Melissa had entered my flat in the most confident manner that I have ever witnessed. She handed me her thin coat as she strode confidently past me over to the black leather chair; the same chair that I so memorably labelled as Emma’s chair about two weeks ago. In a sense, it felt like I was treated like a butler.
I hung her coat on one of the hooks and smiled at Melissa as I approached her. I sat opposite her and picked up my pad of questions. Melissa knew why she was here. She had answered an advert that I had placed in a local newspaper. We had exchanged emails, and had chatted on the phone before she made the appointment with me. It would be fair to say that Melissa tried her best to get any email exchange and any conversation around to the topic of sex. But the point for me was to discuss Melissa and her very being rather than let her get high on cyber-sex, expectation or any form of flirtatious behaviour before she even got here.
And here she was.
“So, Melissa, first of all, are you comfortable with this sound gear that you see around us?”
“Yeah, are you comfortable with all my sexual gear in front of you?” She smiled and winked back at me with a slight twitch of her head.
Melissa was sharp, confident and she was dressed to kill; totally unlike Emma that I interviewed a few weeks previous. I couldn’t help but stare at her long legs as they extruded elegantly from her short skirt, and I wondered whether she was wearing a bra underneath the loose-black silky top. She was certainly equipped to shoot an arrow through my heart. But this was business.
“I guess so! So, tell me, why do you class yourself as a nymphomaniac?”
It was my turn to release a slight smile as I expected this interview to be a lot different to the last one, but I tried my best to remain professional.
Melissa pursed her ruby red lips before she answered, “Well, I would say I cannot get enough sex, in all its wonderful varieties, day or night, man or woman, front or back, if you know what I mean.”
I caught the wink that she threw me and I noticed the slight wobble of her breasts, but decided to move on quickly.
“How frequently do you have sex?”
“It depends. Sometimes I can go for a day or two without so much as the sight of a cock. At other times I can be tense and – well I suffer, I suppose.”
Melissa’s tone dropped, her initial playfulness had subsided and she started to relax as she contemplated the questions I posed to her.
“Suffer, what do you mean by that?”
“Well, in desperate need of sex, desperate enough to go out of my way to try and track it down. Seduce someone, anyone. It could be someone I know, or a complete stranger. It’s never myself, I don’t find masturbation satisfies the need I have. It satisfies the immediate requirement but not the need.”
“Would you say you need it, or just want it?”
“Need it. It’s like a drug. If I don’t get that fix, I slip further and further into a – kind of depression. I will do almost anything to get that fix.”
Her answers came quick and fast, there was little hesitation. Either my questions were just too easy and she had been asked these many times before, or she knew herself too well.
“What triggers that need in you?”
“Anything can do it. It’s like a switch that’s flipped. Umm let’s say… the sight of a sexy man, a woman leaning over a table in an office, the vulnerability of other people, a sexy situation, anything really. I can control things up to a point, but then I just lose it.”
“Do you have a boyfriend, or partner?”
“Huh! You serious?”
“Umm, yes. Why not?”
“They probably wouldn’t stick around for too long. Yeah, it’s great sex at first, but then, when it becomes more constant, they get bored. I would even say that they can’t keep up most of the time. Then they find out that you’ve fucked the waiter just before he delivers your meal to the table and, well, you guessed it.”
“Has that happened to you?”
Melissa just nodded, then added, “Yeah. It was quick; exhilarating, but quick.”
“How did your boyfriend find out? Did you make it obvious?”
“Not visually, no. His attention was drawn to the lady’s toilet when I screamed out while squirting over the waiter’s face. Then he saw the waiter running from the loo covered in girl cream and mopping himself up with toilet tissue. It was when I left, seconds later, that he put two and two together. He didn’t even pay the fucking bill for the starter or the wine. He just left.”
“Do you always have orgasms?”
“No. Not always, sometimes the drug is administered by what I do, how I behave, and not by the physical act of orgasm. Sometimes, I just give someone else all the pleasure.”
“You prefer orgasms though?”
“Yeah, don’t you?”
“I suppose I do.”
“That’s good to know, ‘cos you never know when you’re likely to get one, are you?”
Melissa leaned a little closer as she spoke the last two words. Her breasts bounced a little before she sat back in the chair.
