yet.


So we tend to start off vanilla and only after a while, when that becomes old and you have the urge to scratch your deeper itches, you come to wonder when and how to let him peek into the depths of your closet and will he like it, accept it or get freaked out?


With Adam, I did not have to play the vanilla game. We met under quite unusual circumstances, which I cannot talk about here, but let just say, I was at my lowest low emotionally and did things, I’m not proud of. But Adam not only accepted me with my flaws, but encouraged me to be myself. Even my dark, out of control, crazy self. 


It was clear from the very start, that we were both rather bent; me for doing those things and him for liking them. The only question was, were we bent the same way or completely different way?


It only took me two dates to find out, he was a bit of an exhibitionist. On the second date, after going out for dinner, he fucked me on a park bench. It was midnight, the park was completely deserted, so I was ok with it. It even excited me to be on display, my clothes torn, his tongue and fingers buried deep in my pussy. I remember he had to keep my mouth shut with his other hand to silence my orgasm.


Then I gave him a blow job at the cinema, on a train and he banged me against the wall of a toilet cubicle at some bar. Soon after, we did it in his car, parked on a secluded, beach dirt road.


I have to admit, it wasn’t really my kind of thing, but at that point, I did not tick, I do now and I wasn’t even sure what my thing was, so I went along with it. Besides he was really hot with his athletic body, dark hair and deviant streak. Other than these risky situations, we were having great sex indoors, in bed, in the kitchen, against all the walls of his flat.


But that particular occasion in his car, on the beach road did not end quite well. Police came knocking on our steamed up windows and we were lucky to escape with a warning. After that, I was a bit reluctant to go with his ideas. I refused, when he wanted to do it on the stairs of his apartment building and in his car again. He did look disappointed, but did not make a big fuss about it.


At this point we had been together for about six months and I kinda had moved in with him. It wasn’t intentional, but I’ve spent so much time there that it was just convenient to first leave my toothbrush at his, then more and more of my clothes.


Nevertheless, one day, I overheard him telling his best friend jokingly, how I sneakily moved myself in with him. That seriously made me question whether we should stay together. Our sex life also suffered because of the numerous occasions, when I chickened out of his exhibitionist ideas.


A few days later, after I stayed the night again, he was called in to work unexpectedly in the morning and I found myself home alone in his flat. I decided to have a look into his laptop to find out about other possible things he was into. His password was very easy to break, but once I logged into his account, I felt bad doing so on many levels.


First of all it is not fair to snoop around, and what if I found something very odd, very scary or god forbid very illegal.


I could have just asked I guess, but it was just too big of a temptation now, that his laptop was already open just waiting for me to have a look around.


I imagined someone looking at my search history and at the porn sites I watched and how that would make me feel. Even though, at that time my taste was still almost conservative. A little bit of lesbian, some light bdsm, not much more. Today just my search history would probably send most people running.


Anyway it was too late, it was open and I had to look.


The first images and videos were not a surprise the slightest. I knew, he was into home videos and ‘real life’ porn images. He even showed me some pictures before. I guess exhibitionism and voyeurism were connected in a way.


He had a few pictures of girls with huge bushes. That one was a bit gross to be honest. I knew, he preferred me with a landing strip rather than completely bare. But a giant bush, oh no. These, on the pictures were calling out for a gardener for fucks sake.


Now, the images I’ve found on his E drive were the most fascinating. The folder was named ‘Med’ and it seemed, he quite often made a visit to this particular folder and downloaded new pictures into it at least a couple of times a week.


There were various images of girls in nurse uniform, doing all kinds of medical tests on the male subjects and also men dressed up as doctors examining the busty models. The equipment he seemed to favour was a pussy pump.


It was the first time I’ve seen anything like that and it made me curious and quite a bit turned on, to think about what it did to one’s most sensitive bits. The other thing that draw me in was those giant syringes. This interest of mine, I still can’t comprehend to date. Some people have a needle phobia, but it seems I’m just the opposite for some reason. Not because they are phallic symbols and not even because of the things they tend to do with them. For me it is more like what’s inside them, that turns me on…


The other pictures, he seemed to have a whole collection of was dental gags. On my laptop there was a similar folder of gagged girls, but not strictly dental gags. I didn’t really consider them until now. For me it was rather the need to have something in my mouth. Be it his fingers while he fucked me from behind or his cock forced deep into the depths of my mouth or my knickers he shoved between my teeth in the heat of the moment sometimes. But I realised now, that dental gags had their own function, having you open and accepting and I’ve found them also quite intriguing.


In the spur of them moment, I’ve found myself closing his laptop and opening mine to order some of these toys.


Anybody who knows me, can tell you just how much I like to play dress up, even outside the bedroom. As a child I’ve never missed an opportunity to dress up for Halloween or birthday parties. My favourite costumes included a black cat, vampire, a prostitute and I could really see myself getting into this newfound playground. The uniforms were the first to chose. The basic ones did not cost much and I preferred to spend more on the other gadgets, I was about to buy. 


I felt my knickers getting really wet browsing through all the naughty accessories, fantasizing about how he will use them on me. When I was done selecting the ones, I most desired, I had a look through the ones, that can be used on him. It was a bit disappointing, as they clearly did not have such a vast range for men. A few things enticed me but most seemed quite a long shot for a first timer. For example, I was intrigued by the catheters, but I was sure they would require some more in depth study and preparation, for which I didn’t have time. Maybe on another occasion.


By the time he arrived home at 4pm, I was all worked up, thinking about my naughty parcel, that will arrive in 3-5 working days. Hopefully just before the weekend. 


Over dinner, I desperately tried to divert our small talk to the topic of his sexual interest, trying to avoid his suspicion of just how I’ve spent the morning on his laptop. I told him that I’ve noticed how our sex life was lacking a bit of spice after my refusal of getting involved in anything even the slightest risky. I bluntly asked him what other kinks he was into.


He did not make a secret of his desire to see me in a nurse uniform and I could easily work my way up from there. I was glad, I did not have to tell him the truth or send my precious parcel back. I kept quiet of my plans of course.


I’ve spent the next few days in a total haze of excitement and planning especially two days later when my parcel arrived. I just couldn’t wait for the weekend to have our little role play. I wanted to have the whole night for our little escapade and the maybe the whole next day too.


Eventually Friday came and when I got home from work quite early, I immersed myself into a lot of preparation. I took an extra long bath soaking myself in my most luxurious, best smelling bubble bath and I also decided to shave myself bare this time. I imagined him still sitting behind his desk at work unsuspecting, while I’ve been making all these preparations.


Then the unforeseen phone call came at 5pm, when he finished work and he told me, that one of his favourite dj’s was spinning that night and he wanted to go partying. I think I only managed to utter a -trying not to sound devastated- ‘OK.’


I couldn’t tell him my plans, especially not over the phone, so instead of packing up my medical bag, I was reluctantly choosing my party gear.


He was also meeting his mates for a few drinks beforehand, so he told me to just meet him at the club at midnight.


This was definitely not going according to my plans. 


Once we were inside the club, I’ve downed quite a few cocktails, but still couldn’t enjoy the party. All I could think about was my new toys. He kept asking me, what was wrong and the first few occasions I just told him I was a bit tired, but of course he knew me well and finally I gave up and told him the truth.


‘Fuck this shit, let’s go home and play,’ were his exact words.


We took a taxi to mine to pick up the box, but finding my housemate away for the weekend, we decided to stay at mine.


‘Wait here,’ I told him. He got himself comfortable in the living room, while I went to my room to get the box. I had set a few things aside earlier, to leave them for later or for next time.


‘Let me see, what did you get?’ he asked standing up excitedly when I reappeared.


I showed him the costumes and a few toys.


‘I want to be the first one to play,’ he said with a gleaming smile.