I nodded and smiled, “Umm, I thought I was asking the questions here?” I shot a stern glance back in her direction.
Melissa smiled at me. It was mischievous and luscious all at the same time. I caught Melissa looking in the general direction of my cock. I couldn’t stop it twitching as it made itself known to her from underneath my pad of pre-prepared questions.
“Are you desperate for sex right now?”
Melissa’s red fingernail shot to the opposite corner of her mouth and traced a line across her lips, eventually she whispered, “What do you think?”
I was smiling and about to ask my next question when she interrupted me.
“Actually, I’m not that desperate at the moment. So the answer is no.”
I had to admit to being a little disappointed.
“How do you behave when you need it?”
“Very, very naughty indeed. I usually find that the direct approach works the best, but it all depends on the circumstances and the people.”
“What do you mean by ‘the direct approach’?”
“Go up to someone, ask them to fuck, or invite them to fuck me. It generally works.”
“Is that what you did with the waiter?”
“That was slightly different, I actually told him that my pussy was excruciatingly sweet and that he should taste it before my boyfriend spoiled it for him. It worked!”
“Where was your boyfriend at the time?”
“In the loo. He was a rather dishy waiter though. I knew he would do it.”
“How did you know?”
“You can generally tell. There are men that will shrug you off and put you down as a slut. Then there are those that are, how shall we say, conducive to a little suggestive persuasion.”
“Would you say that you prey on that type of man?”
Melissa thought about this for a while. I could see the cogs turn in her mind. I took the chance to let my eyes wander over her long legs while my head was bowed; pretending to study my pad of questions.
She started to answer as she uncrossed her legs, letting them rest together. I thought I was in for a special showing of the scene from basic instinct, but she never re-crossed her legs.
“No. I don’t prey on them, they just present me with an opportunity at a time that I need it. It’s called supply and demand. I generally do the demanding though.”
Melissa laughed at her own joke, then pursed her lips. I got the feeling that even though I was asking the questions, I was not the one in control of the conversation. But, her answer was precise, and it was obvious that Melissa didn’t think of herself as a preying Mantis in disguise.
“So, tell me, when was the last time you needed sex?”
This caused Melissa to raise her head back against the chair and start to giggle. I wondered why? but I knew I was about to find out.
“I could answer that in two ways. Do you want the futuristic or the past approach?”
I nodded slowly, “Shall we go for the past approach first?”
Her eyebrows lifted as she took in my meaning. I could see that Melissa had enough sex appeal and sexual hormones to supply a whole university of rampant teenagers.
She was using every trick in her book, and I had to admit to being under her influence, ever so slightly. She was a gorgeous woman. Sexy. Erotic. Intoxicating. Dangerous.
“About twenty minutes ago. Does that surprise you?”
“I’m a little surprised, let me see, that would be when you were on your way here I guess. Was it in the taxi?”
“Noooo, it was far closer to home than that. It was just after we had spoken on the intercom. I had just been let in through the main door. The janitor was sweeping the floor outside the lift. I watched him for a while. Then it hit me, a tightening in the pit of my stomach, leaking juices from my knickers, all those kind of responses. I knew I had him when he turned round and clocked me dressed like this, he was totally lost, his mouth dropped open and I took the opportunity. ”
“The janitor is about fifty five years old. How did you seduce him?”
“It wasn’t seduction. That’s far too subtle. I just grabbed him by his collar and pushed him into the lift with me, told him what I was going to do to him, unbuttoned his trousers and let them fall down. I then slipped downwards with my legs apart in front of him, pulling his underpants and cock down with me. It took him seconds to cum in my mouth. I even managed to keep my clothes spotless.”
She stared into my eyes as she uttered every word. The emphasis she placed in certain parts exuded raw sexuality. Her words would turn any man hard at the sound of them. Even me. Her sheer brazenness was almost the last straw. I could have stopped the interview there and then and just fucked her. Melissa was so unbelievably honest.
“No, I pretty much guessed that you would not let a drop spoil your clothes.” I retorted, quickly.
One more story like that and she would have me. The room went quite for what seemed like ages, but in reality it was only about ten seconds before I changed tack.
“Nymphomania, they say, is linked to a biochemical or physiological change that accompanies dementia, or the inability for your mind to regulate sexual need.
“You think I’m losing my mind?”