I went to my room and quickly put on something casual, a black halter back dress while he dressed up as a doctor.


The white coat suited him perfectly. The contrast with his dark hair and eyes gave him a rather mischievous look.


‘Is this a normal medical examination or do you have any problems, I can help you with?’ he asked.


‘Well, I seem to have lost my libido lately,’ I saidcurling my lips into a barely visible smile.


‘OK. Let’s have a quick check up, then we can try to find out what is causing that particular problem. Please undress and wait for me in the surgery,’ he said. Surgery being my room. Apart from my bed and set of wardrobes, I had my desk in it with my big director style office chair.


‘Please get comfortable on the examination table, with your feet apart,’ he pointed to the chair, while he was sitting on an ordinary one, taken from the kitchen.


‘Now, during the examination, we do not want to have any sudden movements or resistance, so we’ll be applying some restraints to your limbs.’


Unknowingly tapping into my innermost needs, he played it the best way possible.


He was looking at me with examining eyes, as if he had never seen me naked before. Well, he definitely hasn’t seen me like this, as a patient, a doll, a toy. I felt my juices running down between my naked thighs. This was even better, than I imagined, unmistakably my element.


He tied my arms to the black, hard plastic armrests with a string of black ribbon he had found in one of the drawers. My ankles had been secured to the base of the chair and my knees to the front side of the armrest. I was kept wide open with only the slightest movement allowed.


A small plastic bowl filled with hot water was brought in along with a sponge. Tucking a towel under my bum and swatting in front of me, he gave my intimate area a nice arousing sponge bath. He did not comment on my bare pussy, but I saw it in his eyes and in the way of how he paid very particular attention to that area, that he was taken aback.


The warm, wet feeling calmed me and excited me at the same time. After cleaning my pelvic area, the top of my thighs, then my mould, my labia, he probed my tunnel with two of his fingers and noted, how wet and hot I felt. This little preparation made me feel very dirty especially when he went on to sponge clean me between my bottocks.


Then he put the bowl away and took the speculum out of the box. When I saw the cold metal instrument in his hands I wondered, ‘What the hell made me buy that?’ 


When my gynecologist uses it on me I absolutely hate it. I hate it when the cold blades are inserted, I hate the uncomfortable stretching feeling and let’s not even talk about what comes after that. But despite all this, seeing it in Adam’s hands turned me on.


Noticing the bliss mixed horror on my face his lips curled into an evil smile.


‘I always wanted to play with one of these,’ he said putting on a surgical mask. Suddenly dr Mengele came to my mind and a cold shiver ran down my spine.


But then I saw the bottle of lube in his hand and I relaxed. ‘This is going to be fun.


He squeezed a few ropes of the clear gel onto the blades with up and down motion, then tossing the bottle away, he smeared the gel all over the speculum, his gloved fingers were teasingly stroking the instrument.


My lips trembled and my pussy contracted as he prepared me, opening up my labia with his thumb and index finger. He probed my vagina with a gloved digit. The latex felt strange and alien first, but it felt so much better than a real medical examination. He was much slower, more merciful. I closed my eyes and I gave myself up to the sensation, as he moved his pointer in and out.


I briefly contemplated suggesting my gyno to go slower next time, he is giving me a check up, but then I decided it would be rather weird.


I wanted Adam to go on and on like this for ever. The slow rhythm he dictated put me in a pleasant half dreamy state, where I heard his voice as a gentle purr in a bubble of pleasure.


This went on for a while… Sometimes he turned his finger around, sometimes he was stretching me sideways. I could tell he was enjoying this just as much as I did.


Resting his other gloved hand on my mons pubis, he turned the one examining me palm up and inserted two fingers. The new stretching feeling and massaging my g-spot made my pussy gently pulsate around his fingers. How sweet it would have been, if he made me cum, just like this with this slow, agonising, teasing motion. I contemplated begging him but trying to stay true to part, I kept quiet.


Another few minutes of stroking my bare pussy and fingering me, then he removed his fingers.


The emptiness woke me from my dreamy state and I opened my eyes. I saw him holding up the speculum and I immediately reached a new level of excitement.


My empty hole was craving the cold metal, I would have agreed to take anything up there at that point just to fill the emptiness. 


He slowly inserted it half way into my ready hole then lingered a little bit, pulling my labia apart with his thumb and index finger then continued to invade me.


It did feel cold, but only for a few seconds, then it felt fulfilling, hard, slick, welcome.


When it was fully inside, I involuntarily tried to pull up my knees, but they were tied up to the chair.


Seeing my struggles, he untied the ribbons and helped me lift my knees slightly and tied my ankles to the armrest of the chair just underneath my wrists. He also reclined the back of the chair fully and slid me a bit further up, to be more comfortable. All this, while I worked all my inside muscles to try to keep the slippery instrument in my wet pussy.


I was about 45 degrees reclined now and pretty much lost the ability to see, what he is doing between my legs. It made me more helpless and vulnerable.


When he went back to his ‘job’ he found, that the speculum slid out slightly so he pushed it back in giving me tremendous pleasure. He held it in with his left hand and opened the blades with the other one.


Because the instrument was not cold anymore, it was a new and very pleasurable experience. 


I remember seeing some porn clips with inflatable dildos that you pump up to stretch you inside. I suddenly wanted to try one of those, as I loved this feeling. 


Also another image popped into my mind of an ex girlfriend who was really into fisting and putting all sort of things into my pussy. I used to find it a bit odd, but now I could really see myself getting into it, especially being tied up, unable to do anything about it.


He pretended to do some examination and closed the blades, rotated the speculum slightly, then opened it up again.


I wondered, whether he knew exactly, what it was used for. I did not ask him that though and I didn’t even want to think about it. I was not having a rather unpleasant real life check up. This was just pure fun.


‘Everything seems normal so far,’ he murmured under the mask.


He pulled out the instrument gently leaving an empty ache throbbing in my pussy again. He cleaned it with a wet wipe and put it away.


Then he took out the pump. 


‘There is a cream to use with it,’ I breathed heavily advising him. ‘It has to have a perfect seal.’


‘OK,’ he smiled under the mask.


He placed the pink see-through suction cup over my entire pussy, my labia and my opening too. He gently squeezed the bulb. He was studying my face for telltale signs of pleasure or discomfort. 


It felt great. Like a huge mouth sucking my bits. On the third or fourth pump my bits really begun to swell and the sensation was extraordinary as the blood ran to my most private parts.


‘That’s enough,’ I exhaled heavily. ‘You have to leave it on for a little bit.’


I said this through half clenched teeth. What I really wanted to say was ‘Take it off now, fuck me hard and make me cum.’


He saw me tense up and decided to step closer and lovingly stroked my face and cheek with his fingertips.


‘I’ve never had this much fun in my life,’ he whispered into my ear bending down.


Then he stood up tall and reverted back to his role.


‘In the meantime, let me examine your breasts.’


He cupped my right one, closer to him seemingly noting the size and the shape of it, then he gently rubbed it, starting from the outside, then my areola and finally gently pinching my nipple.


‘Nice full, round breast, very hard nipples.’ I did’t see his mouth under the mask, but I knew he was smiling.


Then he repeated the same, going around to the other side.


‘Are you ready to take the gadget off?’


I nodded. The swelling and sensitivity was almost painful. 


He removed the mask from his face and licked one of his fingers and gently broke the seal between the suction cup and my skin.


‘Wow. You have to see this,’ he murmured softly.


He seemed more of an excited little boy, than a doctor now. He pulled up the back of the chair almost upright.


Seeing those pictures on his computer, I more or less knew what to expect, but I have to admit, seeing it on photos and seeing yourself in real life like that are worlds apart. These were my pussy lips, that were seriously enlarged and swollen. They looked luscious and nibblesome.


Then he touched me. Ohh my, I was really, really sensitive.