I opened the palm of my hand and shrugged, allowing her to continue.
“No, I just love sex. I love having this effect on men and women. I’m fortunate enough to have a wonderful body and a pretty face, some people aren’t as lucky as I am. They have the condition, but they don’t have the means.”
“So you’re into women too? That must be a lot harder, right?”
“Fuck, no, you’d be surprised. Like I said, it depends on circumstances and situations. If I’m close to a lesbian bar or club then it really is that easy. The thing about me is that I don’t follow the subtlety rules. There’s no place for subtlety when I need sex. If you men could get away with it you would do the same, right?”
I contemplated my reply, I opened my mouth, but it didn’t come fast enough.
“Come on, if you were to walk up to a woman and tell her to her face what you would like to do to her, and find that she would not say no – would you? Because that’s what I do to most of the people I approach. I just pick the right ones, the ones that won’t say no. Hmmm, well, sometimes they pick me too, in which case I politely let them get lucky. Some people are so naïve you know.”
I had to agree with Melissa, “Just a few more questions if I may. What happens if you don’t get your own way?”
“I sob and play the persecuted little girl. I use every trick. I won’t need to do that with you though. You already want me, so, so badly!”
It was my turn to laugh, “You think so?”
“I do, and your cock is talking to me loud and clear from under that pad of paper. I mean look how wet I am.”
Melissa opened her legs and my stare went straight to her wet patch. She had already smeared the leather chair where she sat. I could see her pussy lips glistening as the lighting illuminated her sex.
“I thought you said that you had knickers on when you came here?”
“Oh, god, yes, but I got so wet with the janitor. It would have been far too uncomfortable to keep them on for this length of time.”
“Do you always dress sexily?”
“I think this is a little unfair, don’t you think.”
Melissa suddenly turned the questioning around.
“You can see quite a lot of me, so, if you want to ask any more questions, I think I should be able to see you too!”
Melissa kept her lips pursed at the end of the question.
“But that’s your choice not mine,” I replied as quickly as I could.
Melissa said nothing. She let the silence speak for herself. I could see her demeanour change from interviewee to seductress. She turned on the sexual charm and the eroticism, and I could sense a need in her voice. She had obviously gone too long without a fuck but I wanted, no, I needed to ask her more questions.
I wanted to find out what it would be like to talk to a nymphomaniac while she did it. Get inside her head while she fucked. I put my pad down on the table to my left and I took my stiffening cock out; pulling it free from my zip and letting it rest upright on my stomach.
“So, what do you think of it?”
Melissa opened her legs further to give me an uninterrupted view of her sweetness.
“Impressive,” she replied, nodding her head. Her hand came up to paw at her left breast. It wiggled beneath her hand and it was then that I knew that she was braless.
I grabbed my cock and held it upright for her. I pulled on it once. Just the once, it was all the encouragement Melissa needed. She raised herself from the chair, lifted her skirt and straddled me. She grasped my cock briefly, only to slip the head of it between her lips. She let it rest there for a while; coating it with her juices.
With a look on her face that suggested conquest, she smiled at me, “Don’t you want to ask me a question?”
“How horny do you become when you’re getting your fix?”
Melissa let her cunt sink down onto the full length of my cock, “Immensely,” she blurted out, when there was no more cock to penetrate her. I could see a twinkle in her eyes, and a knowing that her lust was about to be satisfied.
“What’s it like inside your mind right now?”
“Fire and ice,” she said, as she rocked her body over my cock. “Your hot cock is giving me immense pleasure, and the fact that I know it will end fills me with dread. This happens every time. I call it fire and ice.” Melissa gasped most of the words through her thrusting and penetration. She worked her arse like a true professional as she fucked me, “my mind is locked in conflict. I want to make you cum but I also want you to last forever. I want you to lust after me. I want you to want me as much as I need to feel your cock pleasure me. I want to feel used, and I want to feel special at the same time. I crave to be special, but I know that’s an illusion.”
Melissa’s words confused me, I was expecting the raw sex and the filthy words, but when she mentioned ‘special’, that just confused me.
“What would happen if I gave you what you want?” I grunted.
“I would fucking explode, I would probably find myself in the throes of multiple orgasms, unable to stop, wanting more, needing more.”