To take my excitement to a whole new level he poured some lube on my very swollen folds and gently stroked them with his palm.


My clit beneath all this swollen sensitiveness was pulsating wildly. The tingling sensation in all my parts was unbearable.


‘Please, make me cum,’ I begged. I was so tense. My arms pulling against my restraints, my knees opening up into the rigid plastic of the armrest.


He smiled.


‘I don’t know. I kinda love this look. So desperate…’


‘No, please don’t…You can’t do this to me.’


He laughed.


He gently patted my swollen folds. ‘Ohh yes, I can, because it’s my turn.’




My body was still trembling as I maneuvered the nurse uniform over my head. It was a light blue dress with an apron design, short sleeves and a few buttons, of which I only managed to button two up with my trembling fingers. Besides, I also wanted to leave my cleavage on display.


When I reentered the room, he was sitting in the leather chair. I sat next to him in the ordinary chair.


‘Ok, what can I do for you today?’ I asked. I was still a bit cross with him for not letting me cum.


He looked away with mimicked shyness. ‘I seem to have some erectile problems.’ He cleared his throat and I smiled an invisible smile. ‘Right.’


Then he continued, while looking at the floor. ‘It’s not like I can’t make it hard, it just, erm, it goes down after a while.’


It was kind of true. But I never considered it as a problem before.. 


‘OK,’ I said a bit surprised. ‘Please undress yourself behind the curtain, then I will examine you.’


While he was away, I was thinking about, how much this was a real problem. It was true that he could not go on for hours, but he was still much better than most of my exes.


When he came back naked he stood in front of me. I tried to look at his face and take my eyes off of his flaccid cock.


‘Could you sit on the examination table for me, please.’ He sat back on the same leather chair which doubled as the examination table. I pulled out a drawer of the desk and took a pair of gloves. As I was putting them on I’ve noticed his member twitch slightly.


I reclined the seatback and told him to relax and close his eyes if he so wished.

As I enjoyed the sponge bath so much, I decided to treat him the same way so left the room to get some warm water.


When I came back his eyes were closed and he was semi erect.


I held his penis in my left hand and squeezing out the water from the sponge I gently rubbed and massaged his pelvic area, then up and down on his shaft with the sponge a few times. I pulled the skin back and with my gloved hand gently washed and rinsed his cock. 


‘How does this feel? ‘


‘Very nice.’


He started to get hard under my touch and even though I wasn’t sure he was into it, I decided to repeat his words and tie him up in the same fashion. With the same ribbon, I fastened his arms to the armrest and ankles to the underside of the chair.


He moaned softly and did not open his eyes. I remembered my scarf in my handbag and I tied it around his eyes. 


‘Just relax. I will continue to make you hard and try to keep you hard as long as possible and we will see how long you will last. If I notice you going soft, I have a few equipments to try on you.’


I knew, that my words had the desired effect to turn him on, as I did not even have to touch him and I saw him getting hard.


I continued sponging him for a few minutes paying particular attention to his balls. I wanted him hard, even his balls needed to tighten up nicely for me, so I could play with them and I could restrain them with my little gadget.


When I have finished with the wash, I’ve put the bowl away and continued to stroke his fully erect member. 


‘How do you respond to oral stimuli? ‘ I asked. I was quite proud of myself for sounding such a medical professional.


‘That would make me cum very soon.’ He said on a meek voice.


It wasn’t really true to my part, but he looked so irresistible,that I couldn’t hold off.


I sucked him slowly and gently, my mind being filled up with his pleased moans. 


‘If I just go on like this for a while,‘ I wondered. ‘how long will it be, till he shoots his load in my mouth? Or will he really go soft after a while?’


I loved him like this and more than anything, I wanted to keep him like this for a very long time. Until he begs me for release. Like I have begged him.


I’ve let him slide out of my mouth with a plop and told him just that.


He wiggled under his restraints a little.


‘You cock is so beautiful and big and I love your balls like that, so tight and ready.’


I was seriously turned on and I wanted nothing more than climb on top of him and ride him until he fills me up. There was only one thing I wanted even more; to keep him like this and use my gadget on him.


Of course I did not let him see the toys, I’ve bought for him.


It wasn’t much but it was very pretty and exciting. A beautiful leather cock strap and ball stretcher. When I saw it online my pussy throbbed and I wanted more than anything to see him in it.


‘There is no sign of you going limp just yet,’ I advised him. ‘but I have a great ball stretcher, I would like to try on you.’


‘What?’ he asked me slightly shocked with a tug on the ribbons.


‘I will strap you in it and will see how it feels.’


One thin leather strap went around the base of his cock, another wider one held and stretched his balls underneath and there was a ball separator to hold his testicles apart.


Precum was oozing out of him, by the time I was finished strapping him in.


‘This is one great sight. Tell me, how does it feel?’


‘It feels very tight.’


‘Uncomfortably tight?’


‘No. It feels great. Could you take off the scarf?’


‘Of course.’


He was blinking a few times, he looked down on himself, then he smiled.


‘You look fucking sexy,’ I said completely out of character.


‘I like you looking helpless.’ I stood there with my hands on my hips just taking in the sight.


‘I’m tempted to leave you like this for hours…’


‘No. You need to make me cum soon. Very soon.’


I chuckled.


‘No, I don’t. It’s my time to have some fun,’ I repeated his annoying words while stroking his precum soaked shaft a few times and admired it for a while, as I was pulling on his stiff balls. I teased every bulging vein on them. I turned the seat towards the desk and I climbed on top of the desk. His face was inches away from my pussy.


I’ve pulled him closer on the rollers of the chair and lifted up the skirt of my nurse uniform. Of course I wasn’t wearing anything underneath.


‘Make me want to make you cum,’ I commanded him as I forcefully guided his head between my legs. He lapped up my juices diligently and teased my clit with his tongue, then sucked on it.


‘Fuck me with your tongue,’ I ordered him and he obeyed.


‘Do you want my to sit on your lap and ride your very tight and hard cock?’




‘Then lick my pussy good. Make me cum with your mouth, then I will let your aching cock shoot it’s load into me.’


‘Untie my hands,’ he said. His face was very determined. I knew that if I didn’t do what he asked, he was more than capable of tearing his restraints off. Also it was nice to let him get some control back.


I’ve bent down and I untied his arms. 


When I’ve sat back on top of the desk he pulled me so close that his whole face was buried between my thighs. I have never seen him so feverish before. His lips and tongue worked on my folds and clit and he was fucking me with a couple of fingers. His hardened tongue sent me into waves and waves of pleasure. I was so close.


Then he stopped and reached for the pump which lay abandoned on top of the desk. Never pulling his fingers out of cunt, he placed the cup around my pussy. With his digits still inside me it was a bit difficult to archive a perfect seal, so he told me to keep it firm, while he was pumping the bulb with his left hand and me with his right. Once I started to swell up, the vacuum sealed and I felt all the blood rushing to my pulsating folds. His fingers violated my cunt aggressively, stretching me, opening me.


Then he suddenly jerked the cup off my pussy and I came violently with a scream. He stuck his tongue inside me, while I kept him there grabbing his hair, squirting my juices onto his tongue with a loud groan. 


My pussy was still contracting as he pulled me off the desk and hungrily kissed me with his wet lips. I could taste myself on his lips and it tasted amazing.


He placed me on his bondaged cock, which felt new and exciting and I rode him still in the waves of my own orgasm. He held my hips and even though I was on top he was the one fucking me and filling me with his warm cum less than a minute later.


I stayed on top of him for a few minutes while we caught our breath inhaling and exhaling in the same rhythm after a while.


‘You are a fucking lunatic,’ he said still breathing heavily. ‘Can I keep you?’


I grinned at him. ‘Me and my medical bag are staying put for now.’


Published 8 years ago

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