Melissa tried to control her every word, but they were punctuated with gasps of air that were sucked into her lungs. I wondered whether her sentences were a deliberate attempt to try and make me want her. I started to push my cock up to meet Melissa’s thrusts; grabbing her by her waist and fucking into her. Her breasts wobbled underneath her top.
Melissa moaned out loud as my cock hit something high inside her.
Melissa started chanting, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”
Her eyes were closed and her head raised high into the air. It was Melissa’s first orgasm on my throbbing cock. Her hands grasped the back of my chair, yet her back formed an extended curve in the wrong direction. It shouldn’t have bent that far back, and I imagined that if I fucked any harder she would snap in two.
I started to feel the pressure of her sexual dance.
“Do you respect yourself?”
“Not right now. I just want to be used. Treated like a slut. Fucked!”
Melissa was nothing but honest, with herself and with her feelings. Her emotions were pouring out now, and I felt I needed to respond. I was not being kind, I was being honest.
“I wanted to fuck you the moment you walked through that door. I want you to cum for me right now. I think you’re so sexy, so erotic and horny.”
Melissa almost doubled her speed and moaned out loud. “Do you, do you really want me?”
“I want you, Melissa.”
Melissa raised herself off me. She sighed and then let herself drop back down with wildness in her eyes, and with a growl in her voice she demanded, “Then fuck me like the whore that I am.”
I grabbed her slim waist and fucked my cock into her as fast as I could. I erupted in her cunt after Melissa told me that she was cumming for the third time. I found out that she did indeed suffer from multiple orgasm syndrome as well as nymphomania.
We both recovered in our own way, especially with my wilting cock reminding us that the fun was over. Melissa was draped over me, her breasts leaning into my face. Her elbows perched on the back of the seat while she panted above me. My head was turned to one side in order to gulp in deep lungful’s of air while my arm clung tightly around her slim waist; desperately wishing that my cock would not slip out of her dripping wet pussy.
Melissa eventually pushed herself upwards and leaned back onto my cock; her hands resting on her hips as she did so.
“How do you feel?” I asked her.
Melissa smiled and looked down at me, “Seriously fucked. I do hope you’re going to get hard again,” she said as she enticed my cock by rocking her bum to and fro. In all honesty though, it was her words that turned me on more than what she did with her body.
“Probably,” I replied, “Why?”
“Because after the third or fourth orgasm my need becomes far worse. I need it more and more.”
“When does it stop?”
“Huh, when I fall asleep, tired and exhausted, or when you leave. But seeing as this is your place – you can’t exactly do that can you.”
“There’s always the janitor,” I said. Closing my eyes I immediately wished that I hadn’t uttered those harsh words.
“Is the interview over?” She asked.
“Interview over,” I stated for the record. I reached for the remote control and switched the audio equipment off, “It is now,” I told Melissa.
Melissa raised herself from my body, letting my cock drop onto my thighs. I saw a dejected look on her face. She turned and started to pull her clothes together, removing the creases with her hands and straightening her skirt.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“Interview’s over, isn’t it. May I have a glass of water?”
I nodded and pointed to the kitchen off to one side of the living room.
I watched as Melissa walked elegantly over to the sink, the clip-clop of her heels ringing out into the small room. She looked in a few cupboards before finding a glass and poured herself some water.
I joined her a few moments later once I had made myself decent. I held out the three hundred dollars that we had agreed for the interview.
Melissa took the money and smiled, “Thank you.”
“Well, that’s the business side over and done with,” I said.
Melissa stared at me with a puzzled look on her face. Her head tilted to one side while holding the glass up in front of her face. I placed my hand over her wrist and pushed her hand down, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me.
I whispered in her ear, “I don’t want you to go, not now, I want you to stay a little longer, have dinner with me, a glass of wine maybe, and…”
I raised my eyebrows as I leant back to look into her eyes.
That was when we kissed for the first time, and I drank in the intoxicating aroma of her soul. We kissed tenderly, but I kept thinking what it was like to be her; to be like this all the time. I suddenly wanted to be a part of her life, help her, if I could. I didn’t want to end up like one of her other boyfriends, uncaring, unknowing and unsympathetic.
I broke our kiss to ask the ultimate question, “What would you like to eat?”
“What do you think?” She replied with a lascivious smile on her face.